Vijay Antony Ushiran Malayalam Full Movie || 2019 Latest Movie || Nivetha || Thimiru Pudichavan

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Kochi [vehicles honking] [indistinctive voices] Mom, looks like the day started well. Spare me 50 Rupees for games. The association wants 1000 rupees for erecting Babji's cutout And I'm falling short by 400 Rupees If I don't pay by evening, then I won't be able to run the shop here And you won't have anything to eat! To hell with your game. Get lost! Go, do something useful Stop! You cheeky thief! I do everything for you and yet you behave like your father! -How dare you! Will you repeat it? -Mom... Mom... -Will you do robbery again. -Don't hit me mom. Do you want to be a thief like your father? Don't call yourself my son! Get lost! I regret having a son like you! You will end up in prison just like your father! It hurts me to see you like this! Useless fellow! Wonder when he'll learn! Tortures me! -Hello, Jaya... -Huh? Pretend as if you're talking in phone and confess your love for me. -What's with the look? -He thinks he is a heartthrob. My friends are making fun of me saying that this is a one sided love. I must prove them wrong and throw them a party today. Just wait and watch. -Say something. -Wait, I'll speak. -Hello, Daddy. -Tell me dear? The guy with handkerchief wrapped around his palms. That's the guy! [gasps] Uncle please forgive me! I'll catch your legs, uncle please leave me! I beg you. Why did you spare his inner? [sobbing] Remove that too and he'll learn a lesson Uncle, are you going to remove it? Shall I record it? -Go ahead -Right away How dare you follow our girl? [phone rings] -Rascal! -Uncle... -Call for you -Who is it? -Chief Babji. -Huh? Chief Babji! Stop yelling! Give it to me Yes, chief Babji Yes, chief. Tell me Yes chief. No problem You don't have to trouble yourself calling me I am nothing. I mean.. I'm just a dummy compared to you I'm the councilor because of your mercy You are the boss, chief Tell me where are you and I'll be right away Ok... okay Chief [vehicle honking] Thanks to chief Babji's call, I'm letting you go Else, I would have stripped off your inner too Let's go. Get the vehicle Move! Move! Venkat! Oh my God! Venkat! Told you to stop going behind councilor's daughter. What happened? Dad! [sobbing] Go, bust up the councilor and get my pant and shirt! Do it now! Only that will save me from the embarrassment I'll face at school! We can't live peacefully here if we mess with the councilor So, you won't? -I'll do it, someday! Wait and watch! -Come, let's go home and talk -Hey! -One day I'll show him what I'm capable of Hey, kids you too listen. [infant crying] You guys said you'll be at the game center. What are you doing here? My mom insulted me in front of the public She won't spare 50 rupees for games But she is paying 1000 rupees to erect chief Babji's cutout Damn! He is the man! His mom's better. My dad is a useless fellow If not for chief Babji's call, they would've stripped me naked yesterday I would've been embarrassed in front of Jaya Everyone must fear us like how his mom and that councilor fears chief Babji We both are planning to work under him. What about you? Now, what kind of question is that? I am your friend. I am always with you guys, where ever you go Now, that's more like it, buddy! Give me a high five! WARANGAL [temple bell rings] [infants laughing] The reason I am running so hard... is my elder brother, Kumaraswamy! Looks like he understood the value of education after our parents passed away Since he wasn't fit... he could only land a constable job in police force Only if I am fit, I can be an S.I He makes me slog like I dog. To hell with him! He doesn't care whether I like it or not! Because he is... an arrogant fellow! Brainless fellow! God, saying brainless is also an abuse word? [alarm rings] -Did I make it on time today? -No, Ravi... This isn't enough for state level How about one more round? We'll have some juice and run one last round I can't anymore! You made me run on a Diwali festival day, at early morning I have only one day off in a week... You put me in NCC and spoiled that too I swear I can't take it anymore Study well, become successful and everyday will be a celebration like Diwali. Get it? How will an uneducated know the value of education? What are you mumbling? I have completed my 12th grade! But gone are those days! Today there's State Board, Central Board, NEET and many more An exam before admission and one after. It's miserable It was easy back then and you completed it Try now and you'll know how hard it is Everything is easy if we understand and learn -Why are you getting upset? -What do you mean? You think it's easy? Then, join an evening college... and finish one semester without any backlogs. See, you aren't sure. You can never ever do it! He is telling that he will study it seems. And what if I study and complete it successfully? Will you study well? Let me see how well are you going to study USHIRAN ( An Arrogant Fellow) 'Arrogance is his middle name' 'An arrogant fellow' 'Arrogance is his middle name' 'Loves to be honest. Relies only on his hardwork' 'Doesn't sleep until he achieves his aim. Never rests until the goal is reached' 'He doesn't budge. He is incorruptible' 'Pain cannot stop him. A volcano that erupts in anger' 'An arrogant fellow' 'Arrogance is his middle name' 'An arrogant fellow' 'Arrogance is his middle name' 'He never fakes praises about anyone' 'He doesn't make friends with anyone who are fake' 'Doesn't speak much but speaks only the truth' 'He never holds back himself in doing good deeds' 'Only one who dares, wins' 'He is the epitome of dare' 'A timid can never be successful' 'He is the Lord of Death for the people who scares others' 'An arrogant fellow' 'Arrogance is his middle name' 'An arrogant fellow' 'Arrogance is his middle name' 'Loves to be honest. Relies only on his hardwork' 'Doesn't sleep until he achieves his aim. Never rests until the goal is reached' 'He doesn't budge. He is incorruptible' 'Pain cannot stop him. A volcano that erupts in anger' Ravi! Ravi! Your brother passed! I did it! Here, have the sweet. Sister, I cleared my exams Ammu, I passed the exam I wouldn't have studied and cleared the exam if my brother hadn't challenged me Thanks to my brother Ravi! Hello? -Sir, Kamala teacher speaking. -Yes, teacher. What did you request me in case your brother misbehaves? If he misbehaves... I requested you to punish him for his welfare What happened? Yesterday in my class, I caught him watching adult content in mobile phone And I punished him In return, he drew a vulgar image of a woman at the school restroom And he captioned it with my name! It's so embarrassing for me! The head master has asked you to come tomorrow and collect his TC Teacher... It's me. Ravi's brother, Kumaraswamy I am responsible for his mistake I was focused on studying in order to compete with him Hence, I couldn't concentrate on him I couldn't sleep thinking of it I feel very guilty Please punish me if you want, for his mistake Please don't punish him What punishment will I give you, that will compensate for your brother's mistake? Hello It's me, Ravi Tell me I was embarrassed because of you at school. I hate you and your attitude. Your level of arrogance is too much! You torture me with the lessons our mother taught us about honesty and justice. Hence, I'm bidding goodbye to you and this place Ravi! Don't speak like that Whatever I'm doing is for your own good Who else do you have? Every time I see your face... you remind me of our late mother. If you leave me then I'll miss our mother even more. The main reason I hate you is because of such emotional dialogues you speak. What's the big deal if you cleared your exam? I'll show you that I can be more successful than you! Listen, don't talk like a fool. They'll break your limbs and make you beg in streets Many youngsters like have gone missing! Listen, I won't confront or question you hereafter. Sounds good? I swear on our mom... Ravi... Ravi! [vehicles honking] HYDERABAD L B Nagar clock tower stopping Time is 6 A.M The time is 6 A.M Whatever you wish it should happen.. and everything should become good for you [blade cuts] Ah! Hey! Ah! Ah! Ah! [vehicle honks] [ambulance siren] [siren] This is the eighth murder this month! Victims die and make our lives a hell! All of you move! Chase them away! I don't want anyone here. You! Who are you? Do you need special instructions? Leave! News: Today morning around 6 A.M at Hyderabad Circle park... News: an RT Officer was brutally murdered by a youngster, using a blade News: Since, people who witnessed the murder. News: aren't ready to step up and give a statement. News: The corn vendor outside the park promised the police to identify the killer News: The charges for this murder is pressed at West Zone police station News: The police are still on the hunt for more clues. [clock strikes] "Daring corn vendor ready to identify the killer" He murdered the RT officer. Murdering corn vendor will be a walk in the park for him! So dear, looks like you are a new vendor here. Well, guess I'll have to introduce myself to you then. My name is Potti Satti, this area's councilor is my brother-in-law. To run a business here, you must pay us a bribe of Rs. 100 every day. Brother... I already paid the necessary fee at the corporation to run this business here. Why should I pay you? [laughing] Hey! Hey! Listen up. We are the experts who operate the corporation! So, stop showing off. Looks like you still don't get it. -Or did I miss it? -Are you searching for this toy? You took it literally? Don't you understand the thug's language Toy means weapon By weapon I mean knife! So, mind you... He doesn't seem to budge at all Ouch! That hurt me. I should have worn my vest Wondering why I beat myself up? To show you the impact of my beating. Even I can't bear the pain of my own beating. How will you bear the pain, dear? Please, pay me Rs. 100. Hey! Don't you have a heart? Don't you make a thug beg for money! Don't you get it... Madam! Why did you hit me? What? Madam, don't you raise hands on the public unnecessarily. Will you spare me if I catch hold of you like this? Damn you! He turned in as a witness without even fearing for his life How dare you threaten him to pay bribe? Madam, stop thrashing me. This area's councilor is my uncle He is nothing and you, his side kick, good-for-nothing! Why should people bribe you to run a shop here? Get lost! -Hey, come here. -Yes, madam? -My money! -Get lost! -Madam, can you give money for auto? -Damn! Get lost. Mr. Corn vendor, stop paying anyone who demands bribe. How can you be so innocent? I heard you have been running business for past one week. But only now I got hold of you. 7 * 20... How much is it? It's 140, madam I have Rs. 100 here. Pay the remaining 40 rupees. For what, madam? Why did you pay him? The same reason. Now, pay up I just opened the shop earlier. I'm yet to make some money. Maybe in the evening. Mr. Corn vendor, you are an eyewitness for two murders. It's really doubtful if you'll make it till evening. How much for the corn? Rs. 20 per piece. See you! Mr. Corn vendor, you are an eyewitness for two murders. It's really doubtful if you'll make it till evening. Ravi! Don't stop Keep riding I love the breeze -Ra... -I said keep riding You keep advising everyone just like the way you did to me And now you are a pauper! Look at you, selling corn for a livelihood! Still you haven't changed. Isn't it? Even after knowing the killer is your brother, you still agreed to identify me? Ravi! Don't turn! I'm very irritated. Keep riding! Ravi... you are the killer? I didn't know it until you revealed it. How many of you committed the murder? How many? Huh! I did it all by myself I slit him in 13 places all over his body. Didn't you get to read the autopsy report? Who turned you so evil? A policeman like you. After I ran away from home, I was sleeping in the side-walk in this very place. He hit me and woke me up. I was scared to death. I told him that my brother is a police constable. It was after that he thrashed me real bad. There was another guy next to me. He just uttered a thug's name. The police gave him a royal treatment and let him go. That's when I made up my mind that police has no value. And thugs are the real deal! So, I also wielded the gun and became one. So far I have committed nine murders! I searched nook and corner for you. I regret meeting you now. Did we meet again to see you get arrested and rot in prison? No matter how dangerous criminal I am... I am still not eighteen years old. Even if the police catch me, they can put me only in a juvenile prison. They cannot hang me. I'll be out in ten days and then move to Delhi, Bombay or Calcutta. Ravi... even if I don't identify you... -the police won't let go of you so easy. -Huh! Your so called 'prestigious' police! Look what they are up to. You haven't paid us any bribe for the past few days. Fine, how much do you have in your purse? I have nothing, sir. Check your purse. I'm sure you'll have. The officer is asking a hooker to pay bribe. You are going to make them arrest me and ensure justice prevails? Remember this. When everyone is running naked in the city... the whole city will make fun of the one who is running in his boxer. You better follow my path. Come, stay with me Take left and the path will lead to my home. Take right and it'll lead to police station. Decide for yourself. What is it? Does my home look scary? Go upstairs. I'll bring you food. 'Worries and concerns are all I have right now' 'As I keep walking with unbearable pain' 'I hope the sunrise will put an end to all these and bring a new beginning' 'I go to sleep with the scars that are still fresh and painful' 'I have a lot to say but whom do I trust?' 'I will punish the God if I ever catch hold of one' 'I am struggling! I'm struggling for some peaceful sleep' 'I regret my mistakes. I refuse to beat my hunger' 'I am worrying! Worrying about the future' 'I weep inside and fake like everything is alright' 'Worries and concerns are all I have right now' 'As I keep walking with unbearable pain' -Here you go. Eat it! -"The tears..." 'All my days are filled with nothing but tears' 'Wonder what tomorrow's sunrise has in store for me' 'Life is a war!' 'I am unable to control my emotions. I haven't done it so far' 'It's a struggle between controlling my emotions or letting it go' 'This world is a confusing place. Everything is a chaos here' 'I am fighting myself and beating myself up' Here you go, Ravi. Food for your brother. I'll go hand over the booze to chief Babji and then join you guys. Bro, how about poisoning your brother? Dude, that's the problem here. Looks like he hasn't eaten or slept since yesterday! Crazy fellow! Then how will he poison him? Do you guys think I'm dummy like you all? I can pound him to death! I am just showing some sympathy on him. He cries at my plight as if I'm dead. If he eats and goes to sleep tonight, then good for him. Else, even I am not sure what I'll do to him. Ravi, it's been six months since you introduced us to chief Babji. We are yet to commit a murder. How about I murder your brother? Wait. Let me talk to him first and see how it goes. Until then, shut up and stay quiet! Ok? Did someone die here? Why aren't you eating or sleeping? I too felt the same way when I was new here. People began fearing me. Now I got my own swag here in this area. That's when I knew that I have chosen the right path. Come out and I'll show what an impact I have on people. See that? The whole park has gone silent! I want to experience this kick! Instead you take me on a guilt trip and advice me. See the impact I have on the people here? Now go and have your food When I have a brother like you... my conscience doesn't let me eat But how? How can you eat and sleep in peace after doing all this? It is to eat and sleep in peace, I am doing all this. Even now, I have received an order from my boss. To murder two of them by tonight. Bhai, two special Biryani. Whom are you going to kill? A pregnant lady and a five year old girl. Just slash them! Sir... Witness Kumaraswamy speaking. It's regarding the murder that took place at the park. I know who did it. It's none other than... my brother, whom I was searching for. [shot fired] We will never get along. You follow your path and I'll follow mine. Hey! Stop! Hey... Ravi... Look at that! My brother has a gun! Are you also a rogue like me? I am not a rogue who commit crimes! I am the Sub Inspector of Police! I joined recently At least, surrender now You can save yourself You can't do anything to me with your department gun Because I'm still under eighteen years old; still a minor So, stop showing off! Time is 12 AM And from this second you aren't a minor. You are a major! You complete eighteen years and step in to your nineteenth year I can shoot you now! Remember, you always say that I remind you of our mother Can you shoot our mother? Commit a crime then I don't care if it's our mother... I will shoot even if it's the God himself You will shoot the God, I know. But you'll never shoot me. You better turn yourself in You can't shoot me brother Stop! Turn yourself in. Listen to me, Ravi! -I'm getting late for work. -I am telling you, Give me some Biryani. Sir. -Madam... -Pay up! I don't have money, madam. -I just have the ATM card. [groans] I have seen many show offs like you in my experience. We have also advanced ourselves along with digital India. -Constable. -Coming ma'am. Piggy bank, please. How many times will you escape saying you don't have cash. -Did you kept machine? -Tell me the pin number. [wireless device beeps] -8211 At Gandhi Park, an undercover cop posed as corn vendor, Mr. Kumaraswamy... shot down murderer Ravi. Police force please assemble at once. Over! Oh god! Did you hear that? The corn vendor is an undercover cop and is the new SI? We are dead. Did you also try to collect bribe from him? Hmm... Next time you see him, salute him and calm him down. Why should I salute him? He is also an SI like me. A handshake would suffice. He just murdered his brother and look how he is gobbling the food If he gets posted in our station... [camera captures] -we will have a tough time for sure. -Hmm? I can understand your feelings. [camera captures] Sir! No way! Get lost! message from comissoner office. SI Kumaraswamy who was posted as SI... lived up to his duty and shot the murderer even after knowing it's his brother. Hence, he's been promoted as the Inspector in the same police station! Sir! [wireless device beeps] [siren] Sir, a mole in the left hand. Please, take your hands off. A mole here. A mole on his leg. A scar on the right leg. Who are you? A relative? His elder brother. Shot right on the forehead. Who shot him? It was him. Autopsy will be completed today. You may collect the body tomorrow. He never did any good deeds when he was alive. At least, let his body... be of some good use to people. Donate his body to the medical college. Then, please sign this form. -Bring the corpse inside. -Ok, sir. Sir... here is your key. Sir, you live in the B block and I live in the A block. There'll be lot of street dogs on the way home Come, I'll drop you No, thanks I'm not scared of dogs. I'll walk home. Sir, I am scared of dogs, come on. Come on, I'm your husband But not in the open and under this light! Move away! Why did you turn off the engine? Poor people, they live in the streets because they don't have a home. We can't help them, so at least, let's not disturb them... Adjust the mirror towards you. Please don't mistake me... Your brother died and you're depressed. Yet, you want to adjust the mirror and ogle at me? Please stop the bike, I'll get down here. Whatever you said... sounds correct to me. I must not travel with you I'm leaving. Thanks. But, why? Why? [cicadas chirping] You showed... pity on the people sleeping on the streets, right? Yes? -After seeing that... -Hmm... I'm afraid I might fall in love with you. I'll walk from here. Thanks. Inspector sir, just a minute come here once. You are a different kind altogether. Any mental problem? Well, I don't see any happy expression when you expressed your love. I don't see you feeling sad for your brother's death too. Please don't mistake me... don't you even regret a bit for shooting down your brother in anger? One who died... was a criminal. "One who died was a criminal!" Sounds like a perfect title for a movie! [vehicle honks] [thunders rumbling] You finished me off. And now? You think you can sleep peacefully? Or... Like I am going to let you sleep peacefully. There are many youngsters like me in this profession. They will keep coming in young and fresh. You might run out of bullets but... criminals will keep coming one after the another forever. Only if they want to change themselves. Try your best and just turn one youngster like me into a good person. I'll let you sleep peacefully. Dear Lord, the park that is in the region under the police station where my daughter works... witnessed an encounter May Kumaraswamy's brother Ravi, sins be ignored. And let his soul rest in peace. Kumaraswamy, who shot as per law's order, may he not bear any sins. Save my daughter, Madonna from becoming an honest officer who won't accept bribe. In the name of Lord Jesus Christ Amen. Good morning, sir. -I've come to give joining report, sir. -What? I thought you would be depressed after killing your brother But you have come early for work. An honest police officer doesn't reveal his pain You're talking like NTR in Kondaveeti Simham? Which generation are you in? Watch a movie in theater If a hero says something good for the society, people make fun of it Even top stars play gangster these days What are you going to achieve for being good? I was perfect as you when I joined But people and circumstances around changed me They will change you too. If you don't change When you were in mufti, you were selling corn. I am afraid it will become a reality My name is Poti Satti, I am a social activist. I am a rebel. The locals call me a social worker. You may call me as you wish. But, please keep our society clean. Last night, a septic tank broke and sewage was overflowing over the road Isn't there anyone to clean? I know there is politics involved Excuse me! What's the problem? Problem? Sewage is overflowing People are caught in traffic Due to this, everyone gets late to work Do you know this is a big problem for the Government? -Why are you anxious? -Sir, I am a social activist. I should be the one getting anxious over this issue Come. Let's fix the sewage and clean it This is the problem. Unfortunately, I am wearing a white shirt today It will get dirty. A minute, please Janaki, get my dress Give me the matchbox Walkie-talkie: West Zone Police Station, Inspector Kumaraswamy, Walkie-talkie: seeing an overflown sewage and as it is inconvenient to passerby. Walkie-talkie: He is cleaning the sewage. Walkie-talkie: He has summoned the other officers in the station Walkie-talkie: Over. Argh! -What is he? -I don't know. Yuck! Let's go! What's happening here? -Sub-Inspector... -Sir? Throw these garbage in the dust bin. Sir... Two men from this place, have proposed to me for marriage Really? Congratulations! Your groom's sewage is also mixed up here. Sweep it off! Sir... Sir..If I.. I am seen sweeping, they will reject me thinking I am a scavenger Please, sir Why should we do the work of a Corporation? Corporation workers are cleaning on the other street. They will be here tomorrow If we wait, it will start stinking And then there will be traffic In the traffic, there will be pickpocketing and chain snatching This is the reason Come here I'll tell something. People have got a bad image on us If we clean this, we can wipe away the image. Please understand Let's get back to work Who is he? What is he? He must be mad Sir... Madam... Can I get some water? Why do you have to call me Madam? Why not? You wake up at 4. Clean the boiler Boil the milk. Clean the glasses and make tea It's from the tax you pay for tea powder, sugar, milk, we get our salary You are one of the owners in someway You work hard Why don't you wear a necklace? I lost it two days back Lost? Did you file a complaint at the police station? He lost his cap Will he find my necklace? You are new here Though he forgets his cap, he doesn't fail to get 20 rupees They take bribe every day Sir... Don't overlook us What do we get out of their 20 and 30 rupees? A car or a bungalow? We get to eat Is it wrong? You greedily ate. That's wrong Don't move Look down and tell me if it's head or tail Sir. People look upon bribers as villains But the ones like you, are seen as comedians I wouldn't ask you to work. Don't get on the jeep until you reduce your tummy Sir, I have been a constable for 25 years Even school students make fun of me Sir, I will not change. Do whatever you want Be a constable, you will understand Come... Sir... All of us are wearing half-sleeves, you are wearing full-sleeve and folded it Don't try to change everything like you did to your uniform Sir, people don't respect us That's why there is still crime in the area Nobody complains about the accused We can't arrest without any witness Accused have become heroes and police have become dummies Sir, your brother who is supposed to be a police officer Worked with an accused and passed away. I think that's why you are insulting us Why are you blaming him? He might feel bad That's what I thought You are right If people have to complain about the accused Then, be a police officer whom people respect Come... Come... Sir. I am Latha, a transgender I am an S.I at your station I am the first transgender police in our state Thank you, sir Sir... If not like you, we do whatever we can to help people Police officers from other station get Rs.100 from a shop Are we unfair? Yes! They shouldn't suffer and we shouldn't go under loss You wouldn't believe. But we get only 20 rupees from a shop We can't reduce any further You won't believe it People are affectionate towards us She did not open her shop for four days She gave me 80 rupees. I genuinely declined and returned her money Tell him Yes. She is good Look. You suspected me So, if anything happens to you, people come forward to help? They weep, sir -Really? -Definitely -Yes, sir -Shall we test it? Let's do it Okay. Do this Put on the stand and ride the bike If anyone is concerned, they will stop you If they don't, then I am right. What do you think? -What if they? -No. They will not If they do so, then you are right Sir. Don't embarrass yourself Sister... She is driving with the stand on. Let her fall How are you? How will I be happy if you are here What is it? Hi! Hi! Please save me! Oh God! Now, do you understand what people think of you? At least, change now. Go pick up the garbage That was an insult What happened? What? Get lost! As if she cares! Hello. My name is Kumaraswamy I am the new inspector here If you want to stop crimes There should be a good friendship between police and public If you are hesitant or afraid to come to the police station You may contact that number I'll come home and get the complaint You do not have to fear police or thugs and give your money Why is he making a scene? Soon he is going to get caught with Babji and be finished They give 20 rupees fearing his mustache Kumaraswamy is insisting on shave it off. If he does so, he isn't worth 5 rupees too We are already slogging and begging for 6 lakhs And you get commission for 2 lakhs What if officer Kumaraswamy spoils it? What about your dreams of making your daughter a doctor? Only a nurse I can refer you to a college Commissioner has a good impression on Kumaraswamy I am helpless. Get a complaint about him from the public I will forward it to commissioner and transfer him Whose kid is that? She is my daughter, sir Is she your daughter? What's her name? Arundhathi, sir Arundathi... Here. Take it Madam... File a complaint on Inspector Kumaraswamy Leave right now. I will throw it on your face Take it. He serves us like a God and he wants me to sign a petition against him! Hey... Come here... Yesterday, the arrogant guy chased you We saw it. What did he say? Did he threaten you? He might have advised you to leave your job He is like that. We will help you Tell her Give a complaint saying he threatened you and made out without paying And if you get caught next time, we will not bribe you Not even a rupee Sign here Tell me your name Last night, at 12 PM, Kumaraswamy sir was here on rounds Oh no! Stop! Why are you running? You chased me that's why I ran To find out chain snatchers in the crowd I run In case, if there is an accused He would run seeing me You ran seeing me now Did you snatch a chain? -No. I did not -Then, why did you run? I am not a chain snatcher I'm into flesh trade sir. You would file a case against me and get me in court I ran fearing that Look behind A girl walking alone Here... Two girls are riding a scooty It's only because you destroy yourself and become a prey Women are safe even in the midnight In some way, whatever you do is a service to the society But, this is not allowed in our country I will get you a job and you can leave this Until then, if anyone messes up with you Even if it's a police officer You complain it to me I will break their nerves When she walked boldly, I realized he might have covered this area Tell me, sir. What's the problem? It's been ten days since I slept I am unable to sleep Is there anything bothering you? My brother passed away Whenever I go to sleep... I get reminded of him How did your brother die? I... Killed him There is a senior doctor upstairs, you may visit there Did I ask you for your money? I asked you to give a complaint. Why do you fear? Give. Let me take care of the rest Hello... Hello... This inspector...We should definitely give him a fierce send off We beg for money, should we beg for this too? I have got an idea This accused over here Kumaraswamy caught him, isn't it? Yes Is he escapes I felt guilty for raising my brother a criminal I couldn't even eat Only after I shot him My guilt was gone And I was peaceful The accused who changed my brother Is somewhere happy and peaceful. Thinking about it... I lost my sleep Every second... It feels as though someone nailing my head with a hammer It pains This disease is called... Insomnia When I am furious, my BP shoots up And when I am worried, my BP gets down I will die soon, it seems Doctor said so This is a special watch for Insomniacs It reveals my blood pressure Careful, sir I thought of doing something good having you all as a team What to do? I am forced to do it alone now Hey... What are you looking at? Escape from here... Leave... Make others' lives miserable Go... Go... If anyone gets married in this locality Staff from Grocery store, Milk vendor Even a beggar gets invited Any day... Have you seen a police officer getting an invitation here? Do you understand? How people treat you I am also a straight-forward police like you It's not enough if you are the only one being honest You should have changed them They are all my senior officers I get scared seeing them When I am afraid I think of transgenders Do you know why? Respecting their feminine nature and not bothering about others It needs courage to dress like a woman And thinking about your brave life My fear goes off If I fear next time I wonder whom could I possibly think about He killed a lot of people With much difficulty, I caught him, now let me let go of him Be happy... Be happy... Be happy... Don't run. Stop Listen to me He will lose his job Quick...Come over Let him go... Let him go... Let him go... He will lose his job Are you concerned about him? We don't need him in our station He will make our life miserable if he stays here Let him go. We don't have any other chance to get him out of this place Listen to me. Let him go Stop... Don't run. Stop How dare you mess with a police! If anyone gets the gun, you will lose your job Go, get the gun I don't care if I lose my job, but my boss should stay in the job No, SI! Won't you listen to me? Stop! Come... Henceforth, like you, I will be... A brave police officer Thank you! Sir. A minute, please Whenever you are afraid You can think of our transgenders for our strength I am very proud to be under your control, sir How is it going on? Looks like your wallet is full Mutton Briyani? Yes. Here What are you doing? Please take it I came here to return your money I saved all the bribe money for buying necklace I sold it and I am returning all the money Only nine thousand is left. Please take it For the rest of the money, I will work part-time and return it. Don't worry You have changed a lot I want to become like the police officer, Kumaraswamy Cordially accepting our invitation, our guest I request the Collector to hoist the flag Sir, my hand is injured Can we request someone to hoist? What about your wife? -Excuse me, Madam? -Yes? -If you don't mind, can I say something? -Okay You are all senior officers. You travel by car You are all respected by the Government and public But constables like him are poor They go by cycles. Generally, they are not respected Students as well as the public make fun They are being called by odd names In reality, they struggle for the society Only on such occasions, if we treat them well, they will be respected If you are fine with it, could we let him hoist the flag? "Be the change you want to see in this world" "Change the way you think and you can reach greater heights" "Just breathing and wandering around isn't life" "Try your best, for sky is your limit!" "Never ever forget to do everything with conscience" "Beauty lies in the good deed we do for others" "Be the change you want to see in this world" "Change the way you think and you can reach greater heights" I am going to the booth I buy groceries for the commissioner's family I help IAS officer's wife in shopping I drop AC's kid at school I go to SP's home to give his pet dog a bath This is what we have been doing for long. You aren't paid to do the household chores for higher officials Have some conscience and serve the people! If anyone still forces you, tell me and I'll handle it Ok? -Yes sir! -Yes sir! "You can make the world a better place with love" "Help and you will earn a good reputation" "Don't belittle others to make yourself above them" "Never blame fate for your plight" "Your work is your worship" "Failures are the stepping stone to success" "Always trust your dedication" "And that will make help you climb the ladder of success" Watch out, the stand! "Be the change you want to see in this world" "Change the way you think and you can reach greater heights" It's heads, the Lion, sir! Check his attendance. He doesn't turn up half of the time I am sure he won't be regular in the future too. I can't let him re-join Poor boy He lost his father Started working in a cycle shop to support his family He will be regular to school hereafter -I take the responsibility -Well, let's see Give it in a written format. Come on Thank you, sir Sir, don't look at me. and just hear me out Your brother didn't become a thug on his own Someone turned him into a thug The one turned your brother into a murderer is 'Thuppu' Babji Many guys like your brother... are under his control Even my son is under his control Where is he? Sir... below the feet of his cutout is your police booth My brother's murderer! Seenu! Attach the silencer Buddy, make sure you splash it's brain this time! Do not miss! Damn it! Missed it! It escaped -Where is it? -Told you, let me do it! There is it! Give that to me Hands off the gun! Govindan sir... Govindan sir... What is it? Did you see my son? That's why I told you to give it to me At least now give it to him! [dog howls] There! I can hear it A street dog has been making your run for the past half an hour! Your hands are trembling to shoot a street dog When will you go to next level and learn to hide the blade under gums? Chief... it's easier to kill that dog with stones We are not used to gun, chief We already learned the trick of placing blade in the gums Really? Whoa! Babji, the guys are getting better If you keep training them like this for one more month... they will over take you Babji... my son can't even stay a day away from me But now? It's been a week since he came home -Please send him along with me -Mom, just leave! I am scared to death He is shooting dogs today and tomorrow he'll shoot people That's what the training is all about Only then he'll get rid of his fear and start finishing off humans Please Babji, no. Please return my son to me Ask me and I shall pay you some money How much can you afford? I have 10,000 rupees that I saved for my pilgrimage to Tirupathi I'll give you that money. Along with that... I'll take the money from my chit fund and pay you Rs. 35,000 altogether Without knowing your son's value... you just want to pay a mere Rs. 35,000? He is one of Babji's men now Your son will earn me 4 crores if he murders four people Can you pay me that much? Never in a lifetime I can make that much or earn that much Then what's the use of you being alive? Seenu... I am ordering you Slit your mother's throat! See that? I'll finish you off with the help of your own son You better leave now Babji! Our police officers aren't the same -They have turned good -Is it? I have been talking to you to save my son from danger Or else what can you do? I'll call up that number in that board and complaint against you to the police Oh my God! Make it fast! Call them up Let me see, who has got guts to face me You! Come here What's this on your neck? It's a token of offering for Lord Murugan If you do the offering will Lord Murugan pay you? No. But me? I train you to stab others and pay you really well Now, tell me. Who is your God? That idol or me? Of course, you Your parents have deceived you preaching, that God will punish you In this society... only if you do wrong thing in the right way, you can grow like me If you believe and fear the God... then you can never step out and finish anyone off There exists no God... and no demons! Remove and throw that Right away! Some tea shop vendor has pressed charges against 'Thuppu' Babji And you file an FIR and want to arrest him? Sir... I think you... fear 'Thuppu' Babji Yes! Of course! Go complaint to the I.G that I threw this file on you He will ask you for evidence. Now, that's law and that's the rule! It's like I'm talking to a wall! Do you understand or not? I understood, sir You can't even complaint this to the I.G Because you have no evidence Do you understand that I understood? Not in uniform and a cover in hand Are you resigning your job? Of course! You're going to take action against Babji without knowing his power I can't join that operation Fear is like conjunctivitis! It'll spread from one's reaction to another You resign and others will follow you I just turned everyone at the station responsible Listen to me Why should I? What if Babji's men attack me with acid? Already, it's hard to find a groom for me because I'm a police and a little tough Don't you know your value and how beautiful you are? See the guy coming in the bike in opposite direction? He is ogling at you Come on, sir! Everything looks beautiful to the eyes that fears to ogle Let's wait. He'll come back before we cross this street For what? To ogle at you! Stop acting innocent You're right, sir See that balcony? A guy will step out hearing your bike's sound H... How do you know all this? I know it -The butterflies... -Yeah... Like how it can't see the colors of it's wings... similarly you aren't able to see how beautiful and graceful you are Correct! When so many have fallen for me... I wonder how many of them love me without my knowledge Remember, even I told you... When I see the good qualities in you... I'm afraid I might fall in love with you Argh, sir! Do you love me or not? I do Really? So, you were speaking the truth? Very good. Thanks But you must wait What if I get someone better than you? Don't think that I'm avoiding you You're confirmed in my waiting list! Bye Madam, please sign in my medical certificate I shall, but will you get admitted? Do you think the department pays me to sign fake certificate, so you can go vacation? Go, mind your work! Kumaraswamy, did you sleep well? I couldn't sleep, ma'am You couldn't sleep?! If you still can't sleep after so many days, that means you're in next phase of Insomnia Are you taking the medicines I prescribed, on time? Yes, I have been taking them properly But I'm unable to sleep Either change the medicine... Else I'll consult a better doctor How dare you? Do you think this is a petty issue like headache or stomachache? To cure immediately as soon as you take medicine This is a mental illness Only you can help yourself You better apply for medical leave tonight and get admitted! You must sleep at least tonight! Else it'll be confirmed that you have Chronic Insomnia Then one by one all your organs will fail and you'll die! Go and do whatever is necessary to get admitted You heard me! Kumaraswamy! Your pressure will drop if you become emotional before getting admitted Get upset and your pressure will raise Then you'll lose your memory and forget everything! If something of that sorts happen, then press your pulse with the thumb. Ok? I don't have the patience, madam Then buy yourself a hand gripper and press it like this Phew! He raised my pressure and turned me into a patient! Sir... I am Ismail I have only a son His name is Mujeeb He has gone rogue after joining under Babji Two years ago, right in front of my shop... Babji murdered a boy It was caught in the CCTV Here is the footage from the camera Please, somehow get Babji arrested and save my son from him Change the Tyre Come here, guys Chief... What is it? My father has got a transfer So, I must move along with him Chief... Let me go So, who is the girl? Her name is... Gayathri She smiles every time I cross her I asked her... if she is in love with me Hence... she said if I quit working for you... then she shall accept my love proposal Chief, I joined you when I was 16 I finished off everyone you asked me to Now, I am a major If I commit any murder now, then I'll be in prison for life So, please let me go Ok if you leave... you think the police will spare you? Huh? They will ask you to become an informer You just cannot escape from this If you still want to leave... then, either I must die... Or you must die Chief... You want to leave everything just for a girl? Tell me Remember, you finished off Kumar two years ago, in the streets? Yes The incident got recorded in a camera from one of the shops That's not the issue The issue is that Kumaraswamy has got his hands on it He is on his way to meet you. Deal him with caution This is your last meal! " 'Thuppu' Babji..." "passes away..." "in a police shoot out" Tomorrow's headlines! Before you die... do you have any last wish? A chicken sacrificed it's life for me Can I have it and then die? Please... [Babji laughs] do you have any idea how much this drink cost? It costs your six months' salary 100 years old... A normal, local thug... has grown rich and powerful enough to afford a 1.5 lakhs worth drink Imagine how many murders I would have committed to reach this stage? And you want to finish me off easily in an encounter? Here you are, sitting in front of me thinking it's easy Now, that you have made up your mind... hear my story before finishing me off There are only two types of people in India #1. People who starve and yearn for a smoke #2. People who eat their heart out and smoke to burp I requested for a cigar from a person, who was smoking after his meal He slapped me and said 'You want to smoke at such a young age?' Starved to the core, yet ego still gets better of us I stabbed him with a piece of bottle I got hands on The police caught me I thought it was all over and I'll be hanged to death Instead, they gave me a good hair cut, made me smart and released me in two years When I inquired... they said I was a juvenile criminal It seems the law won't punish any murderers below the age of 18 I stepped out and was confused thinking what to do next? But I was hailed for murdering Big shots started inviting me for settling local disputes People whom I supported became a group... and made me famous so that they can show off. They even erected a cutout of mine Suddenly I grew up to the skies Life was just awesome! Then came an offer A killing contract A huge ransom But I should be here to enjoy all that If I commit the murder, I'll go to prison for sure Because I was no longer 18 years old That's when an idea struck me To take guys below 18 years old under me and... I started this business Youngsters who hate their parents for punishing them... Youngsters who run away from home and survive in the streets as orphans Youngsters who hate the world because they can't express their love and failed in it I pay them more than they need I send them to bars and get them girls to spend that money That will jam their brain and thinking capacity My orders are all they obey And they follow it without any glitch Every cell in their brain... has my name, 'Babji' written all over it I explain that law won't punish criminals below 18 years, with my flashback That's when they step up and work without fear I am a henchman turned big shot drug dealer with the help of such youngsters I had only one guy under me when I started this business And now? I have youngsters working for me all over All the juvenile crimes that you read in the news... I am the mastermind behind it Once they're over 18 years I'll finish off the guys I don't need anymore This will upset you I was waiting to finish off your brother But then, you did it at the right time Well, let me tell you this... out of all guys under me, your brother was a masterpiece You know... the dogs... The street dogs... Throw them a piece of bone and they start biting and chewing it vigorously The bones hurt their teeth and they bleed But the dogs bite it more vigorously, thinking the blood is from the bone They don't realize it until they faint and die These youngsters are similar. They can't afford one time meal but I have bought them Dragon chicken I touch their sentiments and they stay so loyal to me that... they live and die for me Enough of killing such youngsters, Babji Time's up for you Kumaraswamy... You think I'll die if you shoot me? Of course, I will But I will continue to live through my boys All of them under me are exact photocopy of mine There are 1000s of Junior Babji's out there. Do you think you can shoot them all down? Will your law allow you to do so? Hence, be a responsible officer... have a taste of this and... leave! Meet me tomorrow and hand over the evidence to me Do you think I'll die if you shoot me? [device beeps] Of course, I will But I will continue to live through my boys All of them under me are exact photocopy of mine There are 1000s of junior Babji's over here Do you think you can shoot them all down? Will your law allow you to do so? Try your best and just turn one youngster like me into a good person I promise I'll let you sleep peacefully Please sign What's your problem? Why are you all upset? Because I did not arrest Babji. Is it why? Will the problems be solved if we arrest or shoot him down? There are hundreds of his trained boys in Hyderabad itself. Then, what about them? 'Leading a thug life rocks,' is what 'Thuppu' Babji had pitched in all the youngsters. Police are dummies, Rowdies rock! We have live like Babji brother to whom the entire town fears. Babji bro rocks! He is a swag! And any idea what we are supposed to be doing? Rowdies are dummies... Police rock! We will have to make them understand that. And we'll instill that idea in their minds by coming up with a greater strategy. And by spreading that idea, we need to gradually tarnish Babji's image. By seeing that Babji should be trembled... insulted and be afraid. Nobody should suffer like my brother. Call up to this number Hello. Mr Kumaraswamy is on the line. Just a minute. -Who is it? -'Thuppu' Babji Sir... -Here... -Put it on the speaker. Just be careful on what you speak. I have been waiting for your phone call. Everyone here thinks you are a swag and are afraid I am feeling jealous for that. Because I am an egoist I... I don't like someone superior than me. Really? If you satisfy my ego... You killed Kumar, right? I will destroy the video evidence in your presence. Sir... I swear on my ego. I won't show that to anyone. What do you say? What do you want me to do? You are a... Swag... Do you want me to announce that to the entire village? Or, do you need a special treatment? Oh no! That's too much to ask. Just a small favor... I will meet you at home and tell you. Ouch! If you are this slow, a police like Kumaraswamy would shoot you down easily. Just aim and shoot him. That's it. [music] Boss, Inspector Kumaraswamy has arrived. Talk with him carefully. A cup of hot tea. What's up, Kumaraswamy? Before coming here... 'I am going to meet Babji. If anything happens to me, he is responsible.' You would have given a statement at the police station? No, Babji 'My stomach is upset.' 'I am going to the toilet'. That's what I wrote. I heard about you that you are a little proud. A little proud? Hey! Someone told you wrong. I am insanely proud. If you think you are proud for committing crime by training the school children, Think of me who works with a team of 72 policemen at West Zone police station. Alright. You are insanely proud. I agree. Now, tell me what should I do? If I take action against you with the video proof of killing Kumar, You'd roam around the court for at least 3 to 4 months and return home. When you return home, there won't be any youngster who worked with you. Do you know why? They would be scared of you thinking that they'd be killed by you just like how you killed Kumar. And they will leave this place and does some work of their own. Then, you will have to do scrap business with your father. If you don't want this to happen... -What should I do? -Huh! Very simple... -Tie my shoe lace, that's enough. -Hey! Do you know whom are you messing up with? If I tie your shoe lace, would your ego gets satisfied? Would you give me the video? Definitely. There shouldn't be any problem in the future because of the video. Oh Babji... You are a criminal, You may go back on your word. I am a cop I keep up with my promise. You won't get any problem from this video. I don't know what might happen after I tie your lace. Hey! Whatever it is, do it tomorrow. Now, tie my shoe lace. [snaps] Here is the tea, sir. You tied his shoe lace, and he made that small video viral on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc That video garnered 5 lakhs 'likes'. Two guys who are under our control are not picking calls since morning. And three other guys are missing. What will you do if all the guys under our control go away after watching that video? Listen... I'm talking to you. The people of neighbouring towns would fear us only if the localites fear us. It seems Kumaraswamy is happy over this. Right! Kumaraswamy is going to have a peaceful sleep tonight. He bothers us when his BP is 150, -If it goes down normal to 120... -Shut up! Within 24 hours, -I'll show him my power. -Get lost, you incapable fool! -Can I see the Inspector? -He is inside. Sir, the video was the only proof, you have burnt the pen-drive. You let down my hope of saving my son from Babji. Enough, sir. You've betrayed me for relying on you. How will you protect the society? Please don't be furious. Get inside. Please sit down... Please sit down. Water... Sir... This is your son. And this is Babji. Babji has taken over your son. How? He told him that 'Police are dummies and Rowdies rock'. He kept telling this to your son and is all over his mind. Let's consider this as police. What am I going to do? I don't know, sir. I'll tell your son that 'Police rock and Rowdies are dummies', And also, I'll keep telling him that Babji is a douchebag and get your son out of Babji's control. I need your cooperation, sir. Please. Sir, what do you mean? Am I here to listen to your tales? You'll throw stones and the water comes out. I thought you would save my son. But never expected to let me down. If they get to know that I gave you the pen-drive, his life will be at stake. I will make sure that does not happen. What will you do? I know that you too fear Babji. Why don't you agree to it? Damn! I am not afraid of Babji. I am not afraid of Babji. I did not kill Babji fearing your son's life. I want to wipe off my brother's sins. I want to wipe off my brother's sins. For you, it's only about your son. There are thousands like him under Babji's control. If your son changes, many will change. Do you know that? Your son is possessed by a ghost. Your son is possessed by a ghost called Babji. We will be the one who will get rid of that ghost. Filing a case will not make any difference. That's why I'll have to tarnish his image, ensure Police are respected and reform those youngsters. I will prove them what police are capable of. I will get these guys back. Sir... [watch beeps] This is the photo of my mom. This is the only photo of hers I have got. Not even a day goes by without seeing it. Please take it with you. The day when your son returns home safe, give it to me. In case, if your son doesn't turn up, Then, throw it in the bin. Sir... Hey Kumaraswamy... You will be finished! You are an egoist and I am a sadist. I will not kill you very easily. I'll strip you and make you run on the roads. You will not be able to bear my torture, you are going to beg me to kill you. Let's see... Before you do that, I will break your limbs Make you beg on the streets and after you die, I'll place a memorial statue Next to the statue, an inscription that reads, 'Do not live a disgusting life' and I'll sign it If any one of this happens Any one... I'll clad a saree... Worse, I'll kneel before you Oh, Ok. I'll send you a saree Media, which he used as a tool to embarrass you, will have the news of his death Inspector, take a look at this Look, how the public is stoning on police officers These people deserve to be thrashed I have already watched the video People are furious over corrupt politicians So, they attack police officers So? Do you want us to get beaten up and be dead? I did not mean that Defeat yourself Sir, I was thrilled to see you giving orders to Babji I had goose bumps Police rock! We realized, being good makes us live with respect And so, we've left Babji Yes. Please take us as 'friends of police', it will be easy for us to become police To become 'friends of police', there are certain rules You should become a member at the police station Seek permission from the Inspector and become 'friends of police' First, you all should be fit. Ok? Do something, -Pick up a stone -Ah! What? Go, get a stone Why is he asking us to pick stones? I don't know. Brothers, each of you throw stones at me If any of the stones hit me, you will be friends of police When public throw stones at us, this is how we block and defend Sir, we understand. But don't get beaten up by these youngsters You are mocking at me? Dude, get a bigger stone You may get hurt. Move It is a crime to slit with a blade He is sure going to be stoned to death Forget it. At his own risk You too. Move Hey! He thinks we are going to throw it together Let's hit him at once I'll target his head I'll target his heart. And I'll target his face Hey! You guys are throwing at the same time instead Sorry. We did not decide on who should throw first Sorry sir. You said he would die Madam? No response? Are you blushing? You have failed in the test Take it sportively. Boss, Kumaraswamy trusts us now We are going to the station with him We will finish him off there Good morning, sir What about your uniform? Sir, today is my birthday Oh! Go, get Babji's files You are supposed to be wishing me Why did you shoot? Sir, I was cleaning it. Madam screamed all of a sudden I got scared and pulled the trigger -Why did you scream? -If you hug me, I'll obviously scream I hugged you? When was that? -In my dream. A tight hug... -Dream? I fell for you when you fought with the stick Congrats! -You dreamt of me hugging you -Yes You call it love Silly! That isn't love It's lust Inspector, if a girl dreams about a guy, it's love Have you not watched Telugu cinema? Sub-Inspector... Falling for a guy, seeing a him fight, isn't love I fell for your character That's called sincere love Hear him, guys Whatever. You love me, right? Let's get married Argh! If this one-sided love gets successful Only the person who loves should adjust throughout life Getting married because you have got crush Out of sympathy... It does not last longer You may feel like shooting me down now At least, you understood that If you feel so, it isn't love. Please understand Mr. Kumaraswamy Don't call me by my name, until you truly love me Get back to work -Leave -Ok, sir Am I in love with a psycho? Boss... We planned to kill the inspector at the station That lady S.I ruined it. He escaped Rani! You stole my rooster and ate it! I'll cast evil spell on you and finish you off! You think I can't do that? I'll cast an evil spell and paralyze you! Do you get it? Don't mess with me. You glutton! How many times have I warned you not to hand him the gun when he is drunk? What if he shoots and kills someone? -Go, die! -You go and die! The fight for rooster started early in the morning... Why hasn't it ended, yet? Didn't anyone the locality try stopping them? They are foul mouthed Try talking to them and you'll get ashamed Is it so? There is a cop in that area who shows off, right? Drive him to them Let them insult him! Let him get ashamed and die! Tell me, Babji There is a huge fight for rooster Send that Inspector to solve it Let him solve it We won't even send constable officers for such petty issues How can I send the Inspector, Babji? He deserves it. He must be sent to solve such filthy cases How about explaining the Parotta incident and... Madam, Assistant Comissioner wants our boss to solve a petty fight for rooster He is listening to songs to control his blood pressure If you talk about the Parotta incident now he'll get shaken up like a beer bottle You should be faithful. Sir! Sir! Stop! What is it? We have come to a conclusion What conclusion?! Regarding what?! Sir, I'll miss the flow if you talk like that What conclusion? Regarding what? Hope you know Bhai's restaurant I can eat 6-8 parottas in that restaurant But today? I couldn't eat more than two We discussed about it and our colleagues confirmed that I have fallen in love with you Uh-oh! Do you believe me now that my love for you is true? Sir! 'Love you! Love you! Love you, baby!' Madonna... you were able to eat at least two parottas I couldn't eat more than one I inquired at the shop It seems there is a new chef in Bhai's restaurant Hence, a change in the taste -Shut up -This is not love It's change of chefs Sir, why do you keep messing with me? I love you sincerely Give me a chance and I'll prove it Ok. I'll give you a chance Everyone here knows you're shameless! How dare you?! -Shut up! -You shut up! Here's an excellent chance for you to prove your love for me Do you see them fighting over a rooster? If you go there and solve it in my style... I'll accept that your love for me is true Sir, it's an easy task. Give me two minutes Keep the jeep ready to leave Daddy, I have my aim set on Kumaraswamy's forehead. What shall I do now? Don't believe those dummies Press the trigger and kill Kumaraswamy! No daddy! Even if he dies... I won't earn back my reputation! I am like the Python! I'll swallow him nice and slow You have eaten the chicken that I've been waiting to sacrifice to God if my son comes back as a reformed person. -Srinu -Sir? Is that your mom? Yes, sir You stole it and I curse that everyone in your family will die of chicken Guinea! Hey! You better mind your tongue! I curse that your family will die of dengue! Hold on! What's going on? Look here, she is a wretch! You won't get your rooster back in any case I shall buy you two roosters. Now, get inside. I don't need your roosters! I need the rooster that I had promised to God. Are you showing off that you got police on your side? If I can hit you with a small rock then she'll get the bigger one! How dare you threaten to kill the police? So, what if you are a cop? Do you think I get scared? So stop showing off! We've seen many like you! Hey slim lady! Just because you are a cop, does it make you a hero? Yes, the police are great heros. The police are great heros. While you're sleeping peacefully under a fan, we're having sleepless nights on the roads protecting the society like dogs. Yes, we're heroes! We're heroes! To prevent your drunken husband falling off from the bike and save him from death We've been conducting drunken driving checks and sending them safely to your home. Yes, we're heroes. We're heroes. Come here Just come here Is she your daughter? How old is she? I'm 10 years old A young girl Soon, she'll become an adolescent. Whom will you approach here when you need help for her? Of course, your neighbor! How will you face her after a fight? How will you face her after a fight? You are fighting with her! When you fix bride for your son, Seenu, the bride's family will inquire about him around What will happen if she pictures them a bad image about your son? Will he ever get married? So you want me to let go of the person who stole my rooster? That's why West Zone police station is working 24 by 7. Lodge a complaint about your missing rooster! Press charges for a rooster? Not just for a rooster... File a complaint even if the bucket in your restroom goes missing It's our duty to find out! Got it? And if we refuse then you all may press charge for not doing our duty Remember it. 108! Yes sir! Go man... Go now. I asked you to solve this issue in my style Instead, you solve it in your style, blow it up and make it even worse Argh! Did you understand now that your love is not real? I got scared when she said she'll throw the stone at me Since when? Past two days? Oh my God! Your idea doesn't seem to work Go, take a shower... then eat and go to sleep At least, do that right You go, check the headlines before you go to sleep "Inspector Kumaraswamy hacked to death by three youngsters, inside a running train" If he is steady, it means his BP is normal Now let me make him unstable Sir... I got to ask you something You are all the same age as my brother When I look at you all, I see my brother Don't call me 'sir'. Consider me as your brother Ok, brother Before dying, what was Ravi's last words? Usually when people get hurt real bad... they shout out for their mother But my brother... when I shot him... he shouted out my name I was his mother, father... I was his world I got an information that Babji's men are going to kill our sir in the train. Save him! -Why is the train slowing down? -Latha sent a video message on Whatsapp -Why is the train slowing down? -Sir! Your pressure is going down. Latha got an information on Watsapp that someone is going to kill you No matter what happens to me... these guys must be safe -Take care of them -Sir! Did you bring the gun? No sir, I didn't bring it Sir, don't take me wrong. This is a good old traditional method... Sir, I don't have any other option to save you. Sorry sir! You used a healing technique and regulated my pressure Thanks for saving my life What? Healing technique? You! Sorry. Sir! If a girl kisses someone to save his life, what does it mean? It means she loves him! If it was the constable instead of you, I would have not done it Get lost... Such kiss at emergency hour to save a life cannot be a kiss of love I guess you have some serious issue I get it I am too beautiful and you look average You are afraid that people will mock you saying, 'garland in the hands of a monkey' It's common. -Look here. Don't mistake me -What? Tell me You are just an average looking girl. That's it Got it? Be confident but over confidence is not good It'll put you down I would have killed you if I had the gun What did you say? That your trainees will rip him off Time is now 9 'O clock! Vijaywada MLA calls me up and mocks at me! He asks me if you are indeed my son! We are not the rulers anymore! 'We are not the rulers anymore' 'My son is nothing but a dummy' You are, indeed, a dummy! Eat your food He is drunk. Don't mind him You aren't a dummy Once he is back to normal... he will appreciate you hearing the story of our boys ripping off the inspector Go ahead. Eat What happened? Are you upset that I made fish gravy instead of fish fry? Oh, come on, mom! Inspector Kumaraswamy says that my love for him isn't true What's the discussion here? When two ladies discuss, it will end up in some issue I'll pray for your love The Lord will show you the path Where did you find him? Coming up next is egg dosai. Stay there, I'll get it Here Is that how you eat half-boil? What happened? Remembered him Looks like dosai is getting burnt Ok, you guys eat... Listen to me Venkat... Let's not harm him He looks so innocent Let's join under him and become friends of police We don't need this -We don't need it -Shut up and eat What's the discussion while eating? Nothing Eat properly Stop being sentimental! Shut up and eat! Last year Diwali... expecting my brother will return home... I bought this for him You may have it Bought this expecting he'll turn up during Pongal You may have it Got this for his birthday If you guys wear it... It's more like my brother wearing it Buddy... please don't harm him He has done a lot for us Spare a thought and have mercy Ok, dude Promise me you guys won't harm him If I go home this late, my dad would yell at me I'll stay at Seenu's house. You leave -Ok, take care. Bye -Bye Come on! Why did you send off Mujeep? He changed teams. If we take him, he'll be a spoilsport Just come! What is it? We failed in the tests you gave us today We can't sleep peacefully Mujeep is lazy. He left home and will doze off right away Let's run till the police booth If we beat you then make us friends of police Give us a chance, please Fine, wait I'll come You guys don't run like youngsters Run hard! We asked you to run with us not like a police How can we catch you? If you want to win in life... run like you want to overtake and catch the enemy It's then, you'll have the urge to win! Yes, that's how we have fixed. A little slow, please Make it a bit easy for us Fine, I'll slow down. Ok? Come on! Madonna! What happened? I had a nightmare as though someone attacking Kumaraswamy sir near the police booth Super! You've picked up well. From today... you both are Friends of Police How dare you make chief Babji tie your shoe lace? You can not even touch his moustache! Stop guys! Lately... the law states that, murderers over 14 years of age... They will arrest in juvenile prison and lock up in the adult section Go, save yourself Please get me admitted in a hospital Sir... Sir! How dare they slit your stomach? -Those guys will never prosper! I curse them! -Don't scream! It's hospital Please don't curse them I am fine I'll be back in two days -How dare you come home? -Mom, come on! What! Looks like Kumaraswamy has instilled a lot of courage in you If Babji finds out about this, imagine Kumaraswamy's plight Get this! He spared Babji's life so that he can change minds of youngsters like you Else he would have finished him off right away! Look at you, carrying a knife all the time You could have slit his throat and kill him on the spot instead of slitting his stomach But you didn't do it You are not like your father You do have a good heart somewhere inside you That's what he asked me to convey you My son's a rogue like his father! You can't change my son like you changed Mujeep Enough trying to help those kids. Just forget it, sir You better get a transfer and move from here Mother... if you want your son to change... stop repeatedly telling him that he is a rogue like his father Try telling him that he is a good person like you He'll change And how can you even think of killing such a pure hearted person? The blood that he shed is still fresh on the road Please, for God's sake leave Babji and come back home! -Madam, I'll go clean the room -Okay The guys have just slit the flesh No damage to your intestine So... the doctor said you can be shifted to general ward from ICU The doctor said nothing to worry How did you know the guys slit my stomach? I had a nightmare, sir You are always thinking about me It is because you are always thinking about me... you are alerted when something happens to me I now believe that your love for me is true Hey! What happened? Why did you wear the coolers? I am all teared up, sir You don't have to... address me as 'sir' henceforth You can call me Kumaraswamy. You have all the rights on me I wish I could scream out, sir! This is hospital You can't scream in here Go to the terrace and scream Ok "Feels like I am dispersing into the thin air like millions of molecules" "I am the prisoner of your love" "I can't stop looking at you. I am unable to sleep" "I see a new me and I'm loving it, thanks to you" "In a blink you made your way into my heart" "You melted me with your warm love" "Love you! Love you! Love you, baby! Love you! Love you! Love you, bae!" "Love you! Love you! Love you, baby! Love you! Love you! Love you, bae!" "Love you! Love you! Love you, baby! Love you! Love you! Love you, bae!" "Love you! Love you! Love you, baby! Love you! Love you! Love you, bae!" "If you find yourself lost in time, what will you do to get to me, oh dear?" "If I get lost in time, I will live my life with the memories of our love, oh my love" "My life is now in your hands, oh my love" "Be my side forever and everything will fall in place" "Love you! Love you! Love you, baby! Love you! Love you! Love you, bae!" "Love you! Love you! Love you, baby! Love you! Love you! Love you, bae!" -Hail Lord Kumaraswamy! -Hail Lord Kumaraswamy! -Hail Lord Subbramanyam! -Hail Lord Kumaraswamy! -Hail Lord Shanmuka! -Hail Lord Kumaraswamy! -Hail Lord Shanmuka! -Hail Lord Kumaraswamy! -Hail Lord Subbramanyam! -Hail Lord Kumaraswamy! -Hail Lord Shanmuka! -Hail Lord Kumaraswamy! Sir! Are you going to do an offering for Lord Kumaraswamy? Yes, swami Is this necessary now? Why do you ask? You cannot indulge in violence once you start fasting In fact you can't even raise hands if someone attacks you Babji is waiting to finish you off If you go into this austerity phase, he'll finish you off Our God... will safeguard me, swami Even if a single guy under Babji changes for good... I promised to fast for Lord Kumaraswamy Mujeep has changed I hope this fasting will bring more good news, like your son might change He doesn't obey his father, how will he listen to you? I disowned him long back I just said it for your welfare Rest to Lord Kumaraswamyn! Give it to me -Swami... -What is it? Babji's men are waiting outside to attack me with acid I shall cover my face. Can you help me cross the temple street? Inspector Kumaraswamy is going to do the offering. Let's go soon Ok This area MLA's son is stalking me He tried misbehaving with me I refused and now he is waiting outside with Babji's men to attack me with acid I have no idea, what to do? I am really sacred Where are you parents and relatives? I am not from here. I am from Nuziveedu which is neighbouring town of Vijaywada. Dear, he has already began his fasting He cannot indulge in violence If he indulges in violence then it'll become a sin Please, help me You must help me, please Please, come with me Swami... Swami, you said to attack this girl with acid it seems. As I am fasting, I shouldn't harm you. Else, by now, I would have bashed you up and buried you! You go ahead. But, in seven days... offering will be completed. I will find you, no matter where you are and cut of your limbs, and throw it to the stray dogs. I swear it on my God, Lord Kumaraswamy. See you! -Chandu Swami... -Swami. Do you remember the councilor who insulted your son in public? If you had punished him that day, today your son wouldn't be working for Babji. Think about it. [ritualistic bell rings] Stab with this and the intestine will fall out. This is my new weapon. It's nice. The intestine will fall out upon stabbing. Hello! Sir, I get terrified at the sight of that counselor. Sir, please stand somewhere far from this place. What is it? Why aren't you answering? How dare you raise hands! -Embarrasing! Isn't it? -Stop it... Stop it... -My son would have felt the same! -Forgive me! Did you understand? -Get me my son's pant and shirt! Now! -I will! Jaya! Jaya! -Dad. -Go and get venkat's dress, -under the bureau. -Okay. Please! Let go of me. Huh! [Knife clunks] [birds chirping] Dear Lord, despite water scarcity and the hottest sun, Thanks to rain that helps this rice grow and for it's journey from the fields to my plate We are praying you with a loyal heart. -Amen. -Amen. -Amen... Amen. -Amen... Amen. -A... -A... Amen... Here is the fish fry. No, mom. Sir is offering to God. I will not to eat. Wow! Did Mastan send the stuff? We must somehow smuggle it. Already, Kumaraswamy is observing us. He wouldn't stop if we get caught. Son, the worth of the stuff is 40 crores. We must somehow smuggle it else someone will run away with the deal. Look, money isn't a big deal here but you shouldn't become dummy! Hey! What are the trending issue? Looks like some heroine was kidnapped and molested in Kerala. Everyone is talking about it. There are just rape news everywhere. We want justice! We want justice! We want justice! We want justice! Justice for the actress! We want justice! We want justice! Tea... Why are you bringing the tea? Please don't send him to buy tea hereafter -Don't go. -Ok. We want justice! We want justice! Justice for the actress! We want justice! We want justice! Justice for the actress! Arrest the culprit! Arrest him! Arrest the culprit! Aren't they Babji's men? Sir, don't fry your brain too much, it will get burnt It's been long since they left Babji If they are parading with their cycles Why aren't they riding, but dragging Something is fishy Excuse me, give me that Hey! Stop. Hold on Stop! Hold on, don't run behind them They will come back to us anyway You carry on It must be Babji. Put the phone on speaker Kumaraswamy, I want the stuff that you seized Tell me, what should I do to get it back? Please wait on the line I'll discuss with my team and tell you Sir, I have an idea There are separate restrooms for men and women But transgenders? Let's ask him to sponsor for building toilets for them all over our state Then he shall have his stuff -How was that? -Stop it! Did we ask you for a separate restroom? We choose our gender. I have been living the life of a woman for long Do you guys have any problem with us using women's restroom? No way! Not at all! Then why do you seclude us? Forget that, sir What did those young guys tell you when they slit your stomach? Didn't they challenge you that you can't even touch Babji's mustache hair? Ask them to shave off that mustache and take the stuff! Superb! Awesome idea! Listen... Did you hear us? Shave off that mustache tomorrow and get your stuff He is an ordinary inspector... and he is insulting us real bad! I am all riled up and furious even at this age! Why are you sitting like a corpse? You aren't my son! I wonder if someone else sired you! -You ba.... -Father! Get lost! As if he is going to shave his mustache That will never happen Well... Don't return the stuff. You will lose your reputation Well, he is an accused When he can live up to his word... We are cops! What will happen to our image if we don't live up to our word? Will they not mistake us for not following the ethics My aim... is not to capture his stuff It's to break his image amongst youngsters... and turn him into nothing! You carry on! If I had shaved off my mustache on your orders... you will make a video out of it, make it viral in social media and insult me You'll make me a joker in front of all the youngsters who work for me So, guess what I did to shave off my mustache and still be a hero Dad... you are my hero In order to live like a king... you would have killed many. Isn't it? I am your son, Dad I am going to follow your footsteps Do not doubt my mother I was sired by you Yes, Dad I was sired by you, Dad! Now shave that mustache off! The whole area now believes that I shaved my mustache to mourn my father's death Let me get hold of the stuff... the real hunt will begin after that You, blue shirt! Come here Where is Babji's house? Go straight, take left and all the houses belong to him Fine. Take a hike! Dude, did you recognize the curly haired baboon inside the car? If henchmen like him are going to Babji's house, then guess what's going to happen Someone's going to get killed today here I had prayed to offer rituals for Lord Muruga if my son's leg gets cured His leg got cured hence I'm performing the rituals What about you? I prayed to offer rituals if my daughter gets a nice groom Please make way for the devotees with piercings If you are done praying, please keep moving Please do not crowd here Ladies, please take care and stay alert Kumaraswamy sir has entered the temple Beware of chain snatchers The Lord has possessed him! Yes! Come on, do the ritual Hail Lord Muruga! Move! Make way! Move! Hey, you heard me! Make way! Hey, watch out. Make way! Our boss is on his way! Make way! You, move aside! If Kumaraswamy comes from the top of the tower, we'll handle him Indeed! If he comes from the other side, Kumar's gang will deal him -Who's that? -Who is disturbing us? Will your Lord Muruga kill me? Kumaraswamy sir has now passed the temple flag Don't you worry! Who is giving the running commentary? Kumaraswamy can't do a thing if he shows up! Ask him to show up at once! Kumaraswamy sir is offering his prayer to the final set of nine Gods -Do you have the weapon? -No! We don't have any When we have such a huge weapon... and you say we don't have any? There is some problem happening outside. Please come soon and take a look Please forgive me, God! I am going to break my fast God doesn't exist... Not even spirits Remove your garland If I break my offering, they would believe you don't exist. Please prove your existence, God! Hey, Kumaraswamy has been possessed by the Lord himself Hail Lord Kandhan! Hail Lord Velan! Hail Lord Murugan! "An arrogant fellow! Arrogance runs in his blood!" "An arrogant fellow! Arrogance runs in his blood!" "An arrogant fellow! Arrogance runs all over him!" "An arrogant fellow! Arrogance runs in his blood!" "Oh dear Lord, you are our hero!" "Please rush and help us" "Demolish all the demons and sacrifice them" "Put an end to the evil and free us from it's clutches" "An arrogant fellow! Arrogance runs in his blood!" "An arrogant fellow! Arrogance runs in his blood!" Don't let Lord calm down! Look over there! Lord Muruga! "Oh dear Lord! Oh dear Lord!" "Please hear our cries and come down dancing" "Come down and get rid of the evil" "Come down and put an end to our misery' "Keep bashing the demons until they stop coming" "Bust them up and disperse them all around!" "You are a one man army that the demons fear" "Rip them apart and put an end to them" "Erase all the sins" "Please end the ghosts of our past for once and for all!" "Oh dear Lord, you are our hero!" "Please rush and help us" "Demolish all the demons and sacrifice them" "Put an end to the evil and free us from its clutches" "An arrogant fellow! Arrogance runs in his blood!" "An arrogant fellow! Arrogance runs in his blood!" -Hail Lord Muruga! -Hail Lord Muruga! -Hail Lord Velan! -Hail Lord Muruga! -Hail Lord Kadamban! -Hail Lord Muruga! Let's go! How about making her run naked on the streets in front of the public? No one would notice these kind of genders-less naked How dare you talk ill of me! You are gender-less, who like a coward mixed drug in my tea to kidnap me Even after Kumaraswamy sir insulted him so bad... why do you guys still want to work under him. I warn you, it's time to leave him! Mind it you gender-less guys! What bad times are we living in? A lady kills her husband to elope with her lover! Every day starts with such crappy incidents! I hate this police profession, Kumaraswamy! Babji! Listen, you brave heart! You caught an evidence against me, the stuff Instead of pressing charges on 'Thuppu' Babji for smuggling drugs... and throwing me inside prison... You showed off! Now, look what all you have to see and go through! Here, watch this Now, it's turn for the public to watch it and have a laugh If you don't want me to record this and make it viral in Youtube... then you must tie my shoe lace in the public! Sir, I have faced worse in this society I'll just consider this as one among them My own brothers have insulted me many times You are the only person who respected me, sir! Sir, I don't want you to lose your respect Shut up! If Kumaraswamy doesn't tie my shoe lace... make her run on the streets naked You better finish him off in an encounter We'll face the issues later We don't have any evidence, sir If I wanted to kill him, I would have done it long back So, are you going to tie his shoe lace? It'll be a sin if I don't do this for her My dear people! Your inspector Kumaraswamy, whom you think has a brave heart! In sometime, he'll come here and... tie my shoe lace! It will be an awesome sight Are you ready to witness it? No ticket fee. It's absolutely free! Wear your cap and... tie my shoe lace! Sir, Seenu's mother's rooster that went missing... is recovered from Babji's car! I am going to arrest Babji under the charges of stealing the rooster! Babji! Wear that cooler! I said, wear it! Move! All hail Lord Muruga! According to IPC section 309... under the charges of stealing Kanagadurga's rooster... 'Thuppu' Babji alias Babji... is subjected to a jail sentence of seven days and a fine of 100 rupees Latha... Yes sir? -Did you read the news? -No, what is it, sir? 'Famous thug Babji, arrested under the charges of stealing a rooster' 'He has taken oath to grow mustache only after taking revenge on Kumaraswamy' 'This case is being fought at the Ranga Reddy district court in Hyderabad' 'It seems using the money he got from selling the rooster...' ' he bought lands and many bungalows' 'People are not just gossiping about it, but cursing him too' Really? He is provoking you Let's leave You abused a police on duty using profance words I arrest you for insulting the police and the department You can't arrest him just like that! We need evidence We do have. Shall I show you? Dear... come out with the evidence! Evidence! We have everything recorded! What does he mean? The law sucks! Come on! Do something! Under the charges of insulting a government servant and abusing using profane words and under IPC section 294... the accused is subjected to a jail sentence of 30 days and a fine of 500 rupees No! Maintain silence here We'll handle them after going out of here Babji, they will try to provoke you! They will frame you again Just eat this beeda and keep chewing it Come on! Don't look at them -Will the case get over today? -Look, it's the rooster thief Oh yeah! Sir... your shoe lace is undone Ask someone to tie it No Babji! Uh-oh! Bloody nonsense! Who did that? Go, find out! Under the charges of taking revenge on the Judge Sebastia for sentencing you to prison by spitting beeda all over him, I punish Babji with a penalty of seven days in prison What are you filling up my jeep with? Babji... why did you challenge Kumaraswamy sir that you'll tie a Saree if you lose your reputation? You forgot about that but the people in your locality They have sent 1500 sarees to jail I heard you couldn't sleep at night and were lamenting? The jailor told me I haven't slept for the past 28 days My head is aching! Kumaraswamy had this disease... and now he gave it to me Obviously, instead of finishing him off in the beginning... you wanted to match neck to neck with him and now you have become a dummy! Stop the car! Get down! I know you've done nothing so far! I have been noticing Don't mess things up in anger You are already provoked. See that? You can't win over anyone with so much anger! Mujeep... I didn't come in the jeep today Can you drop me in your cycle? Ok. Sure I got hold of 10 vehicles without license at the junction Including dad's bike I came by to inform that Why aren't you looking at me while talking? Your are doing some mistake What happened? What did I do? Why should I be afraid to look at you and speak? Then look at me I said, look at me Forgive me I cannot be a fake person in front of you I met my friends on my way here I couldn't prevent myself from talking to them Oh, come on. Is that why you're crying? Crazy fellow. They are your friends and you can talk to them whenever you wish I never stopped you They have also changed They had Babji's photo as their whatsapp display picture Guess, whose photo they have as their display? Their mother's photo You don't get it They are deceiving you by changing their whatsapp display photo They haven't changed yet You are too honest and genuine They are bad but they are my friends Babji has ordered to finish you off before morning The guys have asked me to join them They threatened to cut my friendship if I don't go Brother... I am not abiding by Babji's words... but just obeying my friends I'm going Please forgive me You must shed tears only after my death! I will torture you every single day Try your best and just turn one youngster like me into a good person I promise I'll let you sleep peacefully Happy Diwali! Turn one youngster into a good person and I promise I'll let you sleep peacefully Everyone here sent me sarees and asked me to dress up like a woman Let's fight each other one on one I'll finish you off and... prove that I am the real man! Your BP is dropping below 40! You will easily forget everything now Answer me now, what's your mother's name? Unable to say it? In sometime, you'll forget your name too! But you shouldn't forget my name Now, watch me! Go, die! What happened? Is it paining Open your eyes and look! Do you see me? I am going to finish off someone with my bare hands those who want to see his face for the last time, go ahead! You people may start his final rites A bulb, what are you gonna do with it? I told you. that I'll strip you and insult you! Nobody should close their eyes Here, watch your Inspector Kumaraswamy Let's check if he is, indeed, a male How dare you raise hands on him? We won't let anyone touch our brother! What's wrong with you guys? Is he your brother? My dear, he is nothing but a dummy! He is the real man! You are nothing! They shut down their shops fearing you But when we slit his stomach on your orders... everyone here shut down their shops out of love, to meet him! If these idiots and fools shut down their shops for him... then that makes him the real man here? Why are you guys supporting someone who's going to die soon? Now, that's a blunder, my dear Your Kumaraswamy is a dummy! You are going to die with him! Our brother had challenged you... that he'll break your limbs and make you beg in the streets Which is why we are sparing your head! NEWS: 16 youngsters, who worked as a rogue under Babji, have surrendered Corrupt people have been leading a successful life... but a good person faces failures That's why, today's youngsters, lead a corrupt life Next generation is traveling on a dangerous path To stop this, if you notice any good person, please make him win This is, not just a good deed for us but also our nation From now on, you guys aren't just my brothers... but Friends of Police! Sir, here is their uniform As you promised, my son has reformed Here, sir My mother. Her name is Shakuntala Brother... You are great Forgive me, brother I am the one at fault I won't trouble you henceforth! You may sleep peacefully The department appreciates Mr. Kumaraswamy for arresting Babji and controlling the crime rate in the city and promotes him as the new assistant commissioner of police I am going to sleep. Lower the volume 2596 02:33:21,904 --> 00:00:00,000 You all leave. Go to sleep
Channel: BhavaniHD Movies
Views: 10,781,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ushiran, Ushiran Full Movie, Vijay Antony Ushiran, Ushiran Malayalam Full Movie, Ushiran Malayalam Movie, ushiran movie scenes, ushiran movie parts, vijay antony, vijay antony movies, vijay antony latest movies, ushiran movie online, vijay antony latest movie, nivetha pethuraj, nivetha pethuraj movies, ushiran movie, malayalam movies, malayalam hit movies, malayalam full movies 2019, bhavani hd movies, Thimiru Pudichavan in malayalam, Thimiru Pudichavan
Id: Hviggx861vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 53sec (9113 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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