Kalikkar (Aatagallu) Malayalam Full Movie || Latest Full Movies || Jagapathi Babu, Nara Rohith

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Accident on Shankarapalli road.. One family got destroyed. Sunday night, a farmer named Dharmarao... While returning home with the money after selling the crop.. He died after being hit by an unknown vehicle. Not knowing how to repay the debts of her husband.. Wife of the deceased worried as how to raise their two children.. Wife of the farmer gave poison to her children and she too committed suicide. Mother and eldest daughter died in this incident, the younger daughter... Is battling for life in ICU. Dead bodies are lying in the mortuary since two days... Doctors are making arrangements to bring the girl... out of coma for a minute... and make her see the dead bodies for the last time. Can the girl bear to see the dead bodies of her parents in this situation? Tension is prevailing everywhere. Doctor, is there any danger to the girl's life... after she saw the dead bodies of family members? That's why we have to hibernate the body after two minutes... of her seeing the dead bodies. In fact there is some risk... but it is justifiable to give her chance to see... the parents dead bodies one last time, right? Okay, but show her parents dead bodies in the presence of media. He is my uncle. Sir, the ruckus created by media due to the injustice meted out to the girl... even the government is feeling sympathetic. This has saved the life of the girl in hospital. You didn't visit the hospital at least once. Government wanted to admit her in some state home... but she said she will stay with her uncle. That's why we've brought her here. How would she know how much I had to spend her... to raise her, educate her and get her married? We're struggling to live. We don't have the capacity to raise her. You take her and admit her in some hostel and educate her. So sign these papers saying... you can't raise this girl. Uncle... my mother too said she cannot raise me like you... and made my sister and me drink bitter milk. Sister drank everything. I couldn't drink by saying the milk is bitter. Give me the bitter milk if you have it now. I'll also drink and go to my parents. Purushottam! She's a girl. She lost her parents and came to your house. She'll become an orphan if you reject her. Who will look after her if you say no to her? I'll adopt this girl. I'll complete the formalities according to the procedure. Are you her relatives? No need to be relative if we're connected with humanity. She'll also get equal share in your property alongside your children. Sir, I don't have children. All that I have will belong to her. Uncle, do you have money with you to educate me? Yes, I have. - How much you have? I've 500 crores. Tell me if it is not sufficient... I'll earn lot more. This is enough for me. My uncle doesn't have money to educate my brother. Shall we give? Yes, we will give. Okay? Sure, sir. We'll definitely take care of her. Thank you so much. - You're welcome. I'll call you daily. However busy I am, I'll come to meet you every week. Call me whenever you need something. Okay? - Okay. - Bye. Bye. - Thanks. - It's okay, sir. We're in front of Producer Tenali Naidu's office. He is producing director Siddarth's movie. Mr. Siddarth's house has been seized after Anjali's murder. We know that Mr. Siddarth is staying in this house since then. Based on the news we have, director Siddarth could be arrested at any time. Is arrest equal to getting punished? Is it a petty case to escape? It's a murder case. Murder case! Murder has happened but nobody said our director has committed it. You give the verdict by yourself, okay? Director has worked on four movies with me. Not only me, both the Telugu states know what he is. He would risk his life but would never kill anybody. Because of such ethics he's become a hit director in the industry. Okay, he doesn't have any failure. Do you know who the opponent lawyer in your director's case is? If he takes up any case... he knows only to win, not to lose. Is he such a great person? Should I tell? - Yes, tell. CM sir, his mistake is not there in it. High standard liquor prepared in his company got adulterated somewhere, sir. Our Excise department is finding it out. But these policemen... have booked a case in a hurry and filed FIR. I was telling them... that he is our person... he donated huge funds to the party and not to act in haste. What happened now? Matter is in court. Though it is not his mistake, he paid compensation to the deceased persons. Court matter shouldn't be taken seriously... but prosecutor Veerendra is not paying any heed, sir. I got the DGP involved but he is not bothered. - Yes, sir. He is not listening to us. The prosecutor who should defend on your behalf should listen to you. But you're unable to convince him and coming to request me. Has your department's power became weak or is he got more clout? None of them, sir. He's become arrogant. Sir, you heard it, right? You only should tell him properly. Where is he? Are you Veerendra? - Yes, sir. Do you have sense? You don't listen to Excise Minister... and also our DGP. Will you listen to the CM? What do you think of your position? Do you think it is Attorney General? Sorry, sir. - What sorry? By leaving every work behind, should constables and CM... wait for you at your farmhouse? Come. Sir, he's coming. What is your interest in this case when he's not at fault? I heard you are not listening to anybody. Sir, he's a headstrong person. - I'm talking to him. Look, there is a government here. It has certain problems. You should follow our orders. Don't know what you will do. He and his company should get a clean chit. Otherwise we'll see that the government withdraws this case, go. No possible, sir. Once I take up a case, I can't withdraw it. What? Not possible to withdraw? No, sir. Hey, how arrogant you are! Will you answer back to our CM? You cannot leave this compound if you don't do as we say. I'll kill and bury you here. Good shot! You beat the right person. Don't worry, he's alive. According to Section 308, you'll get four years jail sentence. Sir, whether you know it or not... I've got all the evidence related to this adulterated liquor. I'm talking based on this evidence. They've mixed methyl alcohol beyond the permissible limits for making it strong. They've evaded government taxes and... supplied this liquor to the shops directly... and have become responsible for 50 persons death. Though 50 people have died... but 50 families have become homeless. This business has started after two months of your coming into power. This Excise Minister is behind him. If we wish to play with the law that is created by us... then it will ruin us. Excise action 35 for manufacturing adulterated liquor... IPC section 302 for being responsible for 50 persons death... they both will get 5-10 years jail sentence and 10,000 rupees fine. For supporting them and putting pressure on office in duty... under IPC section 34 abetment act, six months... and under Peoples representative act, you'll also go to jail. Whether you'll support the public by rectifying your mistake... or claim the responsibility of this mistake by supporting them... you only decide. Sir... I should know your decision before I leave this compound. Once I take up the case... I don't care if it is CM or PM in front of me. I support only justice. You only decide it. Did you understand our tension now? Where is Siddarth? - He's in the bar room upstairs, sir. It has been 20 minutes since police entered inside. They haven't come out yet. Nobody knows what is happening inside. Neither media not press reporters are being allowed inside. Police has not come out yet... Sir, sir...is your relationship with the top heroine the reason behind this killing? Sir, did you kill your wife? Sir, is your current movie stalled? Sir, sir, what do you want to tell your fans now? What is your reply? - Please sir. Why didn't your boss come yet? - Sir, he would be coming soon. Sir, he is PP Veerendra. It looks as if a tiger passes by us when he passes by us. Good morning, sir. Why are you so late? Only one minute left for the judge to arrive. When will he study the case and argue? I've made a minor repair. I need not study the study, I need to study the accused. Present him. - Bring the accused. Veerendra, proceed. Your honour... Anjali, the wife of the accused Siddarth... was killed last month 21st at around 10 pm. On the same day, Anjali's mother came to see her daughter... knocked the door continuously but there was no response. With the intention that she shouldn't feel troubled whenever she comes home... she opened the door with the second key given by Anjali and entered inside. Anjali! Anjali! Anjali! Anjali's bedroom was locked. She noticed blood flowing out of the room... and thereby called her son-in-law Siddarth. Since the phone was switched off, she got scared and called the police. DCP Naik came with the police and entered inside after opening the door. Anjali was dead by then. Sir, how is it that we hear the sound of hitting nails while he is arguing the case? That's my heartbeat. This is the video footage when police opened the door. There are two main evidences in the court related to this case. One. Postmortem report. Two. Forensic report. According to the forensic report, only four person's finger prints were found. One is of this accused. Second one is of his wife Anjali. Third one belongs to her mother, fourth one belongs to the servant. So according to the scene of offence... it is a crystal clear fact that... there is no fifth person other than these four people. In case if it was present then the finger prints would be found. Had the person attacked Anjali then the articles inside the house would be broken. According to the forensic report there is no forced entry into the house. According to the postmortem report, Anjali died after heavy bleeding... at around 10 pm- 10.30 pm after being hit by a sharpest weapon. It is recorded in the CC camera that the servant left the colony at 5 pm. Anjali was alive at that time. It means she is not linked to this killing at all. Coming to Anjali's mother Padma. She came at 11 o'clock, it is also recorded in the CC camera. Anjali was already dead when she arrived. So she is also no linked to this killing. Now two people are left. One is Anjali and the second person is the accused. It is clearly recorded in CC camera... when Siddarth was leaving the colony at 10.10 pm on that day. So the entire Prima facial evidence points a finger at him. Why he killed Anjali? What he did with the weapon? To know these... I request him to be sent to the police custody for interrogation. That's all, your honour. There is an allegation that you have killed your wife. You heart Mr. PP, right? Yes, sir. Whatever he said is true. My servant is not linked to this killing. Because she's a very good person. Anjali and I never treated her... like a servant anytime. I treated her like my own sister. Coming to my mother-in-law... she lost her husband when Anjali was seven years old. She never went outside but for Anjali's future... she took her a job and got her daughter educated. So I know how sad she would be... for losing her daughter. Don't you have a pleader in this case? Sir, Mr. PP is there. He is arguing against you, right? I heard that he supports only justice. I trust that he will support me one day. Because justice is with me. Mr. PP, I'm sending him to judicial remand for 10 days. He can be interrogated there, that too in your presence. Why did you kill her? - Sir, I'm telling the truth. Why will I kill my wife? - Naik. Sorry, sir. - Siddarth. The entire evidence is against you. We all know that you've committed this crime. If you tell where you hid the weapon, the case will be closed. I'm feeling sad as how Anjali died. What can I tell if you ask me where I hid the weapon, sir? Police and we believe the mostly illicit relationships lead to murders. So does your wife and someone... - Stop it! If you talk bad of my Anjali further... Sorry, sir. Anjali is my life, sir. When you talked like that about her... Okay, sir. You will not believe anything I say now. Because I'm a criminal for you. Ask my mother-in-law who complained against me. Anjali wakes up two hours after me. She woke up before me that day. She took me outside... after getting me ready by saying she wanted to tell me something. You woke me up in the morning and brought me here... by saying you wanted to tell me something. Tell me what it is. - Mother, it is... It is... I got it. Who is he? Siddarth... - Your colleague? No, mother. He's a famous movie director. Movie director? - Yes. Like how secured I'm with you... I felt the same secured feeling when I was with him. But how do you know him. Ready! Okay, okay, same position. Back! Back! Quick! Production! Get it ready! - Same everybody! Ready! - Are we going for the take? - Yes, sir. Laxman, ready? - Ready, sir. End clap! - Okay, sir. Start sound. - Running. Run through! Who are you? You look like an educated person. Don't you have common sense? They too came for watching the shoot, go and stand there. Get out. Sir, sir, she's our madam, she came for you. Marketing Head of Disney company. It's okay, sir. My fault. Anyway, congratulations, sir. Sir, our company has approved the Mahabharat movie proposal sent by you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Sorry. Mahabharat is my dream project. I got excited after I heard it, please don't mind. It's okay, sir. I understand. On 14th of this month, our Asia Pacific Head Mr. Gogo is coming from Los Angeles. Gogo? - Yes. After landing in Hyderabad... his mother passed after recently, so to immerse her mother's ashes... in Godavari river, he would go to Antarvedi... in East Godavari by road. - Oh. If you could join him on 14th at airport... he will discuss the project in detail during the journey and finalise it. Do one thing. You pick him up. By the time you reach RFC, it will around 11am. I'll join you guys over there. - Okay, sir. Thank you. Bye. See you. - See you. Ready! Uncle, will you hold it for a minute, please? Good morning, sir. - Where are you? At 'Arrivals'. I'm also at 'Arrivals'. How will you recognize me? Sir, I'm holding a placard. Are you a taxi driver or tour operator to hold a placard? I didn't know how to recognize you easily so I'm holding a placard, sir. Let's do something so that you recognize me easily. I'll dress up like a tiger... and come by dancing so that you can recognize me easily. If you check on internet, you'll find my pic... as well my information. Sorry, sir. I forgot it. I don't like if the brains are not hot... and chicks which are not hot. What a silky hair! It's okay if the brain is not sharp. It is enough if the chick is hot. Oh, welcome to India, sir. Oh! Thank you very much.. Thank you! Thank you very much. Thank you! Sir, excuse me. Why are you crying? Happy tears, sir. My daughter went to America four years back. You must have also left like that. You came to India after long time... and hugged your daughter in happiness... I too remembered my daughter, sir. Dear, it is your luck that you have such a father. You do one thing. Shut both of them... I'm feeling very bored. Why don't you talk something? For getting hair on bald scalp, use... Vaidyanath's oil, favourite oil to attract the girls whom we like. What are you blabbering? Sir, you only said to talk funnily. Are you my brother-in-law to talk funnily? I told Anjali to talk. Me, sir? Where is the director? He didn't even come to the airport. He said he'll join at Ramoji Film City. How does he look like? Sir, he's director for namesake, he looks like a hero. Does he look better than me? - He is better than me too, sir. If you both stand next to each other, you'll look like father and son. What are you blabbering? Hello, sir. Good morning. - Good morning. Mani, keep my luggage in the car and bring the car. - Sir... May I... - No, no, it's fine. - Okay. New driver? Looks very stylish. By the way, where is your boss? He is our boss. Sorry, sir. Siddarth. Are you hurt? You know to drive? - Yes. Can't I do when you cannot do it, sir? What do you mean? - I mean when you are... What's your age, sir? - Just 28. Mine is 32. In whose account you have put the remaining balance? Hey, who is it? - Shall we go? Okay, proceed. One lady, five husbands. 100 villains. One cunning fellow. That's the story. - Yes, sir. We'll do one betterment, bro. Okay, sir. One lady, 100 husbands. Five villains, one cunning fellow as it is. How is my betterment, Anjali? Sir, I won't agree for any change. That's the problem with you. When will you change? - No, sir. Indians consider Mahabharat to be very sacred. Sir, it would hurt their sentiments. Wow! Did you see how clearly Anjali said it? I too have got a clarity now. Okay, okay, no change, story as it is. Let us discuss about casting. Okay, sir. - Mr. Nagarjuna as Dharmaraju. Mr. Prabhas as Bheema. Junior NTR as Arjun. Nani as Nakul. Sharvanand as Sahadev. Deepika Padukone as Draupadi. Padukone? (Sleeping) Good you didn't say sitting and standing. Padukone! Well, why do you want to introduce newcomers? Sir, sir, they're all big stars here. Oh! We will get only rupees and not dollars if we cast them. You know how the casting should be for getting dollars? Denzel Washington as Dharmaraju. Bruce Willis as Bheema. Antonio Banderas as Arjun. Nicholas Cage as Nakul. Demi More as Draupadi. This is the final casting. This is the dollar pulling casting. Ouch! Why did you apply sudden brake? I'm feeling headache, sir. You need to drink coffee for it but not apply sudden brake. That's why I've stopped. Anjali. - Tell me, sir. If you don't mind, can you get me a coffee? Sure, sir. - Stop, stop. He tells you to bring coffee as if you're his newly married wife. Will you go and bring coffee if he tells you to do so? Sir, it is not that, it will be a problem for us if he gets down. He's a celebrity. So what? Everyone should do their own work. Hey, he seems to be angry on your words. Let it be so, that's the only thing that comes without money. Even snakes from mud will also hiss, you keep quiet... and sit right. - Okay, sir. Sir, one selfie, please! Sir, sir, autograph, please. Anjali... - Yes, sir. Does he have so much of following? They don't seem to leave. Will you go and bring? Go. - Excuse me! Please move aside. Please, please, he's having severe headache. Please. Please move aside! Please. Please! Sir, you come. Thank you. He has hurt you a lot. Sir, you don't take his words seriously. Leave about me. He behaved in a very vulgar manner with you. He used lot of bad words. How are you working for him? Sir, if I resign and go to some other place... What's the guarantee that there won't be such people there? Recently a rowdy by name Munna in my area... used to harass me saying he would kill me if I don't love him. Sir, I don't have father. I stay with my mother. But what can we both do... we didn't know what to do at that time and have filed a police case out of fear... and left that area. Sir, middle class people like us have to tolerate such things. Did I talk more? Sir, shall we go? - No. Find out whether they will give folding beds on rent? We'll sleep here at night and leave in the morning. Come! Come and drive. Where are you going? You sit behind, you come. You are sitting in front, wear the seatbelt. For these useless roads and the speed at which you drive... it is enough to wear pant belt, no need for seatbelt. Okay. Shall we discuss about casting? - Not now. I'm not in the mood. I'm in a different mood. Anjali. - Yes, sir. - Before doing 'Titanic' movie... Kate used to visit our office. She was very innocent. Yes, like you. By the way, Anjali, what's your salary? 40,000, sir. - No! What will you get in 40,000? Do one thing, Anjali. Come and join our head office. I'll get you five lakhs. You know one surprising thing? We also have a villa there. We both can spend happily in villa. You can become Head like me. Why can't I touch? Hey! Sir, sir... Maybe he's dead. - He won't die, he will kill. I applied sudden brakes. He has put his hands on your thigh slowly. What if something happens to him? Shall we take him to the hospital? Please! We should throw in on the road so that he becomes a good person... no need to take him to hospital. On the road? - Don't worry, I'll manage it. First take out his purse and phone from his pocket. Come. Come. Seems somebody has killed him and threw him in the vehicle. It was good that we saw him. Otherwise we will get trapped. Let's go. Devasena! Where? Devasena! Devasena! Devasena! Maahishmathi! Remove it! Remove it! - No time, dear. Fight or surrender? Excuse me, sir. I'm Gogo from Chicago. I'm the first software engineer... from two Godavari districts. Godavari? - Not only Godavari... two Godavaris, East Godavari and West Godavari. I worked with Hollywood director. And I worked with Spielberg. Steve Jobs. - There's no job here. I don't want job man. You kindly give your cell phone. Cell phone? - I'll talk to Anjali. Anjali. Anjali? - Yes, yes, Anjali. Phone. I'll talk over the phone, you come here. Anjali means...Anjali is my friend. I want to talk to her, I don't have phone. - What? I lost my dress, my phone... and everything. I want mobile phone. For talking to Anjali. Tell him the same. What is this mad fellow saying? I can't understand. Didn't he too understand? Hey! - Hey mister! An educated mad fellow has come. Bring two rotis. Go away, go. You go, go and sit. What a mad fellow! Brother, I don't mind losing cell phone. You've made me a beggar for sure. Leave, leave, we've work. Get water! Where is his dress? There! I don't understand anything. Did we stop the car somewhere? No, sir. Didn't we stop in the bushes or somewhere? Bushes? I mean that Sardar fellow and the hotelier... Sir, why are you talking rubbish? Did you dream of something? - Dream? I'll ask again if you don't mind. - Tell me. Didn't we stop our car anywhere? - No, sir. We talked about the script and casting after sitting in the car. Everything is okay but we had a problem with Draupadi, sir. What problem? I said Demi More but you were adamant for Deepika Padukone. Did you say Demi More? Did I say Deepika Padukone? Sir, how can I deny after you take the decision? Correct! Anjali, is he telling the truth? Yes, uncle. Uncle? Stick these sesame seeds to your thumb and pour water in it. Sir, is there anybody to make offering to your mother? There's nobody. - Why do you say there is nobody? Why do you say you don't have anybody... when you have daughter like Anjali and me who's like a family member? Family member and daughter? Anyway, what's the use of earning so much... when you don't have relatives and close people to make offering during this time? Can you make your money do the offering? That's why every person should maintain relationships. Everything will be fine if we are good. Well said, sir. Come. - Come. Sir, sleep in Lord Shiva's temple tonight. You'll find peace. - Okay. You may leave. I've to sleep in Lord Shiva's temple. You've to undertake a tour in love temple. Okay? - Fine. - Bye. Why are you laughing? I think he decided to become your uncle with our behaviour. He won't bother you now. "Because of you, I'm seeing myself..." "I find myself to be strange." "So much of beauty and happiness..." "I'm seeing all this because of you." "What should I say? What should I think?" "I'm having a sweet dream." "I could feel this pleasantness..." "because of you." "You're there inside my heart..." "I dream of you all the time..." "Oh beloved, Oh beloved..." "Oh my beloved..." "Inside my eyes, in this search for you..." "you're with me like this." "In the words I speak, dreams I get..." "You've raised hopes in me." "I had never experienced this anytime before..." "You're right in front of all the time." "Because of you, I'm seeing myself..." "I find myself to be strange." "So much of beauty and happiness..." "I'm seeing all this because of you." "With a confusing mind, I could call out only your name..." "You're tickling inside of my heart..." "How can I bear this..." "I can't control myself anymore..." "I've become mad in your name..." "Because of you, I'm seeing myself..." "I find myself to be strange." "So much of beauty and happiness..." "I'm seeing all this because of you." Didn't you tell him that you love him? Mother, have I done something without telling you anytime? That's fine but what is his position and our position. Will this work out? Mother, I too felt the same until he called me yesterday and said we'll meet here. He is Siddarth, right? Yes, mother. He will feel uncomfortable to propose me if you're here. I got it. Good luck. Hi Anjali. - Hi. What is your new uncle saying? He's writing 'Jai Hind' before and after every message. So he became a patriotic person. That's the treatment you gave to him. You called to say something. Nothing. So, what else? Tell me. I mean it is... My bracelet is with you. It is my sentiment. Sorry, I should have given it to you, I forgot. Did you call for this? Thank you. - Most welcome. Okay, Anjali. Let's be in touch. Bye. Bye. Why are you standing and watching when he's leaving without saying anything? Why didn't you go and propose him? I feel so sad when he left like that. Mother, I can't tolerate if he says no after I propose him. After knowing why he came... how can I propose him. It's my bad luck. Mother, let's go. I love you, Anjali. I've directed many love stories. But when I became dumb when it came to my love story. After knowing your feelings... I'm telling the truth now. didn't come for bracelet. I came for you. They both got married after that. I too felt very happy. But within three years of marriage... my daughter so brutally... Please cool down, madam. But you need to attend the court after receiving summons. Naik, let's go. Mr. Veerendra, I'm passing the orders for your re-investigation. You need to execute the warrant by the next hearing. Sure, your honour. - Okay. Thank you, your honour. Check every nook and corner of this house. I'm not satisfied with the first forensic report. Something is fishy. Find out what it is. Okay, sir. - I want a perfect job. Okay, sir. - Okay? Sure. - Follow me. Sir, sir...it is.. - Leave it. He's holding nail. On whom will he hit it? Sir, I think you. Request him saying you suffer from piles. Hell with you! - Yes, proceed. Your honour, based on the court's order... to investigate the accused Siddarth in judicial custody... and after my visit to the scene of offence... I've learnt a truth about the accused. If there court were to know it... I want to examine some people. Yes, you can. Thank you, your honour. DCP Naik. Sir, he brought the police this time. Find out if he has piles. Did you do the investigation properly? Yes, sir. If you did so then the window in Anjali's bedroom... was opened and closed, why was it not written in the forensic report. Sir, I wrote in the investigation report about every clue I had observed. So you think some other person has opened it after you submitted it. Impossible, sir. The seized house is under me. Nobody can enter inside without my knowledge. Then both your report and forensic report are wrong. Please note this point, your honour. Sir, I've never committed any mistake in all these years as a forensic expert. I'm not talking to you. I'm asking the DCP team that lead the clues team. Sir, sir...it is not correct for the prosecutor to defend... on behalf of the accused instead of the other way. This is against the professional ethics. As per the request of Mr. Veerendra... the panel of this court allowed him to argue on behalf of the accused. Thank you, your honour. How did this mistake happen? Tell me. Mistake... - You can't tell. I'll submit this evidence to the court later. Were there any issues between your daughter and son-in-law after marriage? No. They were very happy. So why did you file a complaint against your son-in-law? Do you suspect him? No. DCP sir told me that the real culprit will get caught... if I file such complaint. Note this point also, your honour. Also there is no need for anybody to kill my daughter. Nobody? Recollect properly! Nobody has it. Can you recognize him? He...his name is Munna. He has harassed my daughter to love her before she got married. He also threatened to kill her. We got frightened and complained in the police station. Court has sent him to jail for three months. After that we left that area. Is this your daughter's complaint? Yes. So did you tell this matter to DCP sir? No. Why? - It is...it happened long back so... You thought so. You may go. Sir, whom will he hit the nail on now? Let it be anybody as long as it is not us. Correct, sir. My name is Harinarayana, I live in front of Mr. Siddarth's house. Can you recognise the person from CC footage? He's a carpenter, sir. He came to my house four days before the murder took place. Anjali came to my house at the same time. Munna saw Anjali and asked for details, I rebuked him for that. He asked for money after the work got over... I told him to come and collect after a week. Sir, we went for a function in the evening at 5 o'clock. Thank you, you can go. Mr. Veerendra... How is Munna and carpenter linked to this case? Link is there, your honour. The carpenter who came to Harinarayana's house... ...and the person who threatened to kill Anjali earlier are same. Anjali died at around 10.30pm. Siddarth went out at 10.10pm. Munna came to Harinarayana's house the same day at 10 am. He saw Anjali whom he loved. He was furious that he went to jail because of Anjali. Munna left the colony at 5 pm and came back at 7pm. He waited till Siddarth went out. He entered Anjali's bedroom through the window frame. He saw Anjali who was sleeping. In the vengeance that she didn't love him or sent him to jail... he stabbed Anjali with a sharp edged weapon and killed her. He was careful not to leave any fingerprints anywhere. He shut the window again and escaped by jumping the wall. Your honor, that's why... CC camera has Munna's entry but... not exit anywhere. Your honour, this is the entire evidence of this case and Munna. I'm submitting it in the court. That's all, your honour. So your honour... there is motivation to say it is a planned murder... also preparation and intention to kill. So according to IPC section 302... to frame charges against Munna... and requesting for Siddarth's acquittal... I'm filing this discharge petition. Hey, who are you? - Our producer, sir. Do you think this is a movie? I'm levying a fine of 5,000 rupees for whistling in the court. Make him stand in the sun till evening. - In the sun? Petition allowed! Murder case of Anjali... wife of the famous director Siddarth has taken an unexpected twist today. As expected by public, a celebrity like Siddarth... By proving that he wouldn't commit this murder... Veerendra has argued this case with his intelligence and got Siddarth acquitted... Siddarth's image in public has increased further. Police has begun an extensive search for the accused Munna after the court's order. Police might arrest him at any moment. If it happens then the mystery surrounding this case will be solved. Stop them! Arrest him! Siddarth! Leave him! - Siddarth! Leave him! I'm telling you. I've got you acquitted for not seeing you become a killer. Sir, I'll leave him. Tell him to give back my Anjali. Siddarth! I knew that you would do something like this in anger... after looking into your eyes in the court. That's why I've followed you. You can come out clean only if we present him in the court. What will happen to the people who have faith in you? Did you think of it? Naik! Take him to the hospital. Hey, take him. - Sir. Don't you know to stand properly in the court? Did you kill Anjali? After seeing the evidence produced by him... why do you ask whether I did it or not? I thought I've committed it with intelligence. I thought I wouldn't get caught. But he is more intelligent than me. Hello Veerendra, I've killed her for sending me to jail for three months. So how did you think I'll spare you? I'll come for you. You're committing another mistake by threatening a lawyer in front of me. Answer my questions. Yes, sir. I've killed her brutally. - Why did you kill her? Sir, I loved her for three years. I thought she belongs to me, I chased her like a mad dog. I've also proposed her but she filed a police case on me. I thought of killing her then itself, I couldn't find her. One day I went to her area on work. I saw her there, I waited till her husband went out. After he left... I've opened the window and entered inside slowly. She was sleeping there happily. That's it! I recollected the injustice she meted out to me once... and stabbed her brutally. Where is the weapon you used? I'd thrown it in the fire and melted it. Police thought that her husband has killed her... and have caught him. Idiotic people! Don't you think you committed a crime? What's wrong? We see girls. We chase them if they are beautiful. We propose them. If they reject us then we threaten them. If they file police case, we kill them. This man Munna... has no mercy and sympathy... and also no repentance. Psychos like him are a threat to the society... by considering them to be worse than animals... he is given death sentence under IPC section 302. Foreign is foreign and Dhoolpet is Dhoolpet. Hooch liquor shows immediate effect... but foreign liquor... shows it effect slowly and takes us somewhere. My darling! Come, come. Are you preparing the omelet or eating by yourself? I'm bringing it. - Come, come. Come, come. Is it done? - Yes. I'm bringing it. Are you adding chilli? Come. How long will you take? Wait, wait. Wait, I'm coming. - Come, come. Here... - Very good. What is that bag? Dirty clothes. Water would be coming, thought of washing them. Forget dirty clothes and old house. Will buy a nice house in Banjara Hills... buy clothes in big showroom... change a new dress every day. Punjabi dress for you... and Sagara Sangamam dress for me. Burn the old clothes. - Okay, I'll do. - Go. What a figure! Our director's taste is superb! Girl with heroine looks is hired as a servant. She came to become heroine. A guy like you has cheated her so she became a servant. You don't act smart, she's like a own sister to our director. Sir, he was also jovial during music sittings. I feel very sad to see him like this. Sir, how will I get tune if he's sad like that? Who told you to compose tunes? This music sitting is arranged for tuning our director... and bring him into a good mood. You should do magic now, not music. Sir, if we could get some drinks then you'll see magic everywhere. Drinks? - Yes. "Night is silhouetted in darkness..." "Moon is knocked out with stars..." "It's already late, let's start the party." "Whatever be the reason, celebration and depression..." "Fun has begun." "Let's enjoy to the core." "This is a magical world, this is all fun." "Do away with the troubles of your life." This is a fun filled life, it is very tempting." "Put your troubles on backburner for some time." "Do away with them!" "Rise above your problems, suppress them." "Do away with them!" "Run away from troubles, be a winner." "Fun has begun." "Let's enjoy to the core." "Hey fun lovers!" "Don't use anything, tears are very costly." "Don't waste them, nobody will lend them to you." "Hid them inside your heart, use them as happy tears." "Do away with them! Rise above your problems, suppress them." "Do away with them! Rise above your problems, suppress them." "Fun has begun." "Let's enjoy to the core." Buddy... "You're the main actor in your movie." "You're the director who makes him act." "Which scene needs to be cut or shot..." "entire control is in your hands." "Fun has begun." "Let's enjoy to the core." "Fun has begun." "Let's enjoy to the core." What a pleasant surprise, sir! You at this hour? What is this? A small gratitude for winning my case, sir. Costly car is not needed to show gratitude. A small thanks is enough. Sir, at least a drink together. Cheers! - Thank you! Excuse me, sir. - Sure. Why are you watching like that? What did you tell me that day? What has happened today? Here is the money you gave. You only take it, come to the station with me. Come and confess the crime and give my son back. Why are you watching like that? Will you come or not? Why are you shouting? Come. Come. I was very frightened before coming here. Whether you will come or not, you came. I've committed a small mistake. That drunkard fellow used 10,000 rupees from the money you gave. You don't worry, I'll work in four houses... and return your money, okay? Security! Why are you calling them? - For throwing you out! Who allowed her inside? Throw her out, I shouldn't see her in the vicinity. Hey, you've cheated us in no time after winning our trust. Hey, how many people have you cheated like me? Leave me! Hey, I'll go to the place... where I'll get justice. You'll not prosper, you'll get destroyed. Throw her out! You came to my house for the first time. My wife prepares nice coffee, sir. Please have it, sir. How is the coffee, sir? Very bad! The work you did. What did I do, sir? I met Munna's parents. Who will give money for my drinks from tomorrow? - Hey! Did the director return the money? Why did Siddarth give you so much money? What has happened? That day in hospital... Munna, you don't have other choice. We've created strong evidence to prove that you've committed this crime. There are five crores in it. Take this money and confess the crime in the court. You'll get life time imprisonment. But after two, three years... I'll bring you out with some influence. Your mother's cancer will get cured with it. You all can be happy. Think of it. Son... say yes. They're telling the truth. Don't think of anything. Listen to me. Sir, I told you everything that happened... by thinking you'll save my son. Why are you leaving without saying anything? After the court has accepted that your son has committed the crime... then he won't get acquitted from any other court. What are you talking? Will I not get my son back? You're feeling sad that your son will die. I'm feeling sad for killing justice. Sir! Sir! My son...my son... - Calm down. Calm down. So you've learnt the truth. I thought you'll die of heart attack after I learn the truth. Where did you get so much courage from? He gave it. He gave me so much of courage that... Will you give me 10 crores? Should I do you a favour in return? Should I end up in jail after doing you favour? Will you do it if you were not to end up in jail? You know the PP who is arguing against you? He can read your entire thoughts before you think of something. Remember that the entire evidence is against you. Nobody can go to the court and tamper with the evidence. Who told you to tamper it? I said to lock them in a locker safely. What should I do now? Do three small things for me, that's it. What are they? My house which is seized is in your control. Yes. Open the bedroom window and close it. Throw two screws on the floor. What if I do so? Can you do? What's the second one? One carpenter came to my colony at 7 pm... and left at 7.30 pm on the day of my wife's murder. Keep his entry but delete his exit from the CCTV footage. How is he linked to this case? You'll learn about it when PP argues about it in the court. Sir, what's the third one? Third one...after producing me in the court... judge will send me to judicial remand... for interrogation. You too will come with PP. Why will PP come? Your lawyer will come. I'll not hire a lawyer. PP is my lawyer. Okay. Take PP to my mother-in-law... and make her tell my love story to PP. After that? PP will argue on my behalf... and get me released. What's the guarantee that PP will argue on your behalf? Do you watch my movies? Ya...in fact I'm a good fan of you. It is very difficult to guess your screenplay. Isn't it? This is also the same. You won't understand anything now. Do as I say. Will you give 10 crores? Why did you get this doubt? - I mean... All are small things... Sir... I would die in tension that you would behead me if I were to... commit any mistake in the cases you took up earlier. But he removed my tension so easily after meeting him. Sir, I didn't tamper any evidence. I've done three small things he told me to do, that's it. I was confused as I didn't understand... why he made his mother-in-law narrate his love story to you. I understood his plan after you noticed the Munna character in his love story. By doubting Munna, you'll gather his criminal background... and come to Anjali's murder spot, Siddarth knew it very well. That's why I've opened the window and close it before you arrived. You came and decided that Munna has done it. You also checked the entire CCTV footage of the colony. I've kept Munna's entry and... deleted his exit from the footage. You came and confirmed that Munna has committed the murder. You submitted the evidences in the court... and got Siddarth released as innocent. I was afraid that you'll know the truth in case if Munna opens his mouth... so I've planned to encounter him. But I didn't expect you to reach there at that time. Siddarth made him unconscious before you arrived. After that he bought him too in the hospital. Money. Sir, the director is so intelligent that... he used you and got acquitted without hiring a lawyer for himself. Sir, any criminal... would do some mistake and get caught. But he used Munna's old mistake in his favour. He made an honest person like you to commit mistake. Sir, now tell me... I've committed only small mistakes. But you've not committed an ordinary mistake. You've made an innocent person get death sentence. Sir, you became a fool in the eyes of me and him. But if it reaches the outside world... you'll become a fool in everyone's eyes. So... drink coffee calmly... and leave. I've a small doubt in it. Why did he kill his wife when he loved her so much? I too didn't ask it, he also didn't tell me. Anyway, what will you do by knowing about it? Sir, it is dummy. This is original loaded gun with silencer. Use this when artists need to use. - Okay, sir. Use this during the misfire and hitting the wall. It looks impactful. - Okay. We'll discuss the scene in the evening. Sure, sir. - Go. Hey. - Sir. I said we'll discuss in the evening. - Okay, sir. - Go. I heard you met DCP. Sir, why do you feel sad like that for losing... just one case? By getting me acquitted in this case... you had given me a life. You've returned the gift. Sir, at least now tell me how much you want. I'll arrange it. Sir, you don't have another option... other than compromising with your principles. Because after the accused confessed in front of the magistrate about the crime... no court could do anything. Anyway, this law is not unknown to you. Sir, there is one option. Unless I confess to this crime... Munna won't get released. Anyway, it won't happen. Sir, it is better to leave this matter here. Hi Siddarth. Hi sir. Good morning. - Good morning, sir. Who is he? New artist? Looks like a Hollywood artist. We have to make a commercial movie like 'Kill Bill' in Hollywood. Is he interested in acting? - No, sir. He's an honest and sincere lawyer. He got me released in Anjali's case after getting me the clean chit. By the way, I'm Gogo. I've introduced Siddarth to Hollywood. I came to India to go another movie with him. But I felt very sad after learning about Anjali's death. Anjali was my like daughter. His wife. Anyway, what is this? Either he or I should kill Anjali's murderer. What is court to kill? You'll become a criminal if you do so? Let it be, I don't care. I'll hire a criminal lawyer like you and get acquitted by using money. Will you kill the criminal if you see him? - Why do you ask like that? Tell me where he is, I'll shoot him like a bird. Why do you talk when he's in front of you? Kill him! Hey, until now you've seen a criminal lawyer who fought for justice... but from this moment... you're going to see a hardcore criminal who shows death every moment. You've played a life game with me. But I'm going to your death game. I'll make you confess that truth... as you would be unable to bear the hell shown by me. You started the game. I'll finish it. I thought of doing 'Kill Bill' movie with him. He got me trapped with a killing scene. What did you understand? - I've understood that... you killed Anjali and fooled him and thereby got yourself acquitted. What will you do now? I'm thinking of going to the police station... and tell everything that happened here. Kill him! Inform me after the break. - Okay, sir. Good morning, sir. Why are you watching like that? You should be in hospital in a intensive care unit, how come you are in the house? Intensive care? Why? Hello! It will cause septic if you carry bullets inside the shoulders, it is no joke. Sir, why is he talking about hospital, bullet and shoulder? I mean the lawyer came... and shot Siddarth. Bullet is fired into his shoulder. Sir, he saved our director. Why will he shoot, sir? What should I say if you ask like that? See here, see. Where sir? Tell me. That lawyer made me shoot you. Sir, you talked of bushes and trees when you came to India for the first time. Now you're talking of guns and bullets. Sir, this problem is due to jetlag. Jetlag? - Yes, sir. Is it why I'm feeling like this? - Yes. Is it also a dream? Absolutely a dream, do one thing. You get ready soon, I'll send the car to the location. Phani! - Coming, sir. Why is my cheek paining? Did he slap me? I don't understand anything. Bullet was shot...good morning... Don't know what's happening... Hey, can't you breathe? Didn't I tell you that... I'll show you death point blank? That's why the DCP has arranged for security outside. Not only from the servants in your house... even the people he arranged for security has my people. That day you diverted me by saying one can enter inside through the window. Now you've shown me the way to enter inside. Let's go. You've got only Munna's exit deleted. But like the DCP, I'll delete... both my entry and exit. You've cheated on justice. I've introduced you to hell. You understood what it would be if you play a game with a hardcore criminal, right? Enjoy the game. Why is he... doing bungee jump at midnight? Why are you hanging onto the fan... instead of reeling under hangover after getting drunk? You've multi-talented, I didn't knew. Hell with you! - Open the door! Who is it knocking the door? Sir! Sir! I think the lawyer must have come. He's not ordinary man, he doesn't know the time. He comes at any moment. Sir! Sir! Wait, I'm coming. Knocking the door continuously. Why was sir shouting? - Why did you come? Sir was shouting, right? I thought that guy with beard and moustache would come. Why did you come? Leave, leave. He's hanging there inside. Sir, sir... Sir... Slowly... Water...get water. Sir, what is this? Why should a great director like you commit suicide? Oh! How well you are acting! As if he's dying by hanging himself! As if you came to save him! Super acting! Anyway, they are brainless people, they're acting with strong muscles. What's wrong with you? Did you beat? Oh! You've really beat me. Why did you beat me? - This is not a dream, this is true. True? Okay, it is true. I'll think it to be true. What's the need for you to hang yourself? What's the need for you to die? You're a wonderful director. You've a bright future. For Anjali. I don't know what I'm doing. I've arranged this security to save myself from me. Sorry, Siddu. I've misunderstood you. I blabbered something in confusion. Sir, you go and sleep. - I'll go. I'm going to sleep. I'm struggling between sleep and truth. Go and sleep. Not only from the servants in your house... my people are there even in the security he arranged. I don't want to see anybody other than artists in the location. - Okay, sir. Don't allow outsiders. - Okay, sir. Where is the shoot? - Shamshabad... - Brother, juice.. - No need. It is not that... - Didn't I say no? Brother, you didn't eat anything from morning, so at least... Brother? Who is your brother? What did you mix in it? Stay in your limits. Hey, who are you? Sir, I'm the brother-in-law of your driver Rambabu. Sir, my brother-in-law met with accident last night. Someone has hit him deliberately. That's why he has sent me today. Give the keys. - Sir, I'm good at driving. Give the keys. That's fine, sir. I'll drive. I'm telling you to give the keys. You come in the car behind. - Sir. You also follow me. Why did he apply sudden brakes? Sir looks tensed today. Villain's gang has entered the field to threaten you. - Okay, sir. You should aim the gun at them after they enter. Okay, sir. - Okay? This is the shot. Do it and show once. - Okay. - Be aggressive. Okay. - Okay? Show some force. Who are you? - Sir, it's me. Why are you looking at me when the artist is on that side? Who are you? - Sir, sir...he's our artist. He did two, three movies with us. - So remove him and get another person. Sir, all of a sudden... Pack up! Why is your hand shivering? Why is your hand shivering so much if you didn't commit any mistake? Did you mix poison in it? Why will I mix poison, brother? Why are you frightened so much by looking at me if you didn't commit any mistake? Hey... I think your madness have reached the peak stage. Don't know what's there in the juice... don't know what poison is mixed in the food... you are suspecting your drive to be my person. Hitting artists on sets, scolding the servant at home... Finally, you've reached a stage... where you're suspecting yourself when you stand in front of the mirror. What were you and what have you become? Let's meet soon. Good night. Sorry. Only bad nights for you hereafter. Sir, I'm working under you as a Co-Director from many years. But I'm seeing you like this for the first time. Producer has faced 75 lakhs loss after you announced packup today. Sir, you know how bad Tenali Naidu sir felt for the first time for you? We got him admitted him in hospital after he suffering heart attack. Sir, not only the artists at location... even the direction department is afraid to talk to you. Everyone is thinking to stop working for you. Forget about us... you are scolding the servant whom you treated her like a sister. Sir, I'm telling as your well-wisher. Think once, sir. Sir, forgive me if I am wrong. Bye, sir. Bye. Car should hit the transformer in the air. Okay, sir. - Public should run while the debris is falling on them. Okay, okay. - But the public under it should be safe. Sure, sir. What's your name? - Spandana, sir. Oh! Very good. Spandana! Most intelligent girl. How long will you stay in Tollywood? Come with me to Hollywood. We've got a wonderful guest house there. Also sea-view, we can also do fishing there. You love fishing? Oh, you love fishing. Fantastic! Hi Siddarth! What is it with him? He should be looking ferocious... but he's looking cool like a pepsi in fridge? Go and keep the shot ready. Okay, right. Come on boss! Come on! So you're shooting an action sequence. But you didn't design the sequence. It's me. The car that should follow your direction... If it comes and falls on you as I say... people from Telugu states and those present here will be in a shock. That is called shot impact. How is my supervision on direction? Now you're got only three choices. One is to accept the truth. Second is say pack-up and escape. Third is to say action without fearing death. I'm ready for my shot. Get ready for your shot. All the best. Sir, sir. Sir, sir... Going by your behaviour, I'm sure you don't know me. Sir, should I tell something? You know me very well, sir. Our chemistry has worked very well there, sir. Sir, I understood your look. You think I'm boasting a lot about myself, right? What should I do, sir? My face is like that only. First time when I came to India, I was dreaming that I was begging. Second time I came to India, I got a killing scene like 'Kill Bill' then. In that scene, the director killed his wife... did injustice to justice... I came home in the same emotion... you did over action without knowing my emotion... you were made to shoot him, this was our introduction, right? Correct! Sir, you said it correctly. Sir, you're correct. Did you beat? Yes, you beat me. May I know the reason why, sir? Why did you beat me? It was true that you shot him, it is also true that I hanged him. It is also true that I'm going to kill him now. Now you...kill him? - Yes. I think it is not safety for me to stay here further. Not only here, you shouldn't stay anywhere in India. Get lost. Oh! My visa has finished. God! I should escape from here at any cost. Okay, going for take. - Okay, master. Sir, shot is ready. Shall we go for the take? Sir, shot is ready. Shall we go for the take? - Yes. Are you getting ready for the take? Don't search, turn and see. I'm standing behind you like death. Say pack-up and escape from here. Otherwise you'll become a ghost. Take, master. - Okay, sir. Ready! Take! Action! Come on! How is he, doctor? Sorry...there is no danger to his life. He can see, talk and do everything normally. Since the injury is severe so his spinal cord is fractured. He can never walk in his life again. Is he conscious? - Yes. We shifted him to the room just now. You alone may go and see. - Thank you, doctor. Doctor Navin, send MRI reports to my room. - Sure, doctor. Sir, do we need all this? I've been telling you that you can't do anything to me. I told you to leave this matter here. You said you'll make me confess the truth and show me death every minute. You went near death and missed it narrowly. Instead of playing chess and rummy at this age... why do you need these death games, sir. That's why I finished what you started. Truly speaking you didn't meet with accident. It's my attempt on you. Till now you lived without any companion. But at least from now you'll have wheelchair with you. Now the game is finished. Sir, whenever you need anything in life, don't forget that I'm there. Wish you a happy and speedy recovery. Doctor will check the BP. Why sir? You'll be hanged to death day after tomorrow early morning. Do you have any last wish? I want to talk to director Siddarth once. Munna, the accused in Anjali's death case is going to be hanged in sometime. Munna told the jail authorities that his last wish is to... talk to Anjali's husband, movie director Siddarth. Jail authorities have promised Siddarth that they will... tell Siddarth about his last wish. Will Siddarth meet his wife's killer or not? What does Munna want to tell Siddarth? Will he ask for forgiveness for the mistake he committed? Why does he want to meet Siddarth? This question is raising curiosity everywhere. Sir, to save my son's life... you've risked your life. I shouldn't ask you now but... this is a mother's heart... I couldn't stop from asking. Isn't there any other option to save my son? You go. Sir, you came to give me a surprise. I think you lost your way. I didn't find other option. This is my final attempt to save justice. I've checked your entire background. You've saved many families and people. You're not a criminal personally. I don't need to know under what circumstances you killed your wife. I've only one request for you. Please accept the truth, save justice. Justice will save you. By doing so... you would save a life. You would be helping a mother. You've framed an innocent guy so that you escape the punishment. One might usurp property and seize money... but you're taking away a man's life forcibly. You wish everyone to be happy, don't you find it to be wrong? That's why, accept the truth and save justice. You'll get a chance for reducing your punishment. I didn't do all this with the anger that you've cheated me. I behaved like that with you by feeling sad that you've framed an innocent guy. I'm sorry for troubling you. I request you for the last time. Siddarth, think with humanity, please. You would challenge like a lion. I didn't like your surrendering in a simple manner like this, sir. You've stood by justice even in this situation. That's why I like you, sir. You said something just now. That I'm not a criminal. It is enough, sir. You've understood me. But... Anjali didn't understand me that day... and told me to surrender. Surrender? Why? Siddarth doesn't know what failure is, he is not a person. He is a power that drives Telugu film industry. Our Siddarth has taken our Telugu film industry to Hollywood at a young age. Why are you clapping by yourself? Nothing. - You are clapping by remembering my appreciation on stage, right? How did you say it so correctly? - I'm a director, baby. You've dreamt more. Your image will be lost if you get caught in drunk and drive. It won't happen, police from both the states recognize me. They'll take my autograph and send me away. Anyway, I don't drink heavily every day. You know it, right? Today I'm very happy, I drink bit more. Anjali, you know something? The high that we get with success is nothing... compared to alcohol's high. Siddarth, I forgot to tell you something. Do you remember that I told you about Munna who chased me long back? Recently I saw him doing carpentry work at our neighbour Mr. Harinarayana's house. I felt that he changed completely. Hey! Hey! Sorry! - What do you think? Is it a house or road? What will you do if I were to die? Tell me! Tell me! What will happen to my family? Will you behave as you like when you have a girl with you? - Sir, sir, sorry. Sorry! My husband is wrong, I'm saying sorry on his behalf. If you know who he is... - I don't care who he is. He is movie director Siddarth. Sorry, sir. I have hit you in a hurry. I watch your movies, sir. I respect you, sir. Sir, please don't think of this. Forgive me, sir. Madam, forgive me. Siddarth... Siddarth... Let's go. Come. Siddarth, stop the car. Siddarth, listen to me. Will you stop the car or not? Siddarth! Sorry. Accident on Shankarapalli road has ruined a family. A farmer name Dharmarao after selling his crop at the market... was hit by a stranger while returning. The farmer's family has lost everything. Unable to understand as how to repay his husband's debts... and how to raise their three children... his wife consumed poison after giving it to her children. Mother and the eldest daughter have died in this incident... youngest daughter is battling for life in ICU. Dead bodies have been lying in the mortuary from two days... so the doctors are making arrangements to bring her out of coma for a minute... and make her see the dead bodies of her family for one last time. The girl after seeing her parents' dead bodies... Where are you going without telling anything, Anjali? Come, let's go inside. Anjali, don't look at me in fear. I can't tolerate. You're going to the police station to file complaint, right? You need to have patience. Look how weak you are. Eat, Anjali. Anjali, eat. You want me to surrender, right? That's why... you haven't eaten for two days... and remained inside the room. Anjali, I'm not a criminal. I'm a creator. I never got scolded anytime all my life. I reached this position with my hard work. I earned fame and recognition in the society. But that farmer had hit me in front of you because I had thrown a cigarette. I never faced this kind of experience. That's why I didn't know what I was doing in haste. All this has happened in haste. When I watched that incident on TV... I couldn't stop crying, Anjali. I never expected such... an incident to happen due to my anger. Anjali, you tell me. Ever did I commit a mistake in these three years of our marriage? Did I do something which you didn't like? So why are you not able to forgive one mistake of mine, Anjali? Siddarth, you didn't commit a small mistake so that I can forgive. You've killed a person. You've destroyed on family. You've made a girl become orphan. Anjali, let's do one thing. We'll adopt that girl. We don't want children. She is my daughter. All that I earn will be hers. We'll bring her up with so much love that she wouldn't remember her parents. Okay? Siddarth, your mistake is not small enough to rectify? You've committed a grave mistake that you need to undergo punishment. Anjali, can you be happy if I go to jail? Siddarth, I can't be happy... but I can wait for you for any long if you could accept your mistake. What about the girl's life? Siddarth, I'll bring her up like our own daughter. Don't worry, I'll take care of her. Come and surrender to the police. Why are you watching like that? Can't you understand if I tell with love? You may live happily after sending your husband to jail. I can't live even if I were to receive a small blemish on my image. So more than me... What are you? My image is more important than my life. I can go to any extent for it. I will do anything. I found you to be God once. But now I can't even find you to be a human being. My Siddarth died two days back. I was afraid to think that I had to live all my life with a criminal like you. You've shown me the right path. Thank you. "Because of you, I'm seeing myself..." "I find myself to be strange." "So much of beauty and happiness..." "I'm seeing all this because of you." "What should I say? What should I think?" "I'm having a sweet dream." "I could feel this pleasantness..." "because of you." I've killed the farmer in anger that day. After that I've also killed Anjali with the fear of losing my image. For this image... I went so far that I couldn't correct my mistake. Even now, for making it good... I'm going to meet Munna. Whether you consider this image complex to be a disease... or a disorder... it's your wish. I can never accept the truth any day. It is better if this remains between us. Sir, I'm getting late. Our correspondent near the jail informs that Siddarth is coming to meet Munna. Jhansi, what's the situation near the jail where Munna is kept? To fulfill the last wish of the convict who killed the wife of famous director... Siddarth is coming here in some time. It has become very curious to know what Munna will talk to Siddarth. With this we can understand how good person Siddarth is. What? What are you talking? Why do you say that the director is a great person? Do you know the truth? - By the way, who are you? Me? The one who is going to be hanged inside... I'm Munna's mother. What do you know about the director so that you're talking? Whatever rich people say is truth. Even if people like us tell the truth, it'll become lies. Director has killed his wife, not my son. How can you say that he killed his wife? He only killed her, not my son. If you ask a person for his last wish before dying... they would say that they want to see his parents... but my son wants to see the director. Did someone from you think about it? Did you think why is it so? Sir, sir...you know my son didn't kill. My son didn't kill. - Madam, don't create ruckus here. Sir, I beg you. - Constables! Take her away. Leave him, don't hang him. - Take her away. Sir, I can't tolerate it. Sir, it is not true, my son didn't kill her. Sir, leave him. My son didn't kill her. Munna's mother has just now said that you've killed your wife. What's your reaction on this? - Please move. The great lawyer Veerendra has already proved in the court as who had killed her. She must have talked like that as she couldn't tolerate seeing her son die. I request the media not to complicate this issue. His mother is suffering from cancer. Maybe for some help. - Will you help him? 100 percent. - Sir, sir... Sir, sir.. - Please come, sir. - Give reply, sir. Sir, sir... Sir, Munna wants to meet you personally, he's waiting there. Go and talk. Why did you want to meet me? For saving my mother that day... I took responsibility for the crime which you committed. Now to save me, my mother... returned you the money that you gave me. My sacrifice for my mother has gone waste, sir. Sir, please return the money that you took so that my mother survives. Sir, I wanted to meet you to tell this before they hang me. But I've understood one thing, sir. Sir, it is enough if one has money, they can escape any crime. No! A criminal can never escape. Hey, didn't I tell you that I'll make you confess the truth? I've started the game when I shot you in your house. I've installed a camera in your bedroom when there was a noose around your neck. I made the doctor tell you lie after the accident. I made you believe that I won't recover again. I came to your house after that. I had hit you with sentiment. You believed that I can't do anything. That's it! Truth came out of your mouth incessantly. Your game has come to an end with the accident that you planned. I've sent the entire recorded footage to the Governor. These are Governor's order to cancel Munna's death sentence. This is the arrest warrant issued by High Court for your arrest. How is this game? - Sir, you've planned it very well. Better than you? You've committed the crime to save your image. I'm a criminal lawyer fighting for justice. You taught me that I can save justice even after committing a crime. Sir, you think you won this game? What? - Sir, you could only save justice. You would always say something. That you will show me death in front of my eyes. In order to avoid this kind of situation... I go around by keeping death in my pocket all the time. Nobody can damage my image as long as I'm alive. No! "Because of you, I'm seeing myself..." "I find myself to be strange." "So much of beauty and happiness..." "I'm seeing all this because of you." "What should I say? What should I think?" "I'm having a sweet dream." "I could feel this pleasantness..." "because of you." "You're there inside my heart..." "I dream of you all the time..." "Oh beloved, Oh beloved..." "Oh my beloved..." "Inside my eyes, in this search for you..." "you're with me like this." "Inside my eyes, in this search for you..." "you're with me like this." "In the words I speak, dreams I get..." "You've raised hopes in me." "I had never experienced this anytime before..." "You're right in front of all the time." "Because of you, I'm seeing myself..." "I find myself to be strange." "So much of beauty and happiness..." "I'm seeing all this because of you." "With a confusing mind..." "I could call out only your name..." "You're tickling inside of my heart..." "How can I bear this..." "I can't control myself anymore..." "I've become mad in your name..." "Because of you, I'm seeing myself..." "I find myself to be strange." "Because of you, I'm seeing myself..." "I find myself to be strange." "So much of beauty and happiness..." "I'm seeing all this because of you."
Channel: BhavaniHD Movies
Views: 2,205,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kalikkar, kalikkar full movie, kalikkar movie, kalikkar malayalam movie scenes, malayalam latest movies, malayalam full movie online, malayalam movies, latest malayalam movies, latest malayalam movie, aatagallu, Aatagallu Malayalam Full Movie, Aatagallu in Malayalam, Aatagallu Movie Malayalam, Jagapathi Babu, Nara Rohith
Id: 5hGDpQ3jwFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 58sec (8098 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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