Viewer Warns Woody About WingsOfRedemption

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i i probably shouldn't give you just like reddit or twitter or yeah it was on the pka subreddit i think it got down voted to heck and and it's hard to find uh that doesn't surprise me because the group over there seems to really enjoy that content it gets upvoted a good bit every time uh here's someone praising my audio there's a one in a million bookmark [Laughter] so this is going to be i shouldn't give him this much attention i'm making a mistake yet here i go i get it making fun of wings is fun some wing means are just objectively hilarious mr big guy i'm sorry mr nice guy look here listen etc but i think it's getting too much wings is a mentally ill morbidly obese professional victim that has wronged the hosts and pka fans many times he cons and manipulates people by acting pathetic and desperate and attempt to cultivate a collective sense of pity in so many ways he had it coming trust me it gets worse for me but when is enough enough you're allowed to win you're allowed to punch back at the weak if they're attacking you but you're not allowed to ground and pound and abuse them the reason why eye for an eye punishments aren't a thing anymore is because a long time ago civilized humans agreed it was cruel woody what happened to treating the weak respectfully when you have power it hurts you were used to you used to permit some wings talks if it was relevant but you never pile on the rant you had a few pkas ago was justified you were attacked and personally wronged by wings the attacks just hurt more than just by a random person because you guys have a long personal history and you don't let that cl but don't let that cloud your judgment you know what's going on is wrong i felt compelled to write this post because not because i particularly care about wings to me he's a piece of [ __ ] snake of a person who didn't but he doesn't deserve this relentless bullying look at the situation objectively and without bias the man is morbidly obese isolated lonely depressed anxious and genuine generally unhappy in life he grew up in a ghetto in a shitty uneducated poor family he's in his 30s no wife no girlfriend likely hasn't had sex in years lives in a trailer doesn't have a stable income or career and struggles to do normal everyday things like walking and going to the bathroom i live in florida and i know many people that were affected by the parkland shooting look at the parkland shooter's history and compare it to wings the man has had a shitty life was bullied doesn't have a future was oscillated and isolated and ostracized and like guns i studied psychology and neurology and have volunteered in hospitals that service the mentally ill in my unprofessional opinion the man is a ticking time bomb and bullying him on a massive platform like pka isn't just morally wrong it's socially reckless the problem is the damage is done even if all the bullying stops it's not like wings will somehow get better in fact he's likely to get worse if he ever reaches rock bottom and decides to do something reckless or stupid like kill himself or hurt others just know that while pka will not be responsible at all in caps for any of it pka will be on the wouldn't be on the right side of history to better drive the point home here's a rape pedo analogy since i know how much you like rape and pedophilia in america we give due process and fair trials to even the most evilist of our society even people that are presumed 100 guilty in the court of public opinion that includes rapist murders and pedophiles but if there's the video evidence of a man raping a woman why would we even try them we know that that person raped someone and yet we still treat them with decency and respect why is they know why they did it it's because if we tie the guy up in the middle of town square and let everyone throw stones at him we become the monsters that's what differentiates good from evil decency don't become that monster you despise in wings you're better than that there's a too long didn't read wings memes are funny but when when is enough is enough i don't care about wings he's a piece of [ __ ] snake of a person who doesn't deserve this relentless bullying wings is a ticking time bomb mentally ill unstable and has access to guns one of these memes could push him over the edge woody what happened to treating the weak respectfully when you have power uh so first watch kyle's face through that entire read and i don't think it was compelling to him [Laughter] first of all that's the meanest [ __ ] that's ever been said about wings on this show and you wrote it you little [ __ ] second of all he doesn't have access to guns he he took all the guns out of his house they're no longer there so that you know the next time he gets swatted he doesn't get gunned down and uh third of all just for the memes bro you know we just for the memes bro he's uh he's on his medication now that's gonna that's gonna temper him out as long as he keeps taking his lexa pro it'll it'll mellow him right the [ __ ] out and uh and look it's like i said it's just for the memes but what you just said mean a [ __ ] that's ever been said about wings on this show and there has been some [ __ ] said woody went on that rant he went blue man on him a couple weeks ago that was pretty rough i thought that was rougher than anything i'd ever personally said but what you just you just hit new [ __ ] all-time highs or lows depending on which side of the fence you're on jesus christ the the the difficulty getting the bathroom the years without sex the living in a trailer the the the stupid family stuff that was some mean [ __ ] you just said i think what's going to happen is if something ever happens if wings ever self-harms or harms another person we'll go back to your username and we'll point you out as the one who drove him over the edge with those spur-less evil comment that you wrote and that was then subsequently read by woody's gamertag on this show that uh trademark woody's gamer tag treebar uh not not not a song direct your attention to this comment from april 4 2018. that's the sound on the bka subreddit not associates not associated with fps show or fps production i i thought it was 2018. cal why do you think he played to me because i think i am the i'm going to describe it as second most innocent on this show i i think that you are the voice of i think that he considers you maybe like the voice of reason or like the the guy who's most compassionate or or more most reasonable um and and you know i i think that that they hear like uh me sometimes they think that i don't know i'm sure people have people have different opinions some people think that i'm um you know just an actual sociopath and some people realize that i'm sort of like you know either either all three of us are the exact same person or we're different degrees of silliness right like like the three stooges weren't all the same [ __ ] klutz they were different right like we have to be different shades of silliness for for for like comedic purposes and so like if if we were like off the chain racist and like mean and cruel like one time three shows ago i i would fill in i would fill in some sort of slot below him and sort of be the voice of reason to sort of be the foil to what he's throwing out there but we all hate the irish just as much as kyle when kyle's ranting on the irish woody or i need to come in with a little irish defense so that it you know temper it down tamp it down yeah so there you go that's that's uh behind the music it's funny how his defensive wings was so brutal i i i'm trying to figure out how calculated calculated whatever calculated the whole thing is like it did he just write that defensive wing so that he could tear wings down or was he actually defending wings i i think it was i got a little confession to make i sent you that message did you no i know you do [ __ ] whatever i did what if i sent you that message i don't even know all your fake accounts on reddit now you are going to get so many concern troll messages oh yeah from people in your reddit inbox see like i i feel like he was either being really brutal in the message to drive home the fact that like he wasn't like a big wings fanboy that was just trying to do that or like playing like some 4d chess chizz's uh you know assertion that you know maybe this is a long con of a guy basically riding a roast in a concern trolley way so that it would be read on the show and all of his quips and insults would get out there
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 82,610
Rating: 4.8255196 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, pka podcast highlights, pka plays, pka highlight, pka moments, WINGSOFREDEMPTION, wings of redemption, wings pka, wingsofredemption pka, woody verbally destroys wingsofredemption
Id: nji3HyMhIAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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