VIDEO 60 Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism "MUST SEE VIDEO" GOLDEN RATIO RECIPROCATION

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great time for another monitor video and I know how much you guys love 102 videos at some point in time as a young child most of us played with a spirograph we were always had a deep intrigue for the spirograph so what is a spirograph what is a hyper trochoidal acing divergent Sphere except it's only shown in 2d so our minds need to wrap herself around what is happening on polarization since we know magnetism is radiation is divergent dielectric discharge is the dielectric field quote-unquote by faraday so what is a hyper troll code pattern here is a picture I took a couple nights ago you can see this is a very large ring magnet here we have our centripetal convergent black line is of course the other ring and out here we have another hypertrophy pattern of our centrifugal divergence but even with the great the holographic like 3d depth of field that you see on a Ferro cell you're still only seeing yeah let's call it 2.5 dimensions and you can see some depth at an angle so what is happening in a hyper trochoidal we know that we're getting centrifugal divergence along the outer edge of our magnets centrifugal divergence and as reciprocating returning to the other side if this were the other side and returning sent repeatedly so how do we get this pattern well simple platonic logic and especially Euclidean geometry because if you can't model it with Euclidean geometry than it isn't natural complex math and algebra is necessary for complex interactions but the very most simple things in nature can be solved with very simplex Euclidean geometry and I assure you simple magneto dielectric field conjugation in a quote-unquote magnet which is a dielectric object this can be very easily modeled using Euclidean geometry now for getting that proof and proving my ten-year-old theory then I copyrighted 1 over Phi to the power of negative 3 and a discovery I made and Plato's Republic 509 d2 511 that dates all went back to Pythagoras because even though Plato recorded it doesn't mean it originally belong to Plato we have to ask yourself what is spin what is vortex how are we getting a divergent radiation we also have to take into account a gyro medding gyromagnetic precession obviously here's a picture taken by Michael Snyder and Louisville uses an extremely large Faro cell ringa ring magnet so here we see our centrifugal divergence and our centripetal convergence we're able to dial 8 the centripetal and eliminate able to see both separately by using a large ring magnet but I can assure you can actually see this on a non rigged magnet you just don't get as much dilation so you're able to see both clearly so why is this not expansion well this is rotation this is not movement this is rotation like in a nucleus all you're thinking well one side is moving clockwise the other side is moving counterclockwise so they're both moving in the opposite direction this is rotation we have both divergence and gyromagnetic spin gyromagnetic ratio you can only move this well you're thinking well you're moving your right hand clockwise and we look over here you're moving your left hand clockwise well let's look at both at the same time this is the only way radiative divergence can exist not only do we have this in divergence but we have gyro magnetic spin because obviously trillions and trillions of atoms in any magnets quote-unquote acting coherently in commensurate magneto dielectric geometry double hyperbola accretion disk focused at concentrated at the midpoint of the physical magnets this is the only type of divergence that can exist obviously you can't see my hands very well yes I have a magnet tattooed on my hands I'm glad you noticed that I also have my formula from eleven years ago one over Phi to the power of negative three more important than my discovery of how magnets actually work live it or not I've guts almost 400 pages written about that one discovery alone which actually all led to this starting 11 years ago I proved the theorem a couple nights ago my two theorems anyway let's look at divergence you can only occur this way and including Jarah magnetic precession this is in commensurability this is divergence so what are we referring to now obviously we're only looking at centrifugal divergence here and not centripetal convergence just imagine we're only looking at the centripetal centrifugal divergence this is the same hypertrophied pattern that we see on a Ferro cell except you're only seeing centrifugal divergence off of both sides obviously not both simple enough see what does that look like hmm kind of looks like that yes that's right now we know what's happening or at least you're starting to get a clue of what's happening so where's the math for where's the formula for well I've got it I'm sure you it's been proofed I had the I had the math before I had the final proof but before we get to that let's take a look at what is happening on our magnet we're only looking at one slide here we have our facing side of our magnet black line here now you see opposite side divergence centrifugal so we take a look at our red arrows if you actually trace any red arrow you will see it comes around you have to imagine this in 3d and then centripetal convergence here same thing all around black line centripetal convergence on facing side red line ultimately the red and black connectors you can obviously see red all the way around to black centripetal convergence red is divergent centrifugal from the other side just imagine this an incredibly thin disc magnet sandra fugle divergence from the other side to centripetal convergence here we're only looking at one modality of divergence obviously making more complicated than this you wouldn't understand it so right now we're only looking at one sides centrifugal divergence and it's starting to re-enter at centripetal conversions so we obviously were not showing this facing side doing the same thing and interlacing understood red side is opposite side convergence we're turning around yes this is where our hypertrophic pattern comes from we all marveled as kids you know at the looking at the spirograph well look at the pretty little picture as well you know what the thing that doesn't mean anything this is our facing magnet this is actually our dielectric boundary which is also the boundary of a physical magnet and our centripetal convergence at the surface but this is also in commencer ability now as the green the centripetal surface boundary or centripetal convergent zone and physical magnet and the blue is the opposite side divergent facing side convergence or is the blue the centripetal convergent zone and the green the centripetal surface boundary without the third element you cannot tell it's impossible to tell us without a third element to show what side is what and what is converging what is diverging you cannot tell from this that is another point of incommensurability that is where the golden ratio comes and I wasn't trying to plug the golden ratio into the explanation of magnetism it exists there and naturally this is the only way it can exist because I certainly did not create any of these images and the only way to mathematically explain these and I'll show you in a second with the formula the hypertrophied patterns of divergence of convergence which models perfectly now I didn't model these just freehand I use a simple program but I used my formula here these two and this formula this formula these two circles they both exist at golden ratio sections okay so this is modeled after the formula yeah this might be a little bit boring but we'll get to the quote-unquote good part here in a second now it took me I discovered 10 years ago incommensurability and that by the way if you want to know what the grand unified theory is this is it this is lettuce tattooed on my hand if I live to be 200 years old and make a thousand more discoveries and boy I've been making a lot of lately here's the grand unified theory if you ever wanted to know what it what is what what it is it is 1 over 5 to the power of negative 3 all filled ether modalities divergence convergence growth what you seeing a sunflower everything has to do with harmony beauty in nature all boils down to this one formula and I found it secretly hidden and I wrote an article about it 11 years ago found it hidden in some ancient Pythagorean writings but is so obscurely written that you know it took a lot of width let's just say to uncover that but anyway that's the grand unified theory case she wanted to know most people actually would like to know that so let's take a look at what was proven last night here let's take a look at a precision disc magnet now it's not a speaker magnet it looks like that but anyway you can see here we have a sphere magnet inside our inside our our large ring magnet and here we have a cylinder magnet inside our large same ring magnet and a different identical ring magnet with a cube in the center but as will turn out to be the case proving my formula they will all look identical including two larger spheres I didn't show you the larger sphere we have here is a perfect incommensurable ratio of Phi 1 over Phi and remaining a 1 over Phi to the power of negative 2 point 3 at one 966 etc etc etc which is right here in our c1 circle proving my formula accurate the formulas read up here and light blue I've got a link for it if you need it now the golden angle of growth and of divergence is 137 point 5 seven seven two three one etcetera the golden angle of one which must enter in our five the power of negative two is point three at one nine six six I don't want to bore you with the details but this is the formula that's been proven it's proven two nights ago by me this modeled magnetism perfectly now this obviously there's a about twenty four factors that affect field divergence and convergence how it's made etc etc so nothing's perfect like the largest six-inch neodymium-iron-boron will affect a CRT tube at fourteen feet away but this is not this image but this is mean field divergence in other words obviously there is divergent magnetic radiation far beyond this boundary but this is the mean divergence given a perfect magnet perfect ideal conditions this is the model so and let's get our formula out of the way yes it took me four years to come up with this formula combined the 108 36 36 we'll talk about that in a second anyway this was proven last night 1 over 5 the power of negative 2 & 1 over Phi with remainder of Phi it doesn't matter whether I use a cube magnet cylinder magnetosphere magnet we have incommensurability and field divergence and convergence through reciprocation can only occur at golden ratio angles that's correct you find the golden ratio and everything in nature if you thought you wouldn't if you thought you were not going to find it in the most simplex absolute simplex things being centrifugal and centripetal magnetic field reciprocation obviously you are deluded if you're going to find it anywhere in perfection it's going to be in magneto dielectric coherency in the quote unquote magnet field incommensurability follows necessitated ly Greek I'm not gay absolutely as the Russians would say this also was proven a couple months ago this is the proof of what took me four years to actually actually I come to this combination a uniting the 137 507 2020 one two four six and twenty one two four six with 108 36 36 in a perfect circle where you end up with one one one one and one plus two point three six oh six which is one plus five the power of negative three this is a perfect incommensurability between harmony magnetic reciprocation and divergence which is 137 507 7 ankle now I have hundreds of pages written about this I'm certainly not going to get into it without literally putting you to sleep but this is the discovery I made back in June I believe late June I got the hints of it and I finally proved it which ties in with her formula over here and you can see the exact same thing over here one through seven 507 seven right here all I have to do is just turn this vertically and you will see the 137 507 here and red and in orange let me zoom in just a little bit this is what took me four years to prove and not only did I prove it I've validated it this is incommensurability uniting the three absolutes of harmonic and commensurability want no new-age tinfoil hat nonsense this is Pythagorean logic have proved it by magnetic reciprocation both divergently and convergently the 108 36 36 and it looks like a Pythagorean pentagram upside down but it's not you'll actually notice the base is wider here this is one point two three 606 the other angles here are one this is also an incommensurability that is why the circumference is five point two three six oh six or five cubed plus one four point two three six oh six plus one I could literally write another two inner pages about the implications of this and endless endless diagrams truce spirals shells anything you could possibly imagine just based upon this discovery alone I mean I I could never even begin to tell you not my feeling my belief or my conviction but you know this has been proven in magnetic reciprocation and I've been working on this for four years and I assure you I don't not waste my time on stuff that I know has a dead end to it so I mean I didn't permanently tattoo for the rest of my life you know the grand unified theory on my wrists 1 over Phi to the power of negative 3 for no reason without absolute 100% certainty nor die nor was like Chess Champion in high school in college by being a dimwit either so not that I'm trying to impress anybody less certainly sounded like that neither we've looked at that let's take a look at the proof from a few days ago you can actually see the lobe pattern theory let me shrink it down a little bit for you and zoom out to back where I was you can see that I proofed that in centripetal convergence by bringing the centripetal out using extremely large ring magnet and using another that my theorem is proofed which is v cubed plus 1 1 1 1 1 and 1 plus 5 the power of negative 3 which is 0.23 6:06 or 5 to the power of negative 3 plus 1 which is 1 point 2 3 606 the total of which is 5 plus Phi to the power of negative 3 or 5 cubed plus 1 so you can see our three low our 5 lobe patterns here this is the only way Center butyl centripetal and yeah I should stop making these videos at 6 o'clock in the morning the only way centripetal and centrifugal divergence can exists and reciprocate given divergent magnetic radiation from dielectric discharge and is what magnetism is Katie's ok as I've stayed in the other video will make more videos on that there is no such thing as magnetic attraction now don't repeat that to anybody or they'll call you insane well you know magnets pick up iron filings so you're just full of it you know they've had ten thousand ten thousand years of people talking about magnets and I got a contraction so you're just crazy that's just crazy well it doesn't work that way it's dielectric voidance encounter avoidance magnetism is not driving the magnetism in a magnet okay it's only called a magnet for reason because lodestones would attract little iron dust and so we have it deeply ingrained as deeply ingrained in the human consciousness of magnetic attraction as sex and beauty and harmony I mean absolutely it is so insanely ingrained in the human consciousness from the day we were born the notion of attraction physical attraction magnetic attraction animal attraction something attracting another thing and oh my god what's the perfect inanimate object of attraction well it is a magnet so yes there obviously is magnetic attraction well I'll assure you kiddies I will prove it to you beyond any shadow of a doubt just don't repeat it to anybody else without letting them read the book there's so much to add to the third edition it's absolutely mind-boggling I mean just enormous amounts of biological experiments and other things that some of which have actually blown my mind anyway so here we have our five plus five the five plus five to the power negative three point two three six oh six or five point two three six oh six I've proven increments your ability BMI formula that I've been working on for four years now a discovery of ten years ago here we see our hypertrophic pattern and hopefully now you understand what is going on we all played most of us didn't we were young with it with a spirograph of course here we see our centrifugal divergence and we're even in a pharaoh cell and I have other methods if your cells not the only testing method I'm using using CRT tubes I'm using a special invention that I made it's a nanoparticle suspension that actually shows the tornadic vortexes when you place it over the centripetal point of a powerful neodymium or like a samarium-cobalt magnet or even a ferrite magnet but although not as quick gives you a nice 25 second display I hope to possibly get it patented by me it's just amazing you have a Tory a doe and a bottle it's my own invention nobody is only about four or five people have seen it before so it's it's it's beautiful it's amazing so so glad I invented it and here's my other proof of field reciprocation by using two magnets proven that regardless of the magnet with its cube sphere cylinder or what it is I must get necessitated ly1 over five burning to 1 over Phi 1 over Phi and Phi the golden ratio section imperfect and commensurability proving magnetic reciprocation centrifugal II and centrifugal divergence and centripetal convergence I know I mean I could literally talk for hours on this but I of course put you to sleep doing so but I mean taking a look at our hypertrophied pattern on our magnet and here is the Michaels the image you can see his hand here in the background you see his hand holding the ring magnet this is the centripetal this is the physical ring the black ring you se the centrifugal of divergence around that another larger hypertrophied or some people call a spirograph pattern but what is happening like I said you only looking at one side of centrifugal divergence here you see our red side you trace it around or spread side of divergence from one side reciprocating around you have to imagine this in 3d just like our magnets quote-unquote magnets just imagine a very thin disc magnet right here looking at you edge on we also have gyromagnetic precession but that's kind of complicated to model with my pathetic little human hands but let's just model the divergence this is the only way divergent radiation can exist which is what magnetism is it is the discharge of dielectric charge all charge anticipates discharge and all such thing is a negative charge in the universe mother nature said if you show her a negative discharge will show you hot ice I mean it's it's an insane statement there's charge and it's discharged convergence divergence centripetal centrifugal that's the way nature works she doesn't work using math but she does have plenty of math in her by field conjugation and they all work on imperfect situations golden ratio and a most simple thing we thought a sunflower had beautiful as beautiful geometry that you probably noticed the hypertrophied pattern in a sunflower correct I assume that you have anyway it's the same hypertrophied pattern in a sunflower also I'd also been wondering my entire life about the sand or I always thought the sand dollar was one of the most beautiful objects out there and I always wondered why I should have brought it to you in the other house there and the other room excuse me but I'd always wondered why a sand dollar had this particular image on the bottom of it and as it turns out and I have a really fast internet connection too and yet is still not coming up there we go I was close enough well kind of close enough see I wasn't prepared that's like I said I need to stop making videos of five o'clock in the morning we're actually at 7 o'clock in the morning out remember where I was showing you a pattern that one equals 85 degrees correct remember that I will actually show it to you here in a second hopefully here we go you see down here you see this pattern of 85 degrees and you see here are two purple triangles with points right here at 137 degrees so you see both triangles here this is 137 point 507 seven degrees all you have to do is just do a Google search on 137.5 oh seven seven degrees and you will get it just typing one three seven five seven seven degrees and golden ratio and you see is 85 degrees that always equals one in incommensurability so and always wonder well why is a sand dollar shape like this well if you actually turn it over you will see you'll see the whole pattern it looks different on the other side I've said here we have our perfect eighty-five degrees on the other side you will see a pattern if you draw a line from here to the center of the sand dollar down to here and then you connect it right here same over here this is the pattern of growth here we have a one thirty seven point five oh seven seven twenty one point two four six at base angles same on this side and tada here we have our eighty-five degrees so twenty years ago if someone had told me all you have to do is follow the pattern of a sand dollar you'll see fielding commence rebuilding you want to spend ten years working on a proof of uniting the 137 507 seven and the 108 36 36 and the 85 equaling one and perfect circular a circuit had to be in a circle of course that's the only way it could work because centrifugal center people divergence and hypertrophy turn must be put into a circle and absolute in other words every one of these angles of the three types of triangles must be in perfect incommensurability with each and every one of each other and the only way it could exist so it took me four years to come up with this model model was like this now I've proven it with magnetic reciprocation this formula is proved I proved it physically already and I always wonder because I always love sand dollars I discovered this a few months ago and I was just looking at one because my other house is down near Center both Sanibel Island Florida and I was the looking I was like well you know my goodness there's the eighty-five and there's the 137 507 7 and perfection right there that's it all this time I think viktor schauberger had said that well he didn't actually say it like this but he said basically mother nature is you know basically slapping you in the face but you aren't listening and here's the other side of a sand all right now it's at an angle but if you can see we draw right up here to the central point to here and draw back up again that's our 137 130 7.50 77 and one point two four six and here's our base angle of eighty five which equals one and if you include the three Pythagorean incommensurable x' which necessitated lee must equal magnetic field reciprocation which little bit literally take me two hundred pages and endless have thousands of hours to describe to you but to put it in a five second nutshell which is basically impossible the only way magnetic field divergence can convergence can exist is this model which I proved back in June that I've been working on for four years it looks complicated it looks obtuse that's correct you'll notice like I said the base angle here is one point two three six oh six and all these base angles are one this is the only way to unite those my theory is proven I've proven it by formula I've proven it in physical model it's done magnetism is proven I can demonstrate every aspect of how a magnet works it is over now the only problem remaining is I have massive amounts of experiments and stuff to add and basically a hundred more videos I'll try to make a more professional than a monitor view like this but it's kind of hard to demonstrate all this stuff without using a monitor sometimes so it's about the information not about the professionality of the video I'd rather watch a professional crummy video than a oh yeah oh yeah than a well-made the video that's full of lies and nonsense anyway thanks for watching and just want to say that I've proven it and it's over with now it's proven see you later
Channel: Theoria Apophasis
Views: 90,407
Rating: 4.9011502 out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Edison, how magnets work, what is magnetism, Eric P Dollard, dielectricity, magnet, magnetism, what is a field, Nikola Tesla, golden ratio, golden section, magnetic vortex, magnetic field, precession, action at a distance, walter Russell, vortex, vortex power, vortex movement, sacred art, aether, Pythagoras, Pythagoreans, Neoplatonism, Plotinus, Proclus
Id: O1nv0KlbHDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 10 2014
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