How to Pray and How to Hear God's Voice | Pavel Goia

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in prayer that's not good so he doesn't say with these words he says in this manner and he starts Our Father in Heaven do you know the prayer Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done what word is repeated three times second part give us today and forgive us and Deliver Us what word is repeated who comes first God for some reason we say we believe in the Holy Spirit but our church has not been praying for the Holy Spirit or a little anemic but not really we say God is a priority in my life but in our prayers all we pray we pray for self all our prayers you be honest with yourself and listen to yourself when we pray all we pray is for me Heal Me bless me my problems my family my job forgive me save me me me me I don't even care if you pray for salvation or forgiveness it's still for you Jesus was willing to give up eternity and took a big risk to come here to save others Moses says take my my name of the book of life he was giving up his eternity and save them Paul says I would rather be anatema in Greek that means cut off from The Book of Life if they could be saved tell me when in our prayers comes the time that we forget self and start worrying for other things like for God or for other people we are are so self-centered society that God cannot even answer our prayers God cannot give us power we will not use it properly so first in prayer prayer starts and ends with praises Hallowed be thy name for thy is the kingdom and the power with praises enter his gates with praises he says in the Bible okay and then second and third part prayer focuses on on God and then on your needs for self let's go through it so Jesus in fact said because some people told me what if I repeat the The Lord's Prayer is it okay why it is okay to pray the Lord's Prayer but if you pray the same prayer all the time it's not okay in fact I know people I knew one in Romania in in karash the county called karash a man that was baptized before I was born by now when I was a pastor in that District he was 76 he told me I was baptized when I was 18 and he prayed all his life the same prayer when he was baptized he spent about a week and composed the most complex and nice and profound prayer really nice prayer and then he learned it by memory and all his life he prayed that prayer and he said it has everything in it yeah even children could say the prayer ahead of him elen white says the repetition I know the quotation by memory of set customary forms did you hear the repetition of set customary forms where the heart feels no need it's an Abomination to God he is offended he doesn't answer those prayers do you repeat the same words again and again think about it yes we do we don't feel good before we say this and that every prayer Jesus says don't repeat the same words the pagans do that okay back to the story so you start with praises by the way um I I tell the story and you may have heard this story somebody told me don't worry if they heard the story before there was a lady in my very first district in America in Jamesville Wisconsin and that lady you know the story probably her husband left her and her son got into drugs and she was sick and she was struggling and she got somehow a little big a lot big actually and she was a nice lady in fact probably the nicest in my district I wish everybody was as committed as her her heart was right with God but she got some uh thyroid problems I don't know exactly and she struggled healthwise she really struggled but she was a good lady so she came to me and she said pastor I've been praying for my help and God doesn't answer I've been praying for my husband and he doesn't come back I've been praying for my son and he doesn't give up drugs in fact he's in jail right now I've been praying for my job and I struggle why doesn't God answer my prayers and you know what I said to her I said God doesn't care I said listen he doesn't care I said what I said you Hur me God doesn't care for you he loves people who are blonde he doesn't like people that have dark dark hair like you I said what are you talking about I said God doesn't care don't you hear me I said oh God cares I said really do you believe that yes I do I said no you don't he says what do you mean I said listen to yourself you said I've been praying for a few months why do doesn't God answer what are you saying don't you say that he doesn't care oh no I don't say that oh come on when we pray and we think he doesn't answer what do we mean he either is incapable to answer or he doesn't care because if he cares and he doesn't answer then you follow me I said listen to yourself that's what you say without saying it you say God doesn't care and she kept quiet for a second and then I said yep you do have a point I said sure I'm the pastor and then I said to her you if you have been praying for these problems and God didn't answer either he doesn't care or he has a different will how could God's will be that you are sick and your husband leaves you could that be God's will I don't think so God wants us to be happy he loves us more than we love our children but nevertheless we live in this world and whatever happens in the world affects us it's like children who are born in Palestine like it or not they are born in the war even if they didn't choose so their parents chose you follow me nevertheless they are born in the war so I said to her I said this is what you need to do stop praying for it how long have you been praying uh 6 months whatever she said I don't remember I said that's enough stop praying for it how could you say that when I have cancer how could you say that when I'm losing my house how could you say that when I'm losing my job how could you say that you don't care because you don't go through what I go folks listen carefully don't you say in prayer may your will be done then let God's will be done and I said to her stop pushing God you told him now this is what you need to do when you pray how long do you ask and how long do you praise she said oh I don't know I said yes you do just be honest that's what you miss honesty I want you to think about it how long how long do you praise and how long do you ask ask yourself take a second and think about it and she thought about it and she said well I say thank you Lord for your love and for everything and then I start asking I said uhhuh and I said to her you cannot pray and God cannot answer before you have faith because without faith it's impossible to to please God and for you to have faith you need to praise him more because they are saved by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and the word of their testimony the Greek doesn't refer to evangelism it refers to positive speech whatever you say it influences the way you think and it influences the way you behave and when you talk positive it feeds nurtures reinforces your faith and when you talk negative it feeds your lack of faith and I said there is no better sacrifice than the sacrifice of our lips it says in Psalm that's what God expects from his people to praise him not because he is proud oh I like when they flatter me but because God knows that you need to praise him and when you praise him I told her be specific not not generic thank you for everything God doesn't listen to that generic prayer forgive our sins God doesn't listen you need to confess to be specific to name the sin forgive me for lying forgive me for criticizing my brother you got to be specific in order for God to be able to forgive you you follow me so I told her be specific what if I don't remember what to praise him for ask him to remind you what to praise him for and I said you need to praise him and you need to be specific and you need to spend enough time praising until you have joy and I said listen there was a guy in England called George Miller and he fed many orphans and people ask him how do you get all that food he said I pray what do you ask him prayer and he said my friend you got it wrong prayer is not about asking it's about praising they said what you don't ask no God loves those children more than I do I don't need to convince God to love those children I know my God enough to trust him I know my God enough to trust him therefore I Praise Him in faith for what he's about to do next that takes a lot of faith so they said how long do you praise him and George Miller said until my heart is glad closed quotations so I told her so listen what you do tomorrow morning when you wake up go to prayer and don't ask anything God knows your needs and she said I cannot I have to pray that my kid gives up drugs I said no you don't you prayed yesterday and two days ago and three days and the month and the year ago you don't no I have to I said listen you don't God knows I said what if something happens I said the worst you die if you die I'm going to preach the best funeral sermon in my life don't worry about it you'll not know know anything anyway and she's SM you make fun of me Pastor I said I want you to make a covenant with me today to promise me that tomorrow morning you don't ask and I said when you ask you focus your eyes on problems I want you to praise to focus your eyes on promises not on problems so I said tomorrow morning you praise God and she said how long I said until you have joy can you promise that well I'll I'll try I said no that's not good enough I want you to do it okay I'll do it next day she called me in the afternoon I said pastor you will not believe what happened I said your husband came home he said no she's better off your son stop taking drugs no you got a promotion no then what happened I've been an Adventist all my life she was baptized when she was a kid or whatever all her life and she said I've been praying all my life and struggling all my life this is first time in my life when I pray and I have joy and she said I prayed praising the Lord and I didn't feel anything and I kept praising him and I didn't remember what to praise him for so I asked him to remind me and I started to be specific and the more I praise him the more things came in my mind and the more I praise him and the more I praise him the more I remembered and I started to praise him more and the more I praised him she said I started to sing in prayer it has never happened to me we lost the hobit to sing she said I started to sing in prayer then I started to really enjoy it and then I realized shame on me God has been so good to me and I doubted him doubt doubted him him and she said before I praised him I was doubting and struggling and as I praed faced him my faith came back and then I sensed that he does know my problems and he did hear me and He does care and he does love me and I don't need to worry because I am safe and I am not alone and she said I had a peace that I didn't need to ask I trusted him so much that I had Joy so I I said Thank You Lord and I got up and I went to work and the other nurses came to me and said listen you are glowing what happened you got a raise and she said no I have a God I prayed oh we all pray I said no you don't folks we spend time asking but we have no faith without faith it's impossible for God to answer because faith is the hand that grabs God's hand and makes Heaven's resources available to us and we don't have faith because we focus on problems instead of focusing on God's grace and God's character we need to focus on God we need to place him enough to feed Faith to grow faith and then it's safe to ask you follow me we talk about it but we don't do it we just go to the same pattern you start with praises and then you say hallow be thy name what does it mean to hallow means to sanctify the word in Greek is hagios that means to sanctify however I have a problem with it God is Holy Holy Holy how can I sanctify God's name he is Holy anyway he doesn't need me to sanctify him so I looked into the Greek and to the Greek there is a word that is not usually used in the Bible it's not hagios it's hagat and hag you know what it means let me sanctify your name through my life basically people cannot see God but they see you and me we are an open book to people and as we live we bring this honor or honor to God's name you follow me so basically when you pray you focus on God and say Lord would you let me live the fruit of the spirit to the point that I represent Christ and I sanctify his name before the others I remember and you know the story from the book I was working for this uh cooperation and I owned a glass business I was cutting glass and the big guy over the whole cooperation over the whole County that was in the Communist Party came and said you got to do the chin chinal that means to work in one years in one year produce the productivity on five years basically he wanted me to make so much profit in one year like in five and I said that's not doable well you got to if not you get in trouble with the government and then he came to me and he said you don't work Saturdays and Sundays I said sure give to God what belongs to God and to Caesar what belongs to Caesar Saturday is for God Sunday is for Caesar I rest two days and he said I want you to work both days I said I don't have a problem to work Sunday but Saturday not going to work he said yes you will in this country you do what you are told I said well I have a God I do what he tells me my father taught me not to be afraid of people he told me that we are children of the king of the universe when people want to scare you when Satan tries to scare you my father told me the John banan story you remember John banan have you read his book when they got to the Heaven's Gates there were dogs barking and he got scared I'm going to go back I'm afraid of dogs and they say well I've traveled all my life to get here let's try again he knocks in the Heaven's Door whoa whoa whoa whoa dogs and Peter comes to the door and says come son come inside I'm afraid of dogs and Peter says they are Satan's dogs the neighbor's dogs they have been trained when you knock in our door those dogs bark don't let Satan's dogs scare you away from heaven so my father told me the story and then my father said to me you are a son of the king get your shoulders back get your head up and say yes or no and never compromise so when that guy said to me you come Saturday to work if not we put you in prison I got my shoulders back I got my head up I said no not going to come well long story short he went to the warehouse and he got some ruined boxes of glass bad rotten the wood box was totally rotten and the glass inside has been in rain and sun and snow and the glass was all like glued together with a white powder in between and all cracked broken he got some bad glass he brought it to my store to my shop on a Saturday when I was not there and when I came to work Sunday he says when I got this glass it was good but last night it got rattled it takes years and I look to the other workers don't you say anything and they said they they put their heads down jellyfish they were afraid for themselves they had no spine nobody defended me so the guy said I give you two options option number one you go in prison at least 7 years option number two actually three option you pay for it it was a big amount of money I didn't have it option number three he said you come on Saturdays we forget everything you'll be okay easy to talk what would you do don't answer we got to be honest you know it's not easy when you are about to go to prison for seven years is not easy but my father taught me that if I bend down and compromise and worship the image I'm going to worship the image always and if I don't stand now I'll never stand when the final crisis the real crisis comes I'll never stand God wants me to get ready now so I told him I said listen not going to come if you want put me in prison put me in prison I went home and I started to pray like crazy please Lord please crying crisis desperate please save my freedom please and you know what God said nothing he was missing my prayer would bounce in the ceiling and come back and I did get I didn't get any answer so I went back and next night I prayed the whole night and my father noticed the lights on son what is wrong you didn't sleep last night and I told him the story and my father shook his head and said hey you go in the wrong direction I said why I didn't compromise I said oh it's not about that son you are so self-centered all you care is you I said what are you talking about I care for God and my father said that's what you like to think about yourself but really you care for you I said what do you mean he saidwell what have you been praying for excuse me I said that God would save my freedom you see what I am talking about said what do you want me to pray for and my father said son who should come first I said God okay then what should you pray for I don't know oh yes you do you should pray for God I said how could I pray for God God doesn't need my prayers oh yes he does so I thought about it and my father said think about it so I went back to my room and I started to think about it and as I thought about it I started to pray Lord if you want me to go to prison I go to prison do whatever you want may your will be done whatever would be for you if it's for you for your honor for your work if I can serve you better in prison I go there if it's for you to be saved don't say save me for the sake of my freedom if I can serve you better in Freedom then let me be free whatever is for your name's sake to the point that your name would be honored that your work would Prosper do that that would be for you not for me you remember when children of Israel made a golden cuff you remember Moses went to God and he prayed please forgive them and God said no they are a stubborn Nation they are evil I got to destroy them and they'll make you a big nation and Moses said please rather take my name off but save them and God said no and then Moses said they deserve to die but what are the Nations going to say about you work for your name sake the Nations say you are not able to deliver you don't keep your word you are not a loving God work that they will know that there is a God and when Moses prayed for God God not for them God said I will forgive them do you follow those are the prayers that God cannot reject when you forget self and you say I shall decrease and he shall increase I shall disappear and he shall be everything when you forget your real problems your cancer your whatever your job it may be real it may be painful but you say Lord you know my need do what you want for your name's sake I don't need to understand I will accept it joyfully like Paul Paul says I have a problem and God said my grace is sufficient and God did not answer Paul's prayer Ellen White prayed and said God said no you'll be sick and she was sick wow that's a tough prayer to pray when we prayed for our son as long as we prayed for his healing God didn't answer when we prayed for his salvation God finally answered you follow me that's not an easy prayer folks it's easy when you don't go through crisis but when you do go that's a tough prayer to pray when you say whatever is for your name Glory that means hallow be thy name that means Lord do whatever to me even if have to kill me if that would serve you do it here I am I made myself my family my life my job my house available to you you come first folks you hear me that means Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come it's a present Continuum is not future tense when Jesus comes to the second coming I tell this story it's a real story I had a church member somewhere that she had two voices One Voice holy voice and one voice secular voice oh Lord we love you so much and that was the prayer voice Pastor so good to see you and the other voice I heard the voice when I went to visit them I bought myself a motorcycle from garage sale it was $500 Honda Nighthawk 750 cc the family got divorced husband left wife got stuck with the motorcycle the motorcycle would not start and had a broken brake handle so she said I want 600 for it I said can I give you five she said okay take it I took it I fixed it in 15 minutes the battery was bad I put a new battery and the brake was $7 I replaced the handle and I got a new bike and I got on my bike and I went to visit my church members the holy people bullet I pray that God would let me take the bike to heaven then you feel that you live so I get there when I get there I knock in the door oh Pastor you came to visit us we love you so much how in the world do they love me because I was in that District only six months or five months I was new in the district they didn't even know me how they developed so much love right away whatever I could not say that I love them I did care and I was learning to love them did not love them yet love it's a big thing you know not just oh I love you so we ate together she prayed the holy prayer Lord we love you so much and then I left I forgot that the bike had something to open the gas under the tank and I didn't open it so and he died excuse me it do not start battery drained so I walk back to the house they don't hear the engine I get close to the door and before knocking in the door there is hell she is screaming to him calling him bad names that I hear to think I hate to think about moreover to say them people outside that are good people don't say those words bad words starting with a certain letter and bad words and she calls him names and he calls her names and he pushes her into the wall you stupid did that oh you did that and they are oh man hell she lost the holy voice so I was afraid to knock in the door because I I was ashamed of their shame and I slowly left and as I was leaving he opens the door slams the door and says you are so stupid you Bank the garage door with the mower look what you did and she says yeah I did it but you broke the dish oh Pastor you are back that's real folks we need to ask ourselves is God's kingdom real in our families that's the prayer may your kingdom come today because if God's kingdom doesn't come today in your house it's not going to come tomorrow for you that's why Jesus told zakus today my kingdom has entered your house not at the second coming must enter today every day that should be our prayer Lord I'm not going to leave you alone before you move Heaven into my house then we are a force of attraction to others not when we preach doctrines but when heaven is real that's what attracts people you follow me that's what it says may your kingdom come and then he says thy will be done in heaven I mean on Earth as it is in heaven really in heaven if God would talk to an angel and say go and give a Bible study the angel would say Lord I am busy I have to go to work huh do they do that Lord I have no training Lord I have no money do angels do that argue with God who do you think you are to negotiate with God that's what we do in our prayers we say thy will be done bology I like sucer I believe American football doesn't make any sense sorry no offense I don't even understand the game but socer that's a real game when Brazil playing played with Spain I was there tip of the chair my mouth open I did not eat I did not drink I did not move before the game was over that's real game so I was watching the soccer game and my wife comes and says honey I really need you uh-huh I was watching and she says I want you and is important and I need you to do it right now I want you to do this and that and that and I said uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh I says are you listening to me I said huh that's what we do with god oh how I love Jesus we have no clue we say may your will be done we have no clue what is his will moreover to do it prayer is a dialogue it's a two-way Communication in prayer we always talk talk talk talk talk tell me how do you know God's will if you never listen if you have a friend that always talks but never listen listens let me tell you that's not a friend did you hear relationship means two-way communication if you care you listen and when you say may your will be done you say Lord tell me what is your will I made myself available today open my eyes open my ears if you have something for me I want to serve you today show me what to do and I will do it I gave the prayer seminar in Columbus not Ohio but Columbus Wisconsin and Pastor Steve OST the pastor that used to be in that time at the Academy said I'm going to practice it so he talked to his wife and said honey from now on we make ourselves available every day and we listen every day then he called me listen God doesn't talk to me I said who do you think you are you tell him when to talk and when to keep quiet he's the master he talks whenever he wants you just need to keep listening you keep listening and keep listening and keep listening the whole day today and the whole day tomorrow it took Moses 40 Years of listening until God talked to him it took Daniel between the second vision and the third Vision 65 years of quietness did you know that between the second vision and the third Vision 65 years that God didn't talk nevertheless he kept listening because if God talks tomorrow and you don't listen you are going to miss it you follow me they told us in the Army you got to be ready for war at any moment the war may come may not but if it comes and you are not ready you die the same with God you got to be listening all the time because he decides when to talk and when not to talk but you need to be listen listening when he talks so I told Steve I said hey buddy you don't listen and tell God what to say and when to say you just listen and let God be God you follow me you don't listen for the sake of I want to hear God's voice it would be fun you listen because you make yourself available and God knows when he has a job for you and he will find a way to let you know if you listen so Steve said okay so he kept listening and after a few weeks later he calls me and says pav you not believe what happened I said oh just try me he said I pray like every day Lord please if you have something for me today please with honesty I ask you open my ears just help me hear your voice so I would do your will you say I know the plans I have for you if you have a plan for me today please help me hear it and do your plan and he said as usually God didn't talk I left we got in the car we drove and as we drive as we drive he says I Heard a Voice in my brain saying go to the academy and he said to his wife honey God told me to go to the academy and she said to him could not be God because it's vacation nobody is there it's your mind and he said honey it's not my mind if it was my mind would have said go to Olive Garden it's not my mind it's God so he said okay let's go so he turns the van they go to the academy they get there in front of the gate it's a guy crying and he says what are you doing here and the guy says 21 years ago I was in this school they caught me with drugs they expelled me from the school and then I got again into drugs they called me they put me in jail then I got again into drugs and prostitution and I became a drug dealer they put me in prison for a long time in prison I repented when I got out I need Christ I don't want to go back to drugs but I don't know how to change I need help so I came here because here I learned about God and the doors were locked so I prayed and I said Lord send somebody that can help me and then he says what are you doing here he said well I pray that God will show me how to help today and he sent me here is God talking oh God never changed John in Flint Michigan pray the same prayer he was driving through snow when you say Michigan you say snow like when you say Chicago you say Wind by the way you know how many times does the wind blows in Chicago twice a year six months from the west and six months from the East so so John was driving through the snow on Interstate 94 and he said to his wife honey we need to keep listening so when driving instead of listening to stupid music or bad news in the radio he would listen to God's voice today tomorrow every day after a few weeks God spoke to him and said turn your head to the right he turned his head and he says to his to his wife honey I saw something white on the snow and she said honey snow is white he said no no no no no God told me to look there so he turned on the no urn just police cars turned there he turned went back to the previous exit turned went back slow watching to the right sure enough an older gentleman in a white robe robe was in the snow so he stopped the car put the hazard lights and then he went there and the man had something here that to say his name and then Alzheimer's basically he left nursing home to go home and he forgot where home is and he was frozen so John put him in the car drove him to close's hospital and they said you got in the last moment if you were there 1 minute late more or less it would have been too late while there were saving the old man the daughter came and said how did you see him in the snow he said well let me tell you the story this is what I pray in the morning and God told me to look right so I looked right and I saw him in the snow and the girl says I want to Joy in your church he says hold on a second we keep Saturday not Sunday I don't care you can keep Tuesday what are people looking for doctrines or gods they want a real God and God never changed God still talks to his people but we never bother to listen we are so concerned with self my problems my job my bills my health my family that we never wonder what is God's plan for today and God says I know the plans I have for you the problem is you don't know the plans I have for you and we say may your will be done really to know his will you got to listen and and then you got to do you follow me so next thing oh should I tell you another story so so a lady in Wisconsin in Delavan she's a good lady man but she talks more than me impossible she can kill you talking she can Tu Your Ears off I mean she would talk until the second coming and she would not get tired she go on Dura sell batteries like the bunny you know she never gets tired talking that lady I mean inflation many words no value so that lady that lady came to me and said pastor you say that in prayer I need to be quiet and listen that's hard in my mind I said that's impossible for you but I was polite I didn't say it out loud I just said it here and she said how do you keep quiet I said you keep quiet he says how do you do that I said well this is how you do it you pray a little and then you keep quiet a few seconds give God a chance to talk he may he may not you don't tell him when to talk but you give him a chance and then you pray and then you keep quiet and then you pray and then you keep and when you are done you start to study the word because many times God talks through his word and you don't just read five chapters to do your duty you read one verse and then you keep quiet and you think about what you read many times we catch ourselves that we read and we don't know what we read because our mind is far you follow me so I said you read one verse and then you keep quiet and then you pray over that verse and then you read again the same verse and then you pray and then you think and then you read and I said I read about 15 to 20 times the same verse I tell you you don't have to be smart if you read a Bible verse 15 times you memorize it you agree with me if you read a Bible verse 15 times one a day in one year you memorize 360 Bible verses in 20 years of being an Adventist you know so much you follow me the Bible says I store in English I heed my Thy word in my heart that I may not sin against you but in Hebrew it says I store Thy word in my heart so I may not sin against you that would protect you from sin from discouragement from Temptations because when discouragement comes and temptations come the Holy Spirit has to bring something out but if there is nothing inside there is nothing to bring out to recall you follow me but if you stor it there God is going to give you the verse that is appropriate for your very need do you follow me so I told her you read and you pray and you read and you think and you pray and you think and you listen that's the way you listen and then when you leave the house you say Lord please if you have something for me let me know and you make yourself available and I tell you when the time comes he will talk how I don't know but I do know that he will let you know when he talks even if you are deaf you will know that he talked think about Samuel he he goes to Eli did you call me God didn't take offense oh I call him and he doesn't know I call him God called him as many times as he took you follow me when God calls you will know so the lady said okay I'm going to pray that way she called me next day is really hard I was trying to be quiet for one minute and I had hard time I'm happy I'm not her husband anyway so my wife is The Quiet One so after about 3 weeks a month more or less I don't remember she called me and said pastor God talk to me why did it take him so long and I said listen because if he told you what he told you in the beginning you would not have obeyed him he had to prepare you like Noah if God told Noah first day do this it would have been pretty difficult to obey if God told Abraham first day of after baptism sacrifice your son he would not have done it so I told her you not have been ready he had to prepare you for what he has in store for you she told me that God told her to start a community center that's not an easy thing just try and I said to her okay God bless you go ahead and do it well she went to the board members and she told them that God told her to build a community center but because she talks a lot nobody pays attention that they said oh okay bye so she called me back you told me to pray that way now you need to help me start a community center why in the world I told her to pray that way I don't know so I said okay what do you want me to do come here let's go together find the location so I said okay Thursday morning 8:30 Thursday morning 8:30 I pick her up and we go to deavan Wisconsin a small town 8,500 people small and we go and knock in first door second door third door everyone too expensive we didn't have that type of money and I said okay I got to go home bye God bless you I said okay I see you next Thursday morning 8:30 I said no I'm busy oh you said Thursday's morning I said I said Thursday singular not Thursdays plural oh Pastor you said that I said maybe it's my English maybe it's you but I didn't say that said pastor you told me to pray that way you got to help me okay Thursday morning again Thursday morning again Thursday morning again 6 months every Thursday morning I was ready to move from that District I almost hated her I had hard time not to hate her I mean she's a nice lady a good lady good heart but give me a break every Thursday morning the whole morning come on and I said are you sure God told you to start a community center and she said every time I pray and I listen the way you told me I ask him Lord are you sure and he says you don't need to understand just keep going you will understand later so she said I need to keep going I did understand later that she was right after 6 months we have been to every single house and business in Delavan and to every single literally house and business in elorn next town to Delavan and you could not find the location I was tired and finally one Thursday morning a small location a guy who was selling clothing who was broke his business closed said yes I guess I won 4,000 a month you cannot offer more than 2,000 a month for rent I guess I can give it for 2,000 is better than nothing I said so we have a deal we have a deal I said praise the Lord next Thursday I don't come we signed the papers and I was ready to go and I got a phone call it was the manager from the Kmart he says are you Pastor Goya yes I am he says everybody knows you guys you have been to every house to every business the whole town and the next town learned about you trying to help the community to help the poor did you manage to get a location yes we just did a second ago do you have shelving I said no we don't well we close the Kmart if you want shelving for free come and pick it up God allowed us to go because nobody knew the Adventist Church if you would ask them do you know the Adventist Church they may think it's a restaurant or something by now everybody knew and God wanted us to be known so we took a truck from my head Elder we drove there we didn't pick up enough shelving Adventists are greedy people we took up so much shelving that we had no room in our community we had to put it in the parking and then we talk to the church members they brought clothing and they brought furniture and so on from our little store when Katrina came we sent several 18 wheelers every week we helped so much the Pentecostal Church the Lutheran Church the Presbyterian Church the Baptist Church the Methodist seven other churches came and said would you accept donations from us we tried we never managed you you started a community center you help our community we want to be part of it would you accept donations duh we accept donations from anybody bring it on then we started a prayer meeting Tuesday night the Methodist Church came would you start a prayer meeting Wednesday night in our church because when we try nobody comes they come to your prayer meeting okay we started a prayer meeting in their church and people came and then the government called you do so much for our community would you handle the food stamp yes would you handle the gas stamps yes the jail called us people when they get out of jail they have probation would you do community work have them work in your Center and give them Bible studies and teach them skills so they can reintegrate in society okay the jail would give us people to work it exploded and then we had no more room to put the donations the donations came every day so much we didn't know where to put them we put them in the parking the winter was was coming rain and snow on our furniture so we prayed for that God would enlarge our territories so as we pray somebody knocks in the door next business neighbor and he says listen folks I'm not doing well I closed half of my business because in the winter I pay so much for heat so you keep your stuff in the rain I would allow you to store your stuff in the rear half of my business on the condition that you don't turn on the heat I said how much do we owe you for that he said nothing you help us I want to be part of your blessing three months later the other direction neighbor came and said that guy told me that in three months God blessed him in half of the business more than ever in the whole business I'm going to give you half of my business maybe God would bless me too folks eventually we purchased the Zone that is a big building and we expand it out of AutoZone too right now they are looking for a bigger location because one lady was willing to listen what if our people would listen when we say may your will be done we really need to mean what we say prayer should be a dialogue not a monologue or you talk talk talk talk talk and then say amen and run if you really want to have a relationship with God behave like you follow follow me let's take a quick break and then we go into the second part give us the you our bread forgive us and do not lead us into temptation before we do that
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 39,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: p8pnH20RCmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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