Victory Christian Center | 03.06.22 SUN AM

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[Music] [Music] greetings victory family and friends i'm one of your hosts tiara cloud and welcome to another episode of brighter days where we believe that the path of the righteous keeps getting brighter and brighter until the perfect day before service begins we want to share a few ministry highlights with you this week so let's dive in our small groups here at victory christian center are a great way to help foster close relationships to maintain a tight-knit community and to stay connected with like-minded individuals within the ministry outside of our weekly church services after all god never intended for us to do life alone sometimes people feel a little bit more comfortable socializing in smaller numbers especially when they are new to an environment or an organization and the small group atmosphere here at victory is ideal for building christ-centered friendships that often last for a lifetime the connections formed within small groups can help build a strong cord within the church and within the body of christ at large currently the small groups that we have here at victory are real restoration which is a support group for divorced persons grown god's righteous ones winning now for members ages 36 to 49 pop passion on purpose our young adult ministry for members ages 19 to 35 and journey to joy our ministry for widows and widowers in this week's episode we'd like to give you a little bit more information on pop our young adult ministry you got it right for members ages 19 to 35. this small group encourages a passion for god passion for church and passion for people our purpose is to instill cultivate and sustain a passion for these three areas in the young adults of victory christian center pop exists to provide relevant activities and support systems that help young adults stay connected encourage and on fire for god while growing into the men and women that he has called them to be this small group links up regularly through monthly hangouts and activities that help build up members in their spirits their souls and in their bodies we'll talk discussions are often had from a biblical perspective plus lots of fun and enjoyable memories are made through our times of fellowship like what you see join this small group by visiting click on the connect tab and then select vcc small groups to fill out a contact form today you may also sign up at the welcome center before or after services if you've been watching brighter days since episode 1 you should be getting pretty familiar with seeing what the vcc workshop has to offer now of course there isn't enough time and even a few of the episodes to show you all that we have in store but we can take this opportunity to let you know that the vcc workshop not only has you covered spiritually but fashionably as well you can come to church in style all thanks to the latest selection of jewelry and accessories these sterling silver earrings are classic and timeless way to dress up any outfit and to give god your sunday's best if you're rushing out the door before service realize that you have missed the earring or somehow misplaced your bracelet on the way in the vcc workshop has got you covered we've also got something for the men too [Music] these accessories make the perfect gift all year round so call us at 704-602-6016 monday through friday from 9 a.m to 4 45 p.m or visit us online today at to learn more about our latest selection of accessories including eye-catching bible cover designs to help you carry the word with confidence wherever you go well that's all the time we have for today family and friends because service is about to begin before you go give us a like or a follow on either of our social media platforms listed on the screen or linked in the description section and don't forget to download the vcc church app to stay connected with us 24 7 365. thank you so much for joining us again for another episode of brighter days keep letting your light so shine victory family and friends until that perfect day have a great week and enjoy service [Music] oh [Music] thank you lord hallelujah glory glory glory to god thank you lord for your spirit thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah glory glory thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord glory to god glory to god oh [Music] thank you lord hallelujah [Music] glory glory glory to god thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Applause] federation [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] give me revelations [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah oh [Music] holidays [Music] for a long time [Music] [Music] i wanna [Music] [Applause] [Music] where [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your time is [Music] i wanna [Applause] [Music] who's on the lord's side [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] where [Music] [Applause] [Music] where is that [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] where do you stand [Music] [Music] where do you stand [Music] hello [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Music] stand for righteousness [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] the name of jesus christ [Applause] [Music] a [Music] healing release of jesus christ in this room hallelujah let there be miracles [Music] let him be honored and glorified [Music] let his healing break forth inside [Music] let the flow of his spirit in your being [Music] and let your body be healed as he is glorified [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus reach out and expect expect a touch from god today expect his healing power to flow into you and enter your mind i speak peace to the troubled mind receive the peace of god that passes all understanding cast that care over on him and watch him take it from you [Music] and replace it with his peace passes understanding it means it's not something you're at peace about because you've got it all figured out but because he did it thank you lord because he did it he took it from you come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest for your soul for my yoke is easy and my burden is light hallelujah be seated for a moment thank you lord jesus thank you jesus i believe if you experience a touch from god i didn't call it anything specific but if you experience a touch from god and you can tell something has happened in your body you want to testify i want you to come [Music] he's moving in this place [Music] moving in this place moving in this place good morning i had my side has been hurting i've been ignoring it but now when i was up here at the incident i was still ignoring it i would grab it every now and then but now it's completely gone hallelujah i give god the glory because it was really hurting praise god thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord jesus thank you lord for break out thank you lord of your healing hallelujah we want to testify of his goodness it's all for his glory so we want to tell you what the lord has done you experience a touch in your body as we were just ministering and worshiping the lord just now come and tell what happened to you sir i had pain in both of my arms when i first came in here and now it's not hurting not hurting at all you can move it around no more pain glories of god thank you for testifying thank you for testifying hallelujah check yourself out see is there something that's already happened on the inside of you already happened in your body that you can tell about [Music] it thank you lord jesus see see so many times the lord has used me and the gift of the word of knowledge and the gifts of healings to call out specific things but he didn't want to do that this time you know so god has a his ways of doing things and a reason for doing things [Music] and i believe that one of the things is just to teach us how to reach out and get what we want not necessarily wait for some something to be called out praise god what happened to you so about two weeks ago i missed exercise so i went out walking with my husband and i do a trot out of the area where we were walking and running and i landed flat footed and it hurt and so um leonard was teasing me calling me his liniment baby well i had stopped using it and this morning and i had to sit there for a minute you said check yourself and i don't want to get up too soon and i checked myself and it was come it is completely gone praise god we give him all the praise my knee was hurting and you know that knee was one i'm glad you came because the knee was one of the things that came in my spirit but but just to keep it to myself so praise god go ahead and uh while we were doing praise and worship i just started swinging my leg and doing it like that and then and it was going and i sit down and then when you said i was sitting there with that you need to do this so i just got on up you know because now i can hallelujah glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus a couple of weeks ago i fell on both of my knees and they've been hurting for the whole two weeks this one more so than the other and i've been dragging my leg and i sat there just waiting to make sure that all the pain was gone and oh the pain is gone all over the table so what what can you do now that you couldn't do before without pain i couldn't do this i couldn't lift my legs with no pain i couldn't really walk with any pain and there is no pain hallelujah praise your jesus praise jesus let's have two more come on there's two more people in here glory to god you can tell the difference you know that the lord has touched you can tell a difference come on down caught up [Music] we want to give him praise we want to give him glory we want to testify of what the lord has done glory to jesus praise you father glory to god thank you lord hallelujah one of you all virginia one of y'all can meet her there and make sure thank you jesus there's one person coming i want one more come on one more you can tell check yourself you can tell the difference in your body you can tell that the lord has touched you if there's a before and after and uh we want you to tell about it share your testimony what the lord has done as he's moved in this place come on what happened to you um good morning everybody about seven weeks ago i failed and i couldn't get around and i just kept talking to the lord asking him to show me what to do sometimes god will set you down to get your attention so i think that's what he's done but now i'm back and i got back together i've been out of church for a while because i couldn't you know go what happened to you this morning in church this morning i felt god healing me i had stiffness in one leg and stiffening in the other leg but as i went to praising god it moved and so that's why i come i said i had to come down and tell so how's the movement that you couldn't do before what is it that you're doing without stiffness i couldn't stand you know up and now i can do it i can stand up straight i'm praising worship god like i hadn't been doing so i just thank god that he showed me what he could do in a body so that's what he done in my body and and i just thank god that he used me to get my attention and let me do what i was supposed to continue doing and see a lot of times the devil will try to stop you from doing god's will but you got to trust god and just keep thanking him praise god so hallelujah with your better body you're going to go to work right report for duty hallelujah praise god amen thank you lord my back has been hurting so very bad for the last two three weeks now i mean just painful i couldn't stand up and walk very long without hurting i want to dance in church and i can't do that like i want to but this morning i have no pain in mind run down man come back just run come back all of us thank you hallelujah hallelujah no pain in my back no no pain hallelujah praise god thank you thank you thank you so much glory to god praise god what a wonderful god we serve hallelujah jesus is alive hallelujah jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah glory to god hallelujah oh thank you glory to god praise you jesus thank you [Music] lord of the breakthroughs lord of the breakthrough you are the lord of the breakthrough and i worship you i worship you see [Music] lord of the breakthrough you are the lord of the breakthrough i worship you i worship you [Music] you are the lord my healer i'm watching [Music] you are my deliverer and i worship you i worship him he is my savior [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i worship you i wish you you're my [Music] healer you [Music] are the lord [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lord of the breakthroughs [Music] you are the lord of the breakthrough i worship you i worship you [Music] you are our deliverer you are our strength you are our everything god we thank you lord god we cast all of our cares on you lord as it was stated earlier we thank you lord that you give us the peace of god that passes all understanding we thank you lord that you keep our hearts and minds through christ jesus we thank you lord for breakthroughs in every area of our lives but you are the god of the breakthrough and we praise you and we bless you father we honor your name we thank you lord for all that you're doing in our lives and all that's being accomplished [Music] we love you and we praise you our father we thank you lord god for [Music] those who don't know you father send the labels across their path so that they will know you we think that they come across a track they come across on post on social media let them come across something that will remind them of the goodness of god we thank you lord for all of our leadership from all over the world we call them blessed we pray father for our government here in america we ask you lord to reverse that which is displeasing unto you we thank the lord the laws are passed that's in the best interest of the people and we thank you lord god that jesus christ is lord over these united states of america thank you lord for the ministry gifts the apostle prophet evangelists pastors and teachers we receive them as gifts and we thank you lord for your blessing and being upon their lives and ministries we call them strong in the name of jesus strong in their minds their bodies and we thank them for meeting every need in their lives we thank you lord for the nation of israel we call that nation blessed thank you for giving the prime minister wisdom we thank you for your divine protection over their borders in jesus name turning everything around that needs to be turned around we thank you for our relationship with the nation of israel and we thank you for preserving our relationship and that the united states will forever be an ally to the nation of israel father we thank for all that has taken place on this morning and we thank the lord that things are still happening in the name of jesus yokes are still being destroyed in jesus name bodies are still being healed breakthroughs are still taking place we thank you for all that has been accomplished and all that will be accomplished and let your name receive glory for everything that is done in this service in jesus name amen amen if you would please greet your neighbor let them know that god is in love with them amen and then you may be seated and i want to say thank you amen on behalf of pastor busy school thank you so much for joining us via stream we believe that the service will be a blessing to you so thank you so much for those of you who are joining us via the live stream [Music] [Music] want to say good morning to you on behalf of pastor and mrs gool so glad to have you here in church church is always the place to be on a sunday morning amen want to just bring some news to your attention concerning our church family uh everybody knows mr dave wallace his sister carolyn wallace uh pastor rose wallace their brother passed pastor johnny wallace he was 79 years old and he passed on yesterday so as you can imagine arrangements are incomplete at this time so we want to lift up mr wallace and his family also too we want to lift up alda orr as well as name we thank you lord god that you are a healer we thank you lord that you the god of all comfort and you're the god of all strength we ask you lord to comfort the wallace family at this time we thank you that you give them the peace of god that passes all understanding we thank you for the wisdom of god manifesting itself we thank you for the leadership of the holy spirit as they have to make decisions in reference to the services we think that even in a situation like this you can receive glory we thank you for souls coming into the kingdom of god and we thank you lord that heaven is a real place to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord and so we celebrate in that fact father but at the same time we thank you for healing the broken heart and we call it done in jesus name we lift up out the ore and mother johnson you are the lord our god who heals us and you take sickness away from our midst we thank you lord that the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead quickens and makes a lot of their immortal body driving out all manner of sickness and disease we call their bodies healed in jesus name we give you the praise for it amen we will have our video announcements at this time we believe that our father hears and answers our prayers prayer is one way that the lord invites us to participate with him in what he is doing in the earth today there are things that he will not do unless we pray every believer should recognize the urgency to pray at this time vcc conducts an hour-long prayer session for our nation each tuesday at 7 pm thursday at noon and saturday at 10 am we should pray at home but corporate prayer enables us to set aside time we might not take otherwise despite our good intentions it also makes a difference when we unite in prayer there is power in unity come pray with us at vcc campus 3 tuesdays thursdays and saturdays join us next friday at 7 30 p.m in the vcc dome for bringing back the black robe regiment doors open at 6 30 p.m bring your family and invite your friends the premieres ages 50 and up will have their monthly meeting sunday march 20th immediately after morning service in the know will be held friday march 25th at 7 30 p.m at campus three this is a members only event vccs free enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year is in progress for current students parents register online via the written web portal on or before april 1st and receive a 100 discount on registration prices for the upcoming school year opportunity scholarship funds have increased to six thousand one hundred and forty eight dollars per child per school year opportunity scholarships could make christian education possible for your family visit p e f n c dot org forward slash o s p 0 hello church family you are cordially invited to the more than conquerors college alumni and friends association virtual fellowship that will take place march the 19th at 3 pm there will be games there will be testimonies you'll have an opportunity to meet our board members it'll just be a lot of great information that will be shared on that day we would love to have you and if you need more information about the zoom fellowship then visit our website more than we look forward to seeing you there god bless you the clothing ministry would like to thank everyone for your generous donations during the fall and winter seasons we are now transitioning for the warmer weather seasons and are only accepting spring and summer clothing please keep in mind that donated items must be cleaned pressed and in excellent condition and that we only accept new articles of undergarments socks and earrings for more information please refer to our clothing donation guidelines which are available at the welcome center or call the mission's office at 704-529-5888 to replenish the stock of our regular food ministry the admissions department is asking each member to bring canned chicken this week items may be dropped off at the dome food and clothing room before and after service or at campus three weekdays 9 30 a.m to 4 30 p.m thank you in advance i don't take it lightly to be around dr sumrall and so i want you to be sober and i want you to be appreciative and i want you to thank god for this man of god and the anointing of god that's on his life what god has done through him and is doing through him amen praise god give him another hand everybody the thing that god wants you to know is we can destroy all demon power on the face of this earth if we ever took a notion to do it that we have the authority to destroy all demon power on the face of this earth he says you must not have fellowship with devils everywhere there is is functioning of demon power they are snared if you ever catch a bird with a snare never catch a rabbit with a snare he thinks he's getting something good and he gets caught the devil is a giant deceiver and i i'll be teaching you all through about those things in 1993 dr lester summerhall taught a series right here at victory christian center entitled authority over evil spirits god has given us power and authority over demonic spirits and after listening to this series you should be thoroughly equipped to go out and exercise the authority that jesus delegated to every follower of christ stop by the vcc word shop or go online today to learn more about these two great packages you can find these announcements events and more on the new and improved vcc church app get it in google play or the itunes and amazon app stores today all right good morning church family love you so very much thank you for being in service today and for those of you that have joined us by live streaming welcome and please forgive us for taking this long in our service to greet you and welcome you we're so glad that you've joined us this morning amen church family all right don't forget now next friday not not this friday but march 18th 7 30. black robed regiment right here how many of you have already invited somebody ten hands twelve fifteen come on man i've been pleading with you for what several weeks now invite somebody family member co-worker neighbor somebody because it's for all of us all right and so please do that now try your very best not to just come in here by yourself or just you and your wife and your children we want you to invite somebody this is a very very motivational inspiring educational challenging thought-provoking presentation that we all need to be here for and we need to encourage our friends to come as well amen will you do that for me all right praise god you know i i saw this i told you i saw this presentation last year in florida or was it the year before i forgot exactly and just powerful you know and so i wanted to bring the gentleman here for us to experience the same thing that i experienced and it's for such a time as this as we are in the kingdom of god at this time for the glory of god so please and i was very disappointed just now 20 hands 25 hands that means none of you have really thought about it you know because there is somebody you can invite isn't that right now i can rebuke you sometimes right all right because i tell you all of the time that i that i love you amen and we haven't had guest speakers or presentations in a while and so that's another reason why we ought to be responding to this because it's been a while since we've had anybody come in here and minister to us in any form so i want you to please invite friends family members co-workers neighbors somebody say come on come with me i'll pick you up or follow me to the church etc but let's make sure that we have as many people being impacted by this presentation as we possibly can can i get a amen praise god and uh don't forget we're working on our gym floor totally redoing our gym floor so there won't be any activities in the gym for the next two and a half weeks or so possibly three and so that means no fun night no wednesday night jubilee or anything like that uh unless there's a way we can put it in the front of the uh of the building there we'll we'll talk about that all right are you ready to give all right if you're in need of an offering envelope if you would lift your hand at this time ushers are headed in your direction and we appreciate your faithfulness in your giving we appreciate your love for god demonstrated and expressed in the giving and bringing and sending of your tithes and offerings and so thank you for those of you that send your tithes and offerings in we know many of you are giving online etc we appreciate your faithfulness today let's say it's supposed to be what 80 today 79 something like that isn't that amazing wow but winter is not over yet so make sure you don't get you know wild you know and then all of a sudden it's 50 degrees or something like that all right anyone else in need of an offering envelope minister jackson is going to come and exhort us at this time good morning turn your bibles to micah chapter 6 and verse 8. that's on page 159 i'm sorry he says he has showed the old man well it's in the king james i'm reading for the king james he had showed the old man what is good and what did the lord require thee but to do justly love mercy and walk humbly with our god i want to focus on the part that talks about mercy somebody say mercy another word for mercy is compassion somebody said compassion we can remember from the gospels that jesus was a man of compassion a man of mercy and whenever we bring our tithes and offerings we are putting ourselves in position to show mercy and compassion you might say it's more than just putting it in the the bucket or giving them like no we're putting ourselves in position to show mercy and compassion he says he requires it somebody said requires just like using this mic batteries are required to use this mic without batteries it's worthless it can do nothing amen there's no impact relative to uh projecting voices as it were because it's required so much required and then i like in romans chapter 9 he talks about god as the potter as it were creating us to be vessels of mercy somebody say vessel of mercy say i'm a vessel of mercy with my tithes and my offerings we are showing mercy and compassion to others as we meet the need of other needs of other people amen so we give a chance to show yourself to be a vessel of mercy by writing your good checks out to victory christian center you can abbreviate by writing vcc and we ask that you seal your offering envelopes i like what the what the word of god tells us in psalm 37 round verse 21 or so says the righteous shows mercy and gifts a righteous person shows mercy or compassion and gifts can i get a witness so that should be every one of us in here and especially those who who say we're we're born again we're in the kingdom of god especially if we were members of victory christian center amen amen everybody stand at this time if you want to come down to the front and worship and praise god you can do so at this time as we praise you father we give you glory thanks and praise we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your goodness father you're so good you're so wonderful you're so kind father thank you lord for making us vessels of mercy vessels of mercy lord for your glory for your praise your honor father that as the father you've used you used us relative to our tithes and offerings father we're able to bless people meet people's needs father we can see and make sure there is meat in your house and so father we thank him we rejoice father because you have blessed us to be a blessing and we rejoice and give you thanks and praise we do continue to rejoice in your integrity father to confirm your word with signs following in the name of jesus and as a result father we call every need met we call every bill paid ahead of time we call every debt paid off in full father in jesus name we are more than enough to be a blessing father to the kingdom and to others we give you all the glory praise and honor in the name of jesus let's shut hallelujah glory to god glory to god come on [Applause] i had it there first hallelujah we give you praise honor and glory our father thank you for watching go over your word and performing it in our lives we release the angels of god to go forth and bring in the promised return we thank you for wisdom for that which you bless us with that we might be good stewards over it father in the name of jesus amen and amen shout out about it one more time amen all right you may be seated ushers please let's come and receive our gifts praise you jesus lord i love you there is a name [Music] [Music] precious [Music] oh jesus there is a name [Music] there is a name anybody want to praise the name come on stay with us [Music] [Applause] there is a name there is a name precious [Music] there is oh jesus [Music] [Music] precious [Music] oh jesus there is [Music] deliver [Music] deliver us in the name precious oh jesus there is a name [Music] [Applause] [Music] salvation salvation's in the name salvation in the name precious oh jesus [Music] there is a name oh jesus there is a man now say the name of jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] everything i need is in the name of jesus jesus jesus salvations in the name [Music] one more time jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus we give you glory hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord jesus praise you jesus oh father we thank you so much for jesus yes thank you lord for giving us the privilege of using his name thank you lord as we prepare to receive from you through your word we thank you that your word is alive and active energizing effective and productive in us it is a lamp to our feet and a light to our pathway it is life to us and health to all of our flesh let your word control us may we live by it may we not just listen to it and enjoy it but wait may we be doers of the word and not hearers only that your kingdom may be expanded in the earth through us we give you the praise the honor and the glory for it in jesus name amen and amen amen you may be seated praise the lord glory to god hallelujah well pastor gould will be with us shortly i believe so we are going to do our invitation the bible says in john 3 16 that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life for god did not send his son into the world verse 17 to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved if you have never asked jesus to come into your life if you don't know that if you die today you'd be born again and you'll be excuse me that you're born again and you'll be with the lord then we're encouraging you to come come to the front and allow us to pray for you and to minister to you if you're watching via live stream then please call a number two 704-525 eight six three eight and somebody will be glad to uh pray with you concerning salvation if you are uh in a backslidden condition you've gotten away from serving god you were serving god at one time but you got away from serving god and you want to renew your fellowship the bible says that god is married to the backslider you may have left him he did not leave you so he is waiting for you as the father the prodigal son was looking out for his son that was lost to come back home so if you're in a backslidden condition you want to recommit your life to christ then we're encouraging you to do that as well and those are the two invitations we want to give right now so call the number on the screen 704 704-525-8638 if you need to receive christ as your savior if you're in here this morning and you want to receive christ as your savior or you want to rededicate your life to the lord then please come now we will be glad to pray with you praise god hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah praise god praise the lord praise god father we thank you for this brother that's come we thank you that he will leave here knowing that he has received what it is that he needs from you and we thank you for our prayer partner that will will minister to him accurately and effectively in jesus name amen praise the lord and for this gentleman here god we are so grateful for your love for him and for letting us be a part of what you're doing in his life we're here today and that's why he's here today so thank you for allowing us to be with uh a part of what you're doing in his life thank you for the prayer partner minister ministering to him accurately and effectively in jesus name hallelujah praise god please turn right around there's a prayer partner yeah please go with him yeah hallelujah praise god thank you lord [Music] hallelujah thank you lord jesus and i also do want to mention as we were ministering earlier and god was touching people people's bodies and healing you know if you were watching via live stream and you received a manifestation of healing in your body and you want to testify you're not here but you want to testify you want to share about it you can call that same number 704-525-8638 and somebody will take your appraised report and let us know about it okay so god bless you enjoy the word praise god come on let's give god praise let's stand to our feet and give god some praise hallelujah all of heaven all of heaven rejoices and we rejoice with heaven this morning hallelujah all of heaven rejoices over one sinner and we rejoice our god [Applause] hallelujah thank you lord father we love you we appreciate you so much guide us in the truth today open up our eyes that we might see in our ears that we might hear let the holy spirit receive of jesus and share it with us personally as well as corporately we thank you for your anointing your word is anointed i thank you for your anointing within and upon me enabling me to minister your word and to do so accurately and for it all i'll be careful to give you all the praise and the honor of the glory be glorified continuously in this place today thank you for what you've done what you are doing and what you will do and we coven it with you to give you all of the praise the honor and the glory as you're the only one worthy of it i humble myself under your mighty hand i humble myself in your sight i am what i am by the grace of god without you i could do nothing jesus is divine i'm the branch god i draw my life from him is only in him that we can do things god and we thank you now for the supply of the holy spirit for this moment this hour in jesus name amen amen well tell your neighbor don't go to sleep today i'm talking about in church you can go home and sleep as long as you want to but we're talking about in church this morning dave wallace where are you you have my heart love prayers and condolences i mean that yeah and of course all of the family okay have our prayers love and condolences her his brother and their brother was a pastor how many years was he pastoring dave over 30 years over 30 years okay 79 years of age we thank god for long life amen dave's sister rose wallace a pastor in iowa just went through some transitioning with her church and if i remember correctly she joined our church online yeah she's a member of victory all the way in iowa shout out about that somebody yeah so all of your family have our love prayers condolences and support okay i mean that so much uh today i want to present a and submit a topic to you to help us reflect assess and evaluate our walk and commitment to god i hope you got that i want to present and submit a topic to you today that will help us reflect assess and evaluate our walk and our what commitment to god we're in the kingdom for such a time as this and sucking and jiving has to be over with so we need to evaluate and assess and reflect on our commitment to god and our walk with god because god's not playing games and we can't be playing games so we're going to talk about some things today uh i i will blend this particular topic with an old message i taught years ago before my grandchildren were born and some of you were part of this church and before some of you were born that message was called and it's called to what extreme would you go i taught that probably 30 years ago maybe longer than that i may have first taught that at faith church or maybe when we first went to wagner hall or something like that that holiday inn and whatever oh let me get this out the way um nobody had pity parties when duke lost last night get that out the way we didn't have pity parties all week anyway right remember we talked about that last week there's a member of the church i won't call his name but he's a twin and they work the camera [Applause] and he texted me last night and said what about those tar heels now he lost my number the first go round when duke won i didn't get a text i don't know how he found my number last night what about those tar heels i saw the first half of the game but then i got a phone call i had to go minister to somebody and so i didn't see the second half at all but um i did look on my phone later and saw that the tar heels won and i'm so happy for all of your tar heel fans and i mean that sincerely because i enjoy watching duke play but i'm not really a duke fan anymore i i stopped being a duke fan a few years ago when they sided up with the lgbtq community and the homosexual things when the ncaa went south you know and coach k and others took their stance i was done with duke i enjoy their their basketball team they have some great players on that team but anyway that's out the way now right let's get to the word of god my son my son where is he at over there oh no where are you at okay now the title of our lesson today and remember i'm going to weave in an old message to what extreme will we will you go how many heard me teach that before to what extreme will you go so you see if you look around there's only about 25 hands raised here um so it'll be new for many of you and i'm only going to extract certain things out of that out of that lesson but our our lesson today is called can the world indict the church can the world indict the church i said we're in the kingdom for such a time as this can the world indict you indict me indict us here at victory christian center now let's get the definition out of the way what does indict mean we know but let me just give it to you it means to formerly accuse of or charge with a serious crime to formally accuse of can the world formally accuse us the body christ of or charge us with a serious crime now what would be the crime or crimes what would be the charge or charges now i'm going to give you five of them right here number one for not demonstrating soul commitment to god can the world take us to court you know use your imagination your honor i charge him robin gould with the crime of not being solely committed to the god that he says he loves your honor he walks about talking how he loves jesus but when i watch him in his everyday life when i've seen him interacting with his family when i've listened to certain things he said i charge him he's indicted your honor number two not dedicated to god's righteous standards can we be indicted for not being dedicated to god's righteous standards you know how we want to compromise it can they take us to court minister ivy and say i've watched them compromise god's rights and standards no i'm not saved but all of us know what's god and what's not god i'm talking about the unbeliever talking to the judge your honor i'm not saved your honor i don't i don't i don't claim the name of jesus if i if i were to die right now and if it's all real i'm going to hell but i know what is of god and was not of god and i i bring a charge against him that he's professing christ but yet he is compromising god's righteous standards he's doing what we do she's doing what we do they go where we go number three not caring for god's honor not caring about his will on earth do you know that with my life minister alan and your life we're to honor jesus he's to be glorified in every area of our lives he's to be honored paul put it this way he says in colossians chapter 1 that jesus is to have the preeminence that's the first place he's to have the first place in our lives that everything we do we have to ask what would the first place guy do would this please him so could we be indicted because we are not promoting no no go back to number three will we be indicted because please put number three on the screen let me go to my notes will we be indicted because we're not caring for his honor that we don't really think about how he might feel about things that we do say places that we go that we're not really concerned that it is literally honoring him that somebody can say wow that person's different i don't know what it is but he's different she's different and then a little later they find out you're a christian and so you're honoring jesus come on talk to me and number four could we be indicted for not promoting his kingdom this gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world then shall the end come are we promoting the kingdom and telling people that jesus loves them that jesus died on the cross for them that god raised him up from the dead and one day he's coming back again and he's going to reign on earth and listen to me now and jesus loves you and jesus died not die but he can heal you and deliver you and set you free are we promoting his kingdom do you know if we're not promoting his kingdom we're promoting the other kingdom and remember we've been delivered from the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of god's dear son but if i'm not promoting that then i am promoting the other kingdom can i be indicted can i be charged before the judge i charge him judge hear my case he's walking around talking jesus and has this bible every now and then and separates himself at lunch and reads the bible but you know what your honor when all that's said and done he doesn't promote the kingdom number five can we be indicted on the basis of not exemplifying a personal say personal a personal attachment of allegiance personal attachment of allegiance and loyalty to god can we be indicted because we're not showing demonstrating exemplifying a personal attachment of allegiance i have an allegiance to jesus and everybody can see this personal attachment you can't pull him away from his allegiance to jesus you can't pull her away it doesn't matter you cannot entice her or him with that he or she is so much a chance to jesus they have such an allegiance until they'll tell you go without me calm me out so can we be indicted because we're not demonstrating that attachment that allegiance to jesus i said earlier we're in the kingdom for such a time as this we are his feet we're his hands where his mouth are you hearing me the bible says we are his body the fullness of all where is fullness in the earth you read that before right put on the screen ephesians chapter 1. go down to the last part of the chapter there it doesn't matter to me where you start verse 19 20 but let's just get that what that's verse 19. it says and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power this was paul praying that he wants us to have a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of jesus and then that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened that we might know what the hope what the hope of his calling is and what the riches of his inheritance is in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power and what does that exceeding greatness look like well he says which he worked in christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places let's go on keep reading please far above all principality far above all he set him down far above all at his right hand far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named shout out about that somebody cancer is a name it bows to the name of jesus poverty is a name lack is a name fear is a name suicide is a name it bows to the name of jesus far above all principality power might and dominion every name that is named not only in this world but also in the world that is to come now notice what it says here and he put all things say all things under jesus feet so everything is under jesus feet that's where the devil is if you want to take a look at him it's under your feet because you're in christ and he put all things under his feet and gave jesus to be head over all things to the church notice now which is his body next verse which is his body and that body is the fullness of him so every one of us and all the believers on planet earth we make up the fullness of jesus christ everything jesus is is in us and listen to me that syrophenician woman said even the dogs eat the crumbs so i don't care how much of and listen i'm going a little different route because you should know the word better but i saw i'm kind of putting this out here just for teaching so it doesn't matter how much of the fullness of him you are it's enough [Music] it's enough to handle every situation it's enough to say the head and not the tail to stay above only and not beneath it's enough to drive satan out of your life sickness out of your life disease out of your life everything that's not of god out of your life so so can we be indicted because we're not exemplifying a personal attachment of allegiance and loyalty to him if you're not loyal and i'm not lord to jesus i'm loyal to somebody else i'm loyal to something else if my allegiance is not to god it's to somebody else it's just something else he doesn't handle that well i said god doesn't handle that well when he shed his blood for you he shed his blood for me he shed his blood for us and he's coming back again for us he doesn't handle that well when he's at work in us both the will and the dew of his good pleasure are you hearing jesus can the world indict the church of those five charges five crimes now what does extreme mean because remember i'm dove telling and interjecting part of that old message to what extreme would you go extreme means reaching a high or the highest degree don't you want to reach the highest degree of being a christian i know that we can live a thousand lives and still keep growing in him but i'm talking about you know you keep going from glory to glory and you know there's a change in your life and your thinking your attitude your perspective your mindset your approach to things you're reaching a high degree the highest degree and i like that man you know in acts chapter 11 the bible says in the 26th verse they were first called christians in antioch they had reached a degree where people said that's a christian they're christians you can look at how they live you can look at how they love each other you can look at how they treat each other you can look at what they do and don't do those are christians they remind you of jesus see they remind you of jesus that's what we have to make sure that we are doing that we are reminding people of jesus that we cannot be indicted and locked up it means now in acts chapter 4 verse 13 they said that when they perceive that these were ignorant and unlearned men talking about peter and james and john the religious people when they perceived or it says when they saw the boldness of peter and john and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men they marveled and noticed and they realized they had been with jesus don't you want to be with jesus until people marvel and they have to conclude this woman walks with god this man knows god because everything we know of jesus we see activated in his life in her life we cannot charge him with a crime am i making sense it means not usual extreme not usual don't you aren't you tired of being usual common usual that's what people usually do aren't you tired of being in that cluster that's what people usually do the bible says in titus chapter 2 verse 14 you can put it on the screen and it says the same thing pretty much in first peter 2 9 but put that on the screen it says who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless deed notice why he gave himself that he might redeem us from every lawless deed we don't have to keep breaking the law i'm talking about the will of god that he might redeem us from every lawless deed the bible says and purify for himself his own special people special people i think the king james says peculiar people zealous for good works say i'm not usual and look at it in first peter chapter 2 the bible says here in the ninth verse it says in first peter 2 9 they'll get over there but you are a chosen generation say i am i mean say it like a question i am it's just like gideon hey you're a mighty man of valor i am yes you are you are a chosen generation god chose you shout about that somebody you are selected and accepted in the beloved your chosen generation you're a royal priesthood you are a holy nation shout out about it somebody oh i can't go dancing tonight i can't go dancing tomorrow night i'm a holy a holy a holy nation no i can't do drugs with you i don't do that anymore i've been saved sanctified and filled with the holy ghost i'm a chosen generation a royal priesthood i am a holy nation don't be bringing that pornography over here no no no no no no you're not going to charge me you're not going to indict me i'm chosen i'm royal royal your highness your majesty all the men stand up now what should they be called kings hey you kings hallelujah and priests unto almighty god oh your highness your majesty you are somebody different you're in the world but you're not of the world so come out from among them you're here for such a time you may be seated i know you ladies want to stand up you ladies go ahead ah you ladies stand up just mama standing up your royalty ladies hallelujah i said your royalty ladies [Applause] you can't be walking around wearing a skirt that you can't even pull down when you sit down you're royalty that's not your class that's not who you are you're in a whole different category you were once that way but the holy ghost got ahold of you the blood of jesus got a hold of you and now you are royalty you dress dignified you walk dignified you talk dignified you're a different breed now come on shout out about that somebody [Applause] you may be seated you're in the kingdom for such a time as this no more games [Music] his own special people that you may proclaim notice you're here to do something don't get indicted don't get charged proclaim the praises of him proclaim it who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light let's praise him for that light that marvelous light glory to god glory to god he called us out of darkness [Music] so don't go looking for it don't go searching for it he called you out of it let's look at first kings chapter 18 because i want to show you that god can be considered an extremist and remember what extreme will you go first kings chapter 18. many of us should know the account and we'll give you something to write down and we'll read verse 21. can't read the whole account here verse 20 says so ahab sit for all the children of israel and gather their prophets together on mount carmel because see he's talking to elijah and he says to elijah oh you're the one that troubles israel he says no i'm not the one that troubles israel king ahab you're the one that troubles israel and then they like to say call for all the prophets of baal let's gather them on mark carmel and elijah came to all the people and said how long will you falter or halt between two opinions if the lord is god do what reminds me of what they were singing today who's on the lord's side if the lord is god follow him but if baal is god follow him but the people answered him not a word and then elijah says you know what let's let's put the gods to a test let's build an altar sacrifice unless the god that answers by fire let him be god you know the story he says you guys go first you call on the name of your gods and i'll call on the name of the lord and that's isn't that a beautiful distinction you call on your gods i'll call on the name of the lord amen jehovah lord that's what jehovah means lord yes god says moses i have not shown my nation my people that i'm lord they've only known me as as el shaddai but they're going to know me as lord now because i'm going to show pharaoh who i am i'm lord over all of his gods i'm lord of everything do you know that our lord is greater than anything you're facing bigger than anything you're facing and he'll show the devil exactly who he is father thank you for showing the enemy exactly who you are to us oh god you are the lord the god of all flesh nothing is too difficult for you praise you we exhaust you as lord oh we call you lord over our spirit soul body we call you lord over every area of our lives we thank you for showing the enemy exactly who you are in the name of jesus so they went first and they started crying out to bail and bail couldn't answer and he lied to start mocking them you know and i can't for time say go into every little detail of it finally elijah says okay my turn guys because your god is either sleeping you can't hear he's traveling you know whatever it is so it's my turn and so he had the the altar re built constructed as it were and then and then i want to read a little bit here in verse 32 then with the stones he built an altar in the name of the lord whatever you do will you do it in the name of the lord in that what isn't that what the holy ghost teaches us through paul right in the book of colossians whatever you do in word or indeed do it all in the name of the lord help me lord help me lord to do that everything i do everything i say let me do it let me say it in the name of the lord let me honor him let me show my allegiance let me not be put in prison because i've been charged indicted and so the bible says here then with the stones he built an altar in the name of the lord and he made a trench around the altar large enough to hold two seals of seed and he put the wood in order he cut the bowl in pieces and laid it on the wood and said now fill four water pots with water and pour it on the burnt sacrifice and on the wood isn't that amazing you pour water on the sacrifice and the god that answers by fire doesn't water and fire don't they contradict one another it depends on who god you serve we got an awesome god [Music] god made water god made fire god handles all of that and then he said he said okay you did it once now do it again pour more water on the sacrifice oh okay you did it again oh do it a third time and they did it a third time so the water ran all around the altar and he also filled the trench with water isn't that something and it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice that elijah the prophet came near and said lord god of abraham isaac and jacob israel let it be known this day that you are god in israel and i am your servant and that i have done all these things at your words hear me o lord hear me that this people may know that this people may know that's why god wants to use you so that people can know that he's the lord god you're in the kingdom for such a time as this so he can use you to let people know that he's the lord god not that you're somebody but that he's everything hear me o lord hear me that this people may know that you are the lord god and that you have turned notice and that you have turned their hearts back to you again man how god wants your hearts back to him he doesn't want you indicted he wants your hearts turned back to him nothing in this world should have your heart if it does he says oh i want to show you i'm god and hopefully that'll help you turn your heart back towards me this is one of the purposes of this great miracle god wanted his people to turn their hearts back to him and that i have done all these things at your word hear me verse 37 it says hear me o lord hear me that this people may know that you are the lord god and that you have turned their hearts back to you again then the fire hallelujah then the fire of the lord fell notice now you got you got to catch it let's read it together and consume the burnt sacrament up stop stop the god that answers by fire that consumes the sacrifice with fire he is the god but notice now he says in verse 38 then the fire of the lord fell come on let's read together and consume the burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the dust and it licked up the water that was in the trench shout out about that somebody [Applause] look at that extreme isn't that extreme that wasn't a part of the proposition just to god that answers by fire but god licked up the water the dust everything around it are you hearing this because our god goes to an extreme what extreme will you go for god now when all the people saw they fell on their faces they said the lord he is god the lord he is god say it out loud the lord he is god say it again the lord he is god say it like you mean it the lord he is god shout about that somebody [Applause] i want you to write down a few things here see the people had a divided heart they were guilty of a divided heart here in first kings 18 they were guilty of a divided heart they tried to serve two masters you know like some of you christians i'll go over here it'd be all right you know i i know what i'm doing right from wrong and and whatever and but but at the same time it's like well i really shouldn't be over here but you know and god i love you i praise you i do you can't serve two masters jesus said you'll love the one and hate the other or you'll despise the one and cling to the others but you cannot serve two masters that's why elijah said why are you between two opinions you can't serve both who's on the lord's side say i am write this down elijah's moral and self i'm sorry elijah's moral and spiritual sensitivity was outraged at the defection it shouldn't say deflection defection how they had defected from the living god his spiritual sensitivity was at outrage at the defection of israel from their redeemer see and does doesn't it bother you when you see christians defect from god amen does it on the inside of you it's like ah why did he go back into the world why is he shacking up why is he in the clubs why is he in church anymore see elijah his moral and spiritual sensitivity got outraged why heart ye between two opinions if god is god let's serve him if baal then let's serve him but stop trying to serve both and some of you in this house and watching you're trying to serve both you're trying to be in the world but not so close to the edge and still be in the church doesn't work i'm going to tell you this it never worked but i'm going to tell you this now it's not going to work anymore period you're not going to get away with it anymore i can't you can't we can't are you here they they defected from their redeemer the one who loved them and please let's not defect from our redeemer how many know i know that my redeemer lives hallelujah let's stay with him let's serve him let's please him let's honor him let's show our allegiance to him now write this down the world could stand up and indict us on the charge notice now on the charge that they the world are more willing to show commitment to their convictions than the church is to theirs i indict him because we the unsaved the world the lost we're more willing to stand up for our convictions than they are to stand up for theirs and boy i tell you what generally speaking that's the god's truth the world stands up for their convictions more quickly and strongly and readily than the church stands up for theirs now you know that game last night was preceded by six weeks of college students living in a tent for six weeks in the cold night so they can get into the game six weeks see they were going to an extreme it was their conviction i got to be at their last coach coach k's game and i will camp out in my little tent for six weeks they showed it on television several weeks ago they talked about it last night that many of these students were in whatever coach kv or whatever in a tent for six weeks all day all night going to an extreme for their convictions isn't that amazing it's actually crazy but the world will do that why would a christian do that why would basketball mean that much to a christian you're gonna sleep in a tent for six solid weeks cold weather and coach k don't even know you he doesn't know your name we're not the world oh you need to come on and you need to sign up too and get you a tent and stay in there for six weeks everybody's doing it we're all doing that not me basketball doesn't mean that much to me now if you're talking about jesus gonna be there in six weeks i'll i'll camp out i'll camp out for a year basketball and then do you know the cost of the tickets the cheapest tickets were 3 400 or so the the average the the mid-range the the average seats you know were twice that much 6 800 or more there were some seats that sold for 50 thousand dollars they're willing to go to that extreme see they'll have their convictions i'll do anything to do what i want to do and to enjoy what i like and and to represent what i'm into you follow what i'm saying here people that had season tickets to the gym some of them were called and if they had a a seat right behind the bench and behind coach k they could sell their ticket for over a hundred thousand dollars that's laughable that's exactly right but what are we saying we're saying can we be charged with the fact that they stand up for their lifestyle and convictions and and they go to the extreme for what they do and what they like more than what we do as a christian you understand what i'm saying now this this is not uh what people will like to hear but i'm gonna throw it out here anyway to you you know the uh the pandemic you remember the plan dammit big tech mainstream media the cdc big farmer world health organization hospitals doctors fouchy sorrows all these people they were committed to band together to control our lives and they did it for two years for some of us two whole years but they were standing up and going to an extreme for what they wanted to accomplish and they banded together you say something that that isn't in line with their rhetoric big tech is going to censor you you can only hear what they want you to hear mainstream media only putting out what they want you to know fosgree only putting out what they want you to know world health organization only putting out what they want you to know doctors not treating patients according to what they're supposed to only giving them what factual cdc and everybody else wants them to have they stood up for what they believed and what i'm saying is can we be indicted that they stand up for what they believe more than what than what we do i'm also saying this they fed us lies for two years and many of us bought right into it and they banded together see they banded together we have to make sure that we band together for what we believe amen somebody what about the gender fluidity what about trans genderism what about critical race theory they're standing up all over america and all over the world for these topics here standing up together for what they believe going to an extreme department of justice calling parents domestic terrorists because they go to school board meetings and say no you can't teach that to my child bandit together standing up going to an extreme for their convictions can they indict us because we don't stand up for ours should they be standing up more for theirs than we do for ours and we got the real cause to stand so we're talking about can the world indict the church and to what extreme will we go terry my as i was reading his letter the other day and he said years and years and years ago towards the end of one of his open-air crusades in india that an old grandfather came up to him with some of his family members and and others in the in the extended family and told terry mize we we've heard you're preaching all week and we believe what you said and we believe in jesus and now we want you to help us to get saved we believe you know in being born again we want to be saved and so he talked to them got them all saved now listen this is what i want you to get the last part now that we have become christians this is the old man talking to terry myers now that we me my family all of us we've become christians tell us what christians do and we'll do it if everybody in the body of christ was just like that now that i got saved tell me what i should do and i'll do it amen amen did you get that statement there how profound that statement is now that we're christians tell us what christians do and we'll do it you know what the problem is we know what christians do and we don't do it we know what christians don't do and we do it you're going to jail god give us that heart tell us what christians do just tell us we'll do it doesn't matter what it is it doesn't matter what we think how we feel if you tell us this is the life of a christian that's what we will do because we've accepted jesus christ as our lord and savior and when we have that commitment guess what jesus will work in us allowing us to accomplish everything that christians do amen getting anything out of this today amen you can write this down we must come to the point of giving god absolute submission that's a heart attitude there submission is in the heart if you're not and i'm not submitting to god's word and god's will i have a heart issue i have a heart issue you can call it whatever you want to call it the real deal is you have a heart problem so we have to come to the point of giving god absolute submission our heart's attitude and then we give him absolute obedience that's our outward actions he wants both and if the first is not there he won't get the second the former must be in place for the latter to become a reality our hearts must be submitted to god lift your hands up to jesus ask him to adjust anything in your heart that's keeping you from being totally submitted go ahead you talk to god anything in our hearts that's keeping us from being totally submitted god get it out of us [Music] remove it from us that our outward acts might demonstrate our obedience we thank you for it jesus mighty name i don't know if it was alexander the great i don't know if it was hitler i don't know if it was stalin but it was a long time ago great international leader when i say great because of what they accomplished even though it was wrong or bad they were still considered you know a wicked leader a great wicked leader or whatever it might be stalin and and and hitler and alexander the great you know he wanted to conquer the known world right but whomever it was said something like this we'll definitely conquer the world because see your people are taught to give only ten 10 my people are taught to give everything 10 is the tithe but god wants everything about you he wants everything everything he doesn't want a part of you he wants all of you he doesn't want what you you know decide to give him you've been bought with a price he you're his he wants everything everything he wants your time when he puts demands on it oh but i was getting ready to do this he wants your time when he puts demands on it he wants your money outside of your 10 when he put demands on it he wants everything oh god help us to give you everything in the name of jesus i'm almost done standing your feet and almost done i've only been going 53 minutes back in the day i used to go an hour and a half and two hours sometimes two hours you can be seated what's our topic today can the world indict us indict the church so the question is can we be found guilty can you be found guilty can i be found guilty of any of the charges the question is to what extreme will you go jesus went to an extreme just like his father did for elijah he multiplied bread and fish and the bible says they ate until they were full and there were some left over and they took up 12 baskets full etc depending on if it's 5 000 4 000 that was being fed but he didn't have to do that can you imagine 5 000 besides the women of children and children eating until they're full can you see that multiplication like that and then they they're satisfied they're full and then there's some left what an awesome god we have he always does exceedingly abundantly god always gives you more thank you always gives you more and we ought to give him more in jesus name the hebrew boys they they went to an extreme for god you believe that those four hebrew boys daniel measure stratego before they became leaders they told the man they said listen we don't eat that food let's just put us to a test i mean they were putting their lives in jeopardy and putting the the ruler of those guys in jeopardy he even said man i don't know if i can do this or not because the king said you to eat this kind of food and you're asking me to to go against the king just ten days however long let's do that see but they they were willing to go to an extreme for god you know what you know who i really commend for that the parents yes the parents of miesha sadrack or bendigo the parents of daniel did an outstanding job of letting their child and children know you're different you don't bow your need to anything that's not god are you hearing what i'm saying oh that we would have a generation coming up like that you don't bow you need anything that's not of god you don't go along with anything that's not of god i don't care if everybody does it you don't do it because of who you are so you have them and you know the other stories about them you know they were going to an extreme they could have been thrown into the lion's den you know all these stories i'm talking about to the burning uh furnace and then daniel to the lion's den but they were going to an extreme and so many other things like that you know i wrote down acts chapter 9 26 and 27 where barnabas was helping saul to be accepted into the church how many of you would go through an extreme like that where where somebody's converted but he was known for persecuting the church killing christians as it were and and and the church weren't accepting how many of you would stand up for somebody like that see or you'd be so concerned about your own reputation your own image you know but not barnabas and then you have in acts chapter nine the story of of disciples letting saw down in a basket at night because people had promised to kill him how many of you have put your life on the line for somebody else how many of you have put your finances on the line for somebody else there's been different times where people have called me for different personal reasons and and and wanted to see if there's any way that i could help or knew somebody that could help and there's not a whole lot of people i could just in my mind think of that if it's over five hundred dollars if it's over a thousand dollars if it's over five thousand dollars they would put their money on a line for a brother well i think we need to grow up in some areas jesus went to an extreme in john 17 19 i'm gonna let you go in about three five seven ten twenty minutes in john 17 19 jesus said put on the screen please and for their sakes i sanctify myself see that's going to an extreme jesus was conscious of who he was and his purpose and his mission and his assignment and so every day he has to say you know what man for their sakes i got to sanctify myself i can't afford to give in i can't afford to yield i can't afford to compromise for their sakes i got to get to that cross i got to spoil principals and powers i got to get back to my father for their sakes are you hearing what i'm saying will you sanctify yourself for somebody that's a question really that's a plea that's a begging will you please sanctify yourself for somebody else they can get to heaven because they watch your life and they know what it means to be a christian through your life because they didn't see compromising they didn't see you know just corruption and things like that write this down are we really doing what we can for god are we are we really are we really doing what we can for god mark 14 8. put that on the screen please this is where the woman had the perfume and poured it on jesus feet and head and all that kind of stuff and the disciples went went ballistic as it were and got all upset ah this this this expensive perfume it could have been sold for so much money and the money given to the poor it just says wait a minute the poor you always have with you you can give to the poor anytime you want to but you don't have me always and then listen verse 8 she has done what she could so many of you sitting here you haven't done what you could for this church you haven't done what you could for the kingdom of god but she has done what she could come on don't get quiet on me now she has done what she could to what extreme will you go will you be indicted because you're not living up to the standards of being a christian not doing what you can do and should do well you know what when it's first i've been with the church 20 years and and i was involved in so much 20 years ago well you were breathing 20 years ago too and you're still breathing today because of god and listen to me now he expects us to serve him until you go to heaven there's no retiring from the kingdom of god there's no retiring from the service of god let somebody else do it are you saying that to god she did what she could and we ought to do the same now you're not going to like what i'm going to say now dr sumrall said these words he says we make a will and we make it wrong he says because we leave nothing for the church we leave nothing to advance the kingdom of god you make your little will out and you make it wrong because you don't think about anything except he said these words except your son or daughter is not born again serving the devil and you leave him everything to them instead of giving something to god you know who he was saying can you be indicted for not showing your allegiance to god even in your will you know what he's saying to what extreme will you go will you leave something for the kingdom of god after you've left this earth or is everything going to family members and people that are not even close to serving god are you hearing what i'm saying to you today well i told you you wouldn't like it let's conclude with the following scriptures all right you see all those scriptures go ahead and take a picture of them write them down because i hope at some point in time you'll read them and go over them but these are our concluding conclusion scriptures colossians 3 verses 1 through 4 could you please put that on the screen in the amplified bible amplified rendering i should have told you that ahead of time i apologize to you if then you have been raised with christ anybody been raised with christ to what kind of a life what kind of a life you've been raised with christ to a new life right that old stuff over with if then you have been raised with christ to a new life thus sharing his resurrection from the dead aim at and seek the rich eternal treasures that are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god keep reading please and set your minds and keep them set on what is above the higher things not on the things that are on this earth let's read please for as far as this world is concerned you have died and your new real life is hidden with christ in god verse 4 when christ who is our life appears then you also will appear with him in the splendor of his glory shout about that somebody and then you know matthew 6 33 put all those scriptures back up please you know matthew 6 33 but seek ye the kingdom of god and his and all these things and then you know luke 9 62 even though it may not be familiar to you to you as far as the scripture verse but you know it where it says no man having put his hand to the plow looking back is fit for the kingdom of god don't you want to stay fit for the kingdom well you cannot look back and you cannot go back in jesus mighty name and then first john 2 15-17 you know those scriptures love not the world neither the things that are in the world for if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him for all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life and it says those things are passed away isn't that right you can't love the world the devil is the prince of the power the air he wants you to get sucked into his domain sucked up into his his rule you can't do that man you can't let any clothing suck you in any entertainment suck you in any athletics suck you in any movie suck you in come on talk to me any music suck you in man this morning i was back in the back and this secular song came to my head from way back in the day remember last week i said your mind our minds are tricky our minds are something this secular song you know i'm like then the word starts trying to come out of my mouth i stop i say loose me devil in the name of jesus get out of here in jesus mighty name that's not who i am right there in the office i said that and he left for five minutes look at those words again in my mind i had to do the same thing same thing go jesus mighty name here i am a sunday morning sunday morning get ready to come in here and teach and i'm singing a secular song wasn't seen it but you get my point right no you go i said father in the name of jesus i'm starting to pray in tongues right now it's a new life church it's a new life i said it's a new life and everything in the world is trying to pull you into its life and that is not your life jesus mighty name and then you know romans 12 1-2 right i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies what a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god with your reasonable service and don't be what conform to this world will be transformed by the renewing of your mind mark 12 28-30 you can put that on the screen but jesus says you you're to love you the lord your god with all of your heart your mind your soul your strength with everything that's on the inside of you love god not the world love god go ahead go to the next verse the first of all the commandments is hero israel the lord our god the lord is one next verse please loving with all your heart soul mind strength this is the first commandment that that's taken right out of deuteronomy chapter 6 in case you didn't know that then if you go on and read in deuteronomy chapter 6 he goes on to say and teach your children teach your children these things amen somebody and then you know revelation 2 verses 4 and 5 you know it but you just don't recognize it off the top so put on the screen please revelations 2 verse 4 and 5. nevertheless i have this against you that you have left your first love remember therefore for where you have fallen repent and do the first works or else i will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent there's some repentance that needs to be done because some of us we've left our first love i appreciated minister smith several wednesday nights ago however long it was spent and he's got up here talking about he says i'm trying to get back to my first love you remember that he says i'm working on getting back he admitted i got away from my first love working on getting back where i love god with everything that's on the inside of me that nothing is more important than my relationship with god nothing is more important than walking with god intimately he says i got somewhat against you you've left your first love you know how you were when you first got saved feel the holy ghost got turned on to the word of god you know how you were and now you don't have that same zeal or excitement and then you say well that comes with time i've matured no you haven't matured you're dried up that's no maturing you ought to have more excitement now paul said i want to know him part of his resurrection there's more of god to know and then the last scripture philippians chapter 2. put that on the screen please once i get over there i believe it's the 15th verse we referenced it the other night wednesday night can the world indict you i hope all of our answer would be no the bible says in verse 16 we're supposed i said that we're in the kingdom for such a time as this we're supposed to be holding fast the word of life verse 15. it says that you may become blameless and harmless children of god without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation notice without fault you can't be charged you can't be indicted in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom we're to do what shine shine as what lights in the world holding fast the word of life holding fast the word of life we're in this in the kingdom for such a time as this to shine in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation and we're to hold forth and hold fast the word of life so that people can know who we are and we can't be indicted amen stand to our feet get anything out of this today can the world indict you that's the individual question that you have to ask yourself i'll put it differently can you indict yourself because some things you do in secret and others don't even know about can you indict or charge yourself well what do i want to do i want us to pray for any of you that believe that you have drifted away some and you want to get back to your first love i want you to come on down to the front it's none of our business and what area you may have drifted away from but if you need prayer to get back to your first love please come down to the front at this time and just stand on the light-colored carpet we're waiting on you nothing to be ashamed of embarrassed about or anything like that return to your first love you know your first love when it first happened to you you wouldn't miss church for anything i mean you wouldn't miss church for anything and now you'll miss church almost at a heartbeat i mean any any little reason it's almost like yeah well i'm not going this morning that wouldn't have been how you've acted or how you acted years ago when you first got saved let me have ministers please pray for these men and these women [Music] god we thank you that you forgive us of all our sins and you cleanse us from all unrighteousness and your word says in romans 8 who can bring anything against god's elect who can bring accusations you won't allow the devil to do that father you love us and nothing separates us from your love thank you for this time of repentance thank you for this time of saying i'm coming back and i want your help father to get me back to my first love in the name of jesus [Music] so you ministers just go ahead and anoint them with oil get some oil [Music] pray over them [Music] assure them that god loves them or assure them that they are forgiven assure them that god's not holding anything against them ministers i hope you're listening assure them that they are forgiven assure them that god loves them assure them that god's not holding anything against them assure them that at this moment it begins the spirit of god on the inside of them begins to draw them back to jesus and honors their desire you guys can go ahead and pray now and those of you that are watching my live stream [Music] i want to pray for you [Music] god loves you we love you and if you're reaching out to return to your first love just know please god's not holding anything against you as far as the east is from the west he removes our sins from ourselves and he's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness he loves you i want to assure you that he loves you he forgives you he's not holding anything against you and he honors your cry to return to your first love so father in the name of jesus bless them oh let the holy spirit of god do a work on the inside of them god that begins right now right now that brings a change that brings a difference god that brings joy in their lives again oh god that brings peace god it brings a lifestyle change we ask that in the name of jesus and we thank you for it hallelujah amen and those of you that are watching about live stream if you need to give your life to christ or rededicate your life to god or be filled with the holy spirit or you desire to become a part of victory christian center i want you to call the number on the screen 704-525-8638 someone is ready to answer that call and talk with you about a relationship with jesus about being filled with the holy spirit about rededicating your life to god and if you want to join this church about how you can make that happen but know that god loves you we love you and the greatest thing you can do for yourself and for your family for everybody is to live for jesus christ call that number 704-525-8638 thank you for being a part of our service this morning now afternoon tonight at seven o'clock we'll be live streaming again mr school will be sharing the word of god again thank you for being with us [Music] you
Channel: VCC Charlotte
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Length: 147min 13sec (8833 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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