[Music] that would make me want to go anywhere else to just sit back listen to some music definitely recommend this Clinic yeah definitely [Music] [Music] what's up bro what's up man I need I need help I don't have anyone you know always I have to come to you to help me especially sh for this one you know I'm taking serious bodybuilding I want to help me pick what the hell is this man you sure it's a posing trunk so I want to I want to practicing the posing I need I need the trunk which one this one or this one blue come on red get the hell out of here man I have an idea what's up how about yours my trunks have you saved anyone they wouldn't fit you man come on man they wouldn't fit you was dieted down I was in shape I was shredded you too big man seriously I'm getting shredded don't worry bro help me help you with what to find the thong Stone the thong store yes get out of here man I'm not going with you it [Music] is [Music] what's up everyone and welcome to this week's Generation Iron podcast your host me Victor Martinez essan farahi Vlad Udin and Edward Mahia let's get this started get it cracking what are the topics first we're going to start off with the question of the day I picked a good one today Vic huh yes so Vic you picked a really good question today um thanks again and shout out to everybody who keeps tuning in with the questions we love the questions keep them coming in today's question of the day comes from Sully man z07 and it says Victor what do you recommend to recover faster from tight and sore muscles for a natural athlete like me what are your bodybuilding workouts um well for recovery you have so many options a lot of options I mean the simplest way obviously um getting deep tissue massage right I mean that's the simplest then supplementation you got vitamin C glutamine cold plunge I mean yeah cold plunge you have so many different variations to which way you can approach recovery and again you are natural so let's not name any other you know pharmaceutical drugs but um right now I think those are the best steps to actually you know help your recovery um for me my favorite has always been you know the massage deep tissue and obviously clo plunge like you said how about sauna um sauna is good to relax um but for recovering of itself especially if you know your legs are super sore and actually sets you up for better workout next time you go to the gym you know usually about 4,000 Mig vitamin C I know helps the glutamine the BCA amino acids yeah yeah that that helps a lot and of course there's so many other supplementation that can help you repair muscle tissue you know Argin or anything thing um but um I think those are the best ways to recover I mean anything you want to add that son I mean I think yeah I offer my clients opson salt in the bat that helps as well that's old school man yeah that's old school and is really old and you know it's not pill it's not powder it's not everyone just relaxing it helps just don't smoke them yeah that's it man just don't you know again the saw is not bad actually help smok absent salt people some people do yeah go crazy well that's the that's bath salt that's that you know Asian bath salt that I think the uh North Korean government is selling out of their freaking Labs that's it that's crazy and again stay away from that yeah stay away from that so what's gentleman's name let's give him the prize so yeah shout out to Sully m007 Sully man007 you are this week's winner you get your choice of carnivore muscle meds RTD or carnivore muscle meds beef protein let's get into the good stuff so what's the what's the big news of this week a lot of interesting news this week I think we should start off with um the controversy or I would say the rise of men's or male Wellness everybody seen this division this division know this athlete that came out of Brazil um obviously it wasn't an ifbb or an NPC sanction event they made it very clear right away the NPC made a statement that it's nothing to do not ifbb proleague right event or NPC whatsoever I mean I think the culprits are is the other whatever IB Elite the elite elite yeah I don't think it's an IB Elite show either but what is it we're going to show we're going to show one show is it just picture of this it's it's it's a man right um it's clearly a dude clearly a dude I don't know about a man but definitely a dude is it right was wearing definitely we don't know he's a man or again have you ever seen this division before Vic before have you you seen it in any popup show any shows you know any underground shows in the past that you might know of listen all I got to say is Brazil is a great country they they uh they brought out great things you know they got the samba they got the you know Carnival Neymar Pelle I mean you name it comes out of Brazil you know dominated UFC for so many years you know mix martial arts I think even Wellness Wellness started there women Women's Wellness yeah Women's Wellness and men's Wellness no no no no no no the bug stops there I would not let that slide in now no there is no in now come on Brazil come on guys you post you post a story a few days ago about this because you know why I posted a story because it's you were upset I was upset because I got caught man you know I was started feeling until I look up I'm like if it's happened oh [ __ ] no man I'm telling you 30 more seconds and I would have freaking woke up in a fetal position in the shower you know ashamed of myself for liking it a bit too much you know you guys set me up man that was just wrong man so it's a man and the bottom looks like a woman no no no no no no bottom the bottom part of the I it's it's the wellness is exactly the wellness position the how they standing right and how they look Wellness woman standing like a woman posing like a woman but it's still a man I still see a man all all no no no my point is all the pose and all static looks exactly like the wellness woman listen if you're locked up if you're locked up it's a woman bro listen I have more respect if they brought back men's fitness you know have more respect for that because it's actually like when they do like tricks on stage yeah yeah tricks flips tumble all Iran has a man Fitness but yeah no a lot of countri they're wearing the they're wearing the suit they have a different gy like a gymnastics yeah like a gymnastics kind of they have a gymnastic and they have a one uh one set comes with the yeah but I don't think I don't think that those that that division was removed because it wasn't it was for it just wasn't popular I think it wasn't popular just like man's Wellness imagine it becomes popular oh man and then suddenly NPC no no I don't think it could be happen in the future I mean not next year list as you guys say this in the same sentence as MPC I already see Steve and Jim Manion kind of like Over My Dead Body you know come on look look look look at look at the physic physic division when went when first here that's as close as we get so Vic as a capitalist you wouldn't have that at your show I I don't I if there's like if there's like 500 athletes just like want to sign up tomorrow like Hey listen there's some there's something you got to realize about loving the sport you know that you know you got to have certain limits to it I don't mind it's just uh you could be so you could be morally bankrupt and just be like you know what I just want to make money let me just have this the big question I think the approach and what I didn't like is just the the freaking Bikini Bottom what is that yeah that's what I was saying the bottom is like a like a bikini bottom no like like change the bottom or something you know you want to change the trunk people were saying it pink or pink or purple people were confusing in the picture with um the with the person in the picture with uh Alex Eubank wow really so the organizations you know all I see is they want to make more money yet even now women are getting paid nothing and right now you're going to take whatever little fans of women have so they could just pay attention to some guy who wants to you know look like a female and pose like a female but not be a female it's uh we getting I we're not there yet you know maybe later you know about a 100 years from now maybe you know I don't know but uh only one competitor from what I've seen I only seen one guy I mean I don't think I've seen anybody else is there going to be more was there a publicity stunt or something I don't understand what that was I think they just wanted to stir the pot yeah it looks like a actually a legit show I mean they wanted to stir the pot I think but hey you know it's Brazil's an interesting place and I I'm excited to go there I've been to Brazil before they have an amazing a lot of amazing shows there obviously shout out to muscle contest I don't shout Tamer yeah they I don't think they will ever put on a show like that but yeah I doubt it we will see yeah y'all like to see see that and I want to see Tamer giving out the first trophy what you do you know what I I like to see Victor what you do if you invite bersel in the bodybuilding show and middle of the show these those people these those guys walk on the stage are you are you left in the with a different bottom I mean most likely when I wear just different shorts I don't understand different botom different shorts right like yeah yeah just the bottom looking too much like female you know you're freaking what's your problem with bottom is it too small or color dude he going to have his freaking penis flying around the stage and it's family shows most of these bodybuilding shows are family shows you know what are you doing man at the end of the day I mean there's not enough duct tape to keep it down there you know it's called inclusion Vic you got to have inclusion in this country I know I know you know what I'm surprised that made it to the stage before you know a Special Olympics bodybuilding or some kind kind of you know they do have that now you know no no they don't par par Olympics Olympics but not body but not in bodybuilding yeah they just skip you know the Down syndrome and everybody else and they're going to go straight to men with freaking booties bigger than girls I mean again I mean I like seeing the the wellness it looks great it's beautiful it's nice you know to woman division yeah the wheelchair Division I think they should be has to grow the wheelchair division cuz yeah wheelchair has grown you know it's growing it still is you know and it's uh but uh the men's Wellness come on guys like like like find the angle to this like I don't get it I mean I know I know you have a client on the wheelchair ala in Germany yes yes is it difficult to working with the guy like alir wheelchair and normal guy is it difference no no he works hard he's driven he's hungry and I feed off of that that's what I feed off you know when I when you see that when you see him sticking carrying his meals you know no cheat unless you tell him I think it's great to see Ali Resa and and it's one of those things that I always want to keep doing but uh again he's passionate yeah but uh but the protocol is the same it doesn't matter protocol the same you know obviously no cardio different kind of cardio you know it's just uh you know right now it's just he's got to have his diet on point and that's how he gets ready for the stage and it's uh and again it's pleasing to do you know nice um The Wellness not to hate on you guys but uh you know not yet man come on Wellness just started how long ago not even what two years two years yeah not that long ago man give us a break man let us enjoy this for now man before you start bringing on your fallacies on a freaking tell teller minion uh post a story and clearly he said we don't have any new division we don't you said it right away yeah we don't want to add any division be clear yeah to be clear and again it has nothing to do with with gay has nothing to do with all all that it's just somebody clowning around that's exactly what you say the family comes to the show and kids come to the show all right let's support let's let's move I thought we all kind of you know Vic doesn't want to see it so let's let's move not yet maybe next not with those bottom no like I said 100 years from now we'll be ready so yeah I mean let's move on to better to more positive uh topics for Vic here uh so Vic the IB just announced that they are going to increase the prize money for men's open I think it was like $10,000 an increase in $10,000 um wow a whole 10 yes $10,000 entire 10 supposedly it's du to some partnership oh my God they got a partnership with two katum companies MIT 45 and Uprising extracts they do creatum I guess and they created a fund of $210,000 spread across 21 shows so specifically for men's open Division and they're going to raise so each of the shows whatever there was it goes up $10,000 what what categories men's open specific only men's open it's going to affect about 21 shows in the ifbb so that'll be an additional shows that are 15 I'm getting what 25 16,000 or no spread out for category it's 10 it's I think it's 10 show so basically there's 21 shows are going to 21 shows are going to get an additional $10,000 allocated to the men's open division it's pretty pretty good news now I mean it's not bad you know I mean that's enough to pay your taxes and what you win I guess well there you go you got it you know that's about it I mean I mean you don't want to celebrate it because we're not there yet we still not UFC we still not you know you think how much should be Mr Olympia price money it's 400,000 right now right I know I mean I mean Olympia is good that's where you should have been from the GetGo years ago you think 400 400 is enough of course not that's that's my question of course not what do you think it should be a million No it should be in the millions man in the millions millions yes compare how much they make and how much these companies are making I mean One supplement compan is worth at leaston athlet sacrificing man forget about how much company make it sacrifices there's no pension there's no understand comp if each supplement company puts in yes companies make a lot of money you have a lot of bodybuilders and you can't say Everyday People buying your stuff is really our industry that's buying their stuff you know so they make all this money they're worth you know the smallest company is worth $5 million the biggest company is at least in the $50 hundred million you know and and we advertise for them you have athletes promoting them across the board and you're going to tell me because they give you know 50 100 Grand we should be celebrating them hell no but this is where I feel like it's it's not like Jake wooder responsibility I feel like it should really be this company stepping up and everybody contributing like 100,000 here 100,000 there to bring it up to over a million dollars you know yes they should have you know a have a lot of expenses too how much is total price for Mr Olympia you know that 1.2 it's over definely over a million 1.2 Mr Olympia takes the bulk of it though Mr olymp I mean The Total Money basically I think it's 1 point something 1 point something million listen it's not enough money for the fitness for the wellness for the women's bodybuilding I mean women's physique there just not enough money and then the Imagine just two division man bodybuilding open and like before and Miss Olympia no I mean that's good but now you're you're taking money away from not having other categories so you can give it to just two so you don't want to leave anyone out you want to leave the categories there you just got to fess up more money you know they're making enough money and at the end of the day they give this money it's a write off for them it's a write off it's not like for the supplement company yeah yeah it's a write off for them so come on I'm not going to celebrate 200 measly th000 per year you know find out how much they're worth how how much they're making per year and I and now you see clearly that's some [ __ ] money I agree with you I guess on the next topic right no I'll crush him you know I could be nice you know that's cool C him whatever C them what is it's horrible anyways Ed it once is going people great people still take credit from these days oh yeah I mean wasn't it banned or something like that it's not banned it's just like not federally I mean I don't think it's approved but it's not like banned didn't you PST somebody that died about using that we D that they use too much of it well too much of anything you die yeah yeah but this is not a fixer supplement whatever it's not a gold is not a good mood no again you know well IB Pro made a made an announcement they were very happy so I don't know that's you know what it's better than Zer right ifbb Pro was the organization yeah yeah yeah they they took that deal I guess but it's better than Z right let me stop now another crazy topic which came up I think via someone that kept you know submitting this and asking this question about penis enlargement surgery W how do we get to that that should have went after man's man's Wellness that should have been that I I know from last week until now everyone talk about this I mean I was talking I was watching the BBC program in UK they talk a b size of the penis is matter or not and then she explained why I was I was listen and said last week because of the Drake video leaking out 40 400 million 45 million such a things view get the that video and everyone right now they talk about that size of Drake is it real is it not real is it big is it oh you got an enhancement yes oh wow like operation damn I have I don't understand if your bank account is big enough you don't really need this surgery you know and also you guys got to remember I'm going to say it loud and you know if you can't bang with any penis a small penis you're not going to bang with a fake upgraded penis you're just not going you're just not going to be good at it ain't going to be fixed you know it's just not it's still not going to work for you listen to you have to change your division yeah exactly you know get smaller women you know listen to the stats P enlargement surgeries are on a rise in the US over 15,000 performed last year the cost in the United States starts at 10,000 goes all the way up to $30,000 the surgery to get bigger yeah is that get smaller is it possible yeah it is really yeah what are we talking about here holy sh and in Turkey cost starts at $7,000 and up to $115,000 the question is do people get these type of surg surgeries in the fitness industry in your opinion listen have you ever heard of it before I haven't heard of it at the end of day if a guy's getting penis surgery the problem is it's just uh you're still not going to be happy you know you're still not going to be happy you're still not going to satisfy whoever at the end of the day I think you're just doing it like guys who just inject CTO on the shoulders and never compete at the end of the day you're still not going to be a a lady killer you know you got guys uh you know less people joining the military less babies being born you know we have a bigger problem than guys you know the penis we're just having less men men being men It's Just Happening last year we did a story on a guy who who invested $80,000 he went from being 53 to like 5'9 or six something and he was very happy afterwards just saying you were dissing him too Vic I was thinking any any woman any woman any woman off Bo's job get happy they do get happy I no I mean almost almost Happy come on is a woman really going to be happy a lot of women a lot of women in the fitness industry do get to do uh breast enhancement 5% satisfied that's more like you know yeah one gets 5% satisfy you know they get one boob the boob is not big enough they get another surgery they get this surgery definitely all of them they need second surgery I always ask you know you guys going to in the dating scene you know ask a woman how many surgeries she's had already or how many she wants and that's going to determine whether you want to date or not whether you want to date or not you know cuz you're going to pay for it one way or the other yes but but you you you you you point you point the you point it actually you're not happy if you're not doing it you're not happy doesn't the size it doesn't matter there's going to be some problem one way or another it's like this is just uh mention the bud that surgery imagine if they botched a surgery like if it's a bad surgery always botched that's why all these guys are getting penis surgeries we didn't talk about the freaking what goes wrong you know a lot infections you know can't get a heart on you know you just walking around with a big old freaking snky you know wow can't use it anyway that's can't use it he's just D it's a tow it's a tow it's not deck anym a to might as well put freaking sand on the hose you know oh my God it ain't GNA work it ain't going to work I guess the surgeries across the board on arise whether it's this or that but these those number you said that is crazy yeah I I didn't know it's happening over 15,000 people got it got theirs fixed done is Samson daa the next star in body I love the transitions the the M this is welcome to Generation Iron midnight Edition after dark hope your kids aren't B that's so crazy so Samson Sam V in your opinion is he the next Superstar of bodybuilding he is he is because he's bringing that pleasing look you know tall muscle bellies and uh he's just pleasing to look at you know again his great structure um and again he's he's won the Arnold already he's been top three of the Olympia he's uh Samson is just right now Riding High man so I think that's why he's going to be a big player at the Arnold I know hot's there too you know he wants to bring back you know Mr Olympia is there he wants to bring back the Olympia look always comes in shape always comes in dialed in again but when you put both of them together you know Samson just Towers over him and he's just a little bit better to look at and and how's just that crazy condition you know that sick condition and uh so if Samson brings anywhere near not the same anywhere near hotti condition I think you should dominate that you know but you have the the upand coming guys John the rose is going to be there a lot of the guys are coming back so I know there's a few that pulled out yeah what's up predictions on the next one but uh but as far as the name do you think he kind of stole a lot of people's Spotlight um not stole in particular I think he's been working hard you know he's he's earned it no in a positive way like he took over the the spotlight I think I think he's winning he's I think his possibil to few times miss the Olympians if not happening to his process because he has everything he has everything that's exactly Victor say he need to just come down to that level of the Great and crispy conditioning if he come to that level close no one can stand him right now he's taller than everyone for top five he's heavier than everyone for top five and he's he look like a stat you know he needs just to bring down the conditioning I mean the last picture is crazy the last picture and the most important thing from the Samson if you if you follow him from last 3 four years he imp improve crazy every 6 months the improve for this athlete it's insane I never saw a bodybuilder improve like Samson he's dangerous yes he's dangerous he can beat Hardy yes but Hardy this is become 47 or 48 show for hardi entire his life Samson just did maybe 10 show entire his life so great these these two these two things matters to for muscle maturity for conditioning wise and separation of the muscle is very very important very very interesting show in aror classic let's see but as a your question Samson Samson is a big name in the future he's a superstar again and and uh he's going to come back hungry right now he's going to you know won the show last year coming back you know this year he's goingon to be uh it's going to be great last thing on today's agenda is talk about this video that's popped up on social media it looks like a funeral or awake it's not Germany and uh the dead person instead of being in a coffin is in a inclined bench with his hands tied to the bar what's wrong with people and everybody's around him taking uh videos I mean I don't know if it's real or not real but it looks like it's real he's doing reps in peace it's it's he di in the gym I mean I mean from what I I gather is basically he he loved body Bo he loved working out that's why he di in the gy usually they they put somebody in some of these countries in in a kind of a scene of what they loved right you know so kind of he like he liked working out so let's not see him you know last days well the last day of his life you know in a box and I guess the bench it makes sense it's not bad but uh you don't find it like do you find it acceptable to that's not bad I mean compared to a woman that died and she was buried in a woman in a in a in a penis coffin I mean that's a much better look well big put that way yeah yeah I mean it's better than that at least and again you know if you loved it why not probably seen I mean if you Google you know most extreme you know weeks I'm sure you'll see a list of different you think this is real right it was real it appears like it's real like it appeared to be very real I mean they I saw they put gloves on it that was kind of messed up but I like the Viking wedding uh uh a wakes where in the wakes where they just put them on a on a viking built small ship and they just kind of sh them on they burn it I think that was that would be kind of you know I don't like boating so I'm like you know throw me in a volcano it's good man a volcano yeah yeah it's better I don't want to see my freaking skull being sold on the internet you know was great BR so something you know when you die it doesn't end there not these days man you know people are crazy man always always but uh I don't I don't get it I think it's different it's not bad again he he loved it why not let's let's uh you know let's send him off with what he likes I think some people like to throw parties too really yeah yeah oh yeah I've heard yeah funerals you know parties they don't like people crying so they want you to get you know I understand that party not not crying thing but come on on the bench with the boxing glovs this is disrespectful with the person I don't know I mean maybe he died that way I don't know was trying to do a PR out well let's see what happens next week that was a crazy episode yeah that was fun thanks guys for tuning in again thanks Vic for answering these amazing questions and uh happy to have everybody come back submit your questions for Vic please submit your comments like subscribe and make sure you guys continue to tune in that's right guys till next time Generation Iron podcast all right guys I'm here today with some very useful information some information that I think would be very beneficial to help aid you guys in your fitness journey now if you've been following my fitness journey you know that I've been using this product St tropen St tropen is a product that basically increases your stem cell and GH to help speed up your recovery process from your intense workout now also if you've been following my fitness journey you know that I've recently had shoulder surgery and I've continued to use this product to help speed up my recovery process and now I'm feeling better than ever so I recommend stem troping to anyone that trains hard trains intense and to anyone that has some kind of injury to help speed up D recovery process