VFace Fundamentals - Apply a VFace displacement in Zbrush

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hello welcome my name is amy ash and in this video i'll be showing you how to apply a v face displacement map onto your geometry in zed brush so in the pack you'll get this low res uh re-topologized version of the head scan it's got very clean topology which is great um but you'll see that it has no highest details however if we try to apply the displacement map the calibrated displacement map that's provided what we'll find is it won't displace properly so if i divide this to about six and we're going to displacement and turn my displacement on i've already loaded in the calibrated displacement map there you will see it's missing a whole load of detail in any cavity this is because although zed brush can read 32-bit maps it can't read negative values and 32-bit maps so we need to pre-process those maps uh so it works properly in zebrush so let's see how we do that the process in photoshop is fairly straightforward so let's start by opening the original calibrated displacement map that comes with the v face pack you'll want to leave this as as alpha channel so click ok give it a few seconds to load up because it's a large file and the first thing we'll want to do is make sure that the information is in all three channels right now it's only in the red channel you can see the green and blue are empty so we come into channels here click on the red channel ctrl a to select all ctrl c to copy go into the green channel ctrl v to paste blue channel ctrl v again to paste and then before we move away from the channels palette we want to go into the alpha channel here and delete that channel and then you can see the information is in all the channels now next thing we want to do is go into image mode and switch mr grayscale click discard if that removes any color information from it and then what we want to do is add a adjustment layer so come down to here click on this button and we want levels and then what we need to do again like we did in unique is uh take the zero value up to a mid value so in output levels here let's change this to one two seven and then leave two five five as it is we can then go into here and flatten the image and then finally we can go to image image rotation and flick covers vertically again to get around zebrush's v-axis being flipped so it's super quick and easy and nuke even if you don't have a software that well so first thing you want to do is bring in the image so you press tab and you can type in read obviously it's a previous swimmer so it's going straight away and select the xyz disk calibrated my 50 raw file and open that now remember you can press shift 1 at any time to bring it up in a viewer and first node we want to drop is an expression node so again tab expression and you'll want to rename this offset and then what we want to do is come into the red channel here and put r plus 0.5 again shift 1 so we can view that and you can see that the zero value has come up to 0.5 next thing we want is a reformat node and we want to firstly make sure output format is the correct resolution there and then click flip which will flip it vertically finally we can set up the right node and in here we want to make sure the file type is exr we only want to output the red channel so you can disable green and blue and also want to make sure this is raw data so click raw data thing so this color space box grays out switch it to 32-bit and compression to none then obviously you can set your file here so let's call this just something similar link versus nuke and save and then we can just click render done so now we're ready to load the maps into zbrush so here i have my model again and first thing we need to do is give it a texture map so with a displacement that works so come down to texture map here click new texture next up we can divide it a few times so let's go to here and divide it up to six finally go down to displacement map and this is where we want to import our map so let's load in the nuke one so that's the map loaded in and then we want to play around the intensity slightly so i would suggest putting this initially at around 0.1 there we go you can see you've got all the detail coming through there's no flat areas if it's working as it should be i'm getting a lot of definition in all those details which is great obviously you can play around with value a little bit more if you wish but what i prefer to do is perhaps have it on slightly stronger and before you click apply displacement map it's come up two layers creates a new layer and you can name that if you like and then come down to displacement map and click apply displacement so now it's applied that displacement to the mesh itself and we can see it's looking great if we're still feeling this is a little bit heavy i now have the ability to go into here and take down the intensity in the layer palette which gives me a lot more flexibility and obviously also i can just turn this layer off completely if i chose to so it's a much less destructive way of working and there we have it there's our model with all of the detail on looking resplendent as you can see it's really quick and easy to do this and gives you a really good high resolution head model i hope this video has been useful there's lots more documentation on how to use v-face on the texturing.xyz website my name is amy ash i'm head of characters at axis studios in glasgow you can follow me on artstation and youtube thanks very much and see you next time
Channel: TexturingXYZ
Views: 43,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #zbrush, #texturing, #skin, #VFace, #texturingxyz, #skin displacement
Id: vbVv_5WIl6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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