Vevor Demolition Hammer Review

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catas Maximus here at the end of the video I'll do a quick demonstration but I decided to take this these are these super cheap demolition hammers a demolition Hammer is basically like a smaller handheld Jackhammer as you can see here's the barrel and the size of my hand the body is just a little bit longer let me just talk about interestingly enough and I kind of actually for the expense of actual premium browsers like hilti's and Milwaukee's Makita but those tools are like five hundred dollars plus um so a lot of people I'm surprisingly enough on YouTube a lot of YouTubers are getting not just beavers but these Chinese orange branded ones uh just because they just need to dig some holes and some harder ground you know hard clay or I wouldn't say Hard Rock but easily breakable rock that type of thing for fence posts and uh those types of operations and they just need it for like a project or two maybe removing some heavy duty tile or maybe some old concrete steps where um they look at the few days that they have to rent a tool that's going to be around 100 to 200 to rent a tool and they say might as well just buy a Chinese one for about the same price that way I'll have it around if you have a future project but you don't need like a professional grade one these are not using as living you're using it to do some random homeowner projects and that's really what the target of these types of tools these tools aren't designed to last like a Milwaukee or Makita but they generally get the job done all the Fasteners are actually metric grade 8.8 which is the same as a SAE grade five they're socket-headed calf screws but they're not super great quality mentioning earlier it does come with actual mask gloves safety glasses and so for the price of Makita and Milwaukee is at least they could include some of that stuff but the cheesy Chinese ones or at least including some of these accessories it comes with some little tools here we have a little bottle for oil lets you know that it's empty don't know why they spent the money on a sticker for the empty does come with some spare brushes although they get a little beat up because they just have the brushes bare getting torn up by the Allen wrenches the only purpose the Allen wrenches one is to adjust and tighten the handle and two it's just a periodically go around and make sure all the Fasteners on the tool itself are staying tight the big wrench is for the oil and I'll show that in a second but I was always under the impression especially we can see a little sight glass here for oil this is a wrench to actually unscrew this to be able to add oil it came totally loose you have to be careful of that but it says use number 46 hydraulic oil and I'll open this up in a second because I always kind of thought that these actually had some kind of oil filled chamber so it's always like in a bath but it's not a bath this is a little seal cup that uses a cotton wick that just brushes a tiny amount of oil on the crank as it sweeps around each time how these work is just like a car engine you have a motor with some gears on top it runs a crankshaft that has a connecting rod that connects to a piston that's running back and forth in this how these work is just like rotary hammers the Piston itself that's going back and forth is not what is hitting on the end of the Chisel it does come with a chisel bit a spike bit and uh I did have them send me a spade bit these are it will accept one and an eighth inch hex sink so at least it's a relatively standard 27 millimeter or one and eight inch hex so relatively standard but this piston isn't what's hitting on the back of the bit this piston in this chamber here there's two Pistons there's one connected to the crankshaft and then there's actually just a floating plug of Steels and so there's an air gap so when this when the Piston moves back it creates a vacuum kind of sucks to plug a steel backwards and then when the Piston comes forward it hits that air cushion sending that plug of Steel forward and that plug of super hard steel is what's hitting on the end of that and that's what actually allows these to not break in the first place is the fact that there's an air cushion so there's two Pistons separated by a little air cushion in it as it goes back and forth what you have is they have both Pistons this one using the air essentially like having a spring in there but instead of a spring it's just using air and so that little floating mass is actually what's striking the end of the bits I'm not gonna do fold the hair down but we're going to just do a little bit of a tear down or a little bit of uh opening up just look the gear so this is just a little site window a little o-ring and let me get some Zoom going on here there we go see that you can't see inside what's inside here is there's just a little cotton wick I noticed the seal is a little bit kind of coming out not the greatest I think so awkward trying to see if I can get just the right angle there you go you can see that that's just a white cotton wick that goes through this little sealed cup and that little cotton wick extends down and brushes and as the components swing around it just brushes a few drops of oil on it each time it passes around and I always thought there was actually oil totally filling the chamber so really the difference between this and actually putting a big glob of grease inside this gear case which is pretty large it's probably the same to tell you the truth if you're somebody who does use one of these a lot that's what I do I put a big glob of grease inside uh the gear case I mean the reason they do it this way is you can't have too much fluid in there otherwise they'll seat past the piston and it'll fill up the gap um between the piston and this what's known as the the striker and end up giving you trouble because then it fills in that air gap and so they kind of act as one and can end up breaking the connecting rod other things I'll have to mention even though it's upside down and I get annoyed by this on these Chinese tools as they just don't pay attention to these labels 110 volts which seems relatively accurate even though North America should be rated for 120. 50 hertz they didn't even upgrade that even though in the North America it's 60 hertz rated power 3600 Watts which is ridiculous this thing does not pull 30 amps of power it will run on a 15 amp circuit so they're like quoting like you know kind of like those cheesy computer speakers that quote Peak momentary power that's what this is 3 600 watts of peak momentary power it still is the improved higher output model versus like their lower 1800 watt versions but there's this is not a 3600 watt tool you do not pull 3600 Watts through a plug like this you can pull up to 1800 watts you need a Twist lock plug there actually is 30 amp circuits for 120 volts but they use twist lock plugs before I forget what really makes these a bit more useful is besides those two bits that it comes with and you can get ones is this now this is kind of a Cheesy it is forged surprisingly enough but this is the it's essentially a shovel bit to use with this so if you have really hard ground clay ground that's the big advantage to this bit this spade bit here is if it's too hard to actually get a single shovel into but it's not so brittle that just you use a regular point or a chisel bit this is the compromise where you can it's just a shovel bit that you put in the rotary hammer so you can drive it down and then pry the rotor Hammer back and dig holes fairly effectively these Spade bits are actually pretty handy they just end up getting really torn up along the edge as you can imagine and it's for some reason it comes in this special case which is so poorly made that after just a few bangs and hits as we can see here that speed bit's just going to end up flying out of the case so the case is almost really it's like a shipping cave plastic shipping case for the spade bit and for some reason they just went haywire with I guess it isn't Haywire but they just used a bunch of really thick kind of heavy duty Saran Wrap to wrap it they charge quite a bit I think they wanted uh quite a bit of money I'm seeing them to recall like 70 bucks or something for this specific spade bit uh the shank is actually machined pretty well but even for Chinese you can see why we know it's forged because we can see the thick layer flashing that they had to grind off here and here as well as this interesting pattern from when the it was hitting the forge and sends the grains flowing and that's the whole reason that you do Forge something is that this grain flow helps increase the strength of the material but this is a big piece of Steel and even if it's not the greatest alloy and it's not the sharpest this is the type of thing where you may want to take an angle grinder and just put a better Edge on it so it sinks into the ground easier but nonetheless I mean it takes a huge press I mean I wouldn't uh I mean it probably takes a 500 ton to thousand ton Hammer Forge in order to work on a piece of Steel this large I mean it takes a massive Forge and it may I may be underrending in a thousand it may require a two or three thousand ton Forge in order to forge out just large pieces of Steel like this in a massive design oversight it's a design oversight the side that you pull the screws out of is the side that's supposed to lift but everything's kind of attached into the side of the handle that the screw is going to Super annoying so you gotta pull out all these screws and then flip it over in order to work with the wiring and that whole issue of having pull all the screws and then flip it over is is the design flaw super annoying another thing I'll point it here is you can see this Gap or maybe a camp it's only like a quarter inch Gap these screws don't thread in very deep they're in plastic these are the ones that are going to get loose and fall out as a screws actually attach the handle to the body it is a pretty thick robust handle let me move this forward and get some Zoom super simple to switch is simply an on off switch there's our little cord pinch let me get the strain relief kind of back in here however it goes something like that anyway you just have your two motor wires goes into cord switch and let me get even more zoom here without this falling off the table maybe you can see that but this is rated for 15 amps at 125 volts so this switch is only rated for 1800 watts where they get their 3600 Watts I'm going to call baloney because that's that's just false advertising that's a 15 amp switch right there and not a 30 amp switch or anything like that we can see how the trigger lock works just the button so when you pull the trigger that little that catches there and allows the trigger lock to work I'll tell you what these bolts in here were torqued as tight as they could get an eight point grade 8.8 metric fastener this one as you can see got all chewed up I had to use an extractor to get this one out because the softer material of the 8.8 rather than being a 10.9 or a 12.9 actually just stripped out the socket of the cap screw stripped out because it was just so damn time sure it was partially stripped when they put it in I don't know if this is I think that's some kind of just cheap Loctite oh man those are tight all right it was a pain in the ass to get this disassemble this level the long and the short of it I'm not going to take apart the front end until I can get some better Fasteners is I'm worried about them stripping out the ones that holding the handle are going to get loose and I suggest loctiding them the most difficult part is the fact that the way this gearbox is set up they attempt to give you a slight opportunity with these little cutouts to take it apart the problem is is that you have to have like a specialty wedged the the tolerances are really tight and the bearings are essentially press fit onto these shafts and there's not really a very good way to try to like Hammer against these notches to get this apart it was a pain I had to actually Hammer use a soft Hammer to hit against these bosses to kind of rock it up and then use the screwdrivers multiple to wedge along the gap I did ding up the O-ring a little bit right here but not too bad they at least have an O-ring they attempt to keep what a little bit of oil comes from the extremely minimal amount of Grease if I've taken apart a lot of Milwaukee Tools Milwaukee puts a lot of grease in this is not a sufficient amount of grease at all we can see that's white it's just a basic lithium grease it's not a malebdenum impregnated or anything like that it's a basic Grease um organic too not even synthetic so I'm gonna put all a lot of Grease like under the gears here if you get one of these and never take it apart I'd recommend drilling a hole and then putting a little Bolt you know in this area there's a big open space around where the motor spindle is drill hole tap it so you can put a little bolt or or just put a rubber plug or something in there so that you can add grease periodically but at least I have you know they look like sufficiently hardened steel gears helical cut really big spindle on the motor that looks like it's a 17 millimeter spindle so uh 11 16 it's pretty big so at least the gears seem like they're a decent uh sufficient size the bearings that prevent them from walking back and forth have these lock retainers but these screws were not very tight there and the screws around the retainer for the crankshaft or not they were not loose but they were just kind of lightly snugged in there um it was a concern I worry about if you put a lot of time on it that these screws may actually loosen up so I torque those down they actually twisted uh you know quite a bit until I felt they were properly tight I mean I turned them another 90 degrees easily all of these screws so that's one concern otherwise the motor seems decent welded contacts uh plenty of epoxy on it they do this wrapping pretty heavily wrapped this what this wrapping the purpose of the isn't just like help hold the wires that's really not the necessity of it it's because On Tools like this that are breathing so much a brace you know when you're hammering you know rock lots of abrasive dust is that this wrapping helps kind of create turbulence to prevent the dust from eventually uh wearing at the windings and it's like a type of sandblasting because of the fan and I've taken apart some very well used rotary Hammers and I've actually seen where the windings actually start getting abraded just from the dust that's blown on them by the fan the fan is plastic but it's actually pretty darn thick pretty heavy duty and has a ring on it to help um not only provide a little bit more structure but it also is an internal form of ducting to help uh direct airflow a little bit more appropriately so anyway that's just super simple it's just a motor with the gear reduction spins a crankshaft which connects to the connecting rod running the Piston back and forth these machines are just super basic uh it's just like demolition hammers like this they uh everything has to be pretty large anyway they need to do something to make it easier and I just realized that in driving a screwdriver in this that there isn't supposed to be a gap there I actually broke that little piece of aluminum out of there uh trying to get this gear case apart that's not going to be the end of the world but sure is disappointing you know uh to cause that kind of damage anyway I couldn't find that little piece of aluminum I have no idea where it went did my best to dig it around I don't feel like trying to use a puller to pull off that gear and if it finds its way into gear teeth it's aluminum it'll just get ground up I will give them credit though at least they do use alignment pegs here they have one on the body of the tool which goes into this hole here so when you pound this back on what ends up happening is that Peg goes into this hole keeping the front of the case aligned and then there's this lip aluminum lip which sits in a in a recess in the top of the case so at least it will go back on uh with external excellent alignment so there won't be any like sideways tension on the gears and yes because it's so tight all you can do is just put the halves together like that and then just beat on it with a hammer uh you know set it down maybe between you know put some pieces of wood in the on top of a vise or something so you can have a solid surface and you just gotta Hammer the case back on just knowing that you're hammering basically here and here you know trying to do in the middle and then it's going back and forth to get it back down quick side note on these little four millimeter Fasteners that hold on the handle part of the reason they're gonna get loose is that you just have this tiny little shelf on the socket head uh pulling in the plastic so the plastic just quickly deforms what I found was these SAE number eight washers actually fit super tight like some like you almost have to thread the Fastener into the washer but it's a super tight fitting washer and so doing that here just creates a whole bunch of extra surface area for the head of the Fastener to pull against and it's much less likely to come loose when the forces are being offset on a much larger area and so that will help mitigate them from uh getting loose and actually make the handle more robust because you know washers they allow the head of the bolt to apply their load to a wider area oh I should mention I did find one 12.9 Fastener it's the bolt that bolts the uh connecting rod onto the crankshaft actually is a high strength fastener and this thing was tight I had the impact this thing out what you got to do is get in there and take it like a screwdriver and jam it between one of the heads of the bearing retention bolts and the crankshaft to prevent it from twisting so you can get this out and even though I forgot the shot they do use a really large like 19 millimeter wide needle bearing on the connecting rod itself and here's a better look so I always thought that a whole bunch of oil went in there but you know it's a massive cavity in there but it just doesn't I mean the huge cavity is just in the huge amount of space part of its diameter of the Piston but it's because you know the motor is so tall that it would look kind of weird to have a big motor and then just have like this weird little gear case and for the barrel so to proportionalize everything it ends up being that you have a massive cavity I mean liquid volume this is probably three quarters of a quart to near a quart of volume in there and so how it's lubricated is literally as the crankshaft goes around the head of the bolt Just Hits this Wick and it just puts a few drops of oil um onto the head of Bolt and it just kind of flings around and I guess that's where they get the lubrication to the barrel although it wouldn't hurt every once in a while just to put in just a little bit maybe a you know maybe a half an ounce of oil or something or not maybe not that much but just put a little bit of oil just down in there periodically pull this little cup out and then keep this full so it has a little seal on the bottom and then a seal on the top so it ends up just being this little container that's in there and before I forget it does use uh Billet Brash brush guys which I'll give them credit for the brushes are held in by standard brush screws but also give them a little bit of credit because over the regular brush screws they actually have these covers to prevent them from getting dinged up and they have like these little uh you know they're like little silicon washers which kind of go on top of them to prevent them one from rattling loose and when you do uh you know set this down and it's pressing against this plastic thing that it isn't the plastic thing just impacting because this is an electrically resistant uh it's like Bakelite it's a very hard and brittle plastic so it chips easily so even having a cover getting stuff slamming into it can still cause that to crack apart so kind of like the mitigation where they have like just a little cushion in there at least that's a good note [Music] so there's not a lot else to say about this the only thing is I went and spent like 30 or 40 bucks upgrading the fasteners a lot of them stripped out that was part of how they make these so cheap is by saving a lot of money on those great 8.8 Fasteners once again an 8.8 metric Fastener is like this is a standard grade five an SAE it's just not a very strong Bolt and pouring a lot of them out they're just stripping out because the metal was so soft so I upgraded the 12.9 the main Fasteners that hold this the six Fasteners here the Fasteners that hold on to the the top of the gearbox I figured was a good idea um just to try to reinforce it I use these hardened extra thick washers too that's kind of the thing about these you know the life of these is like soft Fasteners not you like these Fasteners originally didn't even have washers it was just a little edge of the bolt squishing an aluminum and as you use this it actually you know swages out the aluminum where the little head is and then things get loose and then they start wearing out quickly so using these extra thick washers and really strong Fasteners keeps everything together and tight and makes a big difference on how long something lasts and don't damage the gearbox like I did when trying to take it apart I wish they would have put more grease into it that's really a necessity I'm glad I opened this up because they needed a lot more grease in those gears and other than that for the price I mean yeah it's a quarter of the cost of a Milwaukee or a Makita demolition Hammer maybe in a just 20 percent of the cost I mean those big professional demolition hammers are nice but man are they expensive and a lot of times you're not you know people who get these aren't using them in a commercial application where they're putting hundreds of hours on them they're doing it to do some home projects knock apart some rocks put some holes in to put in some fence posts and hard soil that type of stuff maybe knocking out some bricks or some old concrete steps and so that's why I kind of approve of you know these maybe an alternative would be like one of the Harbor Freight ones which is you know a little bit more expensive than this but um probably a good alternative but if you just want a cheap one at least this is something that you know will work sufficiently comes with a couple of bits if you are digging holes these Spade bits can be quite handy other than that not a lot else to say besides I always get really annoyed with just the horrible just I mean it's just the horrible labeling and a lot of these Chinese companies need to get a a handle on that because this sticker is pointless it says Viva on it but obviously it's not a 50 hertz tool obviously it's not 3 600 watts not even half that um they're like giving you like some Peak power I don't even know it only has a 15 amp switch in it this is only a 16 gauge cord I believe yeah this is a uh 16 gauge cord and so they need to deal with that as well at least it's relatively easy to replace the cord but you know it's uh you know at least it has helical cut gears at least it is an all ball needle bearing construction not many bearings are needed two from the motor uh four more for each of the idler or for The Idler gear and for the crankshaft and one needle bearing so seven bearings not a big deal other than that I guess the only good note is is at least this whole front end is for just as a forged lock kind of a loose fit but that's kind of the intention of these um so that when the grit kind of builds up that they don't get locked up one thing I should mention at the very last here is get some grease or something you do want to grease these hexes because otherwise as you use it because of the the concrete the ax is just as sandpaper um you'll start getting a lot of wear on the hex shank and on the receiver here so you really want to grease that grease it regularly if you want these receivers to last but at least it takes relatively standard whatever it is one in the 16th or one in the eighth inch hex so you can go buy some nice Bosch bits or Hilty bits or something like that anyway uh that's my review of beaver's quote-unquote high power uh demolition hammer and one thing I will mention about these demo hammers is you do want to get the bigger heavier ones the problem with hammers that are lighter weight and cheaper as many times they just don't hit hard enough either they can't break apart with the material at all or um you're sitting there wailing on it for five minutes just for you to break off small pieces of concrete when you get these kind of tools you want to get the biggest one and the heaviest ones that you can afford because time is money you just don't want to be standing there especially when you're in a downward position you're going to use the way of the tool if you're in a horizontal position um trying to knock out brick brick or that type make a hole in the con concrete wall something like that you're sitting there trying holding the weight and holding 20 pounds for five minutes or holding 35 pounds for one minute your the heavier tool is actually going to require less exertion which means you're not holding it for as long and so you do want to get uh the bigger one when they offer this to me off to review they offer me one of the smaller units I just said I was just wasn't interested I was interested in the heavier unit because when you once again when you use these you want to get something done and you just don't want to be standing around making a bunch of noise and dust just making little divots you actually want to break apart stuff anyway thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Catus Maximus
Views: 12,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catus, Maximus
Id: umDejsyIZow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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