Former Employees Speak Out Against VA Claims Insider And Veterans Guardian

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$220,000 for 45 minutes says a VA claims Insider coach who quit because it became unethical there's an article by The Washington Post titled veterans became eligible for billions these firms saw a chance to profit and that's the article we're really going to be going over I am quoted in in this article I think that's freaking awesome okay but this Lisa rain the author does a really really good job at encapsulating the entire picture talking about packed Act covid-19 and the resources of vsos going down and resources of these claims to sold in companies increasing it's all one story it's all the same story and that's what we're going to dive into today so let's go ahead I'm not going to read the whole thing this is going to be pinned Below in the pinned comments but starting out it talks about packed act okay packed act the 1 millionth claim was just approved packed act has been working and it's going to continue to work okay it's a beautiful thing now the the author throws a shot here and I I would like to add more context it says and now a Cadre of mostly Republican lawmakers is pushing to do away with restrictions altogether a plan bankr by a well-funded industry group led by former high ranking Trump Administration VA official that is one of the political problems with claims Consulting companies and just food for thought no no I don't support Biden no I don't support Trump I'm just going to give you the facts all right there's a gentleman his name is oor Peter oor was the VA secretary under the Trump ad Administration once that ended that he pretty much he he leads Naver okay he's the leading figure for claims Consulting companies especially in the political sphere so that's what she's referring to here it's much much more than that but Food For Thought um if Trump Trump is elected next year this year um that's that's that's that's a factor to consider that's all I'm saying okay now going down it talks about employees with um officials being charged five to 20 grand for your claim right we all know the charge of the Clemson soing companies that's really not what what we're going to um talk about here now this piece is hilarious VA claims Insider is still hanging on that they are an education company Peri period now the issue with that is the Texas Attorney General has proof where that's not the case they are no longer an education company they are a consulting firm and there's proof of that it's crazy to me and I'm no lawyer but it's crazy to me that they are still hanging on to the fact that they are an education company all right um their YouTube yes I would absolutely agree with with their YouTube but VA claimed Insider LLC based out of Austin Texas no they are not a education company okay not at all talks about free services by Vos we understand that now this is super interesting okay Jim Hill the co-founder of trajectory medical right one of the claims consing companies they specialize in medical evidence now the issue with this right the interesting part of this is it says but some current and former employees of the firm say they make unrealistic promises and embrace tactics that can put veterans claims at risk this is what I'm referring to whenever I say hey veterans be careful be careful about fudging your symptoms fudging the numbers even when you go through companies like this okay especially if they are copypaste type medical opinions or copypaste type dbqs because the oig is looking in to fraud fraud dbqs right now okay that came out in January and Lisa rain talks about that in the article then it goes on to say how incredibly Savvy they are uh the these companies are Savvy at like hiding their traces hiding their footprint on these claims and then um there's a lady out of H Chicago School of Law says each company does it a little differently it's not just giving Consulting Services they're helping with medical evidence with a claim a ton of other stuff all right we all understand what these companies are doing and then it even goes into say that hey New York New Jersey Maine have banned these and that's being led by the BFW and who's caught in the middle it's veterans okay we are caught in the middle now before I get stupid comments in my comment section okay if you choose to go with the company that's AOK right until they go order plus Act is passed that is a okay unless you're in New York Maine and New Jersey now it's illegal right other than the those three states if you decide to do that I'm not going to complain towards you at all this is directed at the companies because they are taking advantage of veterans and we're going to dive into that a little bit more let's scroll down to um The Rush roll out really talks about how the pack Act was just bam now he he he here it is um there's tons of claims that are going to fill the backlog and now that's what we have to deal with and look look at this right here you have a system right now that's very uneven and they choke hold around VA to process claims it's just too much at one time and who says this that's me Clayton Sams for marine Who YouTube channel that's the link the Civ div teaches veterans about disability process it's what makes veterans dis gruntled I want to add some context to this okay because we're the ones caught in the middle veterans are are pissed off they're mad especially if their claim is denied not necessarily related to to to the packed act packed act easy peasy meet the time criteria and location get the current diagnosis you have the Nexus easy peasy but it's all the other claims that are denied then you see an ad on Facebook right targeting my people right all of us we are the audience I look at these ads and I'm telling you these ads are pretty good hey are you stuck at 90% we can get you 100% in three months or less guaranteed you're like heck yeah I want to do that right and so it's a weird situation that we have to deal with and yes veterans are paying anywhere from five to 20 grand I seen a charge of over 22,000 just for increase claims all right and so that's that's the situation that veterans are faced with today and to be honest with you it's not going to change until the plus act or the guard Act is passed all right if the plus act P passes I'll shut up B about it but till then I'm not going to now this is where the um complaints of va clams Insider and Veterans Guardian really start coming into play here and so Bill Taylor um I.E veterans Guardian was at uh Fort Brag now he got out and he said there's a gap here he saw the Gap and he co-founded veterans Guardian boom there we go now veterans Guardians one of the leading um companies in the industry right behind VA claims Insider I would personally put VA claims Insider as top number one and Veterans Guardian as number two okay so those are your two mama jamas and of course there are your others like veteran benefits guide and all the other companies but these are the two big ones okay now scrolling down but there is a cost clients sign contracts that buy them to pay a one time sum equal to five times yep five times the increase that's what they go that's what veterans Guardian goes off of va clim Insider is six times the increase in ads the company suggest that veterans prioritize the easiest claims now why would that now why would they do that because they know they could win it's one of the predatory practices of these companies that's my opinion but in a recent YouTube video V claim inside our founder Brian Reese our boy o BR over here shares the top health conditions that regularly qualify bigest disability uh compensation payments for post-traumatic stress disorder I want to tell you something there's a reason she's she's pointing towards mental health right now okay and she's about to bring up the oig report that talks about fraudulent uh dbqs and she's about to bring up the copy and paste um method a lot of these companies are using for instance since me and you whoever whoever you are watching this if we both file PTSD we should not have the same stressor we should not have the same statements our evidence which is extremely unique builds the Nexus so that's what she's implying here she's setting the stage about to go into it let's go ahead and look or at least that's what I think she's doing okay now many clients hand over Social Security numbers and passwords I've had a lot of people refute this and say it's not true but the Texas Attorney General has proof of this happening so I guess they'll see V clim ins side or in court okay because there is proof that that happens now it talks about the um Corona virus so covid-19 Force the accreditation companies to shut the doors that's essentially when pack act emerg when these disability companies emerg and then the online presence and online T targeting of veterans have emerged and so it's all at okay it's closely closely correlated see there we go talk about the packed act let's go down so business was so good at trajector right so good with more than a thousand employees in 50,000 clients the companies told the Securities Exchange Commission in late 21 that it planned to go public the filing showed $127 million in Revenue in the previous eight months nice right nice all right the association that represents accredited lawyers though says the fees they are legally permitted to charge are significantly lower so now we're talking about accreditation accredited lawyers that some tactics the lawyers use are the same that these company uses I would say that's a stretch because lawyers are um Bound by ethics they're Bound by law okay they're essentially referring to um additional medical evidence all right VA officials have told Congress that they conduct rigorous due diligence with the claims agents they accredit the past three years the agency has moved or suspended accreditation of nearly 15,000 attorneys claims agents and Veteran Service Groups Representatives so again the resources are dwindling down all right I really want to talk about false promises here and this will be the the the end of this video at times though the for-profit claims industry did not live up to its promises right so yes these companies do help veterans but there are tons of veterans that they absolutely destroy seriously they absolutely destroy them with disastrous consequences for some veterans okay former employees of the unaccredited industry say it prioritizes profits and volume over helping ve veterans duh they are a business they want money okay I was charging veterans $20,000 listen to this I was charging veterans $20,000 who I potentially spent 45 minutes on the phone with said a former coach at VA claims Insider who quit last spring because he felt the job had become unethical $220,000 for 45 minutes says a VA claims Insider coach who quit because it became unethical take that in for a second okay $220,000 we're probably talking increased claims I had I had to if I had to guess no denials no secondaries nothing that's actually difficult just saying hey what are you raded for talk talk to me about your symptoms all right here's a 20 here's a $20,000 bill you know holy baloney he spoke on the condition of an an amenity because he's he's afraid that V claims ins tier is going to call um call him out okay which he called a veteran Mill with most contacts handled by a contract employee in the Philippines it was sales in a sense and that's where it got sketchy that's the issue when money is involved morals and ethics go out the window okay and this person Christopher boram worked for veterans Guardian if the companies are doing well things get overlooked it's about money at the end of day it's about money at the end of the day it was a cutand Pac system here we go this is probably the most important piece of this entire article in my opinion it was a cutand Pac s system a former manager at VA claims Insider said the medical letters which can cost up the extra an extra $500 across the industry veterans are steer toward filing claims for mental health ailments for which VA tends to award generous ratings there's a few reasons to that as well and it really digs down into the oig report of January and it's a mess right we have a cut and pay system where now veterans are claiming mental health because they know the right things to say now they have a private provider who by the way just happens to be the wife of VA claims Insider okay here we go VA claims Insider the wife of its founder promises there we go right there right th those three factors right here cut and paste system medical letters um mental health and the fact that there's a conflict of interest there is is no bueno okay it is not good at all and that's I'm going to link this below okay there's there's a lot more to this article you decide for yourself do you support claims of toen companies or do you not right make that decision for yourself do you think the plus act should be passed but they should only be able to charge the same amount as agents and attorneys you know let let me know your thoughts in this me personally I'm a fullon guard guard act type person I could compromise if there were um you know unaccredited officials who just abided by the same guidelines of agents and attorneys I could get down with that personally so no initial claims no B claims um really just appeals right denials but that's all I have I'll have this link in the below in the pin comments it's Memorial Day weekend I'm about to bring my children to the Arlington National Cemetery it's one of the beauties of living in the national capital region so have a good weekend celebrate and remember
Channel: TheCivDiv
Views: 21,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 38 cfr, cck live, va claims insider, combat craig, claim denied, claims process, how to file va claim, how to win my va claim, intent to file, SMC, BDD, supplemental claims, transitioning to civilian, va appeal, va claims, va healthcare, veterans disability, medical evidence, va injury, buddy statement, 100 va disability, va disability lawyer, va pension, va medical records, secondary service connection, ptsd, mental health, SSA, telemedica, va fraud, va dbq, va c&p, exam
Id: 6z3hecKVnUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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