Very Few Christians Know THESE Facts About Dinosaurs

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here we have two scientists looking at the same physical evidence they come to two totally different conclusions one scientist says this fossil is 100 million years old the other scientist says it's 4,300 years old how can that be they're looking at the same evidence simply this folks this whole creation Evolution discussion is not a battle of evidence it's about the world viiew you bring to interpret the evidence I travel and teach all over the world and Everywhere I Go people ask me questions about dinosaurs cuz I find that people are very uncomfortable about this topic they don't feel like they have sound biblical answers about these incredible creatures folks what I'm going to tell you is this the foundation of our thinking in every area needs to be the word of God and the think that most Christians really shy away from me they really don't think it through is this what we see in God's world really does agree with what we read in God's word but you know the second world says well the Bible's a book of myths fables fairy tales if you believe the Bible you're not really scientific you're not intellect sexual this is what the world says they know this is the dinosaur family tree so what this chart tried to tell you is that you have 280 million 300 million years ago or so you've got this sort of ancestral you know pre- dinosaur creature and it's merely existing along and all of a sudden poof you know you have a mutated Offspring whole new type of creature develops and then another and then another and about the time it gets to that first line it must have had like a really bad day cuz poof it just mutates into everything and then later on you get this branch that goes off to the right so you start off with one creature you end up the orian Dinosaurs the cishan Dinosaurs the birds the crocodilians you start with one creature you end up with all these different varieties of creatures can anybody tell me what the yellow lines in this chart represent the highlighted portions those are things we actually have fossils of the gray out portion this chart what does that represent it's an educated guess you know what an educated guess is it's a guess but see those of us in the academic Community we don't want you to think that we make guesses so we have code words for situations like that the extreme Rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the train secret of paleontology The evolutionary trees that Adorn our textbooks have data only the tips and no to their branches the rest is inference however reasonable is not the evidence of fossils so let's go back to our chart and see what we can actually determine from this chart let's start with a creature on the far right when that creature reproduced or its Offspring the same kind of creature or different kind of creature same what about the one/ third from the left when that creature reproduced where it's Offspring the same kind of creature or different kind of creature same so what we have is the basis to this chart is fossil evidence of fully formed creatures reproducing after his or after their kind I know I read that somewhere where did I read that what about in the word of God creatures reproduce after their kind so when dogs reproduce they have when cows reproduce they have when cats reproduce they unfortunately have so when dinosaurs reproduce they have what dinosaurs and folks that's just as complicated as this is on the first day God created Earth space time and light on the second day the atmosphere the firmament the expand on the third day the dry land and plants on the fourth day the sun moon and stars on the fifth day the flying and sea creatures on the sixth day land animals and man six ordinary 24-hour days and on that basis we have found biblical scientific answers about these amazing creatures we call dinosaurs yeah well Tommy I'm all for giving biblical answers about whatever topic you want to bring up but how can you have biblical answers about dinosaurs Tommy the word dinosaur is not even in the Bible you know it's true it's not I don't know how many times I've read through the word of God I've yet to find the word dinosaur in the biblical text now should that really be surprising to any of us actually it's not surprising at all the word dinosaur didn't exist until the year 1841 it was coined invented if you will by a British scientist Sir Richard Owen he was one of the most prominent scientists of his day and he actually invented the word dinosaur it means terrible lizard but then that raises the question are there references to dinosaurs in the Bible job 40:15 behold now Behemoth which I made with thee Heth grass is an O Lo now his strength is in his loins his force is in the naval of his belly he moveth his tail like a cedar the Senus of his stones are wrapped together his bones were his strong pieces of brass his bones are like bars of iron he is chief of the ways of God is that a big creature or a little creature that's a big Creature if you got a tail like a cedar if you're chief of the ways of God you got to be some impressive creature you got to be the man you got to have it going on but you know I really wonder sometimes I truly Wonder this when people read through God's word are they actually paying attention cuz the people that wrote the study notes for the NIV Study Bible said the creature we just read about was possibly the hippopotamus or the elephant has anybody in here ever been to a Zoo have you ever seen the backside of an elephant does that look like a cedar to you I that's right sorry Cedar don't you think does the hippopotamus have a tail like a cedar folks that is not a cedar what about something like that or maybe something like that now can I make the following statement Behemoth was a dinosaur no I cannot what I can say is this there is no creature in our present understanding that fits that description better than a sorod dinosaur how did this fish get to be a fossil it got buried very rapidly right can you think of an event in history associated with burying billions of creatures rapidly and unimaginable amounts of sediment the flood but remember the time of the flood lots of things got buried rapidly right now when you dig up a fossil are you digging up the past or the present when you dig up a fossil you've dug up the present you cannot dig up the past the past past is what it's gone that's why they call it the past the best you can do is have whatever specimen sample or piece of evidence to examine in the present so for the sake of this discussion we're going to say you know you're digging a barbecue pit in the backyard or something and you dig this up I want you to tell me what you know about this not what you wish not what you hope not what might be not what could be not what you heard on the National Geographic Channel I want you to tell me what you know about that it's dead and what else do you know about it it's a fish that's a dead fish at the end of the day that's really all you know about this question what color was that fish for it got dead you don't have any idea question where did that fish die what physical location on the surface of the Earth did that fish die all you know is where it ended up hey do fossils come with labels how I'm 65 million years old my point is this we need to separate what we know from what we assume we have two scientists looking at the same physical evidence that they come to two totally different conclusions one scientist says this fossil is 100 million years old the other scientist says it's 4,300 years old how can that be they're looking at the same evidence simply this folks this whole creation Evolution discussion this whole debate if you will is not a battle of evidence it's not about finches and fossils and rock layers it's about how you interpret the finches the fossils and The Rock layers it's about the worldview you bring to interpret the evidence what exactly is a dinosaur there's certain physical characteristics that make up a creature that we call a dinosaur you dinosaurs are land reptiles the key thing is this their legs are under their body their other characteristics but that's the main set of characteristic we use we differentiate you know a dinosaur from a puppy dog from a guinea pig that kind of thing but folks if there is one creature in the world that captures the hearts and minds of our kids it's dinosaurs our kids are fascinated by dinosaurs and they see images like this this stegosaurus now did the creature that we know stegosaurus actually walk the earth at some point did it actually exist how do we know that we got fossils we' got multiple fossil specimens of the creatures that we call stegosaurus now do we know the stegosaurus looked exactly like that no but I think that's pretty reasonable I mean you have a a creature that's so many feet long and the bones are this big and you say well maybe it would have taken this much muscle mass for this creature to walk around and again those are educated guesses but again I think it's reasonable to try to understand how the creature may have behaved or may have acted and there's nothing wrong with that is there any way you can prove any of that no one all we've got are the fossils we need to separate what we know from what we assume this is one of my least favorite dinosaur illustrations of all time and I'm going to tell you why this is the pilosa orus did the pilosa orus walk the earth at one time yes how do we know that we've got multiple fossils of the creature we call pilosus now the pilosus is is Illustrated in this image here as fighting they're butting heads do fossils butt heads what do fossils do they lay there and you dust them once a month but this is Illustrated for Kids like we know this is how this creature behave now it is thought the creature could have behaved like this because the skull ples very thick on these creatures and again I don't think that's a reasonable thing to think but then to illustrate this for kids like this is how it it was it's just gen it's just not true all we have are the fossils where the dinosaurs on Noah are absolutely well Tommy you just made an absolutely statement you weren't there to see those creatures get on the ark how do you know dinosaurs are on the ark cuz I can read or the land animals made on day six yes what else is made on day six people people in dinosaurs walk the earth together God's word's absolutely clear about that dinosaurs are made on day six air breathing land animals are dinosaurs land animals yes did Noah take two of every kind of land animal seven of some on board the ark yes were their dinosaurs on the ark see that's not hard two of every kind of air breathing land animals seven of some were on board Noah's Ark were their dinosaurs on the ark absolutely but having said that it does raise some interesting logistical problems first of all how did he get them through the door remember some dinosaurs were 130 ft long I mean they like butter their head and push how do you do that and then once you squirt them through the door you got to get them back off right we all know how ridiculous those two slides were but folks I'm going to tell tell you this that's what a lot of people in the secular World think Christians believe and the reason I know that is I've been involved in creation Ministry at one level or another for over 30 years and I have so many seist approach me like this is what I believe it's amazing to me how the seist tell Christians that what they believe is stupid and what they say we believe isn't even what we believe cuz they think we're trying to put a 100 foot long dinosaur on a house booat that's not what we believe guess what folks there's a simple answer to this how did dinosaurs reproduce how the they have babies how do you know since you never saw a dinosaur lay an egg fossils of the eggs that's right what do you find inside those eggs you find fossilized baby dinosaurs we got fossilized dinosaur eggs with a variety of different types of dinosaurs and again this is really fascinating how big is a T-Rex egg it's about the size of a football couple years ago I had a kid tell me it was the size of a Volkswagen now folks I don't know about you but I'd pay a quarter to see a creature lay an egg the size of a Volkswagen but the point is this before you have a big dinosaur you got a what you got a little dinosaur so let's think this through what were the dinosaurs supposed to do when the flood was over reproduce make more dinosaurs all the creatures are supposed to reproduce and make more creatures of whatever kind they were so let's think about this is God going to lead fully grown dinosaurs to Noah creatures that are already far into their reproductive years or sa the young adults creatures that are just getting ready to enter their reproductive age and we still have many many many uh many years left to reproduce and lay eggs I would argue this the young adults you know the T-Rexes weren't fully going they were big they weren't these GI normous ones but they were going to be able to reproduce when the flood was over all we need to do is think this through it's called a pictograph that places around the world we find drawings or carvings they're called pictographs or petroglyphs depending on whether they're drawn painted or actually carved into the Rock if you take the time to look through some of these images you'll run across some very interesting things like that or you could see something like that I know that's kind of hard to see in here so this is more of a high contrast version you even see something like that looks like a dinosaur to me what does that look like it's like a dinosaur but you know what most secular scientists at least the secular scientists that I've talk to you know most secular scientists will tell you about those things they look like dinosaurs they can't be dinosaurs you know why they say that they just know dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago this is a religious worship image or imagination or just artwork these drawings are G how did they get where they are how did they get to all these different places people put them there right either people Drew or carve these things or they're the most amazing example of erosion you'll ever find I'm going to suggest you that people were drawing or carving images of things that they actually saw things that were in their actual experience you see the pictographs and petroglyphs are just part of abundant evidence we have that people in dinosaurs have walked the Earth together but the secular scientists say no we know dinosaurs died out millions of years ago so are they saying that because of the evidence or in spite of it I suggest it's in spite of it now this is is who T-Rex look at those teeth what did T-Rex eat meat T-Rex is a vicious killer what's the correct answer to the question what did T-Rex eat simply this anything it wanted right you here's a Jurassic calendar kill something and eat it kill something and eat it kill something and eat it when you hear the word dinosaur be honest that's what our culture is taught us that's where your mind goes they're all these vicious killers that ate Tokyo but in the beginning when God looked at his creation and said it was very good what did T-Rex eat then PL Genesis 1:30 every beast of the earth and every foul that air and everything that creepeth upon the Earth wherein there is life I've given every green herb for meat and it was so in the beginning T-Rex this most famous this most vicious of all dinosaurs was a vicious vegetarian well Tommy that just doesn't make any sense to look at those teeth it's obviously a vicious killer hey I'm on board I I got you look at this vicious killer look at the teeth on that thing that thing would rip your arm completely off right it's a panda pandas attack and kill what bamboo it's a vicious bamboo killer we don't have a lot of time left and we really got to get to the big question this is the dinosaur question this is a question I get everywhere I go and by and large when people ask me this question they think they're stumping me now we got Dr Mitchell come on Mars let's go talk to I got a question he can't answer hey Dr Mitchell you're so smart what happened to the Dinosaurs the thing they don't realize is I know what happened to them they died you see we live in a fallen and cursed World creatures go extinct all the time I mean if you do a search in your computer on the word extinction you get lists of creatures that have gone extinct in the last 10 years or the last 50 years and unfort we live in a fallen curse World sometimes creatures just lose the ability to continue to survive but when you look at these lists of Extinction whatever creature is it is very uncommon that there's just one reason usually it's multiple things that all have to happen over a period of time for a creature to go completely extinct like if you go to the Natural History Museum in London where there are these science talking about all the different factors that go into it it's unfortunate but it's generally a very complex complicated situation but I'm challenged on this on this question so often by the SEC I say Tommy you're so smart what happened to the dinosaurs when I try to start explaining the complexities and extension of these people or you're just talking around the topic you don't know the one reason you know you're obviously not scientific and they just say because you don't know the one reason they just find it as a convenient way to dismiss biblical creation they just walk away which I find to be very curious because over the many many years the secrist have allowed them themselves any number of ideas and Concepts to answer the question what happened to the dinosaurs so what I've done over the years is I've accumulated a list of secular answers to the question what happened to the dinosaurs and this list is by no means exhaustive I don't have enough time to go through every single one this is just you know a selection of some of these they died because of the change in the Earth's magnetic field and that one makes particular sense to me because dinosaurs are obviously magnetic they died because of indigestion and constipation 65 million years before RADS of dinosaurs were killed off by a massive plague of indigestion simply put they had gas some suggest they died of communicable disease now it's true in the fossil record we do have evidence of infectious disease processes and no one would argue that but there's no evidence of any sort of worldwide infectious disease process that would eradicate the dinosaur so this really doesn't make a lot of sense some suggest they went extinct cuz all the Plante eaters got eaten so all the meat eating dinosaurs started eating all the Plante eating dinosaurs and and they ate them and they ate them and they ate them and they ate them and they ate them so what happened to the meat to the plant eaters they're all gone what happened to the meat eaters they starved they ate themselves out of house and home the big one's the meteor the meteor that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 billion years ago National Geographic talks about this like the GU it on videotape it is really annoying this is the thing that's going to be presented to you essentially presented to you as scientific consensus and it is not I know a number of secular paleontologist who don't buy this idea at all but the reason this is popular in in in certain circles is you know of course we hav have evidence that the Earth been hit by meteors nobody's you know going to going to dispute that but if you look at the way the rock layers Rel the the primary layers where the rock lay where the where the dinosaur FS are found just above that you find a layer where there's a high concentration of aridium so the dinosaurs live and die over millions of years and those that die get covered by sediment these Rock layers build up and you have the the remaining dinosaurs on the surface so the meteor hits and it wipes out the dinosaurs that are that are still living and when the meteor hits it puts a lot of dust in the air and the dust eventually settles out and that's where you get the idium layer and that's why it's popular in certain circles the thing is there's another source of idium and that source rium is called volcanic activity now can you think of an event in history associated with a significant degree of volcanic activity but the FL the great FS of the deep breaking up with the worst cataclysm the world's ever seen sedimentation on a global cataclysmic catastrophic scale varrying billions of creatures suddenly in unimaginable amounts of sediment guess what folks I can explain not only the idium I can explain the vast amounts of sediment required to bury these creatures rapidly I don't need to invoke a meteor all need to do is trust history in the word of God what happened to the dinosaurs they died can I give you the one reason no more than I can for any number of other creatures that have gone extinct in our lifetime we can give you a lot of contributing factors we would argue strong that one of the big issues is the change from the pre- flood to the postf flood climate but post flood you've got again changing theography changing food sources different Predator patterns diseas processes you know hunting pressures man crushing on the ecosystem the same things that affect the ability to survive any number of other creatures affect the dinosaurs also they eventually lost the ability to continue to survive as far as we know the dinosaurs are completely gone folks the way we teach Biblical history here it answers in Genesis is called the Seven Seas of History creation corruption catastrophe confusion Christ cross consummation and I submit you cannot truly understand the cross without understanding creation corruption catastrophe confusion because folks the foundation of the Gospel message does not begin in the gospels Matthew Mark Lue and John it starts in Genesis which is why dinos are so important if there's one thing the world uses to steal the hearts and minds of our kids it's dinosaurs hey look kids look at these fearsome creatures they're amazing they're fascinating they died out 65 million years ago they're products of evolution they're just the result of chemicals bumping together over millions of years just like you Evolution's true they use dinosaurs to convince our kids they're nothing but rearrange Pawn scum we use dinosaurs to call our children back to the authority of the word of God we call dinosaurs missionary lizards because because we want to give Children sound biblical scientific answers about these incredible creatures you see God created everything in six days six ordinary 24-hour days it was a perfect creation where there was no death man's Disobedience brought death and corrupted this creation but if you believe in evolution in the millions of years there's something you have to accept there's something you have to recognize if you believe in the millions of years death has always been here death is part of the natural order without death Evolution does not progress so you've got a choice either there's a world that's existed for millions of years of death and suffering and Carnage or God's word tells us clearly there's a perfect creation where there's no death man's Disobedience brought death and corrupted this creation for years in my life I was what you would call a theistic evolutionist many years ago I was taught that the days in Genesis are not ordinary days that each of those days is a long geologic time period so I believed and accepted that God created used Evolution and I accepted that for many years but after I got out of medical school and I got into very serious Bible study I came to understand that what I'd been taught did not fit with what God's word directly told me the thing I could not reconcile is how could there be millions of years of death before man's Disobedience because God's word's clear it says death came as a result of man's Disobedience man's Disobedience corrupted and marred God's perfect creation but if the EV If evolution in the millions of years are true death has not only always been here we've had millions of years of death and suffering and Carnage and arthritis infectious disease and Cancer all these horrible things you see in the fossil record you really can't have it both ways which is why it is so important to us to equip young people to have sound biblical answers so they can stand boldly on the authority of the word of God just go to our website www. it's the largest creation apologetics website in the world it's over 10,000 articles on this website just go to the search engine and type in T-rex or dinosaur or Charles Darwin or DNA or distance Starline or carbon 14 we're going to give you tons of information
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 571,469
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Keywords: answers in genesis, creation museum, dinosaurs in the bible, dinosaurs and the bible, were dragons real, dinosaurs answers in genesis, dinosaurs and dragons, dragons and dinosaurs, dragons in the bible, are dragons real, does the bible talk about dinosaurs, are dinosaurs in the bible, does the bible mention dinosaurs, are dragons real and did they exist, are dragons real in real life, dragons and dinosaurs in the bible, what does the bible say about dinosaurs
Id: edNFe5SQH7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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