Evolutionists Have Fooled MILLIONS About This

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there any evidence that confirms man and dinosaurs live together here's one out at Havasupai Canyons there's one out at Natural Bridges National Monument here's another one out of San Rafael swell in Utah here's one up at Lake Superior in Canada over in Angkor and Cambodia the Ishtar gate in Babylon built by order of Nebuchadnezzar got a reptilian tongue scales hip structure so that it raises its body up off the ground by technical definition that's the dinosaur right there but you know Horticulture talks a lot about dinosaurs and I love the subject of dinosaurs when I was a kid I grew up with Dinosaurs just having a Heyday with them I was heavily influenced by certain books particularly kids books on dinosaurs so I was influenced not by the Bible on dinosaurs but actually by the world on dinosaurs many of you might have been as well in fact you might recognize there's a lot of movies out there Jurassic World Jurassic Park uh Journey the center of the earth they have all sorts of dinosaurs kids book and kids uh programming dinosaur train so they're all over the place they're in textbooks kids books in particular there's no a lot of kids books you might recognize some of these my first dinosaur board book or a Dr Zeus over here there's more there's more there's more this is just a start hey let me ask you do these books give a Biblical view of dinosaurs what do you think no they don't most of these books start off with something like 65 66 million years ago and what they're doing is they're drawing kids of the Next Generation into a secular worldview it could be the media it could be textbooks it could be teachers it could be peers whole host of people or drawing kids of the Next Generation into a secular worldview a secular worldview just so you know is not a Biblical worldview it is a world view where people want to leave God in his word out of it that is a secular worldview it is dominating the Western World by the way I was taught a secular worldview from kindergarten through college now the world obviously doesn't teach a Biblical view of dinosaurs what exactly is a world teacher when it comes to the subject to dinosaurs so I'm going to put a quote out this is a quote from secular people here's what they say because birds are dinosaurs catch that that's what the world's teaching now 20 years ago if I would have said this that would have been kind of a shock to some people but nowadays most people just sit there like oh wow yeah that's what the world teaches because we see it on movies and we see it in textbooks we see artists illustrations of this all the time what happened is they've taken all the birds out of the classification system and they now lump them under dinosaurs or Dinosauria birds are now considered dinosaurs how to make you think twice at Chick-fil-A won't it go get some Kentucky Fried dinosaur they see this secular world view once again it leaves the Bible out of it what does it start with it starts with a big bang they said there was nothing no time no space nothing at all time didn't even exist something pops into existence and rapidly exposes or expands they call this the Big Bang they claim this happened 13 to 14 billion years ago I've seen calculations that put it as high as 30 billion others as low as eight but I would say most today put it between 13 and 14 billion years as The Story Goes you get the Stars about 10 billion years ago they say the Earth was molten about 5 billion years ago cools off um they say we get the first ocean somewhere in the neighborhood of about 3.8 billion years ago of course these numbers tend to vary every year then they say random processes came together and form the first life and it evolves further and further to where you see a dinosaur on my head come on have some fun with this these are lorikeets these are actually wild birds my wife is from Australia I've been down there a number of times and there's places where we'd feed them the sugar water in the morning it was amazing I love doing it you know I've done it a few times but you know we'd feed him thousands of these birds were just flocking down there they'd jump on you and everything if you ever get a chance to feed lorikeet to do it it really is amazing but take an extra shirt I didn't do it the first time I was gross all day long birds have no respect you see this is the way the world's looking at dinosaurs they're thinking in terms of big bang Evolution Millions years when we're looking at dinosaurs in fact this is what I was taught originally what I needed to do was step back because I wanted to look at dinosaurs from a different perspective I wanted to start with God in his word and the reason I want to start with God in his word is well God knows everything God's always been there God's the Creator it would be crazy for me as a Christian not to use the word of God when I look at any subject including dinosaurs so that's what I wanted to do and so let's step back let's do that in this particular talk now to do that we have to know what a dinosaur there is there's an actual technical definition of a dinosaur there's a number of factors but the primary factor is that these reptilian land creatures have one of two Hip structures so they raise their body up off the ground I know that kind of sounds like an odd definition but that's the primary factor now with that definition in mind with something like a Komodo dragon here a crocodile by technical definition of a dinosaur no they wouldn't be because their hip structures have their legs coming out to their side so their body naturally rests on the ground now these other two that stand upright yes by definition they are dinosaurs now think of this definition with something like a flying reptile like a pterodactyl or Pteranodon by technical definition of a dinosaur no they wouldn't be neither would have please yes or a water reptile now I know in a Layman sense we sometimes lump these with the dinosaurs but technically they're not now this baby T-Rex with a sauropod yes by definition they are considered dinosaurs now if we're going to look at dinosaurs from a Biblical viewpoint the other thing we need to know is the Bible right yeah uh in in churches when you guys grew up I'm assuming that a lot of people went to church with assuming a lot of people here probably didn't go to church either but if you did go to church what did your teach Church teach about dinosaurs nothing that's what my church taught we taught nothing I agree I got saved when I was nine years old my parents sent me to a state school assuming that what was being taught at the state school did not conflict with the Bible they didn't realize I was being taught in entirely different religion at school now that you understand something that's a significant point the Bible has been kicked out of state classrooms for example but I want you to realize religion has not been kicked out they kicked Christianity out but they replaced it with the Godless religion of secular humanism and that's what's dominating the schools right now about 90 of kids in church homes according to latest statistics attend State schools and they're influenced by what they're being taught at the schools but yeah the churches by and large are not countering that I was never countered with it we never talked about it now there are some Christians teaching things like this this is from a Christian he says these large and a few small reptile species appear to have dominated Earth's land and sea life from 250 million to 65 million years ago their creation probably belongs to the fifth Creation Day here's another Christian who says God made the reptiles including dinosaurs beginning about 230 million years ago so what are these guys doing they're going out there and they're borrowing from the world's ideas and interpretations of dinosaurs and they're trying to mix it with their Christianity should we do that no let's step back fresh let's let God be god let's let God be the absolute Authority when we look at the subject of dinosaurs and this is important because this brings out a battle a battle over two different World Views I was actually involved in a world religions and culture book series we had over 60 world religions and Cults we worked with experts from five continents to write and review that book series but here's how we started that book don't be deceived there's only two religions in the world just two gods and not gods and if it doesn't come from God one way or another it comes through the mind of man which has been elevated to supersede God all other religions one way or another have an authority that goes back to man man becomes that Authority that's called humanism in its broadest sense where man is seen as the authority over God man is the measure of all things if you will all other religions whether it's Hinduism New Age whether it's secular humanism whether it's atheism whatever religion One Way or Another Man's ideas have been used to take people away from God in his word now in our Western culture the secular forms of humanism are what are dominating anytime you see something like big bang millions of years or Evolution these are subsets to the secular forms of humanism in the same way that creation the fall and the flood are subsets to the religion of Christianity it's a battle over two religions I've had people say Ababa body this is science no it's not science I have a bachelor's master's degree in mechanical engineering I specialize in Material Science I developed a new method of production a sub Micron titanium diboride that was English by the way here's what I can tell you about science it is observable and repeatable has anyone ever observed or repeated the Big Bang no anyone ever observed or repeated millions of years no anyone ever observed or repeated the changing of a single-celled organism like an amoeba into a goat never seen it that's actually religious world view you see it's a battle over two different religions there's a lot of forms of secular humanism floating around out there secularism proper there's atheism which says there is no God it's an absolute statement there's new atheism not only are they saying there is no God they want to impose that on kids of the Next Generation people like Richard Dawkins Christopher Hitchens agnosticism number four here I've always been fascinated by the religion of agnosticism it's religion that says you can't know if God exists but if you look closely at that religion you can't know if knowledge exists either so you can't know if you can or can't know if God exists very odd religion self-refuting actually naturalism that nature is all that there is and yet we have natural history museums all over the place assuming that there is no Supernatural that there is no God that is a religious perspective and it's a religious take here's one a lot of people don't realize number six when people say they're not religious that's a fancy way of saying you're a humanist you are religious because you've already rejected God in his word you say it is a religious position a lot of times they just don't really realize what religion they really are but they're host forms of it what gets me is when Christians say ah but we can take some of this religion maybe the Big Bang maybe the millions of years maybe some of those evolutionary ideas and just bring it over and mix it with our Christianity we should not do that when people start to do that something has to give because they don't mix and usually what happens Christians start giving up the Bible they start saying well maybe a day doesn't mean a day well maybe those evenings and mornings are not really evenings and mornings maybe the sun was made on day one not day four like the Bible says maybe Adam and Eve didn't exist maybe there was no Global flood do you realize all five things that I said right there being taught in Christian colleges and seminaries across this country and Across the Western world it's shocking to think that we need to get back to the Bible now to get back to the Bible to look at dinosaurs we need to know what the Bible says do you do you guys all have the Bible memorized yeah I don't either we do have people like Tom Meyer that come through and they'll recite entire books of the Bible it's really amazing actually when you think about that what we've done here at the ministry we have what we call the Seven Seas of History don't let them scare you the museum out here is actually set up on the Seven Seas of History they're just Milestones throughout the Bible creation is at the beginning consummation is at the very end let me run through these some of you may know them some of you this may be brand new to you just Milestones creation God created everything in six days and he rested on the seventh day let me ask you is that is that too hard for an all-powerful God to do no it's all too easy and why did he do it the Bible actually tells us why he took so long to do it he did it as a basis for our work week Worked six days rest for a seventh later on we end up with the Lord's day when the Christ when Christ resurrected and so therefore we end up with a weekend I want you to understand a weekend is a Christian holiday the world likes to borrow that from us but that's a Christian thing but it was a perfect creation that's what we expected from a perfect God is a perfect creation Deuteronomy 32 4 says every work of god is perfect we expected the work of creation to be perfect at the end of the creation week Genesis 1 31 God declared everything that he made very good it really was try to imagine that for a second the world with no death no blood shed no suffering hey kids no homework men no valdeness perfect world I'm telling you but all that changed Adam and Eve sinned against God they elevated their own thoughts to supersede what God had said about a fruit God said not to eat it they ate it anyway they defy God God cursed the ground he cursed the animals he sends a man to die the world went from a perfect state to an imperfect and broken State you see they had dominion over the world so when they fell their whole Dominion fell that's why we needed new heavens and a new Earth that's why we need a savior to save us from sin and death then we have the catastrophe the flood of Noah's day which accounts for most of the rock layers that contain fossils we've had some fossil layers since the time of the flood but most are from the flood of Noah's day and then we have the confusion at the Tower of Babel Babble okay how do you guys say it bad well that's that's normally what I say until I went to England I thought I was going to get shot for saying Babel oh boy it's Babel over there but then we have Christ stepping into history we're the infinite Son of God took on flesh and became a man and then we see his work on the cross where the infinite Son of God took the infinite punishment from the infinite father on our behalf for our sin and that was enough to satisfy God's Wrath on sin only through the blood of Jesus Christ but the power and is it he didn't stay dead he had the power to lay down his life and take it up again that's the power in the resurrection right there we look forward to a new heavens and a new Earth as final consummation Revelation 21 22 give you some beautiful examples of that I just love the fact that Revelation 1 21 and 22 undoes what happens in Genesis chapter 3. the Bible is one beautifully unified book we're going to use some of these Seas history when we look at dinosaurs from time to time see what the world has to say with regards to certain questions so from here on out I've got common questions that people ask me about dinosaurs all the time so you guys ready to jump into those questions we got about six excited people here today you guys ready to jump into these questions all right what day did God make T-Rex let's think I hear some six I hear some mumbling all right T-Rex is a land animal right we've seen his footprints on land it seems very well designed to be a land creature all right let's go back to the Bible Genesis 1 25 and God made the Beast of the Earth according to its kind cattle according to its kind and everything that creeps on the Earth according to its kind and God saw that it was good this is part of the sixth day of creation that was the day that God made land animals so Beasts of the earth that includes dinosaurs so T-Rex is a land animal land animals were made on day six what day was T-Rex made day six there you have it all right what do you think that T-Rex originally ate did you guys walk through the museum already no okay thought you guys were cheating there for a second look at those vicious looking T-Rex look at those mean looking teeth those mean looking claws well not those those not that scary let's use those alarms for these others are scary you think that was on the menu what about that all right let's go back to the Bible Genesis 1 verse 30. also to every Beast to the Earth that includes dinosaurs to every bird of the air and everything that creeps on the earth and which Air's life I've given every green herb for food and it was so so originally that T-Rex was a vegetarian and this makes sense this is a god of life he made a world full of life not a world full of death so originally yes they were vegetarian I've had people say but we found some T-Rexes though that have stomach contents in there they did start to eat meat at some point so what event in Bible History changed all that to where death and suffering came into the world sin in the fall now I want to put this illustration up this is from one of our old children's books and I love to use this to dispel a myth have you guys ever heard Adam and Eve ate an apple I hear it all the time it drives me nuts it's not an apple it's a real fruit the fruit of the tree the knowledge of good evil now what did that fruit look like we have no idea but I love the way it's drawn up here does not look like a hand grenade boom changed everything quickly but no people have asked a really good question though they said that T-Rex that did have sharp teeth did have some pretty vicious calls in fact a lot of animals have what we call defense or attack structures for example this Turtle has a shell to help protect itself from being eaten that's a protective structure you see the talons on an eagle seem really well designed to go down and grab a fish out of the sea or a rabbit out on the meadow and then you see the the alley I actually took that picture of an alligator I just got right up there I'm like yeah I would never do it again look at him looking at me I mean it's a very powerful jaw sharp teeth seemed very well designed to go out and kill and eat other things so people said hey if the world was very good all these animals originally vegetarian why do we see design features like this there's actually two different biblical viewpoints on this the first of the original design was used to eat vegetarian foods or simply put utilize for a different purpose for example T-Rex right through your watermelon patch doesn't matter if you're in water in that thing all summer boom there they go all but but podi's got sharp teeth that means it's a meat eater right nope sharp teeth mean one thing just means I have sharp teeth it's all that means remember that there's a lot of animals have sharp teeth that don't necessarily eat meat there's some animals with some pretty dull teeth that do for example cats can have a diet that's almost 100 meat very sharp teeth and yet there's been some lions that were documented that refused to eat meat one of them over here was in a reserve all would eat was spaghetti gosh get that rabbit out of here I want my spaghetti pandas have really sharp teeth but what do they eat that's right they use those sharp teeth to tear right through that have you ever seen those really vicious looking claws on a squirrel yeah what do squirrels use those claws for climbing trees holding nuts unless you grab one I grew up on a farm in Western Illinois I made the mistake of grabbing a squirrel one time I have never done it since I think it's vicious they're cute but don't don't grab them the second Biblical viewpoint is there may have been some design changes at the fall of Man right there in Genesis chapter three when Adam and Eve sinned against God there were curses called down things changed that serpent remember that serpent the serpent was being influenced by Satan it was a real serpent but Satan influenced it that's where the cleverness came from and that deception but because the Lord God said to the servant because you've done this you are cursed more than all cattle and and more than all Beasts of the field on your belly you'll go and you shall eat dust all the days of your life most commentators think that serpent physically changed forms to be at a lower position this is called cursed design now he's cursed more than the other animals well how are these other animals that curse was this one's sharp teeth cause things like that came about to help them survive in a sin curse and broken world now it's possible we leave that option open look at the parallel things going on in here to the woman to Eve pain and sorrows and childbearing ladies is this true yes my wife has given birth four times you ladies are incredible but notice that's a physical change that's been passed along what about to the man to Adam curses the ground because of man both thorns and thistles shall it bring forth unto thee there is a physical change going on to the vegetation and I know there's variations in these types of models as well but just think about this in a perfect royal kid let me ask you this in a perfect world could you Pat the skunks and play with the beehives what do you think yeah yeah you shouldn't have had a problem I wonder how long it took him to realize you don't do that anymore whoa Adam you stick you're sleeping on the couch tonight but think about this Adam and Eve they started out in a perfect world and they had to adjust to a sink cursed and broken world we've lived in the same Christian broken World our whole life it's tough for us to imagine what a perfect world would really be like I said I'd leave either of these options open I know there's variations in these models could be a combination of the two even all right here's the easy question you already answered it we're dinosaurs on Noah's Ark yes you know I remember years ago when I would ask that question people never really thought about that but once we opened the arc encounter I mean everybody gets that one right now Genesis 6 20. of The Birds after their kind of animals after their kind that includes dinosaurs here and of every creeping thing this is in the context of earth-dwelling creatures after its kind two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive so yeah two of each of the tonic four kinds would have been on board Noah's Ark so how many kinds needed to be on Noah's Ark that's more the interesting question now for a long time creationists said there was about 50 different kinds of dinosaurs now I'm going to introduce you this term kind it's the Hebrew word mean it's it's kind of like a sort or a kind A good rule of thumb is if things can interbreed together they're part of the same kind here uh do you guys uh like dogs yeah I like dogs is there variation in dogs yeah we see a lot of variation in dogs but there's only one dog kind Noah only required two dogs on board the ark all the dogs we have today are the descendants of those two dogs we get tall dogs short dogs skinny dogs wide dogs they're still dogs long snouts long ears Shaggy ones like there's several different wolf species and coyote species and dingoes domestic dogs even though we have a multitude of species of dogs they're actually considered one kind they can all ultimately interbreed with each other so yes you can have variations within this dog kind and we see filterings but these dogs are still dogs dingoes have lost the information for long hair Collies have lost the information for short hair a Chihuahuas just lost a lot of information altogether they look like rats and in Hollywood they put clothes on them but they are still dogs actually they're cute little dogs but when it comes to things like dinosaurs they're not around we can't see what interbreeds with each other we think they've gone extinct we can't find them anymore so what we have to do we look at what what scientists call a cognitive level do they look similar enough to be within these variations for example there's a ceratopsian kind we believe it has a triceratops pinasaurus taurosaurus and these are just different members of that same kind with that same type of variation like what you'd see with the dog so no would have only required two of the serotopians on board Noah's Ark same sort of thing with the sarpod kind we see a lot of these variations of long neck long tail type of sauropods these are likely just one kind of dinosaur and I just give you a size comparison those things are huge here's it is compared to an African Elephant or to a human they are pretty good sized creatures so we work with researchers to look at how many different kinds of dinosaurs there were and they gave us a range the maximum was about 85 kinds and that's what we publish at the arc encounter because we were trying to maximize the number but the minimum number is 36 so that 50 number was right there within that particular range but this translates to as low as 72 individuals up to a maximum 170 individuals if you take the smaller ones the juveniles on board the ark they easily fit on board the ark all right here's an easy question for you what happened to the dinosaurs during the flood that were not on Noah's Ark they died that's what the Bible says all that was on dry land died I have a picture of it you want to see no man my excited audience went down now you're just from kids books I absolutely love these types of things but uh yeah you know we find a lot of dinosaur graveyards where these things were fleeing trying to get to higher grounds sooner or later the waters take and wash them into place we find disarticulated bones sometimes we find whole fossils there together but uh massive dinosaur graveyards what these bones do not come with are tags that say wow look at me I'm 65 million years old we don't find tags like that now you see age is actually a bit of an interpretation we find dinosaur bones in three particular Rock layers Cretaceous Jurassic and Triassic now let me explain something about these Rock layers because creationists and evolutionists we all agree on the Rock layers there really is a Cambrian rock layer there really is a Cretaceous rock layer where we disagree is the timing about how long it took to lay them down now of course these numbers vary all the time by the way uh you know out in the secular world but we're looking at these in the secular World they assume that these Rock layers will lay down slowly and gradually over millions and billions of years you see they've left the Bible out of it we're looking at the exact same Rock layers thinking in terms of a massive worldwide Global flood over the course of about a year which lays down the majority of these Rock layers boom quickly same Rock layers same evidence same dinosaur bones two different interpretations of that and see like I said I'm starting with the Bible I want God to be that absolute Authority that's the way I want to look at these Rock layers thinking in terms of God in his word so dinosaurs these three Rock layers boom flood settlement Noah and the Animals represented on the ark are floating around while these Rock layers are being laid down they were existing at the same time but I want you to notice something this idea millions and billions of years is gone in light of a global flood it's gone notice it's gone it's just not there and that's significant if I were to go out and write a technical paper for a secular Journal like like science or nature Scientific American and argue for a global flood the paper be thrown out right away no no we can't have a global flood if you have a global flood it destroys the idea of millions of years we can't have that here so if I turn around and then wrote a paper on a global flood on Mars sure we'll take the paper it's amazing it's very nice of the Lord to give us 30 percent of the land surface back wasn't it really was but notice a millions of years is gone so if we just start with the Bible how old's the Earth I think they gave us what three hours in here let's start adding up those genealogies now if you guys if you guys know we're not going to be here for three hours and we're not looking at genealogy for three hours either if you're ever having trouble sleeping those genealogies I mean I'm not kidding it won't take long at all forget counting sheep don't take an Ambien read genealogies a book of numbers but let's do a short estimate God created everything in six days rested on the seventh on the sixth day of creation God made Adam see it's about five days before him so it's almost negligible in the calculation there now if you add up the genealogies from Adam to Abraham now most people can do this this is in Genesis chapter five it's in Genesis chapter 11. it gives you all the chronological data it's simple math in fact I put this together in my book uh flood flood of evidence it's also my Tower of Babel book and you can just tally it up here's where the flood is Boom you go all the way up here to Abraham he's about 2 000 years after Adam so it's about 2 000 years between Adam and Abraham most Scholars Christian or secular Jewish they all agree that Abraham lived about 2 000 years before Jesus which is about four thousand years from today so you tally this up you get about six thousand years in fact this is what most chronologists Christians or Jews have arrived at over the past two thousand years it's been in recent times from the 17 and 1800s when people first started to say let's leave the Bible out of it to look at history well here's a good question does the Bible talk about any dinosaurs what do you guys think yeah can anybody tell me book and chapter Joe 40 yeah you guys are all over that one Joe 40 talks about a critter called do you guys use the word critter where I'm from we use Critter and wash and Crick I wasn't too far from where Mark Twain was just I don't speak like that normally but yeah okay well let me read verses 15 through 19 here look now at the Behemoth which I made along with you Heats grass like an ox see now his strength is in his hips and his powers in his stomach muscles he moves his tail like a cedar the sinus of his thighs are tightly knit his bones are like beams of bronze his ribs like bars of iron he's the first of the ways of God Only He Who made him can bring near his sword now if you keep reading the context this Behemoth goes out into a flooding Jordan River and has no fear it migrates from mountains to the marshes it's in amongst the Reeds and the Lotus trees hardly give it shade this is a massive creature the first or the chief of the ways of God but I love verse 17. I just love it he moves his tail like a cedar have you ever seen a cedar tree move now some cedar trees are gigantic these are some smaller ones but if the wind is really blowing you know it might Kink over a little bit but I mean it's not it's pretty rigid yet now there's Bible commentaries of footnotes that's the same well maybe this is an elephant or a hippo so really an elephant or a hippo so I go down Cincinnati Zoo I'm checking out the elephants Cincinnati is a beautiful Asian elephants down there there's three places around the pin where you can see the elephants and everybody congregates where the elephants are looking where they're feeding them and they get nice pictures of the tusks and the Trunks and the ears well I'm on the back side I'm back here taking pictures like yeah yeah they're looking at me like what is that guy doing but I got great pictures of the backside elephants I was trying to take a picture of that tail now this tail this is like right in mid it's flopping up there trying to knock bugs and flies and insects off its back it's moving around like a weeping willow not at all the way a cedar would move what about a hippo nothing hardly has a tail it's a little flap of skin it goes it's really weird Taylor moves more like a seed or something like this I've got it been around to thin on the illustration does that work now not happening it actually fits the creature a little bit more akin to something like a sauropod dinosaur which actually fits the context a bit better just give you a size comparison brachiosaur compared to an elephant compared to a hippo you know the Bible says this is the first of the chief of the ways of God made alongside Joe which one would make more sense of that the larger more significant creature of course well the very next chapter talks about a critter called Leviathan now this is a water creature so by technical definition it's not considered a dinosaur but I'm going to go ahead and read verses 18 through 21. tell me what you think of when I get done with this one his sneezings flash forth light and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning out his mouth go burning light Sparks a fire shoot out smoke goes out of his nostrils it's from a Boiling Pot and burning rushes his breath Kindles coals and a flame goes out of his mouth what's that make you think of yeah like a fire-breathing dragon so I've had people come in and say okay buddy this Leviathan and this Behemoth are just mythological creatures they're not real not really because here the the Lord is speaking to job here this is the Lord speaking directly to him he's speaking to him Job 38 through 41. and the Lord during that time talks about a lion Is that real yeah Raven goat deer donkey wild ox ostrich horse Locust hawk eagle they're all real why would the Lord suddenly admit sentence switch to mythological creatures especially saying that he made that Behemoth right alongside Joe of course it was a real creature of a body of the Lord never make a creature shoot fire really let me introduce you to bombardier beetle bombardier beetle some people call it this Beetle takes two chemicals shoots it into its hind in here it ignites with itself and it shoots it out in all these different directions now it's not the kind of fire that's going to burn your village down but it's a superheated chemical burn is what it is and it's loud too I mean it you can hear it when that thing goes off then it'll lift its legs I mean it's very accurate shoots in all these different directions I saw a video of this thing frying an ant one time it was awesome I'm not a fan of bugs but this has got to be the coolest bug on the whole planet but you know the Bible talks about other creatures that shot fire there's the fiery flying serpents in Isaiah you go back to the Books of Moses with uh numbers in Deuteronomy here uh talks about the fiery serpent so you know if the Lord can do this with a bug can you do this with these fiery serpents it was Leviathan yeah it's not a problem hey why don't we find the word dinosaur in the Bible then I mean you grab a search program you search sort of dinosaur it's just not there let's think about this for a second why don't we find the word dinosaur in the Bible early translations of the Bible were in English in the 15 and 1600s you might think of tyndale's version and the early 1500s there was the Geneva Bible that the pilgrims brought over there was the great Bible the Coverdale Bible the Matthews Bible The Vicious Bible people are arguing over these and so they said hey let's get a standardized translation so they got together and they got the King James in 1611 and there's been a number of revisions with that over the years in fact a lot of our modern translations one way or another still have roots and ties to the King James whether people realize that or not well the word dinosaur wasn't even coined it wasn't even invented till the year 1841. by man named Sir Richard oh and a Christian man by the way 1841 that's 230 years difference so can anybody tell me why the word dinosaurs found in the Bible wasn't invented yet it's like trying to find the word Candy Crush in the Bible not gonna find that one either hey is there another word that was used in the Old Testament that included creatures like dinosaurs let me give you a hint there's a reason for the shirt dragon word dragon is using the King James Old Testament 22 times in the old Geneva Bible 24 times and it's not one isolated book it's all throughout the Old Testament and there was about three different words that were utilized to translate into dragon at least the translators felt the need to do that let's look at a couple of these Isaiah 27 verse 1. in that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan The Piercing serpent even Leviathan that crooked Serpent and he shall say the dragon that is in the sea your Leviathan is called a dragon Psalm 91 13 Thou shalt shred upon the line and the adder the Young Lion and the dragon shout thou trample under feet dinosaurs and dragons are the same thing actually let me put it this way I would say all the dinosaurs could technically be called a dragon but not all the dragons can be called a dinosaur let me say that again because that's really important all the dinosaurs by their definition could be called a dragon but not all the dragons technically fit the description of a dinosaur here's why the word dragon is more of an overarching term it included flying reptiles and sea reptiles and the serpentine land reptiles even crocodiles could be considered uh dragons but it also included the dinosaurs but remember Dinosaurs the definition for them they were very specific types of land reptiles that had one of two Hip structures so not all the dragons would fit the description of being a dinosaur but yes all the dragons could rightly have been called a dry or yeah all the dinosaurs could rightly have been called a dragon aren't dragons of myth we've all heard that haven't we you know this idea started floating around the 1800s finally gained steam but it wasn't till about 1910 the encyclopedias came out and started to say they're a myth and well I I realized when I was doing a lot of research on this particularly for the book in the 1800s people had this mindset that animals really couldn't go extinct I mean today we look wow all sorts of animals have gone extinct we've got records of it like crazy but back then they didn't think animals could go extinct that was like a thought Beyond them so if you couldn't find them well then they didn't exist they were myth and so that's what started floating around yeah it was 1910 when they came out somebody said hey let's go try to find some dragons up here in the Alps somebody said there's still some Alps or a mountain range over in Europe guy went up there he couldn't find him so he said therefore their myth this idea that animals have been going extinct is a relatively new idea but we know that that's been happening we've seen dodo birds passenger pigeons a lot of people think the West African rhino recently went extinct there's hosts of different creatures that have gone extinct dinosaurs and dragon-like creatures are no exception there were people that went against them of these encyclopedias New Century dictionary here first published in 1927 this is a reprint from 1946. I have a copy of it a dragon huge serpenter snake now rare now this also includes the fabulous monster definition so you can see where it's transitioning over but you look back in the past people viewed dragons as real on just about every continent well not Antarctica okay [Laughter] but you know when we look at historians and commentators anatomists scientists from the past they agreed Dragons Were Real one of the most famous Dragon Slayers is Saint George he slayed a dragon in North Africa he's the patron saint of England by the way and this was a picture I took when I was in gamblestein the old old town of Stockholm Sweden but Saint George slayed a dragon he was a Roman soldier actually and a Christian about ad300 slated dragon and rescued a princess of course he became popular Rome wanted him to recant as Christianity wouldn't do it so they killed him for it but all across North Africa the middle east Europe we find dragon accounts all over the place just in the United Kingdom alone each of these towns or Villages have at least one dragon legend associated with it if not more than one I've been to a few of these places when I was torn over in England and Wales in England before the Norman Conquest in 1066 the dragon was Chief among the Royal ensigns in war they'd be on flags and tapestries and all sorts of different things in fact this is part of the Bayou tapestry this is an ancient tapestry about a thousand years old this is the first portion of it it's a huge tapestry that outlines how the Normans conquered England and you'll see all these different animals on there and he'd readily recognize them and then suddenly you get to some that looked just like dragons see the view dragons right there alongside other real creatures when I went to Guild Hall this is in the Midlands of England this is the Old Government Chambers where the mayor was and so forth you saw dragons in there as well you can tour through it it's been closed for about 400 years saw it at different Cathedrals bath Cathedral Gloucester Cathedral here Summit luster Cathedral all sorts of things all across England coins it's just amazing you know they viewed them as real creatures I love this one this is at the leicestershire Museum and art gallery this is the museum for Alfred Russell Wallace many of you may not know that name Alfred Russell Wallace and Charles Darwin were evolutionists competing with each other they were contemporaneous they're trying to get their information out who's going to be first essentially Darwin beat him to it had a better publicist so you know Charles Darwin's name Alfred Russell is a very famous evolutionist in his own right but this is his Museum's got a dragon there I love this one this was out a church Saint Mary Church we had actually had to walk down a dirt Trail to get back here and you open up and go in there and well you couldn't miss it and a neighboring Church also had the same account of this Dragon being killed in the creek not too far from where this church was as well the ancient flag of Wales this has it's been adopted as more of a recent flag but this is an ancient flag that goes back over a thousand years they have the red dragon on there the old mercy and flag in central England had a dragon the Royal Bavarian flag in southern Germany has lions and a dragon on them you flip over to the Orient places like China Japan well known for the dragon accounts and legends in China the dragon appears as the national symbol and Badge of the royal family the dragon adorned the Chinese flag until the founding of the Republic of China in 1911. that's more the long slender we call this the Eastern Dragon Marco Polo commented on him in the ad 1200s when he visited China if you've ever been to a Chinese restaurant you might see their 12-year cycle a 12-year zodiac they have an animal that represents each one of those years 11 real creatures and suddenly dragons see they viewed the dragon as a real creature when I was in South America I went down to Peru there's all sorts of textiles and rocks and pottery that has all sorts of dinosaur dragon-like creatures on it here was one at the Museum of the nation for everyone to see right there in front of everyone here's a question I get a lot too though dragons oh that equates with Satan right you know Satan is equated as the Great Dragon in Revelation well it's not just a mythological type of thing here Dragons Were Real creatures so why is it that Satan was oftentimes compared to well if you look at a lot of these counts of dragons they were very vicious creatures okay that makes sense why Satan was sometimes uh compared to him but you know what Satan was also compared to other things also influenced others for example he's compared to a roaring lion Serpent of old yes Dragon he was even compared to an angel of Light his offspring were Broods of vipers his followers were goats he influenced Peter and Judas and so forth so he also have to be very careful of just calling out Dragon saying oh well that's mythological when we're looking at uh it being a real creature here I just want to throw that in as a caveat so why don't we find dinosaurs today what's the obvious answer what does the world say actually the world says dinosaurs evolved into Birds friends I have no idea what T-Rex use those alarms for but I seriously doubt flying was one of them but one of the things we see we see an awful lot of artist representations of dinosaurs with feathers on it and I've been looking and looking and Dr David Minton who died uh just uh not too long ago actually he was one of the world's leading anatomist brilliant guy he wasn't finding dinosaurs with feathers on it either a host of people been looking for this we're not actually finding the fossils with feathers on it we see an awful lot of illustrations that have them on it we're not finding them recently the U.S Postal Service did a series of T-Rex stamps and they worked with the Smithsonian Institute to come up with these illustrations if you look really carefully here at this baby T-Rex they put Downy feathers on it see that Dino fuzz did T-Rex ever have anything like that no in fact the smithsonian's own website points out T-Rex was well covered in scales and that's skin and Prince Ramen it was not a feathery type of creature you see there's a narrative out there and so people do that in the artist illustrations Dr David Minton is quoting and I did a lot of research with Dr I read a lot of stuff from Dr Alan fiduca now let me explain who Dr Alan fiduca is uh before I I show you this uh quote in a little bit more detail Dr Alan fiduca is an evolutionist but he does not believe that dinosaurs evolved into Birds he believes some previous reptile evolved into birds so he is a Paleo bird expert by the way so here's what Dr David Minton did he summed up Dr Alan fiduca and a bunch of his co-workers he said they presented a substantial body of evidence to support their view that there are in fact no known dinosaurs with feathers now we're in a technological age you can hop on Google or Bing and look up dinosaur fossils with feathers on it and I do this from time to time the same thing seemed to pop up over and over again you do find certain dinosaurs over here that have something along the back of the neck and people sometimes try to justify that as feathers I'm not convinced of that by any means but the things that you tend to pop up are like archeopteryx or microraptor Confucius Hornets over here and if you zoom up to archeopteryx here if you look carefully this is a cast but you can still see in here it had feathers and let's say haha look feather dinosaurs no those are birds you have to understand they have defined birds as dinosaurs so when you find a fossilized bird it's called a fossilized dinosaur now see the trick that's going on I want you to understand there's three ways people try to make a missing link three the first is you take birds and you try to make them look like dinosaurs so they take birds like archeopteryx here and a lot of the artist illustrations they put dinosaurian features on them but it's just a bird Dr Alan fiduca argues this archeopteryx up here is nothing but a perching Bird that's all it is just just leave it at that the second way to make a missing link is take the dinosaurs you try to make them look like birds so they try to justify putting feathers on there and so you see on the back of the neck here you see certain little features they say hey maybe this is uh Proto feathers or the beginning of feathers actually a lot of reptiles have things along the back of their neck it's not necessarily feathers by any means but there's a few certain instances where people say ah but we see some stuff that looks fibrous in certain little areas so maybe those are Proto fibers or the beginning of fibers okay so Dr Alan fiduca has studied this wrote a rather technical paper on it some of his co-workers and they're looking at those particular fibers this is probably the most technical part of the whole talk don't let it scare you here's what it says the fibers show a striking similarity to the structure and levels of organization of dermal collagen The Proposal that these fibers or Proto feathers is dismissed okay let me put that into playing in English he's saying those fibers you're looking at they're collagen fibers okay so what's collagen collagen's like the glue that holds your tissue and your muscle and your your skin together so let's say I die and I start to rot and Decay ooh gross right guys I'm like Lazarus after like three days right ooh gross I get rapidly buried by sediment Rich water seals out the oxygen and I get turned into a fossil so people come by later and they're digging and oh hey look we found Bodhi oh Booty's got Proto feathers he's turning into a bird and those collagen fibers more pronounced you see it's just part of the rotting decaying flesh it's not feathers by any means third way to make a missing link is fake it don't you understand we're in a culture where people have rejected God in his word being honest being truthful with the evidence is actually a Christian concept don't get me wrong there's a lot of evolutionists a lot of atheists that want people to be honest with the evidence and I encourage that by the way but within their own worldview there's no basis for it it must be borrowed from a biblical worldview and so we do actually find examples of Faith do you realize if you can come up with a dinosaur fossil with feathers on it you could be a millionaire yeah people are going to try it one of the most popular fakes was called archae Raptor I'll be back in the year 2000. if you look at the history of this the reviewer spotted that this was a faked fossil three months in advance National Geographic published it anyway and then later had to do the retraction but people are getting better at their fakes better and better and there's more and more of them in fact the secular world is lamenting this and I agree with them on this Scientific American and Science magazine they're frustrated by this uh Scientific American comments here on a science magazine study these are both secular journals they said an investigative report published in science in 2010 revealed that as many as 80 percent of marine reptile fossils on display in Chinese museums have been altered or manipulated people are getting better at it daily Memphis I agree with them in fact people have been writing all these different technical papers on how to spot the face breaks my heart that that's happening here's the thing when we go out there and we find these different dinosaur fossils we find these fossils or scaly creatures right there we find skin imprints and so forth how do you change a scale into a feather they grow totally different scales are like folds in the skin we find skin and print I showed you that one of the T-Rex earlier here's one from a Hadrosaurus scaly creatures this is a cast course how do you change scales into a feather hey kids if you ever played with a snake skin yeah don't don't take it don't take it off the snake let the snake do it themselves then you can play with us again but you can see they're little folds in the skin okay that's totally different than the way a feather grows a feather actually grows out of a follicle like your hair your hair grows out of a follicle Hey kid you're pulling your hairs out you're pulling somebody else's hair out which one's more fun don't answer that don't answer that question but they grow totally different how do you change the scale into feather you really can't now here was something that was found they published us a new scientists back in March of 2012. beautiful beautiful find look at this fossilized feathers you can't miss them they're gorgeous you see the vein ah absolutely gorgeous but notice the caption they look like feathers you know the conclusion of the paper was that these are not true feathers they thought those collagen fibers are true feathers but they said these aren't why would they possibly do that here's why these fossilized feathers were found in rock layers essentially before the dinosaurs in their world view so to them they're like Well it can't be true for others because dinosaurs haven't evolved into bird yet don't let the evidence get in the way hey having Birds buried in flood sediment not a big deal we expect to see it's a great confirmation of scripture here's something else that was found a theropod dinosaur was found to eat birds now that you understand it's the theropod dinosaurs that supposedly evolved into birds and they go out there they find this theropod this is published in a secular Journal plus one and you look in here and their stomach contents that got preserved as well and so they can go up and they can do studies on that like what did it eat what was this last couple of meals here and they can identify those bones they're from different birds so how's the theropods evolved into Birds when birds are already around being eaten by theropods you see when you start looking at the details it is impossible to change a dinosaur into a bird not to the world's defense not everyone out there believes dinosaurs evolved into Birds the second most popular view is that some sort of Comet or asteroid or impactor came in and killed all the dinosaurs killed a few other things but by and large it's a lot of things were left alive and the dinosaurs didn't make it now sometimes people try to combine these models it kills off just about everything and then this one line maybe evolves into Birds you know so they try to do that but you know there's problems with this why would it essentially kill all the dinosaurs and hardly anything else I've seen some technical papers said dinosaurs died of disease saw another one that said they starved to death saw another one said they over ate you wouldn't believe one of the later views if I told you you would not believe me all right here's the Press headline dinosaurs gasped themselves into Extinction British scientists say and it means exactly what you think it means dinosaurs gave off so much flatulence that it affected the climate and climate change led to the demise of the Dinosaurs press was all over him I saw one dinosaurs tooted themselves to death and so I went to my artist and I'm like hey can you draw this up for me and he's like how do you want me to draw that first time I mentioned I'm not kidding first time a kid came up to me out of the audience and he goes you draw it like this I told my artist I don't need any more artwork children are brilliant but really is there a mystery to why dinosaurs are dying out the ultimate reason here the ultimate reason is because of sin when Adam and Eve sinned against God death and suffering came to the world we've seen all sorts of things go extinct it's because of sin now some of the specific reasons change environment the world before the flood and the World After the flood were very different the flood triggered an Ice Age we all agree on an Ice Age the secular world has a whole bunch of them different time frames going back for long ages we have one major ice age triggered by the flood of nose day we're about a third of the Earth is covered with ice how well do reptiles do in the cold not as well makes sense why mammals thrived what about being hunted by man most of these Dragon accounts and encounters all throughout the past ended with a dragon getting killed yeah diseases we leave it open genetic problems catastrophic events think of a big volcano that goes off wipes out a whole population that happens to be living in an area yeah we leave all those options open but the ultimate reason here is because of sin all right is there any evidence that confirms man and dinosaurs live together besides say the Bible or some of these Dragon accounts actually was quite a bit it's called cave drawings etchings paintings and so forth uh here's one out at Havasupai Canyon this is one of the side Canyons off the Grand Canyon discovered in the 1800s this creature etched out here alongside other stuff it actually looks surprisingly similar to an admonosaurus type of dinosaur there's one out at Natural Bridges National Monument of course these stir up controversy but this one looks a lot like a sauropod type of dinosaur here's another one out of San Rafael swell in Utah looks kind of like a flying reptile and it's interesting you know the world you know they see these and they're like oh no this isn't it and they'll put it into programs like d stretch or photoshop and they'll say ah this is a snake this is a person this is an alien this is an animal this is another animal it gets weird some of the stuff that they do to try to redraw this kind of stuff here's one up at Lake Superior in Canada you see a boat in the background always like that and you can see a lot of dinosaurs had things along the back of their neck like that Carlisle Cathedral Northern England a man named Bishop Bell died around the year 1500 he's buried in the church and there's this brassing that goes along the outside here and if you zoom up on that there's all sorts of animals etched in it you get up there you'd readily recognize them then you get to some that look just like dinosaurs done in Australia the Aborigines had this painted up of a creature that they'd hunted because it had eaten one of their Kinsmen so they drew the Kinsmen inside here and they were sitting there trying to go after it because they want to get their Kinsmen back they named it yaru of course that's a water creature technical definition would not included as a dinosaur over in Angkor and Cambodia there was a temple whole section of temples and structures found and one of them uh their top prom they they found what looks like a muzzled stegosaur this is being battled out in the peer review they think they've found a second uh one of these as well so it's pretty exciting to see this the Ishtar gate in Babylon built by order of Nebuchadnezzar has this and an orc an extinct type of cattle that alternate going up look at this it's got a reptilian tongue scales hip structure so that it raises its body up off the ground by technical definition that's a dinosaur right there so we see hosts of different examples of things like this as well if we flip towards science what are these you guys know what these are yeah red blood cells red blood cells don't last very long now there was a researcher Dr Mary Schweitzer out west they found this T-Rex femur it's kind of down in a ravine they couldn't get it out so they brought a helicopter in well it wouldn't fit on the helicopter so they decided to do something nobody done before they took that T-Rex steamer broke it in half put it on the helicopter took it back to the lab they got in there let's let's take a look and lo and behold they found some preserved red blood cells now they were in shock there's you know they were like there's no way red blood cells could last like 65 68 million years old there's no way so you know what they said wow I guess red blood cells really do last 65 68 million years old but since then they've cracked open some more T-Rex bones and they found some soft tissue some of it was stretchy there's a video online of this very first photo where it kind of stretches and pulls across it gave off an odor they found a vein I know some creationists that cracked open a Triceratops horn and they found soft tissue as well and I got some nice sem photos here you zoom up to this one they're looking inside of a vein and you're seeing Crystal and material it's absolutely amazing now let me ask you does it make more sense this is a matter of thousands of years old as opposed to say 60 to 70 million years old I think it makes a lot more sense
Channel: Answers in Genesis
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Length: 56min 52sec (3412 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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