Vertical Final Fantasy 7 Livestream Guide (After Corel Prison)

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we are [Music] live let's get this poy [Music] started what were we even up to last time jeez Louise last time for Final Fantasy 7 we were doing we just got out of coral prison and we got the dune buggy then we ran all the way back to like the greater junan area uh cuz I want to get some Mythril and I can do that there so we're going to do that valy dock how you doing Joseph Neil lurking enjoy your lurking Dave hacky should start when you start you should ride a caribou into frame when you start streaming Dave uh you're not wrong about that Zan enjoy your Slumber yeah Kao serious we back at it and love watching ff7 well that's great cuz I love playing Final Fantasy 7 so that's like a peanut butter and belly situation Joe Deno thank you for the liard he in last time on Mega Harve Z oh is that why you were collecting Z's earlier for Mega highve Z that makes sense I understand that rational so in order to get the Mythril you have to have like if I recall right you have to have fights that are like a like a multiple of 11 like that you know 211 fights 22 33 44 like whatever if you do the guy will be like holy crap I have some me I'm paraphrasing a little bit but it's something like that King herb dominant Rider of caribou howy you doing KJ hey thanks Saint thank for dropping a like hope you're doing all right between links Awakening or Mario RPG ooh what should you get first on switch I'm uh I'm historic ially not much of a Zelda player so I would say Mario RPG and I mean we can certainly uh see what the general consensus is oh the bolt ring yeah you get that when you do this the second time right 180 okay so we need five more battles I think we can do it been a long day got up at 5:00 a.m. let the house oh at 5:30 got the class at 7:00 a.m. that's most certainly long day you got to be exhausted though another day living amongst the Federation yeah living a dream I uh I hear you well you know what they say nightmares are still dreams so hope it's going all right for [Music] you surrounded my mystery ah that was your first pick as well oh I got laid off oh yeah you're telling me though got another job starting Tuesday hey congratulations glad you're able able to bounce back in short order with it oh one's for odd one's for even oh I didn't know that mattered well either way we'll get something in five battles or I think now three battles after this [Music] battle it's kind of redundant letting Speedy get kills now because he has all his he has his level three limit break so now we just have to get him to do limit breaks on his own uh but we do I believe he's infuriated right now yes so we can start piling that together I should actually maybe get AR aex out here so let's do that Barrett can take a sabatical I think I'm yeah we'll give you yeah we'll do that we'll give you this staff it's very striking well that's a wizard one I removed the staff which was striking uh White Cape short and whatever Barrett had you can just do one of these boom easy transition easy peasy yeah aex time aex this see you now have Final Fantasy oh T Edition up still nice that third roaring Triad go yeah some of those fight and T Edition are brutal especially if you start doing like the uh like the EX Mode bosses where you have to like patch a separate part onto the game to even access it some of those fights are incredibly [Music] tough hey mad Henman how you doing are you more of a Tifa guy or an aith guy I'm more of a Tifa guy myself it's living amongst the Federation that built the nightmare you're trying to find positivity I mean all we can do is try to find it in whatever you know nooks and crannies we can I don't remember how many fights we're in hey Phil Grogan thank you for the [Music] L can't do Alesia no oh in uh T Edition you mean I remember timia being tough I did a a walk through like a tutorial for the Matas fight cuz I think he's the worst one I was going to do one for Alia but I I had enough resistance while I was fighting her that I'm like you know what never mind okay so two more battles getting home was rough yeah left class oh yeah so you've been out for like 12 hours getting up at 5:30 I hate that that's so early to be getting up and I used to do it you have to REM yeah I'm an aith guy I see that I did in fact [Music] notice so I should get the E skill on on aex here as well but we'll get aex to cast snow to cast snow gra excuse me so um go I'm trying to remember I'm I'm pretty sure I had Edgar and Sabin in the party most often times still I think my main party was like Edgar Savin Celeste and go go I think who I ended up settling [Music] with I'm sure I tried Tera I think I just found a lot of use for celeste's runic if it was still the same is that I forget if that was one fight or two it must have been [Music] one also look out the hair on my eyballs put on cologne want to lick uh yeah come on [Music] over yeah go go is MVP of T Edition yeah after ff7r might be a Jessie guy Jesse was definitely sleeper hit of remix I must agree [Music] yeah Tera and celesa Figaro brothers are ideal uh yes we do have yui right now we're also going to sort of skip the wuai side quest cuz you need to in order to try to do like a material duplication glitch that I'm interested in hey Eman how you doing tonight oh yeah you're cat yeah good choice hey thank you for the Speedy ly man just sneezed why why would you do that uh we could maybe even get Vincent tonight depending how things go who are you guess it was fate that I woke up and met you here yeah the bolt ring so yeah now we got to do another 11 fights that's okay bolt ring is not bad I'm pretty sure it makes you invulnerable to uh lightning magic so I'm going to run the circle here for a minute going to do a Victory [Music] lap and the beta Stone spam beta Stone I'm pretty sure I remember please don't tell me the Vincent com I'm pretty sure sure I remember it off by heart it's something I like to practice every time I play this game trying to hey kaiso serus thank you for joining up as a li lover my dude thank you so much my man hey and thank you for the Speedy Emoji spam them Emoji folks thank you Kao serus appreciate it thank you for the L yeah right on thank you so much hell yeah so it just kind of occurred to me I wonder if you could do like like if you were like 290 some fights away if you could do like 299 and then 300 if you could like get both back to back that way I assume it would work not really sure yeah love L on this channel that's right thank you for the L everybody yeah from another FF row to another cheers thank you so much hey jpa what's going on how are you [Music] [Music] hi drag Neil how you doing today yeah thank you for the Speedy L Chocobo bust L look emojji [Music] we the spam mat magic though doing all right thanks for asking C vade on a small community today catastrophic results I'm sorry to hear the I hope you're not on the Run you're not fleeing from the police or anything due to your life choices layer T what there was a report on the radio this morning that a Japanese coffee chain is selling espresso with pork belly fat in it good apparently they love it good as they should soon the world will know and appreciate lard for all that it is oh yeah yeah crazy when I first played this game the emotions I felt it's crazy oh I I got sucked into this game so [Music] hard and like even like coming off you know you know especially after Final Fantasy 6 or as we knew at three at the time after that came out those are like kind of big shoes to fill think they did a standup [Music] job I have not been counting these fights at all there's no way I'm anywhere near there's no way this has been 11 fights but I should go check yeah well I want to get aith her uh her level four limit break just because for no particular reason I play this on the p PS1 right yeah there's nothing like when I first got my PS1 I had Final Fantasy 7 and my brother also got me battle arena to shindan 3 which I can't remember if it was actually a good uh like fighting game or not but I definitely played it a lot you start off with like I forget if it was like 18 or 20 characters but like each character you beat the game with you like unlock another character so if you keep playing you end up getting like I don't know 42 characters or something cuz once you unlock everybody you get like some other character then if you beat the game with that character you get like this little girl or something you can fight with yeah I think she yeah she'll be pretty clutch in disc two and three that's [Music] right hey Copa how you doing tonight am I the only one that gets frustrated when they are not trying to grind for points traveling the map and then randomly get into a fight yeah I can still EAS right yeah I can relate to that like you just want to get to one place or another and you just have all these Riff Raff fights you have to deal with what really annoys me about that is um like when especially if you're trying to just run from the fight cuz it's such a trash mob and you failed to run from the fight for like three turns when you could have reasonably killed the enemies and one if not two turns but you're like I'm just going to run and it's like no no you can't run from these worthless [Music] enemies hey shaky Johnson how you doing PR sure when I bought my PS1 with ff7 way back they gave me the disc oh really for tactics for free that's a that's pretty lucky for you think my watch streak I'll ever be broken ay that's what I like to hear yeah tactics is great I'm not as good at the game as I'd like to be but it's a great one oh how many more how many more battles must we engage but I'll revisit tactics again feel I feel quite confident I don't know when but it'll [Music] happen Oh I thought well that's fine [Music] though triple [Music] kill yeah for some reason I didn't give Speedy's level two limit break and then ended up learning level three limit break so now I have to like Dole around with his level two for a bit okay so three more encounters good at the various melee types and tactic I always felt awkward out the spellcasters yeah I can't even remember what my specific issue was with tactics I just get wrecked in those games usually I'm not really like it's a different Beast for sure than like a regular like turn-based game so such as this oh yeah Speedy's a good cat I'm not sure where he's at right now but he's he's the best hey Calvin and Kai how you doing must have a similar taste to game was just playing this nice few hours ago it's a great one it's a classic one of my all-time [Music] favorites I have a guide for it somewhere I can't find it for the life of me R I made out got dancers and then fell out of it I've beaten tactics maybe three times I used to have a guide for it I think we need two more battles but I'm not paying the closest attention so I need to go in every time because I don't want to have to do like another 11 well 22 battles I guess that's just silly we'll try to go once we get Cosmo memory I'll see if I can't then go back and get om slash that might not be tonight but I don't know Eight's good too yeah but I didn't yeah I didn't get the same feeling playing yeah I I agree with that I like eight just fine but Seven's my favorite guess I rock and Omega or M multi bottle rockets I would say hey Cole Romero how you doing tonight make everyone a calculator you with holy learned equip gear that boosts holy and absorbs holy holy bomb everything mic drop hey Chris rhes welcome back how you doing you that qualifies is a holy bath bomb I think so I know you're not asking me but that's what I think bottle rockets multi I could do yeah you're going to wipe out like every every boss you'll wipe out in one if not two turns I mean Diamond carbon to Diamond dog is a little it's kind of a weird little exception and if I remember right if an enemy's speed is high enough I think Omega can miss who are you guess it was fate that I woke up and met you here there's the meal well what if we do one more fight and talk to him cuz it'll loop back round to 300 will he say this is Sparta and then kick me into a hole where we can fight test zero I hope so I don't think you'll get a second bolt ring if you try this but I'm going to anyway hey Master owner how you doing no like like the in battle Graphics in this game I think still look fine like for PS1 perfectly perfectly fine so let's have a little look see here hey I'm glad you like the videos Chris okay so he won't wake up again that's fine that's fine by me so let's hop back in the buggy we could do another Condor thing but like the only other thing we could possibly get is the Super Ball and I don't care about that so we're going to continue [Music] on hey cheeseburger welcome [Music] back yeah and especially the cutcenes like I had never seen anything like them [Music] you know back in '97 I don't even know what the closest no I don't think i' like I would have seen the odd like real life looking sort of cinematic experiences when I saw Sega Saturn gam play so I would have seen like you know recordings for like Command and Conquer and stuff but like outside of that would have been probably like my first experience with that style of Graphics hey PE what's happening you think this game in story is limited by the hardware it's on do you think it's perfect as is I'm sure that if they had the the means at the time they would have put more stuff in the game but I think it turned out all right especially considering how like busted the game really is like there's so many glitches in this game it's it's kind of a miracle it even works if I understand right when they developed it they kind of got it to to a state where it was like sort of stable and they're like all right don't touch it it's [Music] fine hey gamer boy welcome back well Fantasy games on PlayStation had such great hooks yeah Cloud Amnesia Zane Viv Amnesia Squall every other character except Irvine Amnesia huge huge variance oh yeah and we can fight the whatever monsters here too let's feed hey yam how you doing yeah Chris you know if you just come here and hang out whenever you want oh wait what I can actually go in here how fire will it let me go what what do you mean I can go in here Luigi Mansion Dark Moon pretty much guaranteed to get like at least 20 glitches from the cut scene man keeping watching so boring at the Underwater Reactor there's got to be a way that you can glitch past this guy I don't know if there's would be any reason to but there's got to be I refuse to believe that you can't glitch by the sky heily got to be [Music] a yeah I give [Music] up oh thanks Chris for subbing you can see the videos right on yeah I have quite a large backlog of videos even like with short videos I have about 500 of them at this point lots of lots of stuff lots of RPG related stuff earlier games you had the oh yeah had their share of Amnesia too hey Von notingham how you doing tonight like stories where you see your character starts out you like the midpoint story to find a bit yeah I don't really have a preference either way so long as you know the pacing as well I'm not really opposed to kind of starting in the middle of something like action-packed to like kind of hook me in and then be like okay now that you're invested and what we're doing we'll we'll slow things down a bit and explain to you uh what the deal is with these people hey thanks Chris I appreciate that yeah impressed president shra song would drive me mental time your dad called me when I was playing this on the computer the song just kept going on and on I was done with my tri so now you're like traumatized for it hey yeah yeah I saw that you posted on my first video that was like long time ago now like 15y old video very first FF he had a self-fulfilling time Loop Paradox so yeah yeah don't worries kaiso serious yeah we did the gold saucer we did uh the cor the mount or the coral prison now we need to head off to gongaga I'm not ready to go back to the gold saucer just yet I want to get Red's level four limit before I even bother it's kind of a mood Point getting omn slash before uh you know we have like level three stuff anyway how you doing Valley duck yeah Chris what's up yeah hey thanks for the reminder KJ that that was what I was heading for next Joel 99 how you doing welcome I forget if it's this uh but you have to get it on a beach I think this one will do yeah a little further than rebirth yeah these things what are they in seapods I'm not I'm not sure but yeah they're Beach plugs you just find them outside of Costa the soul on a beach you can't get it unless you have the manipulate ability otherwise they wouldn't just be like hey I'm going to cast big guard on you because that just would be great for us but yeah just cast big guard on your party and it's a fabulous ability even if you're not trying to collect all of the enemy skills you're going to want big guard it increases your attack or not your attack it increases your defense M defense and I believe also cast haste so you're going to want to make haste and learn big guard do deap pods maybe hey thanks for subbing Joel appreciate it what it getting s uh you get the tiny Bronco from s uh the Zen zealots have white WI we grabbed it before the uh the episode ended last night so we have white wind we got it from the Z zealots in the junin area we also got is this how I get the there's also Aqualung you can get I think it's easier to get if you're like in the in here I could be wrong about that but it is this general area hey Troy how you doing thank you for the L it's going pretty good though I tell Speedy I said hi will do Copa thanks for stopping in hey I'm glad you like my my bandana Chris thank you I've been doing the white one lately but I figured you know let's spice it up and do the wear the red [Music] today so I don't know maybe it's not like right in here but it's in this general area where we can fight a chimera and you can learn Aqua along from him which I think is a song name of a song yeah here we go these things oh harpies excuse me this is a harpy forgive me I can't remember if they have anything worth stealing or [Music] not let's find out there's Aqua along I'll just cast it after I steal from it I don't think it has anything like special but I want to steal from It Anyway mom m mom m mom Jeth R tell pork chop sandwiches how you doing thinking of wonder wall is that the I thought there was a song that was like called aalong it wonder wall hey Brian yeah buggy hasn't left yet no it has not yeah Scott yeah clearly a harpy yeah why would you think this is anything else I don't know I'm just having a moment oh you can get a striking staff from these things too NE okay well aqual although that's probably going to kill a um yes yes it come back stop being [Music] dead aqual along on [Music] itself not truly gone yet oh you're heading out uh heading out you if so I'll catch you in oh it's your birthday happy Birthday Chris hey Marx R tiles how you doing Happy Birthday Chris yeah these hidden enemy skills are crazy crazy [Music] gut but I can one day I'm a donate for Speedy foundation not sure but I'll keep it as a yeah yeah that's okay cheeseburger no worries there I still need to make a trip to the pet store and get Speedy some nice I'll try to do that soon I don't hey spotty bear how you doing I don't think I can do this yet maybe I can let's save it first don't you need Aqualung we need to aqual along the one with the m yes it hits everybody though so it's kind of a a matter of time why is the music all high pitched squeaky it's like squeaky cheese I don't know counter no end to no one's here all right countering no ends of glitches this time we can also get frog song here let's just get it before we go Gaga before we've gone Gaga Grand horn yeah the grandest of horns hey doing all right [Music] Mark some games you have to be hit yeah some game right right right yeah yeah this one right yeah this one you have to get hit and then also not run from the fight because yeah I think Final Fantasy 6 if like with strago I think he needs to see it like if he's knocked out and it happens like he can't learn it yeah this is Final Fantasy 7 the uh the original one for uh Playstation One random guy how you doing HST start a day without a bit of Harve what's up hey we're just Final Fantasy sing it up today Final Fantasy 7 style probably manipulate these frogs and then also do frog [Music] song Let's well yeah let's just beta these three frogs here hey Mixmaster Shadow how you doing I'm back how's your night going so far so good thanks hey Douglas what's Happ 8 ff13 extra content Max the character was still good one shot by Ultima like what yeah it's uh it's a tough one oh we got Frog song anyway great that wasn't s it sort of sounded sarcastic but it all right Chris thanks for stopping in and I'll catch you next time hope you have a good rest of your birthday yeah frog roulette time frog roulle this isn't working so great [Music] it Weirs me out that these things are called touch [Music] me especially since they're not overly poisonous maybe I should just Huck an item at this [Music] point uh I don't know grenade can you attack anyone other than aex for two seconds maybe I don't know it's an idea I [Music] had yeah touch me not [Music] yes old school games I love like pretty like oh anything that's like 10 years old plus like RPGs pretty much any RPG you could skip 20 years in the future you could say what you're doing what would be your dream I'm not even really sure how to answer though I'd still like to be doing YouTube I guess yeah like Mega Man stuff and uh I mean Mario stuff Resident Evil I like yeah no worries Chris thanks for stopping in have a good rest of your birthday I'll see you I'll see you later I'd like to be breathing in 20 yes that indeed that is one of the things I would indeed enjoy that was a decent experience a th000 fighting six frogs let's go ahead and use a tent and save it again TCG Billy my favorite RPG would either be this one or Earthbound for the Super Nintendo Chrono trigger's really high up there too can't really go wrong with any of them oh yeah I like Mega Man a lot I played a little bit of Mega Man Legends I haven't gotten Vincent yet no uh we might get him tonight I'm not sure hey super Alma welcome back how you doing tonight hey Lind Slayer how are you oh used to be doof well welcome back doof or shall I say Lyn Slayer line Slayer Lon Slayer now that I actually looked more closely hope you're well someone there hey rude who do you like what are you getting so embarrassed about come on who do you like lean who's Tifa in this one that's a tough one the poor Elena she you no she likes Zing I never knew that but Zing likes the ancient love triangles right Vincent has a great design what are they talking about so stupid they always talk about who they like or don't like but Zing is different oh no hey Chris is the best yeah Turks have great music they're here they're really here then it's time yeah like a romance version you have rock paper scissors rude don't go easy on them not even the girls so for this fight and like any fight rude is in if you bring Tifa along rude will not hit Tifa not in the original one he might if like everyone else is dead but like if and otherwise he will not attack her and we're counting on you I'll report to thing oh you played Mega Man too that's fairly highly regarded one of them this the Turks don't always have worthwhile stuff to steal I'm pretty sure this is one of them I don't don't think they start having anything good to steal until like I want to say around like the huge Materia raid but yeah after a certain point the Turks have great stuff to [Music] steal Mega Man 3 is my favorite but like I don't know you can't go wrong with any of them for the the normal Nintendo I don't think I actually really like Mega Man 7 I think it's kind of underrated [Music] so yeah the whole series yeah nothing to steal going on liony [Music] Slayer no I I assure you I do not mean X7 I promise you [Music] though oh rude is Frozen in place you stopped by the choco MOG I don't see that every day we may be retreating [Music] but I think if you don't kill them at the same time you don't get like both experience points from them I forget there clim Hazard you got a fairy tale and next forget if the fairy tale is that a weapon I actually forget interesting they're definitely waiting for us might be for AR but they followed us and there weren't any signs but the that means there's a shra spy who Could That Be I don't even want to think about their being a spy the sad thing is I probably wind up playing Mega Man X7 again trust everyone cuz eventually I'm going to binge through all the Mega Man games again and while I'm at it I may as well get the platinum trophy on the Legacy Collection 2 which has X5 through X8 yeah I love how Cloud acts as if everyone in the party as equally trustworthy I really trust that that cat riding AAL that forced itself into our party I really trust that guy and yui that trustworthy ninja that we recruited also very trustworthy yeah fairy tale that's a lot of slots um I'm not going to equip it but it's Slots of Plenty what am I doing uh let's do that at least and also if we're going no she's in the back row we're good oh you got that Platinum hey welcome back Chris trust everyone in our party especially the walking yeah the talking fortune teller who strong armed its way into our party hey Dark Soul uh just you yeah do it for the content yeah missed those games challenges were insane I thought that's how I got there apparently not guess it's left and right then that's a big Ritter St spider web from a praying mantis makes perfect sense uh stop web on yourself there we did it I love how Frozen enemies when you kill them the intergrate immediately like that like instantly they go away but that's my character spoiler alert geez it's only the worst cap spoiler in video game history excuse me I can't get to I guess I had to go the other way for oh the hell is that that white that uh that yellow material there yeah that weird cat thing that rides a giant puff ball that's the true spoiler hatza hey VZ how you doing tonight death blow [Music] yes doing all right doing I could be worse then I've definitely been worse than I stop web [Music] time yeah if you do that cheeseburger I'll just be like hey and I won't recognize you and I'll I'll act like you're someone different until you're like remember I'm cheeseburg and they'll be like oh why and then I'll say your your new [Music] name okay I didn't remember all right yeah let's go here cuz this is how you get the Titan material a ruined reactor back Clarice Starling like hello Clarice Silence of the Lambs it's Scarlet head of Shinra weapon [Music] development no our cover will be blown this isn't any good either you only get junky materal from junky reactor you know just Titan Materia got your Titan materal right here heyo reactor is a failure but I'm looking for his big large huge huge Materia you seen any oh Mike wait what oh Mike Tyson versus Jake Paul how what kind of shape is Tyson in nowaday I would love to see them please we could make the Ultimate Weapon if we only had some I just can't wait with Hojo gone weapon development's been getting a bigger budget I've been saying that like they should Nintendo should get a hold of Mike Tyson I make a new Mike Tyson's punch out for the switch it's been a while since I had Mike Tyson on board I think now is the time but even if we make the perfect weapon could that stupid haiger even use it oh sorry I forgot haiger was your boss let's go yeah huge materal an Ultimate Weapon the perfect weapon Charlotte wants that huge Materia know what I'm saying oh I know you're saying I know you're saying all right indubitably let's grab her some shiny back there reach for it it's only Titan material excuse me we're going to fight this tank monster we are tanks a lot weit charge wheelie attack big spiral big SP no charge yourself aha got [Music] you self own stop hitting yourself stop hitting [Music] yourself oh oh Tyson's still shredded [Music] okay well I mean yeah if he's still he's still in good shape sure use down I'd love to watch though so it wait it's actually Mike Tyson not like Tyson Fury just so we're clear use beta oh yeah definitely is that a Triceratop tanks or a batop stank yeah not sure if it has a snow horn me [Music] neither I haven't encountered too many biceratops in my travels each Lauren cream of mushroom you can say that [Music] again I'm more of a cream of potato bacon kind of guy [Music] yeah beta Master yeah beta Max right here so yeah if you bring Tifa here as well they like Tifa and Ari both like have a reaction in this area but let's go everywhere else first I don't think you even have to come here you want something hear a story people can live without the Shinra Mako reactors that was cool story I'm much smarter for having listened to it let's buy a Time Materia and a mystify Materia I should have bought the yeah it'll be fun I was I was going to say I should have bought the lifetime gold saucer membership but we'll just do that and we go [Music] back oh yeah that's a little while before he get Vincent hey Brendan McHugh thank you for being a lied lover my dude for 47 months good God Almighty that's like very close to what four years of my math is Right hell yeah my man give it up for Brendan everybody lots of L lots of love as I you to death you ain't the master of beta then you're a liar hey thank you for the liard but now we got all the got all the character names accounted for now 47 years yes mther how you doing thank you for dabbing little dabble do you one day a huge explosion killed many of the towns people hey thank you for the L 80 Gil what a riper [Music] jeez yeah I would love to see that a new uh punch out especially if Tyson was in it like why not yeah I did not typo ganaga Village many people died here in a Mako reactor explosion well I'm going to take this megaphone then oh yeah is it which one of these there's a there like a pole for you to go up to like the second floor maybe it's the accessory [Music] room yeah right here just climb up here more stuff up here nice shading I got to say here a story it's been a while since the explosion but you can still find pieces of it left all over town there's like a Kong that it's like you know for uh for dogs yeah gongaga is Zach's Hometown exact exactly I'm going to buy one just to have it and that's good yeah punch out is great I love those games I typically stream them on boxing day which is like a it's the it's the day after Christmas in Canada and I usually play one and this year it'll be no exception tell me a story I love how this game just has orange people yeah Rhythm timeing Dodge then counter punch should built the reactor without even thinking about the sound Town safety and this is the result you want to buy some from a shady attic just a listed Weaponry presumably stolen Weaponry buy more hypers some TRS just in case I need those I don't necessarily want hyper nice to have yeah with the switch they could de shadow box with the joy Kong yeah totally like like Lally could just like hold them and do this I think I understand right yeah you go in here talk to Zach's parents these are Zach's parents here you a traveler hey wait that glow in your eye are you a soldier hey Master Chef I'm doing well hope you're doing all right oh you're right don't you know anything about our son yeah kaiso serious I streamed Crisis Core back in like 2018 and more recently when the the remaster came out I got the platinum trophy in it and everything I find with Crisis Core you kind of got to know what you're getting yourself into but if you do it's fun first time I played it I didn't quite gel with it but the second time around I'm like no this is a lot of fun it's been close to 10 years since he left for the city saying that he didn't want to live in the country he left saying he's going to join solders you ever hear of a Zach in Soldier yeah also why are you wearing our son's clothes we just share clothes okay isn't that a normal way to be yeah the TV can feel the P yeah you definitely don't want that get those straps on doing well good good hey Matt Bentley thank you got some bearded beardin going on I have to get it a little trimmed though I think like just uh you know rain in the stragg but I want to try to keep the bulk I haven't had a beard this long in a while so I think it may be a good thing to focus on once it comes summertime though we'll see young lady you know him I remember saying I remember he wrote us six seven years ago saying he had a girlfriend could that have been you that can't but yeah if you have TAF here too they both just leave at this point hey kex have you ever met someone in soldier named Zach can't believe he has in contact in 10 years after all we are as parents aex is the matter what a shock I didn't know Zach was from this town hey John Doe uh I've had this beard for probably over a year at this point but I did trim it down a few [Music] times you know him I forget the last time I like shaved it shaved it probably the last time I played Chrono Trigger on stream which would have been about two years ago now I think didn't I tell you it was my first love oh never played it yeah felt like it was really emo but really moving that's what I expected of it especially the clouds while being the ne you connection with the Buster sword I've digressed enough uh I wouldn't say it's like I mean if you Zach's fate like it's not like the end of the game's like a spoiler or anything but outside of that it's just I know it's I had fun with it Zach Soldier first some people really don't like the there's like a gam there's like a slot machine mechanic to it which isn't necessarily the most you know cuz it's little RNG for the battles which can be frustrating but I thought it was okay hey King zero how you doing it changed my e to a k I'm at e still did you get a chance to stream yet a smiling L AKA cheeseburger welcome back I actually I could figure it out thank you on my own that never happens yeah Zach forain Pro well maybe possibly Zach Soldier first class same as Mega har strange there aren't that many you make for first class but I've never heard of him yeah okay it's all in the past now I was just worried because I heard he's been missing missing was 5 years ago he went out on a job never came back he loved women real ladies man he probably I don't remember him being like a skirt Chaser he probably found someone else hey what's wrong poor guy I don't really mind that I haven't heard from him but I feel for his parents hey little dog thank thank you for the goat Emoji hide question mark do you have Renegade Raider I don't know what that is so I probably not right yeah I love weird new RPG mechanics like yeah say what you will about Square they aren't afraid to try something new with you know their battle systems and stuff you know generally yeah I I'm not a big fan of Final Fantasy 102 but again like they they we're doing something different with it so it's not really the battle system I didn't like about X2 it was like everything else about the game let's go I think if you leave without talking to aatifa in this situation you lose like dating points for them this is Final Fantasy 7 the original one on play I'm playing it on PS5 but it's the original one on PS1 uh that was released back in '97 oh did last night for a short bit nice start with the original Contra for NES and then went to ff7 no viewers to start but I know right yeah totally yeah I know like my first YouTube stream I also didn't get any viewers so that's just kind of what you can expect but no glad you did it it'll only get easier from there were you like nervous or anything how'd you feel no didn't do the date yet uh next once we get all the party members it's not too long after that okay so we're going to head to Cosmo Canyon now um there's a glitch I probably won't be able to do it uh but there's a glitch that you can actually bypass cosbo Canyon if you move just the right way with the buggy I didn't research it or anything it's probably not going to happen but I'll try to do it but I don't I don't really know what I'm doing so it probably won't work uh but you can you can just bypass Cosmo Canon and I think if you get far enough past it you just don't have to do it I could be wrong though but let's try main goal is to get everything set up and know that it works well yeah that's important important part of it hey my pleasure King zero Swedish monkey how you doing tonight Oho Gringo how are you picked up FF 789 off Marketplace for cheat oh 15 bucks each that's a pretty good deal you sure these games are going to be worth something one day Final Fantasy 7 8 and N their prices were like pretty high like I don't know 5 10 years ago they've kind of come back down in price yeah I've played ff9 I've only streamed it the one time though I'll play it again I don't know when but definitely not nervous at all okay [Music] good yeah Griffin got to go all right cheeseburger thanks for stopping in see you in the next one yeah cuz sleep yeah no that's fine sleep's uh sleep's useful like you said right right stream games you know about and are comfortable with [Music] 100% yeah 15 bucks is cheap if they're clean oh this is uh this is Final Fantasy 7 for the PlayStation one uh Swedish monkey Arrow how you doing yeah nice ff7 stream yeah right on we're just heading off to Cosmo Canyon now honestly I felt more nervous for somebody to show up yeah that's that's fine just keep at it it's all you can do but yeah if you move the the dune buggy like just the right way normally there's a cut scene where it like breaks down and in order to progress you need the buggy to even go any further well I mean I forget but like if the buggy breaks down you're not allowed to go any further yeah like I don't know how to do it but if you do it right the buggy doesn't break them uh Jedi power battles I have not oh aex I have the long range material on her so that's why yeah I kept looking at the view c yeah I'm constantly looking at my numbers when I'm streaming numbers chat they're kind of close together for me some people say don't even worry about the number of people in the Stream that drives me crazy if I don't know but it it helps some people imagine Square just said screw it we're not developing for new consoles yeah sticking with the PS1 that'd be that'd be wild I would respect though this song is so good I'm home it is I nakaki so in case you're wondering if you name red 13 nakaki it does there's no unique dialogue for it it'll just say oh nanaki's name is nakaki that's weird hey nakaki you're safe come on come on and say hello to buen Hogan yeah Star Wars fra oh it could be a frame perfect thing with a dialogue box that would make sense anaki I didn't even try to look it up beforehand I kind of forgot are you familiar with this land no let me explain people from all over the world here gather from all over the world to seek the study of planet I can't wait to get to this part and remake or rebirth I'm sorry it's full now so I can't let you in ever manag to do a damage overflow uh I don't think so hey Omar um I don't really think TI is like goth but booger Hawk yes exactly your favorite song in the game and used to sit here AFK and listen don't blame you I used to listen to it on the road yeah seven remake yeah went into games like s could and oh man yeah first game be like 80 hours long but imagine the graphics yeah would we enjoy it or just want the HD 2D that's a good question like I mean I'd love to see something like that be realized any DS oh DS games I recommend uh if you can get a hold of like Dragon Warrior four five Dragon Quest sorry four five or six on DS those are good uh the Mario and Luigi games are good what else is on the I mean you can get a lot of Final Fantasy too three and four but they're like 3D versions they're quite different I'm trying to remember what else I even played on the DS I actually played a lot of brain age if you can believe excuse me oh yeah and Chrono Trigger yeah it's best uh releas was also on the [Music] DS right yeah yep well I mean some people they'll just hear that you want to stream or whatever whatever it is you want to do and they'll be like you can't do that you can't let naysayers get in the way of something that you want to do it's not their life to [Music] live excuse [Music] me well I mean even if you just find it fun and never make any money off of it like what's wrong with a hobby was that so you helped our naaki please come in oh yeah and like all the Castlevania games and stuff this world goth might just be the default I mean the fair point ninaki is nakaki that's his name [Music] um so two other Turtles Paradise posters are in Cosmo Canyon I I forget if I can buy the HP and MP plus materal yet think so I thought it was in here never mind it's a different shop this Cosmo cany quite a my oh if you're a fan of Dragon Ball Z try to find attack of the Sans it's a turn-based Dragon Ball Z RPG and it's like actually pretty good like if you're a fan of RPGs and Dragon Ball Z you would like it I'm sure that's a I heard there's an awesome Observatory here I like to see if if I had the chance you buy material if you talk to the shopkeeper oh really that's how it works yeah one of them's up here is it yeah Turtles Paradise number five our cocktails are good but our wine is the best please stop in the turtles Paradise Welcome to the shra in 100 Gil what a rip up all right uh it was DS it's one of the few DS games actually streamed attack of the Sans no complimentary stuff in the mini there was an elixir in the couch I did not know that or if I ever knew that I immediately forgot there's there was an elixir in the couch they couldn't have had a grandfather clock in here to put the elixir in well neat found an Elixir fancy that think I ever realized that that was there yeah hardly knew her yeah d is a good portable isn't the HP plus and MP plus like I mean let's try it I was thinking it was maybe a different vendor let's try this [Music] anyway [Music] we started at cam for some reason wait what F of 6 clock Elixir oh yeah like in case you weren't aware in Final Fantasy 6 like if you see a grandfather clock you can pretty well bet your ass you're going to find an elixir right and I know that yeah it's a hobby of nothing else but the games make me happy I went years without barely playing yeah no I went kind of through a period like that myself where like I just you know I was I used to wrestle that didn't pan out and I'm like well now what do I do and then I'm like well I mean I like games I guess I could try like YouTube well like I did before but like I like try to do it seriously and then I just kind of kept at it and like here I am now M man nor parents yeah gaming isn't bad by itself stuck in the stone Ed yeah everything in life has double-edged any totally I mean like yeah anything like you can anything could be bad if you don't use it you know correctly here's where it was I mean this is my hometown My Tribe are Protectors of those who appreciate this beautiful Canyon and and the planet my Brave mother fought and died here my cowardly father left her I'm the last of my race cowardly father Yes my father was a wasil so the mission I inherited from my ancestors is to protect this place my journey ends here hey nakaki you're home coming Grandpa guns guns I am Mega Harve I play retro video games from like NES to like PS1 era welcome journey of the five no it's like a hacked oh it's like a mod hey Alberta how you doing tonight it's a hacked character change version of tactics and okay people like link and Dante that sounds neat look like thank you I do have a viking like beard lost my cat the friends of decide to keep her what that's so weird behind my back was like losing a kid to me yeah I bet Sun CL and couldn't climb out that's crazy to me that your friends are like I'm going to steal your cat like who does that that's like really trouble that's really troubling Behavior if you ask [Music] me oh that might be the other cause Canyon thing right there he watching lives right on enjoy your stay you know I'm going to keep using the double material grow stuff I have right now be good good uh buy some of [Music] these yeah we had that carbon bangle it took us all the way to cosbo Canyon that was a pretty good snag oh we'll give you a Titan actually I'll give you the enemy skill before I no no Speedy has it uh Titan oh maybe yeah maybe that's it why you look Swedish to me you look like a viking and Sweden used to be Viking it's good found Cosmo Canyon part boring is apparent yeah the upcoming part hits different yeah I've kind of like the older I've gotten the more I appreciate Cosmo Canyon Turtles Paradise newsletter number four now hiring looking for someone who can stand long hours aboard him for details contact the turtles Paradise Darius Chase how you doing broke my heart yeah no I'm asked them to take care of her for a little bit gu she was there for a medium amount of time that's crazy you broke my heart yeah I'm I'm sorry to hear that I mean I used to joke like that yeah right yeah but I Al right like yeah I might say like oh my God your cat's so adorable I'm taking them but like not actually take someone else's animal like that's it's an odd thing to do where did I put it I know it's around here this a thing I is it the Elixir I stole [Music] already anyway just chilling right on [Music] [Music] isn't this where you get the HP plus stuff got your change I know we get another uh like material shop or whatever later here to shop that's right oh you're here to shop sorry we ever hardly ever get any cost customers I do have confidence in our Materia yeah we'll buy HP plus and MP plus I didn't get my lifetime supply of uh gold saucer but I'm sure we'll have 30k by the time we finish this [Music] dungeon oh man I'm so busy I need more help mumble with an extra M [Music] complaint forever to beat this game for I mean it's pretty long especially compared to like you know Super Nintendo RPGs especially if you call this person family yeah doing that to a friend is messed up yeah but doing to someone you call family as worth if not just straight like manipulative hey KY uh Kelly rybachy how you doing what's the word the bird is the word hope you're doing all right Kelly yeah 8K each cat that love me my cat would routinely take on the neighbor's small dog yeah cat one every time Bata give me hope there's a there you go I hope that was enough hope for [Music] you it's all the hope I have lying around if you're running around looking for hidden yes definitely run around looking for hidden things definitely extends the time totally hey my pleasure hey glad to to hear it Kelly thoughts on unsalted almonds I like them just fine almonds I like um pean as well to just eat sit around and eat pean almonds cashew [Music] nuts I this is my grandfather buan last name Hogan he loves ice cream he's incredible he knows [Music] everything name is Neil forgive me if I'm reading that wrong NE the arcan Tor oh I'm not too familiar with bleach yeah bro is Master roshi kind of he could cosplay ASM for sure what Anthony Jordan a curatory Alma passed away Jesus Christ just now like not you know like today God damn [Music] it uh I've tried uh Swedish berries that's crazy I don't think he was even like yeah I know he's been doing like Dragon Ball since like ' 855 I didn't think he was like especially old like I thought he well I mean I guess maybe he's like 70 but like good Lord that sucks oh on March 1st good God what's [Music] happening Jesus extended warranty thank you about my car's extended warranty yeah that's crazy I'm yeah 68 Jesus Christ Luke Armstrong uh yes yes you do no that's depressing cuz like Dragon Ball is like a huge part of my [Music] childhood and like you know he did the the he also did the artwork for Chrono Trigger which is like one of my favorite games ever Dragon Quest man's been a big part of a lot of cherished media growing up that [Music] sucks well I mean like thanks for letting me know it's just like damn that's [Music] shitty still a child you see please stop grandfather I'm 48 yeah even yeah if his indirect influence yeah yeah for that matter yeah even his indirect influence yeah imagine Ichibon yeah without Dragon Quest yeah seriously yeah God damn like this is it's not been a good year for like uh cuz we lost like murayama we also lost the guy that created suen we lost him like a month ago now we lose a curator like what the hell is going on here and I guess that's what happens when you grow older like people just start dying it's too bad hey the Australian VR how you doing yeah rest in peace holy cow you're a Thor's manga theater I'm not manga manga theater I'm not sure what that is yeah he's the Dragon Ball Z guy L was he is chain smoking yeah Mega harb's Voice Plus Cosmo Canyon Music falling asleep I don't blame you especially after the day you had Zan I think you're a trooper for still being awake hey miles to go how you doing tonight we just found out that a curator Yama passed away that sucks ju Sebastian how you doing my uh I don't know where Speedy is at the moment he's not in my direct line of vision he's hiding somewhere right yeah yeah yep awesome storytellers you're all going to die sometime yeah live yeah live life the way you choose yep no 100% we going a Tanto off eBay what is that is it like a like a blade of some sort hey now Forest thank you for the lied Speedy [Music] Butler you see his 48 years would only be equivalent to say that of a 15 or 16-year-old in human Reckoning 15 or 16 he's quiet and very deep thought he was an adult grandfather I want to be an adult wanted to grow up and be able to help you protect this Village ho ho ho he's he's also Santa Claus no noaki you can't stand on your own yet yeah like we just like Anthony Jordan just told us like like five minutes ago like you just missed it but no you heard too yeah I'm I'm still kind of like processing that oh it's the dagger Goro uses and Yakuza gotcha [Music] gotcha yeah know that's rip that's too bad like I was saying like he had a hand in a lot of my most cherished uh like Dragon Ball Dragon Quest Chrono Trigger just off the top of my head right yeah if you do what you enjoy you never work a day in your life hey Comet this is Final Fantasy 7 uh the original one that was released in 1997 [Music] reaching up to the heavens threatening to snatch the very stars from The Great City it's just like I'm kind of like the timing of of that just like we just reach Cosmo Canyon I find that out it's like holy c yeah and what he's inspired definitely definitely I mean I I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon I have some play buttons to get before I go anywhere hey Justin how are you it's going all right going all [Music] right no no I yeah no I get no I'd rather like you I'd rather know than not know yeah right right yeah a being the bear bad news yeah no I get that like I mean that's how I felt when I found out this week of Creator passed away it's like I don't I take no enjoyment like letting people know that but like I had to I had to make a community post when I found out yeah the info is like just released yeah someone in the chat was earlier saying that I guess it happened March 1st but it's just getting out now it's too bad and I mean with all this talk of there being like another Chrono Trigger being like sort of being thought about and I mean I know people can emulate the man's like art style at this point like he has a very distinct style but just it won't be the same maybe tomorrow or 100 years from now but it's not long off yeah so you're not a big fan of Dragon Ball Jordan no I I love dragon ball flush is weak yeah but the soul will live on forever oh dra oh I read that as Dragon Ball Jordan yeah yeah I like Z yeah how do you know this I hear the cries of the planet right well I mean that's just the thing you know you grow the older you get the longer you live the more you know people just die because that's that's what happened what kind of messes with my head now is when I when I see on the news like people dying who are like younger than me or like basically my age kind of gives me [Music] pause sound of the stars in the heavens while this goes on planets are born and die well I mean and that's like that's going to be it for like Dragon Ball super and like you know bunch of stuff but I mean it's not like you didn't have a long successful career so it's not like the man's suffered it's just you know it's a loss definitely a loss yeah I think it might just be P you had to give Dragon Ball to the ages yep yep no for sure make sure that yeah your elders make sure that you say everything you ever wanted to say to them cuz when they're gone you lose that opportunity that was a scream from the planet didn't you hear it as if to say I hurt I suffer have to come here in a journey to save the [Music] planet why don't you show them your apparatus that's [Music] filthy oh ho ho to save the planet ho ho ho then again I guess it wouldn't hurt to show them booing hogin hey thank you for the speed OT oi Troy sever odd people are here hey Crystal welcome back I don't know if you remember me but I found your stream again hey r on have a nice day afternoon night and nice stream hey thanks for stopping in Crystal let me know you have yourself a good one too and a good weekend well place has gotten busy all of a sudden he brought friends too I'll go get them hey I don't know hey if you want to sub miles ago I'd appreciate it need to sub right on thank you means a lot to me appreciate it hey sness how are you there right on Miles thank you so much for subscribing only three I'm sure people are going to want to try to keep the series going because it's like a cash cow but I'm I imagine it's going to going to ride that horse into the glue Factory at this point yeah dropping a like thank you thank you only three people can fit into grandfather's machine not necessarily A berserk guy curious to see what the guy picking up where the Creator left off is going to do oh since they're apparently friends you should probably consider subbing one day I didn't know you could even be a member without subbing thought I saw hey no it's fine miles but I mean either way like you keep coming back so same difference I suppose how do you always forget something in the game what what do you [Music] mean we got yaka a six ah you got all the mainline [Music] ones I was trying to go back too yeah good things end because if it falls in the wrong hands it'll suffer a fir [Music] worse there we go oh I have to go get my friends right my machine won't run away that's good yeah I'm having fun JP [Music] you I just found out a curator Amad died so I'm a little bummed out about that not going to lie but making the most of [Music] it yeah I need sustenance hope you can find some nutrition is good where are my friends at the end oh wait with [Music] it I think Barrett's kind of the most appropriate one to bring quite [Music] honestly [Music] what Gran oliv right yeah oh it's it's important to let people know how you feel cuz you never know having a hard time processing this yeah I know SN like I I hear you it's uh very like very influ like had a huge impact on my [Music] life it's [Music] depressing looks like you have them all together then let's begin I'll stand there yeah this is turning out to be a good year for RPGs yeah enjoying rebirth we'll get I in Chronicles which I mean like I was saying a minute ago Murray the guy the suen Creator he died like last month that was devastating I was I was laying in bed I couldn't sleep and then I heard my Discord ping and I'm like you know what I'll just get up and look at that I'm like oh I youen Chronicles cuz I'm on their Discord then I saw a picture of him like oh there's the man that's like he sadly passed away I'm like what he wasn't even that old he was like 50 55 like he wasn't that's young to be dying hey Melvin how you doing tonight I know about that stuff yeah even though I should do it yeah it doesn't hit me as but isn't I mean it's good if you can distance yourself from it if it's like a person you never met it just sort of like you know it's one of those things saving up for PS5 the very least yeah know the slim is out the pr is on the way yeah you might be able to get an original for yeah not being gouged or whatever right yeah best the focus yeah that they had a great life definitely definitely yeah pretty good this is my laboratory all the workings of space are entered into this 3D holographic system this weird when it's like a like a celebrity or whatever where it's like I don't think I'd be the same person today if it wasn't for like Dragon Ball and like I know he just did the artwork for like Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger and stuff but like had a profound impact on Me growing up hey a shooting [Music] St yeah one reoccurring thing I noticed they seem to have a shorter life spoon oh is that right overworked that wouldn't surprise me they definitely work themselves with the bone over there I'm going to play all the seven remakes right yeah and ghost of tsushima yeah two on the way I heard the first one was really good and from what I saw of it it looked good I just didn't really play it I didn't play it at all [Music] myself wow how wonderful yes it is something isn't it let's get to the subject eventually all humans die what happens to them after they die the body decomposes returns to the planet that much everyone knows what about their consciousness their hearts and their souls the soul too returns to the plan it just it kills me that like we're at this part of the game and I just found that out like of all the times in final well I guess there's a few where it would be poignant but this is definitely one of the not only of U and not only those of humans but everything on this planet in fact they all living in the universe are the same the spirits had returned to the plan oh yeah matsuda yeah yeah he worked himself yeah he hospitalized himself didn't he or something yeah I gave him himself an aling I mean it's a goat soundtrack but yeah like at what cost they roam converge and divide becoming a swell called the life stream life stream in other words a path of energy of the souls roaming the planet [Music] Spirit energy is a word that you should never forget ha is square booty so fine I mean she definitely does have those childbearing hips oh that was actually a thing the whole Ichibon being left in the coin Locker coin Bo that was that's crazy I didn't know that was like actually a problem Japan had to deal with with then the time comes when they die and once again Return to the Planet of course there are exceptions but this is the way of the world I've digressed but you'll understand better if you watch this oh off-road was that you Suzuki I forget off-road no I'm thinking out run yeah H claps lung is no joke yeah Android CA got a huge impact best friend I used to watch Dragon Ball Z every day after school then when it was time for the cell tour we watched every day and recorded oh yeah like I recorded I recorded a lot of Dragon Ball Z I had all the Saiyan Saga on VHS and a lot of the cell Saga I don't have them anymore but I [Music] did only living things it makes it possible to form [Music] planets and if that Spirit energy were to disappear [Music] am I from the Bloods um no these are the basics of the study of planet life oh granola ours uh rebelling against you I'm sorry to hear that Miles Spirit energy disappears our planet will die Spirit energy is efficient because it exists within nature Spirit energy is forly extracted and manufactured it can't accomplish its true purpose talking about Moco energy right every Moco reactors suck up Spirit energy diminishing it excuse me a second [Music] Spirit energy is compressed in reactors and process in Mao energy all living things are being used up and thrown away in other words Mao energy will only destroy the [Music] planet story of the planets and those who lived with them you want to know more and you must listen to the words of the elders well maybe I [Music] do where we go out in front of the cosmo campfire is that the cosmo candle come to think of it I forget uh yeah it's looking [Music] like Cosmo Canyon this is where Avalanche was born promis by guys someday and we save the planet from the Shinra we'd all go to Cosmo Canyon and celebrate bigs wedge Jesse hey Jack how you doing today now they're all gone died for the planet excuse me really to save the planet we all hate the Shinra oh come on hey St yeah PS1 Nostalgia kicked in oh hell yeah excuse me is it right to go on will they ever forgive me right now I really don't know I do know one thing doing good glad to hear it anything I can do to save the planet or the people living on it then I'm going to do it I don't care if it's for justice or avenge or whatever I don't care I'm going to do it again Avalanche is born again yeah the good old yeah RPG campfire scene Mega High bonfires are funny aren't they they make you remember all sorts of things you know 5 years ago yeah it's nothing no forget it I'm afraid to ask what is it feels like you're going far away you really are you right oh PSP PSPs were good I didn't have one growing up but I think I kind of missed out of it had a PS yeah PS1 right right not PSX mine was a European small and white yeah was that PS the ps1's were like they were like a mini weren't they if I remember right or they were like a later era PlayStation I learned a lot the elders taught me many things about the satra and the promised land I'm all alone now but um we're here for you right I know but I'm only the cetra I am the only cetra does that mean we can help yeah exactly a little flashback and rebirth oh yeah yeah still I've only gotten to just June in in uh rebirth so far I've I have a long way to go I'm taking my sweet time how years has it been going gosh brings back memories what a boring place just like I thought I want to go somewhere let's find some [Music] material let's go the in now I actually forget rebirth looks good from what I've heard they made leveling up more complicated they have like a pseudo sphere grid kind of thing in it they kind of added some stuff to it that I feel they only added because it's like well other modern games do this so we have to do it it's like I don't think rebirth needed a crafting system I really don't think fans of the series is like you know what I love Final Fantasy 7 and all uh but really holds it back was there was no crafting in it no we just get like a Bas basic crafting system or what whatever reason I mean it's not like really a you know intrusive it's just I just don't think you're telling me we had to wait four years so they could Implement like a Half Baked crafting system like that's more what I'm getting Daniel 517 how you doing what's a word of advice for school uh do your best to get all your homework done that's about it I'm probably not the best guy for this advice yeah look at 16 looks like a great game it's not really what right yeah it's not what I'm looking for in a Final Fantasy [Music] game hey the stream's going well one Sebastian hope you're doing all right you need to be online all the time use a console yeah not only you need to spend a bunch yeah you need to pay for good internet no I don't think that's really an unpopular opinion ff9 being better than ff7 I don't feel that way personally but I I think a lot of people do share that sentiment nine has its fans I still very small we all around this flame never mind what happened it's about my parents when I talk about my mother I'm full of pride and joy and that's fine but when I think of my father my heart's full of anger you really can't forgive your father of course you left a mother for dead the ghee tribe attacked he ran off by himself leaving mother and the people of the canyon yo Sapphire have you been patient has a history of cardio of cardiovascular hypertension and and am in need of a heart transplant got any advice be sure to trans be sure to use two hearts for the transplant in case one of them doesn't take that's my advice quadron how you doing they just impli sing has a crush on someone he's known when they are like 10 I I think so come n noi there's something you should see Place may be dangerous will you and one other person come with us that'll be an aex like if 15 was the first spin-off takes a final fantasy be more interested yeah but for a game yeah Final Fantasy game is just not doing it for yeah like as a as a standalone thing I have no real issue with it as a final fantasy it just doesn't really scratch that itch for me rebirth For Better or Worse is at least scratching the Final Fantasy itch [Music] yeah ax time doing part two was amazing that's with me strongly disliking ah some changes from the book I might go see that I have a [Music] minute I think we got everything we need there's some enemy skills down here I actually forget how many ho ho ho are we all set yeah shall we go death sentence might be down here and maybe something else hey flowey welcome back yeah this is like one of the best songs in the game Cosmo Canyon hadn't seen part one okay definitely wouldn't recommend it gotcha gotcha would be Beyond locks I didn't see part one but I saw like a like a summary of part one I'll probably would probably be lost all right can we get a Who Y no he Ts for plaer free roam games I'm kind of suck up like clearing obstacles and fighting I can't really think of a general bit of advice off the top of my head yeah I'd say it's more of a like practice till you get it like memorization and stuff all right come in come in you lead the way Grandpa what are you crazy it's dangerous in there I told you that you want an old man like me to go in first I'll be right behind you how do you climb well never mind I was going to say how do you climb down the Rope but you float so it's fine something about this just feels like I'm going like deep into the bowels of like some creature I don't know what it is hey Gonza how are you we're just uh doing some Cosmo Canyon here how far did we get with rebirth uh just got the Jun in and rebirth just found out a curator died I'm a little bummed out right now to be quite honest break it open going do stretches and ready to do my exercise have fun we'll do same thank you kindly forget the like drop a like And subscribe people hey appreciate it thank you Saint you have have a good one up your exercise is [Music] productive death [Music] sentence would definitely let Cloud go down there by himself yeah no way no way no how yeah like we just found out like maybe a half hour ago like during the stream found out so I just kind of felt you know I kind of feel the need to relay the news [Music] also but yeah like if they wanted to and rebirth I don't know how it's going to come across but like this whole area could be like borderline horror game like it has the potential I think it's this one you have to go in I for just going to knock a bunch of them around [Music] regardless yeah that's a bummer kind of wish they would go on full horror yeah with the Final Fantasy the closest we got to that was like a spot in 15 15 out a section that was like borderline [Music] whor creepiest moment in Final Fantasy that's a tough one [Music] they're not generally like terribly [Music] creepy that one yeah dur cus was darker yeah I wouldn't quite put it in the horror Camp yeah it's a it'd be closer than you know your average Final Fantasy she said the thing yeah 15 is not a bad game it's frustrating for everything it does right yeah there's something yeah I was always like 10% frustrated playing Final Fantasy 15 but like I think it has its [Music] charm [Music] I thought there was they're not a way a way up there maybe I have to get to it from yeah it must be in the next spot I think it's an added effect Materia I [Music] forgot hey jelly toast uh this was originally on PS1 but I'm playing it on PS5 right now I wouldn't be surprised if they released durge yeah we did death sentence already I wouldn't be surprised if they released durge of Cerberus between now and when part three comes out which if they don't call it reunion I will be surprised when in the game you think it's best to introduce the main villain it depends how games [Music] paste I don't really have a huge preference yeah I think I can just go up there it's like I don't necessarily need to know who the final boss is it just depends how they build the story like Mother 3 having it be clear pretty late in the game like I didn't I didn't have a huge problem with that or like with Earthbound how it's like you knew immediately like gas is the big bad but like you never get to see him or anything until like the end of the game and I don't mind if they do like hey here's who you think the final boss is but it's actually this other person favorite game would either be this one or like Earthbound for super yeah Reunion yeah is The Only Name that makes sense everyone here is a ghost of the ghee tribe killed in a certain battle certain battle the vental spirits of the ghee didn't disappear couldn't return to the life stream still have fire to go ho ho ho I've played a little bit of grandia I actually I've played way more of grandia too I like grandia well I actually beat grandia too I didn't play a ton of grandia but I [Music] should good [Music] good very you guus yeah there was Yeah well yeah right he's basically a right yeah his influence is definitely there for most of the game hey Angelina how you doing tonight breath of the Earth breath of the [Music] fire I don't want to switch to that yet we got to Healing wind some more so let's make these two more infuriated between speedy and a well fine we're all going to be infuriated over here rain world I'm not sure what that is you might have told me about it but I don't recall added effect that's that's yeah so that's that's not a bad one to have on your weapon I get added effect and cuz you can stop enemies if You' couple with choco I get added effect and like another one mixed up and that might be what I'm doing but in any event had two for I never played three hey flip face legit readed misread that as furry well I mean I guess red 13's kind of a furry oh everything kind of wants to kill you basically it's survival but there's a gold too I believe got you hey real thank you appreciate it but yeah if you run across these oil slicks it'll send you into spikes and drop you down to one hit point uh but if a character is dead and you do that it'll bring them to one hit point so if you're if you need a phoenix down it might not be the worst [Music] idea but yeah I'm long overdue to play grandia 2 at least it makes sense for me to try to play one first but like I at least have Nostalgia for two even though I haven't played it in like 20 years M tentacles are good that's bio3 I'm pretty [Music] sure maybe put aex back in the front row to build we need to get seal evil then we can switch off to breath of the fire I mean Earth I'm yeah I'm just going to toss a x potion on [Music] him going a cheese it join Grand you one I kind of went in hibernation oh yeah I hear you once infinite wealth came out oh yeah punch out is a punch out Wii is really good like if you like the other punch out games definitely play the one for the [Music] week very definitely so is that blood or lava bobbling away [Music] here yeah now I've kind of drifted away from him infinite wealth like I don't know when I'm ever going to finish it up but like eventually well [Music] eventually once I have a little more spare time and stuff I [Music] guess oh bill I stream lately I've been streaming every day normally I only stream Sunday through Thursday day uh but I've been streaming every day lately like tomorrow I'm going to stream undertale yellow as well as uh Saturday and Sunday Dan The Warrior how you doing tonight it's BL what happened in Sting's last match with Darby Allen bump through the glass someone in the no I didn't hear that someone caught a face full of glass in the audience Jesus Christ if they keep doing stuff like that they're going to get sued into Oblivion I don't care how much money Tony kon's family has there we [Music] go can't be flinging glass in people's faces yeah right it's one thing if the wrestlers take no regard for their own safety but affects the safety of the audience yeah that can't I can't stand for the I mean it's even one thing if you're in the front row it's like okay I might get a wrestler in my lap or something but not like a face full of [Music] glass have to call tonight all right have a good stream all right TCG Billy thanks for stopping in catch you later oh my God God you're so funny I wish I was as funny as [Music] you that he's way too lenient yeah with that yeah yeah with the kind of bumps they let the wrestlers take yeah and they get injured all the time as it is [Music] it's remarkable oh once you finish og7 we do a full rebirth streams or stream something else as a pre-show I'll probably stream something else as a pre-show I might even do like a final fantasy like I might even do like new threat mod again or like another seven [Music] mod that's what I'm feeling right now James not so James not so junor how you doing peekaboo I'm alive hope you're well alive and well yeah favorite marketing for the game for a game I I don't really have a I can't even really tell you any marketing for a game off the top of my head to be quite honest like I remember the Mario RPG commercial but like that maybe just a commercial I don't remember any like uh stuff like that you're saying with Donkey Kong Country Returns where they're like hey take a banana although I mean in Japan I guess they've been doing like Earthbound stuff like popup shops uh that resemble like new pork City so I mean that's neat I guess yeah one was playing before cut scene not going have much trouble okay in chapter [Music] five oh yeah right yeah entire party for now around level 40 right yeah it um black beanling breaks the game for sure at least the first couple chapters it you catch up eventually like it you do steamroll a few chapters if you fight any Bean Lings at all as you can see this cave leads back to the cosmo Canyon even though the ghee outnumbered us they can not attack through here cuz the passage is too narrow let's move on middle one doesn't take me anywhere I think this [Music] one this is Lucy isn't it I don't know we'll [Music] see well I mean broken glass is a complete other story [Music] doesn't take much for broken glass to like mess someone up beat Lord p with everyone around a max level 19 yeah lot of characters be my high okay highest level is [Music] bone yeah the Music's Got a creep factor to it for sure oh we just got to do this sometimes you can run through these and spider doesn't doesn't catch you for some reason I think these things are actually weak to laser I don't have a resistance to laser rather [Music] ow [Music] yeah what seems to be the O oifer [Music] problem [Music] I'm so Del [Music] Tober yeah this is not how you get to it oh we got to get magic hammer where's [Music] that I think that's a little ways away come to think of it [Music] yeah there fairy ring I forgot what that oh yeah maybe also equip these silver armlets that I bought might not be the worst idea I ever had you can have have Rama you can have Titan where's Titan what oh you have I'll have a another HP plus one wearing though oh Cloud's got it well you can have the other one Speedy the old hairy ring yeah I didn't even look at it hairy ring oh poison and darkness there's a save point like real [Music] close I get them five five packs enemies [Music] here what do you mean [Music] Miss BL [Music] bang got [Music] him casy Jones I forget if I ever I I don't think I watched Dune but I did see the [Music] uh um like some sort of synopsis about [Music] it I never even really thought about trying to do that like level up duster in chapter 1 I mean I guess why wouldn't that work hey Thomas omov Thomas omon I'll do my best I'll get him best I can thank you for the vote of confidence [Music] yeah [Music] I stab you and you're nothing hey forget I think you might be able to steal X Potions from them yeah there's there is the X I like how there's an x potion here cuz you can use it on the boss in this area and it kills it in one one hit which I like doing it's [Music] fun dramatic move music and movies is gotten out of control are you saying that's like the the deal with Dune dramatic [Music] music not the easiest but worth it yeah being you have the chance to fight like two enemy types yeah machius mole and the reconstructed caribou [Music] maybe you could just walk no never mind uh not the hey Jesse Warren how you doing welcome back the Australian VR ever play Hey pack i' I play Azure dreams every now and again I one of my favorite games I don't know when I'll play it next but like huge huge fan of it doing good Ohan Zimmer to the music for doing not great doing all right Jesse doing all [Music] right long have I been playing this uh today I've been playing for about two hours no give or [Music] take that did as much damage as the Thousand needles [Music] spell Lo Los in my mind any ideas or encouragement Los in your mind playing Final Fantasy 13 I mean from the sounds of things you're so close to having it complete so just I hope that can hope that's enough to just push you along I remember you're saying like Ultimo was giving you some trouble so 31 Gundam welcome back but I mean if you're that close got to see it through because if you don't see it through will you be annoyed with yourself after cuz if you are you definitely got to do it I haven't played a lot of VR I've played beat saber and like a little bit of I don't know if it was like a Hitman game or like what it was but there was like a blow Tor there like they wave like a blowtorch in your face and you're standing behind like this not a wardrobe but like some sort of like desk thing the whip snap yeah Grand paulse is really satisfying it's a shame it's not available until 25 hours into the game but yeah if only I had to not really sure what to say in regards to uh like strategies or whatnot my favorite soundtrack piece from this game uh the cosmo Canyon music's pretty good and One-Winged Angel I never have played J for Jet Force Gemini J montang just on your nightly walk home right on work nine hours today yeah not no not too shabby hope you're not too tired hope you have a safe walk home hey stina ulander how you doing tonight two more trophies and Ultima is doing 30,000 damage nothing I can do so Doug you've beaten you have beaten Final Fantasy 13 at this point just so just to verify like you beat the final [Music] boss I am just I'm not sure why the enem is like why he's hitting you so hard you did okay so you would have all the cerium maxed out in that case and like even if you're like Sentinel Sentinel Sentinel Paradigm like you still get slam for 30,000 hey Louise digital art and photography welcome protography welcome back steamy Davey what's going on thoughts of final Fantasy 13 I'm not like a I'm a bit of a Final Fantasy 13 Defender I like 13 I have to admit though the last time I played Final Fantasy 132 I really didn't enjoy myself but I really liked Lightning Returns when I played it I think the main thing with Final Fantasy 13 is to try to not go into it with like a preconceived notion cuz I went into it hearing that it was like God awful and I played play it I'm like this isn't so bad but like if I played it day one with a certain like image in my mind I could see why you might feel betrayed by it Cosco how you doing long time no see how have you been that was Sentinel that I've seen okay haven't been successful got you with any guarden time yeah like I just don't remember what I did cuz like I I did all the Hunts and stuff but I can't remember like my setups yeah no my pleasure steamy DAV but yeah like x 13 the first time I played 132 I liked it when I streamed it recently I did not enjoy myself at all but Lightning Returns though I had I couldn't believe how much fun I had they it just it just got me just right yeah no complaints right on been enjoying my time ah with hell divers right on you've been playing the second one personal thoughts on 13 It's a Wonderful looking game and the soundtrack is top three FF soundtrack it's not very fun to play and I mean like if you're expecting to you know visit towns do mini games stuff like that you're going to be sorely disappointed right on this Warrior went through the cave all alone fighting attackers one after another grandpa that Warrior we're almost there ho ho ho [Music] it's a face it's a demon wall basically what is this grandpa is he after death the ghost of the ghee like stagnant a actually done with everything we have to get three more Dark Matters okay and hopefully I'll get all the equipment Dr hey fingers crossed Douglas cuz that could be a pain in the ass cuz I think if you don't do it right you would have to legitimately start over I know you have to neon neon Robin I'm happy for you I'm glad you fired it twice in a row this can't be this is the this is G attack and we are going to throw an x potion at it and it will die immediately 5,500 uh hit points GG how you doing Santa Claus a real pirate indeed yeah incoming child yeah Hood nightmare fuel yeah that face on the wall I could see that oh noticing parallels between red 13 and BB I never really thought about [Music] that yeah you just throw an x potion at this boss dies in one H you get one in this dungeon so that's usually what I do I have fought him legitimately I just prefer to cheese it it's not like that hard of a fight wiser staff and we got exactly 30,000 which is what we need for the lifetime pass of the golden Saucy thank you Mega hire because of you we survived anaki you've grown strong too oh yeah now that I know it wasn't mistake bringing you here come I have something I want to show you right over here like your dangly bets you mean why' you just phase through me like that boogan Hogan also why did G Talk have a gravity [Music] material this is the warrior who fought against the ghee he kept them from taking even one step in Cosmo [Music] Canyon oh my God man but he was never able to return to this town I just threw water everywhere look noaki look at your father at the warrior stto [Music] everywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait I don't think there's even that much in the [Music] cup don't mind me just spilling water [Music] hey Moses welcome back sat continued to fight the ghee tribe here to protect this Canyon even after the ghee's poisonous arrows turned his body to Stone if only we had a [Music] soft even after they all ran away stto continued to protect us and he continues to protect us even now thought he was a coward and ran away but he alone risked his life to protect Cosmo Canyon that is your father setto did Mother know she knew the two of them made me promise to keep this cave shut they asked me to seal it myself and not tell a soul I said we should forget about this cave hey flowey welcome back keeps uh keeps uh showing me to you healing hell hounds is intended that will affect him similarly oh I don't know maybe something like the living flame meds some Undead boxes through the series that go down just by using a phoenix down yes yeah that guy needs a super soft yeah from nine I guess yeah congrats you have achieved mini flood ability yeah Le collect 20 coins for your [Music] trouble at least it was just water not sticky oh no my floor is cleaner now anything but that I want you to continue your journey with mega Harve and the others Grandpa P listen to [Music] noi hey Samuel Barba I I get that favorite scene from The Game Crazy rewatching now and having kids of my own I could imagine powerful stuff mear says they're trying to save the planet honestly I don't think it can be done even if they stop every reactor on the planet it's only going to postpone the inevitable even if they stop SEO everything will perish but nakaki I've been thinking lately Speedy come here buddy been thinking if there was anything we could do as part of the planet something to help a planet already in misery no matter what happens isn't it important to try am I just wishing against fate too old to do anything about it this year I'll be 130 ho ho [Music] ho negative much say [Music] what that is why nakaki you must go with them for my sake hey Sean how you doing Grandpa Speedy come here [Music] buddy wanted to show you your real father before you left so glad you came back here while I was still alive to show you Grandpa don't talk like that I don't want to think of life without you well I've had a long life Grandpa you must s I'll see to it I'll see to what's happening to the planet I'll come back to tell you oh he right right yeah he was saying that he couldn't save the world right yeah dropping that ezential dread I'm anaki of Cosmo Canyon the son of the warrior setto I'll come back a normal a warrior true to that Noble name so please Grandpa buddy then Super sof stto starts crying what should be Materia if you ask me you should be crying Materia right now that's satto [Music] [Music] father [Music] [Music] well the buggies fixed well that's convenient we just let it alone for a bit and it fixed itself yeah chilling right on shall we get going cloud looks like he's standing there in his tippy toes so this is it speedy that's just the way it goes you came in handy at times it's a good thing we didn't sleep between coming back from [Music] the seta becomes playable for some I mean who knows in rebirth that it was sad he didn't beat Yugi yeah calf extensions I mean I'm not I'm not knocking some tow walking like for those that don't know like I have short to kill these tendons so like I used to very aggressively walk on my toes now I just kind of bounce when I walk like I still kind of tell walk but I'm more of a you're spe hey buddy hey what's [Music] up wait for me I'm coming too [Music] Mega H please look after nakaki what happened see I know all about the standing on your toes business I think I grew up a little that's what happened yeah Speedy all front and [Music] center Speedy being all like look at me I'm a cat that was my Speedy impression same I run on my toes yeah my wife thinks it's so weird like I'm sorry my achilles tendons didn't develop properly I'll be sure to ask my mother next time to develop them correctly like I had any like any of us had any say about you know I got about it you know growing up getting made fun of and stuff doesn't really affect me now it yeah Alex zapala yeah bacon I have the Raptor walk too oh okay shoes always bust in the same okay so it's not just me right I don't think there'd be like so many of us in the chat right now it used to be a lot worse but now I now I can stand flat footed it just kind of I can't I can't extend my like my feet past like 90° like I just they just won't go oh yeah the monsters in this game in general are I don't think we talk enough about how uh freakish a lot of the monsters are in this game a lot of them are just straight hell spawn hey thank you for the Speedy Emoji yeah here we go it has its advantages yeah quite as hell when trying to be sneaky be TR you're quiet as hell even when you're not trying to be sneaky so many times of jobs I would like walk up behind someone not try to scare them and that I would scare them just cuz I'd be so light on my feet because of the toes yeah hey what's going on although there's a few times I couldn't resist like working night shift it would be like me and one other person and like their their back would be turned they'd be doing like some task and I'd walk up behind them and like put my hand on their shoulder like a little firmer than you would really expect someone to at work just to like freak him out I'm lucky I didn't get knifed doing that in retrospect I remember the intense heat of the Flames I'm pretty sure I remember the code the Lost number code I'm going to run in and try to do it before anyone puts in the chat I think I remember [Music] it not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure who wearing Converse good for that oh we can learn a question mark from these things well that was convenient that was very courteous thank you normally I have to futs for that but all the judges are like you know what here you [Music] go here we are oh damn it they do the right we have to do physical I forgot oh it works in rebirth too that's cool that's cool and not something I would have expected right on good to know I think I remember it so we're going to try to do it off by heart [Music] here I'm super surprised it's the same combo and then once you do physical damage to them they uh then you can do like [Music] B no assuming I don't just die here on the spot we good we got question mark immediately that doesn't bode well what uh well here goes nothing okay open the safe so is a 36 I think 10 59 97 happen yes still got it I wasn't completely sure about that oh big guard [Music] please think he can poison this guy [Music] but yeah this guy turns blue you can manipulate his color I forget how it might be dependent on how Magic ically inclined you are or physically inclined but if he turns blue he just whacks you something fierce I want to say if you poison him though that he might not transform I could be wrong I I don't think he has anything to [Music] steal big guard cost more than more than that [Music] [Music] my wife calling my name from a different floor cuz she thought I was sneaking around you know to be fair I do it all the time that's the best you're paranoid and for good reason Ashley Thomas how you doing what's good okay you're the you're the red one for better or worse it might cast really strong magic though I can't remember the deal with this thing yeah if you want to donate go for it otherwise just you know sit tight enjoy the show that wasn't really terribly damaged yeah let's actually use some of our summons that we been neglecting the entire play through I've been spamming beta just cuz it's faster than most of the summons and does comparable [Music] damage that's going to smart I could that could have smarted less tired might sleep soon hey I won't blame you miles to go if you gots to sleep coso's wife here I grabbed this phone can confirm he's an ass there we have the confirmation folks yeah the beta yeah broken enemy skill especially if you get it like super early have I done Z's karaoke song yet I have not I got kiru and then like I unlocked I went to I was like in a Jingo or whatever and then I unlocked what was it Yokohama and I'm like oh my God like that was sort of when I officially was like I'm never beating this guy hey chat McGovern how you doing it's so good for what it does oh beta yeah big how can you shorten the c s oh right yeah like how right you can shorten the summon cut scenes in the later ones there we go Cosmo memory which we just got to get a few more we got Odin so let's equip that on somebody you know what I'll take long range off and we'll give you Odin yeah we need to get need to do more blood Fang okay let's leave and heal before we do another Earthly thing David how you doing need to do it's hilarious he's thinking about a breakup and the rent cuu oh the rant cuu goes on as golden I definitely need to I definitely need to play more of that I just don't know when I can justify it Bryant spross how you doing best waiu in the game I'm a Tifa [Music] guy but I think aith would be better in bed I just have that feeling although yeah Jesse at least in remake uh won me over pretty good we got a lux Source it say Lux source with an exclamation mark maybe I should get all that stuff Tifa for life our Fleming how's it [Music] going I just have a feeling you know sometimes you just have an inkling yeah Speedy having a bath he's got the shampoo and conditioner out got a lofa sponge been in business here for a long time you're lying do you have anything to do with this town I would be born and raised here I was here until I was 14 I don't remember you it's not nice to lie you're [Music] right got to the number 12 and uh an alexer [Music] reunion a little closer to beating it than you think oh some of the upcoming oh okay well maybe yeah maybe if I just kind of cuz I've been going down like the trip down memory lane with kiru basically so yeah maybe if I just barreled ahead and only did storyline stuff it might not be terribly [Music] long the turbo weather you yeah Jesse and remake yes the girls you're warned about yeah she's a freak she's definitely a thirsty girl she at least acts like them making mac and cheese and no one can stop me I would never dream of stopping I'm pretty sure I would get my Canadian citizenship REM revoked if I stopped anybody from getting M uh if I stopped anybody from making mac and chees I forget if you can get an elemental Materia for playing that song right now but I'm not going to worry about it at the [Music] moment right a this a little baby black C person reunion isn't it adorable [Music] got another lot got collecting all these sources I haven't used the one [Music] yet reunion still calling seph he's calling Sethro is calling great SEO is near inside the Mansion the Great sephi [Music] Ro hey DK banana how are you not too bad thanks David parue hydrate brother it's funny you say that I actually just knocked a bunch of water all over the floor like 15 minutes ago I tried to hydrate but I decided to throw it on the ground [Music] tornado Garden just lost your 401k oh no bet on the fire bandana today going to panham I hope you can get it back toot sweet tornado Garden yeah praise be to a fellow kanuck yeah how are you now just lovely I heard Allan the uh I was I was told earlier in the Stream I'm really quite bummed out about that a a curator passed away for those of you that didn't catch that rest in peace well I mean we just got the yes no DK banana you're right he died March 1st but I guess the news just broke today [Music] yeah you can't buy me a hot dog man I threw it on the ground I'm an adult the Lonely Island's been coming up a lot lately well I mean I sort of I sort of brought that on myself this time yeah MIT Romo yeah cator AMA just uh we just got the news just yeah apparently he died March 1 but like just got the news like maybe a half hour ago it's too bad doing 100% on FFX hey best of luck David Zach Davis do I like Pokemon I have nothing against Pokemon but I also never play [Music] them I just didn't play them as a kid and I just kind of stuck with it yeah I think that's it for me going to hit the sack night right Cosco thanks for stopping in have yourself a good one yeah I'll be missed for sure yeah jpa did uh some memberships recently trying to remember Michael mvin did five memberships the other day we've had some membership bombs be dropped lately Mason Hadad how you doing tonight yeah time to work yeah no kidding time to work Chrono Trigger some DBZ games into your schedule yeah we're Dragon Quest like I mean I am sort of working through Dragon Quest 3 but yeah too bad doing all right [Music] ma yeah all good Zach no worries also notorious for his privacy in his older age I mean I could get that es like he he's had to been turbo famous in Japan I'm sure he appreciated his privacy favorite Zelda game I'm actually a Zelda 2 guy I like Ocarina of Time a lot but like to play I just I like Zelda too enemy launcher if something is written on the back of this lid right 36 yeah like I'm I'm one of those people that like Zelda too it's the most RPG one in the sense that there's like an experience table and stuff [Music] yeah grudo Valley music's a a banger yeah Sid scroller Zelda 2 exactly oh nice that debt free your credit card hey congrats Alan oh David Pokemon Trash bad story bad Graphics gameplay never Advance FL Dragon Warrior 1 hasn't been improved on in two I don't really blame them if people are still crazy about it I get what you're saying though I never played them really so I don't really have a horse in that rth yeah Zelda 2 not the easiest entry that's for [Music] sure yeah car your [Music] [Music] silence I actually like liked Wind Waker a lot now that you mention it I I played a lot of zeldas I haven't eaten a ton of them like no I remember liking Wind Waker when I played it but I didn't get terribly far into it I've been fine gameplay wise the problem without a guide yeah there's almost no way to know what you're yeah where the hell you're supposed to go yeah it is it's also another thing entirely when you have like a live stream chat to like nudge you in the right direction that certainly helps hey T yeah iFit is the for [Music] real yeah the Crouch stab it was good when you're fighting like what was it the dark nuts or whatever those shielded enemies if you jumped and like slashed at the right time like with a Crouch you could like hit them a lot like red 13 is a dog or a cat I really I feel like he's somewhere in between did I not get the key you have to be joking [Music] me [Music] I guess not I don't know hey swap how you doing today how did I not grab the key yeah yes yeah the correct answer is [Music] yes hey hey it's okay deli meat how you doing tonight no need to apologize hope you're having a good [Music] one it's all good you're having a good day using the safe you no I I already beat the the boss I just didn't grab the key apparently God that was dense okay yeah I just didn't grab the key for some reason I guess I just thought I grabbed it automatically but you don't dur der D I love how this enemy just Falls [Music] sometimes [Music] I just can't get back up I've fallen and I can't get [Music] [Music] up hey escoro how you doing tonight I hate Seymour in Final Fantasy 10 cuz he's a bad guy and he does have that one boss fight that's [Music] annoying the last battle music you fight uh last battle music he has when you fight him though was a great song I tend of forget about it but it's I mean I can say this about a lot of Final Fantasy music but like one of my favorite Final Fantasy songs kefa I should hate but he's like so cartoonishly evil that [Music] like I I've like come full circle with him which I guess you could argue doesn't make him a good villain like for me if I if I kind of like him cuz he's a total bastard but there wake me from The Nightmare yeah see more mountain gag is at the worst who is it Zan got dibs on Vincent I don't know you you must leave no agreed yeah poison river is an all time dis honorable scummy move oh yeah 100% you're having a nightmare you don't look good that's probably one of the more like grounded in reality like shitty things that he did before he's like I'm going to turn every esper into Magicite my long sleep has given me time to atone what do you say I have nothing to say to strangers get out this mission is the beginning of your nightmare you can say that again you know something like you said this Mansion is the beginning of a nightmare now it's not a dream it's for real Sethro has lost his mind he found Secrets hidden in this Mansion SEO you know seph yeah that was quite the flip you start first got to go early to film something okay have a good one swap thanks for stopping up and that's how it was so SE Roth knows he has created 5 years ago about the Genova project he was missing but he's just recently appeared he's taken many lives and is seeking the promised land now it's your turn sorry I cannot speak what you're serious hey the content show how you doing tonight hearing your stories is yet another sin for me more nightmares shall come to me now than I had previous ly had now please leave no immediately just you're still here who are you least tell us your name I with the shin your manufacturing and administrative research aka the Turks more like the jerks we had a had a xan claim Zan hit the Zan uh I heard it was snowing earlier I hadn't looked out recently how you doing guy James spener me hands O nice having a watching doing some Doom scrolling hope I can help evacuate your bowels while you're watching yeah a bit bummed out I hope you feel better soon guy formally of the Turks I no affiliation with Shinra now and you mear formerly of soldier you're also with the Shinra then you know lucrecia who lucrecia the woman who gave birth to sephra gave birth wasn't jeova sephos mother that isn't completely wrong just a theory he was born from a beautiful lady that lady was lucrecia she was an assistant to to Professor gas of the goova project beautiful lucrecia a human experiment there's no way to cancel the experiment I couldn't stop her that was my sin Let the one I love the one I respect most face the worst so he slept this punishment isn't that strange logic hey Nick how you doing yeah I we just found that out too uh during the stream the news broke well not yeah like just found out during the stream yeah that's a bomber the curatory Yama I mean very very influential you know figure in my life between Dragon Ball and Dragon Warrior and you know otherwise known as Dragon Quest uh Chrono Trigger the artwork for that oh great this [Music] [Music] yeah Nick to we found out apparently Toriyama died March 1st but the news just broke like I don't know a couple hours ago yeah chrystell yeah yeah of the stream is kind of awkward NG hope you WR I find this format is like especially not great for uh like widescreen games I feel like I can get away with it better with like a 3x4 ratio but a 16x 9's kind of [Music] tough right yeah on the first but they just released the news today right yeah I love dragon ball you work with Dragon Quest hey welcome back Chris [Music] yeah it's a bummer yeah hard to say like it could have been anything doesn't really matter I guess you know ultimately it works great for classic 3x4 yeah wide screen makes it hard yeah yeah that's how I feel about [Music] it I did find out with the pixel like the Final Fantasy pixel pixel remasters though you can adjust them at least on PC I'm not sure about PlayStation but on PC you can adjust the aspect ratio to 4x3 so I'm probably going to stream [Music] this this is not the time for this there Yang's happy user how you doing bought fs7 on Steam and forgot about it now you remember hey worth giving it a shot oh brain bleed okay darl he [Music] at [Music] so Mangaris and all the other things he did he was probably a heavy chain yeah I I think I heard that he was a heavy chain smoker but I mean that's just one of those things like you know if smoking doesn't get you sugar gets you something something's going to get you I've never used so many elixirs in a playthrough as I have this playthrough yeah apparently hey thanks Chris thanks for saying though telling my dad you have the exact same birthday oh you just said a crazy talking llama like cator Yama crazy Talking Llamas didn't your sister have a run in with a llama I thought I heard a story about was it llamas seph rooth I want your destruct Materia being here brings back memories you going to participate in the [Music] reunion I don't even know what a reunion is Jova will be at the reunion Genova will join the reunion becoming a Calamity from the skies bit by a moose thank you mik I uh got that mixed up my [Music] apologies Genova Calamity from the skies mean she wasn't an ancient I see I don't think you have the right to participate I'll go north past Mount neble wish to know then follow reunion Calamity from the skies ow dude you're just throwing Materia around thanks for the destruct materia much love there are many times he almost died from the amount of like I mean the man has does have a lot of you know a lot of stuff out there for sure yeah [Music] Kota it was part of a business transaction right between my father and a that's why I remembered the llama I go with you will I meet Hojo I don't know we're after him and sephos so I guess sooner or later cresia all right I've decided to go with you what being a former Turk I may be of help all right then even if people don't know much of anime right yeah yeah even people that don't know anime know that like Dragon Ball Z is one of those it's kind of I mean there were other anime that like we knew of out here but it was kind of it made a pretty big splash at least Z did Dragon Ball was out here and I liked it before Z but like that's really kind of what propelled it into the stratosphere hey right on real Platinum ranked on Hawk [Music] congrats yeah agreed Vincent is cool but his limit sucked hey moldy bread yes your beard is still trying to gaze into those eyes of yours does a good job trying right yeah DBZ influence can't be undervalue oh yeah totally DBZ is the vehicle that made millions of weebs who are now in their 30s yeah usually keep them in sadness just for like the um just cuz it's appropriate yeah everyone knows the guy yeah that wears orange and blue with yellow hair right so let's at least make our way back to the gold saucer yeah korama like we just found [Music] out rest in peace yeah I don't know I couldn't tell you who I don't know who anyone is on uh PS5 realship yeah narut yeah let's at least go back to the gold saucer we can try to get omnis slash next time I'm going to be shifting gears to playing rebirth for a few hours here but let's get the gold saucer first I'm going to be doing that in a regular widescreen live stream so if you're interested in seeing that just hang tight I mean subscribe and you can go to your subs feed and see when it pops up or just hang out on my channel page also have a Discord server in the description I also somehow didn't mention this the entire stream and I I don't know how I forgot but like I'm an you know xplit soft like the broadcasting software that I use I'm now an affiliate so like I guess it just didn't really come up anyone ever talks to me about like hey what broadcast software to you use it's like hey xsplit and they I'm an affiliate so like use their stuff so anyone like if anyone's interested in xplit like to be honest OBS is uh free so if you're just getting started but like I swear by xplit myself but if you want to try it I have a link in the description you get 10% [Music] off I should probably mention that so there that's my story today hey thanks dve yeah made their hair yellow I heard about that yeah like it was more like to save time you know then he doesn't have to like ink it in all black or [Music] whatever hey x Hunter how you doing uh whoa back to scrolling all right enjoy your scrolling how you doing xun going through streams and found you yeah sorry I missed you there well [Music] an associate of llama owned moose Burger Farm sounds tasty see let's just migrate ourselves over here then we'll have a very gold saucer Centric episode next time [Music] yeah going to do undertale yellow tomorrow vertical going to try to going to try to do the neutral run in one sitting I don't know if that's going to happen but I'm going to try to try oh yeah people eat moose it's not like an overly common thing but I've definitely had moose me [Music] before just use a tense before I forget I know I wasn't here long going to duck excuse me all right Deli me thanks for stopping in hope you have yourself a good one I'll catch you tomorrow on gold saucer on rebirth just started my date I think I'm still a little ways away from that myself just bear with me a second here I got to get my uh got to get that other stream set up but like I said I'm going to do a horizontal regular widescreen live stream here a Final Fantasy 7 rebirth for a couple [Music] hours uh but I just got to get the stream set up and it shouldn't take long to get switched [Music] over I don't like to set it up beforehand hopefully we'll be getting some more uh more stuff done here so do [Music] this [Music] okay s farz how you doing hey thank you thank you uh like I beat Mario RPG Armageddon but I didn't like finish everything to do in it there's one Gauntlet I didn't do uh but I did everything else in it I just I just don't really feel driven to go back and finish that last piece of content but no Mario RPG Armageddon is just jammed packed full of stuff to do you like Mario RPG then and you know it inside and out then you oh with yourself to try armag [Music] again OB yeah many times passed out to that music I have to work early in the morning no worries the whip snap thanks for stopping in but yeah I'm GNA so now I'm going to switch over to play Final Fantasy 7 rebirth the the new one that just came out I'm going to do I'm going to do that in a normal horizontal live stream I left the link in the chat and I also am going to do a live redirect but if that doesn't work uh just hang out on my channel for a bit it'll pop up but yeah you could either join the Discord Link in the description or you know subscribe if you want to see more retro RPG stuff or you know re-releases of retro RPG stuff such as Final Fantasy 7 so anyways I hope to see you again in about 7 minutes so thanks again folks don't forget the lard and if I don't see you for if I don't see you in a few minutes hope to see you tomorrow for undertale yellow
Channel: MegaHarv
Views: 1,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff7 guide, final fantasy vii
Id: VPfk0hlwz7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 30sec (11190 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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