Venomous Precision: Unmasking the Pathfinder WotR Assassin (rework)!

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embrace the magic okay so the Assassin rework is it any good let's start off with its level one ability Mark of Death where as a standard action you mark a creature for death and as it's affected you get to ignore its damage reduction and res resistances you can only have one Mark at a time this is evidently very good and more importantly you can also use it for Target assassination where as a full round action you can make a special attack against a Target that that has been affected by The Mark of Death the creature must not be able to see the Assassin and uh it gets to um do a fortitude saving throw versus the attempt which is dc10 plus the Assassin's level plus his in modifier and on on a failed save it instantly dies on a success it's just a critical hit and uh a shaken effect for one4 Rounds after this attempt uh it's immune for 24 hours so this is a very strong ability there are not many save or die abilities um there's like for tesmo killer uh weird but not many in Pathfinder so obviously this is very good but the trick is getting the DC high enough at level two poison use uh um you get a number of doses which is six plus assassin level times two and as a move action you can you can apply one dose to your M weapon although it only affects the next hit the save DC is also based on intelligence and you get a DC plus two in case it's a sneak attack which usually it will be and it does basically 1 D4 damage to strength or dexterity for four rounds and then you can increase the rounds and also apply to Constitution damage so the the stat damage isn't that much you can't increase it like the profit of pestilence for example but uh it's an okay ability you get a lot of doses so um it's not bad and um in level 10 most importantly it takes one round of ability damage even if it saves so so that's very good for harder difficulties you get Alter Ego at level three which lets you create copies of himself much like mirror image but as as at least having one copy of the image lets you uh do zneak attack damage so pretty nice at level four you get public execution where upon reducing a Target to zero hit points or outright killing it with your assassination ability you get to do a demoralized check against all FES within 30 ft so this reminds me a lot of dreadful Carnage but you get it uh with your class uh cold minded gives you bonus on saving throws against mind affecting compulsion F and emotion effects which increases with levels uh at level seven you get to use Mark of death as a swift action and poison use as a swift action so this is very important for Action economy so at level 10 you get a master of poisons which uh the enemy takes a round of ability damage even if they save and master assassin you get a standard action use of your target assassination ability very useful and you also add your sneak attack damage whenever you hit the target affected by Mark of Death even if he doesn't meet the conditions necessary for a sneak attack so this is also pretty decent but of course uh getting to use the target assassination as a standard action is very good so that's the Assassin but how does it work in game okay so one thing it doesn't tell you in character creation is that in order to use Mark of Death you need the corresponding uh knowledge check related to the creature so in this case demons is usually lower religion and after you succeed you can use your target assassination attempt which in this case will succeed as the creature failed its fortitude right um okay so one thing I like about the rework is that you can use Mulo assassination attempts during the same combat which previously you couldn't you had to get out of combat and only then you could use assassinate so here I'm going to try to go invisible Again by uh casting vanish the enemies can't see me since I have a mind blank which helps protect from a SE visibility I believe the Baba has it and then I'm going to try to Mark of Death and prepare for a new assassinate attempt here I won't succeed so it gets shaken for one4 rounds and uh takes a critical hit since I can Target the same creature twice with assassinate I'll just kill it off with normal attacks and then prepare to use assassinate again the next round so after using Mark of Death on the babau I'm not a able to assassinate it I don't know why I think it might have something to do with it having C invisibility even though I am using mind blank to protect myself from C invisibility so I just kill it regularly and then attempt the following rounds on the um cavus so after using Mark of Death I tried to assassinate and it works and now I'm going to attempt to do the same thing on the second cavus so I finish off the round with the invisibility and a Teleport since I am a witch of the veil and then Mark of Death another assassinate that also works okay so for build ideas I think there are a lot of ways you can go into this one I kind of like which of the veil at least two levels so you can get the uhwi invisible but maybe dipping too much into which will not be great for the uh base attack bonus so another option is to mix it with layer levels now that assassins can be neutral you can have someone like gyore uh becoming an assassin although mind you it is important to have a high intelligence also be wary that certain creatures are immune to Precision damage like in this example I will not be able to assassinate the dragon uh it is just basically immune to the assassinate ATT so don't think you'll be one-shotting every single boss in the game but overall I think it's a good attempt at a Wei work I definitely see this Prestige as viable especially in lower difficulties but what do you think let me know thank you for watching fellow Wizard and may magic be with you
Channel: The Mages Corner
Views: 852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrath of righteous, pathfinder, rpg, crpg, owlcat, DLC 5, lord of nothing, assassin, assassin rework, greybor, target assassination, mark of death
Id: LlZiAhxEnko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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