Did the CELESTIAL Emergence Destroy ASGARD? - Eternals and Thor MARVEL Theory EXPLAINED

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[Music] those foundations are gone sorry welcome to screen crush i'm ryan airy you know in all the hours and hours of mcu films and shows that have been released we've seen a lot of different planets there's earth xandar vormir titan the thanos retirement village plus all the other realms of asgard but one of these planets is not actually a planet asgard it's a giant floating disk with waterfalls that flow gracefully into outer space so how can something this small have enough mass to produce the gravity that we see on asgard that thing does not obey the laws of physics at all well a couple of redditors named professor of lies and paramecium antic have a theory that i think explains everything asgard was home to a celestial seed that destroyed its original planet now i'm going to spin this video going into way more detail but this theory explains so much about odin hella norse mythology the infinity stones guardians of the galaxy thanos and the infinity gauntlet so just to back up a bit in case you didn't see the eternals or need a refresher now if you have seen the eternals recently and you don't need a refresher you can skip to the next chapter so the eternals revealed that everything in the universe is created by space giants called the celestials celestial shape the raw energy of the universe into planets stars and galaxies so you like that screen that you're looking at right now thank a celestial the celestials breed by impregnating planets with baby embryos these embryos then feed off the intelligent life on the planet when there are enough people on the world the celestial baby is able to hatch now this destroys the planet but i happen to know there's a little baby celestial out there shaping up new planets now the eternals are robots who were created to defend the people on each of these planets as they grow larger civilizations and spoiler alert for the eternals that movie ends with them betraying the celestials and aborting a celestial mid-hatch and this is where the theories of professor of lies and paramecium antique come into it they theorized that asgard was once an entire planet that was home to a celestial seat this would have been a long time ago during the reign of thor's grandfather boar or back when odin was a young man all set on a concurrent we were unstoppable i was his weapon in the conquest that built asgard's empire now asgardians are a very advanced civilization and their people live for an extremely long time you know i'm 1500 years old we're born we live we die just as humans do give or take 5 000 years so with a life expectancy like that their planet would have become overpopulated there would have been more than enough intelligent life for a celestial baby to feed off of in fact maybe asgard was originally like a giant planet like krypton the size of a gas giant so it would have taken them longer to make enough people to hatch a space baby that big and then the emergence happens and some asgardian leader for simplicity sake let's just say it's odin odin realizes that they're unable to stop this from happening unless he follows thanos playbook genocide paramecium antique goes on to theorize that odin was able to save asgard by using the space stone see we know the space stone was once in asgard's possession because odin left it in a vault on earth the tesseract was the jewel of odin's treasure room now this is where i'm going to rewind a bit to guardians of the galaxy in a flashback we see a celestial called issan the searcher mowed down the entire population of a planet with the power stone next we see a group of people who might have been eternals sharing the power of the power stone so if these were eternals then they could have been using the power stone to fight off a celestial maybe to stop the emergence of a planet they were guarding i actually have another theory about that which ties into thanos and i'm going to address later on so when the asgardian emergence happens odin is able to use the space stone to hold asgard together or at least to hold together the remnants of the planet that he would form into this floating disc we've seen in the mcu that the energy of the space tone can be imbued within a person and that energy remains even after the stone was destroyed for instance carol danvers and pietro both drew powers from the infinity stones and carroll's powers did not disappear when thanos snapped a stone to adams so odin would have imbued this new asgard with the energy of the space stone so it would always stay together and get this maybe asgard continued to use these same energies to power the bifrost leave the bridge open would unleash the full power of the bifrost and destroy youtenheim you upon it the bifrost is a teleportation device that works a lot like the space stone they both shoot out sky beams to create punctures in space time so the bifrost could be a technology that is unique to asgard it will only work in that realm because it draws from the space stone energy emanating from its core to create these wormholes but that's not all remember this there are other parts of that god where he's known only to a few one actually maybe because asgard was formed with the space stone time and space are a little wibbly wobbly in its core so there can be pockets that can teleport you instantly billions of light years away now loki being a precocious youth discovered these pockets deep in the bows of asgard but this also fits in perfectly with the secret history of asgard now we saw in thor ragnarok that odin and hella originally conquered the nine realms one by one the realms became ours odin then covered all this up and exiled hella now we actually have a video coming out soon about odin's ties to the soul stone and hella be sure to subscribe to check that out now there's been a theory for a long time that odin originally tried to assemble the infinity gauntlet during his years of conquest first he possessed the space stone and he also had a deep working knowledge of the stones there are relics that predate the universe itself what lies within her appears to be one of them odin talks about the reality stone like he was once going out there and trying to find it now after asgard does recover the ether in the dark world the first thing odin does is send it away because it's not wise to keep two infinity stones so close together so in that hella soulstone video i just talked about we theorized that odin created the soul for a soul condition on the stone as a way to imprison hella in seoul world there's also a clue that odin one of the infinity stones with the infinity gauntlet itself thanos commissioned e tree to make it and etre was odin's number one weapon maker the forger of mjolnir then we also have the infinity gauntlet that's actually in odin's throne room odin's treasures fake yes it was a fake but it could have been a replica a reminder of odin's time as a power hungry despot so at some point odin ends his quest for the stones which might have coincided with him becoming peaceful and exiling hella but we also know that hella did not go quietly she killed nearly every valkyrie so what if hella threatened odin with the destruction of his new asgard saying if i can't rule it i'll destroy it so odin realizes that the space stone could be used to destroy his new realm that he created basically if the space stone can put it together then it can take it apart and this also goes back to what he said about mjolnir it's a weapon to destroy or as a tool to build it is a fit companion for a king so he hides the tesseract on earth where the lowly mortals would never have the knowledge to use it against asgard and the reason he takes it back at the end of the avengers is because he realizes that earth is no longer the safest place for this infinity stone give the mortals a couple hundred more years they might be able to use the stone to attack his realm so we've established that odin probably was chasing infinity stones back to the celestial emergence theory it also fits in perfectly with norse mythology in norse myth the first being is called argument or simply yummier yamir was a giant who was killed by his children including thor's grandfather boar then the children made the world and the heavens out of the flesh of yamir and this is just like the new asgard it would have been created from the ruins that remained after the celestial's hatching so from now on i'm going to call the asgardian celestial yamir but here's the thing there is already precedent for this in the marvel cinematic universe in ancient babylonian myth the original oldest god was called tiamat then the god of babylon called marduk slew her and created the world and the heavens from tiamat's body are you catching on the celestial and the eternals tiamat was named after tiamat in the movie this symbolizes that the children of the elder god the eternals are slaying it and they're creating a new universe from its corpse a universe where people are free from celestial rule but professor of lies on reddit takes this theory even further maybe when the celestial hatched odin was able to kill it by cutting off its head and that is where nowhere came from the severed head of an ancient celestial being and this would leave a disembodied infant celestial floating around space which could be ego no i'm pretty sure the ego was like millions of years old oh are you sure yeah i'm pretty sure it's in the movie over millions of years i learned to control the molecules around me all right point taken good catch you're very smart doc is very smart so forget the ego thing let's just talk about how all of this connects to thanos the eternals and titan the ending of the eternals threw an interesting spin onto the mad titan's origin the great adventurer star fox the royal prince of titan brother of thanos they're brothers well in the comics thanos and eros are brothers and they're also eternals but in the comics the eternals aren't space robots they can actually breed and stuff so in the mcu it is very likely that thanos was an eternal which is why he lived so long and had the power to wield the infinity stones no other being has ever had the might to wield not one but two infinity stones now we made a video a while back theorizing about thanos's real motive we called the video thanos was right and the real reason that he wanted to kill off half the life in the universe was to stop the celestials from emerging around the galaxies eternal's co-writer kaz faripo even admitted as much to screenrant if you recall in infinity war thanos takes you to his home world he's like this is the home planet that was devastated by growth by radical growth in the universe there was definitely a distinct connection point to thanos into everything that had happened so even though it's not made explicit in this movie and all of this could change the screenwriters are basically saying that thanos was an eternal who wanted to stop the celestials then thanos appeals to his other eternals were the rulers of titan and when we faced extinction i offered a solution but it turns out that they were all unable to stop the emergence so imagine this the eternals on titan including eros know that a celestial is about to hatch they want to stop it but there isn't time to get everyone off titan space colonization could take decades so what do the eternals on titan do they heard tales of asgard of odin using an infinity stone to save his world from an emergence so the elders get together and decide to use a single stone the power stone to stop them but space robots can't use the stone alone they have to share the power among them that's right these people in the guardians of the galaxy flashback are some of the elders of titan thanos wasn't with them because he thought the plan was stupid and wouldn't work and his brother arose wasn't there because well he's kind of a selfish playboy who was probably seducing some alien lady aeros this green also notice that we see eight people sharing the power of the stones the eternals travel to planets in groups of ten so this could be eight eternals with thanos and eros being marked absent so arose and thanos could be brothers in the same way that the eternals are an extended family but they are the only two surviving eternals from this disaster on titan so what happened well the eternals try to use the power stone to stop the emergence and it works the celestial does not hatch because titan is still there we've seen it but using the power stone has devastating consequences as we saw in the guardians of the galaxy flashback the stone wrecks havoc on all life destroying the ecosystem of titan in our thanos was right video we pointed out that in theory the loss of mass in the core of titan would have caused its loss of gravity it's eight degrees off its axis gravitational pull is all over the place but the problem is titan didn't lose all of its gravity it just has these weird pockets of less gravity which does not obey the laws of physics at all unless what destroyed titan was actually not caused by the emergence it was caused by what the titans did to stop the emergence using the power stone created rifts in space-time throughout the planet causing pockets where the rules of space-time are bent making life impossible but thanos would walk away from this disaster with a lesson learned to stop the celestials he wouldn't need one infinity stone he would need all of them and he wouldn't share the power with others he would create a single device to harness all the strength and again following the example set by odin he would commission etre to finish that project that odin had started the construction of the infinity gauntlet would you have any questions what do you think of the theories let me know in the comments below or at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that bell for screen crush i'm ryan airy [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 200,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, marvel theory, mcu, new rockstars, comics explained, heavy spoilers, emergency awesome, marvel cinematic universe, eternals theory, was theanos an eterbnal, thanos celestial plan, guardians of the galaxy celestials, gotg, who dey, eternals ending explained, celestial emergence
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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