Velvet Room Residents Are Waifu Material

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the velvet room residents are wi-fi material i'm talking about margaret elizabeth lavenza and and and twins oh yeah carolina and justine hello to you too inmate usually dressed in blue and sometimes pink they're all under the employee of igor the pointy-nosed man each assigned their own guests along with a save the world scenario with that here are my reasons why the velvet room residents or waifu material starting with persona 5 royal we have the twins caroline and justine tasked with helping joker's rehabilitation as resident wardens they like to put up a tough front for joker this little tag team comprises of polar opposite personalities caroline likes to play the bad cop often threatening joker while justine on the other hand is a bit more gentle and holds caroline back that's not true it's not hey inmate you wipe that stupid smirk off your face as well that room residents they don't know much about the world but that doesn't stop caroline from pretending and what is that that blue gray tube-like device beside the chair oh that it's used for um that's right it's for covering your head you put it on and protect yourself from enemy attacks the chin strap is a dead giveaway i've heard this armor has saved countless lives you'd better treasure it inmate in order to gain more insight they asked joker bring them to various parts of town such as the cinema the theme park and the local gym looking small joker they even went to the big bang burger restaurant where they got cheated like kids you seemed much more excited by the toy than the taste anyway shut up i saw you eating around those pickle things or whatever they are justine they both share a similar appearance wearing matching blue prison guard outfits along with blonde hair and yellow eyes in order to tell them apart justine's the one with braided hair and eye patch over her left eye while karlene's eye patches on the opposite eye and her hair is tied in a bun once we get to know them more they're quite adorable you can get a sense that they even have a crush on joker especially the tsundere caroline caroline is eagerly awaiting your next performance hey that's just be honest no way i can't let him know that i'm into it by now everyone who has played persona 5 knows that the two merged to lavenza the youngest sister of the group ha now that she's single she can't do an all-out attack anymore despite taking place after persona 5 lavenza can also split herself to the twins for persona 5 dancing her combined self regains both ice but her height stays the same making her the shortest in the family her outfit is completely different as she now wears a long blue dress and hairband to match her long hair that goes all the way to her waist she also notably wears gold silver accessories in the shape of butterflies around her ears compared to her other sisters she is a bit more techy shown by her ability to call joker's mobile phone but when the persona fusions fail she's not afraid to take a more hands-on approach just like her twin form avenza has an ever curious mind often analyzing the world around her along with our social customs what's up she wants us to see our room and let's just say some things never change come on one two one two but you're back into it you think you can save the world like that she's a bit of a sleepyhead able to fall asleep in different places even while sitting upright and she talks in her sleep you feed you'll pay for splitting me in two take that lastly it's hilarious that she tries to build us a weapon and simply lost her patience ouch cursed screwdriver how dare you defy your wielder obey me drive those screws oh screw it megiddo and when she confesses her feelings it can be extra sweet i love you my trickster you are a man without compare in this world moving on to persona 4 we have margaret you can tell she's the oldest by her height an overwhelming rf maturity my you're surprisingly robust standing at a tall five foot seven she has curly blonde hair held by a hairband and her velvet room at her has almost a more business look with a blue dress and matching heels she certainly has a kind of beauty that just exudes a kind of elegance to the point where when the party met her risa had this to say whoa she's beautiful she can sometimes be scary as behind this beauty she holds untold power what the she's floating her power level is insane what is she and you wouldn't want to make her mad as seen when she fails a fusion and when the twins failed the fusion margot was right there put them in their place you can tell she's a responsible one when igor was away from the velvet room she was willing to step up and welcome you herself plus it's her first time doing so hello and welcome to the velvet room i've always wanted to say that generally her main job is to help igor with the fusions and is responsible for keeping track of all the personas via her compendium in the golden version of the game she's still unmanaging marie's behavior and kinda acting like her parent sometimes kicking her out when necessary acting as our main guy for our adventures in inaba in the end me she often appears at the beginning of each episode to summarize our adventures so far and give her comments about new archons that come from our bonds sometimes she acts as a bit of a fortune teller giving us subtle warnings of impending struggles headed our way speaking of fortune teller now everybody in the persona 4 fandom likes to make fun of the main character and refer to him as chad narukami you know since he's so smooth gets all the girls plus he doesn't get beat up on valentine's day but margaret got a little revenge for this behavior acting as a fortune telling the school festival ebijar was jealous and wanted to get a reading of narakami's love life that particular subject gives me an even greater advantage and how is that because his love life is something else okay we've heard enough we later learned that she even interacted with nanako calling you a certain something something and the fortune lady knew you she said you're a man man she said you're one big man [ __ ] despite the mature personality she has a rebellious side to her for one thing she has the guts to sing this song right in front of igor velvet room my master has a very long nose after seeing our many tear-filled goodbyes we arrive at margaret where she talks about how actions speak louder than words clearly she's talking about goodbye kiss which she admits is probably a sin but that didn't stop her now close your eyes why you ask so that you don't witness my sinfulness [Music] um what a rebel lastly we have the quirky elizabeth the eccentric middle child with a taste for the theatrical it seems we're safer now but huh what the ladies and gentlemen the twins have even referred to her as the black sheep of the family as seen by her sick dance moves there's a madness to this woman and i like it whatever she's such a hottie you know her in response to the persona 4 dancing elizabeth or should i say lp decides to put up her own dance ball just to one up her sister margaret going as far as using crocodile tears you won't even oblige one teensy little request from me hey she's crying those are obviously crocodile tears definitely not the shy type her lack of familiarity with the world doesn't stop her from practicing new social customs like the other residents she has an insatiable curiosity about the outside world while taking her out she demonstrates strange curiosity for everyday objects and activities this observation post must be what they call a podium and don't forget her extensive analysis on playground slides intriguing one must first claw one's way to the top before relaxing in luxury this playground equipment teaches a profound lesson on the true way of the world it seems money is no issue for this elevator attendant as her purse seems bottomless and she once collectively dumped over 1 million yen into the most wishing well fountains and the temple's donation box it's definitely hilarious when she uses words out of context but they are separate and completely soundproof be reassured that you can bang all you want in there no problem we'd never do that i mean what are you implying is there a problem with making as much noise as you need when practicing your dance moves oh never mind she can generally be seen wearing a simple blue dress with knee-high boots gloves and a little hat to match the other time she wore pink was because she's in charge of the infirmary nurse elizabeth is a scary thing to imagine ever the optimist she can always be seen with a gentle smile on her face as always running with full energy i don't know how she keeps her energy up while holding hands with her in the wedding section of persona q she said she almost crushed her hand to powder that's actually terrifying because everyone knows she's the strongest velvet room attendant she once gave herself the nickname of eliza deb which is strangely appropriate as she simply hands down the toughest velvet room attendant fight her fight has several unexplained rules such as not having certain passive null skills and whatnot otherwise you get insta killed by her this fight is truly for the hardcore elizabeth is very loyal morgan once mentioned to narakami a story about a girl who resigned from the velvet room and let her save her guests the whole plot persona 3 dancing feels like it's just an excuse to travel back in time just to see him again you can tell just how much she loves him as an added bonus i'd like to give special mention to theodore who acts as the velvet room attendant when he plays femci he's slightly younger than elizabeth but he's pretty much just as strong often bullied by elizabeth i gotta give him credit as he has to put up with all her madness so what do you think about these velvet room residents would you agree be their guest be sure to leave a like and let me know who your favorite velvet room resident [Music] is
Channel: Waifu Hunter Chris Gamefield
Views: 412,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tDfUeai0hZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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