Velma Season 2 is An Animated Tumblr Rant

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Velma season 2 is kind of giv me an existential crisis like how did we get here does anything even matter anymore how is the worst rated show in IMDb history getting a second season why is David zaslav not using this television equivalent of the gulf oil spill as a tax write off like he did with Batgirl how could animation that looks so good be used for such an evil purpose sadly like so much of the show these questions will remain [Music] unanswered the show's so bad it's depressing okay so you're wondering about Velma season 2 is it even mathematically possible for it to be worse than season 1 the short answer is no but only because the shock factor is gone at this point like future Mindy Kaling went full mask off with the first revealing that she genuinely hates the audience that might have tuned in for this if there is one thing the internet agrees on it's that you should never change anything ever she is the quintessential La liberal snob who honestly despises anyone to her political right which is to say anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders gome Chomsky or Carl marks her open disdain for conservatives and men in general was shocking especially since it was taking place inside of a hijacked series formerly for kids kids that sensationalism is worn off now but that doesn't make season 2 better just more expected not much has changed in terms of tone Mindy clearly hates men especially middle-aged white men it's time for me and every guy my age to stop living in the past she hates conservative she hates rich people she hates guns she hates cops oh look a rich person pretending to hate rich people hey hey pull up the credits did she co-write this with Hanan [ __ ] the average American at Mindy's age has a net worth of about a half a million dollars while Mindy herself is estimated to be worth 90 times that right now she's renovating a $15 million House in Beverly Hills but she likely wrote Velma from the comfort of Frank Sinatra's former house she bought that for $10 million wrote wrote Velma there wrote the show where she says rich people bad I love when Super Rich celebrities tell me about the evils of the rich there's always a big fish none of this should be surprising I have asked in the past why this might be getting a second season and I was informed animations apparently will often make two seasons right away because it's cost effective and while HBO chose not to go the right off Route with this one it's clear that they have zero faith in this show dumping all 10 episodes onto their service with no Fanfare I'm pretty sure the only people that are actually watching this are YouTubers and a handful of masochistic hate Watchers who are just too curious for their own good it's honestly not even worth a hate watch hey if you're not hate watching me sure would love it if you subvert that like button jinkies I'm back you know some people actually want to know what I'm drinking or if I'm drinking anything at all which I assure you that I am I bought this on Amazon a sampler from Brooklyn Bean Roastery and it is the vanilla Skyline which makes me want to hum a song by fkj okay listen if you want to watch a terrible production but which is mildly entertaining go find rubber it's about a car tire that gains sentience and develops the power to explode people's heads then it rolls off into the world searching for meaning and heads to blow up that movie is infinitely better than Velma and will take less of your time you know actually that movie is deep it's really a modern retelling of the Ring of GES hence the circular main character you see it posits the question what would you do with ultimate power how can one experience love when one's very presence is a coercion because that one holds the power of life and death no no no it's about a tire that blows up heads still better than Velma it's a pretty low bar all right so what makes Velma so awful as I said with the first season I think in their writer room they've got to have a massive giant vinyl banner that had three words subversive meta edgy every single thing in this show is trying to Jackhammer one or more of those things and none of them are succeeding the metac crap is horribly frustrating honestly it's embarrassing that Mindy keeps getting work and it says a lot about Hollywood she keeps trying to make these self-referential jokes happen and I'm sure you've seen this kind of thing where amateur writers think it's insanely clever to have a character talk about what would happen if they were in a show do you think that's good writing what if the characters kept doing the same bit over and over do you think it would be smart the 10th time maybe the 20th because that's Velma the characters are constantly saying what should happen next If This Were a teen drama or a horror show or remarking that a thing should not have happened because that's not how shows about high school are supposed to go it's not cute the first time it's not cute the 41st time in horror movies Killers always return three to 10 times and neither are the dong jokes look I love a good Wang joke as much as the next guy but they have a low ceiling exceeding it just looks like you're trying too hard or you're 13 years old in episode 4 the plot revolves around the kids being in detention and everyone keeps remarking that it's just like The Breakfast Club the teacher in charge wants it to be like The Breakfast Club everyone keeps saying what they should or should not do based on the trends from the 80s and 90s one kid says certain jokes were 80 style but kids in our generation are into meta humor boy there's nothing more meta than joking about how you're being meta then it becomes a comment on 80s movies oo and that's meta which is our generation's thing that episode ends with Norville and his dad again discussing how shows usually go and Norville says it was very 80s to have everything wrap up nicely but today's endings are all about the throw forward and then he discovers a crazy piece of evidence right before the episode ends get it they just did the very thing they were talking about isn't that so cool are you loving all this metah humor I'm a bit nervous about Deadpool this summer for this exact reason even in the trailer he's directly referencing cinematic universes and it was cute in the first movie but I'm afraid we're beating that to death at this point Velma is also obsessed with letting you know that it is not a Scooby-Doo show but it does want to make super smart witty clever references to the original it's so interesting and cool you guys he's good really good he's the best I love it it's [Music] fantastic in this season Fred is still a complete [ __ ] in the butt of all jokes but he decides to be a spooky stuff Hunter and has his mom's dogs with him they keep chewing up evidence and Fred remarks maybe solving Mysteries with dogs is a mistake this season revolves around a government op operation to replace brains or let brains relax or swap brains something with brains it's not always clear anyway the name of the government project was Project Scooby that stands for special covert operations brain initiative yeah the the C and O in covert are part of Scooby because Mindy and Co truly didn't give a damn they just wanted the cheap jokes you remember in Madame web when Dakota and Uncle Ben were engaging in was supposed to be witty banter and Dakota quips what you've never been shot at in Queens this entire show is that over and over the ultimate villain is Scrappy dooo and Mindy actually forgot they were just supposed to be making cheeky references to the original when in the final episode she tells Scrappy she's going to kill him so that he can quote never ruin another Saturday morning again in the beginning we meet norville's parents and his mom says something about his v-neck being ruined and she bought him a new green crew neck shirt because that's what Shaggy wore get it get it these jokes are the absolute worst it's the framing that's the real problem and the medium like I do goofy stuff like this all the time because this is YouTube that's why I do the pro YouTube move or that and I was nervous about asking for likes in the beginning so I made it into a joke because that's how I deal with discomfort but now it's a standard bit I can get away with it because we are having a casual conversation it's just me and you I'm looking directly at you I can see you I like your interior decorating by the way also I don't rely on The Meta bit too often but it seems to be one of Mindy's only three bits I got three looks and that's it the second is I'm a [ __ ] and that's funny right and the third is surface level angry social commentary thinly veiled as comedy Mindy is exactly like a terrible stand-up comedian who doesn't so much tell jokes as they make stock liberal talking point assertions so that the audience will clap which they mistakenly interpret as being successful at comedy so Jimmy Kimmel is what I'm saying hey orange man bad am I right Sky daddy am I right rich people am I right all the jokes are the most basic liberal bitter talking points but with an attempt to deliver them in a py way it's a failed attempt it's the most surface level Twitter social and political commentary deliver in a wannabe random Seth McFarland way and falling woefully short for example Mindy hates religion and in this show she does something that I'm not sure you've ever seen before on an originality scale it's like an 11 out of 10 it's mind-blowing are you are you sitting down take a minute sit down she makes fun of the Catholic Church yeah I know it's Earth shattering stuff but fear not because she does tackle the complex questions of faith and various world religions in a nuanced and thoughtful way if the church has taught me anything it's to question nothing yep it's the same driil you've seen a million times unoriginal uninspired and unfunny and it's the last part that's the real issue here look the Catholic church has a ton of stuff to poke at in practice and history and so does the Protestant church like how we talk about doing life together you know instead of literally any other phrase or how we stopped doing Sunday school now we call them life groups we're really into the word life right now for some reason Toby what's going on here a you too it's not that it's my particular religion it's the sad r/ atheist lines that Mindy clearly thinks are clever and they aren't worse they aren't funny if you're going to make fun of me please at least make it funny black standup has been doing this for years and we think it's hilarious yeah well I'm glad you asked little buddy um this here is cauliflower this is corn beef hash and these are parsnips what the is a pars but Fred joining the Catholic Church goes nowhere it only happens so Mindy can take shots at them like when they sell Fred a $10,000 toe of a saint to ward off evil and you can tell when she ran out of of jibes because then Fred leaves the church and that's it I have to give him 10% of my gross income what a scam it never affected the plot or characters it was just a vehicle for Mindy to bitterly rant about religion Fred as a character exists entirely to be a straight white male Rich religious straw man but that bitterness is what kills the show just about every joke is so mean-spirited and that's what sucks the funny out of it based on the writing in general Mindy seems like a terribly angry person disliking most things but above all she hates men just abhor them what do you mean you need to exume my mother's body seriously I don't know what that means most of the plot revolves around men being terrible in one way or another one big development in hunting for the Killer is that they made people uncomfortable at work which leads to killing because as the show says repeatedly where there's smoke there's fire and also all the men deny that that is a thing men bad women get treated terribly whether they're pretty or not men bad women get hurted into the Minds when the men are scared men bad men don't solve serious problems they procrastinate with a chili cook off men bad one of the villains is a Woman Who Wasn't taken seriously in the military because she's too goodlooking men bad the plot wants to be random funny but honestly it just makes zero sense like so little sense that it's genuinely distracting it only exists so the jokes can exist it feels like they wrote down a bunch of angry lines that they thought would be clever if delivered in a sarcastic way and then built the plot around them Mindy wants to be Seth McFarland so badly but also wanted to be taken seriously with a mystery Plot show and she didn't succeed in either Arena she wants to do self-referential humor but has no self-awareness so it all falls apart look I can understand if you thought about watching season one last year because of the shock factor and you know all the hubub but this show isn't even a so bad it's good thing it's just bad in a boring way which is the worst thing a wannabe edgy show can be thankfully at the end of the season Velma is dead and hopefully this show will be as well you know season one is what launched this channel so a little appreciation goes to Mindy kaing if she didn't make this lemon I wouldn't be here making lemonade so thanks Mindy if you want to watch my recap of that season and and see my cat you can click right here and if you want to support the channel there are affiliate links in the description I appreciate you watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Greg Owen
Views: 49,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WCOX38F27sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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