VeggieTales | The League of Incredible Vegetables (Full Story) | A Lesson in Courage!

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[Music] come on Junior it's fun um zero gravity pad I don't think so I I just ate a burrito but don't you want to try anything Junior Laura this little room moves up and down talk about science hey Laura check this out whoa what's this one do oh it's locked away must be dangerous I'm you betcha that that is the most dangerous item in the whole museum more dangerous than a tiny little room that moves up and down doubt it how dangerous is it is the fear down invented by a mad scientist to detect exactly what someone's afraid of then use that fear as a power source why would someone invent that Madness don't you worry she's not going anywhere safe and secure behind that class [Music] you okay Junior that thing kind of scares me actually a lot of things scare me it's okay Junior everybody gets scared sometimes I wish I didn't [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] help Mary Mary that's better The Jig Is up fish breath back off bird brains surrender the doodad Penguins you're surrounded well actually I am but you get the points you have to get up pretty early in the morning so Wake Me Up When the pancakes are ready mommy [Music] [Music] cheers Drake what happened oh no Alfred blurry boy to Alfred I R has been stolen oh my the fear no stolen in the wrong hands this could be disastrous for mumbly bug this is a problem two big ballet boy alone I know just to recall [Applause] the League of Incredible Vegetables [Music] [Applause] of Incredible Vegetables Incredible Vegetables see 's penguins hero sure well other cities have Heroes too and when they join forces they become the greatest team ever yeah [Applause] or chores plus I got an s on my team get it Escape [Music] just about anything as long as it's fashionable coffee is the New Black [Music] they are amazing those super suits you're one of those I will ever be afraid you think a super suit would do that for you almost got it I think I'm about use the thing of a boy we'll see at the bottom nice ride shoes for every occasion mind if I catch a ride what are Super Friends for ever what where pass right Larry Boy apples are frozen it's like two feet tall we can jump it oh no Junior oh what a junior wow great shot close yes indeed it was freeze penguins this ice capade is over clever huh mine was better oh aren't they adorable when they're surrounded [Music] found some sweet s March Penguins hold it we'll put this back where it'll be safe I'll take it LP that was quite a shot oh you saw that but more importantly it was quite Brave it it was I didn't feel Brave it was actually pretty afraid oh well we all feel afraid sometimes not if you're a superhero the Bible tells us when we're afraid we can put our trust in God oh good Alfred I see you found Junior and Laura oh Larry boy we lost Larry in the museum do you think he's okay oh yeah he wanted me to tell you he was just fine anybody need a lift home wow cool I do junior we'd like to have a little talk [Music] my day a penguin was a hard-working law abiding bird as she was I don't see why your kind feels the need to engage in criminal activity who wouldn't there be so many jobs where he had flourish ice sculptures you smell like fish and whatnot but that shouldn't keep you from contributing to society my right in hindsight I probably should have confiscated the lasers [Music] wow this is a dream come true I can't believe I'm actually in the Larry boy case it's an honor granted a very few a junior we've asked you here for an important reason we've been on the lookout for a very special addition to the team the team our first Junior member we've got to start raising up young Heroes to take our place someday our knees can't hold out forever are you talking about me you may be small but you've got a big heart you stepped up and did what was right in a moment of need it was very brave I don't feel very brave so Junior Asparagus what do you say [Music] will I get my own super suit but of course my own super suit I'll do it [Music] Michael just what I wanted my long lost theater you eat earned a fishy [Music] so did you run into any trouble toboggan Chase no kidding Escape security how exciting thwarted by the League of Incredible Vegetables that the League of Incredible Vegetables no no they have arrived too soon bye [Music] Dr Arvin Fleury biggest fear the League of Incredible Vegetables that's why I'm afraid of the league they have been trying to capture me since I stole all the bumblebeeberg's ice cream last July Grand theft gelato no worries the feared our sense is your deepest fear and uses it to power up its super freeze ray fear equals power do you what it's like to be afraid [Music] to hide away you will see a mouse camper across their floor or here's a creaking of the door you get frightened you fun to freeze freeze foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so cold so sad bye bye now I will use the League's fears against them don't interrupt a time to find out about those Heroes fear if it's lightning bees or angry deer I'll ice them there then bring them here they're gonna freeze freeze [Music] Junior Thanks for opening that gate for Vogue and me we could have gotten hurt you never not with your awesome tool belt well it comes in handy but you can't do everything sure it can if it hadn't been for your super suits the theater would have been stolen has been stolen [Music] from the Penguins was a fake somehow they made a switch and now it's time for silly songs with Letty boy the part of the show and comes out and sings a sin song we joined the league at summertime as they sit down for a meal prepared by outfit I don't want to eat my Brussels sprout he doesn't want to eat his brussels sprouts and I really really don't like sauerkrauty's zero no meat uh what's a supper Heroes you don't want to chew yeah not two appetizing don't wanna eat what's cooked for you no not really 10 citizen don't fear oh I am a superhero yummy yummy yummy [Music] yummy yummy thanks I like this Supper Hero this pasta dish has gotten cold I beg your pardon this fish looks a little old it's not that old you can't go on I must insist it's my duty to assist well I'm kind of hungry hero I am the superhero he is the superhero yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum I was gonna eat that don't worry it helps for me it's fun to stop for hero stops not done yummy yummy yummy yummy every supper plate is clean no matter what type of Cuisine who let him in hey is that chocolate I love chocolate [Music] I love my new career I dude he ate our cake so what do you say guys can I join the League has been silly songs with tune in next time to hear the league say [Music] [Music] scooter this is unacceptable ah how could I let those Penguins escape on me watch oh I mean the prices at the Museum snack bar but yeah that's bad too I mean they're flightless hello what's this wow a piece of paper no a clue cause that night it's a checklist 20 raw fish one very large battery a thousand pounds of ice sounds like a shopping list three penguin sized jumpsuits one fear Dar and a mustache comb wait a fear Dar a mustache Tom this must have belonged to the Penguins it's a science museum Alfred it's all it's a progress no I mean any clues oh where it's leaking keep us posted and oh we're getting Junior suited up as we speak [Music] really that's easier than walking into the next room you walking 20 times a day and tell me it's not exhausting it's ready me the idea junior is to select the one of my many super prototype outfits that works for you specifically specifically you know it should just feel right and keep you safe and not explode what you'll know it when you wear it let's begin with prototype 11 Dash B you got it oh boy oh foreign oh shiny [Music] what was that that was a big no for magnet boy you okay Junior we can take a break if you need I'll be fine I can do this as long as I end up with a super suit all right Escape let's try a few more [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] this one I like [Music] Splendid you selected my newest model it looks great on you Junior I feel so brave nothing can touch me now ah I know bouncing in the cave you might break something sorry excited one caveat I need to waterproof this suit before you go on a mission The Bouncing mechanism is electrical so so if you got wet it would stop working no problem I've been out of pull-ups for years that's the league signal downtown shouldn't have had those nachos [Music] look up in the sky it's a plane it's a spacecraft it's breakfast [Music] stand back citizens show yourself or are you chicken ah looks like it's at least from a chicken oh goody we've got our first volunteer name officer scooter biggest fear the dark come on I'm not afraid of you I've had appetizers bigger than you who turned out the lights [Music] let's take this one step at a time shall we what is that oh my [Applause] filling up on Fear and ready [Music] League of Incredible Vegetables it is I Dr Flory Dr Flory that guy gives me a brain freeze and I'm about to freeze all of bumbleburg this fear unless of course you find a way to stop me stop this Dr flurry League of Incredible Vegetables engage so great [Music] that's not eggshell [Music] I can also get you out of anything nice catch Vogue wow it smells terrific in here it's cinnamon potpourri my Supercar smells like socks take over take over what the wheel goodness she's so decisive [Music] he should be more afraid than that that's not enough fear to freeze anything [Music] laughs [Music] monkeys really they're so unpredictable Alfred how does that thing work I can't find anything it's adult Secret villainous device oh wait he talks about it on his Blog then After figuring out what you are afraid of the fear Dar uses that fear as energy to fuel its breeds prey kids don't drive this at home goodness me that thing is fueled by fear you can't scare me hey folk biggest fear bad hair sorry it's just hair easy for you to say hey that is the point of having my own fear die if my Nemesis won't be frozen in fear it's a waste he can't catch the league those are some amazing super suits a Nutty boy so go around and distract him while Escape tries to find a way in me Larry boy biggest fear balloons popping seriously well here goes I may have found their way inside Larry boy I'm on my mile because I am that that's his birthday party lots of popping I know you're scared but you've gotta move I know I know foreign and seriously doesn't anybody believe in seat belt [Music] because of it what Junior up in the sky it's a torpedo no it's an asparagus what another one tiny Heroes just falling from the sky now oh [Music] [Music] this dude isn't working Don't Panic Junior me Ricochet is fear pretty much everything is a keeper come on Junior run escape I'm too far away I'm not not Junior not on my way hear me what activates what where did he go holy evaporating egg now if I were a mad scientist and I had a frozen Larry boy where would I put him somewhere cold a little more specific somewhere cold that could fit a giant egg what's this it's just a shopping list I know what a shopping list is I practically invented shopping lists I mean what's this that's the logo for this little piggy grocery but that place closed down years ago let's go has anyone seen Junior when I said you were Brave I meant it my mind hasn't changed Larry boy would still be here if it wasn't for me you saw how afraid I was everyone gets afraid sometimes Junior not the league yes the league two the reason they didn't freeze up is because they know how to deal with their fear I know I know you've got these amazing super suits I trusted in mine and I was still afraid Junior the league doesn't put their trust in their super suits what super suits will fail them but there's only one who never fails one who is bigger than anything you fear [Music] when he fought the giant Philistine Goliath that's scary armored brute oh my was Tiny Little David in any manner aided by a super suit oh no correct Goliath was much stronger his biceps three times longer but David never fussed it wasn't his own power he counted on that hour so whom did David trust I'm thinking you're gonna say that Bingo trust in God not in my super suit [Music] absolutely unless you can't dispute when fear is taking root with him you're in cahoots when you trust [Music] five [Music] Vogue you should totally make your outfit white so you can hide in all this ice I can't it's after Labor Day this place looks abandoned oh no what is it my greatest weakness kryptonite no coupons two for one go-gurts which they'll double at Food City man that's a lot of gogurts I know they are here in fact I was counting on it here we go they're ready nice work Michael reminds me of your big bad cousin Steve time to chill no I'm scared thanks for coming after me Alfred we're going to need all the help we can get if we're going to stop that giant robot penguin [Music] oh no he's Frozen the entire league now nothing can stop him no Alfred he's Frozen almost the entire league there's one more Wonder Part I have finally done it all of the league is Frozen who wants coffee stop yelling already what another one oh I remember these little guys this is going to be easy peasy lemon squeezing thank you foreign here we go it's the best chance we've got and remember I know don't get this suit wet [Music] [Music] the hell it might be a good idea [Music] thank you [Music] I never get to do this part and I shall never do it again oh that didn't hold them very long almost out of fear already I didn't make this thing very efficient I found a way in it keep him busy Junior I'm trying and call me Rick y I wish that kid would stop zipping back and forth it's too much for my tummy I mean he's like a monkey out there oh is it hot in here to you what do you think Alfred is it too thirsty [Music] I have him right where I want him you do Alfred not now Larry boy your plan is foiled Dr Fleury Alfred because it takes more than a little ice to stop the league oh I guess that's more than a little ice [Music] Angry Birds Alfred duck I thought they were penguins [Music] [Music] here goes nothing [Music] oh [Applause] [Laughter] I'm out no I do uh I wait I know what to do it doesn't matter how are you I'm afraid hey ricochet biggest fear nothing that is bigger than you and I trust him [Music] I I don't understand he was so frightened before what could have happened I believe Junior has found a reliable place to put his trust I'm not afraid of you oh [Music] the league on Frozen everyone out [Music] [Music] oh they're so adorable when they're rescued Larry boy after everything I did to you you rescued me see I'm not so scary can we hang out some now you're kind of going to jail [Music] for incredibly heroic acts in the line of duty when the rest of the league was frozen you trusted God and overcame your fear Junior Asparagus I hereby name you an official member of the League of Incredible Vegetables not a junior member not anymore ricochet one more thing go a jet ski but what about the water who said anything about water [Music]
Channel: VeggieTales Official
Views: 693,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggietales, veggie tales songs, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggietales anniversary, veggietales in the house, veggietales movie, veggietales rap, veggietales silly songs, veggietales league of incredible vegetables, veggietales superheroes
Id: Lr3AW1w91Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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