VeggieTales | Solving Problems... Together! | Sheerluck & Dr. Watson Save The Day

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[Music] top of the evening everybody wonder what been doing huh uh and Dr Watson here what's the good word Sherlock beats me but when I find it you'll be the first to know actually there are several good words for example there's superb charitable philanthropic and the ever Dependable too good to be forgotten which technically I suppose isn't a good word but rather a group of words uhhuh mhm come come my good man our table awaits you two gents solve another case that we have my dear lady one usual coming right up here you go enjoy boy if the service here gets any slower we'll have to find another place the game a foot so what are you two celebrating this time I can only assume it involves mystery Mayhem and maleficence you could say that you could if I understood what you were saying so do tell what dastardly crime have you just solved well it's all rather Hush Hush but no one in London will ever never have to worry about the howling dogs of Baker Street again hooray how'd you solve it did you use your superlative powers of observation or did basic forensics crack this particular case open you sure talk funny actually it was a combination of the two after a careful examination of the crime scene we decided the best way to explain it is in a song oh no not again if all of you are wondering what I found in all my wandering here's a clue for you I knew just what to do and uh me too if a crime has been committed which makes you rather curious what CTS and solutions lur Elusive and impervious and fancy words bewilder you and make you feel ridiculous the crime will not be Sol until you grab the phone and call on me just call 1800 look operators are standing by we're so thorough in our searching as we si in sword and slop for clu faulty for skirting any felons off deceptive bruise what we never leave the job except to snack and maybe take a snooze offenders best surrender cuz eventually they're sure to lose it's all probability really you see given that logic and deduction are on our side a criminal stands a highly diminished chance of succeeding in his misdeed criminals what are they thinking so if a criminal commits a crime who's hiding in his secret lir he thinks a crime is perfect but of certain facts he's unaware he's left a and I just m ack of hair upon the stair we'll find the clue and track them down and trap them in a [Music] secret it they're always in their secretay the lon here for to see is rather obvious when is on a it's to be m in the course of litigation our opposers fle are tenuous following your fancy talk is getting R you the crime will not be solved until you grab the phone wait for the to and call [Music] [Applause] on well another perfect ending to another perfect day something bothering you my good man I thought we solve these cases together but you're the only one who gets any credit for them now that's just silly we're a team we're friends you and everyone else knows that but do you know that is that the way you treat a friend what do you mean we're friends right of course we're friends well then is that how you treat a friend is how how I treat a friend well I'll tell you Mr sherock hmes Dr Watson I think Kens have found you there's been a rubbery at booing and bus and we in desperate need of your services what there's been a rub at booking and bullish and or in desperate need of your services I can't understand a word you're saying seriously what there's been a robbery at Buckingham Palace a robbery then come come Dr Watson the games of [Music] foot oh thank goodness you've arrived we are in desperate need of your services now him I understand this crime is a case of National Security if it's not solved quickly I fear dire consequences don't worry my good man we'll have it solved in a jiffy what was stolen a key I'm sorry I thought you said a key I did you lost your keys seriously that's it go to a hardware store and get a copy made get a keychain like the rest of us you don't need the world's greatest living detective you need a locksmith sheer luck if I may sir what did the key unlock the door to the room where the Golden Ruler is kept quickly sheerluck there's not a moment to waste all right would somebody please tell me what's going [Music] on this is where the key was only just this morning H yes I see uh excuse me a little help here what's up well you uh could you describe what you see oky dokie it's your basic pillow without a key in it not much to write home about is near as I can figure whoever stole this has a great dislike for soft pillows because if you're going to steal a key who wouldn't take this pillow I mean it's gorgeous now I'm putting my money on a headless Bandit with a morbid fear of pillows why headless if you don't have a head you would need a pillow come now let's be logical a prime min exactly where is the door that this key unlocks and that's where you keep the Golden Ruler yes it all comes together now the room that holds the Golden Ruler the old Golden Ruler so what's the Golden Ruler only the most valuable treasure in the entire Kingdom right got that but what is it wait nobody move our criminal has left their footprints in the dust on the floor we must all be extremely careful not to disturb these Clues all right nobody move you heard him nobody move I'm detective Bill Trout from the forensic investigators of Southampton and I'm Sergeant John Spud from the canterberry highway patrol oh great fishing chips not again don't you guys ever take a break we've been sent to secure the area prepare to be secured please wait you're disturbing the crime scene this is our jurisdiction your services are no longer required ta Gentlemen please Mr Sherlock Holmes is the world's greatest living [Music] detective Move Along nothing to see here if I could just have a few more minutes I said move along wow look what you found a secret passageway oh good job sherock this oh all in a day's work the footprints enter and exit right here this was how the key was stolen Move Along nothing to see here I shall announce this to the king and queen immediately oh let me wo [Music] W Move Along nothing to see [Music] here top of the evening one and all and his partner in crime Dr Watson so Lads let's shaking when we're on the case the boots of every criminal in London my good lady the usual if you please so sheerock what nefarious no good Nick did you and Dr wat and incarcerate this fine evening come again he means did we arrest anyone tonight oh well as always it's all rather Hush Hush but yours truly stumbled upon a clue that blew this case wide open we should have our criminal before the week is [Applause] out now I can't reveal exactly where I was tonight but let's just say it rhymes with luckingham Dallas there I was faced with perhaps the most difficult mystery in my career if I failed here the most valuable Treasure of the entire Kingdom would be lost fortunately for the king and queen I was on the top of my game [Applause] yay hey hey Watson where you going you haven't touched her cake well you didn't need my help solving the case so why would you need my help eating the [Music] cake you were the one who solved the case right well yeah wa Watson Watson Watson come on don't be mad just come back inside and tell me what's bothering you what's bothering me what's bothering me what's bothering me yes yes yes is this a game are we saying everything in threes you really don't have a clue do you look I know we're a team you know we're a team everybody knows we're a teen so what's the problem so I leave out some Minor Details like the fact that I've worked with you on every single case exactly little stuff like that so you ready for some cake because I'm starving you are amazing why thank you you're not so bad yourself see when I put my mind to it I can compliment you do you know what really hurts when you stub your toe or when you accidentally run into a wall or or when you're walking along and an anvil falls on your head now that hurts like the Dickens what really hurts is when someone says they're your friend but they don't treat you like one I see with Sherlock HS would you saw in all autograph books I'm never too busy to help out a fan good night anyway what were you saying did you sign both of our names uh they only asked for mine you just don't get it when you want to start treating me like a friend come talk to me what don't I get but we're a team where you going come back Dr Watson Dr [Music] [Music] Watson hello Mr HS are you here sorry to interrupt Mr RS but the garden rer has been stallen what I said sorry to interrupt but the G roller has been stolen what language are you speaking say I speak Scottish he says someone's golden hoola is swollen no he said the goat and Jeweler are out strolling see I thought I was hearing something about Samoans perhaps coats and stools all go Bing Bolding scooters have been rolling the Golden Ruler has been stallen oh stolen then come come Dr Watson oh can you wait here a minute I'll be right with [Music] you hello Dr Watson [Music] hello excuse me but is Dr Watson home the good doctor's been gone all day suffering from a broken a is and I don't expect him back anytime [Music] soon oh Mr Ms isn't it shame on you for not being a better friend to the good [Music] doctor how many maides does he have well if it isn't the high in my Sherlock holes if you just follow the Golden Rule none of this would have [Music] happened now that just hurts like the Dickens excuse me but I must find Dr Watson oh you must must you well if you're such a great detective go find them yourself oh well the game's a foot nothing to see here move along oh Mr Holmes how good of you to come I'm afraid this latest turn of events is all rather scandalous what if word of this theft somehow leaks out to the Press ow too late the Golden Ruler has been stolen tell me everything you know oh my everything well let's start with history the Moors invaded Spade in 711 ad and after that about the case I mean oh quite right the stolen key from the key room unlocked the door to the treasure room and the Golden Ruler is gone that's about it Move Along nothing to see here not to put undue pressure on you but would it be too much trouble to ask you to save the day I'm on the job so where do we begin don't have a clue usually about this time Dr Watson would ask something like when did this crime take place well it it must have happened at The Changing of the Guard but that's what I can't understand after the loss of the key we've doubled our guard Duty right Changing of the Guard and since every entrance and exit is blocked and there's no other way in or out of that room it can only mean that this is a lot harder than it looks unless wait a minute excellent deduction Sherlock all is not lost detective trout of fish and chips has deduced that the thief and our national treasure are still hiding within the walls of our Palace well done Mr trout you have provided a great service to your kingdom hey hold on that's what I just said to the Prime Minister you stole my idea fish that was my idea how would you like it if I did that to you wait a minute that's it I get it I get it now thank you detective trout you stole my idea and took credit for it I don't like to be treated like that and I can't thank you enough uh okay don't you see this is what Dr Watson's been talking about all along in the past I took credit for everything I wasn't trying to be mean but I was inconsiderate like you fine now move along now stay here this is fantastic I finally understand your highness we need to treat others like we want to be treated that's exactly what the Golden Ruler says which is why it's the most valuable treasure in all the kingdom that means we need to treat our friends like we want to be treated too oh yes it certainly does apply to friends yeah I can't solve this case on my own I need my teammate the greatest detective in all the land I need Dr Watson and so you shall have him Dr Watson I get it I know I saw your majesty if it pleased the court I would like to reveal the criminal who had the audacity to steal the Golden Ruler now hold on a minute I've got jurisdiction here so move along right after you solve the case as my good friend sheerluck is rightly deduced the thief in question is still in our midst because this was an inside job the thief is none other than one of the palace guards are you quite sure each of our Palace guards is loyal to the core oh yes but one guard happens to be an impostor a foreign spy sent here to steal England's most precious possession I won't have it if you're a thief step forward your majesty if I may are any of you guards foreign spies no and are all of you loyal to the crown we I'm sorry Dr Watson but I've questioned them thoroughly and I'm afraid you're mistaken prime minister people may sometimes lie but facts never do first there were the footprints we found in the key room they're the exact size of a pee then there was the secret passage way on the wall I found black fibers not only do these fibers match the guard's hats perfectly but they start and stop at the exact height of an English guard that's how I knew a guard had stolen the key but I still didn't know why that is until this morning that's when I secretly investigated the crime scene and found the answer to my riddle so you were here all the time I should have known it I found crumbs crumbs that turned out to be from green cheese and baguette Fred the breakfast staple not of England but of a foreign land that's what I knew a spy was in our midst but you saw me question our guards all of them are loyal to the crown are they are they are they I love threes if my best friend Dr Watson says that one of them is a spy you had best better believe it buddy wa the Golden [Music] Ruler a spy and I would have gotten away with it too but for my irrepressible love of bres and baget bread our national treasure has been recovered All Because Of You Mr Holmes oh no begging the king's pardon but the real hero here is Dr Watson no oh sheer luck we did it as a team as friends that's right as friends treat others the way you want to be treated that just about says it all doesn't it forgive me you bet [Music] buddy if a crime has been committed which makes you rather curious well culprits and solutions lur Elusive and impervious and fancy words be Willer you and make you feel ridiculous the crime will not be so until you gra the phone and call on us a team that's not defeated when I you like I want to be tra we're so thorough in our searching as we SI SW and for Clues faulty for skirting and he B off the cover any treasure we a gold or silver cash or criminal iy may as well not even try as long as these two by the [Music] Golden Rock [Music] you
Channel: VeggieTales Official
Views: 27,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggie tales cheeseburger, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales where is my hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggie tales Jonah, belly button song, veggietales movie, veggietales silly songs, veggietales sherlock holmes and the golden ruler, veggietales sheerluck holmes and the golden ruler credits, veggietales sheerluck, veggietales sherlock, problem solving
Id: EumPD4Whz2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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