Veggie Tales Silly Songs Compilation - BBFs! | Mini Moments

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and now it's time for silly songs with best friends forever the part of the show where best friends forever come out and sing a silly song [Music] you're my bff [Music] g i think you're 12. [Music] there's no one like you you're so easy to talk to it's a green all we need is punctuated conversations with some brief abbreviations one thing i know i am h o go i a n a l true i'll always be your left side three [Music] [Music] a is [Music] hmm [Music] gotta go i'll see you later what okay this has been silly songs with bffs in the www nmw tune in next time to hear laura say [Music] and now it's time for silly songs with larry the part of the show where larry comes out and sings a silly song another lonely day in a crowded town [Music] making our way the best we know how [Music] [Music] covered sealed against troubles sheltered in a glove of bubbles bubbles bubbles safe inside the arms of my bubble bubble bubble wrap warm up via teeth [Music] oh yeah [Music] bubble bubble ain't no trouble squeeze that squish that break that bubble do it once bubbles [Music] [Applause] [Music] bubble trap shelters bubbles [Applause] this has been silly songs with larry tune in next time to hear the boys sing we're wrapping and we're snapping [Applause] oh snap and now it's time for silly songs with larry the part of the show where larry comes out and sings a silly song one day while talking with dr archibald larry confronts one of his deepest fears if my lips ever left my mouth packed a bag and headed south that'd be too bad i'd be so bad i see that'd be too bad you'd be so sad that'd be too bad all righty if my lip fat adios i don't like you i think your growth that'd be too bad i might get mad hmm that'd be too bad you might get mad that'd be too bad fascinating if my lips moved too loose i left the mess and took my tooth that'd be too bad i'd call my dad oh dear that'd be too bad you'd call your dad that'd be too bad hold it did you say your father fascinating so what you're saying is if your lips left you that'd be too bad i'd be so that i might get mad i'd call my dad that'd be too bad that'd be too bad that'd be too bad why [Music] oh my this is more serious than i thought larry what do you see here um that looks like a lip what about this it's a lip and this with the lip laddie tell me about your childhood when i was just two years old i left my lips out in the cold and they turn blue what could i do oh yeah they turn blue what could you do oh they turn blue i see on the day i got my tooth i had to give my great-aunt ruth she had a beard and it felt weird my mind she had a beard and it felt weird i got a beard oh ten days after i turned eight got my lips stuck in a gate my friends all laughed and i just stood there until the fire department came and broke the lock with the crowbar and i had to spend the next six weeks in lip rehab with his kid named oscar who got stung by a bee right on the lip and we couldn't even talk to each other until the fifth week because both of our lips were so swollen and when he did start speaking he just spoke polish and i only like three words and polishes up now i know poor because oscar taught me the word for lip your friends are laughed how do you spell that i don't know so what you're saying is that when you were young they turned blue what could i do she had a beard and it felt weird my friends all laughed i'm confused i love my lips [Music] this has been silly songs with laddie tune in next time to hear laddie say have i ever told you how i feel about my nose oh look at the [Music] hi kids welcome to veggietales i'm bob the tomato and i'm late for my book club uh book club hi everyone sorry about that it's okay we started without you discussing the book no eating the snacks and they were delicious i would put them on par with the snacks from two months ago but they paled in comparison to the stacks from last month what are you guys reading it's the adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain oh that's a classic what did you think personally i found the book riveting full of flawed characters and classic american humor [Music] what's this norm's notes condensed outlines of books for the vegetable on the go you didn't read the book you just read notes about the book do you guys allow this it does make everything go a lot faster norm's got notes on every book you could ever want war and peace took me 15 minutes i found it riveting full of flawed characters and classic russian pathos i i hate to interrupt but larry we've got a letter to answer oh right who's it from this one comes to us from zachary alexander in glen allen virginia how long is it just one page oh i'm sure i'll find it riveting right it says dear bob and larry there's a kid in my school named joseph who gets made fun of a lot i feel really bad for him but i'm afraid if i help him out i'll get made fun of too i guess i'm just not sure if i should get involved what do you think i think that's enough reading for the day yes who brought dessert oh it was my turn well zachary i think you've got a real problem sometimes the best thing to do is to watch this story about huckleberry larry uh huckleberry larry we couldn't get the rights to finn wait a minute are you saying we can watch the story from our book club that's right that's three minutes of my life i'll never get back [Music] oh hello there i'm glad you could stop by i'm clark wayne a storyteller it's a perfect night for a story don't you think uh stories set on the big river yes the mississippi river from the woods of northern minnesota to new orleans they say a drop of water that falls into lake itasca way up here will be in the gulf of mexico 90 days later of course most people like to get down the river a little quicker than that this is a story about just such a fella and to tell it we're gonna have to take a little trip down the old river ourselves hello shuttle a lurky massage not a soul out here at night we should have the river all to ourselves oh the mighty mississippi it's flowing strong and wide just me and you in an old canoe with a trusty indian guide yeah i'm a trusty indian guy native american did you say something ready okay gotta take a chance on the minus [Applause] gonna take a trip on the mississippi gonna take a little trippy on the mighty mississippi gonna take a trip on the mississippi gonna take a little trippy on mighty mississippi the mighty mississippi it's flowing strong and wide just me and you in an old canoe with a trusty indian oh i'm sorry with my trusty native american guy [Applause] gonna take a trip on the mississippi take a little trippy on the mighty mississippi not so loud chateau this is where our story starts timber [Music] lumber camp that's mr dooley himself he was in the tree removal business in fact dooley had a way of removing anything or anyone who numbered in his way get it lumber better harder faster longer longer it's a beat sake no singing oh we're having a bit of trouble with this big one call big jim now otto big jim strong as an ox and twice as tall struck fear into anyone that laid eyes on him he was so tough he could do i know you oh don't mind me i i'm just the narrator get a move on big jim i'm not paying you to stand around all day actually you're not paying him at all oh yeah that's right isn't it unlike the other loggers big jim was not an employee of dooley and sons inc but five years ago he was caught in elk river minnesota with 1100 pounds of stolen turkey jerky as the sole witness mr dooley testified against jim in court but jim didn't go to prison he was however sentenced to three years of community service at of all places a dooley and sons lumber camp good work big jim here have some jerky yeah mr dooley there's been an accident what happened it's silverstein he got a splinter a splinter sorry there's no much time oh hey you there keep an eye on big jim there are times when fate reaches down and grabs you by the lapels this was one of those times the logger in question steve was not the sharpest blade in the sawmill what dooley said was keep an eye on big jim what steve heard was please run into town and get me a strawberry smoothie which is exactly what he did for big jim the cookie of opportunity was clearly on the table he grabbed it oh where's big jim hey why didn't you stop him oh i'm the narrator i'm not supposed to get involved [Music] [Music] was that your dog barking oh no that was steve he likes to bark when we chase things [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's just great [Music] not every day on the mississippi was quite so exciting nor every situation so right with turmoil [Music] take this scene for example that their green fella is uncle larry though most folks just call him huck and the red guy is tomato sawyer most folks just call him tom since well tomato seems a little obvious these two happy bachelors are homesteaded what's homesteading well when the u.s government settled the west they cut it into little pieces of land called homesteads now if you could live on a piece of land for five years without starving or getting run off by bears the government would give it to you these fellas been living on their homesteads for four years 362 days yep come friday just three days away this land will be theirs three more days huck and this land will be ours our dreams are coming true can i borrow some more nails sure thing they're in my tent behind the record collection once i own this land and finish my theme park i'll be selling tickets and turkey jerky to all the jerky-loving folks on the riverboats i'm gonna call it jerky land mr jerky will be my mascot yeah i've been meaning to talk to you about that where'd you say the nails were behind all the records now before mp3 players there were circular vinyl discs called oh forget it you and your obscure music bobby roberts and his happy monkey mama belle and little jimmy mama belle and little uni are not obscure they sold over a million albums before little yummy disappeared five years ago huh hey you know huck the theme park business is very capital intensive it's hard to make any money in i'm not in it for the money tom it's the action right hey have you thought any more about joining me in my new business there's a lot of action in tax preparation i still don't know what that is well i'm gonna help people prepare their federal tax returns each year it's very complicated but i've got a good head for numbers i'm sure you could pick it up too could you give me a hand sure always glad to help a friend you know there isn't a single tax preparer on the mississippi anywhere between minnesota and new orleans the market is wide open what the tomato may have missed in his business plan is that this is 1904 and the federal income tax will not be established until 1913. for the next nine years he will in fact have the market all to himself what he will not have is customers or feasts i could tell him this but as the narrator technically speaking i'm not supposed to get involved [Music] who's that guy i think it was colonel sanders where's your dog what oh that's steve he likes to bark we're looking for a man a dangerous man have you seen him wrong poster no i don't think so well think harder he tore up a factory with his bare hands and he's headed your way this is a signal flare if you see him set this off and we'll come running why did he tear up the factory he was looking for something what turkey jerky [Music] what are we going to do now we're going to muscatine but we've got to get back to camp the boys won't know what to do without us what are we supposed to do without them we could say some interventions and some in our cups while others are bicycle shops we fancy our [Music] you got the flare yes it's right here in my tent you got the matches yes i have the matches but honestly why would he come here we don't have any turkey jerky no but we're gonna as soon as i open jerky land well sure but nobody knows that now do they do they huck i might have put up a sign or two for 29. 29 signs where along the river it's advertising tom my amusement park for dummies books says i have to do it well it doesn't tell you what to do when you're advertising attracts a homicidal turkey jerky loving maniac does it i don't know i'm only on chapter three what was that phew it's just birds okay we need to come up with a plan we need to take down all those signs tom we need to build a fort with cannons we need say 60 to 70 tall pine trees and iron ore for the cannons ah what he's right behind me do you know the way to say louis i want to sing with my mama we don't have any turkey turkey i haven't bought my inventory yet i don't like turkey jerky well of course you don't none of us like turkey jerky dewey huck i love turkey turkey i'm building a hole signal flare what so you aren't looking for turkey jerky you just want to sing with your mama insane louie she said meet me inside louie louie but your name is jim my middle name is louie right signal flare so tell me jim louie mama belle called me mama belle and little yummy well sure i could see why they'd call you little yummy mama belle and little yimmy so you were named after these guys mama that's your mama [Music] well sure you did it gave me air flay [Music] i'm just gonna go put the record away now in the other tent why don't you take a nap on your boat or whatever and we'll go call for help [Music] we have a signaling device how do i light it with the matches next to my books oh here they are so rest well got it wait not an attempt [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for helping me it's the least we could do you rest now help is on the way what am i gonna do for a tent now i didn't know who's gonna do that what did you think it was gonna do the emotion of the moment was overwhelming wait the reward what 100 reward that's right you could buy a new tent and you'll have enough money to finish jerky land this day has turned out all right after all yeah as long as little yummy doesn't get hungry you need us before that scary guy with the steve dog gets here you're right [Music] wait a minute [Music] happy river dude [Music] oh [Music] he's telling the truth what he's little yummy it's him but he's huge he grew it's him i tell you no one else can sing with mama belle just like that and we just called that scary guy embarking steve to come take him back to whatever nasty place they came from i don't know i we gotta help him get to st louis so he can sing with his mama wait a minute he tore up a factory he couldn't have he's allergic to turkey jerky see huh little yimmy sings that i'm allergic to turkey jerky blues it's the scary guy in barking steve run little yimmy we gotta go wake him up but the reward money we gotta save little yummy too late they're here all right where is that big ox i should have known little yemi would try to get back to his mama someday see it is a little yummy hey boss look at this that's where they let the signal flare where are they now boss big jim is that you stop get thank you go get him i can't swim he only doggy paddles ah i'll track you down if it's the last thing i do bubba no little yummy that's not your mama but we're gonna find her for you aren't we tom all tom could think about was the hundred dollars he just lost and the fact that if he wasn't back at that homestead by friday when the man from the government showed up he was gonna lose a whole lot more you're on what's my line just read the script i don't have one larry where's the script for the silly song oops don't tell me you forgot i've got a song you're a lifesaver [Music] the biscuit of zazza miranda bro it lies atop a mound of snow high in the hills where the cold winds blow at the biscuit of zazza miranda our bags are packed and ready to go [Music] you just have to stop at the bank well if you insist i suppose we can deal with a minor delay [Music] say archibald who made this biscuit anyway oh i thought you'd never ass so james mcnabbing go he made the biscuit so long ago and the people they traveled to see it glow oh come oh on is it now this isn't the way i just need to stop for some goldfish food you don't even have a goldfish no but i was thinking of getting one and i wouldn't want them to go hungry anybody need anything uh baby a venti half calf vanilla hazelnut latte hold the whipped cream and maybe one of those little chocolate covered graham crackers so aren't you what's so great about this biscuit anyway well if you really want to know the biscuit of sassafras was lost to the world many years ago until my great uncle argento stuffed his toe on the frozen dough come on oh [Music] i failed [Music] hmm sausage gravy huh i might have made a wrong turn the biscuit of dug back to the van back to the no [Music] i suppose this has been silly songs with archie tune in next time to hear larry say i always thought you were the announcer so did i good morning tom beautiful day isn't it how long was i sleeping where are we i figure we're coming up on [Music] coming up on davenport and we're making good time making good time we're making terrible time because we're not supposed to be going anywhere we gotta get back quick follow me it's important to keep the rap balance on account a little yummy being so big oh we've gotta get off this raft and get back to our campsite before before the government man gets there and decides we starved or got run off by bears look tom i have it all figured out a couple hours ahead is a little town called muscatine so we can hop off there and put little yummy on the train to st louie we can walk back home by thursday plenty of time fine okay huck muscatine but no further it is a lovely day on the river [Music] lovely hmm refreshing when you're slipping down the mississippi there ain't no need for getting lippy blaze in the sun or take a dippy the fish and always [Music] just grab a pole and drag a liner lie on back there's nothing fighter a big head or red fin shiner a biting like they should [Music] well the river is my neighbor excuse me this is the narrator's song oh i thought you were the chicken guy not a word chato well the river is my neighbor and the river is my friend you'll find another story hiding round each riverbend that's right so take me down the mississippi your hair is long it needs a clippy bring a coat the knights get nippy on this you can depend on the river she's my must be a slumber party lovely so the bad man in the mask dumped the jerky in your hands right when the police showed up yes that's why i spent five years at the lumber camp but you only had to serve three years mr dooley thought i couldn't count that's nice hey shouldn't we be coming up on me muscatine there it is muscatine okay jim we're gonna you're going to put me on a train to say louie then you're walking home to meet the government man by thursday right that's right huck run up ahead and look for the train station while i tie up the raft aye captain tom secure the area and pick up some donuts donuts everyone deserves donuts for a job well done [Music] excuse me sir would you happen to know where i can find a train station conveniently located next to a bakery you head down the street yonder young fella thank you [Music] wow what a great town this place has got it all friendly town people shopping baby with a single flare huh [Music] excuse me really sorry about that excuse me is this something i can help you with [Music] so you play any football in high school you got the size for it no i was in musicals really tom stop [Music] we gotta get out of here what are you doing huck what's going on beware the babies [Applause] maybe no one noticed [Applause] that they all know about jim the posters are everywhere even the babies have signal flares the babies yeah tom the babies i no huck i said i'd go to muscatine that's it i did my part we gotta get back home or we'll lose everything i know do you want to be bachelors living in tents for another five years no but i want to help little yimmy find his mama let's just get back on the river and think this over [Music] you accept my apologies as graciously as i have accepted yours looks like these two rascals are in a heap of trouble i wonder what tom a huck and jim are up to [Music] that was close yeah real close oh dear good day gentlemen our vessel is proving yourself less than seaworthy might we come aboard absolutely not no more helping there could be a donut in it for you you're really a king and a duke indeed what oh my good tomato you are looking at the king of memphis and my good friend here the duke of new orleans pleased to meet you but we don't have royalty in america obviously you've never been to the south and who might your prodigious compatriot be i'm sorry who's the big guy oh that's jim as in big jim do you know the way to say louie i want to sing with my mama saint louis that's the side of the world's fair is that where your mama is meet me and say louie louie meet me at the fair i love that song me me and saint louis louie i thought his name was jim his middle name what town are we coming up on next duke uh i don't know i'll tell you what friends since you were so kind as to snatch us from the river's icy jaws the duke and i will escort your large compatriots down to saint louis and as a token of gratitude we will give each of you ten dollars for train fare back north to wherever you came from did you hear that huck a train fair back up north they'll take little yemi to saint louis and we can get back to our homesteads on time um put us ashore at whatever town we come to next and we'll telegraph ahead and let your mama know that we're on our way to the fair [Music] oh where are they they've been gone almost an hour if we leave right now we still might be able to make it back before the government man shows up uh yeah look tom i've been thinking maybe we should ride along just to be safe have you forgotten about my tax office and jerky land isn't that what you've always wanted yes but i want to help little yummy too i've got news for you i didn't hurt little yummy i'm not the one who sent him up the river away from his mama i didn't hurt him so i shouldn't have to help him sometimes not helping is the same as hurting what that makes no sense if we see someone who needs help and we can help him i think that's what god wants us to do for you i'm going to make sure little yemi finds his mama [Music] oh i say good news friends everything is arranged the telegram is on its way and here is your ten dollars for train fare i i'm gonna make sure little yimi finds his mama is that more important than the last five years of hard work the situation is under control the duke and i are skilled raft drivers i'm gonna make sure little yemi finds his mama then you'll be by yourself [Music] goodbye huckleberry larry goodbye tomato sawyer i'm sorry let's go find your mama there's no point both of us losing our land besides i'm sure little jimmy will be fine hello may i help you oh yes i need a ticket north to dubuque or south to saint louis north excuse me sir could you hand me my fishing pole i didn't knock it down and besides i'm not supposed to get involved my lucky fishing pole that guy could have helped me listen buddy i hope you learned someday that that not helping someone can be the same thing as hurting them ah not helping little yimmy that'll be five dollars and seven cents here's ten bucks i'm going south to st louis hang on little yemi help is on the way yes it looks like everyone was headed for the saint louis world's fair what wait you want the story to end parking lot of a kentucky fried chicken trust me this will be fun oh here comes little yummy hucking those two rascals now wow most of this was built in my honor you know what me being the king and all yeah me too it's time to find your mama a little yummy but first we need to lose the pickle i thought it was a cucumber oh look at the log ride ah yeah why huck if you look closely you'll see my name engraved in that log i don't see anything a little further you'll see [Music] i'm fine little yummy we'll find your mama in a minute oh smelly yummy here comes your mama now there he is his big jim the turkey turkey bandit [Music] you're coming back with me big jim for a long long time leave him alone and before we turn him over there is the issue of reward he's all yours [Music] oh that's okay i'm doing fine i'll help you i'm good thanks little yummy that's my meal ticket otto get me a flare [Music] over here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh baby [Music] you forgot about your good friend tomato and your lucky fishing pole i'm sorry huck you were right all along we do need to help others even when it's not easy i forgive you tommy he's on the ferris wheel he's on the ferris wheel follow me he's heading for the amphitheater [Music] the river is blue because it's full of my tears poor little yummy i see him in here [Music] mama not so fast that guard is a wanted criminal my emmy oh that fella belongs to me [Music] officer hey officer someone run off with all my turkey jerky i was gonna come back and pay you for every last stick officers i suggest you re-examine the elk river turkey jerky case we have a new suspect gotta go may i oh be my guest [Music] i thought you couldn't get involved well that's just it when you see that someone needs help and you know you can help them you just have to get involved sing me a song guys so things ended up pretty well mama belle and little yemi were making why they even released a new album [Music] [Music] i heard the food table was down here you know i'm so hungry i could eat a whole [Music] yep everything worked out pretty well wait a minute oh what about me and huck we've got nothing left except one tent and a broken fishing pole it's a lucky fishing pole he's got a point i guess come to think of it i got a nice piece of land down by the river i hardly use it except strumming my banjo on the dock you want to set up your businesses there isn't that way you raise your chickens not a word chato it's chicken free are you interested well sure we are i'll have a tax preparation office up in no time oh yeah i've been meaning to talk to you about that no need [Music] one another [Music] personally i found this story riveting full of flawed characters and classic american humor i enjoyed how the author intertwined complicated moral dilemmas with lighthearted vegetable frivolity it's time to talk about what we learned today [Music] what happened to the song norm's notes version for the vegetable on the go now let's see if qwerty has a verse for us today very funny qwerty ah james 4 17 if you know what is right to do but you do not do it you sin so the bible tells us that not doing the right thing is the same thing as doing the wrong thing uh yeah larry i think that's right when you know what you should do and don't do it you're actually doing something wrong that's what i said i i know that's what you said cause that's what the bible says yes anyway zachary it's wrong for the kids at school to make fun of joseph but it's also wrong to see it happening and not do anything about it the right thing to do is to get involved let the other kids know that it's not nice to make fun of other people because it hurts their feelings tell your parents or a teacher what's going on and and they can help too and even though it'll be hard you can feel good knowing that you're doing the right thing by helping joseph just like huck knew the right thing to do was to help little yemi if he wouldn't have helped him he would have been doing the wrong thing that's right larry nice story thanks bob i say next month we skip the book and go straight for dessert i secondly motion all those in favor say opposed uh the arms have it remember kids god made you special and he loves you very much you shouldn't talk with your mouth full goodbye and now it's time for helpful humanitarian songs with mr lunt the part of the show where mr lunt comes out and sings a helpful humanitarian song well he's a mangy or pet if you saw him i bet you'd walk the other way so sad and alone with his hair overgrown like a stinky old topay but [Music] doggies and doggies need love and doggies like those deep fried treats that come from up above that's for penny please give a glaze to make him smile thank you ma'am poor troubled beast won't you at least comfort him a while sir can you spare us please help my doggy friend thank you kind sir a honey dip what really [Music] well just look at this pup he's brightening up oh he's looking not so weak oh then his outlook was grim till you gave pastries to him oh look he wants to [Music] and doggies [Music] [Music] maybe you shouldn't have any more doughnuts no no no no no don't give him anymore they make him crazy oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] this has been helpful humanitarian songs with mr [Music] and now it's time for silly songs with larry the part of the show where lady comes out and sings [Music] please can someone help me i need to sneeze [Music] if you need to don't hold it in just be sure that you cover your mouth with an issue i will assist you sneeze all your troubles away at up to 150 miles an hour interesting fact the average sneeze travels at a rate of 100 miles an hour in 2003 dirk everett of grunholz germany clocked in at 150. way to go dirk duncan i think i have a remedy perhaps in my potpourri i bought it from emergency take a deep breath if it helps you can squint i know [Music] interesting fact the photic sneeze reflex or sneezing when exposed to bright light is a genetic trait found in 25 of the population including [Music] [Music] which interestingly means good health in germany [Music] this has been silly songs with fanny tune in next time to hear dirk say is benign sneezer [Music] and now it's time for silly songs with larryboy the part to the show where larryboy comes out and sings a silly song we join the league at summertime as they sit down for a meal prepared by outfit i don't want to eat my brussels sprouts he doesn't want to eat his brussels sprouts and i really really don't like sauerkraut icky slimy stinky sauerkraut my appetite is zero no need to shed a deer you need a softer hero uh what's a supper hero you don't want to chew yeah not too appetizing don't want to eat what's cooked for you no not really then citizen don't fear oh i am the superhero [Music] thanks i like this supper hero this pasta dish has gotten cold i beg your pardon this fish stick looks a little old it's not that old you can't go on i must insist it's my duty to assist well i'm kind of hungry i am the superhero he is the supper hero no matter what type [Music] dude he ate our cake so what do you say guys can i join the league this has been silly songs with tune in next time to hear the league say no hi kids i'm bob the tomato and i'm junior asparagus larry's on assignment well thanks for joining me today junior uh we're here over here by courtney to talk about what we've learned today and so what we have learned applies to our lives today what are you doing we haven't learned anything yet are you sure cause i feel smarter already of course i'm sure but we haven't even started the show well if we're all done here may i go junior what's going on what's your hurry hurry yes hurry well you see my mom said she was going to make me cookies oh well that's kind of her and she said it would be done after the show today so i want to hurry up and be done junior just because we finished the show sooner won't make cookies bake any quicker no no you'll just have to be patient patient yeah sometimes we just have to wait even if the waiting isn't easy i don't get you it's just like this letter we got from samuel nofziger from cairo illinois hi sami samuel writes dear bob and larry my dad promised to get me a bicycle when i turn five i'm only four and a half but i can't wait i want the bike now what should i do p.s please hurry with your answer i know just how you feel sammy it's just like me and the cookies i can practically taste those chocolate chips now oh boy junior you're not helping sorry sammy your question reminds me of a man in the bible named abraham to whom god promised something and abraham had to wait just like you and i bet you have a story already don't you actually not yet not yet but the kids bob they're waiting patience junior it'll be done just in time you'll see here hold this what are we doing bob oh this is exciting junior we're gonna make a film ourselves about what we're gonna interview abraham and make a show abraham how are you gonna do that close your eyes and use your imagination whoa bible times you thought of everything yep we have a catering tent and a nurses station and a film crew wow what are we waiting for let's we're burning go here people chopped up the daylight is not all that is burning it's too hot i am melting uh junior i'm the director no complaining guys trust me when we're done with this we'll have the best show ever i cannot wait just have some patience patience fine not really not that kind of patience bob the tomato here and right now i'm in the middle of the desert well it is so hot and there is so much sand where i'm about to get to the bottom of the amazing story of one of my personal heroes abraham a man of incredible patience where's the patience no not that kind of maybe we should skip this part and hurry up and find this abraham guy i have cookies waiting remember whoa what kind of bread [Music] jean-claude move that light over mr abraham's nose is shiny could i get some makeup here god bless you and that background it looks a little bit too deserty uh philippe oh beautiful okay let's do this mr abraham you are the father of a great nation what is the secret to your leadership well frankly i'm a zob what happened um we ran out of tape well get another i brought plenty actually you're down to one bob one uno just have to get through this kind of quickly then huh hurry hurry hurry all right everyone take take three i said frankly i'm as surprised as you cut four as i said frankly [Music] so there's a spitting camels cut cut cut uh very sorry mr abraham i'm so embarrassed you are blushing i'm red that's what i said you are definitely a man of great patience patience no no no patience not patience oh that makes perfect sense cookies waiting abraham interview take five oh sorry moving right along all right then back to your story abe well to tell you the truth bob it's all about hope and trusting that god is gonna do what he says he's gonna do even if it takes some time hey waiting is really hard sure it is but sometimes you gotta wait even when the waiting ain't easy [Music] you know my name wasn't always abraham it used to be abram that was back when i was living the high life with my wife sarah in the town of pern er you we are [Applause] [Music] and loads of but family i say family well i mean my brothers and sisters you see sarah and i had not been able to have any children of our own and that's what we wanted a child here's your ball that's harold aunt sarah that's tickled i think i'd make a good mommy uh this is lot abraham's favorite nephew oh yeah hey your hands oh sure i think maybe even sarah wanted kids but cheaper like kids and plus you can set pizzas on their backs like a little table so you know extra awesome [Applause] and then one day god spoke to me he told me to leave my country my father's home for a land that he would show me it was very surprising this is very surprising god said one day my children and my children's children would become a great nation and he was going to bless me god bless you finally a child of our own i can't wait right now that's my right foot i sat on something sharp that's fantastic kyle moving right along here yes let's talk about patience i was still young 75 practically a seedling but but i was at peace and ready for the adventure ahead peace it was a mess packing change of a dress form plus i have to plan for a baby he knew i preferred to live near my mother so sarah are you sunburned i'm red that's what i said you know i've got an ointment for that so anyway god said to go but where abe says he didn't say he didn't say it's like making my insides all crazy like like a smoothie you know what i could go for right now a smoothie i love those bob we're running low on tape sir could you make your answers a little more short and peppy but uh it didn't happen short and peppy then just skip to the part where we learn about patience [Music] as you were saying so we obeyed god leaving our homeland of er immediately a lot along too we took a lot of sheep lot took a lot of pizza a lot we finally arrived in canaan well life was good but still no children and famine hit lot ate all the pizza what it was cheese in the crust hey so we decided to move again this time to egypt to weather it out and though we didn't have our own home and still did not have a child we were patient it wasn't easy but we waited for god's promise i spent time thinking about all the things i would do with my baby and i started thinking of names for him larry moe schemp god had made us a promise and we had hope when waiting got hard it helped me to think about how wonderful it would be when we got our promise so that's how patients paid off the end okay let's go home bob cookie's awake junior what about the child they were waiting for the child we wanted a child haven't you been listening sorry cookies on the brain anyway we were at the part when abe shepherds and lodge shepherds started fighting fighting yeah you do not want to wear wool in the desert it makes you grumpy you're telling me what and i love each other like brothers but our shepherds well that's another story [Music] so i allowed lot to choose which direction he would go and that land would belong to him east or west [Music] i think i'm gonna go east and my dear nephew went his own way my last bit of family left that was a sad day but that's the time when god spoke to him again and reminded him of his promise [Music] god told me to look around all around east and west he promised me that all the land would be mine and then my descendants would outnumber the sand but i can't count the sand i think that's the idea honey it was a wonderful promise and then right when we thought our answer was about to arrive wall broke out you've got to be kidding me this is never going to end you can't rush god's promises would you please hurry up and get to the lesson in patience patience that's what i'm talking about i can't do this anymore bob yeah what he said i'm burning hot out here that helped a little bob i'm tired of waiting i want to go home i want my cookies now junior come on this is why we're here for what bob so i can miss the cookies my mom promised me no junior you're eventually gonna get the cookies your mom promised you well but what can i do in the meantime well do you trust that your mom's gonna do what she said she's gonna do [Music] you're right bob i'll get my cookies eventually i shouldn't have gotten so upset but we're still out of tape oh no i got an extra if you want it you mean it sure it's the second season of dancing with the stars and you can tape over it ready to roll so abe i too know how hard it is to wake calmly for something you really really want tell us what happened next then i got a new name abraham which means father of many nations has a nice ring to it doesn't it then god made good on his promise and sure enough sarah gave birth to a baby boy the baby got promised 15 years earlier isaac the boy that would become the father of israel the nation that would bless the whole world all the way through king david to jesus wait that's the end you're done with the story well there's a lot more actually but as far as patience goes it's a good place to stop can we shoot a few holes you got it son come on huh what a nice story aren't you glad you waited so there you have it patience it's not always easy to wait but god always comes through with his promises are you ready for your cookies now junior what already oh boy cookie here i come do you suppose there might be some cookies for us [Music] and now it's time for silly songs with larry the part of the show where larry comes out and sings a sing song [Music] don't hold it in just be sure that you cover your mouth with an issue i will assist you sneeze all your troubles away fact the average sneeze travels at a rate of 100 miles an hour in 2003 dirk everett of grunholz germany clocked in at 1.50 way to go dirk duncan i think i have a remedy i have a sales pipeline i bought it from a merchant in spain [Music] take a deep breath if it helps you can squint [Music] don't be afraid [Music] interesting fact the photic sneeze reflex or sneezing when exposed to bright light is a genetic trait found in 25 of the population including [Music] [Music] which interestingly means good health in german germany [Music] this has been silly songs with me tune in next time to hear dirk say whispering sneezer [Music] i need more cardboard maurice get me that old shoebox shoebox shouldn't you use the plywood jack let's see put on goggles turn on saw wear safety mask ear protection cut carefully turn off the saw nope way too much work cardboard it is but jacques no butts maurice i'm following in the footsteps of the great meringue the most beloved inventor in the world he was born right here in boobooville you know my hero yes i know but where's the glue maurice your glue jacques [Music] maurice this stuff needs hours to dry i don't want to wait there that'll do lickety-split ah spit gum instead of glue this will be my greatest invention ever the one that would make mama proud [Music] pretty no time for pretty this is the one maurice the invention that'll set the world on it's here think of all the people i'll help i can't wait to show it to the guys at pie today hi today the philanthropic invention enthusiast club inventions for the good of all that's pie i love pie jacques did you forget about our practice today practice yes practice we need to get ready for the town's annual boo-boo bird festival we signed up as partners in the baguette relay race remember oh don't worry we're best buddies i didn't forget we're practicing during lunch right right did you make the sandwiches i'll find the workbench [Music] there's only one did you forget mine i ate mine last night because i'm kind and there's no peanut butter just bread yeah i was in a rush so i skipped that part [Music] shock really you need to try a little patience or or everything just leads to disaster disaster [Music] i don't know what you're talking about i'm talking about taking the time to do things right jacques like your brilliant idea for a steam-powered washing machine you were so impatient to show your friends that you didn't fix the lead i changed it to a theme-powered lawn sprinkler it'll help everybody in town during the next round and your automatic knitting machine yeah got tired waiting for the parts to be delivered besides it makes fine waffles by poking dents in the pancakes if you don't mind the piece of flavor jack you know you don't even take time to be friends anymore maurice you gotta understand from paris to toledo inventions that are neato become ideals in which the world believes [Music] meanwhile i'm impeded from success that would be sweden if my genius wasn't faster than my needs my keys please oh brother gotta hurry gotta worry gotta step on it you just skipped a stepping short my brain is so full it's overflowing but i'm sweating wow oh before my memory i just get past all the details i don't need to get it right unless it's like right now we won't ever get it right unless it's right right now do you think maybe we could slow down of course [Applause] there's that underwear we're here attention fellow pie lovers please recite the motto stated clearly at the bottom of the pie chart [Music] [Music] i thank my financial factor for this robot army stacker you can't stack it i can't you can't i can because where i get ready fancy telephone call well i built just one so no one else is right now hey what do these big wheels do they don't do anything but they look awesome not ready we're still working out the kinks in this one [Music] man i took a whole 20 minutes to build that thing oh my precious telephone chuck what are we going to do now oh great he is dead dreaming again years ago i dreamed of all inventions built [Music] it takes less time and turns out fine to chuck [Music] to you unless it's right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh impressive but where will you find the volunteer foolish enough to try it [Music] wow i think this is high enough [Music] there's no mad scientist he's a mess i thought he was a mister what does the book say to do next where'd i play are you looking for this careful i need that book [Music] don't panic i'm in complete control [Music] [Music] oh no this is horrible my poor flying machine hey look [Music] oh good could you fall a little faster we need to get back to the lab [Music] thanks brush yourself off let's get going that's it i quit what do you mean you quit quit retire taking a permanent hiatus i've had enough of your impatience it almost killed me but i made you that parachute you didn't make that it was a prize in a cereal box oh yeah frosted cocoa fluffs yummy but you can't quit you're my friend i can't afford to be friends anymore your impatience is hazardous to my health is this about the relay race cause like you don't understand and until you do you can find a new assistant wait well you still have my book i dropped it where in there [Music] sounds like something important is about to happen our lunch is about to be served [Music] my good citizens of boo-boo as you know we are approaching the annual boo-boo bird festival but as you also know there has been no booboo seen in this area for years and years and because the boo-boos stay away the peoples no longer come to see the boo-boos nobody comes anymore it is an empty festival so it is this a heavy heart that i must announce that we must in a baguette relay with maurice unless unless someone an inventor perhaps can find a way to make zebubu reappear an inventor that's me if an inventor can invent such a device i will appoint him the minister of inventions and he will get [Music] [Applause] mama would be so proud think of all the things i could do maurice maurice let's get started oh yeah i need my book [Music] why you [Music] there you are [Music] hello anybody here who's not creepy and owns a stepladder [Music] i'll take that as a no going so soon [Music] you're the mad scientist [Music] i get a little grumpy but i'm generally aimable [Music] not bad for a mad scientist eh i thought you were a myth i'm a mister actually so are you an inventor i used to be that's when i lived in boo-boo beverage sure [Music] [Applause] 50 we all have the capacity for great inventions oh yeah i'm an inventor too really what have you invented tons of stuff and really fast too except that well they sometimes don't end up working the way i plan really yeah my flying machine crashed with my best friend in it he didn't like that so much and you came up here looking for answers yeah my book so why do we boo boo bill anyway one word leon miranda wait that's two words leon became rich and famous when he invented that flying machine oh yeah he was the best oh he wasn't so great not an ounce of patience in that man he nearly ruined me i vowed to make the discovery that it always eluded leonard so i set up some here and after all these years i finally made that discovery what is it that's it what the sunflower seed yes that's not a discovery it's a snack take this home plant it you'll see see what what does this have to do with anything i thought we were talking about inventing a lot of people put great stock in the young reigns book but the bible a much greater book if you ask me enthusiasm without knowledge is no good haste makes mistakes haste makes mistakes impatience can lead to disaster that sounds familiar it takes time to get it right so be patient day and night and eventually you'll see [Music] if you plant that seed care for it and bring it back to me when it's full grown you'll get what you desire most becoming the minister of inventions it's a fabulous hat deal [Music] this is the best shortcut in the whole world if that's the way you want to look at it see you later minister of inventions here i come don't forget your book [Music] long and to work with [Music] my funnels [Music] see my gizmo devices are pleasant surprises when they all sing humding pearly [Music] [Music] huh i can't help but see now the problem is me now so much for the humding purr oh this is taking forever hello and bonjour fresh look what we're working on really guys not now you see i was thinking all we need to get a boo-boo bird is a giant trap you know a cage or something i ain't gonna get him in there this is where alfons comes in by building a giant girl booboo it's gonna be 50 feet tall how long is it gonna take you to build that oh i belong one maybe two hours it's a big job so what are you working on oh it's a secret yeah a secret uh-huh we get the message you don't want us around i see it's okay we have better things to do [Music] and i thought i was for sharing i guess you thought wrong oh man now i don't have any friends i've got zilch nada nothing but a bucket of dirt this is useless looks like it's back to the drawing board [Music] oh [Music] so you're becoming a farmer now i asked if you were becoming a farmer you know that takes a lot of patience hey looky there it's working it's working it's working it's working are you still mad at me i just came by to pick up my hammer oh here it is well keep up the good work i gotta go yeah [Music] [Music] if you take your time and you pray this round you will take your days more serious if you're willing to wait your work will be great be patient and do things right if you're willing to wait your work will be great be patient and do things but i forgot this song so i rush along through my days and plans more hastily and i soon lose track of the friends i lack and i lose what means the most to me so if i just slow down if i look around i would see there's more important things than what i create and i'd learn to wait and enjoy the joys that life will bring i am willing to wait my work will be great with patience i'll do things right i am willing to wait my work will be great with patience i'll do things right [Music] blah [Music] [Applause] i am willing to wait my work will be great with patience i'll do things [Music] the time has come the unveiling of the inventions to bring back the boom behold the boom [Music] wait but how does it work simple really once the boo-boo lands inside it snaps shut trapping him forever for our enjoyment but how do you get this that my purple mayor is where i come in you see i thought to myself what better way to attract a boo-boo than with a buffet [Music] just wait till i start her up a quick give her a nudge read this here [Music] any moment now perfect maurice will be so proud that i stuck with it maybe we can still do the baguette relay i'll show this to him first before i take it to the mad scientist i mean the scientist [Music] this is never gonna work that's two hours and a box of rubber bands wasted [Music] i have no alternative now but to cancel the maybe his invention will work maurice maurice i did it you did what you know how you said i didn't have patience you couldn't finish things right right well i did [Music] [Music] i get it all right everyone i think i have a plan but i'm gonna need your help a little bit of patience and a whole lot of seed foreign [Music] would you look at that i knew he could do it [Music] this would be the perfect moment for a high five yep me [Music] you did it jack no we did it maurice all of us well done congratulations my boy it's leon what you're leon meringue yes i was i used to be that impatient old inventor until i learned what is truly important well but you said leon morang almost ruined you yes y'all being [Music] and now i'm so happy to see you've truly learned one of the most important lessons for becoming a great inventor patience thank you mr morang thank you mind if i take it forward it would be my honor ready for the race buddy [Music] are you willing to wait your work will be great [Music] wow bob that was great i'm glad you liked it junior and i hope you liked it too we're over here by qwerty to talk about what we learned today [Music] did you bring a cookie for me in a sec be patient you see we know that god's word [Music] let's see if qwerty has a verse for us today and so after waiting patiently abraham received what was promised hebrews 6 15. wow bonus verse nice one qwerty did you upgrade your ram huh buddy yep enthusiasm without knowledge is no good haste makes mistakes proverbs 19 2. in our first story we learned that abraham and sarah had to wait a long time to get what god promised them and even though the waiting wasn't easy they knew that god would keep his promises that's right junior and in the second story jacques learned that being impatiently some mistakes but when you're patient and take the time to do things right great things can happen so samuel i guess the best thing you can do is to wait patiently for your bike and trust that god gives us exactly what we need when we need it right again junior um about those cookies oh yeah okay he's ready ready for what these were yummy cookies they didn't belong to anybody did they ah so that's all the time we have for today kids well remember god made you special and he loves you very much goodbye i can make you some more can you wait [Music] [Music] yes
Channel: Mini Moments
Views: 321,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated Cartoons For Kids, casper classics, woody woodpecker, veggietales, he man, postman pat, cartoons for kids, cartoon, casper the friendly ghost, he man theme song, kids movies, videos for kids, cartoons, the land before time, land before time, raa raa the noisy lion, noddy toyland, animated cartoons, animated cartoons for children, father of the pride, cartoons for kids full episodes, silly songs with larry, postman pat full episodes, veggietales full episode
Id: DsVPF-VsE9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 38sec (6518 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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