Vegeta searches for goku in space

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elsewhere deep in space a certain Saiyan Prince has been a most unwelcome guest on a strange [Music] Planet my word so this is what my people get for being loyal servants to free how could he order Vegeta to do this to us after all we've done for him fool no one tells me what to do anymore especially Frieza you dare to defy [Music] Frieza look I didn't even come here to fight with you your big mouth men started the fight I was just looking for another sayyan named Goku I've never even heard of him if you're lying you're going to get get it we're protected under frieza's treaty you're the one who's going to get it oh yeah you think [Music] so the treaty you made with Frieza is no longer valid a Saiyan who calls himself Goku is now the strongest fighter in the universe he finished off Frieza for good Frieza killed by a a a monkey what a joke look who's talking you dodo [Music] bird you just made my day I don't know where you are karot but I'm going to find you you're around here somewhere I can feel it I have to know how you did it Kakarot I need to be a Super [Music] Saiyan [Music] he Kakarot you've shown me it can be done now I will become a Super Saiyan how much more do I have to train to become a true Super Saiyan tell [Music] me what the what was that what's going on down there Kakarot karot he must be back [Music] I knew it I knew it was him what come and get [Applause] [Music] it now where did he disappear [Music] to oh now I [Music] understand the answers were right before my eyes all along but I was blinded by my own ambition and now that I hold the key to the secret soon I too will possess the power the time has come for me to finally meet my destiny beware Karo soon I will be a Super Saiyan let that be a lesson to those who do not pledge their loyalty to the great [Music] [Applause] Vegeta [Music] please forgive us please s forgive us for ever doubting the incredible power of Vegeta a lesson learned too late H did you poor fools actually believe you had a chance against me when will they ever learn those who do not bow down before me shall suffer my wrath with frie gon I have no equal I am the strongest fighter in the universe but there is one I must find Kakarot where are you are you are [Music] you karot you're so close I can smell you it won't be long now I'll become a Super Saiyan and we'll see who's really the [Music] strongest oh I didn't know we had any guest dropping my goodness I definitely need to put on another cot of [Applause] [Music] tea Vegeta what do you want [Music] huh oh my maybe you prefer some coffee I was hoping that Kakarot might have finally returned H what no way you never found them in [Music] space don't remind me I'm angry enough to hurt somebody and pounding you might just be the therapy I need hey guys what's that awful smell oh it's you when's the last time you bathed there bud you need a bath please this way well what do you want me to roll out the red carpet unreal I hope she knows what she's doing hey does anyone takee [Music] lemon
Channel: Jason Phantom
Views: 2,455,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goku, vegeta, space, dbz, no, amv, dragon, ball
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2011
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