Dragon ball Super : Return of Frieza ( Golden Transformation)

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nothing annoys me more than an invited guest they probably go straight for frieza i was hoping goku and vegeta would be here by him [Applause] all right soldiers show no mercy that's about 170 space trolls apiece doesn't have to be pretty yeah let's go oh that's goku's son no question about it the one who's only a wealth back on the planet namic like his father he wants to be a noble man of great moral clerics and goku's heart will be ripped wide open by the twin talons of sorrow and rage are you ready pee-wee i hope you remember to kiss your family goodbye when you left too bad you don't have any just go krillin you lucky [Music] techniques in the universe you've absorbed more than you know do you really think so have a little faith in yourself and your training i'll destroy you he missed us by a mile was he trying to scare us here's the signature technique of the turtle school from his creator and they're an even greater humiliation to my name than i thought they were so sorry it's about time i was getting tired of watching us leave no one standing that's an order before you even have time to pray that's it break us back so when guys like you come around threatening that piece well that's a major problem for me and i don't have a choice i waited for the perfect opportunity and struck a surprise blow to eliminate the enemy's best who do you think you are talking to me like that i am your superior who is that bastard i was beaten to a pump for four months straight and each time the machine put me back together [Music] oh yeah the boys are here we came as soon as we sent that dweeb's power you can't leave us out of all the but it's super unfair it's not unfair well then get ready because we're taking you out and we won't go easy he's clearly that monkey's offspring and that one looks familiar too somehow it's a damn springtime for monkeys this energy is even greater than before his body was strong but he had nothing close except all those years hopping in the dirt were worth and i feel so good i'm never going to let this it's not gonna be easy to beat this guy you definitely don't live up to my expectations boys but you didn't think you needed it to battle captain ginyu a real super saiyan this should be far more interesting [Music] miserable saiyan thank you lord frieza he merely caught me by surprise stay back goten but why you're no match for him i don't want you hurt it shames me to admit but did you know that i was once stared by your father the same way you just fed captain colorful i was a filthy simian's charity case and now you have the goal to remind me of it again you'll pay dearly for that when he imagines the agony i put you through now that is fair recompense let's hear it boy cry for me scream not that i wouldn't let you go but it's all part of the experience for me and it's what you deserve for being goku's son [Music] [Applause] this is my fault [Applause] gohan [Applause] look at you [Music] i won't let a dismal sideshow mar the joy of the main event at last we meet again this changes everything all right dad i feel like i'm shot at winning this now awesome he's really here i get it that's why gohan was powering up that's goku both my bane and my muse for all i do now i should have done more but getting you back here was the most i could manage we can bring him back using the namekian dragon balls right huh seems those insects from the yard rat taught goku that damn trick of theirs some of the troops we might still need them trunks listen i took piccolo's body to the lookout [Applause] you're about to keep freezing right do what he says trunks and don't make me tell you again oh man another sensu so what about the rest of you guys you needed way more than we do it's crazy right your dad always does this i didn't think i'd see vegeta with you but monkeys do travel in true last i remember you were in about a thousand pieces using earth's dragon balls to save me from the humiliation that was earth instead of ruling with an iron fist i was serenaded by teddy bears don't try to put that on me frieza your death is my remedy and required before i move on because i'll never be able to sleep in this cosmos knowing that i that's too bad i liked him better when he was croaking you saiyans can treat it like a big to drag his belly in the dirt well it's all relative don't you think impressive display vegeta you've clearly gotten stronger since our last encounter but you'll have to wait your turn [Applause] i've been training intensively every day since my return to make sure i wouldn't lose to you again my old power was a tiny step compared to what i possess now as fun as this playing no i'm stronger than you are i think i should settle things [Applause] [Music] you won't have to wait any longer though i'm ready for my revenge sorry to do this to you but frieza's mine oh is that right it's only fair you could have been a perfect sparring partner what a waste of talent to be honest i'm not sure i need that to be you frieza [Music] [Music] you're living a fairy tale goku if you want to talk about revenge i've got my own to take [Music] you'll die for nothing just like the pathetic namekian well of course it is goku because i'm not just some fighter i'm the total definition of exceptional you cannot know my rage i guess all that effort you put into training was worth it going after my eyes frieza really of course i told you this isn't some game where we play knight you told him the namekian dragon balls could be used to bring your green friend back to life i'm not only going to annihilate this planet's dragon balls but the namekians enchanted orbs as well doesn't matter i'll never let that happen crazy never forget to hold the leash what the hell is he thinking we're trying to stop a damn invasion now his old master's back stronger than ever could he have gone back to frieza's side he's one of us now you always had a pragmatic streak did you realize you're on the losing side and want to return to your old master you may hold the smattering of applause although i do deserve you're offending my ears knock it off what did you say to me you come to my home whining about a few months of effort oh okay vegeta so that's what this is about he really shouldn't worry me like that what a miserable disappointment you are vegeta for a moment i thought you and i could have some fun again good thing i trained so hard or i might be frightened indeed the same as you have then how about we do like vegeta says and go all in but fine frieza i'll show you first you know i can sense that so don't even try it [Music] i'm not sensing goku at all anymore it's like his energy just vanished that happened when he was a super saiyan god that ceremony in the ship basically turned him into a deity is it possible he's even stronger now what kind of training are you doing on lord beerus this world you and i both know it's an incredible jump it's changed my whole idea but i got a taste of something called super saiyan god and then tapped into that power on my own you really do need to work on your descriptions goku i nearly bit my tongue just trying to spit it all out [Applause] you say you have this super saiyan god power i nearly came to settle a score and yet here i am getting to face the god of monkeys and i don't like to brag but i gotta admit it was some hard training i barely got through it i've held up my side of the bargain so now it's your turn very well saying i'll show you now hey you know what's happening up there freeze is finally showing us his true power [Music] [Music] ready [Music] now guys there's no way around you really are impressive it took me years of blood sweat to reach this level [Music] you will die as i did then all of your other dear old friends i only hope you're punished as i wasn't fraser i guess you must be thinking even more highly of yourself than usual yes lord beerus why would i possibly care about that you may do as you please crazy right goku shall we recommence with my [Music] revenge [Music] let me save every anguished whale [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you piping up again what's he talking about it's my turn now oh come on vegeta that isn't fair you and i both know it's just about to get far serious okay i promise just the tiniest little teeny then that's what you'll get isn't this what you wanted the chance to fight me in my full glory just a little longer obviously my lord still has the upper hand of this fight now you realize the truth uh is there a point to this battle your golden freeze estate and it's a good thing for me because i was pretty close to biting at bass form and knew how to regulate its power before you started picking fights you will not defeat me again [Music] denying it won't make it any less true [Music] i'm supposed to conquer all the evil emperor i promise i promise i promise [Applause] a perfect shot looks like you're not so useless after all thank you sir i lived sorry frieza i can't let you kill kakarot we just tried to warn you and yet here you are i guess you always will be just a naive fool here this is the last one you stay out of this from now on and let me fight sure knock yourself out any swing you take at me will surely miss i don't believe it a transformation that makes me more dangerous than the super saiyan form ever could and unlike me vegeta didn't have the benefit of absorbing the energy from the same that i don't share kakarot's taste for forgiveness desperate saiyan prince your threats do not scare me it's simply not possible for me to be defeated by the likes of you vegeta [Music] [Music] don't dream of resurrecting again are you ready to go to the grocery store [Music] that heartless tyrant tactically speaking it was an ingenious move frieza was right about me i should have finished him off when i had the chance the only way to avoid this outcome is to send frieza back to his garden i remember you saying it once before but occasionally i must use it like when my lord accidentally destroys our system's star i shouldn't be hearing this here seriously are you ready for your second chance yeah all right do it [Music] very well then let's go it's the only do-over you'll get no the pressure's really on [Music] don't dream of resurrecting it you made it with just seconds to spare you save the earth man
Channel: Dragon Ball Ultra Legacy
Views: 276,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragonball, Dragonball z, Dragonball super, manga, frieza, goku
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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