Vegas Most Expensive Buffet! The Sunday Brunch at Anthony's - M Resort, Las Vegas

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[Music] hey guys we got viewer how nice I'm Lester I'm from San Francisco and I'm a big follow terrific we're at the M Buffet and let me say hello to to my son's dog my wife was yelling at me that I didn't give a shout out on Friday so hello Nory oh the doggy good doggy who's a good doggy yeah all right thank you very much all right enjoy the meal I'm all done are you done yeah I okay came early I'll see you around the next one his doggy that's nice he didn't specify what kind of doggy could be a small one could we big one we don't know these things guys all right so we finally made it to the M Casino where they have the Anthony's Prime yada yada yada Sunday brunch that's $99 with lobster and stuff I'm telling you guys I made the reservation back in June it's almost 9 months I could have been the father all right so I'm here with Tong Tong's going to say hi later unless he leans in ah there's tongue right so I told Tong that you know I got a reservation he came to Vegas just for this this is amazing guys it's been a long time let's go check out the buffet it's very nice in here it is very Posh looking I mean like it's so clean and wow how professional onehanded oh oh my Heavens all right so I just going to start off with whatever's closest to me here we got the dessert stuff beautiful looking guys my God this is so nice they all angled like the same way amazing on this one goes all the way to the top oh this one got a tree Oh my he EV this is so beautiful all right you got I don't know what this is it may be cheese wow guys pudding this is beautiful so beautiful right I like videos by the way oh thank you from Colorado I just flew today and I like your videos oh you do got a viewer from Colorado how you doing good good nice to meet you thank you right I love your videos keep them up please thank you all right that's great guys people with money watch my videos over here we got a Carving Station prime rib turkey rack of lamb all right I'm going to spin around this way and there's your lamb oh my Heavens oh wow guys now let's see over here and here we got uh make your own station I guess for eggs is this for eggs omelets guys you can make your own omelette well I mean they make it for you wow so worth the nine months over here we got warm maple syrup delicious looking and over here sorry sir and over here we got delicious looking French toast bacon and sausage eggs benedict oh my Heavens potatoes a box of nickels and what else we got here oh boy oh boy we got here uh some sort of coold cut machine never mind the vegetables got what looks like pasta more pasta yep here we got chicken breast of some kind H grilled salmon this is the lobster looking very nice we got different sauces ooh just in time Lobster in the pan oh let's get a closeup with this guys oh it's looking so beautiful beautiful I'm going to cry terrific let's see what else they got oh it's here an entire station of something let's take a look at this stuff we got different breads salad stuff my oh my devil eggs pasta Oh sushi he's showing it thank you sir oh thank you thank you oh my goodness oh thank you fresh everything's fresh he says and I believe it look how fresh this fruit is oh wow so worth the 8mth rate cold cuts and cheeses and over here we got some sushi and let's see the sign says uh seafood and Sushi display and of course why wow a mountain of crab legs look at that guys and we got crab claws and shrimp and cocktail sauce with lemon now we have over here pastries wow they do the whole stacking thing over here at the Anthony all right oh this is so beautifully stacked waa what a nice rack all right another box of nickels with uh smoked salmon on it oh it's looking delicious guys and we got some backa house situation going on over here and I guess that's it I don't think I missed anything so let's get some food looking terrific all right so I have plate one with lobster tails and a little bit of of asparagus let's take a closer [Music] look it's looking quite nice all right L the tail guys I guess it will make sense if I just take the meat out of the shell and then try to eat it one meat there you go two meat ah ow it's prickly guys it's prickly three meat okay now I already pre poured the butter on it oh sir this question does uh does this Buffet come with any beverages all soft drinks orange juice uh pineapple juice cranberry or cooked products oh terrific uh and and it's is included right it is I'll take the orange juice please with ice or without ice no ice no ice D Coke D Coke thank you all right guys Coke products high class it's not like you go somewhere and all they got is Pepsi are you a Pepsi fan put your hate comments in the you know commentary below M nice Lobster flavor [Music] they pre-seasoned it with uh some salt and stuff I'll give this a 8.6 I like it [Music] guys oh thank you how nice the orange juices here thank you very much you're very welcome oh terrific wow it's like egg yolk colored so yellowy almost like a mango let's give it a try oh this is a nine orange juice M got like a big orange flavor in it all right coming up round two all right guys now we got crab [Music] legs so I can tell right away that these crab legs are good quality look at this you know nice hot shell you know it's packed full of meat and then these things I usually don't eat these but we'll see all right so first yeah thank [Music] you a wait I'll eat that later I just want to get a nice long piece out for you a nice long long one guys nice and firm ah there we go crab M nice and flavorful a little hard to get open though all right one last try come on come on come on a you know how in my other videos a piece will come out maybe this needs to be a little bit warmer it's kind of ice cold but anyway nevertheless good tasting crab 8.5 here we go kind of little stuck in there doesn't want to come out stubborn little suckers that push you from the other end [Music] okay so now we have some bacon French toast omelette with a bacon spinach and onion it's looking so good this is a apple wood smoked bacon they [Music] say [Music] all right let's first try the bacon wow just came off of my hands I'm trying to separate these two pieces here we go here we go I'm eating it with a fork like a civilized human being this is a nine bacon it's like it's just the right thickness and the fatty parts are delicious and the Meat part isn't too tough as some other Bacons are h m M Now The Omelette cheers guys it is a very good omelette that's prepared pretty well by the guy who was making the omelets good and fluffy eight for The Omelette it's looking pretty good guys now just here French toast m M oh nice and French toasty nine for the French toast delicious now let's take a small break from the eating to discuss the uh Buffet offering $99 right obviously it's not something that people should do every single day right that's uh like three grand a month just for breakfast 36,000 a year if you eat this every day you know what I mean it's a lot of money guys right but lucky for us you can't get a reservation this morning right uh when I you know just for research I looked online to try to make a reservation No Reservations all the way until August and then it doesn't have a reservation it says uh Anthony Seafood something something whatever or prime whatever whatever the name of the restaurant is does not accept reservations that fall into the future so it looks like everything is booked my Heavens guys but it is really nice very nice guys all right next plate M so guys remember during the buffet walk through I said we have turkey prime rib and then the lamb chops as it turns out right I was going to get this here prime rib and then I was like you know what that turkey is looking a bit institutional you know cuz turkey breasts don't naturally come like that so I was like hm you know what's going on here right but so I was going to skip the turkey then someone else came and said I have one of each so now I turned to look and then they cut the turkey and actually it is beef wellington guys they don't tell you these things let's take a closer [Music] look [Music] so first the beef wellington you know it Beef Wellington is is a expensive stuff I had one over at Gordon Ramsey's uh Pub and Grill over at Caesar's Palace and that was like a lot of money so here we go Beef Wellington very crusty guys golden Ramsey makes it better I'll give this one a seven it's all right but boy that golden Ramsey version so good ah lamb [Music] it is a superior piece of lamb pretty darn good like a 8.6 nice and tasty that flaky Quest on it gives it a nice twist H pretty Dar good and now we have Crime Rib all right I use a big fork for that wow it's really tender I put uh I had put some of that sauce that was on there on top of it earlier yeah it was a mistake to put that sauce in there from earlier this is kind of like a Teriyaki flavored sauce bizarre I wouldn't have done that I thought it was a juice but anyway let's try to end without the sauce right over here at this this end over here [Music] it is a good quality prime rib like you know how like if you buy like uh you know the like rip eye whatever big prime rib thing yeah they come in different grades you know I think this one is a pretty good one you know good and tender I think they must have cooked it for many many hours because it's pretty darn tender I give this a 8.5 pretty good guys all right next plate all right so back with another plate now they have some sushi over here and if their Sushi is good oh my God that'll be nuts because you know a lot of places if it isn't a Japanese restaurant then it ain't good you know so let's give the sushi a [Music] try [Music] now the soy sauce hair is genuine Kiko Min I saw it they got the little containers still with the uh Factory seal on it not like how some other places they refill the little bottles you know not like that so first what appears to be a California rooll they do do a good job that's a proper California rad the rice is nicely seasoned and everything I wasn't expecting that guys 9.5 for the California World nice and soft oh so tasty then again it might just be the genuine K com all right what looks like spicy tuna who it's a bit spicy woo all right uh tuna but it's a little on the thin side but that's okay it's all you can eat like an eight well that fell apart the shrimp Sushi yeah the California world was the best thing wow it was so tasty I want to get more of that later later now this is a shrimp from the shrimp cocktail just want you to try one one guys it's big and plump it's all right for a what I believe to be a farm raised shrimp the soy sauce and wasabi m not bad at all all right next plate all right guys now I am back with the Fancy Pants dessert check it out so fancy [Music] guys yes guys it is time for this sht I'm actually quite very full thank you you're welcome all right got here diet soda ah I really cannot eat another bite but I don't even need to tell you about the dessert because desserts are always good just you can just tell by looking at it it's a nine all around W just look at it so anyway I'm going to call this the end of the video but there is a shout out that was requested so here it [Music] is ter happy birthday right all right so thank you for watching the video New Vegas video every Friday fancy even that part edible [Music]
Channel: Food & Travel with "Danny The Medic"
Views: 38,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g6mQh_OVbi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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