Vegan questioned about HALAL

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hey nice to meet you thank you so much for for sitting down and talking to me uh you've been patiently waiting so i appreciate that there's a banner here that says can you justify not being vegan you've come to sit down with me so presumably there's something that you have in your mind that maybe justifies not being vegan yes i've never had to think twice about not oh like what do i get to eat like just being growing up in middle eastern culture in syria there's never like there's not a option where i can't go vegetarian like a lot of you you if you've never seen i'm not trying to assume you haven't but the food dishes are all of all types of wonder yeah and it's kind of almost like disrespectful if i haven't eaten like like kind of meat and whatnot and eating all types of sorts of food from all around the land because the land is what gives us the food for us to survive like bread the cow we use everything that is on the land because it's respectful to god for what's giving us that opportunity so uh there's a couple of things there firstly it's like a culture thing yes and it definitely is a culture thing but first coming to america is definitely a shift that's i'm just giving you my background on what uh like kind of my family brought me up to and then now being here because i haven't i'm an adult i can make my decision even when i would be vegetarian vegan or be a meeting any person like that is an option i have yeah and that's why i sat here to learn amazing so because you have that option then and you recognize that you have the choice to choose between eating meat being vegan how do you then morally justify taking the life of an animal when you recognize that it is a choice if you if you stepped on an ant would you say that's morally justified if it's an accident if i see ants now and i'm going like this that's i would say that's morally wrong but if i stand up and i accidentally step on an ant i would say that well it's an accident you can't be held morally responsible when we consume animal products though we're deliberately doing it it's like seeing an ant and stamping on them so that's why it's morally wrong because we don't have to and we're deliberately doing something consciously are you saying it's the way the animals are being killed that is like like morally justified what if uh like it i could say like let's say in judaism and islam that the way they they um kill animals yeah it's done in a very sacred way to keep the animals through the process no pain and for it to be kosher or halal and in that process be okay for us to consume if it weren't then that wouldn't be okay the same way like i said here manufacturing the way they kill animals is a little bit different so definitely but saying if it's morally justified um what where does that come from like who says it's not morally justified for you saying to me i can't eat meat is morally justified what makes it wrong because animals are sentient conscious they have a capacity to experience life and when we exploit them we cause them suffering and harm and then when we kill them we take their life from them now i would personally disagree with the halal and kosher mindset of it not causing suffering but i'm also not too bad about debating that because to me i'm not i'm less bothered about the way that it's done obviously obviously that i don't want i mean obviously there's degrees and you know you would say that some forms of slaughter are better than others but none of them are objectively better or objectively good so my issue is that we're needlessly taking their life in any situation at all and the thing is we often throw around this word humane we say you know i have conversations with people like yourself very kindly sit down and they say look i think it's wrong when we just you know cause suffering to animals but when we kill them humanely that makes it justified and that seems to me to be sort of what you're alluding to okay now yeah that's what i meant by that like um obviously there we've seen the industry of how animals are being killed they're it's terrible and that's even terrible for our own health to take like it's it's not good right like the fast food industry obviously is not doing something to help us benefiting them so i understand with your own point i get i definitely see that so i'm not um disagreeing with you that i just can't see you kind of like the all the way part why i should give up eating me but i'm not opposed to it sure okay that's great that's the first thing isn't it so okay let's take that word humane because that's that's the word that we kind of agree on now the word humane if we open up a thesaurus right we find some synonyms for the word humane so words that mean humane what other words do we see that mean humane like if i called you a humane person what would i be saying about your character what type of person would you be kind i mean kind exactly the words right so here's the question then is it kind or let's use the word compassionate because compassion is another one is it kind of compassionate to take the life of an animal if we don't have to is that action kind or compassionate why are there a definition no no and if we recognize that the word humane other words for that word are kind of compassionate then if those two words don't apply to slaughter then humane can't either and if we recognize there's no such thing as humane slaughter that inherently means that slaughter can't be kind compassionate and must therefore be cruel or unkind yeah i'm not disagreeing with that definitely yeah yeah you're right you're on on the basis of that is right yeah so with that being the case that's why it's morally wrong because eating meat takes someone else or someone to someone who has who's feelings uh consciousness sentience and it puts them through a process that's not only unnecessary but it's also unethical and that's why it's a moral issue because it's someone else's body it's someone else's life and we're denying someone else their autonomy so they're right to their own body and that's why eating animal products is a moral issue because it it concerns the rights and well-being of someone else does that does that make sense yeah yeah definitely it says but kind of like it goes back to history we've been doing this for so long and and your questions that you're asking now have been asked probably all throughout history or like have been in a way used i mean obviously we have been like eating all like types of foods and whatnot and for us to keep continuing eating this pot these animals eating animals into of it with all our other types of foods we eat why should we stop now which is the moral but it is an option yes what if my morals on that senses are different than yours if if i don't see taking the life in a humane way which we established doesn't exist it doesn't exist but i see it as a way for me to survive a cow but i don't see slaughtering a pet or slaughtering something so mercilessly for no reason um but we started this conversation off by acknowledging that it's a choice you can be so because it's a choice that means it's not a necessity so whilst i would agree that in the situation of necessity you could justify that action for you and i in the absence of it being a necessity it becomes no different than slaughtering a pet you know a dog or a cat because both actions are unnecessary and causing suffering and cruelty to an animal so whilst i agree with you the important point is that neither you nor i have to do it which is why it becomes a moral concern as well obviously it's a choice right choice and i do see that point i could i could make the choice of just being vegan i can make the choice of being vegetarian yeah but at the same time that would just be all up to me you know yeah i do it's up to you and you're right and it is a choice but here's a question right everything that we do is a choice so again to bring these two dogs into the conversation now i could personally choose right now to go and harm those two dogs but that doesn't make doing so justified because i can personally choose to do it so just like you know you and i for lunch we can go into the canteen and we can choose meat yes but we don't have to but we can personally choose to choose another option as well so that actually isn't morally justified just because we can choose to do it when there's the alternative and there's the option to choose something else that ticks those boxes of being more moral being more environmentally sustainable we become compelled morally speaking to choose the option which reduces suffering and which reduces the damage that it causes so you're right there's a choice but that doesn't in and of itself justify it because there is an alternative for us to choose now and that's again with the longevity question that's why it's different now throughout history many people didn't have a choice yeah many people didn't have the option but what's unique about our generation now is we are educated about these issues we can find out you know we can learn about this the damage the sustainability issues and we can learn about the cruelty and we also have the knowledge to choose something else and how to be healthy on plants and how to do all these other things we can do that for potentially the first time in in history properly i agree with you you know i thought if i wanted to be vegan i could and like i said in the beginning i didn't i didn't come out like not opposed and my biggest thing is just like maintaining like physical attributes being health that's i want to get my protein i want to be able to like if i can do what i can do with meat and i could do it with just basic vegetables and well not just vegetables but plant stuff but plants and just you know if i could do that i mean i'm not opposed to that right that doesn't it wouldn't be like um oh like uh yes no i can't right this is like like i said i came in this was like very like oh not something like oh i can't can't do that i can't can't not eat meat right that's not something i need yeah um the thing is just i've just read a lot like i'm a computer science major i really read a lot about what's going on i obviously know the side effects coming from meat red meats but all the meat there's all i see more cons to it and i see like gmos everything being altered gene affecting that they do with vegetables i just at this point i don't know what like is right to eat that would keep me healthy i want to stay alive i want to stay healthy i want to stay alive i want to stay full and also going back to that humane you brought up a really good point that like you can't be kind and compassionate if i slaughter an animal because i would never want that to happen to my pets i would never want that to happen to myself unless there's a reason why i need to do something that's solely that's a different conversation for that but if i have to like solder something that is simply what i have a different belief on but um i wouldn't just want to take something like you said if i had the option not to right which we're kind of establishing that you do and when it comes to the protein it comes to getting all those nutrients that you need that's like something i feel like i don't think we talk about as much i think that's biggest thing like being somebody who like i guess works out a lot i would say and has a very um strict regime i would say like those are like some of the biggest things i look for as well of like why if i wanted to be vegan why would i do that so like i want to be able to still like um get my protein in still be fulfilled like getting a muscle intake i want to feel like oh like i'm not missing out or i'm not lacking in my health and that's incredibly important right the easiest thing for me to say very quickly is it's been proven by the american dietetic association the british dietetic association the nhs harvard t.h chan school of public health all of these leading and respected health organizations are saying that a plant-based whole foods plant-based diet is a healthy plant-based diet right these leading health organizations are all pointing to the fact that whole foods plant-based diets can provide all the nutrients that we need to be healthy and reduce our risk of certain chronic diseases so for you it's just a matter of uh maybe joining the society here or at least engaged in a conversation with them going online and just looking for plant-based protein sources plant-based iron sources plant-based calcium sources and getting a list of all these plant-based foods that provide you the nutrients that you need to be healthy that we all need to be healthy um and just making sure that if you choose which we feel morally compelled from this conversation hopefully if you choose to start choosing those plant-based options and become vegan then you know exactly how you can be healthy in that transition as well which is of course very important yes cool man i don't like talking to you talking to you have a great day youtube and enjoy uh enjoy your life never see you again but take it easy i'll come back we're on here sometime thank you so much you're welcome thanks for the polite debate i appreciate it take care [Music] you
Channel: Earthling Ed
Views: 76,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earthlinged, earthling ed, vegan, veganism, why, be, go, earthlings full movie, activism
Id: elLPtQjqddQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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