VB.NET Tutorial - Open and Read Excel files/ Import Excel file to DataGridView | FoxLearn

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Welcome to FoxLearn In this tutorial, I'll show you how to open, read and import excel file to DataGridView in Visual Basic .NET using the ExcelDataReader library Open your form designer, then drag TextBox, Button, Label, Combobox and DataGridView from the visual studio toolbox to your winform Next, We will design a simple UI that allows you to select the excel file then load data from the excel file to DataGridView based on the sheet name you selected from the Comboxbox control Right-click on your project, then select Manage Nuget Packages Next, You need to search and install the ExcelDataReader library to your project This is a lightweight and fast library written in c# for reading Microsoft Excel files Add the click event handler to the Browse button allows you to select the excel file, then open and read all sheet data You can use the CreateReader method of the ExcelReaderFactory class to read the excel file The data you read from the excel file will be returned as DataSet Next, you need to read all table names in the DataSet, then add the table name to the Combobox control Finally, you need to specify the table name you want to retrieve the data, then bind the data to the DataGridView Thank you for watching this video and don't forget to subscribe to my channel
Channel: Fox Learn
Views: 63,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vb.net, exceldatareader, exceldatareader vb.net, open excel vb.net, how to open excel file in vb.net, vb.net open excel file, vb.net read excel file, vb.net read excel file into datatable, how to read excel file in vb.net, import excel file to datagridview vb.net, how to import excel file to datagridview in vb.net, import data from excel file to windows forms datagridview using vb.net, foxlearn, vb.net exceldatareader, vb.net excel, .net, vb.net read excel, vb.net programming, vb net
Id: pQ1PpcIcHno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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