Vayechi - Moshiach our King

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good evening everyone i should say good night it's already 11 o'clock i'm a day and three hours late so i'm 27 hours late for this year but i guess the time for this year is really only now because the proof is because that's when the share is being given um i set my mind on something that i wanted to teach and i just um had a hard time formulating it and bringing i still don't know where this is going to go with hashem's help it's going to be a successful share before we start i'd like to mention the dedication of tonight's share so tonight's shear has been dedicated by the green baum family rabbi mendel greenbaum his wife his children um his mother this is lily nish master father mendel greenbaum's father rabbi greenbaum from the haider his father was a very dear friend of mine and a very dear friend of mine israel tonight tonight is his first yard site rabia greenbell bianco greenbaum amisha really good friend and i can't believe it's a year already to his family only from mazel and um good good good things tremendous talmud personal loved learning loved people loved life and it was a heart of gold i know that personally my last encounter with him i was leaving to australia to speak i went to pick up a dvar malchus see as it relates to tonight's class because tonight we're talking about all about malchus so i went to pick up a publication de var malchus because i was going on the plane and i don't use so much the pamphlets i usually like to look learn in svarim but on traveling to australia would be much easier to take the dvar malhouse with me the booklet it's got all the shirim and everything and it's i went to rabbi raichik's house who lived on the i think in the same block or whatever the corner down mansfield and i went to pick it up and i was as a preparation for the trip that i was going to australia that night for over a week and um suddenly i get like a beeping it was by greenbaum bianco greenbaum who this was already a week and a half before his passing and he was ill already with uh for a while and very weak and somehow he was driving with his car and he saw me and he was waving calling me over and or i think he maybe came around the media i don't remember what it was but to remember the moment what was in the gay in his head he wanted to give me money for mine israel and he you know he's barack hashem been a huge supporter over here but the fact that you know a person was at that point he was pretty pretty drained and the one thing on his mind was i'd like to help out help you out help the center out some it was just very very special we learned together privately quite quite quite a few times had such a inner delight in anything that was and all goodness just a fantastic person i miss him a lot let this be a big alias and sharma for him and hopefully but as a social because of mamish he's going to come back down here together with all those up there that are coming back down here to celebrate in the coming of mashiach tonight's subject is moshiach in as much as this week's parasha begins the kingdom of the jewish people when yaakov avinu promises his son yehudah when he gives the blessings to his children yaakov avinu selects yehuda and bestows upon him the gift of kingship of monarchy as we're soon going to see the passage for it so he tells him over there that um the the kingship will never depart from yehuda and he says until shiloh will will shallow that the kingship belongs to him will come as i mentioned in our daily video of today that for jews throughout all the generations this was like echoing in our ear ad until oi that far away day when yavo sheila when sheila will come and kingship will return to its rightful owner but the truth is that we have reached that point now we're holding right now at the time of yavo shiloh it's no more a distant thing yavo sheila right now and in preparation for that we see that all all powers of memshala of governorship are disintegrating inherits israel in israel it goes without saying the government remember it was one year just two years ago it was just they put it every time they had elections and it just wouldn't work they had tried elections again it wouldn't work they couldn't put together a government so we thought oh you know the last time i didn't believe the level put it together but then they put it together put together some kind of a government and all right and with a whole deal the two of them netanyahu and guns together they're going to make a government but being that the time has come for all governments to end and all leadership to end and all dominion to end and the dominion and the leadership is going to go and is now already in the hands of moshiach so everything is not sticking it's like putting trying to put something together without screws you know so it's an assembly or even if you do have the screws but the screws don't have um grooves or whatever they call they're not they're not they're not holding it it comes apart falls apart now it's clear the government of israel has tried and tried and again it collapsed it's in israel the united states elections i'm still hoping for miracles but what we do see over here is that let's just say it's questionable everything that happened in this past election meaning the legitimacy and so on and so forth and that's not my union to discuss that right now but um so and we so whatever if there is going to be any kind of governorship over here let me just put it simple it's not going to last long there's nothing real to it there is nothing substantial to it it might even be that the whole thing is just a big lie might be i i i i don't uh i'm not until we see the absolute evidence or you can say you look online and you see all this evidence could be could be i'm not judging that i want to go i don't want to go there what i do want to say is that could be the whole thing is fraudulent at its very core and even if it does have some kind of a basis not based on fraud it's also not going to last news coming out of russia that putin is sick he's jagged he's giving over his leadership he's not every power is kind of it's like you know people are losing the reins because governorship is going over to mashiach now is the time for us that a shadow of a doubt that i'm saying this prep especially as a preparation for yucchivat the upcoming day when the lubavitch rabbit became red it's a very very powerful day moshiach is referred to as vacuum shavit to me israel it's connected to khoi deshvat a leader a ruler vayasar shave it to me a force of dominion from yehudah as it comes to your chat this particular time is when all of our hearts and souls need to be directed to the true melech and his dominion so i would like to focus on that posikon yasser shavit miyahuda and discuss a little bit we touched on these points already in the past various different classes some of them during moshiach decoded in general i think there were a few classes on the subject of malchus of kingship of jewish monarchy and the ultimate kingdom of god which is the kingdom of moshiach however in today's class we'll elaborate on some some of these ideas and um definitely not doing justice to the subject there's so much to talk and with hashem's help something will come out some clarity today um we know what we declare and we say all the time david israel that david king david the king of israel is alive the kayam and he is standing interesting so that means that there is a a continuity for for for the melech's kingship not that he will one day come back but that he is currently alive obviously the question is king david died he lived for 70 years and he passed away you can go to his burial site in jerusalem yerushalayim what is this statement obviously it connects also to the idea of yaakov although mesa we say that yaakov doesn't die and this week in the parish it says he died but then yesterday we didn't die but there's we all understand that there is something in torah very strong nitrius based of it there is a certain nitrous eternity to the kingdom of of the malach now the household of david and that the king from from from this is one lineage of kings that will never ever that will never come to an end we've watched different lineages different monarchies different kingdoms that that were very powerful many of them lasted for many generations the kings various different kings of the big of the countries like french kings the german kaisers the russian czars and so on and so forth then they withered away the united kingdom still has somewhat of a remnant leftover of this the queen of england doesn't have much power in terms of political power but still uh still a recognized entity but again it's not a powerful force all other kingdoms in terms of kings maybe in some some countries in the middle east or far east or whatever is still the king of morocco and so on and so forth some some element of kingship but most of them don't really exist in any meaningful way but we're told that the kingdom of yehuda we say it the kingdom of yahudah the tribe of yehuda the kingdom of king david that's forever and not only is it forever but it's going to actually appear in all of its glory and all of its strength in a way that we've never seen a king before in its majestic beauty and influence global influence and this is going to be the leader for all of time um who's the descendant of david but it's based on a promise that begins in this week's torah portion when yaakov is blessing his children so let's see the actual words of the promise this is in peric um so the torah says la yasir shavit me yehudah the ruling power the scepter will never depart from yehuda or cake and the law giver me benderaglov from between his feet until all the nations will gather so our great grandfather jacob jacob on his deathbed blessing his children is is selecting one of the sons yehudah and he's telling him kingship is yours and it will never ever end it will be go on forever and ever and ever that's the blessing in the torah that we say the blessings we say for the haftarah every single shabbas were all familiar with these words ki bashem because in your holy name you s you have given an oath you have sworn to him to who the king david shalom that his flame will never be extinguished that means his kingdom will never be extinguished this is for all of eternity for ever and ever and ever in the book of tehillim in psalms chapter 89 this is chapter 89 verse 36. let me read first earlier verse 30 the sam t lo adzaroy i will place his children forever the kisai and his throne came i am like the days of heaven the days of heaven go on forever maybe it means the heavenly beings who live forever as opposed to earthly beings who pass away or it means maybe it means the days that the heaven stands forever so too his throne is going to be forever the person said the verse says before that la ilam forever ashmalloy i will guard for him hasty my kindness oberesia and my covenant menace lawyers trusted is uh my covenant shall remain true to him it's a covenant and then it goes on to say even if the jewish p even if the descendants of david will misbehave i will punish them hashem says again he uses the word shave it with a stick uben and with afflictions avoid on their sins but offer me my kindness i will never i will never what salaam a dollar over here give me a second shall never take away my kindness from him for their shocker emo nasi i will never betray my faithfulness pretty intense words and then it says continues over here one thing i have sworn by my holiness is god talking i have sworn by my holiness i will not cause disappointment to david pretty strong we'll come back to these verses but if there's anything that's eternal if there's anything that's permanent if there's anything that's lasting forever and ever it's this dynasty i i'm excited about this because to this and to the kingdom of david that's my energy if i can say i'm giving over my life to something it's to this kingdom it's to the re-establishment of this kingdom a lot of people want moshiach a lot of people are excited about all the apples and all the chocolate growing on the tree and the nice time that we're going to have we're going to learn a lot of torah that's nice i want to see the king i can't explain it but that's that's in my kishkes that's in my in my blood i should say i'm living for my king i want to see the revelation of king mashiach the glory of king mashiach i don't even i i don't mind watching from a distance but i want to see that glory that's the glory of god's kingship revealing itself in the world that is going to be the primary the primary experience of mashiach everything else is is uh commentary everything else is sub details but the core of it is the revelation of hashem's kingship channeled and revealed through the king from the household of david as the rambam says david a king from the house of the of david will arise so that's what we're waiting for that's what we're looking for the question we have obviously is here it says there's not there won't be an interruption hashem will never take away the kingship from yehudah and the the kingdom of david did end the gemara says it in a few different places at the end of massata it says that when the first base of english was destroyed mauro's base david was interrupted puska i think the lotion over there is it says it's creases it's mentioned in a few different places and we don't need much i mean when something says in torah it's more more convincing than even what we perceive but um we know there were from the descendants of david there were 15 generations david going on i think uh was the 15th generation so 15 generations of kings and that was the last king once the first temple was destroyed the jews went to exile they returned in the second temple they did not have a king for most of the period they didn't have any king and then there was a nice chunk of time in which they did have a king but it wasn't from the house of david it was from the uh kohanim it was the hashmanayam who established the kingdom so and then since then we don't have a king for thousands of years so what happened with this promise well yasir shayvit miyahu that will never depart it will never go away it's a problem so the commentaries say as follows i'll start with nahmandi's ramban says it doesn't mean that it will never ever stop this kingdom because if it says we have a contradictory verse it says hashem will lead you and your king. yeah that king will be the king of david it was who that that king will be appointed god will drive him out of the land el goya shalom to a land to a nation that you don't know atava you and your parents and obviously once we're in exile there's no kingship anymore kind of monarchy is this when the king is in exile we know that with kyogre they gored his eyed out his eyes out i mean there was none that the whole thing was dismantled the enemy malcolm begoyla and they and their king are in are in exile aimle so many days there is no kinship amongst the jewish people words of prophecy over here would is not predicting to the jewish people that they're never going to be taken into captivity once we have a king from the tribe of yehudah that would be a false prophecy avalon what does it mean he says the kingdom of yehuda will never ever be given over to one of his brothers so ramban is saying it doesn't mean that it will last forever it just means that it won't it will not leave the tribe of yehuda and be given over to another tribe before yehudah was appointed as king which is the before king david was selected was elected there was a king from another tribe the first king of the jewish people was from the tribe of benjamin from from binyamin king saul he was not from the tribe of yehuda that's why nahmandi says later yaakov avinu doesn't say there will only be a king from yehuda he says it won't depart meaning once it's established it will never be relocated to anybody else that's what he says is because the mouse of the jewish people that rules over the jewish people a jewish king once david america's king will only be from the jewish people and therefore the fact that it was cancelled and seemingly come to an end that's not a problem doesn't say ever that that won't happen just means that it won't be given to anyone else and that is to assume if if all kingdom is kingship is canceled amongst the jewish people there's no one else then god forbid that could continue forever but that's not true because kingship is going to return to israel and when it's going to return it's going to return back to its rightful owner and that is the descendants of king david but let's see his words first of all another one of his uh one of his brothers will not rule over him and then also he continues it says the purse says um a law giver me love according to the ramba the ramban ahmadis a law giver over here mean doesn't mean a torah scholar a long either means someone who has the authority of kingship to to to to enact laws that authority and that kind of kingship which is a force of a king which holds as he the ramban says someone that holds the tabasamela that has the uh the signature the seal of the king will always be from yehudah okay who israel he will rule and he will command over israel and to him will be the seal of kingship but then there's another there's another element to this promise number one there won't be any anyone else ruling over the jewish people once the davidic kingdom is established number two the kingdom will eventually return [Music] to him all the nations will gather i mean there will be a day when this kingship will become global and the kingdom of the jewish people will encompass the entire the kingdom of israel and the kingdom of king david will encompass the entire world he will do with everyone the way he wishes let's see where he continues fine okay then he mentions the idea that i told you about shaola miller that even though shaw was king that's why it says loya sir fine he explains why i mean if the empire and kingship belongs to you who the why was it that god initially gave that kingship to a foreigner to meaning to someone who's not from the tribe of yehuda gave it to bin binyamin so he says that was a particular situation because to initiate the kingdom it came about through something that was a little undesirable even though it's a commandment that the jewish people should appoint the king and had the jewish people approached the appointment of the king their monarch their leader in a way that would have been desirable then god would have given them immediately the chosen king and that would have been from king from the tribe of yehuda he would have immediately selected the ultimate king but because their their desire for a king they initiated kingship with the wrong intentions in a way that god felt as small that the people rejected you and they rejected me by rejecting you they rejected me there's a certain sense of they don't want the a dominion coming from hashem they wanted to have just the human king and not really connected to the channels above they wanted an earthy king um and that was wrong they said we want a king like all the nations and and so again the the the the the the um the inspiration the the what provoked at that time kingship was an unhealthy start it wasn't a good start hashem didn't want to give them their real king so he therefore gave them dafga not from shavut yehudah because it was started off with the left foot so he gave them a different king he was shoal was a great man at sadiq but you see it's it germinated in a not a good way and it didn't have a good ending show ended up making a mistake losing the kingdom and that was it and only after that now came time for the real king that's what [Music] but now you have a question this is all good regarding the kings that happened before before king david it was shawl and actually his son too is was another king a very short period of time until david really became the full-fledged king over the jewish people but the ramban's question is what's with after two generations of davada mello's kingship the the the kingdom of the jewish people split and there was a breakaway and we know there was the kingdom of the ten tribes so there were two kingdoms amongst in the jewish people the the descendant of king david at that time his name was the son of shalom the grandson of the king david he was the king over yehudah and one other tribe bin yaman and all the other 10 tribes were under another king called yaravam from the tribe of ephraim the children of yosef and he ruled the jewish people him and his descendants so for many generations there was a was a split in the kingdom two kingdoms how does it fit with ramban's interpretation only yasser shavit yehudah once he's king the kingdom of no one else will rule so hear the words of the ramban when there were kings from other tribes ah david whoever ruled after king david or even they were actually transgressing the words of the father so it was so then then you have to say that what what um ramban what the ramban understands um yaakov avinu's prophecy as kind of a command and a prophecy he's he's he's instructing his children that don't do this in other words king david is supposed to be your only king him and his descendants shouldn't be anybody else those who tried something else transgress so they they literally in actuality they put they put a king but but but but it it was incorrect now from the very fact that the remained h a aka we're soon going to see this on a much deeper level a king all the time as long as there was this other empire there was always a king also in jerusalem from uh david mello's descendants always this entire period is because of this promise well you also shave it the rulership will never the fact that some people are or some tribes of israel are pledging allegiance to another king they're actually doing wrong and that's not fitting for the jewish people the problem however is there was a navi who instituted that his name was hashiloni the great rebbe of eliot and he was the one who actually was sent by god he was acting as a prophet to punish the kings of david god got upset at king solomon because wasn't exactly uh behaving the way god expected him to behave i mean if you look in the homicide in the navi itself it's it seems to be like really bad that he was serving idols and so on and so forth but the commentaries explained that it wasn't him he just he married all these women and some of the women were doing these things and he did not protest and he let them do it and that's considered as if he himself was serving idols so the navi so god tells that you should know that i'm going to tear the empire away from you but not from you out of respect to your father not from you i'm going to wait to the next generation from your son then we have a whole story in the navy we're going to read a little bit more a little uh we're going to get to that soon comes and he meets hamel a servant from ella who actually rebelled against his master and he tells him that i am now a prophecy from god and i mean he did even a certain sign with him he ripped his garments into 12 pieces and he gave him 10 of them and he said you are now going to become the king over 10 tribes so it's coming from a prophet you can't so the ramban says interesting he says the jewish the people in the 10 tribes were relying on he was the one who appointed your album i'm going to i'm going to inflict hashem was telling this the navi was telling it to um i'm inflicting i'm punishing the descendants of david because of their sins it's not going to be forever but you see that it was it wasn't you can't say it was just a sin that the jewish people did that they appointed other kings ramban says true but that was supposed to be very short that was supposed to be a short interruption in the kingdom of david as a particular kind of momentary lapse because they needed to be punished but when they turned this into its own dynasty and they continue to having kings mishara melaka mela king after king the loyal says they actually transgressed the commandment of their grandfather then and shubham they were punished they were punished for what they did like it says says believe me many not for me god says it didn't come from me there they crowned the king so it seems like there was somewhat of a legitimacy to that kingship but only short but when it went on for generations actually until the demise of the ten tribes until they were uh driven out of the land never to be heard of until now now they we know that israel some jews came back called the name and ashen it's all re signs of the coming of mushrik when the gathering of the exiles and come from all over including the ten tribes i'm not giving over here my opinion whether this is verified that they're really benedict i don't know um but in any case oh but now mahmoud and just like the jews sinned when they made a king other kings and they continued to to to establish kings outside of the family of david he says also the hashman kings much later in the time of the second temple after the revolt against the assyrian greeks and when they went out and they appointed kings there too they made the same devastating mistake they won the war they needed they they were the heroes but they should have never established themselves an empire a kingdom they were the priests they should have remained dedicated to their priestly hood and leave the governorship alone it should never have been them he says we're talking about the khashoggi they were of the highest level of piety they were the highest hasidim they were the most righteous of people the illumina israel had they not risen at that time that god not i mean they had they not stood up with their unbelievable heroism mateo and his sons that family literally they would have been wiped out torah from the jewish people because the greeks the the powerful um um um insertion of greek um culture into the jewish people and this powerful forceful um um eradication of observance from the jewish people that that everybody was scared to contest and to fight against that people were literally being killed in the most horrific torturous ways was gonna was gonna end jewish practice it was going to completely snuff it out these people actually saved and they would sadik him while after became the whole family was wiped out and the reiki arabs with all their might and all their success they all were killed and in the end even their descendants the entire family was no remnants from them the gemara says him that he brings anybody that says that i am a descendant from khashoggi you should know that he's not even a legitimate jew he's from the family of he's he's he's a slave because he was one of the slaves of the khashoggi that that rebelled against uh killed out the family and appointed himself king shaniqua whatever so if someone says he comes from that family it's because he's not from them and he says the that that that calls all the descendants of mata the the the the sadiq le did not die did not get lost allah bavor is that it was for this reason they had no right to do that they they took kingship for themselves and they were not from the descendants of yehuda the umi based david and from the family of david pretty intense the seru hashemite legameri they removed the dominion of yehuda and while entrepreneur they were punished measure for measure what happened to them a slave from their house killed them out and ru and took over their kingdom why because that's what they did we're all servants all of israel of the jewish people are subjugated to the to the to the royal family and when they took kingship it's the concept of um of a servant rebelling against his master okay and it goes on and on i'm not going to get into all of this but i do want to read one more very important line and therefore ramban says a little later i found p because this is so but you can but the posix seems to describe that what because after everything we just said it still doesn't fit with what we said earlier that there's a prophecy over here there's a prediction this is yaakov has the spirit of god dwelling upon him the shakira is dwelling upon him when he's blessing his children he's speaking prophetic words so he's saying they're not listening very good they're not listening and they were punished very good but after everything said and done there was again he's we asked the question you see the empire ended it will come back one day but for the time being it was interrupted for that he said it doesn't say that won't happen that's not part of the prophecy there won't be a foreign ruler of the uh over the jewish people anybody else that's not from but even that we see didn't really happen so what do we say they sinned yeah but there's a prophecy that it won't happen so here he's answering that and what is he saying he says even if the jewish people appoint upon themselves a king from other tribes if it's needed like the kashmiris were you know that time they were needed just for their vic you know or any other time the rule is you don't anoint them we don't put on them the special anointing oil which you anoint the king why shalom they should not have upon them the glory of kingship ella rather sheif they're like the judges in other words they have governorship they have um a certain kind of a police an authority but it's just like a judge or a some other kind of governor it's not a kingship it's not a real monarchy they don't have malhouse it doesn't exist in any other king and that's a very very very important line the idea of us but let's save that for later there's a safer cold schneid luchi sabris very famous from the known as the shalahakadush so he's a great 16th century no 17th century kabbalist horowitz and uh is part of one of his svarim part of the safer schneider sabres is called the torah terrorism basiaco of the section that's on this part of parsha's valleji goes through the par shields and he has a little commentary on this possible shave at miyahuda he brings first nachmanidis because again he's bothered by that question he brings nachman that is what we just read then he continues he brings rabbino bachaya and then he brings vader hirashi and he brings what rashi says now rashi has what does rashi say rasheed also seems to be bothered by the question says this will continue all the time because elo russia goliath even during the time when we don't have a temple but the jewish people had a ruler that had authority during the time when jews were in babylonia this is even talking about when jews were in babylonia after the destruction of the second temple there was a institution called rasheed golios and this was someone who was appointed by the gentile king who gave legitimacy to a jewish ruler and that was called rege galusa this regaluza was always from the descendants of yehuda and we're not talking about a full-fledged king because jews don't have an empire anymore they're under a foreign governor but within it's like a a it has its own it's not autonomous because they they were under the the kingship and authority of but within the jewish community they had authority they had a police and they were able to punish they had a force it wasn't just rabbinic in a sense it was a of course it was people that were great scholars and so on and so forth but yet they had they had actually a governorship a mini governorship so rashi is saying that even in the time when there is no empire anymore it's time of exile you should know that even then so he's learning different than commodities is saying that what that could be by the exile it's interrupted the kingdom the kingdom of yehuda it comes to an end it's just that it's going to return but it could be a suspended for a while when it says la yaseer what does it mean it won't depart lo yasir don't depart means that there'll never be another king that will rule over them rashi is learning differently that no it will continue that even a mini kingdom will come from shaivit yehudah and mahoque me bain raglav is referring to nasir eretz israel these are the leaders of the jewish people in the land of israel also not kings that the appointment in the time of the second temple there was the time of like hillel was the nasi was the head of the rabbinic of the sanhedrin so all these positions were always filled like hillel was from shaita yehuda rabbi gamaliel that whole lineage all from yehuda and eventually it became rabbenu hakadosh the author of the mishnah who could have been mashiach as the gemara says from shavit yehuda and then anto mashiach comes fine but then the isha asks um and then there are those heretics who laugh all of this off the imram and they say you don't even have this what he says he questions people ask the question even this little minor king you don't have you know not only you have a king you don't even have a king a little king a small little king you don't even have today's days the einer rashid gully is going to see him that two was jews later became scattered all amongst the nations without any central authority figure that had actual dominion and and and some kind of a governing power over them hemloi madinen diversal they don't understand what the sages are saying they're not understanding that the sages mean something deeper div and their riddles and their and their um sweet um um metaphors what does it mean it doesn't necessarily have to mean someone with governing actual governing power it means great people and him important people when rabbi was the nazi he showed on certain people and he said these people are loyal yehuda are fine in every generation so he says like this there will always be throughout all of history it will never ever be a time when it won't be this way that there are influential people amongst the jewish people that have an extra um um they have a certain um charisma and and and and and leadership um skills that that that manifests in in leadership amongst the jewish people and at many many times he says they're actually recognized by the government as well and they if they they're they're they're given certain they're given certain recognition and certain access to the to the various different monarchs or kings or governor powers that there are in but he says they find themselves in different places won't necessarily be in the same place they could be at certain times in spain like you had and these various different people maybe a barbanel or people like that we know they were close to the kings they were i'm not sure barbara nels from the tribe of yehuda i'm just giving an example the nimto of people jews that were recognized in the courts of kings the noise and they have a certain charm and definitely we will say without a question even if they don't have with in their pocket a a uh genealogy uh document that will trace them back to yehuda we can assure that if these people have reached such a elevated state amongst the jewish community it's because they have this inner charisma that they received from david elohim yehuda there from yehudah behind the sky i'm loyal you know the prophecy of yaakov might be right now manifesting itself in something very very minor before we spoke a king and now we spoke about a king alert a small king like the heads of the and this is not even a king you know it's not even a mini king but it's it's someone that has some some some royal features to them and it's recognized obviously amongst his his and her brethren but it's even recognized to the to the gentiles and as they see in them these leadership qualities and they and they bestow upon them power or even if it's not real power but it's influence through them and so forth it's there will always be higher people or important people from the tribe of yehuda of him in this empire they're in another kingdom and even though in our great sins he says we don't have the eyes to be able to see every person from which tribe they come from makoma can borrow daya makayam as the var of god keeps his promise hashem does know who is from shavut yehudah who's carrying the royal blood who has the seed of david inside of him the klala indian shalom shalla from yehudah will never ever go away leadership whether whether will be big leadership charlotte whether it be a great dominion like tana or a small one or very very very small it will be here it will be present within the world forever until comes and then it will suddenly explode it will expand exponentially to it will become the ultimate permanent world power for us so it might dwindle yeah with me yahood according to the it might dwindle down to a tiny little little seedling which has it always will have some kind of recognition it will always have some kind of a manifestation we're not dealing with something that goes into complete dormant state a complete you know someone who might have it potentially in his soul of souls it will always be visible to a certain degree in other words it has to be memshala it has to be kingship it has to be a some kind of a of a governor a governorship it carries through through as it might fluctuate and get more expanded and less at various different times but eventually bang it will become so big and to him it will manifest in the greatest way that all the nations will gather to him this is the schleich okay so to understand this a little better what does this really mean this continuity of the seed of david of the of maokas of yehuda that's continuing out through the generations we have to look at the laws of kings in rambam okay we discussed rashi we discussed okay let's take a look at rambam because he is the codifier of law particularly when it comes to mashiach and to um so what does the rambam say rambam says chapters of kings we discussed this rama a few times already in previous classes this is the last section in maimonides called the laws of kings parakrisha in the first chapter and uh the seventh halach so the ramamam says number one we appoint him with anointing oil like we see shemoille did samuel he took the yes hashem and he took the jug of oil the yitaka russia he poured it on his head whenever you appoint the king and he gets anointed it's not just a an appointment for a short period of time it's not even like when they appoint someone to the supreme court that it's an appointment for life it's an appointment for them and their children and their grandchildren any king that gets anointed with this anointing oil which would include even king saul that when he was anointed he he his anointment would carry over to his children like we see that for a little bit of time you know uh ishibotius was king the sentence and it should go over to his grandchildren had there not been something that caused the navi to come to the you know shoal was instructed with certain instructions he didn't fulfill it in the ripening out of amalek so the navi came to him and said god has torn the kingdom away from you and hashem came and interrupted that kingdom but the kingdom itself should continue on forever and he brings apostle that he that the that when it's speaking about a jew the king that he should be on his he should have longevity in his kingdom who him ubanav and his children because of israel the position and parshas i think shoved him now the king should his kingdom should extend and continue for for a long time now and therefore it continues on children grandchildren and so forth it's an inheritance now what happens if he passes away the king and all he has is a minor child so guess what we're not going to have a king for a couple of years until we don't give it to someone else it's an inheritance it belongs to this child the kid will grow up he'll be the king but we guard the kingdom for him this is we wait till he grows up and he brings like did that to yosh okay and ram continues and he says i'm not going to go through all of it rama says it's not only kingship that is that way but any appointment that we appoint amongst the jewish people is an appointment that goes over inheritance there's a condition the condition is that the child has to be worthy in wisdom and in fear of god it means he has to be a candidate if he's totally not a candidate because he's not a god-fearing person he's not a moral person morality according to torah is being god-fearing and he's not doesn't have uh the the the he's not a wise person or doesn't have the torah knowledge then uh he's not going to be able to take he can't claim this this inheritance is is not uh is not given over yeah here we hold on anybody that doesn't have is not god fearing even if he has a lot of wisdom but if he's not god-fearing should be so we don't appoint them at all for any type of kingdom for any type of uh appoint appointments fine then marmalade continues and he says again this is all part of this allah rama already establishes that when we anoint someone then the anointment is to him and his children it goes on forever that's that's any king that's anointed with the real anointing oil and there was only one other king besides david that got anointed with ointing oil and that was shalam but rama again says any king but then rama says once david was anointed he merited casa malchus the crown of kingdom simply it means that which rambam says earlier could be given to other kings before davadam and it was given it was given to shoal but once it was handed down to david he acquired it and what the kingdom belongs to him and to his male descendants haksherim those that are kosher which means those that are are fitting for for being a king which means they're righteous people and olam forever but even though he inherited kingship for all of eternity it's only for the kosher children as we mentioned earlier kosher meaning not culture by birth kosher in terms of their behavior as it says he's quoting the verse that i said to you until him earlier where hashem promises king david's eternal kingdom that it's conditioned if your children will keep my covenant and alpha ezekiel now rama makes an interesting statement even though he was only zolka he was only merited like shayrim to those that are kosher stol and and we can say what happens hypothetically if all the descendants of david corrupted no that the kingship will never ever be cut away from him forever it might be that there's no one worthy now and therefore it might be interrupted but it will not be forever god promised him this even if your children will forsake my covenant again he's quoting off on chapter 89 in psalms in tehillim and in my statues or my pata my my laws i will inflict upon them with my staff for their sins ubenegaye men with afflictions of own on their sins but my kindness i will never desecrate i will never fear i will never discard or i will never um uh break it okay so in other words what is he saying uh it might there might be a problem but it won't be forever it has to turn it has to return okay so what needs to be understood i'll stop right now over here is that the raman seems to be saying there's something more by king david than there is earlier because by david um i mean if the rama said already earlier that any person who is anointed with chairman amisha with with the anointing oil and that person then becomes now a king and it's not just for himself it's for all of his it's all his descendants so why does after rama have to repeat the same thing by david that it's going to be for his children and grandchildren and forever what is being added over here yeah we know he said already earlier that the marcus is yerushan and since bhaidava was never torn away from him and given to anybody else yeah so it's going to go on and on and on for david it seems like by david there's something much deeper over here more than the regular urusha the regular inheritance that's being over for any king that goes over any king that was anointed that goes over to the to the children it's also interesting that by the by by by he doesn't say when a king is anointed he he's zaike he inherits casser malhouse the crown of kingdom and he will they and therefore it goes once he merits it will go on to his children forever doesn't say that he only says it by david mella he's with the crown of kingdom and as a derivative of that it goes on to his children forever so we need to understand what's this emphasis now this is also important rambam the next law is addressing that which we discussed earlier from the commanders what happens with this he just mentioned that david is going to be the king forever so what happened with the time period after king david as we speak about the grandchild the third generation of the divinity kingdom with the kingdom split and there were besides the king of david there was another king there was the maokai israel the kings over the ten tribes what's the legitimacy of that kingdom does it have legitimacy is it even a king or is it no king so seems to be saying that what maybe for that for a short period of time yes it was a navi afterwards it was sinful and ahmadis kind of says seems to be implied that we don't anoint those kings and because we don't anoint them they're not really they don't have mouths they don't have glory of kingdom what are they like they're a sheikh them they're a ruler they're not a small ruler they're a ginormous ruler a big ruler a powerful ruler one that's kind of equal to a king but it's only a ruler it's not it's not kingship that's what ramban says rambam argues in pericress over here i mean not directly arguing on the humanities but seems to have a different approach ram says it's not withstanding what we just said now that david mello has the mouse forever a navi a different a prophet that comes that appoints a king meshar shifted israel from the other tribes of israel as we see and rama is going to quote it in a moment that he has a navi comes and was appointed a king from the other tribes and that king providing that that again if a navi a prophet comes and appoints a king and that king is um going in the ways of torah and mitzvahs hashem and he fights battles for god and all the laws of kingdom apply to him he's a melech and he has laws of king so the rambam sees him as a true king but that again that that seems to be different than what we said before from mahmoud and he's from ramban rama says he's a melanche but puts a very strong emphasis even though the main mauros is david's so now that gets a little problematic so what's going on over here the main mouse is david's where even during the time that the other king is a king the main maokus is by david but david's kingdom has been interrupted it's not so rambam says wherever hold and it wasn't completely interrupted the year me bun of malek because david's descendants will continue to be kings of them because the navi akhiya shalomi put up your of and that's both the shaharei is a proof for two things number one it's a proof that you could appoint a king outside of the davidic kingdom to some degree as we'll see soon but also that icker hamas the main mouse remains for david and that of its king children hold on to the reins of leadership and of kingship how do you see that because ahiyashalani when he appointed he said him when you will listen to all that i command you i'm going to build you a trustworthy house kasha banisi ladavid i built him an empire i will build you also an empire continue saying to him but to the son of david of melech and so forth even though i am giving you kingship shavit i will leave one tribe to be under his under his dominion which is the tribe of yehudah his own tribe will always remain his la man hey it's near la david so that will continue a king near means a king as matharsham explain we're so going to see maybe if we're going to get to it uh near has a different meaning so there shall remain a near la david of the kalayama la fanay all the days before me and here's an important word yerushalayim and where is that going to be in jerusalem so there is a certain continuity to the mountains-based it has to continue at least with one tribe but farsham explained that when it says it will be one tribe that even though it wasn't only one tribe it was two tribes it was the tribe of benjamin as well together with the tribe of yahuwah and yehudah and the reason why benjamin out of all is because david's empire that has to last no matter what even during the time of a might say a competitive empire dove its kingdom that has to last is in jerusalem yerushalayim and since yerushalayim is a city that's primarily in the land of jude of yehudah judah but some of the yerushalayim borders also into the land of benjamin it's one city but it has two tribes in it as we know that the bay san migues was halfway the the the border of yehuda and beyond runs through the bay some english itself so benjamin has a portion so that's why and since the empire of of of in jerusalem there can only be one king and that's from the tribe of yehudah this is his city as we're soon gonna see it's for that reason that bin yaman is part of it but binyamin is considered secondary because it's mainly it's the the reason why benjamin is part of this kingdom is because it's yerushalayim and they're living in yerushalayim also so they're drafted along with the with the maokus with the mouths of yehuda okay this is what rambam says over here but then the rama continues based in the next law they're the ones that stand forever but if a king is going to get up from the rest of the jewish people the the kingdom will end from his household so again just like my mom that he said earlier that um that even if david mellor's kingdom and empire will will have to take a break because there is no uh bonham hakshar in there he was only inheriting his kingdom his kingship to his worthy children if there's no worthy children then hashem has to punish and so on and so forth but in the end it's going to come back we have the promise to your of them you have the opposite promise when the navi is telling you of him he's telling him that that even if you're going to establish a kingdom and even let's say it's going to last for a couple of generations in the end it's going to have to fall apart it's going to have to collapse the one kingdom that's going to last forever is the mahrus of david as he says clearly not all the days from the initial starting of that kingdom it's not forever and therefore the rama even continues in allah because of this essential flaw in the mountain in that other kingdom it's not meant to last it's a temporary kingdom so because of that you can already see that weakness in that kingdom from its very origins we don't use that special oil anointing oil because that that oil is only for eternal kingdom and since this was never meant to be eternal kingdom but rather a temporary kingdom that might go on for quite a while but in the end is going to disintegrate or it's going to fall apart so therefore we use we do anoint them but we use a different type of an oil not that high quality oil al basham and a farsa mine it's used a different type of an oil the aim of another thing they're never appointed in jerusalem i the king in jerusalem has to be from the descendants of david the ain't moist and therefore you don't anoint in yerushalayim only the king of david as we see later in the story that when it says when that yeravam left the city and he was outside of jerusalem and that's where he encountered him and he gave him this whole promise that he's going to make that he's going to receive the kingdom it was outside of yerushalayim it wasn't in jerusalem jerusalem remains sacred that it belongs only to the mountains of best of it okay this is the this is the outline over here of what reminded he says so we need to understand this whole concept of how are we to look at this whole maokai israel this period of time and it was for quite a long time for many you know after the third generation i think it was it might have been ten kings or even more of malche israel that continued a long time what is this concept of this kingdom what is it what is its what is this legitimacy again ramban seems to say it doesn't have much legitimacy it's a chauffeur it's a job it doesn't have a an indian of maurice to it rambam says they're they're kings and they have kodine they have all the the laws of kingdom to them but we know while their kingdom is taking place icker hamachus is not by them icker meaning that the core of malcolm's is not by them always by david and that is demonstrated by a small part of the jewish people always remaining under the dominion of david at least as long as there's a competition because as mentioned earlier when the time of exile and the jewish people are scattered all over unless we say like the shallah qaddash that the kingship will always manifest in these small little rulers of the jewish people that keep that that that that that leadership going rambam doesn't have any any any statement regarding that um the maokas did end even though we say that what malcolm's based dog has to always have a remnant that's as as many before shim say that is only as long as there is maokas amongst the jewish people similar to what he says as long as there's kingship the king has to be from david not to say that the kingship will never end it will end but then it has to come back and that's the prophecy this week in the parasha atki of oshilo and shiloh comes he's going to restore to the the divinity kingdom now this idea that the davidic kingdom has to be restored one day it's going to come back maimonides speaks about that but far later in the laws of kings and that is in chapter 11 where the rambam begins in the laws of kings of chapter 11 the king mashiach eventually is going to get up he's going to restore the kingdom of david and that this kingdom has to come back to its old state to its original thing china its first power which really also means is we're going to see he's going to restore it back to its original glory malchus david in its in its prime time was a kingdom that went all over the entire the entire of the entirety of the jewish people not just the section we just mentioned that the tail end of mouth was beast of it became very narrow even in the time when the temple stood even before the exile it became very narrow it only manifested over one tribe yet it will go back to them shall i reshare that will be began restored as the kingdom of allah and that's the content of the haf torah of last week parties vayigash where the torah is a as a prophecy to ezekiel what does it say to him over there god says then take two staffs put him together one of his staff is belongs to the tribe of joseph of yosef and the the ruler is coming from yosef which represents the maori israel the the kings of from ephraim from yosef and then the other king from judah from yehudah take these two staffs and put them together to indicate that the two empires will come back to be one again but who's going to be king david and king david my servant is going to be the king let's see what it says last week in the torah that the king malchus of david will be their leader forever so you got both both expressions fine so rambam says this is going to be established by malachi so to i mean i really probably have another two hours to speak tonight to really um convey everything we i'd like to talk about this okay i'm just we laid out the the the uh the foundations but now to to understand how this all comes together um but i'm not gonna speak for another two hours because i just don't have the energy and it's pretty late and i don't want to whoever's listening and i don't want to keep you for a long shoot like that i'm going to have to come back and complete this year so i'm just going to lay i'm just going to give the point now and the complete completion of this and the expansion of it to its full understanding which is really fascinating to understand the difference between malcolm's base duban and malchus and and and and the kingdom of that whole i'm sorry the kingdom of europe and benevolet and the ten tribes and and and the status of mahesh based of it during the golos and also how it's sparked again and how it how does it come back and flourish and how do we identify that that that maurice reigniting coming back into full force we're going to continue this class when are we going to continue it we'll have to figure that out but i'm going to definitely i mean i am committing to continuing this we might have to wait till after shabbos matashabas or whatever but we're gonna we're gonna continue this okay so now let me just give the gist of it and that is as follows um the previous laboratory in one of his discourses differentiates in kingship he says there's three things there is the meluha there is the how does he how does he phrase it just give me a second i don't remember the hebrew words he uses okay so i'm i'm uh hopefully going to bring that to you when we get into the next class there is the dominion itself in which he's ruling over his actual memshala his rulership over the people there is his his exaltedness the isis his his elevatedness over his monarchy his elevatedness over his over the people that's not that's not actual authority that's not that's that he is above them and then there is a third thing which is the idea of roy mamos and romamus means inner elevation an elevated being a person who is a ish a person who is essentially exalted so there is a his exaltedness over them that's the second level there is his dominion his rulership which is the first level his his elevation because he rules and they accept his rulership he is elevated as a higher human being above them but then there is an internal essential exaltedness in which he has essentially these are these are three elements in kingship real absolute kingship is one that originates in this in this deeper rhymus it's an inner exaltedness an inner in an in an inner intrinsic elevation that a certain human being possesses it's a certain deep inner quality and it doesn't come from the outside it's not based on a people that elevate you raise you above them and submit to you although we know of the phrase and hasidis we use it a lot of times where it says a melech below there is no king without a people so the whole notion of kingship depends on people it depends on a community a a a nation that selects a person and submits themselves to that person surrender to his will and apply or or or appoint this individual to be their leader and give him that full dominion and that's what creates kingship and that's why we know that every rosh hashanah we have to god god himself says as god being a king god says accept my kingdom make me king over you kind of that i'm not a king unless you make me king over you that's true ain't me but that's activated kingdom that's not that's not essential kingship and let's use look at hashem although yes hashem every rosh hashanah is waiting for our coronation so that he can be king in meleam we say that about god as well but we also say adonalam master of the world a share malach who who was king who was betharam koyatsuri nivra before anything was created nothing is created who is he a king over there's nothing but him he's king what does that mean god has essential elevation it's an internal inner inner intrinsic state of elevation even if there's nothing to be elevated over it's hard to imagine what that means but it's it's an intrinsic essential atmos that's what it's called in an essential quality of kingship that's there but we continue and what do we say not what are at the time came when things came into being nasa where the time came to make bergeft when he desired everything that's when he's called king in other words that's an actualization and a manifestation of that kingship is that it it it it could be you can call him king as you can be recognized as kingship but the essential kingship quality is something much deeper the fifth chabad rebel repsham dave bear in he is known as the rebel rashaba in his safer in his my murim series of embaram called the demo the says that that's the difference between means the glory of the kingdom and hadar mauchus means the splendor of the kingdom he says splendor of the kingdom comes from the people like we know there's a passage that says beroid with more people the greater the the kingdom the more people are in the greater the population the greater the fan club hadras melech is the splendor of the king so the splendor of the king is kind of inspired by the masses and there of course there's a small king and the bigger king a small king is a king that has a small kingdom and a mighty ruler and a major king he's got a huge empire that's only in hadara malchus that's a type of elevation that comes from the fact that people submitted to you that raises you up that does make you an elevated person you're not just you're not an ordinary person you have to behave differently you naturally behave differently but even if you don't you have to behave differently because you are an elevated now but generally it does project the people project the elevation onto the king he says glory of kingdom is completely from within nothing to do with the outside it is an inherent quality that is possessed in the soul of of those who are worthy for kingship those who are true kings they are essentially elevated one of essence based on what the reber ashab says when you take a look in by the way what i'm saying today this whole talk there is a safer called written by absolutely and this was given out in 1992 in which he did a major major study on this whole hilhas malachim of rambam very very very thorough and i'm gleaning from his from his uh writings and he i mean he's taking from a lot of sources he's bringing it all together i didn't do all this research he did a fantastic very deep um um thorough scholarly work on the whole concept of kingship and all the especially on rambam regarding and so on and so forth so he made two safe swara and one is called the other one so this is from the first safer called protestant landed by me a few weeks ago because i someone offered me to come to their house and pick up some books and i went through and i found it that's what i wanted so just in the last week i'm reading and i feel like i this much much much more i only got through a couple of chapters but i'm sharing with you some of his insights which i think are really phenomenal regarding malhouse but so he connects this with with with what the rabbi rashad says and and uh the previous laboratory it's really in short already brought in the memoriam of the altar ever near zalman of this idea that there's an essential quality of kingdom and then there is kingdom that's coming from the outside now someone who is essentially a king he's essentially elevated then when he's actually a king his kingdom is not an external kingdom which is coming from the people in other words you don't have to be someone who has essential kingdom to be a king you could technically be a king even if you don't have this in your soul is not a soul of a king it can be a regular soul when people decide to make you a king and they behave towards you with all the the the manners of of kingship and they give you authority they give you power that creates as we said earlier this this this elevation of kings so much so that you can have a halacha of a king you're considered a king even according to torah however we understand that someone who is blessed with core kingship with essential kinship with what we call the malhas when they are also in addition to their intrinsic internal king kingly elements are recognized by the people and the people submit to them call them the king and you've and and and and also add to them what's called hadar malchus the glory of kingdom then their hoid malchus their essential kingship that's at the core of the nucleus of their being manifest and expresses itself in their actual kingdom and then you can sense that this is not just another king even if you've hung around kings and you've seen many many courts and many kings and experienced their their their glory and their majesty you would immediately notice that this is something entirely different because this is not an outer kingship projected and then bouncing back off from the people to the king this is an intrinsic essential kinship that's being emanating outwards on the deepest level this means that god almighty his true essential kingship that he is a king as we said before without even creating the world he's in essence a king hashem channels and shears so to speak that kingdom with this individual soul or let's go a little deeper than that that the shama emanates from that quality of god of kingship so that the shaman has the kingship to a certain degree every soul has all the qualities but that soul is the soul of kingship so therefore the idea of kingship is inherent at its at in his in his very very very substance in his very being and his kingship obviously is on a whole different level of of majesty and of exaltedness this element is transmitted to the king only when we use the special anointing oil now the truth is inshallah even though anointing oil was used and he's gotten a kinkship for all of eternity the deep element of this kingship wasn't given to him like nahmandi says that he was only chosen because god did not want yet to to reveal the real king because he was unhappy with the situation so that's why rambam doesn't say that when you give a king they merit kesser because this quality of kingship this is called kesser malchus the real crown of kingship is this essential quality of kingship rambam doesn't say that shaola melech was anointed as a king acquired this quest he got a power of kingship that will go on for all of his generations but it's not in essence it's glory of kingdom crown of kingdom that was reserved for king david david when he was a now you have to say prophet he was born already with this quality as hashem says when hashem tells he says i see a king i see a king amongst the descendants of yeshua i see a king now you just got to find him schmalz goes and they check out all the other suns and then until they farm say ah that's him that's the king that i see but it means he's there essentially the anointing of the oil only like so to speak activates it or brings it out from something that god can see to something that can actually be experienced in the king himself so it says right after david melech received this anointing or they became a different person because this was activated in him this deep inner essential kingship which is really divine kingship which now suddenly like manifested in him and that's what mahmoud says clearly that the kings that was appointed that's outside of the family of david the king that no the ramban says all the whoever was not he says the words of the web is not anointed with the oil he says they don't have huidamalhas what do they have they're like as he says they're like shaytrim sheif and vishaitram they're rulers again and even though as i mentioned earlier rambam seems to learn that they are kings but again it's in kingship itself it's only the second level of king which means it's a king is elevated but it's an elevation related to the people coming from the people not a deep inner essential kingship emanating from the from from who they really are and projecting outward this secret of kingship this internal essential kingship was only given to king david once david was anointed it is who he is so indefinitely it goes over to his children and essentially it's like as we're going to discuss in the next class it's essentially like kahuna which once arena coin became a cohen he has a different he has a different spiritual makeup which can even be seen not just spiritually but they say a cohen's genes are different and the fact that they have the cohen gene it means it's something different in his body the this this uh this i this this but cohen it goes over to all the male descendants of kahuna here it can only be in one descendant because kingship is exclusive kingship can't be more than one king but it's an inherent kingship it's it's it's not even something you're getting as an inheritance it's it's who you are the king the king is a king just like we can't say that i'm a kohen because i inherited the kahuna from my father yeah i'm a cayenne because my father is a cohen that's true and my father's gonna cause his father i'm not inheriting it inheriting is giving over something that you have you give it over but who you are that's you so going back to what we said in the beginning david melech is how does it work david is alive when hashem promises what is he promising what is the words over there he promises that that your children yeshua your children will sit on your throne but also the lotion over there is um his throne is like the sun or the lotion always is when he speaks about mashiach it says david nasi david is the king the devil is king is not king is the ascendant of david ismael what does it mean david he saw his kingship the point over here is this essential kingship is who david is why is the next it's it's of essence again it's not a possession it's who he is at the deepest core of his being he is a king why is the next generation a king because the father is his son there is the father in the son there is so in as much as in the next generation in his son so david is the king david is the eternal king of the jewish people in as much as every generation of the descendants of david has continuing throughout all of his children and all of his progeny so and whoever activates that kingdom or whoever it's it's it's it's it's it's it's revealed in it's not that person being a king it's david being a king because david is this essential king now yes rambam says that david was not zohan this the children that are not sharing that are not kosher which means that those that are those kings from the family of david that were not worthy for the king that were wicked this essential quality of kingdom was not prom was not was not activated in them it wasn't part of because rama says khalil it was only inherited to children aksharim that are kosher but yet in those that are kosher it's not that they received something from david it's who they are but why is it who they are because david's david is inside of them and this is david is this essential king who captures god's essential kingship and that's where mashiach will be king what does that mean it means who is really the soul of mashiach in the sense that this that he's manifesting more than he even manifested in the days of david will manifest in the soul of mashiach so mashiach is king it says david abdi david myself first he's called ben david and eventually he's called dovid himself like it's we say it in in in the hashanas of ishana rabbo it says uh we say ish who's going to reveal himself that's david himself referred to as david even though it's a completely different person a grandchild of david hundreds of generations down the line but it is it's it is who he is who is the king and that's the idea of kisaka your throne it's one throne it's throne one individual that captured kessar the essence of kingship and that differentiates the mouse of david and here we will see the technic the technical element of when came and made um ben avata king what what what wha what did he wha what was the what was his work over here because really the question which i'm going to address in the next classes rambam says that you can't appoint the king only if you have a navi a prophet and you have to work with the with the sanhedrin you have to have the approval of the supreme court they have to be there together with the navi and it's discussed where do you have that when shmuel came who was with him that david was considered anointed by the whole sanhedrin who was with him in the days of when shawl was made king but it's interesting by here there was only a navi there was no sanhedrin there in that doesn't describe any element that there was a a consent of the sanhedrin if you're making a king you need to have sanhedrin and as we're going to see in the next class is that the in the appointment that the navi appointed um yoruba as a king over the ten tribes is nothing in any way close to the idea of appointing a king even though he became a king i should leave this for the next i'm just going to say the one the one point over here is for whatever reason mouth was based of it at that time as we said before they were was being was being punished and their kingdom needed to be minimized the minimizing of the kingdom however came in a way where it's not shrinking the mouth of of of it's not it's not um there was no cutting or cutting a piece of mauro's based of it away or there was no um severance or or destruction as many the fact that he says that your kingdom will continue over one tribe is one thing but even regarding the other tribes ten tribes it's not like we're appointing a new king what the navi was going to accomplish over here was only one thing in order for another king kingdom to take hold when when there is already a king and the people are subject to his kingdom there is no other king there can't be two kings and malcolm's based of it is an eternal kingdom so how is this other kingdom okay we want to punish the family of dublin there has to be it has to be created another sub-kingship kingdom among but how can that kingdom take happen if you're you can't be in allegiance to two kings what the navi needed to do in the days of yarov and bennavad is if you look carefully at the sukkah as we're soon going to discuss in the next class is that he basically tore away ten tribes from david's empire he severed them from david and from the descendants of the from the so what happened is they're not any more part of the empire of david he disconnected him and he needed to be a navy to be able to do that he didn't mess with its kingdom i mean to say with his um um um monarchy with his he he caused a majority of the jewish people to be to exit so to speak that that the kingdom so now they're on the outside once he removed them from the kingdom so they're not under they don't have the allegiance now to david so now technically he can component appoint another king the the appointment of the other king however is not going against the fact that there will never be any other king because there will never be any other true king a king of huid malchus a king that's being appointed with chaiman amish with this anointing oil a king that carries this essential essential regality that will never be when he disconnected the people technically from the from the from the uh from the mouth similar to like where david was king at the beginning when david became king he was recognized only by his tribe it was the rest of the jewish people that were not under his kingdom until later they all gathered together and they all accepted so now he was basically shrinking again the kingdom by doing what by pulling them out they're outside now once they're outside and not they're not under david's kingdom they're free now now he can appoint sho they can appoint a different king but even when they appoint of the the other king rama says ichara malchus remains by david we're going to we're going to we're going to elaborate this and we're going to explain this much better business hashem in the following class what we are also going to talk about the following class as mentioned earlier is how does this manifest throughout the exile and how is this resparked again or how does this re-reignite it again how does it come to full full manifestation in the days of mashiach what does moshiach what's the process of that restoration so bazar sashem look out for class number two on this which i hope to get done either before shabbos or looks more likely because of the order of classes that we have that we'll probably end up doing it on saturday night matsushab is resourceful that's the plan meanwhile until we get to that point may we merit that the mouse of moshiach should already reveal itself we won't have to discuss all of this but that we should already get to see our magnificent king with our own physical eyes bazrat hashem let it be now you
Channel: Maayon Yisroel
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Id: SFdbozXD0x8
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Length: 109min 53sec (6593 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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