Vault of Glass Normal Raid Guide 2023 Post LightFall

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hey Guardians it's God cork here thank you again for joining me today as we talk about the Vault the glass raid what our raids it's a six-man activity where we go on adventures doing mechanics killing bosses and getting some sweet loot alrighty then with the introduction of Life all it is time to do an updated raid guide most raid guides I look at are from 2021 and feel outdated just like not hitting the like And subscribe button I have heard people that like And subscribe have an increased chance of getting raid Exotics all jokes aside I have created an updated raid guide based on my over 20 clears of the raid but before we get started I would like to thank my clan Stellar Force without which this wouldn't be possible the very first raid created by Bungie was bought the glass or fog and it dropped in Destiny 1 in 2014 and they reimagined it for Destiny 2 in 2021. before we start talking about the raid let's get some suggested weapons and mods we're going to want to have something like xenophage our ballist Thunder Lord and taipans or Rockets the enemies attack with every damage type but with most vaccine content void and solar resist is your friend I'm also avoid after the second encounter the rate starts in waking rooms for the opening counter the Spire it is suggested to have void resist and weapons for clearing ants close and far away from you like xenophage wither horde Trinity ghoul and others I like running spaces there will be hobgoblins goblins sector keys and minotaurs the team will need to open the door in the back of the encounter but how is this done by splitting the team up into three teams each team needs to stand on a plate there is a plate on the left in the middle and on the right you'll need to stand on each plate to activate them and doing so will start building a Spire once activated you do not have to stand on them again unless deactivated if deactivated simply kill the Vex and stand on the plate again once the Spire is fully formed it will shoot a laser at the door and open the door be sure to click the loot at the door foreign a hidden path and doing some light platforming you will find with ease now we have reached the first encounter now get comfortable get cozy because this location it's going to be the same location for the first through third encounter first encounter is complexes that it will be overload minotaurs I love using stasis here to control ads besides that then the Lord where the horde and osteostriga are great choices for ad clear I also suggest first supers instead of roaming supers or a heavy like gallahorn or mini bosses void resist will help a large Hydra named the Templar will spawn in the middle and we need to break your Shield he will stay shielded for the next two encounters we start this process you need to defend the complexes from the sacrificing Vex and once again split into three teams complexes are pillars and we will need to defend a pillar in the middle a pillar on the left and a pillar on the right all three will not spawn it once they will come in phases bases and when the Templar summons its Legion the first phase will have a complex in the middle closest to spawn then next phase will have the middle pillar disappear and hitters will spawn left and right the third and final phase will have three complexes four red bar ads sacrificing will wipe the team the wyverns need to be dealt with immediately and birth supers make quick work of them watch out for the Headless enemies called The Fanatic they will explode and leave a puddle behind that when stepped in will give you a debuff called Arc of negation the boss will be performing their ritual of negation and once completed you will die if marked the only way to remove the Mark is to go down the stairs in the center and enter the pool before entering verify you are the only one marked because once used it will disappear if mostly people need to use it time it together so you all enter and move the debuff at the same time once completed there will be a long pause before the chest appears thank you foreign foreign [Music] foreign counter is Oracles there won't be Champions this time around xenophage is great here and I once again use stasis there will be sniper hog goblins and solar or sniper resist can help with survivability the main focus this round is destroying oracles and clearing at this will be a five round encounter where oracles will spawn in and we need to destroy them in order the first round will have three oracles and each round will add one additional Oracle there are seven different spawn points for the oracles one person needs to watch two oracles I have them stand in the middle watching the front middle Oracle and front right Oracle spawn locations the locations are as follows we have L1 L1 is going to be on the little stair platform to the left of when you enter the encounter L2 is going to be where the left conflict was L3 is going to be close to the boss it's going to be hidden from where your Viewpoint is when you enter then we have middle which you can see if you're standing on the stairs when you enter R1 which is right before you go up the stairs to the right R2 which is where the right complex was roughly R3 which would be kind of mirroring the L3 behind a wall closest to boss on the right side the xenophage or shotguns make quick work of the oracles you have two chances to see the order of the Oracle when you know which Oracle is yours you'll call out the number that coincides with it so if you're the first Oracle you say first second Oracle second and so on and when you destroy the oracles you repeat the process of saying first after destroying it if you don't hear the call out you can also look at the left side of your screen and you'll see the notification of which Oracle has been destroyed it won't tell you the number that's tied to it but if you're paying attention it'll give you a general idea of the order the order is messed up as in the wrong Oracle shot or if the oracles are not shot or destroyed quick enough everyone will be marked by negation you'll need to use the pull to remove the debuff everyone will stand next to the pool and try to enter at the same time to be cleansed the boss has still been doing the ritual of negation so getting the debuff and cleansing is important once completed a test will spawn in the middle and a relic will spawn where the pool was foreign the third encounter is Templar and it is similar to the previous encounters the main difference is this will be a damaged encounter weapons to use are taipans or Rockets or slug shotguns or snipers or thunderlord or leviathan's breath or merciless and Cloud strike the list goes on and on pretty much if it does deep use it void resist once again is your friend this will be the encounter where you take down the Templar shield and damage him but how does one take down this Shield you might ask that is where the Relic comes in The Relic that is in the pit is called the Aegis Relic and its super can break the Templar Shield a player using the relican punch slam and ground pound using their melee abilities and shooting buttons that you have mapped you can also put up a shield with your grenade button if you drop the Relic for too long it will disappear and wipe the team please keep this in mind because the Relic will return in future encounters and this wipe mechanic will be present still okay this is how the encounter goes three oracles will spawn in and once again you have two chances to see their order and kill them in that order if you mess up you have to go to the pool in the pit and remove the marked by negation debuff or die please remember that you want to go in at the same time so that everyone can be cleansed of the debuff once completed the Relic holder should be able to Super the Templar once the Templar Shield is down it will create a teleportation rings large red circles with a bright beam of light shooting into the sky and someone will need to stand in them to prevent the teleportation if I am Relic holder I go to where the L1 Oracle was and it's in on the small platform scanning the room for the ring the light attack melee can allow you to fly around the room quickly to find the circles before The Relic holder supers of Templar everyone should get into position for DPS the majority of players use the right area closest to spawn for DPS but on the left upper side close to the boss is a great spot if using close range damage That She's forgetting to damage is for everyone to jump off the map besides the Relic holder The Relic Holder will hold the Relic in the pit and get marked by indication and walk through the pool everyone else will self-res and get into position it is a quick and easy way to avoid chasing the other oracles at least for the first part if you take too long you will have to chase down oracles later on during damage phase the boss will continue to try to teleport until it does teleport or is destroyed it will also pick someone at random to detain this is a giant bubble that other teammates will have to shoot them free one in the bubble you cannot shoot or move if the Relic holder is caught either have someone chase the ring down or assume the Templar will teleport you could try shooting The Relic bubble and hope that he gets there on time but just assume that you're gonna miss it the oracles are on a timer and will spawn in even during damage and the longer the damage phase the more enemies that will spawn and the stronger they will be all right [Music] foreign will open in the back you may also take a hidden left path but this is only used for collectibles foreign once you've taken either path you'll reach a labyrinth the Labyrinth will have Gorgons which are large yellow bar harpies that if they see you they wipe the team there are three large of X cubes and shooting all three will open a door to its secret chest on the right with a rally Banner point I would suggest not having one person try to get all the Vex cubes you could have two people get all the Vex cubes like two of them are quite easy to get from the left path but the last one can be easily missed or you can be seen by a gorgon quite easily and that one is better to have someone take the right path to get it once you've gotten all the Vex cubes the door will stay open no matter what as in you can wipe start fresh from the beginning and go to the right foreign foreign once you enter the room there's going to be a chest and there's going to be a raid Banner point at this point if you wanted to kill Gorgons you can change your weapons rally and attempt to kill them you can keep doing this over and over again after you wipe like I've said before forklift coil we'll do quick work of them if you're trying to get the Triumph to kill multiple Gorgons in a short period of time work of coil tether it could be really quick if everyone's got work with oil once again work with coil okay if you're just trying to get through this take the left path the left path you could go either on top of the rocks or the other method which is called the chat route which seems like you should be seen But if you pretty much stay on the side of the wall you could run through not be seen get through it [Music] once you're through the Gorgon maze you will have reached a jumping puzzle this jumping puzzle has multiple paths that you can take there are disappearing platforms and you can just either take the disappearing platforms jump across or my personal preference is go to the far right bottom platform pull out a sword jump across swing the sword make it to the end if you're on a hunter each registered is your best friend if you're on a warlock or Titan you should be able to make it without the sword thank you Guardian town once you are no longer on the edge of a cliff and you have reached a long hallway before entering that long hallway to the left of it there is a secret chest you just need to jump on a couple of platforms and you'll get it in order for the door to open at the end of the hallway everyone needs to be close to the door foreign welcome to the fourth encounter this is the second to last encounter and you will be in this area for the next two encounters but there will be overloads and thunderlord being able to deal with overloads is probably your best bet I'll normally run stasis with the submachine gun something for overloads and then something that can do good burst damage for many bosses the fourth encounter combines the mechanics from the opening counter with the first encounter and third encounter there are two sync plates that once activated only the overload Champion can retake just like the Minotaur in the opening counter two portals that players will need to pass through the left portal is called Mars and the right portal is called Venus within each portal there is a conflux just like the first encounter the complexes need to be defended just like the third encounter The Relic returns and there will be shielded enemies these are named praetorion and Only The Relic holder can break their Shields you'll need to kill the gatekeeper to be able to activate the plates and open the portal and Once Dead it will drop the Aegis Relic once again if you drop the Relic for too long it will disappear and wipe the team there is a debuff called teleport destabilize that is applied to Relic holders after entering a portal and it will prevent them from using a portal for 45 seconds this debuff forces players do have to exchange their Relic with another player the team will need to split into two teams a team of two which will be the home team each home team member will take a plate and defend against the Vex and prevent overloads from taking the place they will also kill the gatekeeper that will spawn in the middle and shut off the portals the other team is a relic team one person will pick up the Relic one person will enter Mars's portal and another will enter Venus's portal the final team member will be floating outside once the members are inside they will defend the complexes and when to Shield the praetorians spawn they will call it out The Relic Holder will come into the portal that was called and break the shield and Drop The Relic note you'll either have a praetorion or an unshielded wyvern both can be frozen or blinded and if necessary pushed off the map to be killed the original Relic Holder will become that Portal's new Defender the first player in the portal will take the Relic outside at the portal and give the Relic to the floating team member and that member will take it into the other portal and break the praetorian shield afterward dropping the Relic and becoming the new Portal's Defender repeat this until six praetorians are defeated once three praetorians have died inside each portal a prompt will appear that a complex has spawned outside everyone will need to head to the complex to defend it against the waves of enemies The Relic folder will have to break the praetorian shield once completed the complex will disappear and adjust will appear foreign foreign foreign welcome to the final encounter there is a Vex cube in the center that will start the encounter you will want something with long range for damage and encounter mechanics like arbelist and Rockets taipans or thunderlord solar resist is great for dealing with the harpies if you are a warlock I would suggest Starfire protocol and xenophage Titans can use heart of innermost light or caress of the falling star with pulse nates and thunder crash or Fusion needs with Ash and wake Hunters can choose between fusion aids with blade barrage Vortex days with tether or false nades with Gathering storms the best damage here is super inability spam this encounter is similar to last encounter with a damage phase oracles and some other complexities the best way of explaining this encounter is by going through the process of the encounter you will start the encounter and ate the end will spawn under the crystal arches you will clear out the harpies note leave one Harpy alive left and right that are flying in the sky it will prevent more harpies from spawning in after some time Atheon will lift his hand up and three players will be teleported randomly they will be in front of a relic and they will be in either Mars or Venus to avoid being teleported you could do what we did on third encounter which is have those people walk off the edge don't res themselves don't have someone else res them and self-res after the teleportation mechanic those that were teleported will be portal team one will need to pick up the Relic and the team will need to kill the gatekeeper the team will also need to move to the opposite side from where they were teleported it will be fairly safe and they should be far enough from ads to not get hit or barely get hit The Relic Holder will need to use their Shield ability cleanse their teammates of them marked by the void debuff which will prevent them from being blind portal team will need to call out if they are on Mars or Venus if the Relic is dropped it will need to be picked up before it disappears and wipes the team alright let's get back to the non teleported team which is the home team they'll need to have one member jump on a sync plate that was called they'll be right for Venus left for Mars and once completed they can get off nothing can deactivate the sink plates there are supplicants which are exploding harpies and you don't want to be close to them oracles will spawn in the sky there are six possible locations but only three will appear like before you will have two chances to see the order a home team member will call out the oracles through the portal team there are many different callouts but I prefer front left front mid front right back left back mid back right my preferred vantage point is on the wall above and to the right of spot there are three waves of oracles and once the final wave is called the home team will get into DPS position most people place themselves between etheon and the portal that the portal team will be leaving from they will start damaging the boss as soon as the buff times Vengeance starts alright back to the portal team if they have destroyed three waves of Oracles in the correct order they are safe to leave through the portal with the Relic the best thing for killing oracles is xenophage but I use snipers or my linear if I don't have xenophage once you leave the portal The Relic holder should have their Shield up to cleanse their teammates one last time before damage the portal team will join the home team for damage a teammate will be marked by entertainment and will want to move to atheon's feet if they do not move everyone close to them will be detained and the only method to break the detainment is for a free teammate to shoot the bubble The Relic folder will want to use their Relic super for damage the relics Shield protects against damage The Relic holder can drop the Relic if they have a better weapon or build for damage but the Relic will need to be re-picked up before it disappears and wipes the team once time's Vengeance Runs Out you start a whole new phase and you will repeat the process of being teleported and reaching the damage phase you have three attempts until the boss is enraged note during the damage phase you'll have it increased uptime of all abilities this includes supers grenades melees so take advantage of those supers and grenades to get off damage once time's Vengeance Runs Out you start a whole new phase and you'll repeat the process of being teleported and reaching the damage phase you will have three attempts until the boss is enraged [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you once the boss is defeated a chest will appear on top of the stairs you can buy weapons but currently the weapons are not craftable and congratulations on defeating Walter blast thank you for watching if you found this video helpful please like And subscribe if you're interested in doing other raids I have a deep Stone Crypt raid guide ready for you right now otherwise you can find me on Instagram Twitter Tick Tock Reddit and I stream on Twitch thanks ggs
Channel: GodQwark
Views: 15,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny, Destiny2, raid, guide, ddestiny, vaultofglass, vog, LightFall, New Light, VexMythoclast
Id: PKaE4sZq4L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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