VanossGaming Replay 3 Hours Gmod Random #1 Edition

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[Music] get me out guys i'm a disco and bridge [ __ ] but you're also celebrating hanukkah because you're like a dreidel trainer all right come on holy damn look at your hat you're gonna give us away right away you're a mean one mr shark oh this going down over here yeah where the hell are you guys they're gonna see your hats we're nowhere near just look for the big giant red pepper just sticking out is the air safe to breathe on this planet can i get it yeah let's go let's go how could we not break him out santa claus santa claus installed bulletproof glass damn santa santa you were rooted oh he's here come on oh my god your fat head couldn't fit through the door my hand was too big follow me follow me follow me follow me over here over here over here we are over here over here all right all right come on come on come on jesus it looks like you're wearing a mattress on your neck god marcel where are you taking us this is [Music] guys guys me and santa claus has teamed up against you joey come on come on 800 feet underground at this point i know when we come out of this tunnel we're going to be in battlefield under there i don't know what's over here actually this is my first time there's a good girl in the window right there oh where oh where oh great spot myself [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] look at hey i santa my fingers up my ass look santa's got the moves look at him [Music] all right let's follow santa all right wait what [Music] it's me i want you to spend a lot to prove you love your family up there oh come on is it hentai yeah you guys both take off your hats they're attached to us they're they're like surgically attached try looking down all right um look all the way up oh there you go look all the way up all the way up dude i'm let you you said anime i could just see this big giant anime character from a mile away okay this time follow this type of sound follow me i have a better one i have a better idea this one your last one was off this one this one's good this one's good all right shark suck you're not gonna find it you're not gonna ruin christmas sorry no yes man it's coming to earth this is good start close it close it and close it [Music] we just start punching each other does it work [Music] we'll come get you just wait this way this is good oh what floor are we on it doesn't matter we're going into all these chimneys and dumping in them here he goes [Music] [Music] i'm down here astronaut i see you up there how do you how do you know how did you guys get on the roof santa who is that spinning we got up there by the way yeah yeah hey [ __ ] you evan i'm gonna [ __ ] give you a call for christmas economists yeah you said [ __ ] sons of [ __ ] i'm gonna [ __ ] here in the middle what's up yeah yeah cheat this map is [ __ ] humongous dude guys help me guys no what is he doing get out of here crouch jump crouch jump crosstalk i can't get out i can't wait to cook you for christmas tyler okay [ __ ] you little bit of mashed potatoes some mushy peas some mushy cheese grinch accepted our apology you guys ah he can go [ __ ] on a cat i hear that where's the cat i got a [ __ ] where's this amazing spot tyler there is no amazing spot i just wanted to get as far away from where we were as possible we have to protect santa guys i'm drowning come here come here just [ __ ] [ __ ] you santa you're not the real santa i [Music] yeah my peasants thank you you are not behind us behind the scenes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] come on what where's the owl boy we're all birds now we're all birds we can always hello where are you at give us a clue there's only a minute if you're a bird and we're birds we can all hang out where are you where are you let's all hang out where we usually hang out oh christmas tree yes yeah talk about bird [ __ ] and [ __ ] can we [ __ ] on presents yeah of course we can make an old test out of newspaper clippings oh wow dude what a great christmas michelle i dammit myself didn't see me that's [Music] you're not hiding get away let's go hide let's go hide come on let's go hide man as a fellow bird i think we should both hide together yeah we're already birds we're already birds man don't don't yeah all right yeah i can't betray a fellow bird welcome everybody welcome to the lyrics torture zone right merry christmas oh evan hell the greatest escape ever wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hey i'll never suspect it they'll go where are they at yeah this spot is perfect what they want they went up an elevator they went [Music] we're waiting for the elevator where's the owl where i always am christmas tree industry you gotta teach him to win you fell for my trap dude guys fell for my trap is that a star wars reference line he could be here he could be here he's watching us he's watching us he is watching this everybody look in the windows no he's not oh you got me what's up these [ __ ] trees dude got his ass for [Music] this door no everyone just just find like you know okay okay okay i see i see it i see it i see it i see it all right how the [ __ ] we supposed to jump i can't make that jump wait wait wait wait let let marcel go to the front yes yes yes there you go you don't you don't you have five seconds stop there's a part two to the plan okay straight straight yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay let's go let's go ahead go everybody everybody don't you who me evan why are you crouching guys oh there he is [Laughter] where'd you go guys [ __ ] you so you [ __ ] you was gonna leave my step caught me but i thought it was normal i thought it was a [ __ ] oh my god oh my god i didn't know you were a bird got away the one guy where did he go no give us a clue he's only a minute left he's in there he's [Applause] i'm just very lonely okay [Music] all right we have some droids to find fellow trooper friend yes you do oh there's a droid right there scotty misa think no they're not near here they're not near here women there's three jar jars one of these is jar jar me to think you should shoot all the jar jars i think you should shut the [ __ ] up and die wait is that him oh it wasn't him it wasn't him i have one more hit i have my grenade launcher i do have a grenade here we go oh [ __ ] three two what did you say are you so sorry yeah wait a minute there's way too many jar jars in there there's way too many if that's what you know shoe shoe shoe shut up no it can't be that many jar jars walking around there man that guy has blood on it what about this guy you want to run you want to run yeah no it's not him it's not him it's not him i wasted so much health on these jar jars wait a minute didn't you yeah i like it yes it's meant to be yes have you uh you caught those droids i've asked you to caught you take that english class i sent you to why are they all sitting down i don't like this it's a trap it's a trap it's a trap oh i like it here let me let me let me get this one i can't do it what the [ __ ] was that there was nothing let me change chilling like a villain on penicillin don't you shoot that man that man did nothing to you man that man did nothing to you at all this isn't you i know it's not you it's a trap crap don't do it marcel that's not true it's a trap it's a trap i don't know which one they are i don't know [Laughter] all right they have to be in this area i i guarantee they're in this area somewhere yup yup guarantee i'm gonna check this guy here i'm gonna take this one i'm gonna check this one wait a minute wait a minute two yoda's time all right it's not him all right i'm on my last house guys do you see us yeah no way yeah no way yeah how many have you started how many times he said george you are running down there what are you on chargers [Laughter] yeah yeah we did it what up what up oh what are you doing you know just liking like it here here chip chip wait a minute watch this watch this video we do the robot man you move so smoothly for a robot i am i am i do i have the moves i need some oh you sir sir i want this one this is the one i want oh thank you thank you thank you okay oh oh look down there look look [Music] how am i gonna help you man he's this fat [ __ ] over here stuck in the wall okay look at the ball come here fatty are you serious help me i can't get out the wall you don't see me running oh delicious i don't know oh [Music] yeah you ain't gonna find jar jars oh there you go i liked it i liked it that was awesome i'm gone man [Music] [Music] lost you he's gone you [ __ ] he got a terrible direction he was then dead where is it now he just he ran down the ramp i have no idea where he's at lead us no idea oh no oh oh oh second wait a [ __ ] second die you fat sack of [ __ ] you killed him yes get out of here oh get it get it scotty get it scotty yeah it's a trap yeah it's trapped it's a trap it's trapped music music dancing somewhere oh i could do it all day for zero scotty scotty scotty scotty scott mr trap no [Music] i wasn't even shooting at him uh hey hey i know nbc's don't pick up barrels yes you're trying to turn this [ __ ] barrel okay i'm right here right here i'm right here yeah yeah i know i know just there's a guy right here that i really would like to get here i got an idea a good idea yeah but he's your power by the way tell me what your power is uh i could shock people oh oh i got i got the uh i got the other one oh oh [Music] i'm running so fast i'm so fat i'm so fat oh man no get it where are you here that plan those very bad plans [Music] oh [ __ ] um maybe i need to go in this direction i hear them i hear them they they oh [ __ ] i found them ready i found him he's a job one he's a joker hello chewbacca holy [ __ ] no let's just uh let's just you know let's just you know let's just just keep her going just keep moving [ __ ] oh he's investigating look at that yeah he's he's checking out the crime scene let's check it out where you going jar jar i don't even care where the [ __ ] are you evan can we have a clue is it a trap no no clues man but he is dancing right now he's he's dancing his ass off dancing he's dancing his ass off why don't you turn around look at him dancing look see you see him dancing yeah he's behind you go straight which one which one we're sitting on the ground he can't you can't go around wow you shut up like a sprinkler lisa crazy misa's so crazy right now let's talk it out storm troopers i think you're crazy lisa think you're very crazy she's small and dead that was great hilarious shrink and then just stand there [Music] it is a trap indeed i have not seen you guys in a long time i like your plan though this is a good plan just wait for them he's in here no i didn't see that he flew off the [ __ ] [Music] i don't know where they are man [Laughter] what nothing nothing nothing nothing else oh that was weird what was that guy doing what else do you got i want to see some more oh you like that ass you like that ass yeah yeah smell that ass samuel yeah what the [ __ ] what are you doing guys that ass looks like he knocked over the barrel he's definitely around here he knocked over that barrel knocked over the barrel he's one of these he's one of them what the [ __ ] is going on off oh god beer boy i think you've been waiting i think you're darth vader yes yes you're good what are you doing you gotta hide behind the thing you guys ready for this i'm ready all right your name is ivan no it isn't your name is evan anthony and cody so low about you my name is marcel okay you are 16 years old no i'm not born september 1962. now if my math that is correct make any sense not correct unless of course the year is 1978. hmm anyone anyone i don't get it [Laughter] continues in a small countryside house why are you the i grinch all right i'm sorry about that sorry you live in a small countryside house in siberia your grandmother has gone out to get some water you're waiting for her to come back dot dot dot none of that is true that's seriously the setup your grandmother has gone to get water all right we're going in who's touching my leg is that you oh god oh oh god no i'm insane just a nightmare hello anybody home oh hey this is a door oh wow oh okay this is this road would be nice this is yeah this is not scary yet this is not very peaceful what's this what's this oh yeah we got a nice little garden growing some potatoes it looks like no way grandma was doing this what's over here is this an outhouse someone's gonna be dead someone's always dead nope it's just a box it's just a and a shovel was this a horror map or a minecraft map evan what did you buy you might need this really really how do we know we're going to take me hot oh my god and that's exactly why we needed it i didn't take boy scouts and i don't know which way we should be going moss grows in the morning obviously we need to always follow the darkness up [Music] oh [ __ ] that looks scary don't worry guys i got your back i got the rear am i going first yeah you're going first why fine i'll go where's grandma everybody in oh you just missed something something happened behind you i don't know what it was he's taking the smart man i saw something though was it grandma all right so left is another vent and then to the right there's a hole go towards the whole board oh my god he scared this [ __ ] he jumped what was it oh it's just pushing right in the ass what the hell is this oh i see what happened here doesn't know how to work an elevator and they want to oh what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] sound like someone opened up a can of seven up and it scared the [ __ ] out of me i'm behind you evan we just gotta activate four generations and we get the [ __ ] out of this [ __ ] watch out duck oh [ __ ] he got me he got me what the hell where am i where am i i'm in a [ __ ] ball oh what the [ __ ] is this are you six feet under i'm in some weird blobby choppy thingy yeah crazy like death run yeah yeah you gotta get to the end the end has a generator i almost got there how did you almost get there because i'm inside of like a dick or something what the [ __ ] [Music] okay so i gotta try to get past this yeah it opens and closes like no i didn't make it hey evan which way do you want to go [ __ ] loud ass music off to that much where do you want to go let's go this way okay we're putting activates the generator oh god damn it [ __ ] you i'm in the chocolate room i'm in the choppy room again is anybody in the choppy room i am so confused what the [ __ ] are we doing i don't [ __ ] know evan i don't i don't know either darkness around you i can't see anything there's just [ __ ] all over my screen i have a small [ __ ] scene hey what's up hey you gotta you gotta put on your flashlight we're selling right behind you right behind you my flashlight is on hey what's up i can't see a goddamn thing use your hacking texture skills marcel oh my god i uh oh i'm in the chopping room you have to beat the choppy room how do you beat it i don't [ __ ] know evan i'm just running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm dead this is so visually appealing i love this three by three complete complete blackness complete complete blackness like i say we know clip oh yeah we did it we did it oh we did it guys we did it no we [ __ ] didn't yeah jumped in god damn it that's not and now my screen's all [ __ ] up again these are all purple so they're important oh are they doesn't mean they're important it just means that you don't have them nope airports i like marcel's take on it this is very important all these things can we get this [ __ ] off my god damn [ __ ] all right what do you see that's purple every [ __ ] time that's not that's so like unoriginal but it [ __ ] gets you because it's out of nowhere there's no rhyme or reason oh let me pick up the computer oh so scared man [ __ ] zombie [Music] oh you want to go [ __ ] let's go is he holding a nade yes suicide zombie are you [ __ ] kidding me look around the house okay we're back in here all right i am i am not losing our safety boxes here uh guys guys what oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that you want the safety box take the safety bar do we need to feed the [ __ ] spirit look the box is gone it's inside the house oh god night oh my god i swear to god if we're doing the same [ __ ] it's the same thing all right we're back welcome welcome back to the same [ __ ] part two this is good oh a note now my brother has had brother had schizophrenia are you reading it if your ass is right on it don't judge me okay i read with my dick your brother has raised his braille with your dick go ahead joe go ahead chill my brother has schizophrenic stroke today i'm sick worried for him mom and dad are also worried we had to call [ __ ] we're also we called for doctor we ended up going to the hospital in yankovic but we pretty much instantly stopped all right mom and dad too busy for a brother i'll do my best to comfort him all right i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it you guys ready for this what's up [ __ ] oh wait there's nothing god slowly like one of these is going to be [ __ ] i knew it [ __ ] you i [ __ ] knew it you know what no i know what no one knows well i can't see anything around the house we don't we're already supposed to do that oh thank god it's daytime map was created by a huge dick maybe it's marcel's braille reading dick you are completely hidden in there this is where i go when grandma beats me to the shed outside guys the door oh my god it's a nice time out here oh my god run in the house run the house run the house run the house run the house all right guys why is the door locked hello the house run the house go to the house go to the house go to the house go to the house guys the scary music is playing and i can't get in the hello where are you stuck in there yeah i can't get stuck in the back go to bed go to bed you're already back inside we didn't we don't have chilled i'm stuck in the [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's starting oh here we go boss fight don't die thanks thanks for the tip oh god oh god oh god what do we do what do we do how do we fight them we don't have weapons we run let's run just run just run marcel we're still jumping i'm running i'm spikes there's spikes i'm running you can run super fast tell me if you find a weapon oh what is that what is that you set off a trap yeah i should have a trap trap use the traps oh this one there's another one over here there's another one over here what's the boss here is it is it is it the is it the dingleberry flying around or is the [ __ ] zombie turds who dingleberry has something over there yeah you sure did holy [ __ ] you're a hero oh oh he's appearing now he got damaged oh let me out of here that's the [ __ ] button where's he coming he's not let's do a stupid ass scream where's the ghost guy who's the ghost guy no adam stop eating pizza focus on where the ghost guy is oh i see him where is it cody you made him go the other way yeah got one now what about 37 more he's coming he's coming he's coming this way he's coming this way come on oh did we get him dead i'm dead i'm gonna get him we got him oh we didn't get it i think we did it but that looks so silly we're just sewing marcel's ass on my screen i am iron already closeted oh he's oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we have guns let's go let's go let's go let's go baby let's go here we go round them up oh [ __ ] stuck in the fenders oh what is that what the [ __ ] is that just speak myself and run tell me if you find help tell me if you guys find health because i am very close to dying oh wait we always we always uh you always get healthy let's get help the laser i'm dead i need another gun i need another gun where's the gun where's the gun where's the gun where's the gun it's on the floor in front of the in front of the ammo box are we killing these little guys or what just kill everything and i'm dead i see got [ __ ] up i think so i think so i don't think bouncers taking damage oh i think we're doing something we're doing something what did you do what did you do i'm just shooting him marceli this reminds me of that the the boss fight in the zombies but like 100 times shittier drop your wagner rock track your rocket rock yeah i like marcel's approach there you go yeah they're all burning we got them oh that's it no what yes it is grandma are you back here grandma never came back let's start spawning stuff let's just start spawning stuff until this [ __ ] map crashes yeah there we go there we go we gotta start spawning the big [ __ ] yes yes this is what i'm talking about this is my type of map this is a better ending than what they had oh wait up here we beat the ghost we just flipped around him [ __ ] you ghost all right now we're gonna [ __ ] his day [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [ __ ] what's going on in here we're gonna jump scare the ghost what's the purple smoke no idea man no [ __ ] idea holy [ __ ] i think this is the world's largest build-up yeah all right i'm getting out of here there's no getting out of here let's get in the car and driving home oh my god that sound that is so loud it's so laggy [Music] look at marcel's body i can't even spawn what the [ __ ] marcel just lawn chaired across me you you crashed the map you crashed there yes that's how we do it welcome to olive garden welcome to olive garden take a seat come on down to the olive garden and get your free bread sticks this is a great [ __ ] commercial hey i want some i want some bread you want some breadsticks yeah someone loves to break sticks well come on down come on down come on down to the olive garden to get yourself press sticks [Music] yeah what are you guys doing we are looking for the free bread sticks yo i want i want a breadstick i'm going to get serious yes it's very serious wait a minute i want a free breakfast suspicious bam give me a free breast stick um where are you going he actually did go on the roof yeah it disappeared man hell yeah there was a party on the roof that [ __ ] was crazy dude what the [ __ ] dad there was so many people up there and then you shut them all off oh hey hey sir no shooting in the restaurant hey all right do you have a reservation the [ __ ] out of here man you're not allowed in olive garden [Music] hey guys what are y'all doing hey you're not allowed in olive garden people go away yeah there's [Laughter] yes guys guys they're trying to break through the windows they're so hungry okay so yeah they're going to run even though you went wildcat shut up man i was stuck and i couldn't get out of there which one is evan huh which one is wait a minute so wildcat was was him so the first wildcat you see shoot him okay where's he at where's that where's that was it was here was it what mlg do you see me dance never no i didn't [ __ ] kiss lucky ass [ __ ] wow all right record this this is your plan all right since since yeah you have to steal all of the bread sticks okay you have to steal them all you are not stealing any bread sticks he's stealing all the bread sticks i i have loved olive garden breadsticks my whole life i control this restaurant i'm the hostess the bartender the cook oh yeah the waiter oh yeah everything for everything yeah so try to steal my bread sticks home you have to steal the secret formula to the infinite bread sticks where's the formula lead me to it uh to the right all right now down to the left left there you go there you go yeah you're straight yep yep turn right there you go there you go now turn left okay go straight and then [ __ ] dumb sock heads he was trying to steal it you know that's the he had to wear that on his head all right let's go let's go into the same place they wait too yeah oh yeah because you're totally gonna do that yeah yeah we're totally gonna do this yeah yeah yeah disguise look look this is delirious marcel he's trying to look look just wait just wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait first that was amazing that was the best round ever why did you have to look at me i call this one the booby [Music] it's gonna be one sitting down it's gonna be one of the ones sitting down he's doing the dance [ __ ] dance why is everybody trying to get an olive garden i think i figured that i'd have a more impressive garden considering this is the olive garden yeah this tree is dead right here look at that stupid gardener with that idiot does he even know how to use that hose yeah what [ __ ] whoa can you stop blowing stuff up indoors jesus christ yeah hey hey you you what are you doing huh what are you doing stop shooting the bunny rabbits mr yellow sleeves you shot that rabbit right in the head you got a lead out of my way no i don't have a lead i believe where the hell are these [ __ ] next to us i don't have a meeting i don't have to leave they were in the front delirious time [Music] welcome to the [ __ ] not panicked they're inside all right oh my god how did he not kill you that's so dumb because there are so many of them there is my special ability was decoy oh i'm almost [Music] [ __ ] welcome oh god the olive garden sign is really [ __ ] bad just look at that america's trap homework forgot i'm stuck [Music] i'm over here promoting good business come on down to the olive garden and get your free breath sticks this is a great [ __ ] commercial hey i want some i want some bread sticks you want some bread sticks yeah someone loves to break sticks come on down come on down to the olive garden to get yourself pre-stick that's such a catchy song it's like simplest of jingles can i get a discount on the brisbane [Music] you killed our marketing team we killed that pink and little somewhere around here i have a feeling he's one of these people that i'm staring at right now don't don't shoot like you always go dude he's on to me i will shoot in the face you know what i'll use the crowbar i use the crowbar to who i think look at this idiot look at that dumb ass [ __ ] you see that dumb ass [ __ ] that guy's a dumbass [ __ ] come on down hey you you want something come on i got free food the [ __ ] are they doing delirious come on down to the oligarchy [Music] you're terrible [Applause] how do you do it come [Music] wait we gotta do it in like sequence so like i got you come on down to the oh oh oh olive [Music] [Music] come on dan dancing and sitting come on dan did it i love gardening and get your favorite sticks yeah i don't know where they are [Music] come on [Laughter] hello hello hello hello go in go in the bathroom i'm going i'm going in the bathroom let me use the bathroom here's the [ __ ] bathroom he's gonna try and sneak out he's gonna drive him in his bathroom he's trying to try to go down the toilet trying to flush himself goodbye delirious i killed a [ __ ] grinch i'm trying to go down the toilet he ain't stealing christmas no more more like pasta la vista am i right stand up stuck evan i'm stuck what do you want me to do huh please i'm gonna [ __ ] thank you come on down to the olive garden come on down the olive garden and i can't [ __ ] help you push me push me push me push me push him good wait wait i'm good there you go yeah all right all right now we could uh now we could oh my [ __ ] god come on down that olive garden get your free red sticks come on down here oh [ __ ] all right i'm [ __ ] done yo what up man hey what's up god you look amazing man you're gonna be the best superhero ever when you grow up oh man just think about all the people i'm gonna save delirious yes i think i changed my mind i don't want to be a superhero anymore yeah i want to be a super villain oh yes i had to make a deposit okay how much you want to deposit sir you got to slip what do you mean deposit he meant withdrawal hey look at us when we're talking to you huh he's giving us the sign of treatment just [ __ ] kill the man oh god i really did change to the dark side wow evan wow what see your little swirly thing looking around it's really thin what do you mean the thing under under the prop oh like right the glitchy thing yeah did you see that stupid money yeah hey they're shooting in the bushes they're shooting in the bushes oh oh oh oh oh you don't have a grenade you don't have a grenade he's in here we're on this corner he's in there straight to the right beautiful beautiful they're waiting for you man they're waiting for you they're waiting for you all right as soon as he as soon as he turns around you go as soon as he turns around okay okay okay tennessee turns around as soon as you [ __ ] uh he might be behind you by the way your your little things your little thing it's okay just shut up shut up shut up shut up where where are you what [Laughter] have we never gonna catch you [Music] [Laughter] what are you run around run around it's like a racetrack you're going through oh oh oh he's not sure oh he's going i'm sorry [Music] you can't even find it if you look for it anymore you just said that so people would search for it yeah i did go get the damn buddy show me where this money is let's go i'll show you exactly where the money is i'll show you exactly where the money is wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i saw a lobster you look suspicious you son of a [ __ ] you actually could use the elevator really oh you can't use the elevator there ain't no zoidberg haunting this thing oh you can you can push the button that's it you can only open and close the doors um i see somebody kind of pull a mission impossible over here how do you look up he's escaping where what is he running i got him oh the [ __ ] man you're like where's your accomplice are you in the plant sir i heard that i heard that oh got it you got it man in here what are you talking about it's a filthy spot really it's i'm trying i'm trying to give him flashing you guys he's flashing you i see that [ __ ] i see him he's right there he's a cop he's a cop he's a guy he ran he ran which way which way which is there's no place when you're that damn small oh be wrecking you guys oh i see him oh he's right there he's right there he's behind the desk yeah he saved the the night janitors is here and we're here to clean up the bank yeah [ __ ] i picked the wrong prop then what is he oh is he garbage kid he's going [ __ ] somewhere around here see nothing boy i'm not at the front i'm at the back was it you weren't even near me i haven't even seen you yet who the [ __ ] was it it was nobody damn it i try to talk my way out of it um [ __ ] wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute [ __ ] is broken in here the keyboard was out of place the keyboard was out probably should pick something up would you be one of these cabinets wait a minute oh no no no what are you out of sight yes yes yes yeah the other side of the other side he might not be here he might not be here on the other side where is he going he's picking up everything by [Music] you make the mess and then you clean it hey you know where i died with that chair he's he's very suspiciously close to that no he's he's nowhere around here yes i am you're not near here [ __ ] you what the hell is [Applause] oh you see me do you see me right on the list yes so i see you yeah yeah okay i'm gonna i'm gonna jump okay tell me how many times i jump after i say after i say now okay all right [Music] he never jumped no i jumped six times he [ __ ] lied here [Laughter] maybe i'm nice maybe i'll lie to you you're not that good yeah you wouldn't be able to lie about a lie hey lobster what are you doing hey oh my god you just shot my friends i know you're lying because you don't have friends i don't oh oh [Laughter] i'm not what are you talking about man how clear is your joint vag where is he oh yeah where am i i was the guy you shot the grenade at but it didn't kill me all right all right which way which way this is this no no no no opposite like this uh yes there there we go oh yeah yeah you're the same thing so oh yeah yeah brother got this yeah put the bread crumbs baby go to the middle go to the middle look for the bread the am i the right way around yeah yeah you're good if you're doing the same things me you're good but it doesn't matter because we're totally not anything that matters in what direction we're going oh yeah yeah yes we're robbing this bank no robin rob in this bank you know what we're doing we're hiding all right until these guys go home oh yeah three minutes their shift is over yeah well you know what good i'm coming to murder everybody in this bank including props they were water bottles you [ __ ] alcoholic beverage stop running for me alcoholic life ever come over here over here over here over here dude sit there in here and go right correct go right [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] the ultimate weapon yeah oh evan nope just what about about this yeah [Laughter] why would you suspect is in your ass because why would you put it why would you put water bottles in your ass that doesn't make sense yeah i don't get it i don't know weird [ __ ] is that uh delirious cool breeze you see uh do you want some water bottles you want sour sweet thirsty baby come on come on in front of me are the four bravest men in the entire universe we got wildcats yes basically i do work adventure time mini lad i and goomba all right man all right man what a puppy shut up i don't know who you are big chin okay are you guys ready for the greatest journey of all time sorry all right men and bag yes you guys are ready for the greatest journey of your entire lives you guys ready for the ride of a lifetime in three yeah two one let's do this [Music] well this game [ __ ] sucks the [ __ ] is this all right if anybody can make it through the middle of this okay i got i got guys i got this all right guys this is a very dangerous stunt all right uh-huh i got this you got to use pure technique okay technique technique technique go evan go technique he's gonna die okay gotta use speed and agility speed and agility we learned this technique from chuck norris oh i almost made it dude i almost made it no you died yeah i almost made it though all right let me take a good look at this make sure i can just do some little calcul i just got the hiccups what the [ __ ] is that tyler no that [ __ ] huge ass thing over there surprise [ __ ] i literally just robbed my keyboard oh my [ __ ] god don't worry this is a friendly he only eats he only eats plants and old men doggie here boy hi doggy nice doggy [ __ ] going in don't do it finn okay never mind he's dead yeah you don't move they can't see you okay they definitely see us follow me all right you see this door right here run to it and clicky [Music] clicky oh yes i click t oh the top of the building look how [ __ ] big this place is oh wow it's crazy look at the view [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] wait come back up all right i'm on my way all right i got killed by the dinosaur do you see how many [ __ ] dinosaurs there is just get over here it's safe up here i got a shotgun okay i found a shotgun [ __ ] guys guys we got this mario is sneaking up he is sneaking up behind enemy lines okay he's stupid oh we're good okay okay we're good he doesn't notice you he doesn't understand never mind he notices no no this isn't funny anymore this is like a scooby-doo scene he made it get back out there stop being a little [ __ ] he sees us he sees us he sees us be quiet here boy hey boy okay stay stay you're a good boy you're a good boy i'm not oh god which one is louis oh [ __ ] oh no oh god right here which one is you melon what is that one [Music] i'm so confused i know which one are you okay hold on hold on louie all right there's only room for one louie me oh [ __ ] i know this is not the safest way to solve this problem but it's the most convenient which one is louis don't think he's flying in the air what about this guy in the back huh hi you in the back look real suspicious huh suspicious what are you doing back here huh huh god damn it wasn't him no you aren't that wasn't you oh this is you goodbye louie wait wait wasn't the objective to kill all the people who weren't louis oh yeah that's right come on guys join me the water's warm it's warm and clumpy come on seriously everyone get the [ __ ] in here right now cannonball it's me and mario i'm good you look so [ __ ] relaxed i know twerk it twerk it girl twerk it girl twerk it girl look at that ass got a ass gotta ass gotta ask gotta ass you're gonna tell us where you put those mushrooms okay i'm gonna give you three seconds three seconds to tell us one three now tell us tell us where the mushrooms are i don't know that didn't go as planned applause for runoff kobe god damn it you're so heavy colby [ __ ] kobe kobe kobe kobe oh yeah oh yeah great one toby good job oh yeah look at that look at that two feet there must be like high gravity or something look i know i'm five guys but like that's that's just taking too far get jiggy with i it check your luggage i had reports all the bushes yeah i'm checking the bushes i'm already on the plane what yeah i got on here illegally illegally the captain's not even on the plane yet oh this guy hey look he's running look at him he's hugely [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] wait who just saw me in the bushes there wait a minute who's that i saw you oh i don't know who's no who was right in front of me i was joined and left the discord oh delirious delirious you were at the bushes because i was at the bushes yep yeah yeah and he ran away i got 10 health this isn't good he's not good hey hey 10 health allows me to use magnum right yes it's my last shot yes yes oh god no it wasn't him was that him all right no gloves it is close though you're very close is it just me no who's left the only one that died it's a 3v1 situation really war situation moves like our very own little security situation right here yeah oh i'm in those elevators by the way whoever's there yeah yeah i'm actually in the elevator i'm trapped in here help me a likely story help me i'm dying you really think that's one of the elevators no but this light wait what oh what is that what does that mean green underwear what the [ __ ] does that mean he had green underwear all the rest of him had black underwear and he had green underwear who was he oh yeah he wears underwear who shot the grenade launcher uh you would pick early bird wouldn't you brock [ __ ] you evan little corpse lodge is funny every [ __ ] npc near you [ __ ] ass yeah you wait i saw you walking you looked suspicious and you made it yeah i was walking completely normal nothing suspicious about that this is really successful hit me again we're just using abilities so we're just using ability to be careful with that yeah i gotta be real careful with that deagle you lose someone [Music] oh i can't deal with these fake thanos's here huh you want to know what my favorite movie is what's that what's your favorite movie this poster up there upstairs i like do you like that show oh it goes on a bit too long it kind of tracks what's going on really we're gonna try and do it like that i tried to shotgun scotty [Music] security you gotta search me before you kill me all right let me see [Laughter] that was a [Music] huh i don't know what to do i don't really know what it was isn't this the one that just makes everyone dance uh no no no no no no just use it whenever you want to but it use it like look far away when you use it look far away it's not teleport is close to people oh okay i know what you're saying you like puss in boots you guys and you guys you're going to go moving boots huh put some good movie i like family guy i don't have a purpose what do i say about you you shutting up right shut up don't you don't need to do any hints i've got that under control i've got that under control i promise you i found the family guy poster yeah thanks no glow excellent puss in [Laughter] it's a [ __ ] [Music] i can't believe that you're nice that's christina stand back here and jerk my torque jerk my torch i'm gonna jerk my torch what the torque that's like 100 that's taken from like the thumbnail of a porno and then just throwing a sketcher's logo on it that's 100 what happened there it's christine aguilera if she's an importer you better link it too you're the worst security i've ever seen why are we the ones we just killed one terrorist we're looking you're not allowed to wear masks in airports yeah you are it's illegal you got the word yeah yeah but we're security we can do whatever the [ __ ] we want yeah that's how it works tsa [ __ ] his spot is amazing oh you're very brave you're very brave okay you're very brave yes you're just so brave without your parents look look no go look oh god there's a link inside something no nobody just said you're very brave without your parents is he a link in the bushes oh man holy [ __ ] look at that ronald mcdonald yeah he's a big one i found him i found him where was he where was he slapping around those boys and of course i couldn't get a decent power up like bravotron or some [ __ ] i had to get [ __ ] vampirism he was literally underneath the delirious the dead bodies yeah he was oh wow he's the one who made it spawn hey wildcat he'll welcome what do you guys not break [ __ ] you is [Applause] delirious send him to the moon send him to the moon it's airport [Music] where is delirious i was uh oh smacking the booty the booty smacking the booty i like smackdown [ __ ] is this nobody what do you mean i don't know who's this who's this man he's still alive hey panda what are you doing jesus i was scratching my ear so much happened during all right guys let's hope you don't spawn near noga because they'll hit you first try shut the [ __ ] up you're obvious man i mean wait that's that's everybody though i hate people i don't i try to use my brain standing still doing nothing man i have a brain i was walking my for instance this [ __ ] bunny doing nothing and doing nothing look [Music] [ __ ] [Applause] that was [ __ ] awesome we survived real quick you guys are fired i tried to save you tyler more effort on your part [ __ ] i don't like this big ass [ __ ] mario that got stuck on the wall right here yeah i don't like this one you don't know you don't maybe you should [ __ ] take a shot [ __ ] i did take a shot yeah that's cause it's not me [ __ ] hey no gloves [Music] so far nobody knows i'm living here oh god how long have you been living there is just like the movie terminal i've been eating ketchup packets oh man you've been [ __ ] them too apparently i've been eating ketchup packets and [ __ ] them out that sounds delicious thus explains the color of my underoos you're not a panda [ __ ] we had a panda oh but i very much am the only thing i have is i found it no come on hey how you doing oh [Music] come on come on now we'll stop running you can clearly knock me out come on what just happened [Music] yes i'm trying to kill tyler outside of the map over here dancing wow crazy ain't gonna kill me [Music] okay i just have some questions to ask a delta employee okay my flight has been delayed and i'm looking to make arrangements to get home he also lost all of his clothes in the process i i tend to travel light so wait wait i gotta carry no clothes stay there and you make it behind behind the front desk darn it does anyone have a noob tube he's going to try to nuke to you from the top watch out oh oh you can do them jimmy goes [ __ ] oh god they got a sniper [Music] that [ __ ] wave is amazing oh man oh my god tsa at this airport does not play any [ __ ] game all i did was go to the wrong [ __ ] goddamn airline company that is a big ass booty oh my god it is we gotta go yeah we gotta go we gotta go we gotta got many layers oh where should we go all right guys guys this place is office let's just say it's not like any other map these guys look suspicious wait a minute wait a minute yeah guys wait a minute somebody isn't facing the right way on the conveyor belt he's right here we can't little we can't believe [ __ ] he's fast that's the oh there's the other guy there's another old man totally [ __ ] up [Music] there we go there we go i gotta get in come on okay okay all right louie let's go all right no glue i hear that there's three old men that are actually real old men the rest of them are just black figurines how come we don't have eyeballs like like pupils hang on i don't know it is i wonder if there's more old men in here than that oh yeah yeah i shoot them all shoot them around oh yeah work done busy work but it's good though pretty hard i'm working really really hard i wasn't even i didn't even know you were there hey thanks for coming up here what's up i heard let's play 20 questions okay okay question one one okay question one are you a suitcase in the corner beside a fence door [Laughter] it gave you guys like 30 more seconds to hide so keep hiding okay okay okay here we'll be the best of friends how do i look how do i look uh stupid i'll be a lookout wait wait no this is perfect they're never going to suspect here that table doing huh where'd that table go just a table on my way to table work all right table you lead me to them all right show me where they're at table i think this is him i think this is him all right you get one try if he's hey wait where are you going i gotta get the tables from the table work man hey [Laughter] is that you with the shock who's that with the shotgun that's me with a shotgun oh yeah which one am i huh huh all right all right hold on let me think real hard my powers of deduction i'm going to say you're in oh no no no no no are you sure i'm not the guy behind you see that ladder over there see that ladder no glass at you with the shotgun yes it's me yes yes i'm so glad you didn't shoot me enough times to kill me oh which one was it don't mind which one are you mad what is he huh which one is he [Music] which one is he oh dear oh my god downstairs there's a can it's moving what do you see you see a cup you see a cup okay well played okay all right thanks guys if you just let me work here work harder i'm working really hard oh look at all this blood i caught into these trees they bleed little mass [ __ ] misery okay which one are you is this good yes this is good get in the gap [Music] yes oh look it looks even better than the original look perfect get in the gap you say waiters i saw you he's long gone right there's right there wow that i said you were near [Music] that's not that's not convincing guy that's any way by himself no go away by himself he's out of place over here i don't know oh yeah yeah yeah look at that guy over there yeah that [ __ ] up for that one it's over guys it's over it's over okay just play cool hey cool uh yeah this is probably not right just a little bit good right just a tiny bit said right oh i don't know which way you're looking yeah oh he's upstairs he's not stacking you guys oh hi i see you've got a friend in there were you dropping delirious why are you dropping i'm going to slap these sprigs oh yeah i'm going to land on the blue house right now oh [ __ ] someone else just landed on the blue house made it i'm going to let her house get him get him get him get him check out help i need to revive somebody happy your ears damn it i'm not playing this game anymore all right ladies and gentlemen in order to determine who's death for this fort shite fortnite death run porsche i love it we're gonna have a little battle royale of our own that's right uh seven retards are gonna land on this map battle till there's one [ __ ] left and then that [ __ ] gets to choose which [ __ ] is death sounds good we're all gonna use these shitty pistols so it's nice and fair cut to the fight where are we landing boys it looks like our options are tilted let's go or tilted boys everybody stay down straight out all right straight down straight down let's do it all right grab guns i'm just going to hide like i usually do oh fortnight [ __ ] oh [ __ ] fortnight luckily i got zone oh [ __ ] someone just died i saw an angel fly in the sky oh [ __ ] damn it yeah oh [Applause] it's hilarious yeah i haven't seen any of you it's not a single wall you guys suck okay yeah here we go he broke the window and went down this is better than any invitational i've seen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] flying around oh [Music] look at that [ __ ] when you said someone was shooting you in the back i was looking through this tiny little crack right here yeah over here you're a little [ __ ] he's deaf no i can i can hear you got two med kids all right right there two main kids each very very in down there is a victory royale oh yes i love it victory royale cheese all right who's going first who's going first anybody wants some donuts i will these donuts or bagels yeah they're definitely donuts these enemies what is this you guys know you guys play foreign this looks like an electric trap that used to be in the game but they're not anymore only wildcat would know that only wildcats oh wow i got a push go get the shields so much heels down there i'm struggling all right what is this i've never seen blood in here and holy [ __ ] this is the person this is where they introduce zombies i was right i was right i knew that was going to happen they had vehicles important they definitely do now all these new updates look at the poor guy okay how much wood do we have got to hit it you got to hit it to switch it how much what three inches okay no we don't want that hit it again there one more oh we don't want it what's the next time can i take one of these can we can we pick them up they're gone oh no hey wait scar oh it's a scar [ __ ] [ __ ] see the little body launches yeah oh [ __ ] butch campers guys that's the whole oh we got some brush campers [Music] [Laughter] oh this is where oh i'm so curious grenades [Applause] wow i'm sorry wow i took them hey guys look at all the shields i was gonna impulse launch to the end of the level it's launch pads check it out if i go on one do it i want to make it to the end no guys i made it to the end all right this is the last trap so you all have to make it okay oh wait yeah so we're gonna reset it after every after everyone okay until until only one is remaining are we doing a friendship test or not no no no no one at a time what do you do just go all right all right go yes yes okay okay reset red or yellow you got yellow red or yellow there's no way he picked yellow [Laughter] do not pick yellow okay because he obviously knows you're not going to pick yellow again so just do not here's the thing i mean maybe i'm in his head maybe i picked red now maybe he's in your head brock was your favorite color yellow blue this shirt is yellow and red yeah and my pants are blue yes the champion that literally could have been the quickest death run video ever this time we only have one medkit because we realize how short this map is yes one make it to win them all all right please go ahead die come on step on come on one minute does that mean we got two lives we have no kids we're all go we're all solo with no big kids no stop confusing the scoreboard okay that's just for the video wait we can't score just freaking out with like numbers glitching are you kidding me that's all not like if you just go here [Laughter] this one you're going to die actually yeah how do you explain that in fortnite all right bush camping [ __ ] these are really fast these ones kill fast so you can you better watch out they're good snipers right they are they're good also they're like idiots with scars most overpowered combo in the game whoever wins this gets to meet drake whoever wins becomes drake's new best friend oh all right you gonna drink one oh [ __ ] he's gone that was a hell of a plan right here why is the last trap already activated i don't know it's been activated already we have a 1v1 situation now [Laughter] we got one people association now where are these things called again person can meet drake he's a busy man yeah oh distraction conversation i'll get to the ending oh wow what the hell oh yeah what wait do we each have to make it or is this friendship yeah we got it no no listen listen listen [ __ ] we gotta turn our back they gotta pick it and we gotta stand in a perfect line so they don't know who's going what side oh yeah yeah nice actually no no we're we're facing this all right it's already pressed it's already impressive all right history tells us they always press yellow which means that they're probably gonna press yellow again if only we had the rock paper scissors emotion therefore we're going to pretend to go on red and we're going to go back on yellow again oh [ __ ] me god damn it [ __ ] favorites i finally won you a game of fortnite all right oh [ __ ] so what do you get after you win a game of fortnight nothing nothing nothing miserable wow okay well now okay you get to be proud of something for once in life that's about it oh post it on snapchat everybody i was about to say yeah post it on snapchat or instagram hey everybody wait wait wait where's drake somebody spawned drake for me oh this is gonna be super racist let's do this hold on where is i'm going to turn around and when when you tell me to turn back around drake better be there i got him you spawned that right i'm so bad at i don't know rap artist all right drake's here evan [ __ ] you get to meet drake oh [ __ ] he does not like you he is a little nervous what's wrong drake who spawned this by the way okay just so we so you know this joke is fine because marcel's he's the only black guy on the list besides franklin for [ __ ] gta but we're just saying this joke is acceptable because on the screen in the bottom right or there it is the black stamp of [ __ ] air you want vin diesel instead i was gonna spawn [Laughter] get a bunch of different people what the [ __ ] bounce bumping down [Applause] god's plan god's plan why is this the most amazing thing i've ever seen [Laughter] this is the remaining five minutes of my video we're getting this to 10 minutes boys here we go oh he's dragging it's a drake it's a dream [Laughter] i'm just gonna end it [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah we can't get a raise all right goodbye goodbye guys it's been a good run please went straight to heaven [Laughter] get in that [ __ ] hole evan get in there better i better go straight to heaven yeah you see this [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] evan's driving the battle that's right you ever seen the driver this is what he looks like you've been dropping the battle bus all these years i didn't evan's been having so much trouble getting kills he got a new job driving the battle bus you have no idea how much money i make in this job ten dollars a day have you ever seen the the crash battle bus that's that's the one he drew oh yeah oh he's going over tilting now oh here's lonely lodge slowly making his way over moisty meyer oh [ __ ] oh he's going a little too fast [Laughter] and thus that's the origin of the crashed battle bus that that is yeah that's how it went down wow yeah you better wash that dick off [Laughter] all right i'm waiting on the animation of no glee in the shower with me let me smell you yeah you better wash that dick off [ __ ] creepy bastard all right perfect now every time i mention that i do something involving video games someone says oh you know that game fortnite i'm gonna link in this [ __ ] video yeah we know fortnite i play fortnite all the time right here it's a battle it's a battle royale between me and my sixth [ __ ] friend oh hardware i'd like my hardware sounds like a hint i like my wear hard very clever oh oh they never can see me oh yeah the spot is too [ __ ] good yeah it's not bad is that right i don't like it i like it i actually feel like that could work [Music] never gonna find me he wasn't facing right i wasn't facing the right way wasn't facing the right way see this one oh this one see see this parallel to the street that one not parallel to the street boom i am the snake that rides the train how the [ __ ] was that i am the snake the one who dies young uh everything well i'm gonna go ahead and change whoa was that the joker laughing did you hear that we sounded like the joker oh oh really was he sounding like the joker huh yeah oh sick rig bro you look good move more forward more forward yeah that's it right there ah you're a hard worker brock gotta say he had a desk no yes what are you doing doesn't minute a half what are you doing stop go back ah [ __ ] boring boring working this nine to five look man you're walking all right get back to your desk ladies [ __ ] they're here they're typing some more type in these at like is there another desk i'll tell you when you guys are getting hotter i don't know i get it i didn't know this opened up wait a second rock you in here oh hey brock now next time you put your prop behind the door and make sure it's nice there we go there we go detective brian on the case the perfect crime brock hey come here come here come here come here superheroes assemble birds assemble let's do this superhero squad the bird bros all right so we're gonna go all the way up here oh he's doing a [ __ ] cheat spot hey all right time to go to the owl's nest guess who paid to have this map made i wonder who i [ __ ] wanted i don't know maybe the guy is in a secret [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he's that secret no that secret this is just yeah whatever whatever i have a [ __ ] clan i'm gonna sound [ __ ] okay don't move okay don't move to the rest of the game really quick just press [ __ ] e on everything just [ __ ] press e on absolutely [ __ ] everything and there's gonna be some magical [ __ ] [ __ ] loping that sounds like a bit of a [ __ ] thing they're doing like if i was a [ __ ] i feel like i'm so [ __ ] close around here it's not you hey what do you guys buy a drink in the machine over there i think uh you forgot to take your drink [Music] oh no no no you're just looking for some [ __ ] car no you're not the man you're not the man who bought that drink you're underneath [Laughter] [Music] what are you laughing at brooke this is this view where are you i'm back where we came oh hey guys come up to the street yeah sure let's go up to the street stop stop being at brian's old job what's up where i get it oh subway hello hello hello hey hey hey why you want to know where i got this sign don't listen to me yes i'm [ __ ] morons i [ __ ] hate them so much they're probably still downstairs all right we're just going up literally stuck in the street right here no i'm gonna call 911 for batman all right we did it we did it yeah oh my god [Music] [ __ ] yo you guys wanna you want a pepsi from the machine or or use the machine you can watch this from you should respond hold me out of my [ __ ] misery wait a [ __ ] second ah he saw that huh wait i'm [Laughter] write a letter for a complaint you scum lords time for two and a half minutes of pure bliss amazing content is on your way do you know if there's two secret spots heaven on this map or just one i don't know why do you want to just kiss my ass i don't know i'll look into it i'll look into i'll get back to you yeah yeah we asked the map editor yeah yeah that's the map editor amanda put a second secret spot because i think i found it you think that's a wurlitzer oh i'm glad i'm [ __ ] ah is there a jukebox on here evan no no there's no there's no jukebox anywhere piano whoops no that was oh no that's minecraft no i did i right click to open the door maybe you should look in the back of that van rock a van that's uh near the end of the road wait a [ __ ] second help damn it help god ah yes holy [ __ ] he almost because he can't hit me holy [ __ ] i was somebody [ __ ] luck in the truck no yo let's go to the sewer let's go to our secret spot come on let's go there it'll be super hilarious content i think well yeah stop pretending you're thinking you're going to the same [ __ ] ass spot show me where it is brian show where this [ __ ] thing is follow me to these [ __ ] a second i see him what would he do oh come on welcome oh my god oh you were right [Laughter] this is next level we were like at one level and then now we're at the next level we've gone up somewhere i'm i'm just kind of undecided about this honestly uh they're never gonna find us here i think we should feel like we should move these [ __ ] sweaty [ __ ] on fences balls on fences i knew them right i was like this one but you can go up other ones [Laughter] dude where'd you find the spot move what [Music] run run i was not seeing you on my screen at all because i kept going to the opposite side of where you are oh all right brian beat the joker you have to be joker's worst enemy oh they're marvel characters since when is the joker's biggest enemy hulk and spider-man there isn't a batman readily available right now okay it was a joke no gla oh you're a joke ha ha i get it joke i didn't know that you i didn't even know that this door opened uh it doesn't open what are you talking about i closed the door wait it's on the ground oh he's on the grass i [ __ ] hurt you oh god why are you the damn hole shoot for sure hulk sounded warm brian i have six noob tubes right now show me what you're doing what do you mean you have six noob tubes you ready for this where are they right here where i am oh yeah hot dog you ready you ready i want to hear a really big explosion shut up no one two three four wow wow that was dope one of them nearly hit [Music] the wrong way just because you cross the road doesn't mean you're on the right side yeah where oh my [ __ ] brock are you serious i guess we found a good spot boys it's worked so far what the [ __ ] is gonna work this right here is the result of bad programming evan this is she's programming oh i wanna be this fire hydrant well you're gonna be half the map is [ __ ] well let me use this fire hydrant what is wrong here [Music] what the [ __ ] oh that was fast hey look this store hired two guys this round why would you try to become the fire hydrant on the bench yes i'm the first how many [Applause] that is just poor ass programming from the shitty ass map that was pretty good yeah you heard me that was funny i think you did a good job [Music] [Laughter] say it your mother's a lovely woman she is lovely ah ah hello birthday cake ah son of a [ __ ] where'd he go you go [Music] happy birthday to you chicken wings oh hi oh wait that was you're in the bathroom i had birthdays wow wow this is surprise birthday party oh i guess she's in the bathroom yikes she just died in the dirty laundry doesn't this look familiar to him you turn around evan doesn't that look familiar to a certain meme oh yes me better on laundry oh yes wait a smoo the fire there's a fire fire department right there i knew it fell right into our trap i knew it i tried i tried to grab onto the ladder and it just was too slippery brian now i have an rpg oh oh wrong movie wrong movie i'm sorry but you know everyone says brian you're so good at voices but that alan rickman right there shut up the greatest thing that was alan rickman holding his nose well this was not a safe spot all right i knew it dude i [ __ ] knew ooh hardware i'd like my hardware that sounds like a hint i like my wear hard very clever oh oh they never can see me oh yeah the spot is too [ __ ] good yeah it's not bad is that right i don't like it i like it i actually feel like that could work [Music] you ever gonna find me it wasn't facing right away i wasn't facing the right way wasn't facing the right way see this one oh this one see see this parallel to the street that would not parallel the street boom i am the snake that rides the train how the [ __ ] was that i am the snake the one who dies young everything well i'm gonna go ahead and change whoa was that the joker laughing you hear that who sounded like the joker oh oh really was he sounding like the joker huh yeah oh sick rig bro you look good move more forward more forward yeah that's it right there ah you're a hard worker brock gotta say he had a desk no yes what are you doing there's a minute and a half what are you doing stop go back ah [ __ ] boring boring working this nine to five look man you're walking all right get back to your desk ladies [ __ ] they're here they're typing some more type in these at like is there another desk i'll tell you when you guys are getting otter i didn't know this opened up wait a second rock you in here oh hey brock now next time you put your prop behind the door make sure it's nice there we go there we go detective brian on the case the perfect crime brock hey come here come here come here come here superheroes assemble birds assemble let's do the superhero squad the bird bros so we're gonna go all the way up here no he's doing a [ __ ] cheat spot oh hey hey all right time to go to the owl's nest guess who paid to have this map made i wonder who i [ __ ] wanted i don't know maybe the guy is in a secret [ __ ] spot [Laughter] just press [ __ ] e on everything just [ __ ] press e on absolutely [ __ ] everything and there's gonna be some magical [ __ ] [ __ ] lopping that sounds like a bit of a [ __ ] thing they're doing like if i was a [ __ ] i feel like i'm so [ __ ] close around here it's not you hey did one of you guys buy a drink in the machine over there i think uh you forgot to take your drink [Music] oh no no no you're just looking for some [ __ ] car you're not the man you're not the man who bought that drink you're underneath here you piece of [ __ ] i'm sandhorned the [ __ ] out yeah i'm in the batman what are you laughing at brooke this is this view where are you oh i'm back where we came oh hey guys come up to the street yeah sure let's go up to the street stop stop being at brian's old job what's up where i get it oh subway hello hello hello hey hey what why you want to know where i got this sign don't listen to me yes i'm [ __ ] morons i [ __ ] hate them so much they're probably still downstairs no i can't go up i can't go down all right we're just gonna i'm not literally stuck in the street right here no i'm gonna call 9-1-1 for batman all right we did it we did it yeah oh my that was like [ __ ] wrong that was a lot of fun [ __ ] round great [ __ ] map editor or piece of [ __ ] yeah you guys want any you want a pepsi from the machine or or use the machine you can watch it from your secret [Laughter] pull me out of my [ __ ] misery wait a [ __ ] second ah he saw that huh wait i'm [ __ ] for the second i just saw the [ __ ] i know where those counts were all right write a [ __ ] letter write a letter write a letter for a complaint you scum lords time for two and a half minutes of pure bliss amazing content is on your way do you know if there's two secret spots heaven on this map or just one i don't know why do you guys kiss my ass i don't know i'll look into it i'll look into i'll get back to you yeah yeah we asked the map editor yeah yeah that's the map editor amanda put a second secret spot because i think i found it you think that's a wurlitzer oh i'm glad i [ __ ] uh ah is there a jukebox on here evan no no there's no there's no jukebox anywhere or a piano whoops no that was oh no that's minecraft no i did i right click to open the door maybe you should look in the back of that van rock a van that's uh near the end of the road wait a [ __ ] second hell damn it help god ah yes holy [ __ ] because you can't hit me holy [ __ ] i was somebody [ __ ] lucky in the truck no yo let's go to the sewer let's go do our secrets suck each other off come on just go there it'll be super hilarious content i think well yeah stop pretending you're thinking you're going to the same bitch-ass spot show me where it is brian is [ __ ] thing follow me to these [ __ ] a second i see him what would he do oh come on oh [Laughter] this is next level this next level might go up our mic we were like at one level and then now we're at the next level we've gone up somewhere i'm i'm just kind of undecided about this honestly uh they're never gonna find us here i think we should feel like we should move these [ __ ] sweaty [ __ ] on fences balls on fences i was on this one but you can go up other ones you can dude where'd you find the spot move what [Music] run run [Laughter] yeah i was not seeing you on my screen at all because i kept going to the opposite side of where you are all right brian beat the joker you have to be joker's worst enemy oh they're marvel characters since when is the joker's biggest enemy hulk and spider-man there isn't a batman readily available right now okay it was a joke no glare you're a joke ha ha i get a joke stay right there go in there go in there i told you i relaxed spiderman i didn't know that you i didn't even know that this door opened uh it doesn't open what are you talking about i closed the door wait it's on the ground oh he's on the grass i [ __ ] hurt you oh god why are you in the damn hole for sure hulk sound warm brian i have six noob tubes right now show me where are you what do you mean you have six noob tubes you ready for this where are they right here where i am oh yeah hot dog you ready you ready i want to hear a really big explosion shut up now got him got one two three four wow wow that was dope one of them nearly hit me no glitch evan i learned you didn't learn no you didn't i did learn what are you talking about yes i did what do you mean i knew the second he said the wrong way just because you crossed the road doesn't mean you're on the right side yeah where oh my [ __ ] brock are you serious i guess we found a good spot boys it's worked so far what the [ __ ] is gonna work this right here is the result of bad programming evan programming oh i wanna be this fire hydrant well you're gonna be half the map is [ __ ] well let me use this fire hydrant what is wrong [Music] what the [ __ ] oh that was fast hey look this store hired two guys this round [Applause] that is just poor ass programming from the shitty ass man well that was pretty good yeah you heard me oh that was funny i think you did a good job this is not batman that is not batman this is the exorcism of bruce wayne say your mother sucks [ __ ] patterson say it wow okay i said patterson okay hello your mother is a lovely woman she is lovely ah go there you go you run back down i saw you brock silent birthday cake cross peps birthday is it huh i heard a door happy birthday to you shaking wings oh hi oh wait that was [Laughter] you're in the bathroom i had birthdays wow wow this is surprise birthday party i guess he's in the bathroom yikes she just died in the dirty laundry doesn't this look familiar to him can you turn around evan doesn't that look familiar to a certain meme oh yes we did our own laundry oh yes wait a smoo the fire there's a fire fire department right there i knew it fell right into our trap i knew it that reaction i tried i tried to grab onto the ladder and it just is too slippery ryan no i have an rpg oh oh wrong movie wrong movie i'm sorry but you know everyone says brian you're so good at voices but that's alan rickman right there shut up the greatest thing that was alan rickman holding his nose [Laughter] well this was not a safe spot all right i knew it dude [Music] you okay what is this is this another scary map all right story you and your friends are on a trip in your car and hold up pause pause pause are all these bodies okay never mind i guess they weren't supposed to be there you and your friends okay pause pause pause pause were these green lights supposed to be here or is this oh those are mine but i'm leaving them because they look cool okay you and your friends are alright guys pause pause pause pause pause pause i don't i don't have anything this time okay you and your friends are on a trip your car engine stops you go to a resort for shelter the door walks behind you and now you must escape mission your mission is to escape the resort the first objective is to break five crosses and then to escape from well now you can't read it at all do not do not no clip unless you're stuck use crowbar and flashlights only that's a chainsaw you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] the rules [ __ ] the rules all right guys well let's have a let's have a safe game all right lots of energy lots of focus out there how do we start all right let's start i got it how do i press start what the f oh really is it crowbars only yeah all right storage room i found a storage room oh like we have to destroy the crosses if that thing creates a map the devil's crosses break the devils what whoa whoa whoa open these doors open these doors [Music] this garbage can you see this garbage can recycling bin yeah yeah i see it hold on come here wait wait wait wait wait hold on you see this you see this bench okay look look look look pictures of ugly people look where are we going sir this is where delirious watches his amazon instant videos in hulu right i'm opening this door are you really all right we have three doors right here all right i'll go through number two there's a whole bunch of doors over here hello i'm here to deliver that pizza okay what's going on whoa listen holy [ __ ] this way this way this way this way oh do you hear hear that guy yodelling what about the what about this room there's a room right here what the [ __ ] um what happened to larry oh where'd he go oh that was creepy as hell nope nope not going in there no [ __ ] that what what happened what happened [Laughter] wait wait wait wait look look look what does it say on the wall all right there's nothing here there's nothing here the briefcase it says it says one briefcase okay clearly this means it says you need the briefcase no look that's a lunchbox it's a lunchbox briefcases are a little larger than those and then this is clearly this is a guy who is about to draw a golf flag but he ran out of time it looks like a like a shopping bag shut up it's a golf leg your analysis is impeccable so we need to find a lunch box and a golf leg break the boxes oh look at this it's a clue look it's a cup oh and the number six wait a minute where do you see a cup in a six down there clearly clearly you're supposed to type in coffee mug six no we had the one was briefcase one and then we had cup six but i feel like we were missing one wait here's another one too over here what is it use use condom one use condom one okay so is it a boot delirious what the [ __ ] oh god okay so we have four one i got it i understand i understand i understand one okay what was the paper the newspaper well i know but what was the [ __ ] number four the newspaper was four okay what was the cup six and then the and then one the first one was the briefcase for one and then it was four and then what kind of math are you doing evan i got this okay just relax okay it's really where are you just just don't worry about it just what was the used condom all right here use condom one sock one use condom one where the [ __ ] is evan i got this i got this where the [ __ ] are you hold up hold up hold up don't tell me to hold up if you're not here i got it i got it i got it i got it you want me to explain to you how i got it yeah remember we saw a cop a picture of a cop down there and a six beside it and then wait where's the uh where's the used condom it's over here use condom is to the left right here use right here use condom [Laughter] is somebody like on top like blowing air into it or something like it's cool at the bottom why is it bending to the left maybe there's more that is supposed to be a boot okay use condom one it's supposed to be a boot okay use condom one okay okay whatever all right all right okay okay we have to go back i know where's the other one over here okay everyone look at this everyone looks like this paper four look look newspaper four bam and then we got we got lunch bag one now look look at the order of these items on this table newspaper [Laughter] lunchbox use condom okay okay okay so now we put them in order exactly so it's four six one one bam let's do we're typing those buttons in 460. did you spawn those items yourself four six one one four six one one i told you jeez hey guys we're in the sewer hey look doodie water hello we're here to deliver that goddamn pizza again oh i'm hungry krusty krab pizza is shut the door i want to be what's this person doing why is he moving i've never been inside of a vagina before i'm so confused here's a button yeah what does the button do wait are we supposed to go down here it opened that door it opened holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my god wait here's writing writing there's some writing on the wall i got this i got this righteous man whose heart rots himself all right come here all right so this is alpha right right we have he heads okay had to be done had to be done all right that's what we're saying the man heads west so this is alpha the first one on the thing is west right here west i can't read what's on the wall well it doesn't matter it said west before you [ __ ] shot me i don't know i don't know and then beta this is beta right here [Laughter] then you got delta which is this one right here oh so it's west south middle northeast no it's west south northeast northwest middle what the [ __ ] let me press that let me press it wait wait where's moving wait so wait wait wait wait wait did you explain that again i wasn't really listening west south north east north west middle yeah get it hey you what you gonna do said hey you what you gonna do said hey you guys be very careful when in doubt when you're scared just saying to yourself hey you what you gonna do oh do we need another who the [ __ ] is peeing delirious i think delirious is scared wait wait i found her across the final cross i found a cross i found a cross i found a cross right here oh right yes destroyer we got to go in here somebody go wait i'm not going hello that's the last one is this like is this going to offend people no no because it's the devil's crosses oh okay okay good or we or we could just say it's a plus sign that was the last one that was the last one this room was closed it opened now after we got all the crosses oh there's a hole there's a whole hole right here [Applause] oh [ __ ] i hear something i hear something i hear something oh my god what is that oh my god did you see this it just keeps going he probably just runs around in circles all right so i think we need to get in the right thing to the right because we want to go with him no we're going we just went to the left go to the right go to the right because see that's the way he goes what guys i found something right here right here right here right get out of the here damn it oh damn i found something that turned the corner it was hilarious found a big black lobster found something okay okay which way are we gonna go no i chose the wrong time [ __ ] i'm right behind him i'm right behind him i'm just going to chase this thing okay where the [ __ ] you going you big nasty [ __ ] run run run run run run run all right hey look i found he just could launch the crest the what the [ __ ] are hallway talking about are you we gotta go zero eight five come right here we're safe spot stay spot i bet okay guys doritos it's safe here okay let's go go where are we going zero eight five three here we go here we go here go ahead push your butt holy [ __ ] you're not gonna figure this out there's no way there's too many buttons there's too many buttons we're gonna die we're gonna hurry hurry hurry come on i'm coming up coming in we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay so what am i supposed to press tell me zero eight five three zero eight five three three and then press the q square [ __ ] in there oh my god all right goodbye black lobster crazy all right we're in here okay all right let's go left all right feels right all right all right this might be the end guys all right oh what is that what is this happy halloween in the middle of july everybody happy halloween [Laughter] [Music] congratulations guys congratulations we completed it all right so our prize for today is um every [ __ ] time evan just the most abrupt ending server shutting down next it's it's y'all running past the monsters making them spawn this [ __ ] music is awesome i feel like i'm running in the jungle fast animals slow children ah i have yet to see a cross i have not seen one cross one time you should always destroy him before i fire what what the [ __ ] you're being decommissioned for panicking like a [ __ ] [Laughter] welcome to the winter olympics i'm gonna win i'm winning this shut the [ __ ] up i'm waiting are we ready no look at the terminator oh my god how many thrusters do you have i have enough to get me where i want to go three two one yes oh my god look at delirious he's gone he's gone oh i'm catching up [ __ ] i'm catching up here comes the luge here comes the luge oh yes yes yes yes i'm in the lead i gotta be in the lead i gotta be in the league i gotta be in the lead i gotta be in the lead yes yes i'm gonna win yeah oh [ __ ] yeah yes i i don't even know why i'm slowly making it oh [ __ ] here he comes here he comes second place second place look at knuckle running it's against the rules it's against the [Music] rules oh [ __ ] what the hell i started off so fast though i like was gone yeah you took off and cinderella came out of nowhere bjos oh i know i know what we could do i don't know all right yeah so what we do is we create a badass [ __ ] sled and we slap down we slide down the mountain yes let's do this [Music] look at what we have created yes yes we are engineering masters we made this on our first try no errors five minutes five minutes we made this beautiful sled it took us a [ __ ] hour of actual torture in hell i don't know what the [ __ ] you two were talking about yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah put it yeah put it put it perfectly on there wow wow what is going on here i told him what it was chilling in a cub you guys getting ready to get boiled [Music] fault i hired see everything is attached to wildcat everything's attached to his forehead with a string oh god we can't even [ __ ] [ __ ] just play it what the hell what the hell is going on i think if i remove wildcat's body it should fix everything okay okay do not quote me but i'm pretty sure this is gonna work oh god no you have to restart the whole thing oh no no no where'd it go oh boy oh no it's never gonna pick oh yeah we got it we got it we got it oh look look it's getting there believe it's gone it's gone it's literally just it just it just left it left without us it went down the mountain without a surprise [ __ ] oh my god and it fixed itself now it's perfectly straight what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that oh my god oh man what a [ __ ] sled what a [ __ ] sled the sled was gone and and vanessa was like oh oh great it's gone it's gone and then no don't stick [ __ ] out of my [ __ ] toe off my are you guys ready i'm ready come on let's [ __ ] do this come on i've been waiting off oh god i want to go down the mountain come on we got to get out of here down the [ __ ] mountain come on oh guys we uh we didn't think about how we're gonna start the sled all right all right guys are you ready to go are you finally ready to get on our journey ready yeah you're right we've been stuck on top of this mountain for hours are you guys ready are you guys really ready are you ready to partay yeah here we go boys in three two one here we go yeah we are going so slow we are going so slow zordberg's riding me in the what the back is going on back there don't worry [ __ ] run faster than this [ __ ] hold on man yeah he's slowing us down we gotta get rid of uh all right we had a few technical difficulties i.e nogla's friend's [ __ ] dragging across the snow slowing up right now snuggles friend all right this is it boys this is it i'm ready to go here we go greatest bobsled of all time and three two one here we go we forgot to unglue oh hold it i gotta put the suitcases or else he's gonna go sorry sorry it's not i no it's not eyes no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't get it do it bring it back stop no no catch it catch it catch it get it get it get it get it again the bad thing is like each minute we spend setting this up the expectations of the outcome just grow exponentially the chances of disappointment get higher and higher and higher is is very high actually yeah chances of this being a pile of [ __ ] increases boom we got good all right now do that there we go see look i'm gonna you didn't get the [ __ ] hurry on yeah get in zoidberg shut the [ __ ] up shut up get in calm down what the hell was that what the what was that come on make sure i don't i don't make sure it's not glued look at the smile on my face i'm ready okay [Applause] all right this is it boys this is the moment we've all been waiting for for a really really long time here we go just go in five five three two all right one here we go yeah oh no we're going too much to the right turn turn turn yeah yeah yes oh now i'm in the back now i'm in the back keep going crazy now we're upside down yes olympic champions yes picture finish here we go this is it for the gold medal here we go the champions of the winter olympics we miss them we miss them we [ __ ] miss them we missed them we missed them why would you just put them right in the middle why didn't you string them across the entire finish line why would you do that why would you do that now we have to do the whole thing again god damn it now we have to do the whole all right just pretend that never happened oh no no no no no yes champions that was bronze metal material right there not gold metal i'm lagging my ass off is it a blood there's too much blood on the ground right here what the [ __ ] did you do holy [ __ ] what did you do that [ __ ] was funny no no stay away from my box hey guys look what i got put it down [Music] starring wildcats [ __ ] you terrorizers you've been targeted for domination and vanoss uh i'm the guy doing the narration right now follow these three professional pro-pun players on an epic journey as they use special hiding tactics pinpoint hunting accuracy and above all else advanced mlg callouts oh oh no no look look look at luke you wake up i just picture brian just standing there in the can walking casually by his feet he's not even shooting at it just a little khan that's pretty much what happened all right so where's this little can little gun runway little cannon just waiting for you he was he was the little can that could what a minute we're waiting for you buddy know what to be doing this one no this one i swear to god if you die i see him i see him clip on you no glasses i am iron cag give me some extra time get back here while he's by this house check that other way i'll go this way he's back here oh god oh they're coming hold on hold on don't shoot him yet don't shoot him yet okay i got four percent health all right you're gonna help us old man you're gonna help us yes yes i'll do anything you say when you're shocked on them at me all right okay we're going in here okay got my flashlight on come on do i open doors there we go right there in here see all his hands they were moved oh memory has not killed me all right let me just shoot this can right here there's a big [ __ ] can right here let me just shoot this large blue can big blue kid no no no dude blue small things okay give me give me one reason why i shouldn't shoot you because i'm your father oh my [ __ ] he's a [ __ ] old man inside the house evan that house there's an old man in there there's an old man in there don't let him escape there is there yeah yeah there is yes there is no inside in front of you in there man nope behind you no not that one the right one that one he went here from the retirement home i'm here to take you back well there's nothing to take back where are you we're going to found this really where are you huh holding out a piece of furniture right now really huh i know what you're doing here [ __ ] you kill me you prick i just wanted to let you know you were facing the wrong way okay that's how i knew it that's how i knew good to the bad guys all right time to take you back to ikea all right all right did you just leave no i suicided all right where are you heaven oh oh that's suspicious that's suspicious what's suspicious i don't know i don't know anymore i thought it was something oh wait hold on hold on [Music] dumb [ __ ] oh my god what happened just stupid stupid happen that's what happens outside he is closer than you think really never run no oh that was a total guess [Music] no no [Music] [Music] what can i do what can i do oh you're kidding me [ __ ] you [ __ ] you in the ass wow what a noob our teammate's already dead what an idiot yeah i'm the idiot are you doing i don't know what i'm doing look down there's something underneath i know i see it you can see i'm squeezing it out oh god you can do it run free he's squeezing something out the green turtle no that was our only chance you broke your phone and i soiled it oh what soiled it no i think you'll see look at the green look at the green knight rises you guys look like a forklift like the two of you combined did you find them yeah they're they're the dumpsters oh i'm coming i don't know where the two [ __ ] they're the dumpsters this isn't gonna get much funnier let's just kill me indiana jones theme right there somebody opened the door oh my door somebody breaking all my boxes oh hey there what's up we got it we got a little evan in here nope not the couch no not that coach i can't i'm just gonna [ __ ] noob too what why he's not in there how can he see us how does he feel he's not in there he's gotta be in an adjacent room [ __ ] i didn't think about that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it just got real all right we've narrowed it down i just wanted to go there's two one of the rooms just do it do it do it do it which one is it going to be all right which one is [Laughter] there's one more room brock okay wait okay wow there's one which room is it not the left one the right one the right one right one yes the right one is the right one do it don't do it brock don't do it what's this room no there's four rooms oh no oh you gotta pick one you gotta pick one which one is it gonna be probably this one that wasn't van also one more room crap [ __ ] have one more room i don't i don't have any more noob tubes well looks like you're gonna have to just crowbar the [ __ ] out of every single piece of furniture in that room no other option in this game i don't think you're actually in here i'm real close man closer than you think if you're right underneath your nose i know where you are evan i know brock i think he might be he might be going around the house don't stop giving him hints yeah i'm not giving him hands i'm just saying things that a detective mind would tell a detective mind a dead detective a detective see it was right did you see that did you block did you see that no no no get outside get outside no think think you're looking [Music] no the only reason i didn't kill him is because you were cheating oh [ __ ] damn it okay okay brian thank you thank you and sweating his nuts off over there come on brock thank you got 15 seconds you sweaty little i'm sweaty look at you no you don't understand what was going on for the last three minutes he's the reason there's two dead bodies in that [ __ ] building over there come on brock come on yeah [Music] come find me big boy you have to make it sexual didn't you forget you which one are you [ __ ] boom jeez let me let me try let me try let me let me see if i can beat the record shoot [Music] wow delirious hi what come join us delirious what one of us one of us what's up [Music] your head looks like a balloon [Laughter] he's a [ __ ] blue on a bean what happened to you guys i'm fine oh yeah yeah oh yeah you're one of us now what us one of us i'm coming for you guys where is he i don't see him i don't know i don't know you guys don't worry about it there's what are you doing he's on the track he's on the tracks where you at he's on the tracks you [ __ ] i'm too short [Laughter] come on you must be this tall to ride this ride you can jump higher there's a ladder right here no no no no no no no they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming i'm ready i'm running i'm running i'm ready i'm ready the round's over he already won oh relax you scared the [ __ ] out of me come on go go go i got a perfect spot guys where you where you got where you going over here over here over here come come here again okay hey i'm here i'm here all right all right right here right here yes what come on why why why basically why is it never find us he'll never find us but you do realize if he does find us we're all going down with yourself it's all right but he's not looking good he saw him i saw myself okay okay okay okay okay just be careful careful wait wait what kenny can you jump through oh you can't no no no no i'm bailing on your ideas so let's make it this way oh no no no no go go go go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] you're delirious they're changing us no they're they're pretty good i'll cut them all right let's get this delirious guy you're too little [ __ ] [ __ ] yourself get him get him go get him wait there's a ladder right there [Music] i hear him he's by me are you wet can't find myself i will i will find you because i am the little man and i found all my victims no i promise you you're not i am come here i [Music] oh [Music] where are you big man were you in the uh are you in the sub train station sub train oh houdini you all kidding me all right all right all right mr al mister yes yes did you yes did you get away yes i think you did damn it i died don't think you get you guys are gonna find me only have two minutes to find this out there's no need to be afraid of me i i can i can't hurt anybody can't hurt no one but you can turn us into giant inflated heads no delirious no no no no no no no [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] [Music] wait what closet uh you're in another closet evan no no can't hide in a closet i'm not in a closet though where the hell did that al go there in here can you help me mr al man are you in one of these rooms no you're not holy [ __ ] i thought you were being there where'd you saw your [ __ ] shadow in the building where'd you go i didn't see [ __ ] martial i don't i don't know where they are i don't know where they are oh holy [ __ ] what i don't know what they are oh my god oh my you son of a [ __ ] subscribers he's picking on little people not fair yes where'd you go victory what's up man wow i literally walked right past you you're within one foot of me thank you um oh yeah yeah myself myself myself right oh god oh man yeah this is terrible that's so bad i thought this could be a lot better all right evan we are inside of something oh why why okay oh my god shut the [ __ ] up why why quit moving shut up moving quit moving go ahead go ahead and put the money on the counter over there see the counter behind you hold on i i can't hear you guys could you guys be a little more my height orange business all right guys i've heard there was a tall person in this college and they're not allowed no they're not delirious there is a fandom i found my family's over here tall person top five person tall person small person you're leaving get out of the person i jumped out there broke school property preschool property oh man that's exactly why we don't allow tall people in our school no it's locked it's locked it's live all right [Laughter] now you're allowed in our school yes oh you're actually dark where you i don't know yeah it's beautiful yeah yeah yeah you'll never find us they actually ever find us the little people right back to his bed little people got me for us i can smell fear oh god i'm scared no it's minnie lad with his many legs i'd go he's gonna get us it smells like crayons he's to touch me like crayons juice boxes he's going to touch me with his little arms through my hands okay whoa whoa whoa um shut the light off shut the light up the light's already off so it doesn't get any darker than this i'm gonna touch your butt inappropriately why is this oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm sorry i'm sorry is going to make it it's not going to be useless he got out he got out he got out he got out he got out about 30 seconds right go right go right right delirious i am two i'm very sorry i am so sorry oh man come on boys i am the champion i am too good for this game please do good 12 seconds boys [Laughter] you're not allowed in this college this college is for short people oh yeah that's what this college is for for short people oh god please i'm gonna get you little man run run wait hey what's up guys vanoss here and in today's video i have something that a lot of you guys been asking for for quite a while and that's some more gmod and in this video i'm going to be playing some prop hunt and i was playing prop hunt in my last gmod video so i know most you guys know what that game type is but in case you don't pretty much what it is there's two teams and one team gets a change into random objects around the map and then they get to hide and then the other team the hunters they have to try to find and hunt those objects down but they're on a time limit and they only get a certain amount of tries so uh that's it guys it's really simple and i hope you guys enjoy this footage and i will talk to you guys later let me go around spraying all these pieces of caramel this is a burger wait you can be you can be coral i don't know i i suspected maybe you're a burger in the coral terrorizer you gotta give me some hints man well mr patty's office is right around in the other room spongebob is this where uh spongebob usually is where you're at maybe maybe maybe i guess is the object that you're hiding in shaped like spongebob is it one of these huh no why are you saying no if you'd like to nuke one of these [Laughter] terrorizer what are you doing did you check those corals over there yeah yeah you go you gotta check the calls yeah i see you check behind me huh yeah you gotta be following me huh mr [ __ ] mr magic on youtubes huh you're gonna be following me so uh are you sure you checked everything inside mr terrorizer make sure that all the doors are closed oh sh oh god oh god they're all open you [ __ ] [Laughter] okay okay play this game what camera we playing terrorizer are we playing the bathroom game are we playing the kitchen game well terry tell them what's behind door number one door number one is evan thanos gaming he is a douchebag i'm looking for a little rat of a burger just flying around the place because that's evan normally see the thing is evan he might open the doors and expect me to believe he's in there what game are we playing terrorizer i already i already went into the first game are you sure are you sure then check behind the safe i am now are you sure you're not checking properly wait there's a sauce oh yeah whoa terrorizer hey look what other door was open over there i came back in all the doors were open it's like the [ __ ] paranormal activity what game do you want to play terrorizer there's a game where i stick my hand up your ass oh wait what i see you paddy no i'm so crabby funny no i'm on the run they're out of me they're on to me they're right they're on to me they're still on to me holy oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus why won't you die i don't know man kevlar oh kevlar patty kevlar patty kevlar patty kevlar patty kevlar buns kevlar buns are you serious oh god oh god what the [ __ ] how am i still alive i have no idea in hell six hours later oh my why won't you that's not perfect this is horseshit i think you guys should just take a break and then come back later no i don't understand there's blood don't get away from my feet if there's blood coming out of you you just don't die are you sure that's blood and it's not ketchup get away why won't you die you don't get it either i'm just gonna keep doing this i'm pretty confident right now i don't know why i'm not dying but i'm pretty damn confident i don't know why you're not dying either give me a shotgun good job what are you doing terrorizer what are you doing you're watching me huh maybe maybe am i close am i close to you [ __ ] huh round the outside round [Music] oh you son of a [ __ ] what are you doing terrorizer i'm looking for which burger has cheese on it i'm looking for the cheesy burger burger which one has all the cheese in it watch it behind
Channel: VanossGaming Funny time
Views: 54,764
Rating: 4.8249998 out of 5
Keywords: VanossGaming Funny time, VanossGaming Replay 3 Hours Gmod Random #1 Edition, VanossGaming Replay 3 Hours Gmod Random #1, VanossGaming Replay 3 Hours Gmod, VanossGaming Replay 3 Hours, Replay 3 Hours Gmod Random #1 Edition, Replay 3 Hours Gmod Random #1, Replay 3 Hours, 3 Hours Gmod Random #1 Edition, 3 Hours Gmod Random, Gmod Random #1 Edition
Id: P32BVrBrKcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 10sec (10810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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