Vanlife: Custom DIY Shower for a Tiny Transit Connect

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so many of you have asked me from the glorious life on wheels video commented how do i do my shower and faucet situation so today that is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna show you the whole faucet situation and how i do the shower so here we go [Music] so i usually store my rod and my curtains up here uh it can expand it's one of those you you expand it and then you twist it and it stays so i kind of do that and it holds some things in and then so i take this and these barn doors can open they open all the way but they uh for the shower situation i just do this and then i unroll this and these little cutouts right here that are just in the factory i mean it's i don't know what it's it's just to attach here uh in when it click the door closes i find that it fits perfectly for this type of curtain rod so i'm going to place it in and it's in place and then uh it's one of these twisties so to make it tight you just twist it until it gets tight and voila i will show you on the inside now what it looks like uh this usually is a curtain that i either have folded like this or to the side but when i'm gonna take a shower i put it like this so that no water uh can get to it and back here i have this this is my uh shower head and it is tied up here so that it just kind of stays in place and then i can i just place it in here uh and if i want it hands-free i just do it that way i'll show you then how actually so before all this has to happen i i have to turn on the pump to the water which is inside that is also attached to my whole faucet inside so i will show you that so here i uh you've seen it in the other video is where i have the water pump and it's like a 2 2.5 gallon jug that it no longer i looked it up to see if i could leave a link and i don't think it exists anymore it's kind of the off brand of the big kahuna so it's a built-in shower pump ore a lot of times it's what people use for gardens has an electric pump though this is a 12 volt electric pump that you can recharge the batteries they have like little lithium batteries that are [ __ ] so i got that because i thought oh no then i can just kind of put it in here and forget about it but when i need it i can just turn it on so there is a button in the back here that i just press and that turns that on and then the water will flow i had shown as well that i had rigged this so that the cap i just drilled a hole in it and i got some extra pipe like rubber tubing that is food grade rubber tubing and put that in the top so that it can attach itself or i attached it to the bottom of this right so this is just an electric pump by maypot and i'll have the link in the description below i put it on a pvc pipe that i just cut to the desired height that i wanted you don't even have to do that if you don't want i think it comes with a little stand but i wanted it to be able to attach high uh so that i could use this to to fill it and then the i cut a little hole in the back of the pvc pipe and ran that through and down into this and then i attached a magnet by glue i just glued a magnet it's a 100 pound ceramic magnet here and on here so this magnet is glued just glued to the top of my cabinet and it stays in place that way and this way i can run the water this way when i need a water for whatever i'm doing whether that's for coffee or cooking or washing i just have that and it's also a rechargeable battery rechargeable by 12 volt well 12 volt or usb uh port to recharge it so i like that because yeah i've had it now for almost a year and it has not needed to be recharged yet so that's a good sign yeah so that is how that works and then you can hear that little loop that means the other pump is on and it's ready for me to use the shower head uh the shower head that i have is nice because right now it's off but when i want it can turn on so i can manually turn it on and off it doesn't just automatically go on like some of them so i much prefer that because i can wet myself down and then soak up lather up and then rinse myself off and i use very little water that way i can conserve on water [Music] so that is what i would do uh just kind of go out there in a swimsuit or however i felt like it at the time depending on how many people are around and you can shower that way the other thing uh since we're on the subject of how to stay clean and you've heard this in a lot of different videos so that a lot of times you can just on the road go to a truck stop or if i really want a shower with uh where i'm washing my hair and want to do that i can i it would be ten dollars eight dollars and i could go ahead and do that and i think that's the way that is is kind of smart to do it uh while you're on the road but in between you you use either sponge bath where you can just fill up a bowl of water and a washcloth i like to use norwex they have this this is an extra this is for the mirror but they have little cloths like about this size and the beauty of them as they're made with colloidal silver and so they're anti-bacterial and they between dries like so if you if you wash and it dries for however long it takes eight hours ten hours to dry that towel it actually cleans itself uh and the bacteria that may form so they stay fresher longer in between laundry runs so i like that too anything to make life easier in the van is what i try to do and these i used in my home all the time to save i've got four children so to save on towels we kind of did this and it worked wonderfully and really excellent then of course there are the good old wet wipes uh i have a granddaughter so very familiar with those these days and it's perfect for just being able to to spot clean and stay clean and feel fresh wash your face and it really for me uh i say that it is a good way in between showers to feel like you're not just yeah dirty all the time and depending on the amount of activity that you do during the day or if you're hiking a lot sweating a lot you decide kind of where what your comfort level is on that but i have found that i i feel just as fresh and clean in the van as i do anywhere else when i am needing to stay clean so that is my rendition of how it works for me i would love to hear your ideas if there's any uh questions that you have you can leave them in the comments below and i will see you down the road [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lady Bugout
Views: 70,777
Rating: 4.9608555 out of 5
Keywords: van life, living in a van, van conversion, van life vlog, van life build, van life tour, Diy, shower, Diy shower, Do it yourself, how to, diy faucet, van shower, how to start vanlife, on the road, live, life, easy, cheap, affordable, simple to do, at home, conversion, life in a van, how to shower in a van, shower thoughts, shower head, portable shower head, nomad, nomads, Ladybugout, Vancityvanlife
Id: dY2kQbs_YI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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