VAN TOUR | Updated No Build Dodge Grand Caravan Minivan Camper Conversion | #vanlife

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hello my friends well it's time I promised you a new updated tour of my van so let's get to it so this is my van it is a 2019 Dodge Grand Caravan just the right size for me first thing you see when you get to my van or my beautiful curtains that I made this summer by using old sorry fabrics and uh upholstery tacks I I made a video of that if you are interested in seeing how that worked I like to open them up when I go some places so I have a little bit of privacy but can still get some fresh air once you go inside you will see my bed which is covered in color as if you are following me you know that I love color I found this amazing table at the thrift store for about four dollars my fish bag I got for 99 cents I think and it holds all of my cords I found this cute frame and I got a couple posters which kind of say how I feel under here it's just a regular old wooden box that I painted and I keep my toothbrush and my vitamins and my daily medications in there here I have books I have a collection of little purses that I like to switch out once in a while I also have this cute little bag that I found that I keep my art supplies in and then under here I have a basket with my shoes sandals extra socks and that hides under here because of the rug it doesn't slide around when I'm driving I have some books and then my reusable grocery bags I have this game here called we're not really strangers that I hope to play with some strangers to get to know people so that's my bedside table I usually leave my keys up here and my phone next to me while it's charging at night I tied my table to my passenger seat so that it doesn't flop around when I'm driving under my bed is mostly clothes but also my bathroom so this is my bathroom um I have various things in different little baggies from uh let's see this is you make the world a better place deodorant yes the perfect bag for that there's um random toiletries in here I've got some vitamins this is my kind of thick cold medicine bag um I have this one here has some covid tests and my thermometers just in case and just various toiletries I don't really like Cutters so I have a habit of putting everything in little bags and it just slides right under there oh and my bathroom that's my toilet I got a little jar that I can tinkle in in the middle of the night if I need to and then it just goes in here it's back in here and how to fight and that is my bathroom this is my kitchen um it's stored in a little ottoman that I found that holds my plates my Forks my little appliances and then it also flips over so I have a place to make my food chop up some vegetables or fruits and yeah it's a nice little table then hide it I have lots of pillows just some cute little round pillows and make myself comfortable over here I covered my seat belts with fabric because I didn't like the look of them and then I just added some pictures of the people I love posters and then we get to Diego is my travel companion he doesn't talk much but he does like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain so there's that my lamp with a I can't really see it right now there we go it lights up in the dark it gives me a little ambient light of my thermometer numerous little paper cranes my child made me a nice little Journal um some lotion and then I have my cords for my fairy lights which my tapestry and there's a video for that if you're interested in seeing how I got that up there I have an extra blanket for my feet if I want here is my towel for showering I kind of like just kind of keep my laptop down here when I'm driving um and let's move around the back I will get to this stuff in a moment oh wait on this side I have more photos um this cute little uh embroidered thing my grandma made me before she passed away I have this nice little poster that I found that I decided that I needed in my van I have this laser-cut shelf that I made let's follow your dreams they know the way sometimes I just uh sit and stare at those I got a couple of these collapsible garbage cans that are meant for car travel but I am using it to hold all of my hats oh yes meat Matador who I picked up on my travels in St Augustine Florida and he apparently has eyes for Diego because all he ever does is Starrett Diego and um I don't blame him on this side with uh Diego I have my bin full of gloves hand warmers um things keep me warm see what else in this bin I have my laptop table I have a couple of blankets some towels I have my work table which I will make a video of soon I have my hot logic a battery powered vest um an electric water bottle that comes in handy when you're cold um some sheets and I think under that are my boots so this is mostly just a catch all been so yeah that's it for this half I'm gonna go around the outside and show you what's back there so in the back here I have three suitcases this holds my bras and underwear and socks this is cold weather clothes this is warm weather clothes under my bed I have a variety of different outfits that I brought along for going out or if I want to get dressed up fancy and go to a show or something so those won't be worn very often but I wanted to bring them just because I like to dress up sometimes these are my practical clothes for travel and camping these are if I get a little chilly and these go underneath all of that um this actually is my cooler I didn't like how the cooler looked I got this beautiful little towel from one of my special Amazing Friends back home and I use it to cover this um collapsible box basically so under here is my cooler and my containers and various Foods and it keeps it out of sight and looking a little sorry and it's pretty again underneath my bed and behind the cooler lives my bathroom for my toiletries that I take to the gym when I'm showering so it's got all my shampoos and everything in there I can throw my towel in there and everything's ready to go underneath all of this is my storage where I have my jackery solar panel my tent some exercise equipment various shoes um tools things like that that I don't need every day but might need and want I have my favorite piece in my entire van which is a table that I made with my uncle Rocky and we just took a piece of wood and cut it I could take it in and out if I want because it just butts up against the edges here nice and sturdy in the little basket by my bed I have a headlamp and a little flashlight down here I have my blue Eddie 600 watt backup battery and while I'm driving I charge it back here um I have my window covers here um underneath here I have more clothes and paper towels and things like that so this table holds my window covers perfectly and I like to put my blue Eddie back here to charge because generally it's not going to scoot around too far so there's that that up front are my beautiful car seat covers that I absolutely love I I have a nice grippy steering wheel cover um even I have something that I think everyone should have in their vehicle at all times is one of these this is a seat belt cutter and this will break your windows if you get an accident and you are trapped in your vehicle because your seat belt won't unbuckle you cut it and if you can't get out through the door and you need to break your window you can get out or if you end up somehow in water you need to be able to get out so make sure you get something like this to keep in your van I have mine wrapped around a few times on my passenger thing because for a long time I had it in my glove box but if I am strapped in and I can't reach my glove box then what it's in there and it's not saving my life so here I should be able to reach it and it just lives down there down here I have a small backup battery power pack that I just keep plugged in all the time while I'm driving that charges my phone and my battery packs and then I'm not just always using the cigarette lighter and water bottle now over here I have this cool little um car organizer I only have it expanded for two because I didn't need the third spot but it will go bigger um this just holds like my my curtain that I put across here at night um some chips some tissues my uh sunglasses sunblock toilet paper throat lozenges you know hair stuff whatever I might want to be able to reach um this is kind of my pantry this came with a um little lunch box kind of thing in here so I just keep my snacks and things that like my bread that I don't want to put in my cooler um I keep those in here and snacks that I might want while I'm driving I also really like when I see homeless people on the side of the road I like to be able to give them something so I just keep stocked up on granola bars and fruit bars and things like that so I can hand them a couple while I'm passing by them and I feel like I have helped somebody for the day um I don't tend to give money but there's no reason I can't give them something to eat so I kind of keep this stopped for myself but also for random strangers who might need a little help and down here is my extra coat bin I have all kinds of coats for different kind of weather um and I just like to mix it up I have a garbage can this holds extra water or ice depending on the weather I have my little broom and dustpan I have some car cleaner things and under here under here I have something that I also think you all should be getting ourselves safety flares these are amazing they um are little LED flares that to your van and will alert people if you are broken down um there's three of them in the pack and there's different modes and uh keep them where you can reach them so in my glove box [Music] gum some change for parking meters if I need it I have an emergency whistle for if I go wandering on a hike this in case my phone dies um some eyeglass cleaner some masks back here a first aid kit which everybody should have get this in your van you might need it or you might come upon a car accident or somebody who's been injured and you will be able to help them [Music] I learned the hard way that it is very important to carry an extra set of eyeglasses with you in case yours break even if they are old and it's not your normal prescription anymore at least you'll be able to see for a while until you can get your glasses fixed ask me how I know hmm and then down here in my other little glove box I have the usual stuff registration um some notebooks if I need I have some stamps and postcards and things like that um some of my old photographs that I'll probably decorate my van with at some point and the car manual and that's about it nothing exciting I also have another coat under there if you haven't guessed I'm addicted to coats under here I keep my uh jumper cables and some bungee cords these cables will plug into my jackery and save me from being stranded in the side door we have a fire extinguisher make sure you have one of those is my windshield cover um my shower shoes and um I think that's it well my friends that's it that's my van um I hope you enjoyed the tour and uh maybe it inspired you for some of your own ideas um I look forward to hearing from you stay happy and healthy and safe and thanks for following along and subscribing until next time you know what time it is [Music] stay weird friends
Channel: The Traveling Dork
Views: 70,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BjRFfomGutg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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