Van Life | Time to Move On

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[Music] [Music] after two months in a house i'm back out on the road it's been a week and a half of getting back into the swing of things but i'm really happy to be out here during the last few days of the house sit a good friend from washington rolled through and we all went camping together with the dogs turns out jack loves camping and i was reminded of just how much i miss being outdoors and waking up with the sun [Music] i have no record [Music] proud [Music] but i have you [Music] you have me honey [Music] got upsetting now [Music] you're gonna come camping with us you excited you got your camping gear you got your backpack this is jack every time we leave the house he like insists on coming and we'll block the door jack i gotta get out check gotta get out jack [Music] jack jack oh my gosh this little bandit snuck out he here's your knows sir yeah we're going camping summer breaks winter storms i don't mind getting known you have me honey [Music] [Music] all the way dog toys are expensive i'm taking it oops [Laughter] hmm at least the fire [Music] a few days after the camping trip we picked jen and colin up from the airport they've spent the last two months in nepal and we're just now coming home after summoning mount everest together how does it feel every summer you guys killed it oh so nice to be home and you summoned it together that's incredible top of the world together so rad we said goodbye to jack jenna and colin packed up our rigs and headed back onto the road i just pulled off on the side of the road and it's so loud i'm like not used to all this traffic noise i'm used to quiet calm house but yeah this is gonna take a little bit of adjusting this is actually like the first time that i've been in a place for so long two whole months and now i am getting on the road again and it almost feels kind of weird like having to remember a lot of things like okay i need to figure out where i'm gonna sleep tonight and try not to get too dirty because i'm not sure what i'm gonna shower again i just drove through jackson to get groceries and to drop off my propane tank to get filled but jackson is like a zoo it's funny being here for two months it's been like a ghost town and now it's just all of a sudden slammed and there's so many tourists i'm probably gonna hang around here for a little bit because it's so beautiful nate and i lucked out and found a great camping spot in the bridger teton national forest we stayed for five days which was the perfect amount of time to relax and readjust to living on the road i was even able to meet up with a friend i haven't seen since i was living in hawaii 15 years ago which is one of the things i love most about being on the road there's so many opportunities to randomly meet up with amazing people i just took a two-hour nap and it's 7 30 just went and walked through the woods and it's super hazy outside [Applause] i'm gonna try to get back on the schedule of being on the road so let me see if i can go to bed kind of early tonight and hopefully wake up for sunrise tomorrow [Music] buzz along my [Music] [Music] we made one last stop in jackson to drop off some donations which is something i do pretty often now that i live in a van and have limited space also we were able to get both the first and second doses of the pfizer vaccines during our stay in jackson which was a huge relief because we really didn't want to drive all the way back to washington just for that so we left wyoming feeling pretty well prepared to hit the road and hopefully cross some borders this summer but first montana that's the new campsite and this place is actually free which is incredible there's a reservoir out there you can go swimming and there's bathrooms so really stoked [Music] first morning in montana and i am making banana pancakes [Music] isn't too bad here it's only three dollars and 30 cents [Music] all right so i'm about an hour and 40 minutes away from the campsite i don't really know anything about this campsite except for what i found on ioverlander so it'll be interesting and my mirrors have completely folded in because the wind is so crazy right now so i'm actually having an issue with them because something happened with my system um and like the power mirrors need to be reset i went to a dealership and they said they can't access the control panel because it has a build over it this panel comes off so i can change the brake light but the control panel is back here and that's a solid piece of wood and there's a chance even if they access it the wiring for the mirrors goes all the way up here which will be pretty much impossible to access so i have been doing a really janky self-repair here as you can see i've got gaffer tape and honestly it's been holding since durango well actually san diego is where it started and that gaffer tape's been holding um but it just folded in so i am pulled off on the side of the highway and i gotta go fix it so i have to try to sit in the driver's seat and reach over and like manipulate the mirror so that it's in a good position before i tape it because it'll be stuck there so i just re-taped it and it's extra janky this time um but i just kind of want to get a move on um and if it doesn't hold i'll probably have to pull off at a hardware store and get some metal plates to hold it but hopefully this will work you can see it i've got my bike back here and i've got my firewood down here my gaffer tape here in case i need it the van's all put together i'm a hot mess i still have another hour and a half to go and uh great thing about having a toilet in the van i just pull over go to the bathroom don't have to go out of my way but you guys it's so hot outside i'm like dying so it's really nice when i'm driving with the air conditioning it'll be interesting to see what it feels like at this campsite hopefully i can find a shady spot hopefully i can find a spot at all i have no idea what to expect here um and hopefully the road's not too gnarly but i guess we'll find out so far so good must be holding oh my god the tape just came off well guys it's not looking good so far the tape already peeled off in both spots and i haven't even gotten out of the road one thing i have been struggling with since getting on the road is just prioritizing work because once again a lot of my time and energy tension is moving towards where am i going to sleep where am i going to shower do i have enough food do i have enough gas do i have water all those things and it's kind of hard to prioritize work emails and projects photography shoots video um i really wanted to do a van tour this week and that's kind of been put on the back burner just as i work out other logistics for things but it's still top of my list i thought i'd throw this vlog together and just kind of update you guys on where i am and honestly i want to do more videos like this because this is what my life is actually like you know it's sometimes it's just super chaotic and frazzled and i'm just moving from point a to point b living life [Music] which is awesome and i just saw some people walking their dog some of their fellow van lifers out here [Music] so i made it to camp and i'm pretty sure i got the last campsite here i'm excited this place looks awesome i just took out my bike unfolded it and locked it up to the van so i got a u-lock that connects to the van down here and then i have this lock here so it's locked up pretty good it's accessible and gives me a lot more space inside the van i got the van up on blocks to make it flat and i've got a campfire good morning just made my bed this is the view outside it's gonna be such a beautiful day [Music] [Music] is just like
Channel: Christian Schaffer
Views: 73,951
Rating: 4.940187 out of 5
Keywords: vanlife, van, campervan, wyoming, grandtetonnationalpark, montana, skoolie, tinyhome, tinyhouse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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