Valyria - Map Detailed (Game of Thrones)

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while Westeros the continent where the majority of the story takes place is united under one ruler the Eastern continent called Essos has a different ruler for each of his many cities a few hundred years before the series begins once civilization was on its way to conquering all of Essos however the dragon riders of Valyria are from a place called a Valyrian Peninsula is located on the southwestern part of Essos and the peninsula leads into the summer sea north of here is the Painted mountains and to the east is the gulf of grief and slavers Bay the map you're looking at looks a little different from the height of Valerius power what you're looking at is a peninsulas destruction after the doom of Valyria right now in the current story this entire region is in ruin and impossible to travel through in Game of Thrones the river that Tyrion and Jorah travel through in season 5 is referred to as the Valyrian ruins but this definitely isn't shown in the books we're tearing it attacked by the storm and it's actually the ruins of the Crone a place the Valerians conquered and destroyed long ago there has always been the mystery of the ruins of Valyria created after the doom so it makes sense that the writers decided to not even mention the crown and just called the ruins of Valyria so before this place was blown up which I'll get back to a little later in the video it was just one large landmass and not a chunk of islands scattered around each other originally a few thousand years ago this land was nothing but the home to sheep herders these Shepherds would eventually find dragons and their eggs within the volcanoes all over the peninsula there are 14 volcanoes spread across the Valyrian Peninsula they've been given the name of the 14 flames the Valyrians claimed this is where dragons originate from but the people of ash I claim dragons came from the shadow lands way further east in the world the shepherds were able to tame the Dragons with magic and quickly became this world's superpower with dumb as their war weapons the Dragon Riders went around conquering lands and collecting slaves in order to mine the 14 flames the peaceful sheep herders turned to evil slave masters they sent slaves doubt it's the mines for precious metals and many wouldn't return Valyria already had a warm climate but the conditions in these mines were torturous it was always extremely hot and grew hotter the deeper they were forced to dig when breaking walls they would sometimes be surprised by steam or boiling water or even molten rock but the worst would be coming across worms fire worms are essentially one with Dragons their fire would leave Brent corpses throughout the mines the 14 flames were active enough that they used their fires to light the night sky on the Valyrian Peninsula the slave masters didn't care about how many people they were sending to their graves because of how much they were making mining and how easy dragons made conquering they established the capital city also called Valyria the city was home to the 40 ruling Dragonlord families the targaryen were only one of these 40 families and they weren't even considered very powerful they all shared similar physical characteristics of silver hair and purple eyes if the Targaryen alone were able to conquer all of Westeros just imagine what the other more dominant houses were capable of the people of the capital city lived in topless towers with all their dragons flying above them the city would become the world's greatest civilization and the beginning of the Valyrian freehold the old Empire gas was a superpower of Essos when the freehold was just starting up so they were the first to be conquered by the Dragonlords 5,000 years before the start of the series a series of battles called the ghiscari wars took place every war ended with a victory for Valyria the dragons and Valyrian steel overwhelmed the ghiscari in the fifth and final war the capital city of guess was destroyed after turning the city into ruins the Dragon Lord solved the fields so nothing could grow ever again the most powerful Empire was defeated to the point where their culture and even their language disappeared forever the calling is that were under the old Empire of gifts like young Kai asked the poor marine and some colonies in the southern continent called South arrows were brought into the Valyrian freehold the dragon wars were also creating their own cities the first colony founded by the Valyrian freehold was phalanges but one of the nine free city colonies and known as the first daughter like volantis tyro started as a military outpost lys was a paradise vacation spot for the Dragonlords merchant adventurers from the freehold founded Muir and pentose some religious Valyrians who shared different views compared to the others in the freehold founded low wrath nor volson Kawara the last of the Free Cities is Braavos Braavos was never a calling me out of the freehold while on ships from Valyria to a new colony slaves on board to control the ships and escape their masters they traveled to a distant Lagoon that was well hidden by hills and covered with pine trees and the fog that covered this area the capital city of Illyria and all these cities under the Dragonlords were never considered an empire because it didn't have one ruling emperor instead it had 40 families so they got the name the Valyrian freehold the ninth Free Cities may have been founded by the Valerians but were left to rule over themselves and develop their own very different cultures there's also a city called the Soria that is now referred to as a lost free city in the current story this place is in ruin thanks to the Dothraki and they have since renamed it Vasco dock which means the city of corpses while I've been talking about all the colonies under the freehold for a while now there are actually some interesting places on the actual Valyrian Peninsula itself aside from the capital city there are two nearby cities the city Oros is considered to be second only in majesty to the capital city of Illyria it was founded by the freehold but unlike the free cities throughout esos that were another freehold Oros doesn't rule itself Valyrian are sent over to govern this land Turia is the other city close by and has a very similar description to Oros I don't think it's as extravagant but is also founded and governed by Valerians almost interior are separated by the 14 flames a little north of here is the lands of the long summer considering how interesting its name is it's a shame we don't have any information on this piece of land the name is almost perfectly the polar opposite of the lands of always winter that you find north of the wall that's supposedly where the White Walkers originated from I assume fire are a huge theme in this series and it isn't hard to tell since the poke series is actually called a Song of Ice and Fire and not a game of Thrones like the show that body water right by here is actually an inland sea called the sea of size this is the only body of water in the peninsula in keeping with the theme of fire the sea is called red for the north is a city man Terry's a small island nearby next to the peninsula is Illyria and the last city in this region is Talos man thérèse Illyria and Talos have all been described similarly to orous interior being rich and founded by the Valerians but also governed by them Tolo separates itself from other cities in the Valyrian Peninsula by having this reputation for having highly-skilled slingers slingers are just this medieval type weapon that tosses projectiles the fighters of Talos though led balls while most others just use stones somehow this primitive weapon doesn't serious damage if it hit someone these cities are connected to each other two Valyrian roads these are wide roads six inches off the ground made from stone he's a dragon fire since they are made at the dragon fire they got the name dragon roads they run in a straight line connecting the cities to make trade a lot more efficient for centuries these well-constructed roads have remained unchanged the Dragonlords were virtually unstoppable it took a natural Cataclysm called a doom of Valyria to end their violent conquest all fourteen of the volcanoes erupted at the same time four years before the series begins the capital was instantly turned to ruins killing everyone the lava and smoke were so hot that even the Dragons couldn't survive the catastrophe somehow the daughter of a Targaryen dragon Lord had a vision of the doom and warned her father 12 years prior to their homelands destruction they moved their family and five of their dragons to an island in Westeros long before her vision came true the island the Targaryen located two was Dragonstone this was the Valyrians westernmost outpost that they conquered for themselves 200 years before the doom funny enough dragon stone also has a future valcano on the island the villain Peninsula was shattered from where the fourteen flames used to be earthquakes and exploding mountains also turned the nearby areas to ruin the lands of the long summer and Oros stay connected to the sl's mainland while tyria in the capital city of Illyria became Islands some of the 14 flames were submerged into the water and created the smoking sea the smoking sea is impossible to sail through and with no one ever returning from their voyage here no one knows why it's believed some of the areas in these waters are still boiling and are also haunted by demons I'm not sure what that would mean in this story it's also said to be filled Krakens a dragon guard named Orion was not on the peninsula with a Duma courage says one of the few surviving Dragonlords he need himself the first emperor of Illyria and raised an army together with his army arjan travel to his home to try to re-establish the freehold but none of them were ever seen again what makes his voyage it was stranger that he was flying above his fleet on his dragon and it was 30,000 people under his command some people from volantis also tried and never returned a Lannister king thought he could return home a very wealthy man if he traveled to the ruins but he had his Valyrian steel sword were lost Tywin Lannister's younger brother wanted to try and reclaim the family's ancestral sword but also went missing you hungry Joe claims to have walked the ruins of Valyria during his time in exile from the Iron Islands he has since returned home with some powerful Valyrian artifacts but who knows if he's telling the truth he's one of the most evil characters who can't be trusted since the doom the surrounding areas have been drastically affected Ryan the Gulf of grief is the Isle of Cedars there were two seats on the island cause air and Veloz but both were destroyed by a tsunami that also happened during the doom there were a few witnesses at the time some Spearmint on tallest hill and some people on this island were out fishing way out to see the tsunami was a 300 foot tall wall of water and the only reason the spearmen survived was because on that tall hill they were stationed in a stone tower to give them shelter in the current story the Isle of Cedars has no one living on it and the animals here aren't afraid of humans a variant Olos made it out okay but something strange has happened to Oreo Styria and man Terry's Burroughs interior are cities both in ruin but somehow have people still living on it the people have gained a bad reputation since the deal being known as darker and more evil group of people and man Terry's is the most feared the city was far enough to stay intact but the people have allegedly changed they're known as twisted and monstrous and man Terry's has been called the city of monsters ever since the only instances were they'd been in the current story kind of backs his reputation when Denarius requests the help from these people they sent her messengers heads back pickled and when tyrion is an SOS he sees a slave girl from here with two heads the only other character I can run called the story with two heads is Mae Lee's the monstrous who was this cruel man from a Targaryen branch family that tried to make himself King he didn't make it very far before being killed by Sir Barristan Selmy with the people of man thérèse being strangely affected by the doom it asked the mystery of this region the doom of Valyria could have been a natural disaster or something more the Valerians were going overboard with all their mining but some claim that the only reason the fourteen flames didn't erupt sooner was because magic was being used to contain the volcanoes all this time until finally you weakened without the freehold empower chaos broken Essos for a hundred years referred to as the century of blood the Dothraki grew very powerful but no Empire has since the Dragonlords of Valyria hope you guys enjoyed this one and I hope it cleared up some of the misconceptions between the city of Illyria the peninsula and the freehold which covered a large range of land thanks for watching you
Channel: whycreate
Views: 771,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valyria, dragons, ruins, valyrian freehold, dragon, the doom, the doom of valyria, magic, dragonlords, targaryens, house targaryen, dragonstone, essos, map, detailed, game of thrones, season 8, daenerys targaryen, tyrion lannister, house lannister
Id: zNOyu2W456c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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