Valentine's Day Special - Pastor Warryn & First Lady Erica Campbell

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when we were married do you remember when we got two years it feels this still felt like we was like playing like but do you remember it like I can't remember kinda yeah we were in Northridge in this big old house and you would come home and play video games every day oh but God has brought us no no root like for real like he would be coming home from the studio and I will put on something cute and be up in a room posted thinking he's gonna in my mind he would run in the door going where is my wife and run all over the house looking for me so I'd be up there just just waiting and I'd hear the front door I hit a garage garage close he got off the car okay he's in the house he's walking to the kitchen alright he's not coming to the stairs he's going to the family room okay but I'm staying posed the door slightly cracked so it doesn't have to work hard to come in and see me posted looking beautiful so after about ten minutes of sitting there I go peek out the room we had this forty foot ceilings in this big old house with two kids in there didn't know what in the world was doing so I walked down the no kid I said no kids no kids two years we was kids Tukey us so I look and I peek he's playing a video game I'm thinking he's gonna at least see me and go come play with me no nothing so I go change and put on some sweats knocking around being too loud in the kitchen doing just doing stuff nothing what I realized is you know when you first get married you don't know how to be a husband you don't know how to be a wife you come with your preconceived ideas of what it should be and unfortunately in this day and age you have a whole laundry list because you base it off of the movies that you saw and the artists and the relationships you should see I'm posted on social media and you think a relationship is supposed to look like this but everybody's relationship is different and I believe that we have grown together and I have really enjoyed it even even the even some of the bad stuff because I think the bad stuff is what got us here you know yeah she reminded me of something the other day at my 25th birthday party they threw this surprise party for me it was kind of crazy I they tricked me somebody told me one of my friends who was my publisher said hey man he called me and got me all excited and said man babyface wants to meet you I said what I didn't dawn on me to think why because why would he want to meet me for what I don't know it was no reason but I jumped up he said man just meet me at my house and we'll drive over there together he wants to have dinner with us with me okay I go to the house and this guy has me sit on his couch for two hours you know and then finally we get in the car and we drive to this restaurant when I walk in the restaurant somebody my sister is up on the stage singing happy birthday and I sit still didn't dawn on me and then I start seeing all my family and people I'm like what is going because by that time I would usually forget that my birthday was even it was my birthday so I was the surprise party and all my friends came it was great it was great and afterwards you know somebody you know since speech speech have words have words at the time we had just got engaged and out of all the things that I could say she just reminded me of this she said she said I was so embarrassed she said you said you know how much you love your mother and your sister your father have how much you care for him and love more and you know and all this these great words you had to say and when it came to me you said baby we get married we gonna have a lot of fun yeah Oh like magic mountain or tic-tac-toe or something but in my mind that's kind of what I thought it was going to be you know I just I got my got my good friend here my partner we go and so instead of you know he getting married I didn't treat her like like a wife or a lover I treated her like a little brother like like I'll be doing stuff like for all my socks up and say ego cologne I'll pass to pass you the ball we didn't I'm trying to play catch like I'm outside trying to teach her to play basketball all kind of stuff then I I bought two bikes let's go bike riding we're gonna ride up there and I know she was just so if she's just you stuck with me because I knew you were a good guy I knew you had a good heart from a good family I knew you love Jesus I actually when we stood before we started dating I had a little legal pad a yellow legal pad and I wrote on that paper don't judge me that I wanted somebody that love God more than they loved me I wanted him to be dark-skinned I wanted to be in the music business and I wanted him to drive a BMW I was a little shallow domani I did but he did when I met him he was driving a BMW now steel I'll give you a little backstory now I was the kind of girl that was like a chronic dater so I always had a boyfriend and it was always you're gonna be my wife from the time I was like 15 so that ring that I got by the time I was 19 and realized he wasn't it I gave that ring back and my whole family side a big breath of relief because they was like thank God because he was the worst and then the second time it went a little further because he was from church and he was saved and he had a big family so we had to dress the church the photographer the caterer all my girls had given me their money and I was like Lord are you in this I mean you're totally invited to the wedding but are you in this and the Lord was silent and by this time all my girlfriends were getting married and having babies and you know it was likewise Erica not married and so I started praying and the Lord said are you a baby Lord so I end up praying and I found my favorite scripture proverbs 3:5 and 6 trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not into thine own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy path now I wanted everybody to give me the answer I wanted my mom to give me the answer one of my dad my pastor and nobody would say do it or don't do it well God was trying to grow me up so I would totally and completely rely on him because if I didn't I'd have married that guy and been in middle of America freezing with the rest of America right now but I called it off I let my cousin use the dress because she was getting married and though I told my mom I was gonna go stay in New York a little while because I was embarrassed my mom said baby you can live anything down and don't you be embarrassed you just come right on back to church and keep getting busy for the Lord and keep working for Jesus so by the time I met Warren I was like I'm not trying to fall in love we're just gonna be friends so it was fine that we were so friendly and so talkative and we laughed so much and we I remember one time I don't know if you remember this we went to the Fox Hills mom made me think I'm a little bit crazy I went to the Fox Hills Mall and we were standing up where the food court was and so we were just looking as people you know like I used to do when I went to mom would just look and I said so if I wasn't here what kind of girl would you look at it and he literally taught me and we let but no we laughter but it wasn't a trick question no we laughed about it she probably thought I was what did I say you you looked at me like I was crazy like I don't know if I want I don't want to do this I don't want to I don't wanna do this no I was like I'm serious I was like she's cute like would you talk to a girl like that like what about her that's like she had a big ol booty would you talk to her like for real and I didn't antagonize you when we left about your answers I mean I just I was you you you didn't really you didn't wanna really you don't want to play it's like yeah she yeah she all right yeah maybe she cool yeah hold on fellas don't you ever answer that question don't I don't care what she says you better do the moonwalk that some out of there just don't don't answer I really even though I you know every woman struggles with insecurity and wondering if he liked someone if someone's prettier than you but I knew that he was my friend because there it'd be times when we'd be mad at each other and we would still talk to each other now we wouldn't talk about nothing but music oh no those days yeah I gotta go to the studio yeah and I'm like he's calling me because he still likes me because we would have liked we never hollered and screamed at each other we never forgotten those kind of arguments maybe I kind of remember you how to let me once one time we were we were we had so that big old house that it was just it was just crazy too much I'd be you know let me tell you the backstory to the house before I was completely fully saved and delivered I said I'm gonna build this giant house now I wasn't engaged or anything I said now this house here we're gonna have all the parties at this house and so I didn't even build I built the house I didn't even build a real living room in a dining room I just built this one big room and then led straight to the backyard and this is just what it all gonna happen right and in the middle of that I got engaged and and God started really you know wrangling me around and had me a lock and you know fell in love with Jesus for real and so we moved into the house now the house is different they got a salon in there and you know it's all kind of stuff you know we're young and I'll come home and be calling her name for 15 minutes and couldn't find her he didn't mad when I answered by the time I find her you're on because she's I didn't hear you you do every year every call so we sold that house and moved to a smaller place closer to the city and now we're looking with us in a smaller 2-bedroom apartment and at this point we're looking for new houses now by this time she's 6 or 7 months pregnant with our with our oldest Krista and you know anybody has been pregnant you know come on emotional a little a little bit hormonal you know so there was this house that was a tiny little house and it was a fixer-upper upper-upper it was very very very it had immense potential listen you had to put more in the house and it'll cost to buy it to get it to anyway and so I made the mistake of saying because she was like we should look at the house and we were in the garage of the apartment in in the car she was just going on about the house I said not see and I told her I said I don't know why I said it I'll never say it again listen you just being emotional I get I'd gave her I had never heard her talk that loud before she just went off I said oh my god what did I say yeah and being tried to come and hug me in the middle of me like fussing and going up I'm emotional let me be emotional but what happened as I began to hug you I calmed down and everything changed I think we really just learned how to communicate with each other I consider myself a submissive wife my submissive yeah I'll let you leave you too man okay why you why you moving why are you going all the way over there I'm just gonna say my wife is submissive what she feels like it what you really want oh because my wife and her sister Shanti is here so she knows is how she is she'll tell you yeah if she'll agree but she just don't do she want to do anyway she gonna shake her head okay okay okay but then later on you find that she didn't deal whatever it is you don't want her to do - listen I don't want her - she wanted to bungee jump and I was completely against it I don't even think we were married yet we were and she said okay all right no no don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do it don't do it and so she said all right okay okay like and that's what I went on like okay she said she's not gonna do it she don't went and did it anyway how did I find out somebody decided oh no I called you because I was so excited I was like oh my god I'm like on ten I'm so excited he was like real low do what I say I went um bungee jumping and it was really great I was flying to the sky and so since you don't care about your life or my life or Chris's life what's the point of me talking right now cuz you pretty much got a death warning you want to die since you want to die let's just not talk right now I got fun I was like I think I might have messed up I think uh I think I but I apologized didn't I I apologize I can't I can't accept the pop but she already so she won't say again in front of all these witnesses I'm so sorry I'll never do it again thank you but she is she is she is submissive the reason why I don't I don't think I recognize it as much it's because I don't I don't lean on that I don't I don't call for her to be submissive I'm not always checking to see if she is submissive I'm not I'm not gauging that I'm not like are you being submissive today yeah she just is and I and I accept that and guess what I'm submissive to her you are like if we have a major decision we decided when we first got married was a few things that we said we would talk about because we are in the entertainment industry and I travel a lot and you know we would make decisions on what was the dollar amount of people making requests that we would have to check in with with each other so we designated something because I know a lot of times that can be a problem in relationships you got a cousin who always got a problem and you always got to pay they rented a car knowing that you don't check with your spouse and all they know is the bank account is going down you ain't said nothing and you know you're trying to figure out why your problems will be it's because you're not together we've always been together even if I come back in town he'll say let me have you to myself for a little while and then you can invite Joe whole family over cuz I got a really big family he was like but I don't want to be missing you and you come home and I got to fight through seven sisters and cousins and nieces and nephews just to look in your say that I missed you so we make sure that we are committed to each other even if we get busy and things get weird are married couples sometimes it's easy to float through life and you're just doing married life but you're not together paying the bills taking care of kids you go to work we got this so on so haven't we got to go that together but you're not laughing you're not connected when we first got married yes we were very young and we were in the entertainment industry and I was going being Mary Mary and he was producing well there was I felt like there was so much that he was doing that I wasn't a part of and so instead of attacking him and accusing him of cheating and going to his events given everybody the side-eye I just told him when you laughing at people's jokes I want to laugh too I want to be a part of it when you go out to events and you come home and you're telling me of all these people to chew me I just I just want to be a part of it I think as women we have to learn to convey our emotions with honesty without attacking I remember he told me the worst thing that that I could do as a wife was to accuse him of something that he was trying his best not to do as a new hot young handsome producer there was a lot of female artists who was very enamored with pastor Warren Campbell I will come to the studio and you know the outfit would be one way we just opened it's all just post it up and then when I come in all of a sudden they just close up and just you know pull stuff down hi nice to meet you and I'd be like does she like you no no we just best the homey no that's the homey okay that's the homey wait because you just that made me think of particular I know I know I'll remember that yes I remember too but I'm gonna tell you how g-dub I am though when she did that I was like I'm nothing to sit here and watch her I'm finna let her know what's cracking I gave him a kiss I'll see you later and I left and I was like now God if he mind he gonna cry if he ain't I'm an O and something don't go all left I never passed him I never gave him an ultimatum even when he asks for space after he had already proposed no he was younger than me I'm three years older than you are younger me three years it's not four years it's three years your birthday is in August and it will be three years it's three years and five months so we were engaged we dated for five years and we were he had proposed and all of that and the proposal was beautiful happened on Valentine's Day and it was the most amazing proposal ever but somewhere in the middle of that he was like uh I'm not a I may need to take a minute I'm not so sure I need some time I was like what's your main time you acts I didn't act shoot you ask me okay I just say yes cause what you act and though I was broken and I was actually at momma Campbell's house downstairs in the studio boohoo crying I told you were not together anymore she was like what it was crazy but I told him I was like take the time that you need figure it out cuz I don't want you to feel forced or pushed I did say I'm not a permanent girlfriend and I love you I will cry real bad but I get over it and I will move on so take the space take your time just keep that in mind I was in I was in Holland and me and Tina were now I had we were on a promo tour and I literally I was crying every day we would get on stage he was saying shackles and can't give up now I would encourage all these people and I will go back to my dressing room we're back to my hotel room I just be understand God I thought you said this was him you know cuz I did believe that God said you know I took my time and I was like God if this is not my he defined it do not let me fall in love and I thank God for my Mocambo because she was my ally like she would talk me through she would like no he does love you just needs time no I don't understand you know I was just going through it um and so I was in Holland and I was in a hotel lobby man Tina and they said there's a phone for miss Atkins so Tina went to the phone I was like was for you because I ain't got no man so you know anything mean Tina goes to the phone and she said it's not me as for you I was like mama calling she said no just go to the phone stupid so I went to the phone and when I picked up he was on the other end of the phone and he said I'm so sorry I love you I do want to get married I don't need space and I don't need time I just want to be with you and that day you said you want to get married May 26 well I'll tell you what happened my dad scared me it's dad's fault okay well my dad said I said dad I want to ask Erica to marry me he said well he said I told you you would know when it's time when you ready he said now she's a woman she want these little girls running around here that's you got you a real woman there right and he said now and you you got you got to know that there's no gene that's gonna kick in that's gonna cause you to be faithful he said because when I got with your mama I was a virgin he said I seen all these little girls you got coming they're in and out of here he said you ain't got the same testimony yeah and I and I didn't have the same testimony I didn't but I wish I did I do I do anyway and so my trepidation was this this is a I mean an amazing woman I just felt like at some point I'm gonna mess this up I heart I know I just kind of know what my attention span was like opens at that point I had never even called another woman girlfriend ever I wouldn't I wouldn't do it wouldn't do it I get right to the brink of saying maybe she's my no I think I'm sweet I see other people I'm done I'm done and I go to the next one I couldn't do it this was the first woman that I said that's my girlfriend and I just felt like mmm Warren you know you you you you you know yourself and you don't wanna you just don't mess it up and so before I I didn't give myself a chance to grow I didn't give myself enough credit to say okay man you you you can you can mature past where you are now and you can be how your dad is with your mom cuz I just might my example is my father and I was like I don't know if I could do that I don't I don't know if I could the barometer is so high and I believe in when the bar is set you got to do something with that bar you may not you may not reach it every time but what you can't do you can't lower it yeah and so I actually did I prayed I prayed about it you know and it's talking to everybody and you know doing all the stuff you do when you're trying to take space but no matter what I did my mind never left her it was just you know in in in the pain that I that I know she felt when I told her what I told her that hurt me so bad I'm like wow why do I feel like this why do I and some said dummy because you love her you feeling it because that's your rib yeah and so I called my my said mom I don't know where Erica is right now I have no clue where she is she's and she's not even in the country I still don't know how my mom found her but I think I she did yeah and so you know our love is a spirit the Bible says it first John four and eight he says if you don't have love you don't know God because God is love we know God is a spirit if he is love and he's a spirit in there there's a spirit of love and a fact 1st Timothy 1 2nd Timothy 1:7 says God hasn't given a spirit of fear the power and love fifth chapter of Galatians says the first fruit of the Spirit is love and so what my parents did was they they created in our home a culture of love a cult it was a culture of love it was it was the spirit of love in our in our house to the point where when Eric and I first started dating and Valentine's Day came around and she noticed that we were giving each other cards and she said you always give your mom and your sister cars it yeah she thought it was the weirdest thing but you know it's just that's what we did because my mom taught us to love so that matter of fact hold on I got your car here baby sister looking to I gave Mom our card look this is your car baby from my mom and dad and this is the car from my parents this is what every year what they did now these are yours one is from your husband and then ones from your pastor you know I know everybody wasn't fortunate enough to grow up with the example of love in front of them everybody did not see that and that's why it felt strange for me my my mother and father's love story was a strange one they married and divorced each other three times they just kept they just kept trying you know and even you know in the last years of my father's life when he had married someone else on his sickbed he was still looking for my mama and so I learned that even through the ups and downs sometimes your heart is just connected to who was connected to but what I do know is that when God is all the way in the equation and you communicate it doesn't mean it's impossible for you to have a real real real loving relationship just because you didn't see it just because you didn't grow up like that I really almost self-sabotage our marriage the first two years because my father and mother split so many times because he would say I love you and I'd be like what that mean my daddy said it and he left I would do that to him all the time I had girlfriends who were getting divorced so he'll be like I'm trying I'm like what that means so you could change your mind and leave tomorrow I was so afraid of divorce and I was so afraid of being hurt till I was putting up this barrier between him and one day I was on my way home I got off the 118 freeway on Tampa and I pulled over and I said lord I don't want to destroy this marriage before it has a chance to live if he loves me let me feel it because right now I'm in my own way I was like please just let me let me see it and feel it and I don't know what happened but when I came in that door from that day on everything was different because I changed the way I was looking at him I wasn't anticipating him acting crazy I wasn't anticipating issues I just I would pray the guy what that was still my prayer that God bind us together in love we still pray that over our marriage and over our family that God bind us together in love that we understand each other that I don't get in public and act a fool and bash him that I don't get in a room of women and they all bashing a husband and I just jump on a train and I don't I don't do that to him I don't I don't minimize him I don't insult him we don't even call each other stupid we don't say shut up to each other we just it's just something that we started early on we just don't I don't cuss him out he don't cuss me what at one time at one time I got really mad and you know what he said to me he said I made you do that and that's not my wife you were a beautiful classy woman you don't talk like that I made you I made you get that way and I'm gonna change it he loves my heart right back to him and everything that I was so broken and upset about it was repaired by love hey man you know love not just love with marriage in particular cost yes it really really does and the better marriage you have the more you've probably paid when you see somebody married for 15 20 30 years man they paid a price our problem is today we want love at a discount yeah we want to pay discount prices we don't want to really go through all the stuff that it that it that it takes you to go through a lot of necessary steps you know you need him to make mistakes cuz how is he going to learn yeah yeah he needs you to make mistakes sometime not to stay in those mistakes but to learn from him and grow grow together no I didn't know how to be a husband but how she left because I was trying to figure it out I'd still be lost I'd still be trying to figure it out so there's nothing that she can do or say to make me leave I'm never leaving I told her listen don't come don't go out there and do nothing crazy and come back and tell me about don't tell me unless she ready to leave but I don't want to know cuz I'm not leaving I'm not gonna do what am I gonna do I made you for better or for worse rich or poor sickness and in health you know sometimes helping just physical you know sometimes we ain't healthy here yeah and sometimes it takes the love that that God put together that no man should be able to put asunder say he'll that yeah God gave you your spouse for a reason God God gave gave Eve to Adam yeah it's the first time that God said that's not good he made he made the son I said oh that's good the trees off he saw that it was good and he made his man he says it's not good it's not good for man to be alone so he makes even he pulls out of him/her so when God gives you your wife he's giving you a piece of yourself yeah but we don't man we don't treat it like that do we if you viewed your wife as a real part of you you talk to her a little different yeah you love her a lot better you consider her more Jesus died for us he died for us because he considers us a part of himself then he turns on says I want you to love your wife like I love you like I love the church He gave His life yeah and so I want I want to pray for every married couple here matter of fact I'm gonna have my father my mother come I'd like I'd like every married man to stand Wow hallelujah father sometimes it's hard as a man to do what you commanded us to do and we're standing on what your word says husbands love your wives even as you love the church what what she's hurting we're hurting when she cries I will cry where she's happy of course I will be happy whatever she needs I am the man of my house I am looking out for her I am considering her every need I am her covering I am because you caused me to be a supplier I am the supplier of her needs not just her physical needs her emotional needs father we now know we understand what we are we are men and there are times when all we want to do is fix it let us understand that we have a tender heart we have an emotional person in our life in our circle but our arms wrapped around them there are times when we need to say nothing we just need to understand them and to hold them to hug them to bring them close cause every man that is standing here today Lord to understand what they are and what they're supposed to do and that is to love their wives love their wives none of us are perfect but Lord caused us to be that perfect man that upright man that she can be proud of that she could hold her head up and say that's my husband that's my man that she could be proud to say those words now every man that is standing here today thank you for this moment on they are a better man they are a better husband in Jesus name now can I have every married woman to stand look at all the wives man y'all give them a hand hallelujah mama could you pray over the Father God in the name of Jesus we bring these women Lord God these women that you have blessed with these men we thank you Father God that we are the women that you speak of in Proverbs or God and if we're not Lord Jesus we thank you and we ask you God to guide us and to lead us to know what to do Lord God to be the women that you are calling for in these days Lord I thank you Lord God that every woman that is standing here is her husband's help me Lord God that she will cover him in the name of Jesus that she will uphold and take care of that home and bless those children and take care of those children we thank you Lord God because it is not beneath us it is not nothing that's old and old-fashioned we thank you Lord God because we are submissive women to the men that you gave us what God they were looking for us and they found us and you said he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing but let us continue to be that good thing in the name of Jesus help us to know what to speak and stand up and have a backbone and help us to know what to be quiet and listen and pray in the name of Jesus we thank you Lord God that every woman standing here that their children arise up and call her blessed in the name of Jesus I thank you and I praise you in Jesus name Amen now all those single individuals male and female that desire a godly marriage I want you to stand to your feet right now and I want to say a special prayer for you because dating in 2016 is cold-blooded but God is still God he still knows how to get your mate to you when you are ready at the right time a healthy loving relationship that is God ordained and God designed that will be fulfilling and you can stay married till death do you part so let's close our eyes dear God I thank you for these Souls these lives that are standing right now but I thank you that you will make them ready for marriage prepare them heart mind body and soul remove every ounce of damage remove all the pain from past relationships remove anxiety and fear of the possibilities of what could go wrong Lord we only trust and believe in you Lord that you will send the right person at the right time that will love them completely totally just as they are no comparisons to the past only looking forward to a loving healthy relationship and their marriage will make a difference in the world it will glorify you god I thank you for saved spouses I thank you for saved relationships that glorify and magnify you where they put you first Lord Jesus and I thank you I believe God that you will send the spouses Lord for these intended people Lord God and you will be glorified in everything that they do and everything they say in the mighty name of Jesus I pray thank you that this is a year of love I think it that will have marriages in this church and the families will grow and they will multiply and will make a difference in this world in Jesus name I pray thank God amen hallelujah
Channel: Erica Campbell
Views: 238,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warryn campbell, erica campbell, valentine's day, california worship center, north hollywood, california
Id: MlbDTf28AQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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