Prophet Lovy - Proverbs 31 teaching for women

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Proverbs chapter 31 from verse 10. proverbs 31 verse 10 only verse 10. the secret to what you're looking for is in Proverbs 31 verse 10. are you ready listen to this huh proverbs 31 verse 10. uh-huh who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies now say it again who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies one more time who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies one more time who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies I think somebody needs to hear that one more time one more time who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies her price is far above rubies now the word virtuous in Hebrew is kahil kahil means strong mighty efficient wealthy she's like an army A force now let me explain to you what this is trying to say you can never now if you go to the store listen to me and listen to me carefully when you go to the store I and I want you to stay here with me and you want to buy you want to buy bread yeah how much does a loaf of bread cost like a dollar two dollars huh two dollars right a price of bread is two dollars so the exchange to get bread is what two dollars yeah yeah now you have to ask yourself a prophet you might want to listen to this yes Daddy I don't think you're listening no you're not you're focus on phone I'm all ears no no no you're focus on fun you say you support me I'm supporting you no no take off your thing because we need to help the people yeah remove your ear thing yes yes no phone focus focus focus on your son listen to this is listen listen listen so the value of bread is like two dollars right yes so if I want to buy bread I have to have what two dollars now my question is this if you want a 610 and if 16 6 20 12 pack virtuous Mighty wealthy handsome must be this must be that must be able to do this must be able to do that the question is do you have value to accommodate that nothing wrong with wanting to have the best car nothing wrong with wanting to have the most handsome man nothing wrong with wanting to have the most tallest man nothing wrong with the most well-dressed man nothing wrong with the most kind men nothing wrong with any of these things the question is does your value exchange can you accommodate to purchase that come on that's good I don't think somebody's listening to me come on you see some of you you are wishing but you don't understand that God gives you according to the value you possess come on you see a lot of people want finances they chase after money but they don't understand money does not come to you because you're chasing the bag that's foolishness every wealthy person is because they have a value that exchanges for money Bill Gates was the wealthiest man on the Earth because he offered something to the world value on Earth that nobody else could offer in his time that made him the most wealthiest person then another man came the Amazon Guy what's his name again Jeffy Jeff bezel came he offered another service beyond what the creator of Microsoft could do and this value increased even far more than Bill Gates could why not because he was chasing money not because he was working hard not because he's the most prayerful person simply because he understands the principle of value come on amen amen that's good this is why Proverbs chapter 31 31 yeah 31 verse 10 is saying this read it again one more time proverbs 31 verse 10. who can find a virtuous woman who can find that meaning she's rare ah somebody's not listening to me so you think that it is a matter of fasting and prayer to have the right husband there is a place for fasting and prayer but it's not the only thing I've seen daughters that pray I've seen daughters that can pray about their character will never allow them to have somebody Jesus Jesus and that's a scary thing because they will keep going to prayer lines anoint me this is my year of marriage even if you prophesy they don't have the place to accommodate the prophecy because prophecy is a seed that needs to fall on something that will grow because there's every prophetic words needs a principle there's a principle that has to be accommodated come on my oh yes my husband is coming Hallelujah but they don't understand that what it entails if you align what you're aligning then the husband is coming you see my daughter uh let me use as an example um Ashley my daughter Ashley I looked at my daughter Ashley she used to come to the prayer at the house and I think she I remember the first time I met Ashley I think she had a growth in her throat I don't know if my my daughter Ashley is life but I touched the the growth in her throat and it disappeared if physically this is not like oh she went home with me this annoyed disappeared in the service while I'm touching it you know and and uh she kept coming and then she came again and told her your husband is very close one thing that I always love about my daughter Ashley is this she really is a woman of principle she knows how to put principles together in order to get to where she needs to get to Character Matters a lot people she carried a character that could accommodate when my son one of my most faithful Sons Lee came into our life she brought Lee to service haha I have to make sure this is the right person and when Lee came I told her you'll get married very soon I told her within six or eight months they were married and they were on their way to their life until now it's been years they have I prophesied their first child until now they have two beautiful children right now and they've been married for a minute their Union is so strong and powerful why because the principles accommodate the prophetic word that comes so the question again is this the delay of your husband is not the man to see you is do you carry virtues are you more precious to make that exchange spiritually because God will never bring somebody that has been sent and destined on Earth to do Mighty and Powerful things to help the people on the Earth can God trust you to be a helper for that man to make sure he accomplishes what he's supposed to do and him to help you to accomplish what you're supposed to do can you manage such a person you see let me explain to you something you know if you have met I have a CPA right some people don't know what a CPA is some of you will never use an accountant an accountant not because they are not available you have no need for them because your finances are not at a place where you need somebody to help you to count to keep tabs not saying that God doesn't want you to be there I want you to get there that's why I am here but notice this those who need help aging is because plenty some of you God cannot even send you somebody because there's nothing to manage hey there's no value to manage all right uh Prophet you are a prophet you are forsaking me you're forsaking me you see what you're holding in your hand ah they read comments [Laughter] please I can't see you there come sit on this side let me partake of yourself are you getting what I'm saying yes yes you see God go to Genesis chapter two keep that Proverbs chapter 31. let's go to Genesis chapter 2. I hope I'm helping somebody YouTube are you there YouTube are you there YouTube are you there YouTube are you there yeah I see my people I hear glory be to God glory Genesis chapter 2. amen now look at this Genesis chapter 2 verse 18. Genesis chapter 2 verse 18. Prophet wait until you hear this this will shock your life hi read this Genesis 2 verse 18. and the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone I will make him and help meet for him yes aha keep reading and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air yes and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever Adam called every living creature yes that was the name there are keep going and Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fall of the air and to every beast of the field but for Adam they was not found in help meat for him stop right there read 18 Again and the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him and help me for him and then next verse and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field in every fowl of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call notice this God is saying it is not good for man to be alone I will make him a Health Mate but the first help make God makes his Abyss Jesus and brings him to Adam Jesus mix a beast animals and brings them to Adam because Adam is alone and he needs a Helper because the work is great so animals that you see were created to test Adam if he knew what he carried if it could be managed by a dog hey a monkey wow a dog a monkey a rhino a crocodile a lion and Adam was Discerning enough to say no there is no help made among these ones yet God said it is not good for man to be alone I will make him my helper you see some of you you failed the test a dog came you accepted him and you're wondering why he's sleeping around a lion came you wonder why he has temper controlling issues you saw hair glorious you accepted hey a crocodile came you accepted a crocodile you're wondering why you're being dragged into deep Waters every day trouble trouble trouble I think I'm talking to the wrong people I don't know if somebody's listening to me that's good I don't know if somebody's listening to me I don't know if somebody's listening to me oh my God I don't know if somebody's listening to me hallelujah hallelujah God brought him help me that were not on his level to see does Adam truly understand what is inside of him and where he's going you see some of you you just settled with somebody because you are children as if children is what marriage is about marriage is not about having kids even though kids are blessing that comes with marriage but the purpose is not to have children that's just a bonus that will continue what you have started with the bright Union Yes uh YouTube are you there Facebook is somebody listening to me my God uh in Instagram is a Facebook are not sharing we are over 240 something but we need to I need somebody to listen to me come on remember even Birds you wonder why this guy can never settle down one day he wants to live in L.A next he wants to be in Mauritius next he wants to be in Japan he just he can never settle down this season is here this season is there the other season is there the others because you accepted a bird try my god what have mercy God never told Adam I made you a wife even though when he created Adam the spirit of Eve was inside of him are you there are you there are you there the number one reason why you don't know if he's the one is because you don't know your value try and you have never invested in yourself to know your worth wow not this fake worth that everybody just says I am a queen I am at this everybody can say that doesn't mean anything do you truly carry those values do you really do you really carry that worth are you that virtuous woman are you that virtuous woman are you that virtuous woman that everybody is searching for come on let me tell you a secret about men have you ever noticed this the most attractive man don't marry the most beautiful women hey is your microphone on yeah I mean remove the thing we need to hear your words this is why you wonder why is it some of the most attractive men you're wondering why have they settled like I'm sure what did they see in her what do you see in her what you don't know is man looks for Value let me tell you sex men can get sex anywhere you can pay for sex with prostitute come on not the right thing but sex is available everywhere yes but a man who is thinking about the future does not look for what you think they're looking for yes come on come on you wonder why is somebody so good looking why would they do that why would they play themselves like that oof I'm the one but you're wondering with all your beauty every person that comes lives everyone that comes leaves everyone that comes lives you start going to prayer line you start soaking yourself in anointing oil no the problem is you don't have values you don't carry the value that accommodates this is why the Bible says this this is why the Bible says this it says he who finds a wife meaning a man is not looking for a girlfriend [Music] um come on you don't become a wife when you you know some of you just want my daughters you just want to with your girlfriend's pose like this you know means nothing some of these men they know you don't carry any value but the you entertain them you keep them company they will give you a ring to just keep you quiet but you've been engaged for seven years hey we'll start calling you Lords of the Rings seven years of sleep my God my daughter's sister Candace God bless you Shabba it's just for sure but there's no marriage to come to go with it do you know that engagement simply means it's like me saying hey we have an appointment tomorrow that's an engagement yeah we have an engagement but the problem with your appointment their appointment at least you know the time and the hour this engagement has no beginning has no end it's Eternal hey yes my Lord yikes somebody says it's tight but it's all right indeed I hope somebody is being blessed by this I want you to share this I want you to understand why you obtain favor from God you obtain favor from God if you find the right woman hmm there is a certain favor you see when people say I am favored by God let me tell you something I have amazing tremendous favor with God and with man yes I really do and I'm not saying it because just to say the Bible says let us make our boast in God I am boasting in what God has done I know that I have favor with God and with man because I can see through my life all right but do you know I carry character that can allow the the the favor of God to flow through me yes are you that woman that you can enter somebody's life do you know there's a woman that can enter somebody's life and everything the man finds is potential come on everything about that man changes like this everything about that man's life shifts because of the right woman her guy was young and beautiful Abraham just had a one-night stand that was it Jesus went back to his wife his older wife value I'm just being honest with people do you know why do you know why Jacob even though his father-in-law cheated him and he married in the dark he never divorced the older sister was it there what was her name the other Leah he never divorced Leah you should see the character of Leah the character of Leah was outstanding she was a hard worker he was valuable even though he's not the one that he wanted he still worked for the one that he wanted come on but that one Leah ah very valuable so I'm trying to explain something to you here too to try and bless you to get you to where God wants you to be as a woman of God as a virtuous woman what do you carry inside of you that will make a man pursue you a man doesn't marry you because God said God may say something and get to you and see that he wasn't there God will change his mind come on come on you see God's purpose doesn't change but his mind changes come on you see Christians don't know that they say God never change it's true his purpose will never change because his purpose is eternal God never does anything temporary so do you really think if God brought this is just an example if God brought Me Prophet Elia in your life and you don't understand what the man carries he is mandate in his calling how you can be a support to that do you really think God is going to keep me in that place with millions of souls waiting for my voice to come to God he will never allow the in fact he's the one who would separate it yeah in fact is the one who separated do you understand why that sis the nation the nation literally stepped in and said we don't want this wife over here she's not good to our King they actually kicked the wife out and they said we will gather all the young women from all across the nation and we will see which one of them carries we will train them but we will also see what virtues they carry for them to actually be your wife so that our kingdom could Prosper imagine the nation is saying no you cannot be with this wife and if you look at the values of that wife is that is the is the foolishness unfortunately that our daughters are being taught today wow that our sisters are being taught today even mothers being taught today they carry no value but they carry a lot of mouth hey lava it's dangerous when you see when you talk when you talk somebody should want to listen to you do you know why a lot of men don't listen to their women because you nag you don't deliver anything of value that will make a man even think of doing something wrong and say hey let me get myself together I cannot present myself like that no I cannot mess this thing up no I can because you you I don't know if somebody is catching what I'm saying you see God has to allow me to pull you to tear all the falseness out so that you can build yourself in the image that God desires you to be come on if you really believe me to be a man of God you have to listen to me when she told the king I want you to come eat the king starts confessing what do you want do you have one half of the kingdom do you want this anything you want anything you do you know when you can wrap a man in your finger like this you never have to lift your voice if you understand what you carry in you come on he cannot accomplish anything in life without you hey he cannot accomplish anything no man can accomplish things in the world that pertain to Eternal purpose without a woman impossible if they have accomplished something on their own no they are not great hmm [Music] I'm telling you the truth Esther just said no Esther broke the law by going into the comes the into the into the court without permission according to their law she was supposed to be king killed but the king said no no you're not going to kill this valuable person to me my anchor my strength you're not going he lift a deceptor nobody could touch her and then she came close said what do you want do you want anything what do you want anything you want said I want you to come for dinner he was there on time hmm some of you is not even a king that you'll be killed could you come for dinner no hahaha daddy this one is on uh but it takes revelation through prayer and standing before God to really know what is inside of you that God put my son Lee Lee Elia Simpson says this is a whole book Papa major Keys it will help the set it will help with the setup glory be to God divorce my daughter said I can't wait for papa to do the main one ah it will be extra deep Hallelujah let me remove my glasses I feel like a Baptist preacher can I have a napkin I need to wipe my my face it smells really like about this future with the napkins glory be to Jehovah God come on so the problem is this is something that I came to learn and I learned this by experience Hallelujah that people choose the wrong people okay let me just do this small survey let me do this small survey how many girls have been in the wrong relationship for a long time and you broke up or even divorce then you're like man he was not what I thought he is I want you to type down whether you're on Periscope YouTube and YouTube keep sharing we are we are at 300 now keep sharing glory to God let me let me do my Baptist one Baptist One Note glorified holy is the Lord Jesus I'm speaking to you as a father and I want God to bless you and I want God to bless you with peace I'm tired of doing counselings huh for small things that should never be big trivial matters huh it's a trivial matters explained as a more things now I received some YouTube YouTube YouTube are you there professor over me brother I am born in 1981 and love God and have vivid dreams so I'm brother and you want me to prophesy to you no prophecy for you today come tomorrow you go to a doctor you say my friend treat me why do you address a doctor as Doctor you respect the office you speak to the office you're just judge as your honor when you step out outside and you meet them they have to introduce the same self I am a doctor but there they don't introduce themselves because they're in their place of assignment many of you missed the hand of God because you don't understand these principles Jesus said our lord Jesus said if you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet you receive the prophet's reward you want the prophet's reward we're calling him brother Jesus didn't stop for somebody until he says son of David yeah it means you don't know who you are talking to you you have pleasure of your heart to just hear some words that will tickle your heart but you don't know where you're going and who you're talking to and what they carry in them to launch you to what you want to go to yeah our generation is deep are you listening to me come on brother listen to me curve said I feel like I'm married to the wrong man Prophet I will explain to you there's no such thing but I will explain to you something are you listening to me everybody are you listening to me everybody now a lot is everyone that has written 98 said yes let me tell you the honest truth that God told me another person told me and God allowed me to go through that process also he said you chose the wrong person because you are wrong come on the deep colors unto the Deep you choose wrong people because there's still something wrong in you so you cannot tell that it's bad until you outgrow it until it mirrors back to you then you realize I don't like this thing you outgrow it then you switch up you choose the wrong person because there is still error inside of you keep subscribing keep subscribing on YouTube on Facebook follow me on everything so that you don't miss these powerful teachings glory be to the Lord are you listening to what I'm saying you choose the wrong relationships because there's something still wrong in you it's good you choose wrong partners you choose the wrong people you walk with the wrong people because there's still something wrong inside of you are you getting what I'm saying you choose the wrong people because there's still error inside of you come on you can only see through the glasses that you're wearing you can only see through the glasses that you're wearing you can only see through the lens that you're wearing that you have on you see the wrong things you see the wrong things you walk the wrong way because you're wearing the wrong glasses if you wore the right glasses if you wore the right glasses there is no way you will select somebody to be a partner in a Great Commission that God has given you on the wrong uh the wrong page okay now it's right it's all right that God has given you it's impossible the prince loved Cinderella not because she was beautiful only because she could fit in a Royal sleeper hey can you fit in the place that God wants you to sit is it possible for you to be in the place that God wants you to be but you choose the wrong thing because you have the wrong pair of glasses on you have the wrong perception of who you are so you don't know your value and whom you can be next to I'm not talking about oh I I should I deserve this no you don't deserve anything until you're worth it come on people always love that line I I deserve happiness I give can you make somebody happy for you to deserve it try because if you go into a situation and you don't plant happiness you'll not reap happiness the problem that we have my daughter's in I want you to pay attention to this you go into relationships incomplete and you expect a man to complete you wow and man completes you in purpose but does not complete you in being if you are unhappy if you are not a happy person nobody will ever make you happy come on a man will only enhance your happiness come on they will never make you happy if you're not naturally already a happy person a man will come enhance their happiness the children will come enhance that happiness come on the people you have noticed the Disciples of Jesus did not come to make Jesus Jesus they came to assist in the assignment of Jesus come on you're teaching so so many of you are going in there like it just you know we fell out of love no you are looking for something that you did not fulfill before you entered into a relationship some of you you have been sent nice men but you don't know because there's still something wrong in you if you can value your girlfriends say it I'm gonna go hang out with my girls before you make sure that your home is together how you look comes first before what you can deliver it's a true it's a problem if you go in a situation to be made Happy you've already failed do you know why God does not make you pure in heart you choose to be pure then the purity of God enters you come on Until you realize the heart is desperately wicked and abandoned wicked things then God can be seen so as long as you're wearing Wicked glasses you only see wickedness come on how do you receive righteousness because you've realized that you you're not you you can never be acceptable to God you abandon your ways you accept what Jesus provided why the correct glasses come on some of you you want to be with somebody because you are lonely no Adam was given a partner because he needed a help mate he was not lonely if you are a lonely person and you want somebody because you don't like being lonely wrong purpose come on you end up with a monkey come on you'll never be able to reach his standards because he's good at climbing standards for you that you can never reach so you'll be over nothing is I feel like I'm talking to myself God did not say it's not good for man to be lonely Adam was not lonely before there was any animal Adam was not lonely Adam was good his problem was this Destiny is so big this Destiny is so great I can't do it by myself yes that was the need for a partner not loneliness come on nothing wrong with wanting somebody to hold you know somebody to love you that's a bonus in purpose come on don't hold each other and then you're looking at each other where will food come from hey you can't eat affection hey come on come on a lot of you think you're in love no you're in affection hey affection is not love hey come on teacher affection is not love that is why so many of you you are with somebody they start misbehaving and you're over it because it was affection it was in love love is patient love is kind because love look at God for God so loved the world he took in mind everything that a human being could do and accepted it so when you lie God is okay with it he hates sin but he provided a way out so it's not bothered with it because he accepted you if you're a murderer he will still accept you that's why he says come as you are because he made up his mind that I want you regardless that is love if God based it on how he feels we will all be in Hell Fire hey my God you're a teacher when you love somebody and add affection to it it's powerful come on but the same affection you have for food the same affection you have for things is the same affection you can have for us glory be to Jesus am I helping somebody what what did they say prophet he said Deborah says some of us we've married the one that's supposed to be the boyfriend then friend the one that's supposed to be the husband why why Israel Jesus but the reality is this there's no wrong relationship yes come on I'm here to tell you the truth soul mates don't exist come on sheesh this is why a marriage that is collapsing is being destroyed not because even people just fell out of love they can find the right Mentor if they are willing it to be the best thing they ever did and I've done it for a few people by the grace of God Amen so number one what value do you carry YouTube are you there hello YouTube this thing mirrors back to you are you ready go back to Proverbs 31 verse 11. so number one for you to know the right one you must carry value you choose the wrong person because you have the wrong perspective of yourself there is something going wrong with you so you pick the wrong things if you carried the right value in you then you will match the value that's how you find wealthy people love to marry amongst themselves because they are values that maintain that they maintains that do you know arranged marriages still work to this day yes Better Than People meeting themselves this is a fact because the values sustained are you ready verse 11. proverbs 31. verse 11. the heart of a husband doth safely trust in her yes so that he shall have no need of spoil one more time the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her safely are you a safe place not only because you can have value and not be a safe place you can be somebody of value but you tear everybody down so they cannot he cannot be safe with you he rather go find his homeboy tell him what's going on then come to his home you who is supposed to be a safe place you is supposed to be safety net wow can he safely come read it again proverbs 31 verse 11 the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of sport notice the verse 10 was saying who where is The Virtuous Woman the second thing is her husband already so when you meet a man and you are somebody of value he's already declared himself husband yes because he's seeing those things that he's missing hmm can he be a safe place or will you make him look ridiculous before people if his hair was if if he has snot say oh my gosh go clean your nose you won't go pretend to hug and wipe him cover him can you do those things let me tell you why a lot of men men who are married my son Richard John says you're killing it my a lot of men who are married like become sugar daddies do you know why they become sugar daddies the what do you call those young girls gold digger what do what do you call the diggers not escort you've gone far Bishop the sugar daddies let's say they go to this year they go to these young girls right because these young girls are safe place do you know what they do baby what do you need do you want something to eat the man knows he's being lied to but it feels good it's safe he knows there is no future but to stroke that ego that needs to be in a safe place he will go to somebody who lied to him she'll say maybe I saw something for like ten thousand he can't even give you 100 but you give 10 000 over there because it's a safe place I'm telling you the truth truth sugar baby somebody said curve said Sugar Babies [Laughter] I'm telling you the truth many of you think it hey hey see B Brown said these days value don't really amount to too much if you don't have the rest that come with it have you ever heard the term nothing is new Under The Sun It's always been like that that's why he's telling you about a virtuous woman wait and listen you need to have value in you and it continues to build we are not even done number two is are you a safe place come on so your character carries value in you that a man wants to know you more once wants to talk to you that's why you find men don't like easy chases they want a woman that will be like principal a like guys don't come into my house unless it's serious for you to even sit in my house so after we can go out and eat I have to be back by eight this ah the man will be I found an angel she fell from heaven hey why because there's a principles she's somebody put together value you're teaching you know you just can't put any gasoline in a Lamborghini hey they don't advertise a rosaries yes have you ever seen a commercial for Lambo no shy you don't just put any gas you don't just go to your local mechanic for Lambo mm-hmm Hallelujah the maintenance is different read it one more time eleven 31 verse 11. the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil one more time the heart of her husband does safely trust in her it trusts notice the Bible saying he trusts in her as if he trusts in God do you know for the Bible to say trust in her you can trust on somebody depend on some but to trust in somebody it means they fulfill everything inside of you that you can fully trust in them not for a specific thing but for everything you can pour yourself in them they are not only a safe place but it's a place you can trust for everything hey you know the advice is sound you know if they direct you is sound they are knowledgeable about where you're going they can give you proper counsel about what is going on around you the problem is reality TV has polluted our children come on that's true everything is just about hey foreign [Laughter] I'm being honest this is what you find our parents in our days they say how long have your parents been married almost years over almost 40 years they have argued they may disagree but they are together there is something are you a safe place are you trustable House of pray pray said Atlanta Housewives you know you watch so much chaos sometimes until you become a chaotic person my God you know you become what you see if the if the ship could look at sports that Jacob put and they started giving birth to to to to to to to to Cubs or ship they have spots how about you Jesus YouTube keeps sharing Facebook are you there Periscope are you there do you carry value are you a safe place are you trustworthy come on I'm just trying to make help my daughters those who even are married to be able to turn their things around amen and then next time I'll come back and we'll talk about the men too but I'm trying to help you according to the word of God this is God's standard not Prophet love is standard come on this is why so many of you because you carried no value you are trying to change you oh you know what when I get with him then I'll pray and God will change him no man can change um no man can change people can adjust their character but they don't change character can be adjusted personality can never be changed some people are talkative some people are more quiet that's personality some people are more adventurous Sometimes some people are not as adventurous that is personality some people love company some people don't like company those are personalities they can be character can be adjusted but people never change that's why so many of you have gone to prayer lines you've got back in the mighty name of Jesus Jezebel Must Die nothing is changing the devil is trying to scatter but I scatter it in Jesus name but you're wondering why is this blood of Jesus not working it's you hey my God you're teaching because you cannot be you cannot cast out the soul character can be adjusted but if you don't have a standard that a man meets you at that standard he already knows what the deal is and if you're truly somebody of value you make sure that you are just in order to work with you that's why you find some men they get married not because their wife is controlling or anything they can't do anything without speaking to their wife doing something with their wife working with their wife making sure that it's okay they'll be like hey let's go to a game or let me ask my wife if it's cool man what's wrong with you man who's the man no it's not that he knows his value at home hey come on deep obviously there are those who have control doors and we'll deal with men ah My Sons I Will chastise you like this in lingala we say fimbo symbol meaning whooping flogging serious one are you catching what I'm saying verse 12. I hope you're writing these things down keep going proverbs 31 verse 12. she will do him good and not evil all the days of her ah there is nothing you know there is nothing worse than somebody knowing if things go bad she will turn on me you see how Society has taught women that hit me now hit me now what are you going to do instead of creating peace for your house the Bible says I come answer driveeth away anger people just are not balanced because this process was not fulfilled in them process was not done in them ah that was deep a calm answer calm answer drivers away it drives away oh baby that's what happened oh I didn't even know but I'm sorry it's okay we'll forget I will put it you feel so silly you will never do it again come on and then later on you come you say oh by the way babe uh that thing that you're saying that day when things when people are smiling and laughing you know actually babe that day that thing it was actually who left it really it was me yeah it's you oh my gosh obey they will feel because what you have shown them is you see all you're talking you are foolish they will never speak without really thinking about it because they know they will look silly at the end and man's ego does not allow him to look foolish come on but the problem is you try to fight ego with ego and he has a bigger ego you will never win hey God Gave You brains Men Women are Smarter than men this is a fact women develop faster than men women can see farther than men that's why you are the perfect help mate you are the boss hey come on if for the train to go it needs you it means you're the most important part of it but you don't know you don't know where your strength Lies come on that's amazing that's good he would do him good read it again proverbs 31 verse 12. she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life she would not do something because oh you did that I'm gonna do this also that value shows that you don't value what you want or what you have because you're willing to sabotage you to prove a point you rather not get to where you're supposed to get to because you want to prove something hmm you're not you you will not do somebody good for the rest of their life you you rather be right instead of be wrong for the sake of the relationship you don't value what you have Jesus YouTube are you there Facebook keep sharing she will do him good all the days of his life and not evil meaning there is no evil act you will ever do she will never set you up for a gacha moment come on that's good she'll never do something that will put or compromise our relationship in any way but she will do everything to secure it and to protect it right are you somebody that does good the Lord Jesus said something never let your good be spoken of evil come on when you hear statements like there is no rap like a woman's wrath that's a problem no there is no compassion like a woman's compassion there is no love like a woman's life they only say there's no love like a mother's love because she's obligated to love a child there's no choice it's yours come on but are you going to love your husband like your own flesh that you would not be willing to sabotage it when your hand like you cut yourself by accident do you slap their hands silly hand how could you do that let me cut you even more to show you that you're not the right hand uh and you wonder why things are collapsing are you a woman who does good not only are you valuable meaning you carry virtuous character substance you have brains you don't just speak about let's go out party yay yay let's go have fun that's all you talk about you have no value you have no substance your substance is just makeup looking good a selfies sorry duck face it's bad it's sad oh my God value safe place trustworthy a doer of good the Bible says do not be wary of doing good somebody who stops doing good because of somebody else it means that you don't value yourself come on foreign don't worry my daughters I will get them in you will be watching also our cross is worse keep going proverbs 31 verse 13. she seeketh woe and flags and worketh willingly with her hands say it again she seeketh War she seeketh wool and flags and flags and worketh willingly with her hands meaning she's a hustler naturally she knows how to make something happen wool in those days was very valuable flatsu are very valuable not only is she a hustler who knows how to get woe not only only how to get that but also she works willingly meaning she's a motivated individual in building and working are you a hustler it may be hustling is the wrong word but are you somebody that is resourceful resourceful let's make it that are you resourceful self-motivated meaning nobody has to push you to do anything are you resourceful are you self-motivated when a man meets you a man wants to marry you is he only going to find sex that he can find with a prostitute God you see when you're a woman who is resourceful when you're a woman who's self-motivated what level of man do you think will come to you if he's serious about you trust me you will wake up and get his life together come on but some of you are so desperate for somebody who will drop you off the cliff you even end up being a sugar mama even though the man is your age he becomes your baby literally hey you dress him you clothe him you do all these things it's terrible carry this thing these things he has no choice if he wants to be with you but if you're desperate because you guys think standards is he must be tall he must be handsome no those are not standards those are temporary things those attractions he must have six figures can you manage 100 hey yay he must be rich he must drive a a Mercedes you don't even have a bicycle hey it doesn't match what are you offering even a tricycle if you have praise God it's just standards that don't make sense you know the Bible says let him that prophesied let them prophesy according to the measure of Faith your faith is false your prophecy is false your Measure of Faith is you have bicycle Faith you want Lamborghini first class flight to Dubai shopping London shop uh please what did you shop for yourself first oh my God you can't buy it for yourself don't ask for it Olga say it again [Laughter] they're teaching good my God it doesn't wear Versace shoes Gucci shoes I don't want them yet you're wearing a Payless [Laughter] just being honest you're a gold digger you're looking for interest you're not there to build nice my God foreign Facebook are you there I'm not insulting anybody I'm just giving you a wake-up call come on bakuria makodesh Libra Dosha Ankara digital ideas listen we are joking around and saying these things but I'm really trying to build you up yes I am truly trying to build you up so that you don't miss what God has for you amen come on talabosha anteli anti-lebaya next verse somebody says Prince Charming is a myth no it's not a myth are you princess Charming that is the problem because you want to be to be Charming but what is he Charming come on it's not a myth it's real even a virtuous woman is real God is allowing you to have this so that you can become a pearl yes valuable like diamonds I'll keep going proverbs 31 verse 14. she is like the Merchant's ships she bringeth her food from afar [Music] verse 15. no no read that again proverbs 31 verse 14. she is like the Merchant's ships she bringeth her food from afar you know some of you you will never be able to keep somebody because you can't even cook you just do McDonald's in and out you never built a skill that your house do you know that the Bible says the quickest way to a man's heart is through food come on can you throw down in your house can you do that scent that somebody said listen your friends are like ah let's go eat this he said nah man I'm going home my wife is cooking that steak hey my wife is you have you have secure you at your home some of you just know how to cook water and you even burn water I'm serious you're boiling water and you burn water it's evaporate what happened you know because notice this if the communion that Jesus had with his disciples could keep the apostles together with Christ how don't you know that every time you can enter the kitchen and prepare for your family it is communion that you're binding your family together come on it's a spiritual thing Jesus is a super super Misha kabet nego and Daniel refused to eat in Babylon yes because they knew if they ate from the king's table it will join their spirit with the King yes but you don't understand that God Made You the center of the home meaning everybody's Spirit must be tied to you you are the center of keeping everybody together how can you do that spiritually not just praying every time you cook they eat they're eating from your hand you are joining yourself to them and they're joining themselves to you why do you think some of you your mother was not even the greatest cook but you just said Hey Mommy's cooking was great no what you are feeling is Mommy Spirit not the food hey that to this day you still are influenced by certain sins you bring food for your friends man listen my mother is the best cooking they eat they say nothing special about this but you you are singing praises not because you grew up on it you grew up eating Foods you didn't like and you knew that you didn't like it what you are receiving is the impartation of Mother's spirit in you come on Jesus Jesus come on that's good I feel like I'm talking to myself YouTube are you there obviously I'm not saying that you can cook every day no I'm not saying that people work with living a different society and you it's not like what did they say there was cool and Clean Plus love to think about it was so good Alexa are you catching what I'm saying come on Karen Banky may God give you breakthrough in Jesus name I release it for you are you getting what I'm saying but when you enter the kitchen ah you are able to do it effectively and powerfully because you are joining your family together it's con consistent communion yes that's what you're doing it's communion come on learn some of you need to go to YouTube and start looking at meals learn do you know how many men have been Bewitched because they ate from the wrong woman yes come on because you don't cook somebody if I say Oh Come Over they cook for them your money is gone they Bewitched them but you know a man who eats from his home even if they're fed the wrong thing it will not stick yes because there's already something else occupying it will destroy whatever charm yes these are realities I'm telling you go we have YouTube go sit down and look at how to prepare certain things on one weekend you experiment and you start building your catalog when I get my family I'll be making this and this and this and then you find your your man will be baby that thing that you cook that one I don't know what you did that's the one ah when you cook that I just what you're doing already you're just already your your I don't know if people are catching what I'm saying okay come on the restaurants are trapped they are good things once in a while you go out and do stuff and do things like that those are amazing things to do foreign these are real things yeah yeah some of you your your man will come home you don't do them good you your food is in the microwave ah there's frozen foods you wonder why they want to go and look for somebody else Ruth and Goma don't worry I'm here to help you I'm here to help you and I'm not saying that it's all your fault because men need to be chastised too that's why I will do my sons but I'm I'm starting with you because you are the majority Muno kawayo says I shall cook chai Hallelujah come on next verse next verse next verse proverbs 31 verse 15. she arises also while it is yet night and giveth meat to our household and a portion to her maidens again proverbs 31 verse 15. she Rises also while it is yet night and giveth meat to our household and a portion to her maidens one more time proverbs 31 verse 15. she riseth also while it is yet night and giveth meat to our household and a portion to her maidens one more time she Rises also while it is yet night and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her Majors the word there pray Amit tariff is actually prey is actually a he was uh it was like some kind of leaf and he had fragrance and people it was like when they would pray and things like that me it's not like she's giving food this is she's a prayer person that before anybody Rises she has already secured the house spiritually a prayerful woman is a powerful woman 16. proverbs 31 verse 16. she considereth a field and buyeth it with the fruit of our hands she planteth a Vineyard meaning she can make her own money you see the problem is I'm a boss lady no no no no that's not you don't have money so you can be a boss bosses are dictators be a leader that you can contribute something to your home meaning have a trade skill don't just be a hustler but have a trade skill don't just be okay I just want to get married breed babies and have my home and ah that's what not not what God called you to be you still have Ambitions and things that you need to do that God has given you to do have a trade skill what do you do for money apart from being able to get wool I mean being resourceful can you be somebody who earns money it doesn't have to be great but you can get substance and the goal is to make it great can you get your own come on meaning that she knows how to invest she can buy a Vineyard meaning that our husband we have this much why don't we invest in this and this and this so that we can do this because remember what he has is also yours yeah can you be able to be able to to multiply what you guys have some of you just want to be independent they like family let me tell you the most demonic movement that has destroyed women of today's feminism go watch go watch interviews of women who had been feminists and they came out of it and they realized their life has passed them sorry yes verse 17. proverbs 31 verse 17. she girdeth her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms meaning she she's a strong woman you see many women now they are strong in argument strong in Strife they think that strength no strength meaning that she can get things done when people gird up their loins and things like that is because you're about to do something they were strong they could get things done yeah are you a woman that can get something done if you are given something to do will you do it a month later or will you get it done verse 18. proverbs 31 verse 18. she perceiveth that her merchandise is good her candle goes not out by Night One More Time she perceiveth that her merchandise is good her candle goes not out by night one more time she perceiveth that her merchandise is good her candle goeth not out by night again she perceiveth that her merchandise is good her candle goes not out by Night meaning that she's always what merchandise self-worth she makes sure that her mind is always sharp her candle never goes out so she makes sure that what she carries in her is always sharp an example is this prophet people think that the prophetic thing and the way we prophesy is simply spiritual our mind has to be sharp yeah God doesn't speak through fully people God can use foolish things but he doesn't use foolish people yes I'll say that again God can use foolish things not foolish people yeah somebody who is not Sharp somebody who doesn't pick up books ah God can't speak to you like that um is somebody catching this we're catching she makes sure that her mind is always sharp so a candle is not off by Night meaning when things are difficult she's still Sharp some of you and things are difficult you start compromising that's not your calling that's not your portion amen amen amen verse 20. proverbs 31 verse 20. she stretches out her hand to the poor yay she reaches forth her hands to the needy she's a mother she knows the needs of even the people who are not in a house she's compassionate meaning she's she's uh um what when you do charitable things what do they call it what's the word that they use it no no no no no there's a word for people who do that philanthropist she's not she just doesn't help the need but she's a she's somebody in philanthropy she knows that every we get this kind of money let us Feed the Homeless in our neighborhood because get stuff together meaning she's Beyond she's a leader the community knows let me tell you something that I thank God for my mother you know the day that my mother passed away over 3 000 people came to bury my mother when I was still in music my friends who are artists if any of them are here they will tell you they used to come home and there will be mama mama like she was like their mother they will come home they will sit in the house they will eat in the house Mama will cook and they are like Mama they will listen mama will make everybody pray she was a mother to so many people even people that they love that some of them more than their own mother the day that she passed on thousands of people came to see of because she was not just a mother in a house she was a mother to everybody but notice a virtuous woman begins this work in her own house then also extends it don't start feeding the homeless when you can't feed your husband that's fake compassion my my brother always says men Prophet gives a lot you guys have seen me giving all the time I learned it for my mother she was the most selfless person I know see don't be somebody with potential potential means you are capable of doing it but you haven't done it potential means nothing do it become that person verse 21. she is not afraid of the snow for her household for all her householder clothes with Scarlet meaning she knows her home so well she knows how to keep her home can you keep your home do you know what needs to be done in your home that you're not afraid of anything that could come some of your bedroom looks like a zoo things there things they are people of Tarzan you think Tarzan ah or swinging through but you want God to give you somebody with with six figures how are you gonna keep a mansion if you understood that every day of your life is a test before God to see your faithfulness you change how you do a lot of things come on verse 22. she maketh herself coverings of tapestry her clothing is silk and purple one more time she maketh herself coverings of tapestry her clothing is silk and purple again proverbs 31 22 she maketh herself coverings of tapestry her clothing is silk and purple meaning she dresses well some of you dress like Mother Teresa hey and you wonder why your men cannot you sleep with say it say it teach us you're dressed like Sister Act 2 Sister Act One and you're expecting your husband to look at you and be like hey and Jessica will pass and be like hey hey be a woman that dresses well when you stand in the presence of people say how are you Ma how are you how even even though you're young how are you how how they respect you because how you look determines how you'll be addressed hmm how you dress somebody said so you're telling us to dress like Jersey but I never said dress like Jezebel I said dress well there's a difference you can dress like a prostitute that's not dressing well that's not what people respect no if you dress like that someone will stop you how much dressing world is looking so fine as you are but still present upon respectful you can do that other stuff for your husband in the bedroom nothing wrong with that come on tell them that one actually should be like that yes it's the truth don't sleep with a t-shirt that is from here to your feet Sister Act anointing are you getting what I'm saying come on verse 23. I hope you guys are taking are taking notes are taking notes I hope you're taking notes verse 23. proverbs 31 verse 23. her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the Elders of the land notice your husband is respected with man you have the best wife in the world yes because she brings Glory when people see her they know you're a great man yes yes some of you they sick your girl man bro she's your wife stressed when they see her people should see her say ah you what a blessed man do you know how blessed you are people should feel like that not because oh man she's so beautiful no Elders are people who are mature seasoned people yes you can sit among the elders meaning you are not an elder wow but they can bring you close because you are somebody that has something of value that they say no you must sit among Among Us come on that's good can you bring that level of honor to your husband that Elders can say young man you did well they can even listen to your advice because they know for a man to have such a a thing that people search for such a person that people look for is not something you come easily you have to be a seasoned man hey meaning you bring honor to your house yes yes God the city Gates Elders are sitting down there saying respect this they will call you sir because of your wife listen to what Paul says Paul says the woman is the glory of the man when you are out there looking good and even your husband has a good testimony about you it shows what kind of man you are I will explain it even more for men but for you just understand the honor that you carry for yourself and the honor you give to your husband is the same honor that you will be returned to him when he steps outside Jesus some of you your husbands or your boyfriends are not respected because you yourself you've shown that you don't respect them oh my gosh can you go pick that up ah yet there are people there who can assist you are not giving him his place my daughter around they say papa this is just too good so many of us struggle because we are and raised with this information thank you for keeping it real and making a plan I'm trying my daughter and I'm glad that this is helping amen people see they said listen this man is the man [Music] verse 25. Proverbs 31. so you bring honor to your husband verse 25 strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come notice strengthen honor so she dresses herself with that because she can give that not only can you bring honor to him can you bring honor to yourself also why is it saying in time to come meaning that it doesn't come quickly but when you honor honor is returned to you but are you going to be patient to honor so that you can be honored yes verse 26 she openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness again she opened her mouth with wisdom number one is there's only wisdom that comes out of her mouth not foolishness secondly and in her tongue is the law of kindness in a tongue there's the law of kindness she's always kind there is a sense I'm not saying that you cannot rebuke correct people she cannot rebuke or correct people but there is the law of wisdom and kindness some of you see your man hi babe then you see another person oh my gosh how are you foolish you are giving sweet sugar to people who add nothing to your life but the one who adds something to your life you talk to them like hey man you might as well say what's up my my ninja hey cause you're not like his ninjas your home is now hey babe oh my gosh hello how are you yes this is her but hey man what's up my ninja I'm just being honest there's no law of kindness is gone you're only kind when you are trying to get together the moment you go together ah this is just how I am uh you're sprinkling sugar to people but you're not sweetening your own tea that you have to drink that's wisdom that's good and then you wonder when you drink it it's bitter [Music] because now your homies you wonder why romance is called you're a teacher deep you might as well say hey man hey what's up because it's become like that now try you have the air conditioner of the home yes you set the temperature yes come on if you want to be homies you become your best homie yes and then you will find another person outside that will give him sugar [Music] hey babe how are you good morning how are you feeling all right good hey I'm tired what's up my ninja you start thinking of his friend Derek gels they say Amen you put in that category am I talking to somebody Facebook are you there here we're here somebody said God forbid he started hugging you with pots start walking away peace one love one wakanda [Laughter] things will become cold and then you wonder why things are cold yeah hmm verse 27 she looketh well to the ways of her household and it is not the bread of idleness again she looked as well to the ways of her household meaning she does not change the values of her house even if she's outside why and it is not the bread of idleness don't hang out with Idol people be with women who are doing things also moving the dial don't hang out with I don't understand let me get some tea gossip is Idle people's bread it destroys homes is somebody getting what I'm saying we'll catching no idleness she just doesn't hang out with anybody she chooses her friends well valuable not because they have tea many of you have taken advice from the wrong people that's why your relationship has suffered somebody said you're so kind where did you come from okay go to the next verse Proverbs 31 verse 28. um her children arise up and call her blessed her husband also and he prayseth her notice you are praised glorified Hallelujah Hallelujah are you getting what I'm saying are you getting what I'm saying yes [Music] are you getting what I'm saying yes we are finishing now 29 says many daughters have done virtuously but though exhaust or exhaust excels them all meaning you are above the crop above the crop of every woman favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that fearth the Lord she shall be praised you can be beautiful it means nothing give her of the fruit of our hands and let her own work praise her in the gates I think that's enough for today I'm going to tell you this the Lord Jesus loves you the Lord Jesus cares for you and the Lord Jesus wants you to prosper [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy Clips
Views: 18,597
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Keywords: Prophet Lovy, Prophet Lovy Elias, Revelation Church LA, Prophet Lovy marriage, Prophet Lovy singles message, Prophet Lovy message for women, Prophet Lovy how to find the one, Prophet Lovy how to get married, How to find my God ordained husband
Id: 0oAtE1Ym7z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 45sec (5985 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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