vacuuming the lines and releasing the gas in your new Senville Mini Split

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okay when doing your gas line um just use a little bit of nylog and uh just that it's really just a lubricate the pipe that's all uh just where the through the nut rubs against the pipe that's the only thing you want to put it on nothing else just to give you a little bit more lubrication there's not so much friction we try and tighten it anyway so uh that's right there's why i put it the nylon just a little bit right underneath here and just spin i just put a dab right there on the pipe and i spin the pipe i spin the nut on the pipe and that loops all the way around the edge of the pipe and then i put it together so that's it it just gives you a little bit of lubrication so it's not too tight uh too much friction when you try and tighten it up okay and i do i when i go to set it up right now and put the pump up i leave this one here loose a little bit and that way i can see it suctioning that way i know it's actually working at the uh your your pump is actually working you can see your gauges are correct you can tell it's working because it's pumping air it's sucking air because i need this loose so it's sucking air out of there and so you can see it on the pump and see it on the um gauges and then i tighten it and you can see it go away uh so that's what you're going to do what we're trying to do is get 15 minutes of non-movement once it sucks it down to zero or 100 20 to 30. once it sucks it down to where you want to be then you're going to um that's your test you know to see if there's any leaks so then you turn it off and you see if getting any more um if you've got any more uh air in there so that's the only way you're gonna be able to test this thing so you know it's actually working um so here's your gauges right now they're set uh if i can kind of show you there it's set at zero now it's going to be around between that 20 and 30. so you can see the 30 right there um it's going to be right around there when it's all sucked out and it'll stay there okay and then that's what we test we do it 15 minutes and see if it stayed and then we're fine so only the one side you're going to be using the blue that really the red off and just open your blue thing so it's open and so it's ready to suck air and you'll be able to tell on the gauge and i got it set up um right like that and uh so yeah it's all set up ready to go with the pump now and so i just wanted to get you guys you know making all the connections that that's the same thing you just want to make sure you put your nylon um just a little just a dab right there on the pipe and then spin your nut on the on the pipe and then then put it on and so you know it's all the way around the entire thing and make it nice and lubed okay just a dab that's a real small amount okay it doesn't take much all right anyway i'll go ahead and start the pump and see what happens okay so let's see it's right there like that and it's uh fully sucking air so i'm gonna go up there and tighten this up i'm gonna do it by hand first so you can hear the pump moves you hear the pump okay so i'll tighten it all the way up now but that's all you can tell in a second right from there [Music] okay now it's as you can see it's down to between 20 and 30 right there closer to 30 and 20 would be sufficient but yeah you know 20 to 30 is fine anyway so uh that just started and it's all slide down i got it tightened up now so vacuuming doesn't really mean vacuuming like sucking out like you're backing me in a uh a room full of dust or something like that it does a little bit mainly it's just sucking out air so that you don't want no air in the system when you go to put your gas in and release the gas into the system so what you're trying to do is vacuum that there's no nothing in there okay and uh so we're gonna let this thing go and uh for 15 minutes and we'll turn it off for 15 minutes and see if it goes back to zero means there's air in the lines okay so we're gonna let it go for 15 minutes like this and then we'll turn it off and set it sit for 15 minutes and if it's still at 20 to 30 uh we know we're good to release the gas into the system and get it started okay now we turned a pump off after 15 minutes and we're going it hasn't moved since we left it we'll give it 15 minutes to see if it moves if it does not move it means you have no leaks and if you have no leaks that means you can release the gas that's the whole point of this thing making sure you have no leaks and if you have no leaks then you can release it if you have a leak you'll see it on the gauge and it's one of those four connectors you know it's either one of these two that you hooked up or one of those two that's it it's only those two because it has gas inside the hoses when you release it and so that's the issue okay it's been 20 minutes and uh it's still exactly like it was before right about 30. and that's perfect between 20 and 30 is great and now that means there's no leaks now when now now that means when you release the gas it won't get lost in the lake okay it will run the system so now we're going to go ahead and release the gas that just means we're going to pull these off here using an allen wrench um we're going to uh anyway using a non-wrench we're just going to uh release the gas um i guess i'll go ahead and just let you watch uh but there's nothing really to it you just release it it goes into the system you open it up all the way so um oops [Music] got to forgot to turn off my pump okay so anyway um that sucked the uh hold on [Music] okay now we're just going to release the gas um i stayed under 30 for 20 minutes or under 20 to 30 or 20 minutes and so we're gonna release it so you just collect this until it uh it caps out you know that just means the gas is going through there and uh then do the same thing to the top one uh i'll be able to see this you just want to go till it bottoms out okay put your screws back on your ends pull this off that's a little bit of gas will come out but oh gosh not the end of the world and uh you're ready to go um go ahead and cap that off too okay we'll tighten these up and uh that's it we're ready to uh it's once we put our paste thing in there to turn it on so on these ones here um they have uh a little black vanilla see it nowhere but i'll find any way you put it on there and that's what livens it up it's a little black thing goes sliding in there so i find it i'll put it on and we'll be good to go go inside and turn it on
Channel: Jon Hughes
Views: 65,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gOuuMhxZJF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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