Become a BOSS at UV Unwrapping (Tutorial)

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hey guys before we get started i want to talk a bit about what this video is going to cover okay so i'm going to be using a relatively complex example because it's going to show you a lot of strategies that a lot of videos wouldn't otherwise show you i'm going to discuss things such as multiple texture sets i'm going to discuss things such as baking unwrapping how to deal with end guns in your mesh how to convert a high poly to a low poly the whole idea here is for this to be a uv unwrapping master class plus a little bit more all right before we hop into it i want to give you guys something so i've created an entire step-by-step pdf for the exact process i'm going to show in this video it's condensed it's short it's easy to understand and even if you're a complete beginner it's going to show you the exact steps you need to get a good unwrap it's not going to show you everything because that would just uh you know that's a lot of time i'd need to spend teaching you that's what this video is for but if you want something condensed and easy to understand and refer to when you're unwrapping pick up the free pdf in the description i made it yesterday it took all day i think you guys will really enjoy it so pick it up link in the description it's totally free it's going to break down how unwrapping works how you can automate the process of unwrapping little tricks that a lot of people don't present to you in videos that i use personally i think it'll really help you guys out so you can grab that in the top of the description it's on our website i think you'll really enjoy it and it should help you out a lot along with this video so for the purposes of this video i'm going to be using this truck i designed here to show you how i would approach the unwrapping of this truck so first thing i want to do is just get rid of all this stuff in the scene because i was doing a render previously so we'll do that and i also want to get rid of these empties and i think you can turn off extras to kind of get rid of those okay cool so um you're going to notice i also have some decals on here so let me also get rid of my decals i really want this video to be as straightforward as possible okay so let's go ahead and take a look at the polycount information here so i'm just going to turn on all these statistics and you're going to see right now we have about 445 000 tries for the entire scene here a little bit heavy for a truck like this now there's a lot i could discuss here but i really want to get you know to the point with it um just to mention though you can unwrap a high poly mesh and texture it there's a few kind of issues with that so first of all if you're unwrapping a high poly mesh your intention is probably going to be to just texture it and then bring it back into blender to render because you're not concerned with a poly count for like a game engine or something right second when you're unwrapping a high poly mesh you're going to be utilizing a lot more uv space because more detail has to get unwrapped so for example these tire pieces there would be a lot more you know space being occupied on this uv square here compared to if i just had like you know no tire treads here or just like a cylinder so that's kind of some of the downsides of unwrapping with a high poly mesh but it can be done but you know in most cases you're going to want to unwrap your low poly mesh only so i want to start by showing how to convert your high poly into a low poly with um you know minimal difficulty after that we can discuss the unwrapping and the triangulation all that type of stuff so let's get started so for organizational purposes i first want to select everything with the a key press the m key and then move this all to a new collection so i'll just call this collection truck underscore high and this is going to be our high poly mesh okay so we're just going to move it all in there and you're going to see i can basically turn this off and on now and anything else i have in the scene like if i just have like random extra objects i'm just gonna get rid of um random collection random collection uh random collection okay cool so now i just have my cutter collection which i don't really need either unless the booleans aren't applied which i don't think they are so in this case i just have the cutters collection and this truck underscore high so for the high poly we don't have to do anything with it so now we need is a low poly truck which we're going to make now okay so what we're going to do is select everything again we're going to press shift d right click and then m going to move it to a new collection and this one will be called truck underscore low i say low poly loosely because i don't really know how many poly polygons will end up being it'll just be less than the high poly so you have the truck underscore high and the truck underscore low right now they're the same because we haven't yet decimated the high poly into the low poly so let's start with that so pieces like this can be pretty intimidating at first so what i like to do is start with the biggest pieces on the mesh and just do those first so that way you know it looks a little bit less scary so we're going to do is we're going to take maybe this piece for example i'm going to press forward slash on the number pad here and we're going to be left with this piece now i don't want these little cuts right here to be mirrored to the other side so what i want to do for now is i um let's see how do i want to approach it so i could turn off the boolean right so i could just kind of go through here through all the booleans and just kind of turn these off and figure out which is which but i don't want to turn it off on this side here so what i'm going to do is take this boolean that corresponds to these cuts right here and move it below that mirror modifier so that way it's not getting mirrored so basically the mirror has already executed before this boolean can be hit by the mirror so you can kind of organize things like that if there's certain things you don't want to have mirrored to the other side okay so when i'm going to you know do a high poly to low poly conversion i figure out what detail can be baked what detail cannot be baked now in general you want to apply booleans that define the form and you want to remove booleans that don't define the form so very general guideline but for example this here doesn't really define the main form this little cut right here let me find it so this one this one can be baked easily it's on a flat surface and no problem so in this case i'm going to go ahead and delete that boolean okay we also have on this boolean right here which i believe is the rear piece now this technically defines the form you could try baking this but an issue with this type of bake is that you'll have a floating edge right here in this area so i'm going to opt to apply this boolean so that way we have no issues okay so we're going to do now is apply the mirror so we'll apply the mirror and then we're going to go to this boolean we're going to apply that one so it's only on one side as you can see then we have one boolean left right here which is this guy so this one definitely defines the form it's a big cut out for the door so we're going to go ahead and go in here and apply that one as well now for every single piece we're going to want to use a one segment bevel for two reasons one is because it'll make the poly count lower obviously three segments versus one segment is going to be less polygons you can even see here this goes from about 284 thousand tries down to about 281 so you know it's not super significant but it does affect the poly count but the most important reason we want to use a one segment bevel is because three segments is around one segment is um has hard edges on it so for example if i take a cube here you're gonna see a one segment bevel would retain these hard edges here whereas a three segment bevel would make it round and this is an issue when it comes to baking i don't want to get too much in the technicalities of that but this will cause issues especially with ambient occlusion bakes so for your low poly you always want to use a one segment bevel plus you can't even see much of a difference between one and three it's like barely any difference right so we're gonna do that and that's all we need to do for this one now depending on how much you're worried about your poly count what i would recommend doing next i would recommend decimating down some of your bevels so what i do here is i go up here to select and then check or deselect i have it mapped to control q as a as a shortcut you can right click and add a shortcut and i made mine ctrl q so if i go up here and i just press the c key and circle select these i can press ctrl q and then press ctrl x to dissolve out some of these edges and you're going to see it kind of decimates down the bevel a bit same for over here we can go in here and press ctrl q and you might have to offset the edges by one time and just do a control key that way as well now in this case you're going to see the bevel angle actually catches right here so i'm just going to increase that just a bit so it doesn't catch and we should be good to go now right here we can just go ahead and do this one manually so alt shift click control x we can get rid of this random loop control x basically all i'm doing at this point is removing any excess geometry that doesn't really contribute to the overall form so i can dissolve that down a bit same for in here i could go in and just kind of do the same thing on this area so ctrl q makes things a lot easier because it's a quick shortcut and i don't have to go up here to select check or deselect each time so and this is another reason i always recommend using an even number of bevels so that way it only dissolves the interior ones and you retain the holding parts the holding edges of your bevel now here you're going to see we still have some edges catching if we go into wireframe mode actually no we don't you're going to see based off the angle sometimes these edges will end up catching and kind of like double beveling so you want to be careful with this angle amount right here in a worst case scenario you can always use the weight limit method but that requires a bit more manual labor so i tend to use angle to automate it if i can so we're just going to keep going in here and just you know dissolving this down like i said if you don't need to worry about the poly count too much for what you're trying to do don't bother with this because it's you know not super significant the amount we're getting rid of but it does add up and i want to show you exactly how to do it so we're going to go up here as well and then you know control q and offset it by one i don't know if there's an easier way to like force it to select the interior edges there might be i just don't know of it so i usually just kind of click the offset button and let blender do the work for me and usually gets the job done just fine we're gonna go in here and there we go so you're gonna see we have a lot more that was my phone sorry about that but yeah you're gonna see we have a lot more um you know or a lot less geometry rather that's what i meant to say cool so we have that we can also go up here and we can go to this area control x and as for this side um we can't symmetrize because then we'll end up getting these cuts on this side so what i'm going to do is just go in here real quick and do this area manually so ctrl x and up here we can get rid of this random loop and we can go up here and alt shift click here control x same for this area we can go ahead and just check or deselect that one check or deselect that one i think i have these random loops here because i was running some trim sheets before but either way easy enough to fix and then here we do have a few more we can dissolve out so get in here control q and here's a problem notice how i didn't use an even amount of bevels when i use my bevel modifier um here let me show you what i mean so for example whenever i'm running bevels i always make sure that the amount i'm using is well on the actual mesh it'll be an odd number but on your segment count it'll be a an even number so right now you're gonna see we have four edges one two three seven edges sorry one two three four five six seven but on the actual um bevel you know segment count we have six and that's because the actual amount of edges here is always n plus one what's here so i always tell people use an even number of segments when you run your bevel in this little menu right here so then what we can do is we can dissolve out the middle ones while still holding the outer ones make sense if i didn't follow that rule what's going to happen is we're going to have an odd number here and then when we try to dissolve out the middle ones we get some issues here and it's going to end up destroying the holding bevel and pushing that back a bit so i always recommend even if you don't plan to turn it into you know some sort of optimized game asset mesh or whatever you're trying to do i always tell people just use an even segment because it'll just you know you have the option for later so in this case i actually didn't do that so what i'm going to have to do is make a compromise here and dissolve this area out and then what we can do is dissolve this area out and then i'm just going to make sure this is flat by pressing s y or s x and then zero on the um face right there so that way it's actually flat so not really a big deal if you forget but it will require a bit more work on your end so same idea here gonna go ahead and dissolve out these areas and then dissolve out these areas here and then s acts 0 to flatten it and not really a big deal all done so this piece is done just to recap what we did was we applied all of our booleans and removed any booleans that do not contribute to the form we made the bevel segment count one and we dissolve down the geometry to make it a bit lower poly which is more of an optional step depending on what you're trying to do so not really anything complicated does take some work but it's pretty fun to do if you you know listen to a podcast or something in the background so once you're done with that all i do is i go back into global view with forward slash on the numpad let me move these screencast keys over a bit and then you can just go ahead and press the h key to hide those pieces and then we'll just go to this one now and what we can do is just do the same thing so first boolean right here is on this little back area i'm going to go ahead and apply that one the next boolean is no idea just go ahead and apply it the next boolean here is the sometimes you won't have booleans doing anything because it's part of the other slice mesh so don't worry about those most of these we can just apply this one right here is part of the um like a big boolean from our slice we'll go ahead and apply that then we have our mirror modifier which we'll go ahead and apply as well we'll do one segment and then just like we did before we can go ahead and kind of decimate this down a bit so maybe decimate that a little bit we could also go in here same idea and decimate this down a bit you really have to figure out if this is all worth your time it might be it might not be it depends on exactly what you're trying to do i'm just trying to show you what i would be doing here so we have that we can go in here and you're going to see same problem as before i need to make a compromise on that holding bevel and then sx0 and then since this one's perfectly symmetrical i can just go ahead and alt x with um hard ops and then go to symmetry and then just symmetrize it so the same effect is done over here cool so we have that and now you're going to see these little boolean connection pieces right here we can just dissolve these out we don't really need those and that should be fine and that piece was pretty easy so we'll go ahead and hide that one and move on to this piece right here so i'm going to kind of start speeding through these because it should be pretty obvious what i'm doing now but i want to show you the whole workflow i know it helps a lot of you guys out when you see exactly what i'm doing so first things first sometimes you'll run into a situation where you know maybe you applied your booleans too early you made a mistake not a big deal in this case it would be easier for me to just remove this boolean cut here on the top but unfortunately i applied it so in this case not a big deal all we have to do is undo that change on the geometric level so what i'm going to do here is basically just um we'll go into vertex snap press a g z and then hold ctrl and let's make sure this align rotation the target is turned off we'll do that and we can press um we can go into edge mode control x and then ctrl x easy as that not anything complicated same for right here um what we're going to need to do is maybe in this case what i'll do is just delete out x and then delete vertices maybe not um okay how do i want to do this one instead i'll just grab these on the y axis and hold control and let me also turn on this auto merge button so that way these vertices automatically get merged right here and then all i have to do is control x control x control x and control x and really simple now you're going to see i do have a mirror modifier on here so i don't have to do the same thing to the other side because the mirror modifier is picking up those changes so pretty good there um we're going to make this one segment and i don't think we have anything else we can do here maybe we could decimate this down just a bit you're going to see we have a lot of segments going on right here so we could at least maybe you know make this a little bit less crazy so something like that maybe and then we could go in here and perhaps we could do something like that this one's a bit trickier but you know just do something random like that maybe even and that should be enough i think cool you just want to make sure you're not disturbing the general form if you make you know too much uh too many changes here it'll start kind of collapsing the entire mesh so be careful there now this right here is a bit of a problem this is where you know cad based software would really be shining because you get into these areas where it starts pinching on the bevel um what you could do here is you could slide this edge up just a bit and try to like avoid that pinching you're going to see it's just barely pinching i could drop the bevel modifier a little bit right there or i could just you know completely compromise and just dissolve out that entire area and i think that's what i'm going to do here if you have those types of overlaps it will not render properly externally so make sure you don't have any overlaps very important and i would also recommend turning on your face orientation where is it if you go here there should be an option for face orientation and by default it'll be blue for you and any bad areas will be red if you want to get rid of the blue effects you can go up here to edit preferences and under themes under 3d viewport you can simply change the alpha value of the face orientation front to zero basically so that's what i always do so now if you have any red areas you know there's an issue so pretty simple i'm going to go ahead and dissolve out this edge right here because it's like actually no i'll leave that one alone let me go in here and dissolve out those and we can go ahead and [Music] apply this mirror modifier i guess like that and there we go a little bit of a congestion going on over here you're going to see it's a little bit yeah it's a little bit pinchy but not really a big deal worth worrying about so there we go that one's about as good as i'm going to get it i don't want to dissolve these down because if i do it's just going to look a little bit too blocky and faceted for my liking so i'm going to leave those alone so easily enough right there we can go ahead and press h to hide that and as for these things on the top we'll just delete these out because it'll be baked so delete that this one same thing should be pretty easy these right here we can bake they're small enough so we're going to go ahead and just remove that boolean make this one segment and i think that's all the booleans there cool and then same idea we're just going to go in here and maybe dissolve out these areas and unfortunately i used a um wrong amount of bevels here so what i'm going to do is dissolve these out and then maybe just try to redistribute these a bit double tap g to slide them a bit you can kind of finesse it not really a big deal and then we can go right here as well and same exact idea i'll just compromise right there or instead of compromising i could just kind of slide these to redistribute them maybe i could dissolve that one out and maybe slide this one here slide this one here and that should be good enough honestly i could probably get away with one if i really tried but you're gonna see it kind of catches the angle a bit so you might have to readjust the angle amount if you're gonna go for that option just slightly increase that angle value a little bit cool now we're just gonna go back here and figure out what else we could do so we could maybe dissolve out some of these control x and definitely dissolve out some of these up here and unfortunately more compromises must be made so maybe i'll just do something like this that should be fine and maybe we'll do one dissolve right here and there we go so pretty easy piece sometimes you're gonna run into situations like that where you just weren't thinking ahead and i want to make sure i show you how to deal with those so we're going to go right here now to this piece and this one has a lot of booleans going on so like i said um you could use the ever scroll feature to kind of scroll through these and figure out which ones are which but i just prefer spending an extra few seconds just going through here manually and figuring it out so this one i'm going to remove that this one i'm going to apply this one i'm going to i could probably remove that these i could definitely remove they're small enough so not really a big deal these ones right here i'm going to go ahead and apply it's kind of a large cut so we'll do that and then this one we're going to apply and then this one are like really small things in the front here so we're going to go ahead and remove those cool so this one should be really easy we're just going to go in control q control x control q control x and then on the bottom same idea control q control x and then control q control x and i think that should be enough so we'll go ahead and um hide that piece move on to the next one so the more you do this the more you begin to realize how easy this really is so we're going to go in here to this one and first boolean we can remove these that's kind of a mess anyways second one we can remove those we have the third one these can be baked as well so we'll remove that and then the fourth one are these um [Music] this piece right here we're definitely going to need to apply that so click apply and there we go now these holes right here can be baked but somehow they got applied so i'm going to do is i'm going to take them delete out the vertices and then just patch them up by alt shift clicking to fill them fill them with the f key and then control x and uh same here fill them and then ctrl x and there we go now we have a mirror modifier so the other side should be taken care of so this is why i say to turn on the face orientation because sometimes you'll have these random little red skews which indicate a little bit of um you know discomfort going on here you're gonna see if i zoom in we have a slight overlap on this edge right here see that right about here this one kind of overlaps so two things i could do i could drop the bevel which is probably the easiest solution in this case just hold shift and drop it or what i could do is i could um you know slide in this vertex over a bit if it'll even let me i'm just going to drop the bevel way easier in this case so something like that and there we go don't over complicate your life it's you know there's easy solutions and there's hard solutions do the easy ones if they work okay so right here this angle is going to catch pretty quickly i don't think i'm going to be able to dissolve these out without um you know the bevels catching here i'm just going to leave those alone up here this is a bigger angle here so we can go ahead and dissolve that now unfortunately i use the wrong amount again so we're going to have to do is um s z and zero to make sure that's flat we can probably dissolve out some of these okay and then we can go in here and we can dissolve out these the bigger the angle the better so we're going to go in here and then flatten that one merge this vertex here i do use machine tools to merge machine tools the free add-on you can press the one key to merge at the last one and press shift one to merge at the center or you can just press the m key so if you have machine tools it's free um you go to preferences and under the machine tools add-on make sure you have this um feature called smart vertex merging turned on like that so we'll go ahead and press one and we'll go here control x and then let's offset that and then scale this one on the z to zero like that easy enough then we can go down here alt shift click these alt shift click all of these here this one we could probably dissolve out some of those let's try yep that's fine and then we can go in here and control q control x and maybe a little bit more let's try it again ctrl q control x this one is a little bit of a tight angle so i don't think we can really do this one it's probably gonna yeah it's gonna cause problems we'll leave that one alone we could go down here though and then ctrl q offset that one control x s z and then zero and then merge this one right there and since we have a mirror modifier everything should be mirrored to the other side so no big deal same for this one control q offset control x and that one's already updated because the mirror let me increase the angle just a bit so that one doesn't catch and now all we have left is maybe this bottom area so i'll just go through here take care of these these and then these as well and that should be good enough i think a few more right here i missed so control x and that one should be done actually no one more right here dissolve that and then just make sure this one's you know flat and everything there we go so easy enough we're going to go ahead and hide this one and move on to the next big piece so we'll go to this guy right here and same exact idea it does get kind of boring after a while but you know it's part of the game um this angle right here needs to be a bit higher or that one's going to overlap so we can go over to this one you know the drill i'm gonna offset that one and we're going to offset this one and then we can just go ahead and symmetrize it all to x and then symmetry and we should be done cool actually let me dissolve out that random edge right there go ahead and hide that and then another big piece right um [Music] right here i guess so i think now would be a good time to discuss a little bit more about this process in depth so a lot of people would be asking me right now like why do you use high segment counts in the first place why not just leave them low so you don't have to go through this entire decimation process why do you bother well good question um number one i've done a lot of experiments with bevel bacon and i found that you can actually get some if you have like a you know 20 segments on this bevel versus like four i found that as long as it's not too faceted the bakes will actually look like a 20 segment bevel when it's actually four it's not a crazy difference in detail but the quality is definitely immense when you zoom in so i've done a lot of experiments in that and i've found that it works very very well so that's why i always opt for a little bit more time decimating down but i do like to bake on a higher segment count for the bevel it does work out very cleanly um the second point is that a lot of times i'm making models simply for concept art or for my portfolio and i don't plan to you know make any optimizations later and if i do i at least have the ability to do so because you know all i have to do is decimate some stuff down drop the segment count of the bevels to one and then you know i'm basically good to go so tons of reasons why i do a little bit more work on this end because it tends to benefit me more for baking purposes and also so i can just you know model and not have to worry about you know optimizing if i'm just trying to work on a piece for fun so hopefully that kind of makes sense and here we go this piece should be fine and we can go in here and like i said this is totally up to you if this is worth the time to you but to me it definitely is because it's easy enough and often times my work i'm not optimizing anyways but if i do ever optimize it i know how to do so so makes sense i hope it does and then we'll go in here and this is why i always recommend using you know tools that kind of help your workflow like hard ops and box cutter they really speed up your workflow you know use any tool you can to your advantage you know what's forty dollars for a tool when you're saving thousands of hours it's just it's a no-brainer so i always get tools even if they cost money if they're going to save me a lot of time that time is best spent elsewhere so that's why i get tools like this so yeah i don't apologize for using paid tools because they're simply essential so if people want to complain then you know i don't know what to tell you cool so we have stuff like this um let's see that one's fine there's so many tools available to you guys so make sure you take full advantage of them they're very very powerful and whenever i use stuff on my channel i'm only using them on my channel because i use them personally so some people are like oh you're promoting this promoting that no i'm promoting what i use and what benefits my workflow if i don't use it i don't promote it simple as that anyways um mirror modifier should be taking care of that side so let's just go to this one and maybe come in here to this area oops go here here here and here dissolve that out dissolve that out maybe not dissolve that out and we should be good to go all right now we can move on to this piece now later on in this video i'm going to have to show you a lot of different techniques now these mirror modifiers are going to be incredibly powerful when we start doing uvs and i'm going to discuss everything there but for right now we have to actually optimize the mesh okay so that's exactly why i want to do this first because it's very important this boolean right here can be removed and we're just going to leave the mirror modifier alone one segment for the bevel and i think we could go in here real quick and just do a little bit of dissolving so right here and right here make the angle a little bit higher and then same for here dissolve and then dissolve and that should be good to go now when we get to the tires don't worry about the tires they're going to be way easier than you think because i'm not going to even bother decimating down the treads most of that can be baked in so yeah i'm not going to worry too much about the tires at this point in time okay so for pipes like this i never go in and dissolve manually it takes too much time what i do is i go into my wireframe mode with hard ops you can press alt v wireframe or you can go in here to viewport display and choose wireframe there so what i do is i go to the decimate modifier and i choose unsubdivide we can unsub divide it like that or what you could do is collapse it which will triangulate everything doesn't really matter too much at the end of the day um you can just turn on the triangulate modifier and it'll be fine but unsubdivide is a little bit cleaner when you're working so we'll just do something like that and um yeah that should be fine we can apply that decimate and then maybe we could do a little bit more manual labor right here so just kind of go in dissolve a few of these out and call it a day awesome so go ahead and hide that next we'll go to these pieces here let me turn off the wire frame easier to see these are going to be pretty tricky because unfortunately i'll show you in a second but for right now let me just kind of drop these a bit do something like that and then we can go in here and do the same thing to the bottom dissolve out like that and then dissolve out here so what i want to do is i want to dissolve out all the way around here now it's tricky because if you try to do a um [Music] checkered deselect like um let's see how do i want to do it i could go in here and you know box select this area and then you know box select this area but checker deselect doesn't work very well in these cases i think it's a i wouldn't say it's a bug but it's just the algorithm for checker d select and blender if there's a tool anyone knows of to bypass this let me know because this can be pretty annoying so my bypass is to alt click in face mode then go into edge mode and then alt shift click to deselect these areas and then control q and then ctrl x it's very annoying and then we get to this point right here it kind of like it doesn't work so what i tend to do in these cases is i just like middle mouse button drag and then do that it's very tedious and annoying so if anyone has a better solution please let me know because i really wish you know checker deselect would work as intended but you're gonna see it um it's simply it simply doesn't i just don't understand it so not the end of the world but definitely a little bit annoying in situations like this so if you want to make a tool for me i mean i'll probably buy it so let me know um we'll go in here this can be a little bit trickier because now we're not going to really be able to like do that so this might even be a case or it might just be easier all around to you know just dissolve out manually but i'm just going to go in here and what we could do is delete the faces and then go in here same exact idea we could do let's see offset this by one control oops control x and then what we could do is bridge these together so you're going to see we have some kind of loose vertices right here so what i'm going to do is shift g and then amount of adjacent faces and then control x and that'll you know there's so many random tools you can use here in blender so sorry if it's kind of confusing at this point this is just an annoying part to deal with um what i do want to do at this point though is i want to bridge everything together so right click bridge edge loops like that and this is kind of sloppy but you know what i'm not going to worry too much about that do something like that and call it a day and then as long as the origin points in the middle i can just go ahead and symmetrize down to the bottom so you know cylinders like this can be pretty tricky so if anyone is like a better tool for that let me know that's one of the downsides of the checkered deselect tool and blender it doesn't work as well as i'd like it to okay so for these pipes right here same idea i'm just going to go ahead and um let's see we'll go to decimate we can go ahead and i'm just going to collapse it this is fine we'll do something like that we'll apply the decimate and then i'm just going to go ahead and duplicate this down and delete the old one like that and that should be fine we'll go ahead and hide them this one's simple enough just go ahead and maybe control q control x control q control x done really easy on those ones oh and by the way even if you're just doing like a pure concept art and you're not worried about poly count there's not really a point in using high segment count cylinders in areas where they won't really be seen so you know in this case so i'm just like under the truck i didn't really need to make the segment count so high so keep that in mind if you can keep the segment count low regardless of poly count why not do it it's just kind of you know it's going to save problems all around so not really a big deal okay back to the issue we had before unfortunately i'm gonna go in here let's do control q control x control q control x twice and then what we could try doing here is we could just um let's delete these faces here and then we're going to have stuff like this what i could try is this amount of adjacent faces option but that's not working very well now is it unfortunately so we'll just go ahead and control q control x and then control q control x there and then we'll just press shift l and you know it's just random little tricks i know off the back of my head so you can just do stuff like that so sorry if that's confusing that check your deselect feature is just not what i wish it was okay let's go on to the tire here so right now this tire is um there's a lot to do there's no way i'm going in here and trying to like deal with everything in the tire treads and all that what i'm going to do in this case is a little bit tricky but it should make sense when i do it so what i want to do here is i want to let me isolate these tires okay what i want to do is i want to maybe take some of these samples of faces shift to g and then we could do like um not normal what we could do maybe i don't know perimeter that works pretty well so we're going to select all these right here shift g and then perimeter and some of it might get selected that we don't want selected so just you can circle select tool middle mouse button like that so what i want to do is press x and then delete vertices okay and then what i want to do is i want to fill in these edges so right click and then bridge the edge loops here so since these tire treads can be baked my goal right here is to just kind of get an outline of it so now that we have this selected what i can do is press e to extrude right click and then alt s to scale along the normals and now all i have to do is turn on the high poly alt s and then put it right to about there and this detail will actually bake very well i've already tested it zero problems so this is all we're doing for the tire really easy and then if i wanted to i could come in here and you know take care of these little details delete those vertices um honestly i could just delete out this entire area like this go in here delete that delete those faces and then just go ahead and fill in that area because that detail could be baked and then just go in here and do a few decimations so go through here decimate and then maybe like i think that's it honestly now the other side is basically symmetrical so what i could do is make sure i just go in here alt x and then symmetry maybe it's not in the center let me try again um we can alt shift click or just alt click here shift s and then cursor to selected and then right click to set the origin to the 3d cursor and then what i could do is try to symmetrize there we go and then same thing on the other side awesome cool so that one should be fine i could decimate it down a bit more perhaps maybe do something like that and maybe do something like that and just slightly increase the angle here to catch and that should be fine cool so this tire is identical to all these other ones minus the size so what i'm going to do is i'm going to press shift s cursor to selected duplicate this one and then shift s selection to cursor and then i just want to make sure this is moved over right on top of um you know the original mesh so what we could do is just go into back view and just try to get that aligned as closely as possible don't have to be perfect but get as close as you can and then delete out the old tire like that and then same for this one shift s cursor to selected shift d right click and then shift s selection to cursor and then all we have to do here scale that down move it over just a little bit scale it down just a bit more and that should be fine cool then delete out the old tire now you're going to see it's basically just a lower poly tire and those treads are going to actually bake in so don't over complicate your work do it you can to make it easier so we're going to go ahead and hide all that these little pipes right here same idea these are so small i'm not really concerned about how these looks what i'm going to do is go into the curve menu because these are still curves and then just make the resolution like two make the resolution like two here and then the resolution two awesome then i'll just go ahead and press um let's go in here to geometry drop the resolution a bit here we'll do two two and two then we can just go ahead and visual geometry to mesh to make that a real set up geometry and then hide it and we should be able to finish this part by the hour mark so i'm going to try to finish this up we're at about 43 minutes right now so what i want to do is try to get this wrapped up before an hour the decimation part at least so we're gonna go in here apply that boolean then this one here we could bake the window but i kind of want the window to be there separately so i'm going to apply that one segment bevel and um if you want to bother you can go ahead and just do a little bit more dissolving we'll go up here go ahead and control x control x and make this angle a little bit higher than down here ctrl x and this one's a little bit tight i don't know if it'll work very well but we can try make this like 30 degrees and then we're gonna have to make the auto smooth as well because we have some sharps right there and that should be fine and then we can go up here control q control x control q and control x maybe not that one okay so that one's done then same exact idea for the window here let's go in there one segment make this like 30 degrees and then let me go into actually we're already in solid view aren't we this is just a viewport material so same idea you can press period key on the numpad by the way if you want to zoom in i don't know if i mentioned that if you're used to blender you should know most of these commands control x and then control x make this bevel a little bit did it catch here no it didn't so i think we're fine on that piece now this panel right here is full of slices so this one i'm just going to make one segment and there's nothing to decimate down so we're going to hide it this one right here i'm just going to remove the boolean and then delete the slice pieces here because that'll bake in as well and that can be one segment and that one's done same idea for this piece we have a boolean down here we can apply that one then this one here can be big so we'll remove that and do a few little you know decimations here make sure that one's flat and uh we have a mirrored modifier taking care of the rest so that one should be fun and then these right here um should be pretty easy these are basically the slices so we're gonna go in here and um this slice could actually be baked i think so what we can do is just delete that boolean and delete out the slice piece like that and then we just make this one segment and then we can if we want to bother dissolve these but this one's a little bit tight so i'm going to leave that one alone and hide it this door handle right here we can just go ahead and play with the curve we'll do like two here maybe three and then for the resolution here we could do like two and then call it a day i don't know what these are i don't think we need them just gonna delete them out like that and then we can go over to this piece right here this one has all sorts of booleans in it so first boolean is um this little bolt right here we can go ahead and remove that the second boolean is the are these pieces down here we can apply these these define the form these right here little things we can remove those and then these right here we could technically remove those but i'm not going to bother it might look kind of bad so make that one segment and then we could just do you know a decimate there or something and that one's done cool almost done this piece right here really easy um most of these are from booleans that are from a slice that we had before so basically this thing right so what i want to do is remove that boolean and then what we can do is just um remove let's remove this one as well cue operation smart apply one segment hide that now we have a few more of these little pieces here so all i'm going to do for these is just hit all these with the decimate modifier so we're going to do decimate and then just collapse it a bit and then duplicate this down delete and then hide these same for this one we'll just do a decimate we can unsubdivide it a few times and apply that and then if we wanted to we could even come in here and just try to get a little bit more oops wrong side we can go in here and just get a little bit more picky if we wanted to kind of remove these and there we go so we can hide that this one right here this one's honestly fine i can maybe remove that one and hide it and this right here is going to be the same problem we had before kind of a tricky cylinder so what i'm going to do instead is just um add in a new cylinder let me press shift s cursor to selected we can add a new cylinder make it like 16 segments and then basically just kind of scale it down and trace out the old one it'll be a little bit quicker so scale that up like this and then what we could do is take the top face here and the bottom face alt e and then extrude individual faces and then you know do something kind of like that it's not really a big deal and then just um delete out the old one and then take this piece here and basically we want to mirror it to the other side so i can move the 3d cursor to the world and then alt x to mirror over the cursor here cool so that one's done then this one's identical as well so we're going to do is just duplicate this one over and delete out the old one so we can hide this and then hide this and we're just about there so same for these pipes same ones we've had before can hit it with a decimate just really drop that and then duplicate this one down delete that out and then there we go these right here are really easy we're just going to go ahead and remove out the excess geo and then how do i want to do this part so we can't see the inside so i'm going to do is honestly just dissolve out these three and then let's see we can dissolve out that one as well because we're not going to see it and then just hop into the side control q control x control q control x and easy enough right same for this one we just hop in here let me apply the solidify modifier and then control q control x whoops maybe not this one's a bit messy so let me maybe deselect the inside and then now we can go on the inside and do that one separately and then control q control x and then all we have to do at this point is delete these faces here and select a few of these adjacent faces and then bridge these together i'm just kind of speeding through this because it should be easy enough now we'll go in and symmetrize and maybe not symmetrize we can just leave it alone you know we can't even see these interior faces they're not going to ever be seen so maybe we could just leave those alone and call it a day so we're down to the last two pieces here so this one should be as simple as removing this boolean and then we could do is make this you know one segment and that one should be fine maybe just do a few decimations right here because why not basically some free geometry and that one's done then this one right here is kind of a mess um let me fill in these faces to get rid of that issue and then maybe i could just move the connection point to here with the j key and dissolve this random edge out same thing on this side we could just kind of make like a new connection point and then dissolve out that area here and honestly cleaning this one up is going to be a little bit of a headache um i could you know take these vertices and then shift or press one to merge them at the last and then i would just basically go in here and control x to dissolve that but doing it for the rest is going to be a little bit of a headache so what i'm going to do instead is i'm just going to kind of dissolve the interior area and then call it a day so we're just going to go in here make sure we have that dissolve and then just do these separately dissolve that and then this entire portion is just a mess so it'll take a bit of time but i'm just going to do this one a little bit more manually here and then ctrl x and maybe just make this connection point a little bit more perpendicular and this should honestly be just fine we can go in here and there we go so every single piece is done so now we can do is go back to the truck high and just take a look so that's the truck high and if we go to the truck low now right click visibility show all inside there's the low poly so there's that which has about 286 thousand tries from the looks of it and then we have this one which is like i don't know 68 000. now we can actually make this significantly lower and the way we do that is by going to the pieces that don't really need a bevel and also go into the pieces that we forgot to make one segment so we're just going to go in here and you know kind of look like this right here doesn't need a bevel modifier these definitely don't need a bevel you know there's a lot of pieces in here that do not need a bevel modifier there's also pieces that we simply forgot to make one segment so you can actually drop this significantly more we just kind of you know forgot to do some of that work there so same idea for this one get rid of that bevel this one right here has a one segment so that one's good you know a lot of these pieces simply do not really need a bevel because we're not going to see them so the ones that we are going to see you definitely want to bevel on to catch the highlights but the ones you can't really see don't bother because yes the bevel bake will kind of look like if you don't have a bevel when you zoom in but um you know i don't really care if the bevel bake looks nasty right here because i can't see that piece but the tires without a small bevel on here the bakes on the high poly one are just not going to look very good so that's just um you know something to consider we've already dropped this down like 10 000 tries doing basically nothing so lots of little things you could do to kind of optimize it a bit more this right here i think we'll keep the bevel on that one you know these right here keep the bevel this one should be one segment you know if you really want to double check all you have to do just go through here and then just hide everything again manually and just kind of check like see what pieces are what make sure they're all set to one segment and for any ones that you don't need a bevel on just go in there and remove them because you don't always need them so most of these are fine these are all one segment which is good so i think i did a pretty good job i didn't miss too many um this right here we should definitely have bevels on this one should be one segment these right here we can hide this one we don't need a bevel that's why we removed it you can hide these this one right here um we don't really need a bevel on those we can remove that this one's a one segment which is fine we could decimate down the tire a bit more but these tires are really important so i want to make sure it's as round as possible so we get a good bake these are all one segment these are all decimated and without a bevel so i don't know what this thing is i'll just leave it alone and not too sure why we have like two of these pieces here i'll just delete out the other one and then same for this one we have like a duplicate and then hide that one hide that one and it looks like this is about as good as we're gonna get in terms of both poly count and our bevels you're gonna see about 56 000 tries here for this massive truck some people are going to say that's pretty high of a poly count but you have to consider two things one every single piece except a few have a bevel modifier on it if we remove the bevel modifier on every single piece the poly count would probably cut in half so we're going to be around 20 000 tries for this big truck which is pretty good um two most modern graphics cards nowadays can handle a lot higher in terms of polygon count not to mention these game engines are becoming way more robust in terms of handling polygons you guys you guys have seen the unreal engine nanite stuff it's amazing um so yeah there's that to consider and also things like memory are a lot more important to deal with than you know a couple thousand more tries in your scene so keep all this in mind we decimated it down we went to 56 000 as opposed to what's this one almost 300 000. so basically like a six of the size and less than an hour of work it like i said it all depends on what you're trying to do and how much your time is worth it so if you want to optimize this a bit more feel free but i think this is about as good as we're gonna get and everything here is um you know pretty clean so i'm happy with it and one last time if we go into wireframe view you're going to see this entire thing is pretty low in terms of the poly count could it be lower in some areas yeah maybe like the tires but the tires are really important on this model so i wanted to make sure i didn't spend too much time with that and looks like i actually missed a few here you can even go into wireframe and see like exactly what's uh mismatched and it should be pretty obvious but we did a pretty damn good job here and i'm happy with this so when people ask me what's a good poly count it's like asking me what car should i drive i mean it depends what car you like it depends on you know are you on the race track are you just driving to where like it depends right in this case a higher poly count is fine because this is a pretty big truck if you're making like a simple box you don't need like a million tries just crazy so it depends what you're doing and as long as it looks about as low poly as you can make it you're pretty much in a good spot like i said polycount does not matter as much anymore in my opinion i just want to show you the decimation process and how to best optimize your mesh so that way it's good all around so now we need to do is um begin the unwrapping process all right so it's time to unwrap you're going to see here we have our low poly vehicle and then we have our high poly so you know a lot more detail on this one as you can see by the wire frame see that okay so we're gonna do a few things here first we need to make sure we get our seams marked so that way it unwraps properly second we have to um do a few things to kind of get ready for export triangulation things like that it's a very easy process and i'm going to show you everything that i know we're also going to be discussing texture sets pretty heavily so i want to make sure that you guys really understand what that means and how it works so we're going to be covering all of that here shortly so once you've made your low poly once you have your low poly object which i have here what we need to do is we need to start unwrapping so the first part to unwrap is to mark your seams what i do is i go piece by piece i mark my seams unwrap and then hide the mesh and then just go through every single piece okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make sure every single piece here has a one material so we can preview our uv so what i'm going to do is just select one of these pieces and just make a new material here and i'll call it uvs and then we'll press the a key click the drop down and then copy material to selected so now every single piece here should have a material called uvs you can name it whatever you want i just name it uv so i know and now what i can do is i can go here drag out a new tab go to the shader editor and then here what i'm going to do is make sure that in the shader editor i press shift a texture and then image texture here i'm just going to make it 4k in resolution so 4096. we'll just call this uvs and for the generated type i'm going to choose the uv grid and then connect this up here okay so now what i can do is go into material mode and you're going to see we can see the checkers so for these little checker textures here what we need to do is make sure it's unwrapped properly because this is an absolute mess so like i said piece by piece we're gonna unwrap this okay so like we did for the you know high to low poly decimation let's go ahead and start with the biggest pieces first so i'm going to isolate this view now what i do is i work backwards i let blender automate the work for me and then i fix up any issues it gave me okay so first thing you want to do go to options and then go to live unwrap that means whenever you mark a new seam it'll automatically update your unwrap based off of those new seams that you added or removed okay so we're going to do is go to select and then select sharp edges here okay and you're going to see all the sharp edges based off of this angle right here got selected so what i'm going to do is press ctrl e and then mark seam and you're going to see it updates almost immediately alright so you're going to um we don't have to do too much work here what i do want to do is unwrap it again select everything u and then unwrap and make sure this is set to conformal angle base will not work very well on hard surface meshes okay now we could do is remove some seams like this one right here we could remove because it's a nice continuous set of faces so we don't need seams here we can remove those we could remove some more but they should be fine so basically on hard surface meshes the seams will get marked on the hard edges very easy hard surface meshes are some of the easiest to unwrap so really nothing complicated we're just going to go in here and hide that same thing for this one we're going to go to select sharp edges and then ctrl e mark seam and maybe we could remove this one here on the top um for some reason we have like a random edge right here i could probably control x to dissolve that out and then you're gonna see pretty clean unwrap right there we'll go ahead and hide it and this is the same exact process i'm gonna use for every single piece here now this one we're gonna have to do a bit of manual work on because of the selection so right here we can mark the seam it'll update but you're going to see there are some areas that kind of got missed right here i was thinking it would select these but as a matter of fact it actually has a pretty decent result right now so i'm going to leave that alone these right here we could unmark like that we could go over here to this one as well and unmark these two make that a bit cleaner and i think that's about as good as we're gonna get so no big deal go ahead and hide that go over to this one so we'll go to select and then select sharp edges ctrl e and mark seam and this one is a little bit of a mess so what i'm going to do is go in here and then turn off the bevel modifier and edit mode temporarily so i can kind of see the edges a bit more so they're not kind of blocked and then what i want to do is i need to figure out how to fix this problem so most likely i'm going to need to make sure there is a um this is a bit of a mess back here but what can you do we'll go ahead and clear that i'm going to put a seam here here and here and then all the way around this area as well ctrl e and then mark the seam that one should update let's put a seam in these areas too so here and here like i said sometimes you'll have to do a bit more manual work because blender won't be able to pick up on the problem let me try unmarking these front ones it doesn't work so we're gonna leave that alone and you're gonna see it's a little bit kind of um tight back here but that should be fine and you're gonna see we get a little bit of a warp back here notice how it's kind of uh like bulging right here what we can do is maybe drop a seam on these edges here to kind of divide it a bit and then we can go over here and do the same thing but um since we have a mirror modifier it's already taken care of that for us so bit of a mess let me try dissolving out this edge right here then we'll unwrap it again you're going to see we have like a butterfly effect and that's because of our mirrors so as a matter of fact i'm just going to apply the mirror and just unwrap it again and that should be decent i don't think we can get away with clearing the seam but you know you can't have everything so this should be fine a little bit kind of like warping right here but it's not really that big of a deal i'm gonna leave that one alone now back here we could maybe clear out let's see we clear out these areas maybe now we'll just leave it alone that should be fine now for this one this one is a mess so we're going to go ahead and go to select sharp edges and then mark a seam and if we zoom in here you're gonna kind of see that this strip of faces right here if i go into the uv grid you're gonna kind of see it unwraps like a little bit bent and stuff so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna try to put a seam somewhere here on the top where we can't really see it and that should kind of straighten everything out like that we could do the same thing on this one put a seam up here somewhere and we have a mirror modifier let me go ahead and apply that mirror so we don't have this butterfly effect and then unwrap it one more time and let's just go ahead and remove this checker right here and close this up okay cool so this should be a decent unwrap now on the chamfers we don't need like a double seam so i'm going to go ahead and control e to clear the seam so that should be fine we could also do the same thing on this area as well and that should be fine and for the other side we can just go ahead and alt x to symmetrize and just get it over there as well now i don't like these connection points these are really tight so what i'm going to do is press the j key here ctrl x to dissolve that one and then control x to dissolve this one because we already have um actually we need two connections for a boolean so maybe what i could do is just do something like that with the knife tool and then dissolve this one out just so that way we don't have any like tight connections these are relatively perpendicular and then we can symmetrize that and unwrap it we do have a seam right here let me unmark that and let me also make sure we don't have like a double bevel going on i don't think we do so that's good we could also maybe unmark this area here clear that seam clear these seams here clear these seams here and there we go maybe we could even clear these seams right here as well okay so off to this big one this should be an easy one as well so select sharp edges and then ctrl e mark seam let me go ahead and just apply this mirror modifier while we're at it otherwise we're going to have this butterfly effect so you can imagine if you have like a texture here it's going to mirror the texture it's going to be really obvious so you want to make sure you avoid that so you know we could do something kind of like that um these areas right here we don't really need a seam so we could go ahead clear the seam there we might need one so maybe i could just leave one seam there and clear out the rest and we'll just go ahead and symmetrize that unwrap it again and that piece is done and we'll just go to the front one i'm going to kind of speed through the rest because this is just an easy process all i'm doing is selecting the sharp edges marking the seam and if you just want to stop at this point that's totally fair you can but i try to clean it up if i can um you're going to notice we have a mirror let me let me apply this mirror and let me separate these pieces let me press the l key here in vertex mode and then the l key here and then press p to separate by selection so now we have these pieces and then this piece are separate which is uh when i want so what i'm going to do just make sure that one's unwrapped on it soon that should be fine and then this one right here this is where we could actually overlay our uvs to save space let me show you we're going to do this a little bit more later but this piece and this piece are identical they're just mirror images of each other and since we can't really see both sides at the same time it's probably a good idea to make sure the uvs are overlaid so we have the same texture here and the same one over here it'll save uv space so notice how right now you know we have a separate set of uvs for that area and then a separate set for this area see actually no they're already overlaid aren't they and this is what we want notice how these are on top of each other this will save space as opposed to unwrapping these separately and having you know different areas being used so it's always a good idea to keep these uvs overlaid in situations like this and the easiest way to overlay uvs is to make sure you have a mirror modifier so you mirror you delete the other side and mirror this piece and just leave the mirror modifier alone so now what will happen it'll unwrap this area but the other area when you apply the mirror will be overlaid automatically so we'll go into a bit more discussion on that later but i just want to show you same for this piece notice how we need to first of all select the sharp edges and then mark the seam but i don't think these are overlaid right now so let me go ahead and delete out these and then just go ahead and mirror that and then unwrap it again now they're overlaid so maybe we could you know do a bit of seam cleanup we could clear that one maybe not really a big deal i'm gonna go ahead and hide that this one should be easy we have a mirror modifier which we don't need on this one so select sharp edges ctrl e mark seam now this is where it gets kind of tricky this is what i call the like a ring so notice how if we select all the way around it forms a ring and the analogy i give to people is imagine you have a piece of paper you take both ends of the piece of paper and you meet your fingers in the middle and you tape it you're going to have a ring of paper what do you do if you want to flatten out that ring after you tape it well you just cut the piece of paper down and flatten it and to cut the you know uvs in this case you would add a seam so if you imagine this is a piece of paper you would cut it somewhere and then flatten it so we can cut it by simply adding in a seam and what that's going to do is make it completely straight for us and we're going to have a really clean and straight set of checkers right here so that's exactly how i take care of those situations okay so now we can go over to maybe like the door right here this is easy sharp edges mark the seam there's already a seam kind of here in the corner so that should be good cool hide that one and this one right here let's go ahead and just uh close that select the sharp edges mark the seam and then maybe put like a do we need a seam in there we already have one so we're good this right here sharp edges mark the seam and then sharp edges and mark the seam here as well could do a bit of cleanup if you want to like i said but not really a big deal for these pipes right here since we don't have a um a hole in the top if we zoom in since we don't have a like a closed hole in the top all we need to do on this one we don't have to mark any sharp edges we can just unwrap it and we need to put a seam like here in the back somewhere where we can't really see it so we'll just do something kind of like that mark the seam and make sure that's closed and that should be fine so pipes are pretty easy to do this one right here should be easy as well same idea here we have a ring that we need to cut in half if we go into the uv editor we have a ring which is not good so to fix that we just put a seam right here down the middle and it's going to update so perfect same for this one this should be easy select the sharp edges and mark the seam that one's good and then this one right here we're just going to go ahead and put there's only two sharp edges here on both caps mark the seam and then put like another seam here in the back to fix the ring issue and then just some small little pipes right here now these could just be these are so small we can just duplicate the texture so what i'm going to do we already have a mirror modifier here but there's no need to have a separate unwrap for this one and a separate unwrap for this one we can overlay everything so what i'm going to do is take this piece add an array modifier and array it down like that and then delete out the old ones so now we have is only one area being used as opposed to four so save a bit of uv space like that as well i think we'll do the tires last let's go to these little pipes right here they're so small really easy to do we're just going to go ahead and put seams here in the middle in the back and they should be fine and we're going to go over here to these technically all of these could just be you know these could all share the same area in uv space but they're next to each other so it might be kind of obvious depending on the texture so i'm going to make all these separate we'll select the sharp edges mark the seam i could probably remove these middle ones clear the seam there and then we're going to need to seam here on the top or maybe on the bottom to avoid this um warping because of that ring issue so mark a seam that should be fine um also actually no that's fine we'll hide that for this little door handle right here really simple all we need to do is just alt click and mark a seam there see uvs are not as difficult as people make them out to be there's just a lot of tricks you have to learn and that's where it can be kind of difficult you know so all you're doing is just selecting the sharp edges marking the seam and either adding to the seams or removing them if you want to make it a bit more optimized so i'm using mirror modifiers trying to overlay uv space there's a bit more we're going to discuss here in a little bit but for right now my only goal is to get the seams where they need to go and then we can do all the rest afterwards okay so click clear seam there for these pieces here we're just going to go ahead and select the sharp edges and mark the seam and the chamfer doesn't need like a double seam going on so um what in the world for some reason we have i need to join that back together i do not know what happened there i need to fix that up okay anyways we're just going to go in here and clear out that seam and just to make these connection points a little bit less tight i'm going to run a knife cut from here to here and then a knife cut from here to here and then sometimes it collapses so what i do in this case is i fill in the faces with f kind of like that and um yeah should be good to go on that one okay now we just have these cylinders right here i'm gonna go ahead and um let's go ahead and select the sharp edges and then mark the seam and then just somewhere here in the back we can just drop a another seam from here to i don't know like right here or something like that these ones we're going to do the same thing we did before i'm going to add an array modifier so we can keep all this overlaid delete out the old one and there we go so now we have only one area being used on uv space as the post as opposed to you know two or four so hide that these right here all we need are a um seam here seam here and then somewhere in the back for this one this one is just um like a ring so we're just gonna unwrap it and actually make sure we have something like that and then here on this one we can just get rid of these random loops we have going on so control x and then what we're going to do is mark a seam and then mark a seam and we can actually decimate this down a bit i just realized that one's not really that much optimized is it so there we go and we're just about ready to move on to the tires i just want to finish this one up we're going to put a seam here first of all select these sharp edges and then put a seam here and then for this one should be really easy we'll just put a seam straight down the middle here and then we have this one so select sharp edges mark the seam and then just do something like this and there we go that one should be fine so now the tires um nothing too complex about the tires we do the same thing but in this one you're going to see a lot of different sharp edges get selected so maybe what we could do is mark them ourself we could put like a seam in here where we can't really see it we could put like a seam in here where we can't really see it and then maybe like on the bottom is where we could put the you know the last seam and just do something like that not really not really anything complicated on those tires now we don't really need a seam going through this part it just needs to end where the other one is so we can clear that one out and then just clear out this area kind of like that and we could just duplicate the tire over but i don't want to have repeating textures so i'm going to make sure i forgot about these two didn't i yeah i just want to make sure that all these tires have a separate unwrap going on kind of important mark a seam there and then clear out this one so same idea for this tire we'll go ahead and put a seam somewhere in here put a seam somewhere in here and then you know somewhere on the bottom where we can't really see the other seam is where we can put that and then one more right here we're almost done with the unwrapping before we can get on to more stuff i'm gonna do a seam like that and then we just need to make sure we have one seam here in the bottom to fix the ring issue once again if we go around here it's going to be like a ring so got to make sure we put a seam somewhere to cut that ring and flatten it so right here on the bottom is the best spot for that now for this one you're gonna see it kind of like starts uh skewing open notice how we kind of have like bigger checkers here and smaller ones here um what we could do there's two things we could do there's an add-on for blender it's called uv squares what you could do is straighten this out using the uv squares add-on like that or what you could do is unwrap using the angle-based method because this is more of an angular shape and you'll get a better result that way so that way is totally fine as well i think the angle based solution is a bit easier so that's what i'm going to go for and let's make sure we have everything done which i think we do all right so let's go ahead and right click on this truck we're going to go to visibility and then show all inside and let's make sure we're outside of a local view cool so you're going to see the truck looks a lot cleaner now the unwraps are accurate you're going to see the checkers are you know there's no skus or warps or weird things like that but the biggest problem here is that we have different checker sizes so what this means are the areas with smaller checkers are going to have a higher resolution in the areas with bigger checkers are going to have a lower resolution and this doesn't make any sense because this is going to be a really clean clear texture while behind it's going to be a lot blurrier imagine you have a wallet and a phone on your desk and your phone's really blurry but your wallet's really clear it just doesn't make any sense we want to make sure the texture resolution is as uniform as possible now i could get really deep into this there's different things you could do you could make like um you know you could make really low resolution areas in areas that you're not going to really see to optimize more uv space but i really don't want to make this video too complicated for people i want to make this as straightforward as possible to understand so although you could you know use lower resolution textures to your benefit you know this could be really low resolution because we can't really see it whereas the tires could be a lot higher you know i don't want to keep i want to keep things consistent i want to make this video easy to understand so for the purposes of this video i want to make sure all the checkers on this truck are roughly the same size if it's like a 10 percent difference not really a big deal but try to get them as close as possible so to do this what we do is we go into edit mode we select everything and then we press u and then unwrap and you're gonna see everything unwraps over one single uh grid here and they're all basically the um you know all the checkers are basically the same size but we have another big problem here and this is where we get into texture sets so right now we have one material this material is called uvs and all these uvs are packed into one square and you're going to see this actually a pretty decent you know unwrap there's not too much you know extra area we could use but you're going to see these squares are real or these checkers are really really big so although we could texture this as is what's going to happen is the texture resolution is going to be really low because these checkers are just way too big so this is where you know on big trucks or big scenes like this this is where you want to utilize multiple texture sets so we can have a set of uvs on one material and then we can have a set of uvs on another material so we can basically get higher resolution textures by utilizing two different materials which we call texture sets okay it's kind of confusing so right now you know everything's packed into one grid but what if we took half of this and packed it and we took the other half and packed it into another one then we would basically be doubling our potential resolution so what we're going to do here is we're going to make a separate material we'll just click on this button here click on the tire then click on this button and we'll just call this uvs2 so what we're going to do here is maybe have one texture set for the bottom portion of the truck and then another texture set for the upper portion of the truck and we're going to be able to get a lot better resolution doing it this way yes we'll have an extra material but it's worth it because of the resolution difference we're going to have so these cases can be kind of tricky generally what i do is i figure out how could i you know get like a good 50 50 split between the objects so right now let me go in here and make a new collection i'm going to call this collection truck underscore low 2 so we just have like another collection right and maybe what i could do is i could take like you know the bottom half here i could take the tires and move these to the truck underscore low too let's hide it maybe i could take all these little pieces down here right move that over i could move these over as well basically i could just take the bottom pieces here and move them over to the second collection i made so maybe we'll just do something kind of like this move these bottom pieces so now we have is the bottom area which could be one texture set then we have this upper area which could be another texture set now i don't know if this will be a good split we might have to add more to one collection but we can go ahead and try it okay so check this out what we're going to do is we're going to take the uvs 2 material and make sure all the bottom pieces here have the same material so one texture set for the bottom so i'm going to select this one with the uvs2 material select everything with the a key click the drop down and then copy material to selected so now this collection here has the uv twos texture set see that uvs2 and then we have the other collection here which is just the main uvs material okay so one texture set for this upper portion and one texture set for this bottom portion here so check this out now what i could do is i could unwrap all of this again u to unwrap and then i could go over here to this one and then u to unwrap and notice how we already have you know a little bit of a better um you know smaller size squares here for a better resolution but you're gonna see these pieces here are just so big that even if i re-unwrap everything they're still um you know the checkers are still pretty big let me go into the uv editor and see how it looks so yeah what we might need to do is add you know another few of these pieces to the bottom collection kind of even it out a bit more because these pieces are pretty big and do take up quite a bit of space so maybe what i could do is i could take this piece here and move that to the lower collection i could take these pieces here and move that to the lower and then maybe these little pipes here and move that to the lower and move this to the lower and just kind of play with it and just see how this looks so all right let's go ahead and try this again we're going to go here now we have a little bit more once again make sure these pieces are using the uv2's material we can just copy that over so we'll go ahead and unwrap okay a little bit a little bit higher it's actually a pretty decent resolution that's not bad now let's go over to this one here and see how much better this one gets a lot better okay so now if we turn both these on we're kind of in the middle ground now notice now we have a lot better resolution the checkers are significantly smaller now we could technically use a third texture set but for this truck i really don't think it's necessary you could also use higher resolution textures but i mean i'm using 4k i think that's fine so yeah where we are right now this is a pretty decent resolution if you want to use a third texture set you could i don't think it's necessary i think this is a good middle ground here so i think we have a nice distribution this is the bottom texture set uv's uh uvs2 and this is the upper one which is the uv's material so so this is how you can use texture sets to optimize your resolution with your unwraps okay so now let's just focus on one for right now let's focus on this one what i want to do is select everything unwrap and make sure this one's set to conformal because we're getting a bit of skewing right here so we'll set this to conformal okay so that one looks good we'll go ahead and hide this one then go in here and for this one right here i think i'm still using was i using angle based angle base seems to be working fine except for these areas i'm going to go ahead and make this conformal and you're going to see the tires are having this stretching issue now so we could do in this case is we could just press the um go into vertex mode press the l key on the tires and what we're going to need to do is um use something like the uv squares add-on to straighten these out because we can't unwrap with angle-based in this one so there we go that's a little bit better so now we need to do is we need to select everything in here and we need to make sure everything is packed into one single grid right okay so to do that there's two different ways the first thing we need to do is average the island scale what this will do is make sure all of the checkers are the exact same size okay so average island scale i'm going to do that and then we're going to go here and then we're going to choose the pack islands option now before you pack it this is the where you actually want to do the straightening of your uvs i forgot to do that so make sure you straighten that before you pack everything so now we can pack the islands and you're going to see that's pretty decent now blender's packer is okay but i prefer to use uv pack master uv pack master is much better it gets you a much better uh packing result so uv pack master is like i don't know 20 bucks 40 bucks i don't remember what it cost but it was well worth the money for unwrapping and what i do here is under advanced options tick on this normalized islands feature it's basically the same thing as the average island scale so take that on and what we're going to do is just click on the click on the pack button and just click it a few times and basically what this is saying is 85.1 percent of this um grid is being used which is really good you want to aim for above 70 percent now could we optimize these uvs a bit more to kind of get a better pack well we could but you know it's kind of like what's worth your time you know you could try to get that a little bit better or you could just kind of leave it as is and see how the other one works out so this is pretty decent not a bad packing result so what we're going to do now now that this one's done is we're going to go over to this upper one do the same thing i'm going to go ahead and just um let's unwrap it with conformal and then we'll go ahead see if there's anything we can straighten out which i don't think there is and then we'll just go ahead and pack everything in here and you're gonna see this result is absolutely amazing look at how clean that is so 86 828 i'm just going to leave it at this one this one's really good this is probably one of the best results you're going to get where it basically is all orange but you know there's very little gray this is kind of the result you want you won't always get here and that's okay but this is like the ideal result right here okay so let's go ahead and take a look at this now we have our uvs texture set and then we have our uv2's texture set in two different collections so now we need to figure out are these checkers all the same size well eyeballing it it looks like they are so we could probably stop here because it looks like they're all about the same size but if you want to make sure both texture sets have the same exact textile density you'll need to use a third-party add-on like textile density checker or zen uv i don't think blender has a tool for this so it's really easy this is what i do okay if i want to make sure the texel textile density is the exact same across the whole entire thing across both texture sets what i do is i check both okay so what i do is maybe go to this upper piece and i'm going to click on one of these faces and i'm going to use zen uv for this i have a link in the description if you want to pick it up this add-on is amazing but basically what you do is you just select a face here and click on the get td button you're going to see this one it's 139 let's just say 140 pixels per meter and you're going to see basically all the other ones are gonna be like the same thing so all within like a digit or two so yeah let's just say 140 okay now if we go to the bottom texture set say the wheel and we get this one you're gonna see this one is 157. so a little bit higher resolution as you can see here so what we need to do is to make sure that the same we need to scale in the one with a higher textile density and scale that into the one with a lower textile density reason being is because we can always we can always scale in but we can't scale out if we scale out we'll begin to get repetition because we're outside the bounds of that grid okay so what i always do is i scale inwards i scale the smaller checkers in and make them bigger so since this one has a bigger textile density this one's at 157 i want to scale this one in to the other one which is about 140 makes sense so what you can do is just um type it in so we'll go to this one select everything in edit mode we'll type in 140. it was like 139 whatever close enough right 140 and then we'll click on the set td button what that's going to do oops wrong one make sure you set this to island mode by the way and then set the td and we're going to basically have you know 140 there we go so now if we turn on both of these and we turn on both of these you're going to see if we get the td for these these are all basically going to be the same size we have you know 139.94 we have you know 140 this one's going to be 140 this one's going to be 140 they're all going to be the same size which means the texture resolution here is completely uniform across all the texture sets this is how you do it if you're only using one material so one texture set you wouldn't have to do this because everything would be packed in into one grid in the first place and it would already be the same size but because we're using two different texture sets we have to do a little bit more work so that's what i really wanted to show you here so now the checkers are the exact same size like i said if you're within like 10 to 20 percent of a difference it's not going to really be noticeable by the human eye but if you want to be precise this is how you can do it okay you just use you know an add-on like zen uv and check the textile density values that way so all of this could be a little bit better not by much this is going to be a pretty decent texture resolution when we texture this inside of substance painter or quixle mixer or whatever so there's a lot more to textile density generally what you do is you use like values to the power of two if you were using like a you know a more industry standard value they might have you use like 64 pixels a meter or 128 and there's a lot of maths behind it and i don't want to get into too much of the technicalities here i just want to show you here how it works and how you can get yourself a decent result and this is what i did so if you want to research a bit more about textile density and the ideal values and the different resolutions there's so much more that goes into it but you know in this case i'm using a 4k texture i'm trying to get a decent size resolution for my textures and you know this gets the job done so a lot more to textile density it does get more complicated but there's no need to make it more complicated in this video this is basically all you need and you also have to consider you know if this was a far away asset there's no need to make the text resolution high or worry about this as much if this is like a really far away asset in a game or something it's a waste of memory it's a waste of time to do all this but you know this is the truck i want a texture and substance painter and this is like the main focus of my scene so you know in this case i want to get a decent resolution so there's really a lot that goes into this i could talk about it for a while but um i'll link an article below if i remember it's it's a really good textile density article it's like an image you can read over that if you want but keep in mind there's a lot of different rules behind this and i'm just showing you only one portion here just for a straightforward case okay so i just want to make sure that's clear so yeah if you're not using this for a game try to make the resolution as high as possible just keep in mind the more texture sets you use the higher your vram usage is going to be cool so the unwrapped done looks pretty clean this should give us a decent resolution when we texture it inside of substance painter okay now we need to talk about baking how can we take this high poly and bake this detail into the low poly it's incredibly easy to do the first thing we need to make sure is clean is our high poly mesh meaning we can't have any artifacts or issues like that so we're going to go back into face orientation turn that on and we need to check for any like obvious artifacts going on like right here you can see a bit of red and i think we had this issue before earlier we just had to drop the bevel just a little bit i think that's what the issue was so just slightly drop that should be fine and right here you're going to see this is kind of a mess these booleans right here so you know you could use these you could like stamp these details in like substance paint or something using a normal stamp but um to fix this what i'm first going to do is go to the bevel modifier under geometry turn off that loop slide feature it's kind of kind of messes with that uh bevel right there so make sure it's turned off and then right here we're gonna have to make some adjustments so since we still have the boolean modifiers live here you can see i can you know turn them off and on i'm gonna go ahead and press q and then ever scroll scroll up to these booleans and see if i can't move these around a little bit so we'll just scale this on the y and maybe move this up a little bit trying to see like what exactly is causing all this mess um that should be fine you're gonna see we do have a little bit of um artifacting going on here so maybe move this up just a bit more hide that and that should be fine i don't see any more artifacts going on there so i think that one's good not really a big deal go ahead and save that and i don't see any other significant areas obviously if you like go inside of stuff you're going to see it but that's because that's the inside so we're not worried about that as long as we don't see any other areas we should be fine right here is a little bit of a problem so let's zoom in here and see what's causing that let's go here to the bevel and turn off the loop slide feature that should fix that sometimes you just have to turn that off and it'll end up working and i think that's everything so if the high poly is you know it doesn't have any artifacts we should be good to go okay so all we have to do is select one of these pieces any of them it doesn't matter we're going to add a triangulate modifier and we're going to tick on the keep normals button to avoid any shading artifacts and then we're going to do is press the a key now make sure you have this copy attributes add-on turned on very important because we're going to do now is with everything selected we're going to press ctrl c copy selected modifiers and we're going to choose the triangulate modifier here and now everything is going to be triangulated okay this is what we need otherwise it will not display properly when we try to bake i use marmoset tool bag for baking it is superb i would highly recommend it now some people might see this and freak out at this crazy topology this um this high poly is not being used for anything other than baking so it does not matter once we bake the detail we can discard this we don't need it anymore and i also just noticed right here we have a little bit of an issue sometimes the triangulates can kind of mess with things um i don't think this is a triangulate doing that right here i think this is i have no clue what this is to be honest um we have like a random let me just dissolve that out ctrl x there we go okay cool so now we need to go to the low poly here select one of these pieces we're going to go to triangulate make sure keep normals is ticked on select everything ctrl c copy selected modifiers and then triangulate and now the low poly should be triangulated as well so no big deal okay so now the high poly is triangulated and the low poly is triangulated we're basically good to go okay so we can bring this into marmoset and bake it but there are a few things we have to do that um aren't quite obvious so i want to show you real quick what those are so if i tried to you know take this low poly if i selected everything and i want to export it as an fbx let me go in here and i'll just take on selected objects and i'll call this truck underscore low so if i export this and then i do the same thing to the high poly let me deselect everything here and then go to the high poly we'll go to file export fbx you don't have to do this yet i'm going to show you um what the issue is with this method so just watch for right now but if we export this as truck underscore high selected objects ticked on let's bring this into marmoset and see what happens so here in marmoset we just have to click on this little bread icon we're going to go to load and then we're going to choose the truck underscore high and the truck underscore low and you're going to see nothing nothing loaded in it's just like nothing worked and we also have a ton of materials here that shouldn't be loaded in also so the main issue is nothing loaded in and this is where people can get confused so the reason it's not loading in is because marmoset detects meshes based off of the suffix so the suffix has to have underscore low in it so although the collection has underscore low the the pieces making up that collection do not they're really weird random names like slice or you know cable cube or whatever so we have to make sure they end an underscore low so this is what i do what i like to do is i like to make a um a brand new collection just for the entire thing with all the texture sets and everything i like to just make a new collection and i'll just call this t um underscore low okay i'm going to select everything and move everything into that new collection just to keep it clean we don't even need these anymore they're not doing anything okay so what we need to do now is we need to press the a key we're going to press ctrl f2 on our keyboard and this is where we can do a batch rename so here all i have to do is i need to go to set name and what we're going to do is click on new don't worry about the suffix click on new and we're going to call this truck underscore low and what this will do is because give everything that name and it will append a number to the end i think something like that so yeah if we go in here you're gonna see it has underscore low but it also appends uh basically a number to the end which is exactly what we want now marmoset will actually detect these pieces so we need to do the same thing to the high poly collection so what i'm going to do is deselect everything we're going to go to the high poly and same exact idea select everything control f2 and this one will be truck underscore high and then we're just going to have basically the same type of effect now what i also want to do is get rid of all these extra materials because i don't want these exported into marmoset just too much what i'm going to do is just give this like i don't know the high poly doesn't need a material but just to get rid of the all the materials that are on it from being exported i'll just give this the uv's material select everything and then copy it over so that way when we export we're only going to be getting the uv materials that we actually want we're not going to get like a bunch of extra materials that we had before so so now we're just going to go ahead and export everything again we're just going to select the entire low poly i'm going to go to file export fbx take on selected objects and choose truck underscore low we'll just overwrite the old one and then same thing uh deselect and do the same thing for the high poly file export fbx and then truck underscore high right there so now if we go into marmoset and click on this bake icon and choose or load everything in here just load these two in you're gonna see everything is going to load in without issue it's kind of annoying and can be tricky if you're not used to how the software handles names but that's how you do it we do have a few extra materials in here default and uv's high but we don't need to worry about those honestly we could just delete them out we don't need them i think the default one has to stay though okay cool so now we're gonna do is bake it so if we click on this l here it'll turn on and off the low poly and the h will turn on and off the high poly and you're gonna see everything loaded in just fine so what we need to do is go to samples change it to 16 and the format needs to be 16. the resolution is going to be 4k and we're going to tick on multiple texture sets because we have multiple texture sets we have one and two so you know two materials you can think of materials and texture sets as basically the same thing if it makes it easier and then what we're going to do is make sure normals is turned on we're going to make the curvature and the ambient occlusion as well finally all we need to do is go up here click on the p icon to preview and we need to choose a new output path i'm just going to go here and click on new folder and then we can just you can name this whatever you want but i'm going to make sure it saves as a png we're going to click on save and wait for it to bake and there we go you can see everything baked just fine occasionally you might run into issues i don't see any here but if you get like random streaks of artifacts or things like that go back into blender make sure there's no overlapping uvs and also make sure that the bevel segment count is set to one and that should deal with any issues but here i mean this bake is superb um we do have a little bit of like a baking artifact right here i could go in and check exactly what's causing that most likely the high poly has an issue which i don't see but if it bothers you what i would try doing is um making sure this is perfectly flat and also make sure there's a weighted normal modifier on each of them which i think there is but it's honestly um i don't know is it the i don't think it's the lighting so minor baking shading issue right here there are a few problems kind of with this detail here getting projected up if you want to fix that what you can actually do is go to the we need to scroll down we need to go to the low poly and we can actually paint the offset a little bit so you can kind of go in here and like paint out some of those details so the baking cage doesn't cast as far and that can kind of help fix those types of problems if um you know if they're giving you a bit of beef you could also try to paint it out in photoshop but that can oftentimes you know cause more problems so what i like to do you just come in here and paint the offset literally just kind of massage it and eventually those little issues will go away but for the most part i mean this is pretty good you just go in here paint out any little issues you have because you'll probably have some baking is not perfect but the whole goal is to make it look as good as possible so let's look around just a little bit more see if there's any massive issues i may have missed and you know when you zoom in you might see some minor problems but i mean any single game ass that you look at is going to have some sort of minor bacon issue it's just it's not worth making it that perfect because no one's gonna see this type of stuff it's a waste of your time so you wanna make it you know look clean when you're looking at it from like this distance or even a little bit closer so right now it was actually you know pretty decent bake usually i'll run into issues but in this case it looks like we uh we did everything correctly which is good for you guys because that means the tutorial was uh you know correct so not bad only issue i do see here which i might need to rectify is that for some reason these pipes right here are gone so maybe i accidentally deleted the pipes in the blender file and it looks like that's actually the case so what i'm going to do real quick i don't know how this happened but don't worry about how it happened worried about fixing it so we're going to do is duplicate this over and just move those back into place it should be fine same thing for this little suspension area down here um okay this is a little bit offset so we're going to need to do is just pull that in and just make sure these are connected up it looks like those are missing for some reason actually i don't think these tires here even had those so maybe just the back tires so we can delete those and i think that's the only thing that was missing so really easy to fix we just have to select everything here and then re-export it so we'll go to file export fbx we'll go to truck underscore low and then in marmoset we can um let it load in marmoset automatically updates and as you can see uh there they are and looks basically as they should be so i mean that's about it for baking bacon and marmoset isn't complicated there are a few settings in here that you could learn about but i mean this is mostly what you need there's not much to tweak here and as you can see we have a pretty damn good result here so no complaints from me definitely like how this looks and we're ready to bring this into our texturing software of choice i use substance painter i'm not going to be doing a tutorial in substance in this video i want to stick to you know the main workflow but i will show you how to import everything into substance so you can start off from there so it's really easy all you have to do is go to file new i'm going to be using a 4k document resolution opengl or directx is up to you blender uses opengl so if you want to render it in blender use opengl if you want to texture it for something like unity you would use directx okay these don't really matter though it's as simple as flipping the green channel on the normal map so just choose whatever and we'll go in here and we're going to load in our low poly fbx file okay and all we need to do now is import the baked maps from marmoset so there should be there should be six we baked the normal the curvature in the ambient occlusion right here but we have two texture sets so that means we should have six maps total so just navigate to wherever you bake them you're gonna see i just have them right here and all we have to do is drag over them and click on open you're going to see there's six of them and then all we have to do is uh click on ok and everything should load in just give it a second here it is now in substance you're going to see we have two texture sets we have the uvs texture set and the uvs2 texture set so basically the bottom and the top so all we need to do is go to the texture set settings and just load in the corresponding maps so for example normal map we're going to do the one for uvs make sure it's not uvs2 that's the other one make sure you're doing the right one so normal and then we have ambient occlusion and then we have our curvature and then for uvs2 we have our normal we have our ambient occlusion and we have our curvature and then if we just kind of move around a little bit everything is going to update and there you go so it's really easy and at this point you could basically go in and you could just kind of like start dropping in textures so you know if you want some sort of metallic thing you just let me delete out these default layers you just go in here and you know find a material you like drop it on and just start texturing so like i said this is not a substance tutorial i'm not going to do that in this video but at least you know where to start so if the video helped drop me a like helps more people find it helps out with the youtube algorithms really appreciate that and also if anything was confusing let me know and maybe i can make a follow-up video to those confusing parts and also like i said we have a free hard surface unwrapping guide that i spent all day making completely free that you can download in the top of the description or you can go to unwrapping to download that for free so take a look at it i think it will help you guys out a lot and you can use it as a reference so that way you don't have to sit through this two hour video again you can just refer to the pdf and it basically has most of the same info just more concise so link to that's on the top of the description thanks so much for watching really appreciate it and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Josh Gambrell
Views: 138,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uv unwrapping masterclass in blender, uv unwrapping, blender unwrapping, blender tutorial, blender hard surface modeling, hard surface unwrapping, hard surface modeling blender, blender beginner, blender game asset, blender hard surface modeling tutorial, blender seams, uvs, texel density, blender island packing, blender packing, uvpackmaster, hard ops, boxcutter, 3d, 3d modeling, josh gambrell, ponte ryuurui, blender bros, blenderbros, cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 28sec (6928 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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