UTV plowing deep snow

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[Music] not like october in minnesota hey siri what's the date today it's tuesday the 20th of october 2020. that sounds like a good start to the winter season this is six to eight inches uh this is good heavy wet stuff this is that heart attack snow that wears you out so i think this is a darn good test to see how well this thing can snowplow that's exactly what we're gonna do today all right for snow plowing well let's get the windshield cleared all right so this is how the actual snow plow works this is actually the shift stick on this unit i go up one i'm in reverse with one more i'm in neutral i got my foot on the brake i go up one more i'm in low gear and then i go all the way up i'm in high gear now this is what actually controls the plow itself that forward button makes everything go up get the windshield defroggers going here down side to side and before we get started too much let's let this bad boy warm up a little alrighty let's get going all right i'm in one wheel drive right now all wheel drive works good but you know what before we get started too much let's let this dethaw i want to see what we're doing so guys this is a gravely jsb which i think stands for job site vehicle and basically it's a polaris okay um but gravely actually outfits them with different kinds of components for work it happens i have a polaris snowplow effect it says polaris right on the front of that snowplow unit and this was a great test just how much this thing could push because this was a pretty good decent snowfall we ended up getting somewhere between six and eight inches of the real wet snow let that thing go okay one of the things to watch guys is i'm not pushing up a lot of gravel and i'm going to actually at the end of the video show you exactly why i'm not because i've got the gravel shoes adjusted just right and i'm going to demonstrate what happens when you don't have the gravel shoes adjusted just right i never would have thought that it could handle this much it just this machine went it was impressive it really was i am getting some gravel up it's inevitable but at least i'm not chunking up my entire driveway i wonder if it's stuck i'd like to be able to see better in the cab boy she's not throwing up no she doesn't thaw out very fast but she's moving some snow she definitely doesn't thaw out very fast but this is it was wet i mean this is a wet snow this machine has one wheel drive and then four wheel drive well you know two wheel drive and four wheel drive but it's got three different settings so if you do get stuck you flip a button and it just pulls itself right out of it [Music] i did a lot better than i thought it was gonna do you guys here comes my son i'm gonna con him into uh taking over so i can actually get some footage there he is there he is he's never driven one either the doors are reversed actually in the old time days we you call them suicide doors because when you'd be going down the road if you if they opened up they would fling open and yeah kill you you got two pedals on the floor a gold a go pedal and a stop pedal okay the goal is on the right the stop is the big one and in the middle so hit that one touch it go ahead go yep just touch it it won't go right and then if you ever have any issues stomp on the middle pedal sound like a plan okay and then this controls your plow so hit this button yep see how the plow turns the one way yeah let's lift it all the way up okay hit it one more time let's show these guys yep all right he's getting the understanding of it now he's angling the plow on his own yep there you go now he's got it he's got it just keep going there you go pedal to the metal keep it going keep going you got to keep that snow rolling you got to keep that snow rolling there you go now you got to keep going and turn and turn and go and go and go and go so what happens is as the snow starts going in front of you it rolls like a wave and then it makes it easier to keep pushing it so once you get that momentum going you just keep it going let's get one more roll we will clean up this last spot and then i'll let you go do what you want to do in the he actually came out to go ask for a shovel so he could go shovel the deck which was awesome or his mom put him up to it one of the two things i like to think it's awesome but okay so now look he is compensating for that front plow so as a parent i'm gonna let him learn how to run this thing because it's exactly like a car when it comes time to drive a car the car won't seem that great it'll just seem like oh nothing big i've done that with all my kids and they don't seem to care much about vehicles they seem to have a little bit of common sense about them hey wanna see how deep the snow it can go through you got it no just just take it through that swamp over there let's see what she does why not we'll see if it makes it no you can destroy your vehicles i'm not the one destroying that all right you gotta hold the camera for me i want to see how much you can go through so as a parent what i try to do is put my kids in as many different kinds of vehicles as i can like this one drives just like a car because then when they actually get into a car i'm in my mind i'm thinking it won't be so exciting it won't be so nerve-wracking it won't be such a novelty it'll just be another thing you know i'm just i'm gonna spray man i just want these kids when they're out on the roads to to have one less thing to think about and have a little bit of experience under their belt at least i'm impressed by how much snow that moved it moves way more snow than i thought it was i thought not a bank like that [Music] all right you guys there's something that i think is kind of important that i want to show you and i can't have snow to do it so fortunately minnesota is kind enough to have melted all of the snow you've seen in this video left us with bare ground and well what i want to actually show you is called the gravel pucks and what this is is this is the way that you can keep your snow plow from actually tearing up a gravel driveway part of the problem when you plow snow with a piece of equipment like this when it lays flat across the ground like this it's going to push all of your gravel to wherever you're stockpiling your material meaning at the end of the year you're going to have all of your top dressing in one spot and i'll bare dirt in another spot and you're going to be walking through mud and in the meantime these gravel pucks or these gravel shoes allow the blade to ride just a skim coat above the gravel leaving your gravel in place and getting rid of all of the snow let's just show you what i mean now i know i already mentioned this in another video you guys but please have patience with me just in case other people haven't seen it i just wanted to show this my windshield is so icy i can't see out of it look at what we got we got an ice storm first the next storm is coming and the first wave is ice so um but okay so the next step we're going to do is i want to show you the gravel shoes so here they are and what it does is this is the shoe that you adjust up and down and this allows you to make your blade float so a lot of times oh yeah here's the adjustment pins right here on the next one i better look and see what level it was on but a lot of times you'll have washers in here and these will help you adjust up and down where your angles gotta be at but we're gonna remove them entirely and see what happens all right let's see if we can count this time what do you guys see one two two above two above but now we got both shoes removed let's go see what happens with my driveway so i put the blade all the way down for this just down as much as it would go all right let's see how much damage we've done which is actually a lot really fast so just in two scrapes we gouged all this up which may not look like a lot but let's go down and actually look at it you can see how much it gouges up how fast it'll tear up a gravel driveway how much we got on the blade look at what we did down here okay let's adjust those shoes up and uh let's try it again but before we do that let's fix the mess i made all right sorry guys i time lapsed that i thought it was going to take a little bit longer than two swipes to fix my mistake but what i did to fix it is i just went backwards put the blade all the way down then felt it when i hit pressure lifted it up just a titch and just graded it out now let's put the gravel shoes back on the bus plant plowing asphalt or concrete sidewalk i remove those shoes entirely all right so now i've got the gravel shoes adjusted up and the blade all the way down as far as it'll go and it's riding on those shoes and that's what we wanted to do if there was snow on the ground i'd be pushing the snow and leaving my gravel in place it's all the way down right here all right now let's just take a look i think i got it adjusted a bit too high technically but you guys can get the gist of it you can see how right now all the pressure is down and the entire blade rides right on the chute meaning i can plow now if i was really going to get picky i would adjust this down so the blade is just over the ground to do that i'd go in where i got asphalt or concrete or a hard surface and i'd put it down and then i would just adjust the shoes to right to dial it right in some guys don't know that now you do and that's all we got for today hope you enjoyed this snow plow one video we're gonna get ready because it's supposed to get another three to six inches coming out pretty quick tonight we're supposed to have another snowstorm coming tonight i don't know if it's gonna happen or not i highly doubt it it's just too nice i was too warm it's like 30 degrees right now i don't think it's gonna stick but that's what we got hope the weather is good in your neck of the woods hope you guys enjoy the snow plowing videos now we've got next week leaf cleanup not joking we had indian summer you guys we were plowing and then two weeks later we had an entire week of 60 and 70 degree weather melted all of the snow and we had this amazing long streak and then it's like somebody just flipped a switch because it went from 60 degrees in one day down to 31 and cold and wet and raining but we'll take it see you on the next one god bless catch you later you guys it's going to bug me too much i i couldn't do it guys this is going to bug me if i don't go get these shoes adjusted right well it's just going to drive me nuts so let's go dial again i can't leave stuff like that go i just solidly just bugs me so i'm gonna go up to my front driveway and um get it adjusted back in so i got it dialed in so when it is actually snowing i don't i don't like to have moving equipment or trying to fix equipment when it's snowing because i never know if i'm going to work 4 hours 14 hours or 40 hours i don't know so i like to just be ready and more mud but i got way too much way too much room there so i'm gonna bring that shoe up by bringing the shoe up i bring the blade down you guys see that box that's about too much we're gonna be putting that to the test bring it up third hole top top that's it that's the spot nope nope nope nope nope one thing i didn't notice before that was throwing me off you can see that we have two adjustment holes on the the console three on four on this and two on this so you can really get it adjusted just right so we're going to go see the mark oops no we want to be in that hole that pin in that hole also let's see if we can't get that dialed right in now don't plow with your gravel shoes down on asphalt or tar because you're going to wear them straight out there we go they're meant for gravel if you're going to be tar take them out right there that's the one okay i think we're there let's put the blade down and see how much space we got we want just enough space perfect so that's how much snow i'm gonna have left on my driveway after i'm plowing just uh just enough just to touch now we're done now i can feel good about it just in time because it looks like we might get get hit so all right we'll see on another one god bless go get him you guys i gotta go get ready
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 396,796
Rating: 4.9006104 out of 5
Keywords: plowing snow, utv plowing snow, snow plowing, deep snow, polaris ranger, ranger takes on snow, snow plow, snow plows in action, snow plowing deep snow, atv plow, gravely UTV
Id: Dxs2CsOTGZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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