Utah Must Visit Places - PLAN YOUR PERFECT TRIP to UTAH

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and welcome back to the other side we're ian and anna and we just finished up a four-month road trip across the united states we have tons of videos out on that trip so if you're interested definitely click up here but in this video we couldn't be more excited to share with you the top 10 things to do in utah we spent a total of one month traveling all over this beautiful state and it completely blew us away but before we get started i want to let you guys know that we're coming out with a usa road trip travel guide sometime in may of 2021 it's gonna help you find free campsites how we did it for only thirty dollars a day per person so get excited for that all right let's start with number ten petroglyph slot canyon you can find the petroglyph trail in snow canyon state park on the all trails app while exploring many slot canyons it took us two hours before we finally found a petroglyph the path leading to it was absolutely stunning full of huge boulders canyons and wildlife once we found the rock carvings it was like finding treasure a petroglyph is an image carved and scratched into stone by native americans gosh people were so smart back then they carved petroglyphs in hard to reach places like slots and caves where the images could be protected from the sun brain and other natural occurrences that's why they've lasted this long petroglyphs have been dated back to 10 000 years but these ones in particular were estimated to be carved in approximately 500 a.d seeing hundreds of carvings that could be over a thousand years old was such a magical experience an added bonus we were the only ones there which always makes it better although we didn't know the meaning of each symbol it was really peaceful simply observing history if you don't make it down to snow canyon state park don't fret there are thousands of these carvings found all over utah simply google petroglyphs near me while you're there and i'm sure something will pop up up next number nine sand hollow state park this has to be the ultimate day trip from zion national park leave those massive crowds behind and drive only 45 minutes to this desert oasis we seriously could not believe our eyes when we saw the red sandstone cliffs meeting that deep blue water i mean just look at those colors not only is sand hollow awesome for those wanting to relax but it's a perfect place for the more adventurous souls we saw tons of people jet skiing wakeboarding enjoying the warm water sand hollow is amazing because the temperature of the water is around 80 degrees may through september if you know anna and i then you know that we absolutely love cliff jumping the walk to the spot was only five minutes from the parking lot making it easy trail for everyone have the time of your lives as you jump from different heights of 15 to 45 feet and cheer those on that are terrified we seriously jumped at this spot for hours and couldn't get enough just please be careful and never jump with your apple watch on i actually ended up finding an apple watch at the bottom right below the cliff jump another thing to keep in mind when heading to sand hollow is that each car is 15 for utah residents and 20 for out-of-state visitors now on to number eight monument valley monument valley is a huge desert that sits on the utah arizona border it is marked by enormous rock structures the most famous one is known as the mitten it's a bunch of buttes that form somewhat of a hand formation it's really cool fun fact for decades monument valley was the stage center for many western films and each one it represented the classic west i'm not a big western movie watcher myself but i have seen monument valley in a wildly famous film known as that's right forest gump you know that scene where forest decides to stop running this is where that scene was filmed monument valley is owned by the navajo nation which was closed due to covet 19. we weren't able to get up close and personal with the structures but that's okay we were still able to enjoy it from afar and drive past the gigantic buttes it was still worth it next is number seven bonville salt flats first of all what the heck are salt flats well they are large flat areas of land that were once lakes this salt flat was created when all the water evaporated from the prehistoric vanvil lake around 30 000 years ago only an hour and a half from salt lake city you will be surrounded by these salt flats driving down interstate 80. once you arrive you can explore in your car with total freedom and the craziest thing there is no speed limit but don't go out there and do something stupid guys anna and i cannot handle it on our conscience the state of utah always makes you feel like you're on a different planet but we really felt like aliens here another crazy fact is that the bonville salt flats are famous for hosting a ton of motorsports including those chasing a land speed record the land speed record is the highest speed achieved by a person using a vehicle on land we totally understand why this area would be perfect for racing cars just look at how massive and wide open it is anna and i didn't stay long enough but on our way out we saw tons of people getting ready to stargaze if you have the time i would suggest visiting salt flats closer to sunset and waiting around to see those stars pop in the night sky next up is number six lake powell lake powell is a man-made reservoir on the colorado river and it goes through both utah and arizona to be completely honest we spent most of our time on the arizona side of lake powell and a town called page but we really wanted to share this spot in this video anyways because if you're visiting southern utah paige won't be far out of your way the two popular natural attractions near lake powell are horseshoe bend and antelope canyon horseshoe bend is about a 10 minute drive from paige its name totally suits it because it looks exactly like a horseshoe boom a thousand foot drop and the colorado river goes around this rock that looks like a horseshoe the entrance fee is ten dollars per car once you arrive it's a very short stroll from the parking lot there's not a ton to do at horseshoe bend other than snap a few picks and enjoy the epic views there's definitely a big crowd but it's such a large area you are sure to find some private spots to take in this miraculous attraction alone if you look down really really closely you could see people kayaking boats come through here pretty sure people are camping right there with their tents antelope canyon is famous for its narrow passages smooth waves and brilliantly warm tones it's somewhere i had always wanted to visit because it looked otherworldly to me the upper part of antelope canyon was closed due to coven 19. so we visited the lower part from our drop off point it was a four mile round trip kayak ride on lake powell to this insanely beautiful formation we departed at 7am to beat the crowds and pretty much had it all to ourselves we used lake powell adventure company but if i'm not mistaken you are allowed to rent a kayak and visit on your own we loved accessing this area through the water it made the experience much more adventurous starting to get really really beautiful and narrow right here look at them and the wavy walls the swirly pink red and orange structures totally lived up to the hype seriously it's hard for me to even find the words to describe how incredible this landscape was i think everyone needs to visit antelope canyon before they die sorry to interrupt but before we move on i wanted to introduce the sponsor of this video cali case it's a waterproof phone case that also floats and it's totally our right-hand man on every adventure that involves water if you're interested in one you can use the code the other side for 20 off at checkout ian loves to call it turning your phone into a 24 gopro all right guys let's get back to the video coming up number five zion national park this iconic park is one of the most visited in the entire us i like to call zion a little disney world because it gets a whopping 4.5 million visitors a year i want every single one of you watching this to realize that zion is packed and always will be packed but please don't let this ruin your time best way to do this start every hike as early as possible by far the best thing we did in utah was located in zion and that is the death defying angel's landing hike this hike has been nicknamed the scariest hike in america and the reason is because 10 people have sadly fallen to their death here so please be careful and wear shoes that have grip angel's landing will get your heart beating faster than a trip to the bathroom after eating denny's sorry denny's the thing is anna and i have been skydiving bungee jumping and shark diving but for some reason this five mile round trip hike was one of the scariest things we've ever done it's just you and that thick chain taking on the 1 500 foot drop off one wrong move and you're gone anna is terrified i'm gonna throw up all scary statements behind i truly think anyone could do this hike there is a part of the hike where you think you have made it to the top but that's just scout overlook so we thought that that was the hard part that was the easy part we just turned the corner and we have to go up this entire mountain with just hanging onto the rope after all that hard work and peeing your pants a little the 360 degree view on top of angel's landing makes every dang second worth it if you're asking yourself right now what is worse the way up or the way down we both agreed at the end the way up was harder than the way down if you're too scared to take on angel's landing there is an easier hike with similar views called canyon overlook trail it's only one mile and has way way less people you even get to go through the famous mount carmel tunnel the other most popular thing to do in zion is called the neros and it was voted one of the world's best thought canyon hikes at a length of 16 miles you get to decide how far you want to go anna and i only went about three miles in of course the farther you go the more beautiful and less crowded it becomes we made the mistake of going during midday and the hike was miserable and we think very very overrated but that is our opinion this is miserable oh my god it's so it's so deep i don't understand i got anna's bag don't worry about it don't let us ruin your dreams of going and maybe comment down below after you went and let others know what you thought a few reasons we thought it was a little overrated was the amount of people there of course how cold it was in that slot canyon the water is freezing cold so get ready for that this is what i'm doing right now with anna we're in like a wind tunnel right now so it's freezing in the shade you could rent boots and some special type of socks to keep you warm but still pack extra clothes now time for number four arches national park just 10 minutes outside of the adventure capital of america moab utah lies arches national park which is full of over 2 000 arches it took me a minute to figure this one out but hello there's a reason it's called arches national park you literally see them everywhere through many years of erosion the sandstone in eastern utah has transformed into these unimaginable creations the most famous arch in the park has got to be delicate arch the one that's on the utah license plate we thought we beat the crowds by waking up at 5am the heights of delicate arch for sunrise but we were sadly mistaken by the time the sun rose there were over a hundred people admiring the arch with us although it was extremely crowded it was still an exceptional sight to see we still recommend going at sunrise because we've heard sunset is even more packed next we headed over to one of our favorite hikes which was the primitive trail by the double window arches the primitive trail may have been one of our favorites because we had it all to ourselves and at the end we were able to climb up to the windows and enjoy the sunset from above the last hike we embarked on was called the devil's garden loop a total of 7.8 miles but you can turn back at any time this is where you can see the famous landscape arch it's the longest one in the whole park we made it all the way to the double o arch before turning around the hike here is definitely not for everyone what i really liked about this trail is that it had a lot more to offer than just arches you saw insanely big cliffs bright orange hudus and it was full of awesome lookout points i just mentioned three hikes but if you are not a big hiker just driving through arches is an experience within itself up next is number three corona and bowtie arch let's first start off by saying this arch is poorly named and after what happened in 2020 i think it deserves a little rebranding easily one of the most epic places in utah and only five minutes away from arches national park corona and bow tie arch are a must see this hike is not considered a part of the national park so of course i had to pull out the drone you guys know me the best part about corona is that we only saw eight people the entire time we were there if you're asking yourself hmm that looks really familiar well it's probably because you've seen it before it was here in 2012 where now famous youtuber devin supertramp created the world's largest rope swing if you are headed to arches national park in the moab area make sure you go to chrono arch anna can i get a woo now on to number two bryce canyon national park let me tell y'all there is something so peaceful about bryce canyon the insane views and rock clusters you've seen online are even more mind-blowing in person these irregular columns of rocks are called hoodoos they're found all over the world but you will find the biggest collection of them in bryce canyon national park to be completely honest you can see some of the best news from the top of the canyon especially at sunset however the rim of the canyon can get a bit crowded so we recommend getting up close and personal with the hoodoos by hiking our favorite hike was the navajo loop where you can see thor's hammer and wall street canyon the sights at wall street are so breathtaking and if you go at sunrise there is no one there we ended up hiking the trail twice just so we could experience it without any crowds another great one was mossy cave where you can actually see a waterfall the cool thing about mossy cave is that you don't have to access it from the park there's an entrance point right by our favorite barbecue place in the area called i don't know barbecue if you're going to bryce you have to stop there for a delicious meal made by a family run restaurant last but not least number one yant trail this diamond in the rough has to be one of the craziest landscapes in the u.s and is by far the most memorable spot on our entire four-month road trip only an hour away from zion guys i'm telling you if you head to the on trail during sunset it will change your life the ride to get here is a little rough and is about 40 minutes on bumpy dirt roads but if we can make it here in our woo-woo mobile without four-wheel drive any car and i mean any car can make it here the ant trail is a very easy three-mile round-trip hike and once you get to the end you will be presented with a landscape that will make you question your entire existence like what i know it's already called candy cliffs but we both decided our nickname for it was creamsicle snake trail the sandstone here was formed into what looked like snakeskin and it was covered in orange and white swirls if you guys have a better name comment down below because uh we've been arguing about the name this is one of those spots that instagrammers post about and you say to yourself they must have photoshopped the colors or textures somehow well that's not the case for this unforgettable place i do think utah has some of the best national parks but they can get a little crowded and sometimes ruin your vibe that's why heading to these lesser-known places will really make for a once-in-a-lifetime trip all right that is the end of this video hopefully this helps you on your future road trip to utah if you like this video give it a thumbs up comment down below what you thought core subscribe why not and don't forget to follow us on instagram and tick tock and thank you for watching all of our videos up to this point we love you so much we will see you in the next one many more adventures to come [Music]
Channel: The Other Side
Views: 350,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: utah, utah travel, utah travel guide, things to do in utah, places to visit in utah, moab utah, bryce canyon national park, zion national park, arches national park, bonneville salt flat, sand hollow state park, lake powell, monument valley, best of utah, top 10 utah, utah parks, best places in utah, hidden gems in utah, hidden places in utah, utah national parks, utah 2021, utah road trip, utah road trip 2021, utah travel vlog, utah road trip itinerary, usa travel
Id: PA9R6YvmSuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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