TOP 10 PLACES IN UTAH | (That Aren't National Parks)

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[Music] what's up guys Kevin here and welcome back today I'm going to be going over my top 10 places in Utah that aren't national parks [Music] alright what's up guys so I definitely think Utah is one of the coolest states in probably the whole country there's these massive snow-capped mountains in the north then there's these wild deserts in the south with huge canyons waterfalls slot canyons volcanoes it's really interesting deep rock there's massive arch formations it's one of the most geologically diverse places and there's just so much to explore and Utah has a ton of national parks in the state itself and every single one of those is incredible I wanted to kind of you know highlight the places that maybe don't get as much coverage and kind of just dive into my top ten favorite places in Utah that aren't national parks to maybe give you guys some ideas for some places to check out next time you're there or if you're looking for an adventure all right so first up is quill Creek and this place totally blew me away you know we looked at some photos online on Google and we weren't totally convinced if it was worth going or not because we wanted to make it there for sunrise kind of like in a little early morning shoe but this place was incredible in the middle of the desert where it's just all these rich orange and red rocks there's just this like aqua blue and green reservoir in the middle of it and it was just so cool and sadly this isn't actually us wakeboarding but these guys made for some pretty epic footage but yeah I mean that you can go fishing there you can go boating you can go wakeboard and you can kind of just hang out on the desert sand beach or whatever you want to call it but this place was just super super unique and it almost looks just like this little beautiful Oasis with just incredible views in every direction so this place definitely surprised me and how do you recommend checking it out it's located in southwest Utah near hurricane alright so next up is Snow Canyon and this is very close to quell Creek it's also in southwest Utah and right here is this amazing volcano it's funny because the first time when we went to Snow Canyon we explored the canyon and all of these beautiful red rocks that almost look like a miniature Zion and then someone told us that night like oh did you see the volcano and we had no idea so we actually ended up going back the next day and then we saw this volcano it was just like how is this place even real but yeah I mean if you want to avoid the crowds of Zion National Park this definitely doesn't have all the features that Zion has but it has a lot of really similar ones and there's a lot of just cool stuff between the White Rock the Red Rock there's a bunch of climbing there's a bunch of hikes there's a bunch of trails it's just a really cool place and this volcano definitely just takes it over the top [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right next up is goblin Valley and this is definitely one of the more unique places I think in Utah it's kind of out of the way of any major highway or anything like that it's in kind of central Utah a few hours away from Moab any car can get there it's not like it you have to take a 4x4 or anything like that but it is definitely kind of out there so be prepared make sure you have your gas tank filled we actually forgot to one times we had to backtrack when we came here but it's just such a unique place it has like you know kind of the really crazy rock formations you'll see all over Utah but I think what's really interesting about it is just this sharp line that's uniformed where the rock turns white and I'm not sure what this is exactly but I think it's the coolest thing because it almost looks like it was man-made or if it was just painted white above a certain line and painted red below the line it doesn't really make any sense but it's so so cool there's tons of little like goblin hoodoos they call it it's a really cool place [Music] alright so next up is Sand Hollow and this is also southwest Utah near hurricane and this is kind of similar to Quail Creek it doesn't have as many I'd say surrounding views in comparison to Quail Creek but this has an even deeper blue aqua water it's almost like translucent water above the kind of some of the shallow rocks so it has this really cool view of these red rocks just against this aqua water again you can go boating here you can go fishing paddleboarding kayaking great place to kind of spend an afternoon but yeah like this place totally blew me away and this is also a spot where online you know we weren't really sure based on photos if it was worth it this is such a cool place and I'm really glad that we ended up going [Music] all right so this one is factory beaut and kind of just the whole badlands region and this is right next to kind of goblin valley just in central utah it's not necessarily one pinpointed location it's just a kind of vast region where you can explore a lot but then you also kind of need ATVs if you want to explore kind of deep into certain places but it's just an area where there's just crazy crazy rock formations everywhere it honestly looks like you're on planet Mars and it's just such a unique place and the patterns just it's really just unbelievable honestly so if you like kind of like abstract photography or just kind of like abstract landscapes or aerial stuff this is a really cool place because there's just so many unique formations in the rock that you really have an endless amount of places and things to explore and stuff to shoot it's really really cool [Music] alright so next up number six is Bonneville's Salt Flats and this is just an hour and a half west of Salt Lake City and it's just this massive massive salt flat in Utah and it's so cool and I think depending on the time of year that you go you're either gonna have kind of dry crusted salt with the kind of cool Pentagon and hexagon formations and the salt or when we went the salt flat just turned into like this massive massive mirror when we went so it was so cool and then there's some mountains in the background there's these awesome reflections it's a really cool place to get some photos some drone stuff some videos it's just such an epic location you're pretty much just exploring on a big giant mirror we did get pretty muddy getting all of these shots I definitely recommend taking proper shoes and kind of equipment for that purpose if you're gonna go out and explore [Music] [Music] all right number seven is Canaryville Falls and this is a super super unique hike is probably one of my favorite hikes in the entire country to be honest you pretty much hike up a few miles just kind of on a road or a trail across a few rivers pretty easy but then you get to the base of these slot canyons and then from there the entire hike is in the slot canyon and you're pretty much hiking through water well this is actually footage from two different trips one of which was I think in the summer and the other one was in the middle of winter so it's really really brutal in the cold but it was so cool seeing this slot canyon covered in snow and it's really unique too because there's these two ladders that if you want to continue the hike that you have to get up and they feel really dangerous and jaggedy and it's definitely pretty sketchy but it's very sturdy and it's just a really cool hike all in all [Music] alright number eight dead horse and this is kind of in between arches national park in Canyonlands National Park and I think because of that it might get overlooked a lot but it's amazing it looks honestly like the Grand Canyon when every time I've been there there's been absolutely no crowds you kind of just get to like surpass that but still enjoy the same views and it's just such a beautiful place there's so many layers there's so much depth to the canyon it's really awesome [Music] alright so next up number nine is coral pink sand dunes and this is also in southwest Utah and it's super cool because it's kind of just like these pink huge sand dunes kind of by the name coral pink comes from but it's just like layers and layers of sand dunes in the desert it's just a really unique location no there's not that many places you can come across massive sand dunes like this and you can actually get out of your car hike up the dunes you can rent sand boards you can rent four by fours so it's a great place for adventure and there's a lot of activities that you can do you definitely get sandy so come prepared and definitely bring lots of water but this is a super epic place and it's an awesome place for exploring [Music] all right so last but certainly not least is number 10 Monument Valley and I snuck this one in there it is on the border of Utah and Arizona but because it is on the border and technically in both states I figured I could fit it in on the top 10 for Utah but this is such a beautiful place it's just got these massive monument rocks it's a big red sand desert and there's towering sandstone cliffs there's a lot of climbing here a lot of taking a lot of stuff to explore this is also known as kind of Forrest Gump Road because of the end of Forrest Gump this is the road that he was running on across country and I feel like Monument Valley is just kind of like one of those bucket-list spots in the United States that everyone should try to get to at least once in their lifetimes it's such a unique place it's such a beautiful place there's a lot of history there all right anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this top ten of Utah and hopefully you saw some spots that maybe you've never seen before kind of off the beaten path from all the national parks anyways thanks so much for watching I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Kevin Eassa
Views: 733,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dji, vacation, st george, utah, reservoir, midwest, st george utah, hurricane utah, utah state parks, sand hollow state park, utah parks, desert, travel, hidden gems, best of utah, life on the road, red rock, things to do in utah, best places in utah, hidden places in utah, kanarraville falls, factory butte, badlands, badlands utah, top 10, best of the usa, bucket list, travel bucket list, quail creek, swimming, fishing, monument valley, coral pink sand dunes, snow canyon, volcano
Id: y36MFHuKeZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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