USS SLATER...Start Your Engine

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we are not gonna let this stay get spoiled by a dead bulb [Music] s foreign those of you who watched last week's video may have been wondering uh why we were tightening up the packing land in there and that's because this unit here looks like a big you know Big Turbo shape this is the water pump and this is what circulates the fresh water for the engine so the engine uses a closed loop fresh water circuit and then it uses the open loop seawater which is this and that goes through there it goes to the strainer and then it goes it comes from the Sea Chest which is through the hole there and that goes through the Heat exchangers and you have a that is an oil to water heat exchanger and that is a fresh water sea water heat exchanger and then the discharge goes through here and then that discharges above the water line This is the water line here and then that just shoots water all over the uh where the paint float is uh you know where the whale boat is the top side so the packing gland here they are designed to leak they leak a little bit and they do that so that the packing stays wet swelled up and basically watered tight however there's only so much you can tighten these things up um if you tighten them too much they stop leaking and then they start to burn up and smoke because of you know they're not being lubricated and cooled so right here this line here is tapped into the bottom of the casing there and that just catches the drips that come out of the packing gland and it goes into this bucket and you can see here we're just running coolant through here uh you know standard Automotive uh coolant some people call it antifreeze and that is a corrosion inhibitor and it does its job it's heck of a lot better than keeping fresh water in here and risking it freezing during the winter months Ace anyone was wondering how you checked the oil level on one of these well you use the dipstick though it's technically called a bayonet gauge or Mark and then you gotta thread us through try to find usually I use flashlight for one side there we go [Music] and so we are full [Music] and it's free foreign foreign so the bulb is replaced so you can see this a bit better we are oh almost to 200 PSI go so we are halfway there to having enough air pressure to turn it over blow it out and then get it started up [Music] thank you all right Let's uh put that on okay she's hissing and she's leaking right here that's good got another one oh yeah we're black hopefully yeah yeah you should definitely want to get my quest yeah I'm gonna do it whoa [Music] down cut down the framing drill set them both on something together yeah metering is the one that's probably out there okay they're both closed now very much got to be closed down too yeah all right congratulations oh [Music] like okay all right and we're just all good oh good uh foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] let's get that now
Channel: USS Slater
Views: 270,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slater, destroyer escort, uss slater, albany ny, museum ship, ww2, cannon class, naval museum, historic ship, albany ship, new york state, history
Id: zbYp48RYIvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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