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welcome back today we're going to have a go at tearing down the t-34 engine which if you followed the last video we took the oil filter off down here and it was uh full of iron filings which um is never a good thing um so I am trying to find a new engine but that's becoming well proving to be quite difficult um so we are working on that but um either way I'm going to restore the original engine or at least take it to bits to see if we can economically or semi-economically repair it um so yeah so the first thing I think we've got to do is take the clutch and fan off the other end and then there's a series of uh bits and Bobs down here that I think needs to come off and we should be able to part the the sump as it were off the bottom we'll have a look and see if the big n bearings the shell bearings disintegrated or whether they're okay and it it could it could be something else if this engine could be fine we we don't know but the chances are if there's iron filings in the oil filter things aren't fine um so yeah we're gonna try and find out what the issue might be I'm not going to pretend I know what I'm doing because I haven't a clue pretty much just working it out as I go along it's very hard to find any information about these engines and if you do the manuals don't make a lot of sense unless you can speed checklists about Russians which I speak neither took a bit of dreaming of it so you've got like a shampooed screw and as you do this bolt up as you do that bowl top it makes a thread expand and lock against the side of the the doofer so what else have we got here ow a very sharp thread that's just gone under my nail and stabbed me quite badly ow beautiful mechanics all right okay so I like that I'm trying to keep everything in the order that it comes off in so it's a little bit less difficult to uh work out now I reckon this whole fan assembly should come forward now Instead The Edge is just moving forward [Music] foreign rather weighty so I need to come up with a way taking it off with relative safety so I'm gonna go get a trolley here it's coming it's gonna be incredibly dangerous hmm I think I'm gonna get scented up punch subscribe what tooth was on the engine because obviously the timing marks on the engine are on the outer band of this uh flex plate where the teeth are as it were so if I pull this off and it can go on the edge in early way I'm not going to actually know how to turn the engine again if I needed to which I probably will so I'm going to go get centered up punch I'm sure there's probably a way that it can only go in one area but I don't know it I don't have a manual I'm working in the blind so if I said the dot punch it I will know exactly okay we're back to the center dot punch I don't know why I'm working like a thief punch the crank it's gonna Center that point the clutch turn it out I have a reference right and now for my next trip if it doesn't end up with hospital is to pull this on the trolley so I'm off the shaft and then I'm going to Simply use these pieces of sleeper wood and pull it to them roll it on that roll on the low on and on the floor what could possibly go wrong okay so far everything could go wrong it's coming it's not heavy which way it's going to want to fall it feels like it wants to fall backwards towards the engine okay we're now off the spline dangerous slightly okay over here oh yeah oh yeah I'm going boom bearings right now thing on the ground steady [Music] almost there scary how easy was that nobody died that's amazing nobody doing right with the flywheel off and the clutch the way the clutch worked is when you press the clutch pedal this arm moved and there's three ball bearings that work on this like cam system and that's what fell out so there they are one two three and they work in here on the back of here so as you press the clutch in it pulls the lever that way obviously it makes the the the ball's got the cam track which then pause this plate away which takes pressure off all these these flying things here these are all the clutch um plates if you like and they drive on that which then takes the output of the back of that plate which went to that little spine tooth that goes straight to the gearbox so it's pretty simple but straight off the bat I noticed there's a bolt missing that didn't fall out that was never on it actually looks to me oh no it was just like never on I thought it might have been snapped so yeah there's a little fault we found already got like a bronze collar here I think should pull out if I had the right equipment there we go so parts of the engine they're very well engineered parts that mattered what didn't matter Lots good so next I'm going to take this notice how that moves about so does that hideously loose that that not even move loose missing loose excellent so all that was loose in fact look that whole clutch housing was loose so it was obviously a good job that we pulled this engine obviously it was pretty knackered as well but well we're about to find out so now that that's off I'm going to take that ring off and then I've got another bolt that's missing then I've got to undo all the bolts that hold the sump on down there both sides and a few bits at the front and we can pull the sump off and then we can take a proper look and see what the big end bearings look like so I'm going to sit this over here somewhere hopefully we can see and I'll work on taking these bolts out here look at the state of this boat [Music] hey Ben it's got a massive gouge out of it and it brought the stud out with the knot which is wrong so that's one down see what the race come out [Laughter] oh that was in an awful condition that is not good so this ring here it's got serious wear I'm going on as if to say that so how to explain it nice and smooth on the top and then as the way to the clutch on the bottom of the crank wearing grooves in the bottom of it so that could mean the rear main bearing on the engine is gone and we haven't even got the sump off yet so metal collar feels like a metal collar but this is absolutely Groove to buggery so whether that was supposed to be welded in there and that of absolutely no idea or pressed in and like a perfect fit clearly isn't a Rubber seal God nice but it's napkin now just looking in here actually tell you what now that is interesting and bad we have a fractured sump let's see if we can get the camera in to see so as you can see it's actually fractured the sump down the bolt line it looks like the weight of the clutch has been so heavy and this bearing on the engine has let go so this this whole crank is dropped slightly which is knackered that housing that carrier whatever you want to call it it put the weight on the bottom of the aluminum sump which isn't designed to hold anything of any particular weight and and actually uh bust the soup then if you look at it I mean I'm no expert but I can get two fingers almost at the top and I struggled to get one in the bottom there's also some weird plate here as well so on I'm quite excited to see extend to the damage of the engine I wouldn't have thought that was normal I'm just gonna have a go at trying to lift the bottom end of the crank up by hand now let's see if it visibly moves [Music] and the answer is it does I'm actually moving the Pistons there oh so this engine has a serious rear bearing failure so this is going to be exciting when we look inside just see just the extent of the damage all right we're now moving our way around to the other side of the engine I haven't done the Ring of bolts on the sump all the way up to here um this is the fuel pump there's mechanical fuel pump I'm gonna just move the uh out of the way and do with a bigger adjustable spanner really this one just isn't quite big enough move it out Road okay that's got that out of the way that can stay fit out it matters that will matter actually that will need to come off oh that's not good no thank you so good huh okay right well I don't know how well we can see but there's like a brass or something and it's picked up and you can see it's chewed it up slightly so that isn't good that's the alternator and whatever that is what we can kind of short days and then this low on here is the oil pumps and the fuel pumps and the water pump um and this Center one is obviously the main crank at the front I've got one bolt next to do this one here and hopefully there's some will be coming off because it's got all the water pump stuff but I'll hold this end all right yeah it's going up are we three eight no it's not quite on my end level [Music] oh can you just I can drop mine down but I want it I think it will go it's just tight on this engine frame just give it a wiggle okay I'll just tap it this end from what I can see Joe it looks pretty good that's it it doesn't look very much actually she's down oh well this side okay let's get the camera a little bit closer what have we here we've got a bit of a mess oh yeah that does not look good does not look good so that is the oh the rear main bearing holder that holds the crank up to everyone watching this round the last time it stopped it stopped on the button it ran oh wait I drove it in here stopped it I then started it again it literally wasn't it wasn't it didn't stop itself so Christ so what's happened is it's literally the bolts are sheared off the rear main why oh yeah properly yeah I'm strange oh wow we can't break it nope oh there's bits there's always good when there's big bits in the bottom oh it's gone through the support on the sun is it oh yeah look it's broken a little bit but actually there's nothing else no oh so if you reckon this end here do you reckon the crank do you reckon that's the crank or do you reckon that's do you know what I mean yeah yeah because if that's an end shaft it probably ain't as bad as we think we could probably get this rear casting in a rear end shaft but chances are that's going to be the crank isn't it can we get a better view all right let's just live keep doing that [Music] do it again oh oh it's it's bad it's knackered all the way yeah you shouldn't actually kick get going it's that could ride ride up to the other end yeah she is uh right so looking inside the engine you can see where just left the crank foreign and it actually sounded pretty good oh yeah no it's done right all the way to the main right all the way to the other end she is poorly what a shame because the engine looks mint in there um the paper Forge it's made itself into a forge what a shame and all these bits here it just shows how versatile they are the fact that this rat but why did they share I don't know that's what I really don't know do you think that the shells went it then then the shaking of it smashed itself yeah but like when it was running that is a clear clear break when it was running it the fan wasn't bouncing up and down like an idiot nope which you thought it must have been caught attempted to uh pull the crank just to see how bad it is yeah well I mean yeah yeah there's no doubt about it it's it's awful you got the glue yeah so this is the the uh the rear main yeah the Mr Hughes new jigsaw puzzle coming out I reckon some PVA glue and put it back and some body filler and we could sell this on the market to some innocent buyer it was a good runner this is a new old stop this is LOL this is brand new very low hours hardly smokes um I think this is actually past even rebuilding because it's done so much damage throughout the engine so that's a bit of a shame because I was actually hoping to rebuild it but I don't even think I could buzz you to even run a bit longer than it already did I just can't like you said you can't believe it ran at all guys unbelievable we'll put a video of it last running because in the tank it's such a vibrating rattling thing you can't really hear what's going on but it sounded from the outside it ran lovely it sounded nice and it had power it didn't didn't try and die or anything it definitely didn't sound that bad it didn't sound like the back end of the engine was smashing itself faces um so yeah a bit of a bit of a shame but moving on we'll definitely find a new engine now so uh if anyone's got one if anyone's got one I could do one we'll see again [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr Hewes
Views: 344,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mechanical, Mechanic Steve, Tanks, T34, Engine, V12, Warthunder, World of tanks, Problems, Failure
Id: KQoPepVJrzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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