Using Your Help to Make Better A Oil Diffusion Pump

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how's it going so if you couldn't tell from the video's title today i'm going to try and tackle the oil diffusion pump once again oh on all my videos the comment section is incredible you guys leave some really thoughtful and helpful comments so we're gonna rebuild that diffusion pump but this time as a team i'm gonna be going through comments and taking advice from you guys and applying that to this new build the main theme of the video being together we're strong so i got i got some comments printed out here to help me i really would have been nice if i like numbered these or something give me a second ah let's start with the first glaring issue of that video the memes let me just get this out of me like right now and then we can have a clean slate okay that'll do i'm quenched so two of the main things i'm going to change on this design are i'm going to make it smaller so i'm using up less of the reaction chamber for a mounting place for the pump i'm also going to spend a lot more time making sure the stack is made correctly because that's what's doing the work and while yes i am going to spend more time designing it properly it's still going to be made out of coffee cups guys come on that's that's cool so lrm left a very helpful comment regarding the stack and how that should be designed and i replied to him and he actually followed up with me and sent me this look at that we don't gotta design anything he did all the work for us thank you so let's take our little parts list here and go to the part getting store by part getting store i mean goodwill [Music] so profane so once again i did my little magpie routine and i've gotten some stuff i don't think this is everything but it's enough to get started so i'm gonna start cutting this stuff up and i'll show you how the final assembly goes together [Music] ah [Music] tada as you can see i've sorted through cut cleaned and deburred all the parts that i'm gonna need for this thing so what you see here is the pump minus the outlet so this is how the stack is gonna go together i wanted to try and copy the geometry on the plan a little better it's difficult when you're making it out of cocktail shakers but similar to the plan this guy is going to be shooting just a little bit off of the edge of this guy and this guy is shooting right down on top of this guy which that follows it pretty well the only difference is this but these parts just fit together so well i just had to do it this way so we're gonna run with this for now and i'm gonna make it so that this stack is removable so if we find that it's not working i don't have to rebuild the whole pump i'll just reconfigure the stack and see if it makes a difference now on the drawing you can see on the inside of these jets there's just holes drilled around it and i like that it'll make it much easier for a match precipitation rate all around the radius of this thing so let's get some holes drilled in these guys holes are drilled parts are cut we're ready to start putting this thing together now this may surprise you but i really did not enjoy tig welding all of that together in the last video and it creates a problem that i didn't even know about until you guys brought it up to me virtual leaks virtual leaks are cavities which are extremely porous and have high surface area for absorbed chemicals to slowly desorb is that a word fouling any chance of getting to a high vacuum in a reasonable time i.e it could take months or years because the outgassing rate is so slow so i'm not going to take well this we need to come up with another way to fuse these parts together here goes nothing wait that's a better idea i'm gonna braise these parts together so brazing these parts together i'm gonna have to be very careful to keep them all concentric i don't know if you remember that last stack i built it was anything but concentric what's the opposite of concentric pro centric i have an idea to keep the stack itself concentric but no idea how i'm going to get the cones on there properly so i'm just gonna fit these parts as close as i can using my uh laser eyeballs and then throw the part in the lathe and use that to fix any amount of slop that we end up with that was harder than i thought it was going to be i threw this thing up in the lathe so i can start scotch brighten the you know whatever off look at that now that amount of wobble for eyeballing it i'll take that man so i wasn't happy with the way that this was pointing if you look at the picture this stage is supposed to be pointing right at the outlet port just about so i went ahead and i soldered another ring in on there and i think that gets it a little bit more faithful to the drawing now then for our fourth stage in the drawing it's actually a separate chamber from this so i'm gonna stick this guy on here oh that went on way easier earlier hold on with this stage this will be pointing directly at our outlet port on the outside of the chamber and then these holes are just to let the oil flow back down into the bottom so i already know this is going to waste a lot of solder let's get it over with i'd like the outer chamber to be nice and long to support this ridiculous size stack that i've built so i got a coffee cup and a cocktail shaker gotta braise them together just like this we can go ahead and stick the stack in here and i want this thing to be removable but also i want it to be perfectly centered every time we install it so i'm just going to stick this little bar on top and make a little catch system that'll do so i've gone ahead and bent up two little parts like this and these will act oh you know what let me just solder it and then i'll show you there we go we got two little tabs in there now i can slide my little guy in there and then painstakingly twisted into those catches and when it's in these catches i know that it is centered in there and these holes are um well vaguely lined up now then moving along got the goods this took me a while to get right there's 15 holes on these things and they all need to line up just perfect so what i ended up landing on doing is i cut the shape out on the plasma cutter and then went over to the laser etched a piece of wood with some circles so i could line it up cover this thing and daikum and then etched the center spots on with a laser and then drilled them out by hand and yeah that's far more work than if i just center spotted it on the plasma cutter those holes line up nice so let's get this thing installed on the pump right through the magic of video editing it's a week later and my pump body is a toilet brush what happened so if you didn't notice the liberal amount of solder i was using in that last shot i ran out of solder so having learned nothing from last time i decided oh i'll just weld this part and you know of course blue holes in it didn't want to patch them up because of the virtual leaks we've learned about so i ordered some new solder waited for it to come and then built this little monstrosity now didn't learn too much i still weld at the bottom but i did back purge as you guys suggested and it went pretty well now for the outlet port of this thing i'm just going to build it just the same using plumbing parts and this i am also not going to braise i'm going to weld this because it's thicker it's easy you've already seen this i will make you watch it twice if you'd like to watch a man struggle welding pipe fittings together go to the last video all right so we've got our little outlet poured on here now now the last thing that this thing needs before we really clean it up is the water cooling and i'm just gonna do that using some of this refrigeration coil and you know hopefully i can braise this on there [Music] we're screwed guys we're screwed listen to that pathetic little whimper i'm out of map gas in the middle of what seems to be a gas shortage so i'm gonna scour every corner of this shop and the truck and cross my little fangies i found some just had to go um liberate it from a friend's truck i'll pay you back man tada that's all fine and dandy but now i gotta clean the flux off of all these parts somehow be real nice to have an ultrasonic cleaner hmm so um a ratchet strapped a vibratory sander to the side of a bucket [Applause] [Music] oh that's awful it'll do sorry neighbors [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i threw some dish soap in there to help it along a little bit but look at that that is some dirty water i think this actually did something wow does it look any better i can't tell well there's definitely still going to be some hand work to do but at least i think that must have gotten most of the flux off oh my god there's water dripping everywhere ta-da so i got all these reasonably ish cleaned up i kind of wish that i had enough solder to solder this all the way around one for better heat transfer two it i think it looked cleaner than these stupid little tacks but whatever it's all good so the last thing that we got to do before testing this is to make a baffle and rather than our little cheaty pd baffle that i made last time i'm gonna make this thing proper and i will be making it out of aluminum as it's much easier to machine and as some of you have suggested i'll be making it water cooled so the only chunk of aluminum that i have that's big enough for this is way too big so i'm going to have to machine nearly an inch off of this thing wasteful oh and look somebody used it to whack something with a hammer so that's that's nice too if you couldn't tell i kind of free handed this you know i cleaned up the slop in my mill a little bit so this went a little better than last time but you know there's still some chatter in there but it's okay this is workable this monstrosity is the channel for the water and i'm just gonna go through and cap it with little pieces of aluminum and then machine the face smooth again also to get rid of this little hole and have a little bit more overhang i've got these pieces that i'm just going to weld and place in there so top to it well bam we did it now that may be one small jump cut for you but that was awful for me i welded this thing over and machined it down like a hundred freaking times man and eventually i decided let's just get the part that seats on the gasket machine down and then leave the blobs in the middle because the blobs are doing some work but it's all sealed up it passed the bathtub bubble test now nothing to do but to put this thing together would you look at those parts and as you can see not a drop of jb weld in sight get get out of here now a few of you guys have suggested that i use rc shock oil for the silicone oil so i got some of that now it's nice not having the oh there's some paper towel in there no no no no no get out of there a little turd pretty nice not having the stack in there so i can actually fill the oil up to the proper level that took three things of shock oil and i don't remember those being cheap hope it works so we're filled up to just under the outlet port we can insert our stack hold on we gotta make sure it's pointing the right way we're good just for my own peace of mind i'm just gonna bend these guys up a little bit probably not necessary but you know insurance now you can stick it all together now before i do that grant smiley face gave me quite a few really good suggestions one of which being to use viton for the gaskets so i've made a couple of those on the laser i'm gonna stick this thing together and i'll be back so i got everything put together it all seems good and tight before actually running the diffusion pump i'm gonna pull just a boring old regular vacuum and make sure it can hold that and here we go [Music] look at that it's dive bombing quick that is quicker than the last revision did all right pumps off fingers are crossed and i'ma let that sit for a while look at that i've let this sit for maybe 10 minutes or so and it's still holding at 270 microns which is superb man now grant in his comment full of good advice also suggested that i use helium and just spray it around the thing and you know it'll be easy to detect a leak that way which is smart because helium is a smaller particle so it'll be able to get through leaks much easier by that logic hydrogen will work even better i don't mind the candle it kind of started smelling funny in here but let's let's turn that hydrogen on okay i was joking i don't have hydrogen i'll turn the helium on though all right cracked my helium skivers dude i'm i'm surprised looks like my uh extensive bathtub bubble test paid off i'm not seeing that thing move at all wow ain't nothing to do now but uh i should turn this off okay ain't nothing to do now but to actually give it a proper test [Music] 55 we're getting there wow 55 microns that's much better than last time you sir should be satisfied with that but i wasn't you may or may not have noticed all these clips are pretty old i shot all of this towards the beginning of the year now what you just watched at the diffusion pump was one of the best runs but it was after many many runs that's why i there wasn't much talking in the video i kind of uh lost my soul at that point hence the annotated clip sorry this project killed me man i was chasing those 20 microns to the ends of the earth i tried all sorts of different things with this pump i made a new pump i think i got down to around 38 microns which is pretty crazy good out of coffee cups man but i was not pleased with it and decided to just trash this video well here's future me i think it's a good video and i'm posting it as is the real bottleneck in my system which for some reason took me a few months to see is i'm using a harbor freight roughing pump like duh i'm kind of throwing the fusion reactor project on the bench for a little while while i slowly start to accumulate more vacuum equipment one of you guys actually sent me a diffusion pump i don't know if you want your name said so i'm not gonna say it but you know who you are and thank you you are freaking awesome dude and i i'm pretty sure i need to respond to your email i'm sorry i'm bad at that and i feel as if this project was just the tip of the iceberg on my little spout of uh i'm not gonna call it youtube burnout that i've been experiencing i'm gonna call it um inability to stop working burnout and my first way of combating that is taking this video which i deemed unworthy and demon it worthy this channel isn't about perfectly flushed out beautiful projects as i mean you all know but i may have forgotten this channel's about up and learning so i'm busting in here and throwing this video online to kind of guide the ship more back towards where we should be and a diffusion pump shut up and a diffusion pump that pulls down to 55 microns with a harbor freight vacuum pump that's damn good in my book sorry i didn't get 20 past me stop being such an to yourself anyway back to the video oh wait there is no outro to this video because i deemed it unworthy wow thanks for watching guys if you like what you saw here leave a good old danger think about subscribing and thank you for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cranktown City
Views: 15,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diffusion pump, vacuum chamber, oil diffusion pumps, science, vacuum, vacuum pump, ultra high vacuum, DIY
Id: yREZZ5c3LCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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