First time testing my diffusion vacuum pump

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welcome to my cluttered workbench I just thought I would make a short video today where I try to um use the diffusion vacuum pump for the first time I made a video about it in the past where I explained how diffusion vacuum pumps work they are vacuum pumps which work without any moving Parts at all they have no mechanical parts inside so I just thought I would try today because thanks to my awesome patrons I was able to afford some diffusion um vacuum pump oil it's called econol d705 it has a vapor pressure of 10 to the power of -10 millibars and I couldn't test it earlier because I just had to wait until I could buy this oil it is just a specialized silicon oil and if you don't know how these pumps work I recommend you watch the video I made about the principle of these pumps and today I'm going to try and use it the first time if you're asking yourself why my cloud chamber or part of my cloud chamber is on the workbench as well I'm planning on using the cooling cycle which are just two I think um 240 millimeter radiators from a water cooling system one on this side and one on the other side and I'm using it to cool the diffusion pump it has a cooling mantle at the bottom here to condense the oil and it also has a second cooling cycle on top here at the baffle to condense any oil Vapors that might get up there and I will just test if it's uh if the two radiators are able to remove the heat from the system sufficiently so the first thing I will do is to install the stack here I didn't do it now until this point and then we'll see here you can see the battle which is used to condense any oil Vapors which travel up the pump body I will now use some diffusion vacuum pump oil and according to the nodes of the previous owner this pump uses 15 to 30 milliliters of oil so I'm just going to use 25 milliliters I'm just going to fill the oil in the pump body and insert the jet assembly stack or also called Christmas tree and the oil Vapors will travel they will be heated by the heater at the bottom they will vaporize travel through the stack be redirected by these cups you see here these three cups which are three compression stages and will be redirected down where they transfer their impulse to the gas molecules still in the system and carry them down to the four line pump where they can be evacuated as you notice I didn't bother to clean the pump or use gloves I just want to see if everything works and if there are any problems with the system so it's not like I'm building a proper clean High vacuum system right now what I noticed is that some of my older vacuum equipment uses special K40 centering rings as you can see for comparison this is a standard K40 um o-ring and centering ring and this is the one this flange here uses and as you can see the inner diameter of the small lip on the centering ring is way smaller so this one won't even fit here so if any of you know what this type is called or why it is used it's also used at the bottom here I luckily had a small one with the smaller centering ring I know that some of you for example Spirit watches some of my videos are way more experienced in vacuum systems than I am so if you know what these Central ingredients are called I would appreciate if you let me know so maybe I can buy some if I need them and I have decided to use my old ionization vacuum gauge for the high vacuum measurements because I don't risk I don't want to risk my damaging my new one I got from Bissell vacuum again thank you a lot for this and yeah that's why I'm using the old one but I verified that the readings are quite reliable with the other gauge so everything is set up as you can see I have two vacuum gauges at my diffusion pump one is a pirani gauge um which will measure the rough vacuum to be sure that I'm safe to turn on the ionization gauge and my diffusion pump the ionization gauge is for the high vacuum measurements and I'm going to use my DIY vacuum gauge controller down here to read out the pirani gauge and the ionization gauge controller for the ionization gauge if you're interested in how I built this vacuum gauge controller myself there is a video about it and I'm using the roughing pump to pump down the inside of the diffusion pump and the teeny tiny vacuum chamber on top here the wrapping pump is connected on the side to the diffusion pump right here this is necessary because the fusion pumps only work at a already applied vacuum and they just lower the pressure even more if they are turned on at atmospheric pressure the oil inside will probably catch fire or at least ruin your vacuum system because the oil will boil over and get everywhere and as you can see the cooling water right here is supplied by my cloud chamber cooling system it goes in the cooling mantle of the diffusion pump right here which provides cooling for the oil Vapor to condense then it travels up here to the second baffle on top here which will condense any vapor which managed to escape the main pump body and then it flows back right here to my two radiators and it Cycles through if this works I plan on building a dedicated vacuum pump stand for my diffusion pump with the radiators included it would look similar to This Cloud chamber right here but with a diffusion pump installed in the Middle where I can just connect my vacuum system so I'm going to turn on the rotary vein pump to pump down the system and I will try to keep this upright I will probably screw it down even more or put the pump body on the desk here in case you're wondering I installed the heating element it was disconnected and measured the resistance and everything seemed to look okay so let's hope it is okay after the rotary main pump has been running for about half an hour you can see that the pressure is dropping almost insignificantly and I'm going to turn on the diffusion vacuum pump now and we will see what happens to the pressure I have now turned on the heater of the diffusion vacuum pump and I expect the pressure inside the vacuum system to rise as the oil heats up and some gases are driven out of the solution in the oil so let's see if that happens and then oh yeah we can see it happening right now I think [Applause] and then let's hope the pressure drops again I have now turned on the ionization gauge and it seems like my purani vacuum gauge just bought about and can't measure any lower pressures so we will now use the ionization gauge to monitor the pressure on the system up until this point we are now at around 2.6.2 to the power of -5 torr and at this point the cooling system of my cloud chamber seems to be holding up great the water isn't even warm to the touch so it seems like this system is sufficient to cool the cooling mantle of my diffusion pump we are now at 2.8 or 2.7 times 10 to the power of -5 torr and the pressure is still falling but I will stop now I just wanted to show you um the diffusion pump in action and I will probably have a project in the future where I will use it it may even has to do something with cesium and thank you a lot for watching this video I hope you have a great time I hope you had a great Christmas and a great start in the new year and again thank you to my patrons who made it possible for me to purchase the oil from the fusion pump [Applause]
Channel: Advanced Tinkering
Views: 8,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diffusion pump, vacuum chamber, vacuum pump, oil diffusion pumps, high vacuum pump, diffusion pump oil, diffusion pump working, diffusion pump operation
Id: CIN8UW9urFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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