EPIC LEGO Police Chases & MASSIVE Car Crashes in the Best of Brick Rigs!

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so today in Brick rcks we're going to be bringing you guys some of my favorite moments from 2023 and these are going to include awesome police chases some chaotic racing and we have some of the weirdest server moments ever so be sure to hit that thumbs up button and cheers to a strong 2024 here for Brick rcks oh man it's another lovely day here in bricksville oh hi I didn't see you there did I mention that you shouldn't text and drive because it might look like this [Music] also did I mention it's not nice to troll on these public servers and don't be that person that spawns in nukes and stuff and don't pretend to be kodo gaming because if you see a kodo gaming it's probably not a kodo gaming but let's go join some servers and let's have some fun okay so we're going to go to a typical bricksville RP uh uh let's try something else battle in construction area yeah that oh wait is that area area yeah I'm not even going to try to read that let's just go ahead and see what's happening here yep there's that sound I love to hear what am I under how did I spawn under what why is it foggy why is half the city exploding it's like the fog of War I hear tanks gunshots I mean they did say it was a battle server they did say they were doing it in the construction area but I think oh jeez bullets are whizzing by my head I think the battle has Spilled Out into the streets here okay run run run run run okay which force do I join well I've always been the brick Brigs Armed Forces so let's go ahead and get behind building here we're just going to change our clothes let's do this uh all right brick ri's Armed Forces okay we're good do I have a gun I have a gun oh my goodness wait that's desert worms that awkward moment where uh you can't kill him cuz he's got god mode you know I hope when we get like more oh jeez what is going on hey buddy you want to escape this guy does not I don't think he's talking um I see bullets whizzing by it's actually just a tank with an auto cannon that oh it was spinning okay uh maybe let's get to the other side of the map here and see if we can find somebody to interact with somebody just typed in the chat is that the real uh real cam uh it might be uh by the way uh oh jeez okay there's stuff flying by I was going to admire the uh the Ramstein billboard but we're going to go Ahad and just keep passing by um maybe we should spawn in a tank uh yeah I think that might be oh my goodness stuff is just flying all over the place okay hold on take cover is that a drone ahead of us you know it would be nice if if it wasn't foggy here all right here let's get down here uh let's spawn in a tank and see what happens an awkward moment when admins are only allowed to spawn in vehicles wait but how are we supposed to defend oursel just with the uh the guns okay well that seems like a bit of a disadvantage isn't it okay maybe we can hop in with somebody oh no another brick RAR forces memb died uh I think we might be losing the battle or whatever the heck is going on here so as I stand here in the middle of the absolute chaos that's H oh don't run me over with that yeah I don't really get the point of the server let's go to another one okay so we have the Titanic what how do you role play the Titanic like is this like post disaster or pre- disaster okay I mean the first text that I see is this server is garbage and then a bunch of people are eliminating each other and being toxic but uh wait why is there a plane I'm pretty sure there was not a jet in the the Titanic that is definitely it why does it keep sinking I mean I get that's what it's supposed to do let's go try to stand on it okay oh and and I think it's gone why is there what is that the iceberg or is that a sailboat I can't tell oh see nothing's moving in the server and it's a ping of 188 I take it we don't actually have a Titanic happening here you know I was actually really excited for this server cuz I felt like this was a good idea oh look hey look there's a bob that's flying all right the server is no longer lagging why is it night all of a sudden yeah this is really great I can see when is Bob going to get a flashlight like I feel like that should be a a thing okay so I looked at the map to try to locate where the Titanic was I have found it uh I'm going to teleport to it oh they're doing a night sinking okay this is this is something I'm going to stand on it real quick so is it currently sinking or or what is happening right now I mean this is a Titanic server so everybody should probably be over here it's not lagging as bad anymore uh the Ping is still terrible yep and that's how the Titanic sink the host has aborted the match oh hey look we're in another server this is called bricksville RP okay okay this is solid so far except for the whole fact there's a building that's flying oh my goodness that's a hotel I've always wanted to work actually I used to work in a hotel fun fact that's a cool looking Hotel I mean if the the host or whoever could actually set it up right and stop eating it uh I feel like that'd be a solid RP building all right well you know what I'm going to take it upon myself to become an RP police because that seems to be uh my most popular job uh so let's go aad and go police all right we're going to do some Patrol somebody just appeared in the back of in my car for a second I haven't arrested anybody yet uh the oh it says the hotel's open wait where's the hotel at oh there it is okay let's go uh maybe patol over there maybe somebody's going to try to rob it or something you know I've always wanted a nice rela oh my goodness what is happening with it right now it was set up just fine maybe try sticking it in god mode okay let's go drop by the hotel see if they need any assistance over here um is he working at the hotel I'm going assume that person's working there all right uh it's parked car let's go uh maybe go get a room let's not Point our gun at anybody what in the heck is that thing coming down the street uh it might hit that per is that a mil oh my goodness run run run why would you run into the side of the hotel you know what I want a room by the way uh okay hello uh let's go uh one room I'm going to ignore the chaos outside uh one room please okay boom oh my goodness there's bullets whizzing by I see a plane somebody just stole my cop car uh okay he's getting me a room hello memes for life can I have a room please he just said okay um do we need to rework our training for oh oh gives keys for room three uh okay thank you boom look at that we are role playing where's room three at is that on the third floor um do I owe you anything or you just going to scare what is happening I'm trying to have a fun time what is that is that RC core I'm trying to have a fun what happened to the lobby Windows they've been blown this is just total chaos okay you know what we're going to room three we're going to try to enjoy our uh stay here did we just upgrade the hotel as I was walking to my room it's a different one uh not going to lie this one's a little bit nicer I'm just trying to go on vacation here in a brick rig server this is totally fine it is so loud outside I just want some peace and quiet you know in my room maybe watch some kimodo gaming oh there server staff wait is this the person that comes around and patrols the server actually think that's a genius idea okay so I've been sitting in my room for a little bit trying to enjoy my uh my nice vacation my squad car actually still is there it's been hit by something I thought somebody was going to uh going to Ste oh my goodness somebody just shot the the oh the hotel is yeah this is starting to fall oh all right they reset the match all right so uh I guess we're back to bricksville RP again so we're having a debate in the chat about me being fake which is understandable I'm not going to hold that against anybody like I would think I'm fake too uh kodo never talks I well I talk a lot for my job where's the hotel at oh is this the new oh my goodness is this the haunted hotel actually I don't think this is the haunted version me and OB played with this okay you know what let's just open this up I I want to stay oh my goodness that guy just popped through the door does the uh does the door work okay so here we go oh there's the host hey wait that's the host is that the admin police also what happened to the building that was over there you know what I'm trying to stay at this host what's that jet doing um not flying very good okay let's try try to stay at this hotel uh the doors don't work can I just walk oh I can just walk through okay let's try this again hold can I ding this I'm dinging this right now let's see uh one room please Komodo is just trying to get rest in a brick rig server yes I I want one room I'm I'm on vacation right now you've got to be kidding me um okay let's just walk out I believe I am currently on yes can confirm was on fire oh there it goes all right so we have reset again I just want to stay at a hotel okay they are setting up the hotel once again this is like the third time is the charm you remember the PSA at the first of the episode yeah that this is what that PSA is for something just exploded at the airport I'm not even going to ask oh there goes another building um are we not getting oh there's the oh um see this is why it's probably best to join private RPS which I imagine those are actually kind of fun uh if you want to do RPS if not you know just normal brck RI servers are fun but all right here we go let's try this again one room please okay let me just get my room what was that I'm going to step outside real quick well I mean at least I didn't hit the you have got to be kidding me this is like the fifth time we've re we've restarted the uh City uh there's somebody that's being a dingdong okay let's try this once again we're back at the hotel hi Mr front desk clerk uh let's try this again okay uh hi uh let's go one room look at this we're RP I hear the explosions getting closer oh boy wait are we going to make it actually past the you know what I give up that's it hey look there's a life RP live life as a bob okay well that sounds great it's so white out here um is this Bob winter uh I see an explosion happening there is a hot rod driving down the street that's kind of cool um should we set up a house or something I feel like that's what is that could that be what's destroying all the buildings in the city okay how about we just get a car here you know I I like being the what is that thing uh oh sorry I didn't mean to spawn that inside of you okay we're going to join the police again but if I can find a way to have a nice vacation in one of these servers I'm totally doing that okay what are we looking for here uh um you know I feel like there's a lot of people in oh there's a school bus up here all right let's follow it and see uh man the driver is pretty erratic like that never mind that driver was way more erratic um we're going to need to initiate oh jeez watch out people we need to initiate a traffic stop on this oh my goodness it's heading this way hey he no no no no no no no no no no hey you're going to need a pull oh pull over please okay yep I was just rear ended by a Porsche all right well we're going to get out uh where's the drive what is what what is happening there oh is he going to run yep the guy in the monster bus just took off running uh I'm going to need some backup here also I think the driver of the Porsche is dead and oh the snow's melting okay let's uh let's keep moving here all right hey that's the wrong side of the road police I don't know who's driving these cars all right there's a oh that is a hit and run um we might want to go ahead and maybe pull that guy over he just murdered that Bob and Broad day light all right let's go light him up please uh I don't know what this is besid hey hey hey you you you okay you know what you just hit that Bob hold on let's let's talk to him here who is this night wolf don't run nightwolves don't no what what is you know what open fire oh there's the guy you ran over hey you you compl I was just murdered what role play is happening here I I think it's nothing but death right now right stop shooting each other oh he just got wow was that a duel getting run over that was kind of funny okay what about this guy he's living a simple life he's in a tractor over here is this really an RP oh here comes everybody they're approaching me everybody put your weapons put your weapons down oh no hold on let's go high you know that awkward moment when the one guy just takes off all of his clothes well you know what's funny is as soon as they realized I was in here I was going to say the murder stopped but the murder went down like like 50% I'm not hearing as many explosions how is everyone look I'm being very nice right now why are you pointing yep there's always the one guy okay you know what kodo's going to hit your ride with this uh with this 18wheeler oh where'd you go all right H off buddy let's go let's get the heck out of here these people are not smart uh I keep getting murdered really dude this is the the fastest you can go like I think I'm in a prime spot to get murdered here oh jeez hi are you going to murder me too maybe we should oh my goodness good yeah I think it might be time to go to a different server okay so I just spawned into a bricksville RP um I spawned at the bottom of the sarac pit for some reason I don't understand why I'm down here why is it quiet this was almost a full server did we finally find a proper RP what is happen oh my goodness the guy with the hotel's back except for he's in the haunted one this time I think uh all right let's go in let's get ourselves a room and let's have a nice relaxing vacation here uh yes Mr M for Life uh can we make this person the role player of the video here because he's doing a really good job this guy has a shipment for the hotel oh is he delivering oh hi Mr Officer wait there's people lining up there's a bus just arrived oh we got to stand in line here guys might run out of rooms um well that's one way of taking a spot where did the guy with the gun just go I like how memes for Li just he just like resumes running his hotel after somebody was just murdered in the uh Lobby you get room 10 okay thank you all right let's just get to room 10 okay uh is there room 10 here I feel like this hotel only had like two rooms in it oh let's go up here it's on the top uh well of course it's on the top I I get the the best room uh I don't see numbers on these oh my goodness what was that uh it's fine all right I'm going to enjoy this let me have this this is we're going to say this is room 10 here it's finally happened we have finally made it inside of a room and I think we're somewhat safe there is bricks flying by the window I mean that's pretty typical but look at this uh we can see everything going on outside this is a nice cozy room oh there's a person outside our door uh this is my room there are police have arrived outside the hotel uh should I be concerned hey that's my room get out of here there's a random person just appeared in here look at this we're just going to crouch over here before the what is going on out how you supposed to get sleep in here that is the loudest motor I've ever heard y they just popped up an advertisement for Pepsi right outside my hotel room I have had a nice view I I feel like I should go down and complain to memes for life because the it was a really really good view and then now I have a billboard in my way and there's a a guy with An Extremely Loud is that a yep that's an RT outside uh I love Dodges but there's a time and a place and I'm on vacation right now and I really don't want to hear that also I swear I still hear gunshots you know what's nice the hotel hasn't blown up who are you okay hey out of my room this is my room this is my room can I close this this is yes maybe try knocking first you know I am actually really proud of memes for life here because he has a full Hotel of Bobs I mean there's certain people like they have their guns out shooting each other but for o uh like roleplay standards this is actually pretty good you get to finally run that hotel here and you get to serve the people of bricksville even though it's still a little chaotic all right bricksville RP read description uh the only thing we need to know we need to listen to Jay apparently uh so let's go ahead and jump in and see what this is all about okay I'm ready to contribute to society here in in bricksville uh looks like it's been raining wait where is everybody there's like 15 people in the server half the city hasn't fallen down have we found the chosen server hey folks you want to know why it's so Heavenly right now the host Wi-Fi is apparently really bad everybody's got really high ping it took me about 20 minutes to like spawn over here oh my goodness I'm pretty sure he's moving at full speed um yep oh there he goes um Yep this keeps moving uh looks like they're doing like a uh a slow dance um this might not be it Chief is this car going to hit me in slowmo or is it just sitting there yep there we go that's about what I expected okay so we have a Jimmy and cops RP apparently Jimmy broke out of prison and we have to go find him and either help him or I guess shoot him okay we're here in the server we need to find Jimmy I heard a helicopter uh race overhead I'm assuming that's where they're all heading uh maybe I should get in a police car okay let's go see if we can find Jimmy maybe I should ask uh the question in the chat um hold on I got this where is Jimmy let's see if we get polite uh responses here where is Jimmy oh there's a helicopter hovering overhead I'm assuming Jimmy is either in it or he's around it someone hop in my army truck who where's Jimmy that's who we're searching for what's this Chopper doing hold on I guess I need to go take some IDs or something here is your name Jimmy oh on hold still real quick I got to see if you're jimmmy uh is your name j hold oh my goodness hold still I'm trying to identify you no can't confirm that is not Jimmy uh okay hold on let's let's maybe stop this person over here uh can I give your uh driver's license and wait that guy's got a prison suit on that's totally Jimmy well I'm going to end this really quick okay Jimmy Jim Jimmy let's talk about this Jimmy that's definitely Jimmy Jimmy there we go oh wait no Jimmy's getting away dude Jimmy's got a high powered vehicle all right we need a hop into the driver's seat uh let's go pull Jimmy over here oh Jimmy's going to pull out his gun Ain he that's got to be Jimmy that's the prisoner okay there we go um oh Jimmy just disappeared okay oh he's going down the road all right we've got a uh full Chase going on here Jimmy either has a really bad laging what in the heck is that behind oh my goodness um this is going about how I expected it um I'm just trying to get out of my vehicle right now what where's Jimmy at um hold on let's ask her are you Jimmy uh there's a criminal here hey hey stop the car know I I feel like we're not going to find you what is happening up there what the heck is going on nothing in the server makes sense I mean it's about 99% of brick servers but oh there goes the building let's hope Jimmy wasn't up there I mean I guess we do hope that he was up there right so is Jimmy dead um let's see if we get a response to this I've gotten little response oh uh somebody is trying to hit me with their car is this Jimmy um no no this is not Jimmy what do you want oh hi uh ready for awkward uh server interactions you got one here um do you know where Jimmy is nobody's answering me it's like a lot I have a feeling that might have been Jimmy yep I'm [Music] getting you really going to do that to me really tell me how you really feel about the kodo gaming channel okay so we're in another city RP it appears that there's a dut store open and people people are actually role playing so um dude look at this this what just happened well the dut I was going to say the dut store seems very unaffected and then it was it was just bombed but hold on wait for it um okay I I think we're good okay I just want to go in and order Donuts this is why you can't have nice things in this game uh hello um on can I get a donut wait he's already telling me no no I want a dut yes let me have a donut let's let's see let's go ahead and grab this we're going to clean up the doughnut store for him because there's like uh bombs in it okay here toss that out there okay I just want a donut sure gives donut hey I got a donut where's my tip uh wait who's demanding the tip here uh plus you guys have a really messy dut store how much do I owe here we go oh I didn't even spell oh right it's fine $4.99 wait which one's icy are you icy wait that's Jackson wait who where's where's icy at oh my goodness I hear gunshots outside uh okay hold on here we go watch this sweet roleplay moment um hold on I got this give $7 watch this keep the change boom role play moment I even gave him a tip see look I could role play I mean there's explosions going on outside okay there is too many people stopped inside like maybe I should role play The Fire Marshall and tell him hey there's too many people inside of this building what is that guy doing oh my goodness he's got a uh he's got a it looks like an incinerator grenade um I don't know if it actually went off hold on someone is throwing grenades so I just told him somebody's throwing grenades this one person is slowly oh there we go yep we blew up the server okay I just joined back uh apparently the server just kind of died um so I'm back in the same server I think the dut shop has been l no it's still here and there's a cyber truck say something Co kodo would say uh they're trying to get me to prove I'm real Dingus there I did it I did the thing also what is happening behind oh my goodness uh stuff is exploding um did I prove am I being arrested now what about the guy that's exploding everything I feel like we should we should probably take care of that right oh my goodness that is the biggest cyber truck I've ever seen I look a street sweeper all right I feel like I should be contributing to society here let me spawn in something okay oh my goodness I've spawned in I've got a flatb bed tow truck I'm going to be Towing things somebody just spawned into McDonald's um they kind of spawned on top of a building but it's fine uh so here let me ask them so what are we doing okay I'm going to just drive around and see if I can maybe find some people that have illegally parked um there is a garage there I kind of wonder what's in that oh I have a taxi cab that's trying to run in the back of me yeah what what what's going on here uh call 888 for Bob's Taxi oh my goodness I can call for a taxi service that's kind of a thing I've got the taxi okay I didn't call 888 you could stop telling me right now oh my goodness okay we got to run we got to run the taxis are chasing us also I think there's a news van back there oh my goodness okay just gun it we've got to run for the Hills this is a really fast uh tow truck by the way uh just run oh my goodness oh no I've been pitted by a taxi cat oh and a bit aggressive with the taxi right I just told him it's a bit oh my goodness is this the uh is this the paparazzi I believe it is yep the brick rggs news has uh reported in a a deranged cab driver has run me off the road okay I'm going to go try to run a uh proper tow business inside of the city uh let's see oh watch oh look at that the guy's being nice say the only reason I have beam and G brick Rigs and tear down see okay oh my goodness the aggressive wait what was the number I was supposed to do was it 888 oh I'm going to pull over I'm going to do a little role play here okay uh I feel like I should contribute to this uh server so I'm going to dial 888 here we go boom I just dialed 888 there okay let's see if the taxi comes and gets me uh-oh I think he sees hey I just dialed 888 and that for the tax here was 88 where are you by the tow truck hey look there he is come on buddy come pick me is my taxi taxi driver like intoxicated um there we go look at this okay I'm going to hop into the back let's see I want to go let's go to uh to the mansion please get us there in one piece uh that would be that would be nice there's actual legitimate I mean how many episodes of this have we done and there's been like little like uh tidbits of role play but we actually have legitimate role play here I am riding in a taxi cab going to the mansion as long as we don't die um which my driver seems a little lost there um I guess I can ask him how he's doing today uh how are you today how are you today not going to lie uh shrek.exe is definitely the MVP of the video so far uh we're having a nice conversation uh somebody is making profanity in the chat it's okay uh as long as he knows where he's going cuz I want to get up to the mansion uh we'll give him a nice tip here this is this is good so far I'm enjoying myself wait I just got a warning in the chat that somebody's going to shoot me wait have I been taken to an ambush or something up here okay am I safe to get out uh uh yeah you could you could stop here oh my goodness okay there's a guy pointing a gun why are you trying to shoot me I did oh my goodness okay uh editor can we get another headline a YouTuber shot dead in bricksville my dead body is there in the back uh the police were a little too late okay I'm going to I'm going to stop here um uh let's ask him what do I owe you boom look at this we're rping right now where's the guy with the gun I think I have a so is it free if I die keep the change why is there a guy without p an staring at me oh do you here do you want my pants you can have these I don't really need these somebody keeps dropping a dingus cat is this explosive why do I feel like this is explosive also is that the is that the news Chopper watching us now um do you have guns okay yeah it's fine I'm I'm going to go over here uh I'm going to leave the cat alone hey look the kids are going to school I don't know where school is does bricksville yeah bricksville doesn't have a school like that's one thing that's missing actually you know what we probably shouldn't add a school to bricksville RP at least make the building uh impossible to explode like the the wind turbines uh make it like that the cat is following me now I like how I'm walking back to town I could have called up uh the taxi service again you I kind of want to start my own train service like I feel like that would be a very legitimate awesome business to do here in bricksville also look up there in the chat they're actually tipping and you know that that's a good thing tip tip out anybody that has any bit of service like if they did a good job give them a tip don't be a a ding-dong hello look at this yo this Supra just appeared this is a sweet looking Supra I mean would it look weird if a guy with no pants just jumped into the Supra over here I'm thinking not all right so I know for sure I need to start oh my goodness there's a floating McDonald's over there okay well I need to start a train business uh got to think though maybe we'll go to a little maybe a little further out that way we don't have to deal with the people and we can start oh there goes the ambulance dude there's like a full role play I mean there isn't as much death as normal like I think a car accident just happened and here comes the ambulance we're going to turn over why is everybody upside oh my goodness okay I might have lied when I said there wasn't that much death happening yeah there's a lot of death happening right now but it's fine we're going to go over here and then is that Dingus cat okay that's just a it's just a brick okay so I'm going to go over here uh I need to find a which by the way if you play brick R servers don't spawn in unless you have permission spawn in like don't spawn in big okay I really want to find like a low brick uh train station here uh I think over a thousand's too much like give me something extremely small okay this looks pretty small this is like smaller than my IQ hold on here we go uh-oh oh okay that's pretty good wait did that lag the server if that lagged the server I'm going to I'm going to get rid of it but I'm hoping it didn't boom look at that we have a dude this is actually a pretty legit looking like train station here uh open up a train Empire here I need to spawn in a train I need a low brick train oh it seems like the the police are coming hold on I'm going to ask him can we get a train service yo speaking of train I hear it wait which way is it coming from okay I I heard the train but I don't see the train did they get rid of the train that actually is good that way I can actually spawn in a train and not die why are they telling me to get in oh here we go there's a train service uh-oh hey you might want to clear off the the big train that's coming uh-oh no no no get rid of the AI train get rid of the AI train that's not a good idea oh my goodness um hold on let me type in a suggestion uh maybe get rid of the AI train first that's the greatest thing I I've ever seen okay here we go we have legitimate uh train role play going on here uh I mean I technically I was wanting to start the business up we're going to say that I own the business hey pull the train in wait is there anybody who's driving this uh okay just just hop aboard oh here we go oh can I make this go is that where's the where's the driver's seat at passenger is the driver oh my goodness I'm getting hit by it okay this is oh it's just driving wait does it drive by itself yo this is legit look at this we got people riding on the train so folks I just realized this is an AI train uh it's got the Bob intelligence in it I mean I'm not very intelligent trying to spawn it right now uh can I move it okay so we moved it back on the track so it actually takes off uh as far as I can tell it says AI are we sure there's not a like an actual driver's seat oh here it goes all right so we're going this way now dude this is actually an Amazing Creation I I need to figure out what this is how did it know to stop at the station it's almost as if these two things work together oh there's a person over there hey get in get in the train you're going to oh you're going to get squished by the platform I mean the train in the platform okay we've got three people aboard the train right now hey I I said we should probably get rid of the AI train uh-oh uh-oh oh no you know it's why it's not a good idea to have a train service in online servers okay 1920s RP looks like there's a great connection going on right now so this had to run really smooth right oh I have spawned in my face is in the how am I already dead I just SP oh my goodness what is happening right now yo are we having some leg wait look at the police cars wait are they actually doing the 1920 stuff in here honestly this is kind of cool holy man okay do I need to dress a certain way maybe I should uh can I join the police there's definitely a pursuit of what appears to be a non9 oh my goodness let's go look oh dude they got an old locomotive hold on I want to go see that I mean it does appear that they're having some issues keeping the Train on the tracks but that is cool is it actually wait are they Towing each other can we ride the train line I I feel like that might be a thing maybe we should go to one of the stations so as I was looking around for the train station I noticed they have a police station and uh well there's some illegal Vehicles here that's a 1955 that's also a 1955 but we have this half destroyed thing I mean maybe we should just steal one of the police cars you think they'll notice that I'm not a police uh person here we're just going to casually switch to the uh the police team here there we go all right so we're the police in Disguise I hear something happening so uh maybe we should go uh see what's going on see if we can give some assistance to our fellow officers okay we're coming into the scene uh is's a little bit of lag happening right now there's a ton Sirens going on and there's a dead body in the street so is there a disc wait am I getting shot at oh my goodness they just shot a fellow officer wait what I like how they say whoops is that how we do this hold on I must I must get up real quick uh oh my goodness the server is starting to lag hardcore okay hold on somebody eliminated something um hold on let me ask why was I shot shot why was I shot uh let's see if anybody will answer me on this one um there is a person wait that guy's got a nuke oh he just bumbed it everything's fine and I'm pretty sure that gun right there is not 1920s um I think it is actually tearing apart oh my goodness yeah I think the role play is starting to fall apart to be honest uh or to be fair I should say it was actually really good looking uh to start with I'm going to go ahead and take another police car here um uh-oh uh we need to get in this cop car AC yep and uh I think the RP has gone out the door the person in the minigun is now wasting the server this is fine okay so we have a city RP we all know that these go really well so let's go ahead and join in and see if we can do RP things is this the oh this old city map uh well there's a lot of damage to all the buildings but none of them went down uh so that's a thing so let's go see what everybody's doing here as far as okay we have a uh police uh in incident Happening Here what happened to the buildings I got a like a serious question what was spawned in that did this maybe we should talk to an officer hello uh oh my goodness okay we are getting I got shot in the face uh why did I get shot everybody's pointing weapons is this a normal brick rog's experience uh okay oh yep okay I'm going to go ahead and say it happened again happened again okay it happened again why are you shooting you know what I'm taking this cop car you do not deserve to have this okay we have stolen a cop car uh from the police oh my my goodness what is wrong with this cop car it's got like drift mode and activated oh up up up uhoh uhoh hey look there's a compliment somebody thinks I'm a good YouTuber it's normally like he's trash all he did was ruined the brick rigs no and there's a big explosion but we just had a head on collision is there what is going on here uh okay there's a like a bip plane going uh I doubt like where's the actual like maybe the ambulance maybe that's what we should be doing I just burned to death in my police car that I uh I broke broke oops fake uh not fake I'm just going to say not fake because the people are saying that I'm fake and then normally those people go to the video watch this video is probably going to be like several days like probably three or 4 days so the what just happened behind me okay uh why is there a World War II aircraft here also people are saying prove it okay hold on how do I do that how do you want me to prove it okay so I got to prove to the server that I'm real um also this is the weirdest city RP I've ever seen not what Komodo would say oh my God I was just hit by a car as I was typing Dingus I said the word dingus do people believe me now I'm starting to think this is like an Ohio roleplay server and this is not actually like City RP because things are just going wrong here people are shooting at each other random explosions uh aircraft um it's okay we have the uh traffic control here I think they're doing a very good job what is happen why wait did they just jump out of that plane don't trust trust him he's fake h on I'm going to tell everybody yeah don't don't trust me cuz that's probably something you should shouldn't do uh because yeah there's a there's a lot of fake commoto I know that is a fact uh yeah I'm not really uh understanding what kind of role play is going on here so I'm I'm thinking we might need to move on to the next thing this is definitely not City role play this is just uh just death um it's fine I think this is supposed to say anarchy it's Anarchy I'm going to join this one hey I'm already getting called fake hey this is a person from one of the last servers wait am I back at the original did they change the server name oh my goodness what is happening I don't think there's a rules in this particular server that's that's definitely a thing uh there's explosions happening something just died beside me hey there's a bob with a grenade what do you think he's doing is he don't let's not do that um yeah put the grenade away so I'm going to be friends with Rampage here uh if you watch K he doesn't say that doesn't say what maybe this guy will be my body why are you shooting me no don't don't don't shoot me this is not not appropriate I feel like the server this feels like the last server but they just changed the name of it um okay well I'm going to go I don't even know what that is there's a robot like a little drone that's going around wait dude look at that that's actually kind of oh dear this is just a normal Wednesday in Brick rigs so yeah this is like one of those servers where you get to do what you want you know this is the one if you wanted to spawn something in it's probably do it like here and not do random stuff in other servers where you're ruining people's experience though I feel like I need to getting this 2018 unmarked Chevy Tahoe this uh this server needs some police work done in it what is that what is how are you supposed to catch him uh I hear gunshots on the ground let's just go see if we can I guess Patrol here on the ground because obviously the skies are kind of taking over right now um I'm surprised honestly that there's buildings left oh look at that I'm pretty sure that goes against several violations of city code of not having an armored bus um honestly if you're going to do a a bus I guess role play in a server like this that's probably the best bus to have I kind of want to follow him real quick also I don't know what the heck just got spawn in to the left of me it's fine hello I'm going to have to pull you over here I feel like we've uh we have several violations with this battle bus okay who's shooting at am I getting shot at or I can't even tell anymore hey can you can you pull over please I'm trying to I don't have lights it's unmarked unit uh oh we got a runner here um okay uh oh he is having problems keeping control of his vehicle I would actually like to have some backup here oh my goodness this guy cannot drive uh uhoh okay should we go for the pit maneuver there's a chance we should go for a pit maneuver here I'm trying to just pull him over oh no no okay uh oh suspect might have pulled over let's pull him from oh my goodness wait no no no no no no no no no no no no hey hey hey let's stop gu that's what I get is he going to take my hey hey hey hey hey oh what was that oh what what is wait wait what's going on here why is that Bob suspended in air uh there is fire happening stuff's flipped over um yeah people are calling me fake in the server stuff's on my cop car is on fire right now this is a total chaos here all right uh let's maybe go to a different server well now we have one that's just called Ohio um why do I feel like when I join this is going to all go pretty much wrong oh I have spawned in I am how is this a spawn location I am riding on top of a tank I mean if you're going to go to Ohio this might be the safest place maybe we should just play it cool just kind of see what happens there isn't as much chaos as I thought there was going to be I'm having fun though right oh no he's starting to fire okay this might be our chance to probably just let's just back oh I just fell off the tank um it's fine okay um yeah let's go see what's going on in this server not going to lie This Server consists of like four or five people one area spawning glitchy Creations that is that supposed to be a train oh my goodness that is a oh can I please ride with you hold on let me jump aboard this looks safe is that a drag motor inside of the oh my goodness this is loud uh oh and somebody has uh murdered the train okay come on let's go yeah I get it your horn is Extremely Loud it's impressive just hit the gas let's get the heck out of here I don't know what's happening right now there's a bunch of I don't think anybody actually knows what's going on like maybe we get hit hey hey give me a ride why do you have why does everybody in Ohio have train horns hey hey buddy hey hey buddy just pull yeah yeah just pull over hey let me let me in I want to ride with what is going on over there nothing keeps exploding oh no oh I'm pretty sure that might have Auto cannons in it um oh it's a drill I think I I don't know what's happening here uh what is going on do you guys remember when they had like nice uh server or city RPS where we like go to McDonald's and stuff what what is going on here like it's just a bunch of death I feel like there's a server competition to see who can spawn in the biggest death machine um that's pretty much what's happening right now I I don't think I don't feel safe in here right I feel like yeah there's there's definitely a chance we should get out of here so there's a camping rp2 I know every time I try to join a camping RP it's never camping but you know what let's join it let's see if we can go have a fun time here okay it is dark I see is that a campfire how does anybody see in camping RP um hold on somebody oh okay there we go we have brake lights um not going to lie this is creepy uh why are people shooting each other it's camping why do I feel like something else is happening here I just can't actually see it like uh-oh there's Bob staring at it or are we shooting at something um all I see are Silhouettes a bob okay there's a school bus there we go we got a little bit of light now oh my goodness there we go we can see now so I guess I need to ask the question what is happening somebody just got picked off is there a sniper somewhere is that a Christine where's the camping this is happens every time I Join one of these camping servers it's like camping RP you join it and there's like five people in with guns boarding a a bus and there's there's general lees in the background yes so somebody said they don't you know what I think he wants us to get in the bus where are you taking us can you open the door please here I'll just oh thank you I guess they're going to take us camping um how are you doing good sir this is a this is a thing uh wait who am I talking to right now y hi um we're having a intelligent conversation right now apparently we're getting taken to a why would you shoot me don't Don't Shoot Me no no don't shoot me no let's just enjoy the ride maybe we're going to the campsite I'm assuming that's what's Happ somebody just escaped the bus and jumped out the top uh somebody said let's go camp there you go we're finally going camping in a camp camping RP uh we're going camping with the bus I mean where's like the ttin and stuff wait are we getting pulled over there's a chance that we might need to get pulled over I want to leave the bus where's the Escape okay there's the escape hatch bus driver can you pull over this is the weirdest camping oh my goodness he is out of control okay just pull over for the police oh my goodness there's a UFO up what the heck um what's going on here this is the weirdest Ser like it's not total chaos but I can't figure out what's happening we're being led somewhere the police have been trying to pull us over and there's a reported UFO in the sky um yeah it's just kind of floating there it's like an unidentified object that's that's creepy uh oh somebody said hey hey I mean hey should be HW or h y but you know it's fine kind of see where this goes I'm actually kind of intrigued so that's uh what happened camping RP led to fatal error I just wanted to see what was like I wanted the end of the story that's like somebody having a really compelling story and then just like saying hey you got to wait 2 years for the sequel wow I'm disappointed right now uhoh get ready get ready w w what is going on what is happening here um are we try are they trying to murder us I don't know what's going on wait what oh my goodness thr among us this is not the way I wanted to start an event oh my goodness supposed to be racing okay should we explain what's happening today yeah let's explain so if you uh zoom out and look which I think they're still throwing characters at us uh we're in brickdale Speedway like a big custom map here and uh we're going to be doing some racing events we got der's we got survivals we got a endurance uh race that we're going to do and we're probably going to die a lot in are you ready I'm ready let's do this all right let's strap in all right spy looks like we're taking off you ready to go here let's do this oh man okay so you the first race is an endurance and they're already taking each other out that's uh about normal so okay I'm going to go slow here yeah you don't want to die but people are probably going to gun for you here okay I'm not going to hit you right away and then once we get down to two people it's like Last Man Standing you got to go for each other okay okay okay this is pretty good oh my goodness uh oh okay they're already dying up here I going to say everyone's doing all right so far but all of animals hit me yeah it's like they're trying to mine their p's and q's but it's going to end up in death oh no there was a collision right behind you oh I'm watching the two cars in front of me oh dude these things are kind of getting sideways this is pretty sweet oh no oh my goodness I over correct it when I watched the the police car crash in front of me you're good you're good you're good I'm coming right by you right here I got eyes on you I mean spy it is technically like a thing where I'm supposed to you know maybe take you out here yeah yeah but I'm actually going for this guy in front of me let's let's gang up on him it's YouTubers versus the other people oh no I'm going actually sounds terrible I just called him just the other watch yeah watch this boom Oh no wow that actually didn't damage him much no okay I'm going to give him a little little shove here hey the police car's out yeah police car is out it's stuck back up on the uh the wall over there okay I'm going a little faster but I'm I'm playing it risky now I'm RIS T truck is like trying to get to oh my goodness I almost just flipped oh no oh no oh no oh oh oh no oh no oh no no I justed the tan truck okay I might have an enemy yeah yeah about say you have an enemy Now Yep they're got it for you spy did I oh jeez I just ran over some debris I'm gonna try to avenge you wait there's a van in the way up here uh-oh oh no okay on your outside uh n you're good you're good oh my goodness holy man such a weird bounce okay these cars are surprisingly strong though oh no my truck is well they are reinforced derby cars oh okay I'm trying to catch the van in front of me feel like they need some love up here need to run into them actually I think they're waiting on me we're honestly doing pretty good I think I'm on like my goodness just lost it and hit the inside wall oh no I'm like on my third Loop uh uhoh uh oh I'm sideways in the track right now there was a car sideways and I hit it oh really huh uh no spy we're there's a pile up in the corner over here there's just a bunch of cars setting here oh oh here we go I see oh that was a good hit you flip somebody over oh the van is out the green okay cool all right dude this tan truck trying to take me out SP I need help I'll save you aim for the tan truck hand truck boom if you flip over I promise I'll I'll try to hit you back over okay here we go I'm going for a second hit oh my goodness oh I just got oh no so what does it mean when you're on the inside wall I I can still drive around but there's not a way out of this I think you might be stuck oh no am I out can I pull out an RPG wait yeah pull out an RPG and if you see anyone passing by you except me hit them is that is that allowed or is that illegal okay at least I didn't finish it last because the uh the other police car is yeah it's up on the on the wall I'm going to stand over here I'm going to wait wait for you guys to pass by it's going to look epic some someone's throwing debris at me hey you think I'm a distraction if I take my clothes off yeah yeah do it here we go all right close if been Tak hey boys what's up oh no oh no oh my goodness but I think you're officially out too oh no that was good though yeah you can't drive back into the track from that section so we have wait there's a tow truck coming hold on hey if I flag you down come on come come get me out of this is he actually going to help you I don't know hold let's see if we I'm going to see if I can hook up no car crusher is here to help me come on man all right let me get the car oh he is helping you he's going to pull me back on the track this is awesome I am a little bit naked right now uh oh that's fine okay oh my good oh nice you're back in the race oh God I got I got to give I got to give a thank you for that thanks hey does your vehicle still run um yep it's still run see if he can drive it to the edge see if he can pick you up oh there's a pedestrian that almost hit a person okay the tan car is still alive right behind you yeah and I see the there's a van oh that tank car is gunning for me no no no no no no oh man oh oh the tow trucks's going to save me all right I got the T I don't want to be in this position I want to be in front of this thing or behind it oh my goodness okay I'm get pulled back onto the track see car crusher's doing a good here he must have been TR flipped oh oh I see you guys oh I saw an explosion I'm sorry spy you just died over the track can we get a f in the chat oh no F in the chat for the oh my goodness I just flipped into the wall watch out everybody my car I think I might be out now no hold on on hold on look at me spy get in Sp okay I'm on the back yeah there's not an extra seat so you're just going to have to ride with me hold on how many people are left okay let me see it's you there's a van behind you another and a tan truck there's oh I tried to hit the pedestrian but they moved out of the way all right here we go to your right B to your right boom Oh watch out oh no I'm out I'm upside down now on I'm going to hold oh oh I am definitely dead right now no I think the vehicles are almost too tough yeah the it looks like the police car is back up someone hit it off the edge oh jeez oh okay oh you know I think going hold I think the van might be finally out it is freaking out right now are you seeing this yeah okay going to take back off art spot ride with me we got this okay I got an idea here you're probably going to get mad at me but I'm pulling out a gun you're pulling out a gun is that legal in Derby I'm shooting them on top may you can hit oh he's got a what he does have a machine gun in his hand or on his back well I'm trying to shoot the guy up on top oh he's got it I can see this happening oh I got a plan I'm going to cut him off here here we go oh he tried to jump to our vehicle oh no oh spy I don't think we can get enough speed oh here comes the police car and boom Oh man SP I think our vehicles are too tough here I've got okay you know it's just turning into a derby now I I need one of those like epic explosions where it takes out multiple vehicles I got somebody try to those epic explosions everybody load up in the back spy why do you have an RPG epic explosions well I mean you could hold on let me pull up to this uh van you see the van yep do it spy this is perfect come on do it again wait I got to get a clear shot it's going to hit you we go oh my goodness someone else is shooting us wait we got more RPGs oh that's a little too close whoever's firing how is it still going aim for the engine blocks by I don't know what I'm hitting oh oh that was perfect wasn't me wasn't me putting it away putting it away oh no wait oh there's a police car oh my goodness watch out everybody I died did you die crer no I'm good okay wait H's on his side spy did we just win wait a second can we call that a YouTuber win I think that's Technic Tech Al uh technically I mean we cheated but um I mean you weren't shooting you can't say a guy that's wearing no clothes is a cheater right they're um they're making sure he's he's done he's done yeah definitely we we had a little bit of assistance you got to thank car crusher for towing me back onto the track that was amazing all right spy the first race uh ended explosively but we do have a team Race here so it's the same rules uh where it's an endurance race except for I'm team team red you are team blue we're taking the figure eight here and car crusher is on standby in the tow truck just in case somebody needs some assistance okay also have you looked at the flag stand wait something looking a little sus up there hey it's a red one that's a little that's a little biased towards bias towards oh I think we're going all right go oh I wasn't paying attention I was too busy looking at the amongus character yeah okay so remember you'll start to take the figure after you go around the corner once okay this van is not as Nimble as the truck was no but it might be more stable wait somebody missed a figure a oh my goodness you're supposed to take the figure eight people both two people missed them anyways so it's good yeah two people di one of my teammates is stuck in a fence over there I think red team has already lost somebody well I think um one of my guys is a little damaged too one of my guys is stuck in a f is he still up there oh my goodness he is dead he's the car got annihilated by the catch fence okay looking for oh the the tow truck's helping him though okay um where are you I haven't even seen you I don't think uh one of us is going to we're still we're not like to the point of Crossing yet so it's getting close though oh I almost got hit by a truck okay I saw that where are your other team I'm going to wait for one of your teammates here see my teammates is down too I don't see a dead blue c okay that did not work out very wait hold on wait he's not moving anymore oh I see blue cars coming oh yeah oh he just flipped on his side F oh no take this take that hold on hold on stop hitting me stop hitting me wait what are your teammates no you're not saving your teammate no oh you've got to be kidding me okay I I don't even know if I'm on the correct track anymore I don't know I feel like I might have cut the track at least we're not counting laps here it's you know death I think everyone relined back up it looks like everybody lined up restart they found a problem false start guys all right there was a technicality found uh we're going to actually start at the figure8 because it makes more sense this way okay all right you ready ready uh I'm going to let them know that we're ready oh there's the the tow truck is pulled in everybody just started haoning her horns there all right now we're on the right track yeah this is going to be a little crazy though come on people on my team already crashing are we going to meet at the same time oh my goodness this got bumped by one of my own teammates it's like a bump draft go go go go turn turn turn turn wait we're coming right at each other here oh my good that was scary uhoh oh turn turn turn oh I just bounced off the wall this van does not turn as well but I'm banking on the fact that it's Stronger Yeah and it's pretty stable I'm not drifting as much no okay I just hit a wall oh no this I'm going for it you know what I'm going for it I'm going I pushed my teammate into one of you oh my goodness oh no I'm on my side I need to call car crusher for a oh oh my gosh oh someone's out I just got flipped over the wall car crusher I need to call a tow buddy here um oh he's sitting over at the line I'm going to I'm going to give him a ring uh tow truck please tow truck please I don't know if I went the right way because I got pushed somewhere wait who stand is that you no I'm still good one of your teammates is attempting to enter my vehicle he must so yeah one of the blue uh Vehicles is dead oh drift I called the tow truck in I don't know if he's going to come help me do I need to go shoot him or pay him money take this boom I see more collisions happening I'm waiting for my toe buddy to come get me on the other side of the wall oh someone only has three tires okay so it's one red technically I'm out right now unless I can get a toe so one Blue's out and then one red is out car crusher left the server oroba oh my goodness was that you watching yeah oh no my toe buddy left he's he's joining back hopefully I can get a lift here wait is my oh spy you might be no you're going to back I was already out and he saved me I think it was my own teammate was that a betrayal yeah you got betrayed I got to I got to update uh the tow truck has arrived on the scene to come load me up I I've got a bumper piece that's really wobbling right now I'm getting bullied somebody's got an why does car cusher have an RPG out while trying to tow us here uhoh okay I'm getting towed back into the race by hopefully it doesn't explode I think one of the oh my goodness yep one of the pickups is oh it's engine fell out oh the car crusher just managed to flip me over to the other side of the track I'm still out at the moment we're working on it right now oh really yeah we're this the to truck truck I need oh my goodness okay oh we just uh no fell oh my goodness okay I think it's official that I am out I think that was a strategy to go for the tow truck that might be a war crime dude we we flew out of the trick okay so it's two blue uh one red there is a red truck oh come on don't flip oh no oh no I think there's a chance that blue blue team has all three vehicles still going right now and red is yeah we're done spy nice toasted over here I think team blue won nice you targeted a poor innocent tow truck driver and I flew out of the track also I still have no clothes on oh no that's definitely work all right spy you might have won the team battle but we have the limo Derby here oh wow my goodness uh this is going to be glorious are you ready yep I think they're still lining up but I'm ready uh they're attempting to we have a very wait why are we aimed away from each other isn't the Derby you're supposed to aim towards each other gives us extra oh no yep it's already all going wait that vehicle just split in half go let's go nice I'm assuming you're blue spy right I'm not blue it says not spy on the side okay so you're totally blue I'm red over here got I'm number 69 oh really I'm going to hit this jump just to escape some people that seems like a bad idea D okay that actually oh my goodness don't do it I almost split in half you pooped out a bunch of parts I'm trying to come for you here this oh no oh my goodness one person is lagging I'm tired was this a bad idea this might have been a bad idea whoops um something happened and I totally disintegrated someone I ended up with somebody half of somebody's vehicle in front of mine oh I need to start using the rear of the vehicle cuz the engines in the front somebody stuck on the jump over there that's embarrassing yeah no I'm getting bullied oh no I'm coming to your rescue spy I got this I have no tire I'm almost split in half oh I just got there is a pin amongus character in the derby Arena I think I just got stopped by it oh hi spy I'm like splitting in half right now I don't know how I'm still alive yeah I hit the purple amongus character and it stopped me okay I have to not hit the purple amongus it's right over in that little pile Oh somebody's grabbing somebody somebody just picked it up and moved it off wait I got no wheel on the front the black uh limo has a blue Among Us character in it oh no oh oh my goodness pretty good I'm somehow surviving okay just going to cut this guy off right here that's me oh no how are you still going I don't know there's a tire oh no oh no okay trying to Circle back around still good still good don't need that this yellow one I'm going to try to take him out here there's a green guy coming for an orange guy I'm going for him okay I'm coming to you guys I need to get some momentum here there are so many like Parts oh oh no oh no oh I got you sp oh no oh wait that saved me wait did I somehow I'm still alive see now you owe me one hey you do not run back in oh my goodness I wasn't looking for it I did not see other vehicle there how am I still good there are people running around in the arena right now oh okay got to go oh I think yellow might be no they're still going the engines in these are like awesome I'm running over a green one oh my goodness split I killed the actual driver he's dead against the the wall over there oops oh um SP what are you doing why are these so flappy uh they're meant to be kind of like soft body I think this your car is probably the most alive right now yeah the the black car with the 75 and the amongus character the one that's hitting you he's in really good shape we need to find a way to take him out I swear they barely lost like any parts like the front looks great on it I got to disintegrate one person someone's pushing amongus someone's pushing with an amus oh I see him he's running around with it okay spot we got a team together we we got one vehicle left it's the black one behind us all right I'm I'm with you I'm with you oh he's going for you he's going for you you good wait I'm stuck I'm stuck uh-oh hold on I'm stuck on a dead dead car oh my good I just flipped over on a brick oh I'm good okay I'm in I'm on I'm chasing is this you on top of me no whoever it was they got Mur oh my goodness how do we Okay I need to I need to back up and get momentum here okay if you you can release my car from on top of the other one somehow I can come back in the race is this you over here yep that's me oh no does it move oh my goodness why are they having a gunfight on top of my vehicle Drive okay I I don't are you just stuck or I'm just stuck let me try hitting you again that help oh no no I out yeah but say the front of your vehicle is broken there is a bulldozer now uh chasing down the Black veh come on uhoh oh no wait a second wait a second wait oh oh wait I think my itch just exploded oh no I just um I'm pretty sure the black 75 with the Among Us character just woned yeah I lost my engine spy um yeah I think you lost more than that it crushed you yeah all right spy this is the final event here so uh I think we've made somebody angry the track you see a limo or actually an RV that's wait is he's off in the park right now but you know what wait which RV disgusting um the one that looks more they all real the same so one of these is angry at us right one of them is angry okay uh this is fine I'm going to let them know that we are uh we're ready to go uh we'll tell we made some weird mama joke against his mom I think I see it there's an army with an icon over it moving um all right I'm going to oh I don't have a horn is there a countdown happening uh we need to go spy okay we're going oh jeez oh jeez we're supposed to take the figure8 when we uh get around the corner here all right easy enough easy enough okay we're not supposed to hit each other we're supposed to survive you're supposed to survive and if you could find a way out of the track it might not be a bad idea just saying oh really oh really okay wait the RV is waiting over there for us spy oh do I really want to be you're going to be the first person to get to it drift drift oh okay I think he's waiting for everyone to pass okay he hasn't come out yet okay I'm looking there's a tunnel we just passed by to get out of the track just saying if we need to need to escape you have to go where he was waiting oh yeah he's blocking the oh he's on the track he's on the track okay okay all right I don't want to be first I don't want to be first oh wait someone's going the wrong way wait what uhoh oh no uh-oh okay this is good oh no go inside uh spot what you you thinking here I'm thinking uh are we going to just leave uh I mean they're racing right now do you think they'll even notice we're gone I think we give it one more lap one more lap and then the exit is right here to the right yeah so it doesn't we don't seem as conspicuous yeah yeah you kind of have to blend in a little bit oh jeez oh sorry this thing is hard there is I forgot about it for a second oh it just split oh it just split a limo in half in front of me okay SP I think we need to get out of here ASAP I think um I'm cutting the track cut the track yep yeah I'm cut the track I'm getting out of here this is uh oh no I got Bonnie slamed are you dead I'm dead Okay spy I'll meet you at the tunnel just jump over the fence or something you better hurry up and get in for this RV gets over here okay I'm on or on there's no other seat it's fine oh no I he's destroying all those they oh he's coming oh no go go oh we got to go we got to go we got to escape brickdale here just in case let me grab something uh spy I think that thing is pretty indestructible okay go go go go go is it behind us I'm going to take a quick look okay we're going to take the other tunnel we're going to get outside of the track here doesn't even notice wait he doesn't notice that we're gone no are you telling me we have successfully escaped on I need to turn how do I get out of here hey let me take a quick look um to get out of here just follow that road the straight road on yep straight road okay I know there's a way there's an airport we could just escape to it it's fine yep I don't think they noticed at all well then we really have uh fooled them yep okay and then I think you take a left down this road okay oh yeah I see the left yep yep nobody said anything in the chat yet so we're good don't that will lead you on to the main thingy how do I get out of here which way uh uh go left around the loop we're going to put ourselves out in the open here if that RV decides where did you go spy go left around the loop hold on I think you fell off okay left around the loop okay I'm on the big oval track here I see a bunch of icons over there you will see something here so there is a I see some something coming over here oh I saw what you I don't think this is going to work wait you want me to jump out of the TR I thought there was a Safeway out of the track I don't know is that it up on the banking H I'm looking behind me spy there's an RV coming behind you spy don't look back oh no do not look back I'll block him spy I hope this little red ramp works oh no because that RV is coming at Mock speed right now he's right behind you I know I can see him okay I got to go for you got no choice I got to go for it I didn't pin it though so um no oh I so dead spy I do not think we've successfully escaped here today I don't think so he's going back in for the for the kill here oh does it still run yo it's front wheeel drive nice bye loses okay so we have spawn into the uh RP um instantly greeted by an atomic nuke that just went off uh this is fine okay okay so let's go see what's going on around town I'm sure it's a nice friendly RP server where nothing goes wrong and uh what in the heck where is everybody it's awfully quiet in here it's the Church of McDonald's wait a minute I think we found a cult here I don't am I getting shot what okay oh and yep May Ronald McDonald have faith in you okay I'm going to exit the church they said there's a blockbuster there's the the cops have uh showed up you know let's go rid a movie from Blockbuster okay that might have been the most disturbing opening I've ever seen for one of these server videos you cannot park your car inside of the Blockbuster I mean they do have a door the size of uh a car I mean I guess I understand okay you know let's goe what kind of movies we got Super Mario Bros uh oh these are the games uh okay let's go to the side TV shows uh where are the movies at uh SpongeBob um no okay hold on go around to this side oh movies here we go oh my goodness what year is this well I mean we are in a blockbuster you know maybe I'll just take the Star Wars movie up and wait what oh okay well another uh Blockbusters has appeared on the other oh my goodness fire and resue in your face hold on let me get over here I want to go wait what that was just a blockbuster what just happened is that how quickly they closed down in bricksville I mean that's kind of uh like real life okay so it looks like they're spawning in cars in here so this is a dealer oh that's good way to park your car at the dealership okay I would love to buy a car from this oh somebody just stole the Hellcat that I wanted from the dealership how do you get inside of this thing where's the front door I'm going to follow the other B no that's not a front maybe the front door's on the other side uh okay front door no there's a big door right in front of us I don't know how to open it up hold maybe I can find the actuators okay the dealership is how come every building I try to get into in this RP it just disappears okay you know what um let's go find something else here oh no it's over there you don't let's just spawn in here I just to tell him I want a vehicle okay uh hello hold on let me say let me say hello I'm going to role play here it got really really quiet in the dealership I'm tempted to just steal this Hellcat here oh and the server's been restarted yep uh this is perfectly fine okay I guess we'll go do another uh another thing here so I asked what was the RP I got about 20 different answers cops versus robbers uh just your average day RP well I would agree I mean there's some things in here that are questionable there's a FedEx driver you know what maybe we can just get a car and get a job of some sort okay so they said I can do whatever I want so we are once again a train operator here uh this is a automated train like it literally stops at the stations uh this is probably one of the most amazing Creations ever so yeah it stopped here so we've opened this up uh this is a successful business I would say look and it's going to take off here um I just hope it doesn't go too fast why is this rocket powered that seems uh a little unnecessary I me I mean we'll get you to your destination really quick but we cannot guarantee you're not going to derail here oh my goodness oh my God you know maybe we shouldn't try this the the train seems like a bad idea okay so I spawned in over on the other side of the city and it's instant chaos and there's a tank uh attacking the uh holy McDonald's um this is probably the weirdest server I've ever been in I'm slightly uncomfortable looks like a police raid is happening we're going to go maybe to let's go to maybe another uh another server okay we're going to go to another bricksville role playay this one's got 14 people in it I'm sure this is going to go well right okay so we're here in a another roleplay server it is unusually like Smooth oh my goodness what is that what was just oh okay I was going to say it was really smooth and then somebody spawned in I'm not sure if that's uh another atomic bomb or okay it's done okay um uh here maybe we can find a job here uh I'm going to say hello yep I went to type hello and then what what did we just get hit what is this why is this the thing this is why people have passwords on their roleplay servers so I don't know what this thing is and what oh here we go again oh yep I was standing too close to that that is a loaded nuke that people were spawn oh and there's a flying person yeah I like how they said this one was City RP too and yeah this definitely is not a thing right now okay after proving to the server I'm real I'm going to dial it's 4555 I want the uh the taxi service here uh so go dials 4555 or is it 445 or 45 I don't know we're calling the what was that that just flew by was that the taxi um is this the taxi server oh wa okay uh I don't think this is this my guy here are you the taxi person um hello uh let's see I want to go to the airport see we're going to try to go to the oh my goodness I think I got shot uh airport um we better get in the vehicle cuz I think there might be a sniper hold on let me let me get inside here okay go ahead it's Driving Miss Daisy just get me to the airport please wait okay where you wait am I getting kidnapped right now I feel like I might be in the wrong person's vehicle oh my goodness we're getting shot what the okay come on punch it driver where who am I with is there multiple taxi services oh my goodness we're getting shot at come on driver step on it it's so dangerous being out here oh my goodness okay he is definitely lagging right now um this is fine are you going to get us there in one piece uh there's apparently a nuke still going off in the city uh this is now turned into some sort of weird action movie where I must get to the airport before we get shot up by the people come on let's keep going wait can I climb in the front seat with you there we go this is much better wait what did they do to the airport wait what is that okay just drive by it okay we got to get out of oh no here comes our tail oh jeez oh no well we have successfully not made it uh to the uh the old airport by the way I I wasn't even in the uh the right car I don't think um yeah somebody else took me to the airport so I'm pretty sure somebody hired a hit on me here in the uh online server because they like tracked me down and it was pretty ridiculous okay somebody said come with me if you want to live um okay who is this uh what is your name are you okay that is Bruce I'm not going with Bruce uh okay not Adam who's the person shooting oh that's and wait was that the person trying to save me the person that just ran me over with the car it wow okay he said come with me if you want to live how about we know we don't run me over this time that would be great okay punch it get out of here the whole server's coming after me okay we're escaping the airport right now uh thanks to uh the the guy that ran me over uh I think it's Shadow okay you're not going to kidnap me are you just take me somewhere safe is there a such thing as a safe spot in the server uh maybe a bunker or something maybe we should I don't know get a secret underground bunker or something is that is that a thing oh my goodness what is happening Uh something's lagging uh a superar just passed by is there somebody else chasing us hey you're drawing attention to us maybe turn off the siren that way you know the point of this is to hide not to die oh my goodness where are we going uh wait we don't think this person is trying to kidnap you oh my goodness it's lagging again I think the nuke is going back off okay I've got to ask this person and where are we going no don't you crash on the tracks oh my goodness there's somebody following us right now uh the server is all of a sudden gotten really laggy uh that's not a good sign is this where we're parking okay can I get out okay who's this wait what does the side of your car say I have no clue what that says okay I think we're safe I think we have [Music] a so shadowbreaker uh brought me out here to ultimately run me over with a vehicle again definitely number one most wanted person in in the server here yeah that's a thing uh I don't think I can find a safe spot all right so Shadow breaker has said that uh that was lag and he couldn't stop the car but you know what we're the most wanted person oh my good wait where did you come from hello is this oh this is my taxi ride this is uh summer okay you know what hey uh okay uh Yan I'm I'm trying to get inside why can I not get inside your ta is it lagging that bad that I can't get inside the taxi I am your taxi uh okay something has happened to the server I typed an O and it's frozen my taxi is here um we're going to give this like five oh my wait what is happening um is this normal somebody spawned in something that I feel like is uh currently crashing the server probably a good thing for me because I feel like yep there we go okay so we're going to Cody's brick rigs uh role play um this sounds fun there's no trolling no unrealistic Vehicles no military I mean I'm sure when I join going in here this is all going to be completely followed right like the rules okay this is new it typically doesn't rain in bricksville RP um what is that there is something that is a blaze over here hold on this is like a firefighter role play okay this is kind of cool that is a really bright fire uh wait four hey look our submers back in the the taxi person they found another role play LA County Fire okay dude there's legit like fire role play Happening Here see sometimes uh uh good things happen I guess hold on let's go see if we can find the taxi service okay well I was going to dial the taxi service I was just seeing what is happening over here in the middle of town I think it is a shootout between cops versus robbers yep that's a criminal that's a cop uh oh the criminal's dead let me see here let's go over here uh maybe I should try joining one of the factions or maybe I should just call the taxi I feel bad for not giving the person a chance hold on here we go okay we're dialing up the taxi uh let's get to a drop you know what we should probably just set by the ball of fire over here yeah this is a good uh pickup point right by the way I think they flown the helicopter a little too close to the fire well I guess that's fine need EMS by the parking you know what uh my taxi hasn't picked me up uh we're going to get inside an ambulance here and see if we can go take care of whatever's going on by the parking garage I feel like that's that's a thing also I think I just spawned in a creation that's like 5 years old I swear I've used this in like one of my early brick rigs episodes okay watch out there's a bunch of stuff happen oh is there a rival ambulance that's going to appear over here uh on where's parking garage uh oh my goodness oh I just hit a semi okay that was you guys didn't see see anything it's fine oh my goodness it's so hard to see in the oh where is the parking garage at uh is that oh there it is okay so EMS has arrived at the parking garage um where is where is everybody uh I need an ambulance uh okay well where wait what the Suspects on what okay they called for an ambulance uh I need to find a location oh Jake Farm is also looking for the location we might have to shoot Jake Farm because this is our call I'm assuming it's where all this uh right in front of the park wait which part is there a second okay maybe it's a second parking garage is there a second one okay there is a police helicopter overhead I believe here at the parking garage uh they were calling for backup and I have yet to uh find uh what they're talking about this is the weirdest RP ever I mean at least a nuke has hasn't gone off that that's a thing okay so oh here we go another ambulance is on scene here wa why would you block me off I'm an ambulance oh wait they're blocking it off uh for the uh the helicopter to land in uh they have a suspect there somebody's injured hold on let's go let's go look here let's see if we can uh provide some assistance I feel like I should be an orange hold on there we go we are orange suit Bob that is EMS why does this person have no pants I I'm going to have to tell you guys I think he's dead lift him to the air I don't think I can pick him up Captain Obvious is obviously dead right can I attach him to a winch is that a thing hold on here I got an idea let's just do this we're just going to go clunk did that work I thought you could put bodies on winches okay so our suspect has come back to life um he's in his underwear okay get inside the helicopter oh there he goes he's on the thing oh you know I'm about to hop into here I'm sure the the driver's probably good all right so we are officially working on wait why is he wearing glasses now um take us to the hospital please pilot I've joined the EMS here oh does this have a gun on it uh no I don't think it does okay let's go okay now I going to lie this is kind of cool like there's a legit like rescue operation happening and I'm somehow in the helicopter I've snuck my way in here I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do with this person I didn't actually go to uh college for this I just kind of put on the uniform and joined by the way where is the hospital do we have one set up think he's going to attempt to land on top of this building potentially say this person person's a really good pilot or the server just froze I haven't quite figured it out yet I I feel like we're hovering but I feel like something's definitely broken right now does this count as getting the uhoh oh no here we go again oh okay it's back um a p wait why is the P oh my goodness you caught a glimpse of it somebody just crashed the server with a a blocked creation Okay so we've joined a 1940s roleplay wait what the heck why are we here this could be kind of cool see yeah the last uh server was unfortunately ruined by a dingdong with a loaded creation so we're in this one 40s cars I could do that uh let's see we have the Phoenix Statesman I I feel like this is a good 40s car uh so yes somebody's acknowledging that kodo is here oh my vehicle is not load loaded in I feel like the Ping on the server might be a little too low oh no the mcchurch CT has uh followed us back no is that what spawned in on the map hold on let's see if we see it uh the Church of McDonald's might be back uh I'm looking for them golden arches give me a second okay we might have uh cult members uh over here I see a little yikes um okay well we're in r4s car uh I'm going to go drive around and I'm pretty sure this server is not going to last very long because of the uh I guess the mcchurch that is shown back up um but you know what let's uh let's go enjoy a nice little Cruise here I didn't know the mcchurch uh was a thing in the ' 40s too but apparently it is so the 40s role play lasted all of like uh 2 minutes uh the church has struck again okay so we are here at another uh server uh this is another bricksville role play oh my goodness no nothing's going to get done today is it I give up please run me over with this vehicle um so I walked into town just to see what was going on uh besides the murch there is a McDonald's here and there's a bunch of people outside uh loading up burgers in the back of a vehicle so yep on that is our queue uh wait for it wait for it wait for it there we go all right Obie you're probably wondering why all these super smart people have gathered around us right now I'm not wondering these are all my fans and they've come to cheer me on for the upcoming race your fans all look extremely happy right now these are my subscribers they are all here in alphabetical order okay which is great so here's a quick question besides uh drag racing on this sweet track what is your favorite thing ever like what do you like receiving I like uh free coupons for like meals I like going to the buffet a lot I like presents like Christmas presents I like birthday presents uh okay look back behind you do you see that little red gift so the winner of this challenge gets that mystery box don't Don't Go Near It Don't Go Near it if you shake I'm going to shoot you I'm not going to touch it I was look stupid I'm looking at the thing behind it I'm trying to grab what are you looking at I'm not I looking at the the the container that say brand that like a brand of stale bread or something yeah it's like uh like cereal like Bram Bros probably made by a bunch of uh Angry overactive kids potentially yes okay so what we're going to do first race is going to be a run whatever you want to run and then we will do categories of cars the PE the person with the most points gets the white gift you and they must go check out your channel oh and go check out Koto Gaming's Channel too shout out shout out beautiful OB shout out yeah see here's the problem bud you thought I was going to bring a little yikes today didn't you this is throwing me off right now I actually brought a real car today good luck oh hey you know what you know what I got I got a secret here aerodynamic my nipples are very oiled up today what the what no they just it's it they cut through the wind all right so what we're going to do like diamonds like little diamonds little diamonds okay are you ready yeah yeah yeah our first race remember go on green I know how it works no you don't yes I do go you must what the I told you I was playing a wi today B wait you brought a rocket car you didn't say I couldn't oh my goodness I brought I won okay so first point goes to OB hold least let me make it to the end okay go ahead and drop that down my subscribers take notes by the way videos now I took my shirt off everything yeah you did those Diamond uh things did were we going to call them nothing okay all right so this cars go to the side so you got one point so you get to pick the next category of vehicle whatever it is Mom Vans uh small Vehicles RC cars whatever it might be okay little yak's place oh my goodness I knew you were going to say this okay I hate it any little yikes you want any little yikes so I just type in the word little yikes and I will see what pulls up yeah little yikes little yikes um why do we have to do this cuz this is how we also why does why are none of these pulling up for me just type in yikes oh okay I'll just type in yikes the workshop is stupid oh okay I think I'm about to found one have you spawned yours yet no have you well you spawned yours in first well hold on give me P wait once you spawning in you cannot change okay oh yeah I got this okay spawn m in okay spawn m in what the why you said you could change oh actually think going to win you sure about that bro I'm the little yikes Master uhoh uh I might have had a small oversight I feel like my wing might clip the can I switch I'll allow it yeah about to say I feel like my Wing's going to on yeah that's definitely good okay okay okay yeah yeah I'm going to switch and now you fell for it cuz I saw yours okay okay I got mine okay all right you ready yeah hit this hit the tree okay I think I clipped it all right here we go okay oh my good goodness this is so fast hold up now hold up I'm popping wheelies at least did you make it yeah I made it wait you're just going coming down bro bro that was fast that was actually a good creation that was see dude that's what I've been trying to tell people all this time these little yikes Creations they got some power to them they got a lot of worth and y'all over here no half of them are copy and pasted creations and they just morph them together that one was legit good though okay so point point to Koto then oh did I also mention the other stipulation besides the uh the the whole fact that we have the gift you know the the right crowd the one on the right side yeah that's my audience the one on the left side that's your audience yeah something bad's going to happen to them too if you lose uh bo you wouldn't let your subscribers down would you I would never I'm going to win this for them okay I get to pick next category okay okay um let's go motorcycles okay okay o hello okay does motorcycle have to have two wheels or can I guess the tricycle three wheels okay never mind feel pretty good about this I got this thing okay yeah I'm feel pretty good about this one okay yeah okay you know what I think I think mine's going to be good too all right you ready for the motorcycle round yeah go ahead oh wait I have a feeling ours was made by the same person cuz we have a very similar look very similar wait what wait why does you say dealer on the back of it cuz I'm dealing wins today wait wouldn't that mean you're dealing wins to me if you're dealing wins myself that's not the way that works to myself hit the tree buddy all right here we go buddy we're tied right now what oh on oh oh what's happening loser dude this actually works really well for a motorcycle M's very wobbly mine is go dude mine is balanced boy and oh Jesus hit the brakes okay okay subscribers listen listen don't hit the brakes don't hit the brakes hit the brakes oh my goodness that was beautiful you okay buddy I got a stage three my eyes have been popped so far into my head that they came out the back of my brain okay so I I've got the second win so now it's two to one you get to pick the next category bet your subscribers are kind of sweating over there no they're not they're thinking OB pick the category that you I don't know I can see the gloss on their face right now helicopters a proper category helicopter sure sure yeah okay to tell you like like oh yeah I mean you could be what you want to be if if you want to have a helicopter that we're going to be flying yes oh actually yes let's do let's do this almost said let's do do okay I got an idea I got an idea too I got an idea how are we supposed to sit side by side here by not being such a whiny baby just what you mean being a whiny baby it's it being a matter of not murdering each other on the start line hly stop it's a baby God you you are just complaint you were full of complaints today you're complained all buddy you got your uh helicopter I got my helicopter on let me start it up okay yeah start it up it should have looked oh oh oh oh wait a minut hold on you tra me in half okay maybe if we go to the side a little bit more you're so in my Lane bro your I offset real quick hold on okay I'm offset here oh sorry no what are you doing sorry no I just my my hand slipped wrong button I got to I got to go forward a little bit I might have to I think I have to do I think I have to put this in god mode initially cuz the the legs collaps down okay save save sa sorry cough that's come stop you're cheatting I I didn't cheat I didn't do anything you sh my audience they're fine look that's okay they can hand you only you only lost like a quarter of them all right start your propells on three what one two start your propell okay start propellers now we got to hit the tree can you hit the tree this time I could try how do I do it here I'll try oh jeesus out I don't know I don't know how to do it I don't know how to do it I know wait I'm in the wrong seat I'm in the Gunter seat okay give me a second okay get in there okay here we go I'm going to hit it okay is it going uh-huh uh-huh no it's cuz I B on the wrong side of it so just count to three on this one okay 1 2 3 come on I been Gobo by the way cuz you God mode oh okay you was a god mod oh my goodness this one doesn't fly oh no I'm going backwards no oh wait it wait go forward been practicing my flying skills oh it oh it uses the keypad wait did you cross the line I don't know did you I'm on my way come on are you yeah okay got no oh jeez oh jeez no no go up go up lo oh no you here okay that way I got to go that way go go that way go that way [Music] okay just dve over there dude I swear we're that was I it I did it no I didn't that's two and two it's two and two it's two and two two and two what do you mean two and two it's two and two two points one point for me one point for you okay so that means still winning by one no no no it's tight I meant two what do you mean it's tide you can't you're changing the rules now you shot my audience though so you lose half a point are completely fine right now they're smoking it on fire and half of them exploded okay okay we need to take a break see what did you just do did you just run into no turn the blades off turn the blades off oopsy poopsies okay we we forgot the whole fact that Brook R's added wait that's an incinerator grenade I don't think I want that one okay this one hey look I'm helping your audience real quick okay okay come help let's put him out we'll take a small break from the drag racing yeah ABS that is not fing him out I'm sorry okay it's fine okay let's just move you know what you know what I'm let's put him out let's put him out you know what you know what what what get ready for this oh might have made a mistake I'm pretty sure I just broke the game whatever I just did here I tried to spawn in a nuke on your uh your audience and I think I picked too big of one that's fine so I'm going to go ahead and control alt delete the game and we'll come back to this okay that's fine all right all right all right so we're back um wait yeah oh there you are looking for you yeah um we've got one audience member left yeah everyone's dead he hasn't subscribed to anybody yet yeah he went through grow SP if he wins wait how does this work if he wins whoever wins he's going to subscribe to since we lost all of our other subscribers yeah but we need someone to go into Guillotine if we lose so he can subscribe to the winner but then he gets his head chop off no that's for what me or you hey don't step near that no get away from this okay okay so we came up with new stipulations winner wins a gift wins the one subscriber loser gets their head chop off sounds good to me I love by the way I get to pick the next category uh let's just go with nice sports cars do not no rockets in your car no Rockets okay nice sports cars let me take did you say cor I got a BMW M8 it's a good car okay I'm going to get this one cuz it looks fast wait a minute is this a sports core sports stop saying that what is what is that it do even look like a sports car it looks like a hyper car that's a sports car in the title that's like if you look like you buy a Bugatti off of wish like that's that's what it kind of looks like okay you know what it's fine title okay okay ready ready okay Tre start it okay oh my goodness I'm not going to get oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh Jee I can resp I I get to respawn yeah you get to respawn good luck making it down oh no uhoh oh my goodness I won I won now I feel bad for Mak calling it the Bugatti from wish why is that so fast dreams hold on set back up at the line okay there's something hold on so now technically we're tied because remember you were behind a point want the helicopter race remember no you did not we tied now it's officially tied get get the Bugatti back over here whatever it's called working I'm flying across the screen hold on almost there wait can Bob actually trick wait I can trip the sensor as being Bob wait what that's a thing you want to try you want to try it well I'm just curious is what the heck's Happening Here what aoma I think it kicks in on second gear and that's where everything is hits the fan wait what so keep going you got hold W for a minute oh my goodness wait what is this amazing it's what it is so I won that round clearly I'm going to have to apologize to whoever made that that it's actually incredible sorry for calling wish that we got wor don't worry last Bob you'll be my subscriber soon cuz kodo will be dead cuz his heads get chopped off of that thing oh um all right next category go ahead pick okay Mom Vans really we're doing the mom you got you got to typ Mom do we have top how about you type in soccer van okay soccer no maybe Mom van might be mom van okay well I got a lot of Vans here how about no no Rockets this time no nothing like that just Vans mom Vans does it have to be a mom van it just has to be a van just has to be a van okay I'm I'm game with that um okay there's a corner office you know a corer a coroner this one I think this one feels good I like this one what the heck is hi hi okay I'm happy with mine I think wa that actually kind of looks neat by the way you got you got a nice truck off so yeah yeah yeah know there's a trick to this you're treated you're trying to lure subscribers giveing a ice that's weird rethink of what you just said there I'm trying to lure people in the iceam that sounds weird I know and that's why it's weird that you have an ice cream truck let me be me well at least I'm wearing my clothes now yeah hey you want ice cream yeah what kind you got okay hold let me get up in here you got we'll see oh you got cookie dough up in there I see cookie dough hold on I'm trying to learn how to open up the stupid do I want to get a cookie dough and maybe add a waffle Co for that too got get out you lazy pile of bring it to me what kind of service is this bring it to my car you don't you chase down okay I'm standing oh my good here's a new rule oh my goodness what is it the winner gets the subscriber the present and a free ice cream cone okay okay the loser gets his head cut off so what that sounds so bad all here come come up to the side window no you're going to cheat I'm not going to cheat you got to come up buy me something I'm at the window yes one cookie dough with a waffle please yeah look see you're where are you okay I'm here where are you I be the race starting by Los it oh no I can't get in the Trap I can't get in the Trap I literally [Music] can't come on there why is this okay it's not fast on okay you got to be kidding me come out going to the guillotin wait we didn't say that was the final round it it's getting close sweetie it's getting close Okay I'm going to park I'm up I'm up a point now okay I'm parking ice cream truck real quick okay so what we're going to need works I was fully expecting that to crush his head yeah that's crazy okay next round subscriber okay next round tanks oh okay type in the word tank okay H I don't know much about tanks I'm not a tank guy do it have to be like a could it be like a tanker truck okay if you would go with the tanker truck that's cool okay I'm going to actually go with this I don't know if this is a good idea or not but I feel pretty good about it prom the okay it's a it's Tom it's a tank Eng you want to start the thing up I don't know how oh my goodness okay did it click no oh accidentally moved dang it this is what happens when you make me do everything how do I do it okay here we go okay oh no hold I can't just do it already I can't do it how about you do it I can't do it okay how do I do it oh I get it do why you you know I didn't think that threw fully no you did not that was foolish what is Tom loaded up with Why did Why was it such a violent explosion are you still going yes oh is still going come on Thomas I see your gun turn around come on out are you serious where are you going away from your gun nozzle you're not in the racetrack anymore buddy yeah so why wait why is Thomas so fast Thomas he wants to win no oh my goodness Thomas has extra explosive all right that's just be a sore loser what do you mean you have a gun well you had the option to get a gun did you not I didn't know we was going to be shooting each other though well when I say tank what do you think's going to happen I thought we were just driving tanks around like friends oh oh my hat my hat came off oh no okay I got to respond no no no no no no no no no slow down want to stop you can't tell somebody to slow down during a Dr come on to slow down why why Thomas man Thomas can go take a oh my goodness why is he so fast come on oh my goodness okay resp oh no I don't like this zigzag zigzag no you killed me resp again stop respa where am I facing wait like 8 fet off no no you've got to be kidding me I get it I get it I get it I get it I all right you win I win the whole video yes all right buddy let's go chop off your head uh-oh the subscriber let me get over there is he good oh yeah he's good all right uh first first six first first things first you you need to get your gift okay so just click the button I click click the button I ain't sitting in the stupid chair you sit in the chair no bro if you don't sit in the TR I'm going to sit in it how does get in there I don't even know how it works get in I don't know actually does it work oh that's how it works oh no so how do you get into it though can we show this is this respon are we being responsible people right now I don't know where the button is stop slamming my head against it click the button I don't know how to do it [Music] well that's where we can end this episode all right hang out to your buttch what you're about to see is whimsicle no it's copyright you can't say thatright you can't do it not if I do it in my own tone not if I do it in my own tone what is look now let me to you first stream slow down over here fellas I'm trying over here you can see a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex here he is he has just eaten his food so he's not aggressive right now but you do have to be on your utmost Behavior around him cuz he can get pretty feisty what does he like to eat um people yeah oh yeah so people um carrots he's a big fan of carrots but does he like trains because there's a train coming there's a train dude get off the DRS get off the DRS for okay is he okay this is no he's not okay okay listen to me this is the last time I do something like this oh no wait are you guys going to get sued for killing the T-Rex we're not going to get sued the train company going get sued cuz I'm going to sue them yeah but you should have put a fence around the T-Rex hold on where spy going I have something better than a fence hold still I can make this theme park better wait that was my face Koto I think we need a meteor and they're going to exit out never go near the train Road uh you need to okay I'm going to go spawn it over here because it's it might be a little deadly uhoh what have you done you should spawn in a meteor where's met no such thing um it hadn't appeared yet on my screen but I have a feeling this building's about to explode that I'm by oh it's spawns above you oh it's a meteor right butd I see don't look up I think it's stuck up in the sky I didn't realize this meteor actually spawns 250 km up above you wow that's a very high meteor I'm trying to get to it my camera um spy do you have something that is a meteor right that isn't this on the train tracks I got a meteor oh that is a oh that's going to be Met's here Met's here I don't see the I don't see the same meteor I don't see it either where see it here comes M look look up where I'm looking oh I see it here it comes wow oh that's metor that oh we destroyed the dinosaurs all right listen listen listen guys guys guys guys guys listen listen listen listen I need help here like serious help this train has been bugging me for the past like six years can we take this seriously do we have your commit uh oh mine just froze what of you who did what who did something I feel like the meteor that I spawned in like 2 minutes ago might have just came to Earth and okay my entire screen just turned like dark oh that's cuz I shot you in the face all right come on alista a spy is completely out of his mind I'm going to need that was ridiculous that was his fault full dedic full dedication okay this what I'm talking about this is what I'm talking about yeah he's now talking to himself no I'm look at this magnificent creation we're going on an expedition raar did somebody shove the Jurassic Park car inside of the T-Rex you've never seen movies have you I mean well you know what I haven't seen in the movies yet is someone stopped the brick take that look at this see the train it can evade the train there see wait why the train go in the other direction yeah wait hold up the other way yeah wait the train changed directions spy how did the train change directions I didn't did that I don't know we have we have a bigger mystery than you lip sigy with a T-Rex yeah we need we need out stop don't do that again that's creepy why we just discovered the trade moves in opposite directions now okay we need we need an item here we need the item here can you shoot spy he's talking with a T-Rex right now and it's weird no I'm not do I have a nuke no no no okay I'll stop I'll stop it's hilarious oh no we got to figure out the mystery of the train changeing directions here now I'm going to get an item here and I want you to bear with me here okay I'm I'm over here just having fun hey OB do you know dinosaurs have natural prey what would that be first of all hold on really okay pass the train Mr tree pass the train oh okay why did you change dire yep that was idiotic okay okay okay we need some theories we need some ideas let us know Down Below in the comments what's your idea of how to stop this train I think it's I have an idea myself though I have a feeling they're going to be really negative going you can't stop the train it doesn't work that way shut up don't make fun of my subscribers are beautiful people and they deserve the utmost respect cuz it will stop the I think my internet just died due to the stupidity of what we're doing what me wait what the heck's going on here guys my internet died for like 5 Seconds why is oh okay yeah listen listen listen listen listen you guys just don't like me do you all we did was rub juice sauce all over your body you rubed this you rubbed your meat all over me when I was not even here you're going to go inside of the dinosaur you're going to rip out its D day you're going to get pooped out of the tracks be stronger than ever and stop the train I know how to get back in about say can you at least open the climb in I think it would be better uh here up a little bit okay I'm trying to jump you're going to have to catch me here oh do it again do it again one more all right oh okay all right what is happening right now okay there we go oh there we oh my godness this work what the heck it just yeated me out the side hold on you're killing my T-rex I wait wait is the train going right way now wait no no it's still going the wrong way we need to find a way oh my goodness I just flew off oh my goodness we're we me move it back a let me move it back a little bit are we contacting aliens that's what I was about to say we're contacting aliens no no listen we're going to get resar researching you know what our aliens Among Us aliens are Among Us y this isn't this isn't Ali dead it's a dead don't don't bring it back don't bring back Among Us hold on Among Us no bring it back spy bring it back let me call theg it's it's dead oh my goodness guys look what is it I haven't hit the button yet oh no okay it's go wa it just wait it's mouth open yeah it's kind of scary that is scary Hold on hold on we might actually be a to you doing there I see you in there what are you doing in there boy oh look at there OB I saw you CL him into his mouth yeah got him yeah just kidding I don't I'm actually putting this on the train tracks to see if well make sure it's mouth's open I'll say you're aim the wrong way hey here it comes no no no no get hit hold on I'll put it down the tracks a little bit it's not what is happening doesn't want to get hit by the train I have another creation that could stop the training for real no you don't she tank yes that way stop the trade from afar what's that button do okay wait it turns this is the cutest thing ever it's not supposed to be cute it's supposed to be a safe way I don't know I just it spins look at this okay I didn't say throw him on the tracks I mean you can stand on there too if you want to no don't put just a CH just a CH can you grab the wait can you grab it how you pick this up how you pick this up how you pick this up how you pick it up we don't know how to play brick press R oh press R do it better yeah just stand right there keep playing with your toy OB oh jeez yeah yeah keep driving keep driving [Music] it did it hit him so hard his voice lagged did you hear that yeah look what I got I got a dob that's got a AK-47 look at this you guys are wait was it actually actively trying to fire at you wait that wasn't you no yeah it's shooting at me it's AI technology that thing is tracking you the track the train oh my g oh sorry did you shoot me I had to I need something to stop that I need something to stop that okay I need get out of here this was amazing on how about dual wielding do shoot at me down idiot he's shooting me yeah it's kind of weird that he can actually shoot like shoot me down idiot some out of here where you going r a motorcycle I thought you were going to throw the Satellite Dish on the train tracks he's trying to get away back up I'm going put it down a little bit like right here okay there you go I mean it kind of looks like he going to miss it there you know cuz it's like surely though this will stop a trade my car probably not do this oh I told you gosh Dar are you guys going to take this serious today or not it it hit it on my screen put it directly in the middle of it it didn't stop it down for me uh it's setting up right for me can we just search train stopper I don't know if you want to type that in no I'm not try type in train stopper do we need to type okay I'm going to type in okay Workshop all train St the real train copper the real you might not want to spawn in some of these it's the ghost train good chance we're going to die doing this yeah look the only way to stop the train I'm looking I don't even see it I'm coming that way oh do you see that which portion of the train TR never a lie you can't not move the floor can you no you fool oh my game actually exploded there I don't think it like whatever you just spawned in for nothing but Goofs from you guys today I need to see as result well this might actually work look Koto why is there a T-Rex flying around you are living a lie uh oh my goodness uh boys can we remove a couple things they clickbait you to get your money they Li you they are evil what what money have I stolen by making try stoper videos uh the advertiser's money well guess what we're going to destroy this ow he keep shooting me yeah I keep seeing stop fly is there a chance what is that I wanted a train who spawns this in I can spawn in a new can clean it yeah do that okay that's going to make it way worse B I'm getting two frames all right prepare yourself I'm about to blow up some computers here how do I remove it how do I remove it too late all right fellas let celebrate this glorious day I brought you milk okay what it's better than a Jello turkey Le you bot guys hey this is F this is going to be delicious oh what the that's disgusting why do you bring that was that disgusting how does it feel being a gross individual what do you mean hamburgers milk and Jello what do you want okay now the real discuss we invited the train did it respond to it yeah yeah he's a little shy today right there oh my goodness show up hey little guy come on over bud oh it's so cute stopped we did wow we stopped the train it's Thanksgiving Miracle okay you guys keep busy okay okay okay okay we love you train we love you train we've always loved you the jello F killed me wait what you got I told you not to bring that Jello did you just kill him with the jello what are you doing back up hold on watch this watch this hold on I want to watch murder you with the jell okay that's good yes come don't do this all right it's time to go Goodbye Train no you're going to angor it you're angry it the no no no TR train please just just not res to me got to drop it higher you got to drop it higher oh I found it I dropped oh oh wow as the trade was exploding it whispered in my ear I'm coming back and I'm never going to stop again I mean we stopped it once Li technically stopped it I mean technically hey here you can have a bite of my Jello no want St no I don't want it no you hit him with it nobody want us take far away I'm going for you no leave me alone get your Jello away from be a murder if you don't stop I don't want I don't want the jell oh all right construction is complete we don't longer have idiots try to throw stuff on the train tracks um absolutely absolutely absolutely so how do I get past the train tracks though no well you you take the bridge now that's what we built this for the TR that's a little high in the sky I'm a little afraid of heights here fella what do you mean it's hide the sky you just take there's a stupid ramp you idiot just take the ramp I'm not going to take the ramp that's dangerous just take the oh my does this let's just see if this bridge can pass the vehicle test here let's just say I got to go to McDonald's I feel no there there's a certain clearance I think it's like probably 20t you can't cannot do oh no oh my goodness look what you've done are you proud of yourself uh-oh uhoh it's fine everything's fine everything's fine you know okay so we can clearly see that Bridges aren't going to work here we're going to have to probably I think to safely cross this track here mhm what I'm thinking here is we're going to have to find a way to stop this train now hear me out here fellow hear me out hear me out here fellow Obie yes do you hear about that organization yeah there's an organization that doesn't like your shenanigans it's got some weird acronym and they they throw fits about like weird things about you stopping trains and stuff you got to stop it okay so what I'm he in here is to try to stop it so organization will go away so I'm going to go get some stuff here why don't we do something proactive for once like why don't we just build another Bridge oh my good no no no no no no we just learn Bridges don't work dum dum we learn cuz you ran a stupid little Tig that was stacked up by like 20 car Lanes if what if a freight truck carried thousands of children try to go under that bridge it's a safety hazard for crying out loud now let me go ahead and get my wait why does a freight truck have thousands of kids in the back for school leave me alone let me get my stu okay all right we'll come up with another game plan how about we okay if your stopping doesn't work we find a way to just bypass right yeah why'd you spit my face I thought it'd be funny this is why people don't like you Koto over here turn around sweetie let's go ahead and look behind you here don't be D Elon Musk is going to be happy about this well this is a spaceship so here's the plan here we've always tried to stop the train directly what we're going to try to do is send the train to space mhm mhm mhm yep mhm that's not going to work it's going to run into the bottom of things and just explode the the rocket that's not the way this works that kind of attitude yeah that would happen but with my kind of attitude it's going to get snagged do you call it attitude you call it idity okay listen here buddy if you have a better idea I'd like to hear it I se anything out of you right now okay I'm going to admit I do like a little bit of your idea so did you see how the train hit our Bridge yes I did there's still there's a fine balance here oh jeez um here how how do you get into this thing I um okay I'll let you know my idea here just a second okay hold on though let's see that didn't make it any better did it oh my goodness my bridge oh jeez that bridge is a safety hazard built this what if you put put hooks on the SpaceX rocket okay hear me don't attach to the train because we know that doesn't work but you ever see one of those suspended Bridges where like it goes up and let stuff pass under whoa I have an idea I swear if you repeat mine I'm going to murder you no no no no no it's even better than your idea what is it Bridges suspended in the air by crane with the rocket hooked onto the bridge why do you need the cranes in I'm trying to see if the rocket will lift the bridge oh sorry it's okay okay no the crates as a safety precaution so I'll you'll get the bridge set up I'll get the crat set up and we'll just make a whole day out of it it'll be a whole so we're trying to help bricksville right we're not actually hurting it we're not stopping the train we're not doing stupid stuff like that right right this is not a train stopper video this is long train helping video yeah yeah so like I like the idea of letting the train pass under is this the oh that's your stupid car never mind please don't talk about my car well you shouldn't have even spotted in the map you know what's going to happen yeah I know I'm sorry don't act stupid so you're going to set cranes uhhuh you don't think the rocket will lift the bridge do you I absolutely do what if we had two rockets we set them on the bridge so we go one two we hook the hooks to the bridge and me and you setting the rockets and when the train comes we do a countdown we both ignite our Rockets and we lift the bridge together but if the Train's already going underneath it why do we have to lift it up higher we never know maybe there's the freight train with like 20 kids in the back is the bridge movement for you no okay yeah don't worry about that let's get some let's get some let's some hooks then yeah do we need two cranes though uh maybe the Crane's attached to the rocket so the rocket doesn't go too high okay how about we do we'll do the crane idea afterward let's let's do my rocket idea since okay you know I feel like mine has a little bit more logic than yours okay yeah sure okay so we need two of these and we need to put hooks on them all right I have a grand plan here I put hooks on the SpaceX rocket so what we're going to do okay so I'm going to set here let me make sure I can set it up here so I'm going to let me see how the hook placement looking great do you like that look at that I love that let me get it to mine should I set Yours up for you or no I think I got it I got this okay so what you're going to do you're going to jump out and go to the bottom of the bridge okay wait wait they're falling they're falling no no no no just set it back up set it don't let it fall iau it iau I it got it it's fine try it again okay okay let me try it again it's a little wobbly it's a couple Rockets are falling off wait okay is it good fine I don't know it's tilted do I just sit here don't let it fall don't let it fall okay you can let me attach oh my goodness okay I I caught it what what I attached the hook I'm trying to fix it okay maybe we have to go a sideways perpendicular maybe but what happens when you hook the the hook to it nothing it just works trust me I know what I'm doing I mean we could offset over to the side and do it too and not be on the bridge no no no don't okay okay okay how do I pick watch out uhoh are you freaking joking around right now I'm not joking I'm I'm trying a legitimate strategy here how do I put the UI on uh F10 jeez Louise how long has been since you played brick rcks a long time guys long time oh okay okay so this goes there we could off like that wait how did you use the hook up and not oh no uhoh how about we set these off to the side okay we go by the go by the legs of the bridge so like there and there so put yours on the other leg and then we hook it up and then boom we got it okay okay like this uh yeah yeah like that so if you hook onto it oh this is much more stable okay okay okay okay okay let me know when your your two are hooked up I'm hooked up it's kind of Flippy flopping but it's fine so the only thing we have to do in theory is hit is it w to make the the rocket go up you just got to hit W guy okay so are you in your rocket I'm in my rocket okay what are your confidence levels of how much this is going to work 200% positivities positive so you see the train coming no you're fine you're just a little leaned over okay yeah I see it should we start now let's start now okay we're do a countdown uh you go on go 3 2 1 go did you say you had an [Music] [Laughter] idea was so funny hey I thought you know the bad thing is I'm pretty sure this would have been an why am I on fire right now okay we could try this what if we try one more time when we put everything in god mode I didn't think about that okay okay yeah all right buddy we need to make sure that this even works so we're both or everything's in god mode we don't see if we it's got the lift power you know what I mean oh it definitely got the lift power hey if it doesn't have it you know we'll actually go to your crane idea how about that yes exactly what I've been saying my entire life okay I am in one of the Rockets you in the other one yeah I'm in my rocket okay we should give this a go ready three 2 1 go okay oh we're doing it dude we're trying to get in the space wait we're space Bridge wait okay it's probably not the way this is supposed to work but we can actually lift the Bridge oh wait where we going okay we are definitely going in a direction that I'm not comfortable with next video okay so this one cranes oh my goodness I got an idea wait what's your idea oh okay same exact strategy two cranes on each side four cranes in total real quick are you still on board I am on board yeah just hit F and watch how fast the bridge disappears we're doing fast oh we're moving I'm moving at 2,000 km per hour okay so let me me know what what's your idea here okay same exact setup add it with four cranes two cranes on every side so the whole down every are we ditching the Rockets yeah these are these are too far now okay I'm going to I'm going to jump out of mine say goodbye to them goodbye they're going to a better video probably all right buddy that's looking pretty good with the crane over there so you said you wanted to stick another crane on the other side but we got a problem yeah I can't fit it in there yeah I don't think you can fit in the parking lot oh wait okay so dude okay yeah we're playing brick there's always a solution to our problems okay sure you know what the solution is what come on take a guess take a guess does it involve little yikes no involves something called the Super Death nuke also there's an Obi and uh beautiful Obie train stopping building that I somehow just came across that we will okay go ahead get that out real quick yeah go ahead I got let me get the super death nuke out first all right here we go yeah absolutely absolutely Super Death n Super Death uh-oh where is it uh it's frozen I don't oh I feel oh my goodness I don't know what's happening but I feel something [Music] happening it's it's there oh no oh no I didn't know it was 11,000 bricks I guess that's why it's called the super what you mean I now a stud how did this happen you're a what I don't have a dead body anymore I've I'm a stud you've always been a stud in my eyes oh okay hold I'm coming back I'm going to inspect the damage did we clear out the building we did so something's going wrong with the bridge and the hook in a crane though now oh they're flying around okay so we just need to reset everything right is that's what you're telling me exactly should I just should I just clean the map maybe get in a crane we'll clean the map how about that go ahead clean everything up uh let me get my crane good news a crane now good news yeah the buildings are gone so we're clear and the good news the crane is on the ground U I'm seeing certain things I'm going to clean the map I'll be right back wait hey what yeah why is the crane over there we just blew up these buildings on this side for to put the crane over here why do we put it over there cuz I figured if we pick it up from angle a side to side it'd be SM now we just nuked half the city with the Super Death nuke and you decide to place it over there F it's fine I had a change of heart it's fine okay okay are you lowering your your dingly do I'm lowering my what hold W to lower the dingly doo I'm not even in the dingly dooo thing hold on let okay that's not good already behaving I haven't even ground my dingly D on the ground now stop talking about your dingly D you're going to get us demonetized no I'm not it's not go with you you sure so it's w to hook my dingly dooo yeah whole W you know every time you say dingly dooo I'm now going to add a uh a duck noise over it so don't say it anymore good luck editor all right I'm lowering mine right now okay break it down bring it down my dangly do is definitely wobbling uh you see I see it coming down keep going so do you think this is going to lift it the bridge oh absolutely okay you're going to hook the dangly do up right okay I got the dangly do in my hands you're touch my dingly do and then put it in the bridge yeah put it in the bridge over here okay go ahead see where I'm going I don't know where you're going with it you just hook it and let me know when it's hooked okay hold I got to wait for the green check mark you better hope this doesn't fling a crane oh boom do attached so how do I make it come back up though like when we're ready to lift s that's it that's all I have to do you just hold out the button very simple OB approved controls okay all three okay okay 1 2 three see this no way see oh my goodness my fault that was my fault okay hold W release the hold W I can't do anything right now I'm flying to the sky super let the dingly dudes out let the dingly dudes out okay I just went out of God mode and just flung The cran okay while do that that was not part stay attached to the bridge you the plan wasn't to go to space today Obie it was to lift a bridge up okay you know the bad thing is the idea is there but it's just H I almost think you have to do it with one crane cuz do you get a single crane yeah you get two cranes and the game goes stupid so one crane in the Middle with a dingly doo and a singular pullup yeah all right buddy uh so the key to this is to hook the bridge right in the middle if you're not in the middle dead center y hey hi Hi how are you the quack down wait what cuz you said duck noises quack can you lower that down I know you're not making duck noises okay I'm coming lower the dingly dooo down I'm sorry stop saying dingly dooo is is funny cuz this is like the worst case scenario is what we're trying to shoot for here is you know something being so tall in the tracks that the previous Bridge wouldn't clear it the ding do is rotating you know what the the test should be though after this when we lift this bridge up you got to drive that little 's car in and make sure it's got the clearance yes yes exactly okay I'm going to go a little to the right for the children okay oh okay okay got it okay yeah so where's a dead set right here okay uh little little to the left this way other way okay this way uh a little to the right now this way little little bit more about a step more okay now I step forward and now I step back okay okay now step forward okay now I need like a half a step forward maybe a quarter step that I didn't even see you move there quarter step yeah okay right on the white line ah perfect that's dead center that's dead Cent see I that little extra dance that was not that was a that was on purpose to okay let me get let me get the little yikes out so it case things go bad we have it ready to go yeah yeah yeah you just got to be able to drive under it this is all we're moving a bridge now for the convenience of you we don't care about the the car no cuz the children might be all the a tall bus one day okay ready I mean you could have spawned in like a triple decker bus wait what if the children are inside of that huh yeah there they are probably all right here we go I'm going to start lifting oh my goodness this is working keep going that balance is pretty decent we might be a little to the side okay hold on okay now drive under drive it I don't know how long this going to last so I'm driving under it now no freaking way we did it we did it we we did objective we did it objective yes we did it we did it oh my goodness we did something okay now lower back down oh okay come on okay lowering it back down so we we got that clearance okay and we if we safely put it back down we have officially made the most efficient wait you don't think there was like an actuating bridge on the workshop do you no that doesn't exist those don't exist okay and then look at the perfect placement oh my God get us we we did a thing now the final test though oops wait what's the finest can I drive this big little yikes through the bridge what do you mean through the bridge you just did it you literally just did I be like over like drive over the bridge like this yeah but you're not going to have clearance again because of the arms or the big arches well I got to check it out just to make sure it's all shed in there this is why we're doing these Tes AO and okay we're going to have to need to H is there a way to detach the bridge up in section no no you did we got to raise the bottom part for the clearance under and then you want to check out the factory the train stopping Factory we we've proven the point that we've got this and as a reward I can spawn in the train stopping Factory let's see the train stopping Factory okay I I think we we completed it we deserve this today we deserve this like the ice cream after A Hard Day's Work okay uh there's a whole lore story about this it's not fire dust stuff made it though all right here we go oh my goodness H wait here I'm going to spawn this out at the Airfield real quick so we can actually look at it is it okay is there supposed to be a train in here wait what what is this I don't know but I saw my name on it I'm pretty hyped you better hope it doesn't say anything offensive made for beautiful Obie Obie is obviously the best person in bricksville let's go okay now this person is just kissing your butt it's fun let's read about all about OB and train stop and stuff please make this train stopper tools for me to stop the train and totally be friends with it and 100% not betray it where are the little yikes I can't do this job anymore just kidding doo face ha H okay this is going well this is is this really going well yeah look at all this lore it's a whole story we got going on here wait what is this I agree kodo I'm supposed to be wait what what is happening here I don't know wait please do not press K while in the driver's seat with the train nuke 8000 wait where's the driver's seat I mean well don't hit it yet hold on are use store power um what is going on yeah I think you're supposed to spawn this on the tracks the train drives into it and you detonate it and that's it train stops boom okay let me try it then let me try it okay I'll let you take the rains you need to find a nice flat straight area maybe you know where the train is now well I'm going to go over here yeah here you you spawn it in well I don't see it yet I can't see anything oh there it is now press K okay press K was that was that it what are you giggling for was that did that was you pressing a or K I pressed K what happened to the super 1,000 or 3,000 whatever it was called it blew up you know what I've had enough today go ahead do the gritty this is how you do the gritty that looks gritty enough for me editor you put some music on the back of it all right boys welcome to the grand opening of the race here you see we all got our own cars colored to our this R is going to be around the and up the death loop back there but before we get to that I do have to do the open ceremony here okay go ahead go ahead okay first of all let me go ahead and take this off here and my go y you can't dude this is a family content here in the car they don't normally sing when they're you know you're supposed to Road we're driving Loop the loop and if you got a poop do it now oh my gosh okay get my car I can't stand just get your car how many I got to do the countdown well how are you suppos to go okay I'm going to countdown in bullets but don't give me like five seconds after I the last what's the point of even doing that dud shut up one is we count to five by the way first one 1 2 3 4 oh hold on I had to reload what wa wa okay okay okay okay okay did we just take off without him technically that's a six bullet oh my gosh my goodness landed it landed it landed it jeez my car exped in pieces don't worry I crash so can we make the loop does anybody figure that out yet I don't know the loop go fast go fast go fast fast oh my goodness my car just pooped out a million pieces oh there we go my cared hold on can I okay I'm going for a redo I'm going for I might have to uh get a new car here there we go there's so many Lego pieces on the the track here that I can't really not my fault I I just watched OB explode what's up man that was cool how many laps are we doing let's do uh okay that count then I how we decide that mid race this that was a weir job he was singing what you finish my song it was part of the song you to finish it how many laps was it and fin it there spy Spy you got to know to do two two two is two laps Jes go forward good I have enough speed never mind I'm good guys Slow Down slow down where you at spy oh you died the winner of this race by the way gets one million shout outs oh dude I want a million shout outs you get one million shout outs I I see what doing leave me alone I want to win this you got to be kidding me this is not what is wrong with this car guess what all right where's my million shout outs now shout me out spy shout me out hold wait hold on the r is R is is oh my goodness I jumped oh my did you guys both finish yeah we'll wait for you yeah yeah we're waiting on you buddy you absolute fools dude I know what gay it is [Laughter] what day is it OB opposite day which means I won and I get a million shout outs not feeling that gritty spy all right fellas since I uh didn't get to do my normal race cuz everyone cheated cheated you count it and we left let me do the gry put your clothes back on why we doing gritty you can't gritty while naked the opening ceremony of the little an opening ceremony we I'm ready to go okay okay okay I'm go there no way these cars make the loot by the way not I can't get okay good did you test it I'm going to count him in rocks does anybody ever think that maybe the Finish Line lights work on the Third Rock we go Pebbles bers d The Rock J oh my God are shut up aren't going to make the job these AR going to make the job these will you just got to get that's what I'm saying they got turbos they got bottoming out shut up you old baby SP Baba complaining ohy man boy look at the baby boy baby man Boy The Little W get some good boost now here we go there's no way make it we're making it we're doing it we did it wait what this is working oh oh no Los it this is a T is this a two two lapper two lapper on this one okay okay I'm in I'm in first place so far I got to win we got to find a way to get around him got to work I'm not cheating I'm not cheating I'm playing normal te come on guys I mean yeah you're playing normal you're normally in last me I got to win now you're talking it's opposite day it's opposite day it is opposite at first now okay listen I'm not even try it okay my my hands are tied behind my back I'm playing with my feet holy man these things drift see these are good cars that's what I'm trying to tell y'all Y over here say skylines and stuff and it's like oh Jee hold on well was that about good car drift I was just trying to trick one of you I flipped hold on everybody slow down a little bit that's not the way this works we don't this is Brick rigs we don't have consolation prizes guys slow down please slow down we're here to win guys can we slow down a little bit though no no I'm good what do you even win oh we're we're winning 2 million shout outs hey spy nice what the wait he's why you say yeah W again come on come on come on Slowpoke this this is me don't shoot me don't shot me OB I'm trying to help you man that was on it oh my goodness I shoot spy he's still nowhere in frame oh oh I did it here we go I did the ramp you did what second place again where is he even at wait did I go the wrong way you're going the right way you're just taking for ever editor if you using high octane music will you please use baby music now okay come on shut up no you're cut the track you're cheating come on no you're supposed to turn around okay hold on let me turn around turn around you you must take that corner and we're going to watch you painfully go around this corner yeah jeez Louise oh my good you picked this car why are you so slow it's my first time using it though it's actually a pretty good y it it actually isn't that bad to be honest with you yeah but it's not like a staple little yikes this is like a off Brad little yikes okay now traps traps trap uhoh okay uh did I make it did I make it no you didn't actually you didn't cross oh my gosh fly all right so we're ready for the hypercar street race here put clothes on cuz I've taken a serious W nice green you haven't taking any of this video serious I've taken it very serious now you going down okay well listen up you need to pay attention so the course I know the we start here we're going all the way down to the road barrier take a left you're going to go up on the bridge you're going take a left on the bridge and then you're going to go straight down and take a right at the barrier and it's going to Loop all the way around to the finish line which easyy this is what so easy this is what I was doing hey don't po no watch this what are you what are you doing don't don't he pooped on your car all right I'm ready well well poop all over his channel I'm not counting I'm not coun I'm not doing anything I'm just racing the wind all right I'm going to count and uh we're we're going to go on three on three let's line up all right ready everybody line up yep one two three go oh that's a good start that's a really nice had very very fast start here these things have some pretty good grip here do they really well I don't know about the breaking they don't they don't they don't wait a second I'm still they had decent grip we'll call it that I got a p stuck my car well reset your car car ding dong no I don't want how many laps uh two a this can't do two this isn't a circuit it's point to point there a point to point I screwed up all deciding hey D dog you're not supposed to do that hey take a left take a left I'm trying to take a left oh my gosh here we go these things have speed all right here we go you going to pull in my car uh no I actually don't it's a candy can I breaking the candy can to the children oh my gosh I to reload I almost feel like we should repeat this after the after here that way we know where we actually need to break at yep oh hold on a second I'm trying to catch OB oh my God I the Big B he missed it did I miss it did I miss it wait oh my go was a tie he flew through it I got stuck on bobs who's IDE was it to stick those there huh okay I think we need another one official win well now we know where our break points are so let's do it again yes exactly but I have taken one I've taken one point there you can have one point too now yeah SP get also one point still winning so we have to beat him here we have to beat him well I'm going to beat you this is a partnership OB we can buy points yeah you OB have a partnership going on hey what about this what about this like the dead bodies everywhere now hold on I'll fix that yeah yeah yeah they all still have a smile on their face though all right take two here we all know how to hit the brakes right did we fix the barriers so here's the thing though right if Koto wins the video ends yeah but if he doesn't it keeps going keeps going wait he's going that's lot pressure you got to lose yeah it is yeah it is well I don't want to lose I like winning winning is fine if you sabotage him I get a point yeah yeah yeah true but uh but if I sabotage spy OB gets a point yeah but who would you rather win that's a big moral somebody hey think about what he's saying three counted flavors uh vanilla strawberry chocolate go oh yeah here we go the barriers weren't reset by the way so yeah they're not don't you know where the track is we know where the track is guy oh no wait a second that help me that help me okay spin around stuck at me B oh my goodness oh was all Tokyo drifting over there stop you got to R you got to r a spy you got to let win you cannot let him win we can't let him win canot let the video that was a dangerous shortcut shortcut what shortcut you talking about I got to risk my life I got to risk my life risk your life risk your life I got to risk my life here I didn't have to SP out and he flew by me what's going on guys no no no no he's come on you'll murder everybody if you do this those are subscribers I got to hit the jump I got to hit the jum we go oh no I didn't oh no I'm stuck go Obby go go oh my God I think he just flew through the yes nice I Spa a place I spawn a place now it's tied I waited till my car stopped and I spawned where it was upside down wow I'm going to go ahead and now it's two two and spy kicks gets one and a half oh so what so spy kicks is at two and a half and a half points wait what I'm winning I'm at two points come at two points you're I'm winnings that's how it works no it is two two OB spy gets one and a half no two and a half though the point combed no points the points were combined you know what we got the ultimate last event I'll take half yeah the last ultimate event I got one and a half you guys are tied we got to use the same cars but I got to go grab a big big ramp ready transition all right boys we got the long jump competition we're going to see who can make it the furthest uh through some questionable OB what the heck is that I've added some audience members to the group here I got a lot of audience that I've added here you talking about the fleshy people on the roof and the windo the skeleton Those are nasty yeah these are gross what are you talking about they're beautiful snake wait what I put that there that's for reasons oh okay yeah you know what you go first okay I go first so what's the plan I just got to jump and see how far I can go see how far you can make it get am I allowed to be in god mode wait you can't back up from here we got to go from the same point ding dong yeah oh really oh okay yeah that be cheating all right C me in then you need to stop stop the car okay here we go oh jeez four 5 6 7 go okay here we go he's got this my car's wobbling a little bit the back runs not like the poop runs but you know he's got all right uh that is a disqualification yeah disqualification please that doesn't even count go I'm still alive here we go no no no no no got to take that at an angle like this no oh no yeah that's good okay I'm better to go okay okay let's see how think that we might need a vehicle with suspension yeah I think so but what happens if if I make it no that doesn't count okay yeah I do agree need a big we need a truck or something we need a truck all right cyber trucks big J cyber trucks big drops yeah who can make it the F who can make it the furthest now I also added some audience members over here as you can see the right here we not want to see your fleshy people cars look at they did the islands I added a wind are we going all at the same time are we going in separate windo let's do um a house what do you think a B I mean we could try to run with all three of us you know you want to try that all right okay all three at the same time now how do we count what flavor do we count in uh balone blueberries blueberries okay so red berries blueberries green berries go okay I'm waiting a little bit there we go I'm going I'm going not very fast wait they get boost boost wait no they don't they don't oh my goodness um I mean techically did you see how far I made it wait hold on um wait hold on wait I didn't make it yet I'm still driving you didn't make it wait hold on sa sa I'm still hit the wp here oh my gosh look guys look where I landed guys look where I landed why you guys landed that far I landed so fared okay maybe we should try different maybe a a truck that's not stupid yeah I'm just saying that I don't like the Cyber truck so guys guys yeah you want to guess who picked this vehicle not me mine's honken oh very smart person no dude look how cool it looks take off go one at a time there's no way make it go hold on I got to balance out my tires first he's going I hit the thrusters he hit the thrusters okay good attempt good attempt my turn my my piece is count my piece is count how far did my piece make it uh I'm don't think counts to the middle pass the skeleton pass you don't get it you did light one of the fleshy cars on fire oh oh no that's a bonus my poor flesh people okay here we go wheelie whe wheelie it doesn't drive this thing does not drive chooses and then watch this guys you know but what if we just get out veh on oh my goodness that St Point holy moly that was really good on the head I got a lot to uh to come up to here okay I got yeah you do yeah you do yeah you better win this I'm going to win this you are definitely winning now that was crazy good that does a say work oh my gosh wait there's still a chance there's still a chance there is no chance the fire station wait how okay hold on what if I go real quick and just try to save him okay okay you know I'm going to go over top just cuz of reason cuz I have no clue how to drive this thing okay okay why would you that'll be fun okay boost okay the th it's the boosters are a problem okay there's Koto there you go I got to I got to get a um you know what yeah you guys were at two points I was at one and a half you want to know what you win what do I win what do I win you see that mansion in the middle of theity guyss hey you see that mansion in the middle of the city yeah get in it with the Obie can go with you okay a man I don't want no I can't I have a you want a mansion you're going to get in it you're going to like it I have a sick I have a sickness today I don't want to be around get in the Mansion hold on I got to fix my Mansion get in the Mansion you're going to like it are you all in the Mansion wait y that was not what I intended here oh set it back up where it was I'll put the let me put the Mansion right I can't find it here wait where's my car this ain't a mansion this is a weird car monster listen y'all ruined the entire video todayy grab that and stick it on the runway and you guys are going to enjoy it spy one video wait I found the Mansion okay go put it on the runway yeah put it your butt you're not sticking a mansion in somebody's butt okay my Mansion okay you two get in the Mansion oh I got a gaming room he's got a gam room I got a gamer room compu the airport yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just get over there airport yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just get the Manion you guys are about to receive your prize congratulations get in yeah we got a free Magic days free magion okay get on the second floor where the uh you kind of see hey look out that window you OB no turn right no my goodness you went left turn right that way that window okay Spidey he's at the RO quick I want to get on the roof hold on stop can you can you bust out the window spy let me get the RO you can't bust okay ready three two one oh H 3 2 1 is it pinned oh my goodness give me a second tties just fly it just fly it it's not a plane here we go I win that was totally worth it that was worth it that was that was awesome no no no
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 614,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brick rigs, brick rigs gameplay, brick rigs game, brick rigs train, brick rigs race cars, brick rigs multiplayer race, brick rigs missile, brick rigs multiplayer drag race, brick rigs street race, brick rigs missile race, brick rigs drag race, brick rigs race crashes, brick rigs camodo gaming, camodo gaming, lego video, lego, lego city, lego toy videos, lego video game, lego race, lego drag race, lego race crash, lego missile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 24sec (9084 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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