Using The New Thing I Just Got (I Really Wanted One Of These)

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all right here i am live i'll have to wait just a second tell youtube catches up so i can mute it oh it's really waiting there we go all righty we got everything all set up and going here yeah i got a new thing it's a thing that i wanted for quite a while and uh i lucked out and found one because they're not real common but i'll show you that in just a minute or so of the other stuff that i found this week that was pretty cool founded at the same place decided last friday that i would go for a little ride was actually halfway decent day for a change and uh you know went out for made a little trip around went up through weyerhaeuser that mentioned jean's used furniture and antiques before if it exists jeans probably got it but odds of finding it ain't real good but i decided to make a little trip past gene's place here because i don't get that way all that often and uh sure enough he had some very nice stuff that i really really needed anyway i also got out yesterday did my usual going round to the uh second-hand stores did my grocery shopping all my running and such i came across this you see there it was 6.99 but pig tags were half off so it was 350 for that that is a magnalite square skillet wagner wear magna light you can see the real reason why i wanted it though was for the lid because let me move these around a little bit it ain't the greatest shape it'd polish up nice and clean but the handle has got a on this side here got a chunk out of it a little bit loose but that'd probably tighten up but that's a uh aluminum wagner one i should do a little bit on some of the aluminum aluminum wagner wear stuff i got a few pieces and uh wagner's been making aluminum cast aluminum pretty much as long as they've been making cast iron but i got that but i already bought it for the lid because i was hoping the lid to be a proper fit for my wagner wear square skillet nice cast iron square skillet but it's a little bit big it doesn't really fit on it perfectly if you're the lid for that aluminum one's just a little bit bigger than the cast iron one but it can be used on that for sure so you know three but 350 it was worthwhile it would have been nice would have been a perfect fit but such is life i guess i like that square skillet those are pretty cool but let me get that set aside because i got a whole bunch of stuff over here a bunch of big stuff i also stopped off at the hardware store had to get a little bit of hardware and uh found some of these that is an under cabinet coat hook what it needed was a swag hook those little hooks you screwed in the ceiling to hang lights off over you know pot plant hangers stuff like that they got one of them but it came across these and i figured i'd give them a try and uh i got one i'll show you that once we get over onto the stove it works out pretty nice but they come with nice little brass screws which are pretty much useless for hanging cast iron you're gonna have to get something a little more substantial you know two and a half three inch screw to go through the sheetrock in your ceiling and you want to make sure that you screw it into a joist but uh yeah i mean this works out really nice you know they're like three bucks for two of them they're fairly cheap and they're sure most hardware stores have them i got it at menards actually but yeah that's real nice for hanging cast iron from your ceiling if you want to hang some pans right by your stove or over a uh over an island in your kitchen a few of them would work pretty nice because you can hang two skillets on the same thing uh what else jeans the stuff i found at jeans [Music] i got one of these that is a nice little gate marked flat bottom pot dutch oven type of thing you see it's got a ap on the bottom that's the only real mark on it other than kind of a little blobby four there on the tab that's pretty nice it wasn't cracked or nothing it's a little crusty inside yet i stripped it off got all the build up off the outside but that's a nice little kettle that'll be good for something but i think i'll wait until it's warm enough outside that i can set up my electrolysis tank and use that to get most of the rust off the inside it's going to be a little bit pitted but it shouldn't be too bad i mean the bottom you can see there's a few pits in there but a lot of these uh gate marks gate mark stuff add a bit of casting flaws to them anyway you can kind of see right up in through here that's not pitting that's actual little waves in the iron because the uh gate mark is where the entrance to the mold was that's where they poured the iron in and the air got out at the same time and what would happen is it would kind of cool the edge of the iron as it flowed down into the rest of the mold so you get a bit of a cold spot with hot iron flowing in next to it it wouldn't necessarily flow together perfectly so pretty much every gate mark skillet kettle dutch oven whatever you find is going to have these little flow marks in them but anyway set that aside that's a nice little deal i also got put that over there something that isn't exactly cookware related but something that i really wanted to find something similar i found me get the cord out of the way that's still in the way uh but over that's a little bit better i found me a nice winch even better instead of just having a straight flat drum on it it's got a cap stand type of drum on it and what i need that for is my well pump because i have tons of iron in my water and down on the well it tends to turn into a real fine rusty salty muck and it'll eat well pumps after five six seven years so i'm fairly constantly pulling the damn well pump up and i want something like this because i can build a stand and i have a rope tied to the pump so i can pull that up with a rope but with this i can wrap two or three wraps well three or four wraps around it and as you crank it up it'll pull the rope up but you can also the extra rope will come off of the spool because you're not going to get you know 100 feet of rope wrapped around that and it's pretty good shape what i'm going to do is i'll take it apart and you can see where these axles go through there i'm going to drill holes in the top and put grease zerks in there so that i can grease the axles up clean it up good build a stand for it and it should work pretty slick for pulling the well pump or for pulling up anything else i gotta do a little bit of fixing on the handle kind of reinvent that a bit but the other the other nice thing is it just slides off and all of the uh ends of the axles i could put it on there anywhere i could put it directly on the drum or i could put it here and gear it down because the uh there's about 30 feet of water in the well it's 100 foot deep and there's about 30 feet of water in there most times so when you pull the pump up for the first 30 feet you're lifting that entire column of water and it takes a bit of yeah pull it up let it wait let it drain back down because the pump isn't that much smaller than the well casing so the first 20 25 feet are pretty hard work to get it up but with something like this it'll come out a lot a lot easier and once i got it out of the water i could put the handle right directly on the drum and just crank it up and go a lot faster with it so it'll be pretty slick now let me get my camera back down here where i was more or less see that's pretty good the thing that i was really looking for i got all three of these jeans 50 bucks for the lot for the winch for that dutch oven and for this thing what is that you say that is a cast iron broiler we're using on a wood stove you see that's a wagner patent applied for they made these from 1915 up to about 1940 but this was before 1924 because you know it's an early one as patent applied for later on they started putting a catalog number on it and they started the catalog numbers in uh 1924. so this is before 1924 anyway and you can see that it's actually open inside there it's got these little grill bars in there and you put that on your cook stove and you can use that for broiling steaks pork chops chicken whatever you want to broil over the stove i'm going to do that a little bit later on here once i get uh get closer to the end of the show so because i want to eat when i'm done and the steaks are still nice and warm like i said as you can see you know there's it's open under in between these bars and what it'll do is these are kind of concave and it'll channel any uh grease or fat that renders off from the fat in the meat and then it gets into this little channel around the outside which is really handy it's got a little pour spout there you can see the four spots you can pour it off when you're done and uh what's really handy is as it builds up on the outside you can use that juices and fat to baste the meat with it works all slick i use this a couple of times already i got it cleaned up and all broken i really like this thing this is really neat they do make uh they call them grill pans they're like a cast iron pan basically a skillet that has a series of holes in the bottom and you would use those on a grill you know you wouldn't necessarily do meat and it'd be kind of redundant having a pan of holes in it when you're already cooking on a grill but if you want to make something like uh you know fried potatoes or something like that on your grill get a little bit of the smoke flavor through it they work really slick for that but like i said you know i wanted one of these for a long time and uh you know finally found one got lucky and got got it pretty cheap there's different styles of these they've been making these you know pretty much as long as they've been making wood cook stoles like that some of them have a more open deal or it's just kind of you know a lattice of bars with open spaces in between them and i showed you in fact i could probably show you that again quick you know some of them were just a single thing like this and some of them had two pieces one on top the other so you could flip it over like a uh like you would with a waffle iron let me see if i find that quick if it's going to be easy to find i showed you that thing in this old majestic catalog reprint i got where it's a combination deal with the there it is it's a combination deal it's got a frame like a base on a waffle iron that you set you take both eyes and the uh little spacer piece out of the middle set that over it and it had both a waffle iron and a broiler it also had a lid so anyway you would put that all on there you'll flip it over as you go and what you would do is you would shut off the draft of the stove and you put that lid that it was made out of tin you put that tin cover over it and it had holes in it so that the draft of the stove would draw down through those holes and you wouldn't get uh you wouldn't get smoke in your kitchen or smoke from uh whatever it was you're broiling work pretty slick something like that if you found one i bet you'd pay a fortune for it you've had all the pieces too especially still had the tin cover to it but i've seen these for sale before and the ones like this usually go for anywhere from 80 bucks on up depending you know griswold made some that were like this and they also made some that were a two-piece deal that had a part that went over the top so you flipped the whole thing instead of just flipping the stakes those go for quite a bit more and uh there's a few other brands that are made by stove makers you know those go for a couple hundred a lot of times but i was tickled to death to get this my winch and that uh little dutch oven for 50 bucks so that was a hell of a good deal anyway let me back up here and see what is going on in the comments you want one of those yeah i mean if you can find one it's definitely worthwhile like i said i'll wait a little bit longer here and uh and and uh we'll go over there and make a couple of stakes on it show you how it works well we got here tonight we got six drops and always nice to see you corey clark cast iron restorer mike newby julie glanton well too bad you can't stay around for the whole video hopefully you get to see at least a little bit of this thing in action darla corey clark said hi pink pearl fred rebels prairie queen honey badger honey j badger uh lucked out today as well got a pie logo wagner yeah i've got a little number three pilot pie logo wagner and uh those are real popular i mean that's a lot of people trying to get a little them then go for good money usually i mean that little number three those usually sell for 80 to 100 bucks a piece which is you know a lot for a small skill usually something that size sells for you know 25 30 bucks but there's a lot of demand for them and they only made them for a few years they're not really exactly sure when you know but uh they figure you know maybe 1930 for a couple three years either side of that let's see what do you like cooking best in your square skillet you know those are handy for eggs actually because it's easy to get your spatula in there underneath of them you know i gave one of those away it was a lodge nice little lodge i forget who got that me and you acres good to see you yeah menards is the toy store menards and farm and fleet get a lot do a lot of stuff farm food that's where i get my dog food usually uh mark harper getting a little warmer in ohio not around here yet i mean for the last couple of days it's been cold and rainy you know just barely above freezing but uh it's supposed to get decent this weekend you'll finally start getting something a little bit uh eight pounds per gallon maybe well that's water you know water i think is right around eight pounds a gallon not sure what we're talking about then uh fred rebels yeah you want one of those yeah i'm sure that probably has often you know there's some canadian manufacturer that made that and i would bet uh oh they're a big stove maker too i the name of escapes me they were a canadian canadian company that made stoves and did a lot of uh cast iron hollow wear you know they probably made something like that uh great find finally found one yeah tickled to death brenda 1971 yeah broiler's bad badass yeah it is i mean it's really fun to play with you know you'll see here once we get to cooking on it i got mistakes over there all ready to go except i gotta assault them yet because uh i peppered them you want to make sure they're as dry as you as can be before you put them on and the salt will draw moisture on them so i'd haven't salted them yet but other than that they're ready to go lodge has a similar new ones that go for about 50 bucks you mean the uh the broiler pan they have uh broiler pans that are a skillet that have raised bars in the middle or on the bottom but uh they're not open like this they don't have the you know they're not meant for being used over an open fire they don't have the openings in them and i think that's what is that what you're talking about corey and uh there's a lot of companies that made them and still do uh north shore preparedness good to see you patricia north dakota cowgirl found a number 10 griswold muffin pan today that's cool yeah i've got uh i got a griswold muffin pan and i got uh i think it's imported it's a blue enamel it's a real pretty blue it's got little white speckles on it yeah those are pretty cool too and uh i think they made a few other things like that with that blue speckled enamel howard good to see howard you put an offer on a wood stove like mine that's good yeah yeah i mean you know as long as the uh you know long as the firebox is sound and the uh throw where the flu is is good you can usually use them uh pie logos were made from 1924 to 34. yeah they would have to be after 24 because they have a catalog number on them but they're not exactly sure there's no real records of when they were made but it's sometime in that time frame but it wasn't more than most people think it was about three or four years at the only three or four years that they actually made them but somewhere within that time slot uh do i have a recipe for live bath for cleaning cast iron yeah it's a a one pound container of lye crystals you know 100 live crystals for every five gallons of water and uh you know that's it i mean you can go bigger or smaller from there if you want to make 10 gallons and use two pounds of lye or you know cut it back as you need it make sure you use cold water when you mix it up and it helps if you take one of those uh slotted cat litter scoops and pour it through that and then into the water because a lot of times the lye will kind of clump up inside the container and you don't want to go dropping chunks in splashing stuff back on yourself when you're mixing it up lye does produce heat when it dissolves in water but you it's not so much that with a uh you know one pound and five gallons of cold water it isn't going to heat it up enough to melt plastic it doesn't really heat it up very much at all with that much water so uh just sprinkle it over you know don't dump it all in one pile in the middle you know sprinkle it all over evenly and uh let it dissolve and it won't be a problem it won't melt i do mine into plastic tubs and it won't be a problem you know but if you just dump it all in one spot right in the middle that could heat up enough to cause problems so don't do that i totally want to see that pan and use yeah you will here pretty soon it's just about time i figured i'd do it in the second half of the show the last half hour takes about these are a little bit thinner than the steaks i did before so these will probably take maybe 10-15 minutes and uh you know they won't be told in the cold by the time we get done with the show but yeah it's gonna be you you'll like this it's a pretty neat little thing to have in fact i'm gonna check on my fire quick i got my fire going got fairly hot fast little fire going take this with me and it should be in pretty good shape [Music] a little too fast with fire so burned down a little bit more than i wanted it to but it'll catch up in a few minutes get that that's why i split that wood there down pretty small so it burns fast and uh i'll get some flames because i want a little bit of flame underneath but instead of just doing it over over just uh coals but it burned down a little bit more than i really wanted to before i started in fact i'll slide that over get it warming up song and i got that okay i'm all ready to go and as soon as fire gets caught back up to where it needs to be we'll go ahead and make some stakes on that got a couple nice little pieces of sirloin got a uh a sirloin tip roast which is a lot cheaper than any of the steaks that they had wasn't too bad of a price it was 650 pound yeah i mean it's higher than it used to be but it isn't too far out of line a lot of the uh pre-cut stakes pretty much everything you want you know pretty much any of the stakes are going for around 750 to 10 bucks pound for uh most anything so uh you know a good bit cheaper if you buy a roast and cut your own steaks out of it it used to be this time of year you could get uh whole sirloins real cheap you know like a 15 20 pound whole sirloin and you could uh cut them up into steaks because you know you know starting about the first of april or so on into uh early may the butchers the uh meat packers would like to clear out a lot of their bigger cuts and they put you know things like whole sirloin whole round on sale so that they could make room for you know the uh for the barbecuey steaks you know most of your more hamburger more uh more of the cuts that are popular for grilling but i haven't seen that in a couple three years you know so it's and it used to be real cheap i mean you get it for 253 bucks pound you know for a 20 pound chunk of meat and uh comes you could cut a ton of steaks out of it but even so it's still something you can uh you know if you can find something like that at a decent price you're usually better off buying a whole roaster like a whole pork loin you can usually find those fairly cheap on sale too nowadays and uh just cut pork chops out of the whole pork loin you just slice across it i mean it couldn't be simpler make them as thick or as thin as you want them and you got boneless pork chops and same thing with steaks you know a whole round or a whole sirloin or something like that you usually save a lot of money doing it that way it's not all that difficult you know once you get the hang of it you see which way the grain is running you can uh definitely save a lot of money doing that sirloin sirloin steaks with salt and pepper yep that's what they are about a whole prime strip line on sale for 250 yeah yeah i mean you know the whole loins like that you know for prime rib you're getting the whole prime rib or uh or or a whole loin you know those are always more expensive a lot more so nowadays but still it's gonna be a lot cheaper than getting that much poundage of pre-cut steaks if you get a whole strip like that beef tenderloin with 71 kilo here yeah it's that's pretty steep well that'd be 35 a pound yeah see uh jeremy price didn't really look at the uh tenderloins but i think that new york strips that were going for i think 12 bucks a pound these are got pretty good prices on the meat at our local uh grocery store i wonder how a nice piece of salmon be on that probably be real good you know i haven't done them yet but i got some pork chops i want to try on there you know you could do pork chops chicken like i say a nice salmon steak would be real good on this didn't realize folks clinging to restoring cast iron hollow where yeah i mean that's it's got to be yeah i mean it's a fun hobby i mean they're restoring it is actually most of the fun really you know cleaning things up and you know you get mystery pans you got so much build up on them you can't really tell what they are exactly you know sometimes you get a pretty good idea you know based on the you know different things different uh you can see the number on the handle a lot of times you can kind of tell what it is or shape of the handle or the general shape of the pan and uh you get a rough idea but there's so much stuff on you can't tell exactly what it is and uh i mean sometimes it could be a pleasant surprise you can find out you got something that's pretty scarce i've got a couple of them a couple of skillets you know i bought this on a chance i could tell it was an old skillet you know something from before about 1920 but no idea what it was and uh they turned out to be pretty cool i got a artistic logo eerie skillet which is pretty sought after i mean they only made them for about a year i think it was 1907 was the only year they made those you know paid 25 bucks for it and it's worth about 300 now that's all cleaned up and ready to go yeah it's a lot cheaper you know if you know somebody that raises cows it's cheaper to buy a cow than it is to buy a steak you know the uh the live price for livestock is nowhere near what they're beating you for on the retail of it you know it always was but the last couple years the spread between you know an on-the-hoof cow and what you pay for a piece of that cow has gotten just insane you know the uh the farm price of cattle has hardly changed really in the last few years in spite of the huge raising meat prices uh made that mozzarella recipe i posted came out good yeah great that uh powdered milk mozzarella remember the good old days when dave thomas from wendy's a bit on the cows at the state fair talk about when burgers were the best yeah i have to make another pizza with it okay i think the fire should be pretty much good i'll check on that and i'll get the light turned on and camera spun around oh yeah we're doing good just a couple more bits [Music] and we should be underway i'm going to cover this up so you don't get vertigo when i spin you around my camera turned my microphone around to where you can still hear me cooking by the stove that should be a good enough spot for that [Applause] turn my light on there we go yeah there's one of them hooks in action up there that double hook and you can hang two swing my mic out of my way you can hang two skillets [Music] face to face with it [Music] and it works pretty good but anyway let's see switch down here we can see the cooking going on down on the stove grab my stylish welding and cooking hat so i don't sweat in my eyes standing over my hot stove grab the steaks salt them a little bit okay make sure i'm not getting in my own way move the mic back closer there we go and we'll get this shin dig dug like i said i wanted a fairly hot fast fire so i want a little bit of flame to get underneath there i'm going to damper that back down we'll get that heated up and once it's hot i'm going to brush it with a little bit of melted butter to help keep things from sticking and then throw the steaks on there i got a couple of nice pieces of sirloin all salted and peppered and ready to go it's just a matter of giving that a minute to get hot well it's doing that i'll check back here i'm not number 10 large logo just nailed to the garage for years yeah i mean you can find uh you know a lot of times at flea markets and stuff especially second-hand scores you got stuff with so much build up on it they don't bother to clean it first if you know what to look for you can really really make some good deals on stuff all okay let's see here that's heated up good give her a little brushing down and i'll use a little bit of my extra butter here to baste them the base of steaks once a little closer to done [Music] let's see better get just a little bit warmer give that just a little more air so she gets gets a bit hotter underneath there let's see yeah that sounds good [Music] grab myself clean plate yeah it's just a matter of cooking them up no i didn't forget the salt i salted them before i brought them over so the oven is similar to high medium low depending on how close you're cooking to the fire yeah if you're you know cooking on the stove top instead of right over the open flame like this you can put a skillet right over the fire like this but usually you have the eyes closed it's hottest right back in here where it goes out towards the uh chimney and it's cooler over here where you're farther away from the firebox so you just find you know where the hottest parts hottest spots are on the stove and you watch as you cook things just to see how everything's doing you gotta turn things fairly frequently because it'll be a little bit warmer on one side the other there's a little bit of a knack to it but it doesn't take too long to pick up on it and once those uh sear good they'll uh let go meat will always stick to cast iron when you first put it on or any protein even eggs but once it starts to cook a little bit and brown it should let go and then you flip it over and it won't really stick you know pretty much any panel do that if you try and flip over eggs too soon you know you're going to end up breaking them up and they're going to end up sticking but if you let them dry a bit it'll start to brown a little on the bottom they'll release themselves oh yeah fire's doing nice now i'm not going to get a whole lot of fat out of these you know there's not much fat on them you know like i said you can use the juices that cook out to baste them with which is really nice but i got that extra butter there too hit him with that peek at them it shouldn't take too overly long these aren't the ones i was using before were really thick you know these are pretty thin give them just another minute or so on that side show you a quick here you can see the nice grille marks on them probably throttle my air down just a little bit that little butter yeah yeah it would have been nice to find this a little bit sooner in the year because i'm kind of the point now we're just about done using this for the season it'll be another couple of weeks yet where it won't be so hot but uh i don't really use this in the summertime i could if i wanted to but i'm also just about out of wood do for the year so how do i like those new teflon basting brushes i don't know i don't have one i've always used these uh natural bristle ones like that there's a camera and uh you can get in the paint department any hardware store you get those real cheap little chip brushes they call them and those work pretty slick for for basting so yeah i don't know i've never really tried one but i know what you're talking about they got their little silicone uh brushes got little silicone nerds on them so i can cook on the stove or outside or outside yeah you could uh you know supposed to open the doors and the windows but when it's you know 90 degrees outside you really don't want to fire going inside the house but a lot of people in the old days would have a uh have a summer kitchen basically a little lean to built onto the house and they would move the stove out into the kitchen you know especially in the southwest so ungodly hot all the time so you wouldn't heat up the house soon time to get hardwoods for smoking outdoors yeah i wish i would have had a little bit of cherry because uh cherry is i love that for smoking and i used on my grill and my smoker all the time and cherry trees are pretty common around here but i don't have any uh any on hand at the moment sorry yeah i have a regular you know electric stove uh you like how they don't send the bristles and easier to clean up they seem to drip more yeah they don't look like they're really absorbent you know where uh you know natural bristles soak up pretty good you see here put this on you get them over yeah they feel like they're just about done too i'll face this side and give maybe another minute i think we'll be ready i feel like they firmed up pretty good i think we're good to go so i will take them right off of there aside and get him off the fire and i'll have to move you back around sitting there smoking a little bit there's some of my pile of iron you just see the end of that speckled blue uh muffin pin and a bunch of other stuff got a little pile of number threes all seasoned up working working on some of my huge backlog close yeah and i will get my camera back where i need to be with it move my mic i think we're pretty good here yeah i gotta turn that light off too hopefully i didn't overcook these we'll see how they go i get my mic move back oops do they make an actual grill insert for wood stoves yeah that's basically what that is there's also another style that's kind of like a shallow pan and uh you see them they call them sad iron heaters or they're a solid bottom but you would take both eyes and that center piece out over the firebox and it would sit down lower closer to the fire and you'd use that for heating up sad irons you know cast iron for ironing clothes but they make something like that that had a uh slotted bottom too you know yeah there's a lot of different uh different variations on the uh on those you know i showed you the picture that one from the uh majestic catalog where it's you know got a frame like a wall flyer and the waffle iron has both a waffle iron and the uh girl that you flip over well let's see here let those sit and rest a little bit longer they feel like they're barely done i like mine medium rare maybe up to medium and i'd rather undercook them just a little bit than older usually yeah align the tank oh decent all for all around smoking yeah you know i use a lot of oak in my i have one of those uh it's an older smoker grill it has the firebox off on the side and big round you know smoker chamber and i usually just use wood in that and uh i use mostly ultra firewood so i got hope for that it works real nice but like i said cherry is really nice i mean cherry wood has a real nice smell to it and uh the smoke it picks up a real nice real nice flavor to stuff you smoke with it a little bit here uh what was i basting with that was a melted butter i usually put a little bit of melted butter on it on the uh grill before i threw it through the steaks on and then basted them with uh base of them with it yeah you can get uh mesquite and hickory around here and get you know hickory chips mesquite chips you know wherever they sell uh barbecue grills i haven't seen pecan but i haven't really looked for it either crazy steak these yeah the steaks have been spending like i said i got i cut these out of the roast because it was a lot cheaper oh yeah the dog had to come in and see what i was up to well let's see did i cook these guys right it could have been a little bit more done but that's plenty good for me it tastes real good i mean that's as good as anything you get off a barbecue grill there you go now quit bugging me of course i'll just encourage you to bug me more you can't really see how done it is there yeah it's done just about just about perfectly but yeah that's definitely definitely a worthwhile investment but i finally found that thing i can't wait to try some like pork chops on it or uh you'll do some chicken on it that'd be really good too like a grilled chicken i finally found a griswold waffle iron to go with your base needs cleaning but 72 total investment i'm happy yeah uh you know because a waffle iron with a base you know griswold most of them are going hundred twenty five hundred fifty bucks a piece so uh you put it together for less than that you're ahead of the game yeah the pup is eating better than rev already yeah you know the silly dogs around here get fed pretty good uh pat hirsch good to see you you're gonna sit there and eyeball the camera and make everybody think your poor deprived dog needs something more to eat ain't you there you go uh what type of pan did i use you started a watch light well it's not really a pan it was a uh it was a broiler made for a wood stove i'll have to set this that winch is in my way there we go [Music] those will stay put i'll go grab it quick hopefully it's not too hot to handle yet that's a broiler pan made for a cook stove you can see it's got slots in there that's a wagner wear grip hot grease on myself that's a wagner wear from before 1920 and uh or 1924 and yeah like i said that's a broiler pan for boiling meat on your wood cook stove yeah a local dog has never been fed an entire life according to local dogs that's about right they forget real fast that you just had them well yeah you want i wanted a broiler for the wood stove for a long time and finally found one last week got her all cleaned up and been using it ever since pat hirsch is in the middle of cabin and it's always a fun time of year it wasn't so bad on dairy farms because they were usually spaced out a little bit more but most people raising beef yeah i mean you drop all the calves within about a month and a half and uh you get to be pretty overwhelming at times you've got a whole bunch of cows having calves all at once and they always do just to make life more difficult for you like i said you know on dairy farms it wasn't quite as bad but uh yeah lambs same thing you know you always have a whole herd of lambs all at one piece yeah i'm just about done here it's been 53 minutes yeah like i just said lands fast and furious they all come at once anyhow yeah i'm going to wrap this up i'm going to eat my steaks i had 10 in one day yeah that's probably work 189 head off all together but anyway yeah that's the joys of farming anyhow i'm gonna eat my steaks i'm gonna say goodbye for now trying to keep my dog away from the rest of it before it gets old before i do and i'll see you guys next week next week i think i'll do uh another one of those little kind of looks around and stuff that on auction sites look a little bit more at uh wagner ware items and any other oddities that i come across you know just to see what's out there and you know like subscribe join the channel if you feel so inclined and uh hope you guys see hope you guys have a nice week and i'll see you all later and where's my button there it is
Channel: TheMudbrooker
Views: 2,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RMuJB5vdFc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 21sec (3261 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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