Using SQL Server Data Tools SSDT

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hello this is Lin blanket for all things data and today I'm going to talk about using sequel server data tools this is an update to a previous presentation that I did to reflect some of the new changes and additions to the data tools but if you didn't watch that one I'll also be covering the basics so let's get started first a little bit about me I work in Microsoft technologies Google no SQL and Hadoop technologies as a technical trainer and a practicing big data architect I used to be an employee at Microsoft and I've been doing work on all these various stacks so as we start to work with sequel server data tools let's get a high level of what this is in this screencast I'm going to focus on Visual Studio 2012 integration however SSD T will work with Visual Studio 2010 and also detail how that goes as well it's a set of tools and services around the software development lifecycle for databases it also encapsulate s-- what was the business intelligence development studio and more and as I mentioned it's integrated individual studio an aspect of it which is called a DAC PAC is integrated into sequel server management studio and into Azure and I'll be showing all of these during the screencast so now that we've heard the what let's take a look at the why you might want to take a look at these tools and try them out and I've been increasingly giving this demonstration that I'm recording for actual customers it's one of the reasons I'm creating it because I'm finding a lot of these pain points exist very commonly out there in the wild so the first is a database schema synchronization and the driver is something like hey it works on my dev box my solution why does it work on production so I've seen various implementations of this in the wild most the time people just use sequel scripts sometimes they'll use other third-party tools which are also great and I'll talk about at the end but one of the great aspects of sequel server data tools is that it's absolutely free so if you're just using sequel scripts there is a sort of better answer here well look at another thing is data synchronization itself I sometimes run into the question why are the report results incorrect when I'm running on my person Apple staging environment when it's just supposed to be a duplicate copy including data of production so there's data synchronization tools in SS DT as well refactoring if I change the name of a table or column what's going to break in the code and then addition in version targeting you know what are the features that are unique to sequel a sure what features are deprecated in the various versions of sequel on-prem if I've got environment with 2008 and 2012 what's going to work what isn't how do I keep this stuff straight so there's more but those are the most common pain points that cause me to show SS DT to customers so SS DT itself is really two things it includes in what's shown in yellow here the database services around the database lifecycle management and then it includes business intelligence development studio and why that's important is because the release cadence has been confusing and one of the reasons I'm making this screencast is I see a lot of questions on Stack Overflow in different places of people how do I get the tools and what's what and how do I work with it so I'm gonna try to clarify that here but from a high level there are two separate pieces so to get started you would do one of two things if you're using Visual Studio 2012 you do have a part of sequel server data tools the database services or the yellow or showing yellow on the last slide already in the product if you're using Visual Studio 2010 you have to download the core portion for both of them you do have to download the business intelligence section and you'll probably also want to download some of the new enhancements around dat packs so this is the location you just search on sequel server data tools and you click on get it and and it'll look like this and this is a I'm recording this in July 2013 you can see there was a update as of June 2013 that contained improvements around data compared it was the introduction of data compare build and deployment contributors extensibility API and updated dak PAC framework so that is also a separate download so you can see here's the downloads and notice you have the two-part download for 2012 the VI VI tools for 2012 so again drilling down the core download is included in 2012 for 2010 Visual Studio you download it forbids you have to download it for both of them and then there are updates which you have to download which are ROM data to application framework that just came out so let's start with dak pack and back pack they are types of zip files so they are containers for other files and dak pack is really where it began the idea is it's a version of Ellora versioned container for database schema and more database schema you can think of as your sequel scripts your DDL back pack includes a BCP of your data so that's where the B comes from and back pack they were originally designed to work with sequel a sure and as you're gonna see in the demonstrations the functionality is most built out to migrate on-premise sequel server apps to sequel hashers so in other words it doesn't work for everything on Prem - on Prem but that isn't in the roadmap even when I was still employee your and half go that was in a roadmap so I assume it still is so let's get started with a demo so I'm gonna start actually by working with DAT packs these containers in management studio because that's typically where the life cycle will begin doesn't have to be but it often is so here I am in management studio for single server 2012 you can see it's 6 over 11 and I've got an on-prem edition of sequel Express it really doesn't matter what version you have also it goes back a couple versions I think to 2005 so I'm just gonna take a very simple database here called ebooks and I'm going to right click on it and go to tasks and then you'll notice I have a whole bunch of stuff in addition to the generate scripts now most of my customers are still just using scripts unless they're using some third-party tools but now we can sort of go to a higher level and we can extract as a data to your application or a DAC pack we could deploy directly to sequel Azure we can export data to your application which I'll show you the differences when we were in the wizard we can register and this would be is if we were using the Enterprise version of sequel server and we could monitor DAT packs for changes to schema and then we could upgrade so if a developer worked on a schema generated a new DAC pack and handed it back to a DBA than they could upgrade production server based on that so let's start with extracting so everything's wizard driven here and you can see it says what it does so basically you're gonna extract a DAC from an instance of sequel server to a DAC pack so you're just going to go through and say okay you have an app name this is really important the version name in the description and I'll just say test for YouTube and then where this is going to be located and I'm just going to put this in a location where I can find it so I'll put it inside documents and just put it inside of here notice it's a DA CPAC I can say overwrite existing yes or no and then it's going to check here to see if all of the features of the database are buildable in a DAC pack when this technology first came out it was specifically for sequel azor which was a that time a very small subset of what sequel server was so a lot of the DBA s really poo-pooed app packs and said you know they don't work with so many of the features for on-prem it's not really usable which is a valid thing but as more and more the features are included they become more interesting form on Prem and cloud scenarios so notice we haven't success and we're gonna say finish and now if we wanted to look at this we would just go out and we would go to the location and we would have this DAC pack which would should be in here and here it is and I can right-click it and I can unpack it and if I unpack it then inside of here what I've got is I've got metadata model and then inside of here I have all the sequel from the books database and you can see it's nice and clean okay one of the useful options of deck packs is that will generate a script for all supported objects in sequel server so not just you know tables and views but things like you know whatever and I really honestly haven't check the documentation to see what's supported but the plan is to support everything so you know what any anything in sequences and either new 2012 things will all be eventually supported also security policies if you're doing policy based management so now if I wanted to work with that backpack what I could do I can under tasks here is I could so I did an extract and you thought that did now if I said export what would happen is the wizard will help you support schema and data so extract is just the schema export is schema and data and notice that it does that to a backpack format so I'm gonna go ahead and do that and notice I can say this to a local disc or I can save it to Windows Azure and if I'm saving it to Windows Azure then I'm gonna save it out to blob storage and the reason for this will become clear when we move over to the portal but for right now I'm just gonna save it to the local and I'm just going to call it books backpack and if I go inside of here I can actually select which of the objects I don't really care about this diagram so I'm going to just say ok on that and next and it's saying that the file exists I'm going to override it because I did it once before and finish and notice see hi in addition to exporting the schema it now exports the data ok so that's the difference between a backpack and a backpack and export and extract so now if we go here and then I say deploy to sequel Azure then I can take this and deploy this to sequel Azure so I have to make a connection to sequel Azure and I've got that set up right here and then I said came on a new database called books and notice it's going to create a temporary backpacking in this is really an important metaphor if you're going to work with sequel Azure at all because it's not backup and restore it's it's important export backpacks or DAP packs if you just scheme a backpack if you want data and then we'll say finish and again we get the same process but notice here we're creating the database on target and then we're going to be deploying this onto the target now I'm working with DAC packs through clicking inside of management studio one of the interesting things about this and I'll just scroll down show you it succeeded is that this is a application programming framework and another this is another reason I decided to make this screencast because with this recent update to DAC we now have DAC FX so you can actually program against this and create your own interface you can use you know PowerShell you can script this kind of thing so it is sort of an important part of the managing inside of here and here I have a connection in management studio to see my sequel azure instance and inside of here you can see there I have the books database ok so that gives you a kind of an idea of how you can work with DAC PACs in management studio on pram and then back and forth with sequel asher just to be complete i'll just right click here and you can see get a subset of tasks but we do have this full support I know by that I mean a subset of options versus the on-prem but we do have this very full support for working with def packs so just you know important part of the Microsoft toolset so here is some details about the DAC FX which was just released last month and I'm just gonna go ahead and remount so you can follow so it's a you know we know what DAC is we just we saw how that worked on management studio we'll see how it works in Visual Studio in just a minute so it's for deployment and management scenarios you can extract or export live databases to DAC or back packs you can deploy them you can migrate on-premise sequel server to Windows Azure meaning Windows sequel Azure and then you have this command-line tool which I'm not going to demonstrate called sequel package to create DAC packet back pack it does require Visual Studio 2012 and one little note I got from the installation is on a x64 you need to install both x86 and x64 because I'm going to show you how to get sequel server data tools for Visual Studio 2012 to do that you go to this URL over here which is just this URL shown in masti at medCom wacky and - us web data web tools SPX and you go to get it and if you click over to here you can see download the data tools as I showed you in the screenshots so you're going to download the appropriate tools and then you also are going to want to download the the update as well so once you have single server data tools it's a little bit confusing to see whether or not they are part of Visual Studio and I've read quite a lot of blog posts and questions on forums of you know did it install do I have it what are the parts and pieces so one of the first things is you will see that there's a new Explorer view inside of Visual Studio and it's called sequel server object Explorer so if you have that then you do have the core SSD T which you should because it's part of 2012 now if you have Visual Studio 2010 you have to download that okay inside of there you'll be able to connect to any version of sequel server I think it's 2005 up including sequel Azure and you'll have this new thing called local DB that we'll talk about a little bit more detail as we go along so next let's take a look at working with SSE T in Visual Studio so here I have a Visual Studio 2012 and let's start with the server Explorer because this is not really new there's some things around Azure that are new but before SSD T we would typically connect to signal server by doing a data connection which still works by the way but really there's very little reason to do that anymore because all you get is kind of a lightweight view of data connections the only reason you'd want to do this is if you're connecting to something other than sequel server you know any of these other things here so if you're connecting to sequel server what you'd rather do is you would rather go to view and sequel server object Explorer or control back slash if that's how you have your keyboard mapped and then you would have this new viewer so inside of here you have two sections you have secret server and you have projects now you're gonna have something called local DB that comes with Visual Studio and this is something like sequel Express but it's not sequel expresses more lightweight and it is you know I've seen again lots of confusion the idea is very analogous to having a Cassini rather than iis and visual studio we have this lightweight process which encapsulates a database functionality so that you can write your code against it without having to install an Express instance or having sequel server per se that you can connect to or on your machine so let's start by looking at our connection because let's let's say we want to start with a live connection even though you really wouldn't have to so to make a connection you just right-click and say add sequel server does nothing new there and you can add you know your a particular server or you can add a cloud-based server on the sequel measure but we'll the start with on prim so inside of here you have a subset of what you've seen management studio so a common question is okay so is this so developers won't work in management studio is Microsoft like abandoning management studio or something no the idea is that developers will be more productive if they just work in one environment so you know if you have management studio you might choose to still work in it but as you're gonna see a lot of the core functionality that you do as a developer is replicated here so you might you might just try this out so let's do that connected functionality first so the scenario is you are working against a live database here and so here's our books database and we have our you know we have our tables and instead of here we want to for example view the data we can do that just like in management studio we could put more data in here same thing I'm not sure if this is an ID field or not I'll find out in a minute because it would give me an error no it's not hey and then so I can I can manipulate if I have permission of course I can view the code notice it's retrieving a definition from the server and here's my code for the table I can make a change to that I could add a new table if I wanted to so I could right click right here add new table and now you'll see something a little bit interesting here I'm gonna make this little smaller so you guys can see it this design surface was created to reflect how developers work so you have common metaphors like you can type in the box here but notice it shows up on the bottom so you also if you would prefer if it's faster for you can do this and say notice how it now notice right now it's showing you an error because it's design time validation so as you can't have two columns of the same name which is good to know and then we can just change that and notice now it stays in sync and this is a common sort of design thing here I want to change the name from table let's call it junk table and notice over here also you have some common activities so if you want to put an index you just right-click add new and then it has all the various indexes that are supported in sequel server you know things like spatial XML selective XML we're just gonna do a you know a normal index and a junk table column has a beam on it and it stubs it out and notice again it shows this okay this is an error because what column do you want it on but again I'm just kind of doing junk stuff here so this is not reflective of you know super good indexing pattern and in here I could then change the name to reflect it and it's just again it's just to make it a little bit easier for you now you'll notice when I save this something interesting that's gonna happen so here I've got this new table doesn't show up over here and I said I'm connected live so what happens when I save this so I'm saving it and it tries to save it as a what it tries to save it as a script now this is a really common and well-designed part of this is that everything in Visual Studio is saved as a script now you can apply changes directly to the live databases or to a copy of it but the default is to save things as a script so the reason I'm fumbly on this is because I don't normally work live I normally I'm just gonna get rid of this and say no I don't even want to save it I'm gonna say yes see what it does that's what always wants to script so I'm just gonna go ahead and get rid of this and say no rather what I would do rather than working live is I would make a local copy in Visual Studio that is disconnected now let's I'm going to show you a couple steps of how this works so you right-click right here and notice before we even do that you can publish this thing as a data to application or extracted or register it that's why I started with def packs because this concept of DAC pack is really fundamental to SSD T but what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a new project and what that's going to do is that's going to create an offline copy into Visual Studio as a project now notice I can add it to my existing solution as a you know data tier or I could create a new solution and then I have import settings and I'm gonna get a folder script structure of schema an object type and I could just say none and get everything in the top level but this is the standard let's say start and as I was saying this is supporting the DAC framework is supporting more and more of the objects in sequel server so if you looked at it a couple years ago and you had a pooh-poohed it you might want to look again because you can see it captures rolls app you know app rolls I mean I'm not going to read all this stuff to you but you can see how much it captures out of this structure which is quite a lot so I'm going to click finish and now I'm actually going to get rid of this object Explorer because I don't really need it the only other thing I might show you is under under projects I do have it over here but to me this is confusing the way I look at it as the left hand is live development which frankly I don't really do very much and I'll also show you here under local dB that there's going to be this is another one books copy do you see it so this is because that's where this copy is actually running but again I think this is a little bit I don't know confusing I use this left side for live and I use the right side for disconnected so I'm actually going to get rid of this and so now I'm going to go over here and you can see that inside of here I've got my three tables so for example let's say I'm gonna work with my authors and I'm going to add I don't know needs or something like that and I save it and of course it stays in sync and then I save it now notice when I'm working disconnected unlike when I was working connected it doesn't prompt me first script it just saves it because it's saving it into the local copy if you will now once you have this local copy what you can then do is you can save it state over time first of all so to do that I have to first build the project and there it's built and then I can take a snapshot of it now when I take a snapshot notice it's a backpack file and so now I have this snapshot that I can use to rollback to or compare to or let's say I have multiple developers working I can have you know portions of the of the schema snapshotted so pretty hand handy use usefulness and also it does appeared a cap so it could be brought back into management studio so now I'm gonna go ahead and make a new table like I did before when I was connected and I'm gonna call it junk table say add and here I've got the design interface and I'll just say name okay and then I'll go ahead and save it again not prompted first script now I'm gonna build again and what I can do is if I have been working all day and I can say you know I can't really remember all the changes or I'm not really sure because like maybe I'm building an application against this I can do a schema compare and I think this is one of the really great features of the SSD T very useful so by default it loads up the current project and then you can do a schema compare to another project so you can pick another project but that would be redundant sort of you could do to a live database so any database you can connect to including cloud or you can do it to a backpack okay so what I needed to do is I needed to find the location which I copied so now I'm going to just go select target and then I'm going to go data to your application and go over here and then paste the path in which I just found by looking for the containing folder and then I'll paste I'll select this books copy and then I'm going to go ahead and run this compare and what this will do is this will compare all the objects and of course obviously we have the junk table which was added since I started working with this now what's really interesting and of course what I could do is I could I could make a change if I wanted to and what Holly would do that notice update is grayed out is I would generate a script and the reason is I can't update this backpack because it's you know it's a file basically so if I click over here it will give me a script so there's my script and there's my table okay now what's interesting about this is that if I change the comparison here let's say that I want to compare I want to clear this and I want to take the I guess I'll take this I'll take the project and I want to compare this to the live database because remember we made that change to the author's table I'll go back and compare this I might have to make the new connection and here now I'm comparing what I have in this project so far to the lab database and I'm going to run a compare and now we can see that we have that one column that's different and we also have this table that's different okay but because we are connected back to that live database if we have permission we can actually immediately update it so we can run that script again but if we click update you sure yes I'm sure and now it created that script and it ran it and we can view the results and we can see that the author's table was altered and the junk table was created now in addition to this some other useful features inside of SS DT and I'm just cleaning up my screen here a bit is this version targeting so I'm going to demonstrate that with the jump table so the jump table right now has a primary key and if I right-click on the project and I go to and go to properties there are several interesting aspects of this you can see right now I'm set targeted for single server 2012 I could target to Windows Azure sequel database 2008 2005 okay let's say I go ahead and I target to Windows Azure sequel database and I saved that now if I go to my junk table and I remove the fact that this is a primary key I just take that off I save it and then I attempt to build I actually get a failure on the build now because junk table does not have a clustered index clustered indexes are required for inserting data in this version of sequel server now if I go ahead and I change this back to sequel server 2012 and I save it and I rebuild it I do not get an error because of course clustered index are not required so that's an example of the version targeting that is included which i think is super useful as maybe you're migrating from one you know version or addition to another or going to the cloud now in addition to selecting your target platform you can select your output types so notice here comes our friend DAC pack again and inside of here you can set the version numbers and of course if you're using source control which you should be you can check this in and out of source control and have it versioned and commented notice I'll show you if you are purist and you want those sequel scripts you can do that here and you can go even more granularly by clicking on the database settings and if any of these settings are important for your particular implementation notice how it's a very very you know much the same as what you get in terms of options for sequel server now in addition to this if you click on build you can specify the locations of the build files the output file name so for continuous integration and how you're going to deal with T sequel warnings and T sequel you know warnings or errors so you might wonder where this comes from and if you have control over it so this is one area another area is under code analysis now code analysis is like an FX cop but for an C sequel or T sequel so this will warn but not prevent build so you know one of my favorites avoid the use of select starred store procedures views and table valued functions you know you can say whether you want that turned on and whether you want it set as an error or not so you know it would fail to build so this is all functionality that is available for you so once you set the properties then after you've done your development work you'll probably want wanting to deploy this result to some staging or production environment so the options there after you've built are and of course you can run the code analysis is to publish so when you publish you set the target a database name so you can just go in there and connect to anything including C closure you set the database name the script name you can optionally register it as a data to your application you can block publish win database has drifted from a register version you have a number of features in the advanced here as well you know drop and recreate so on and so forth and you can see again advanced deployment options so pretty sophisticated in the level of configuration available you also have this ability to save connection information as a profile so if you don't want to be entering it all the time and then you can load that profile so once you configure this you create the profile and you save it and then you can load profiles notice you can also always generate a script so let's say I wanted to deploy this and I wanted to deploy it back as books copy then I say ok and notice I could create this as a profile and then I could save the profile as and there save it and I'm just gonna overwrite it because I did it once and then I can generate a script or I can publish and then this is publishing this back out now this is schema only this is not data and now if I wanted to check I could also go over here and I could use my server object Explorer and I could do a refresh and look on my server then I could see that I have my books copy and there it is in that demo I took a look at working with sequel server in the next demo I'm going to take a look at working with sequel asier so in this demonstration I'm going to show you how to work with SS TT and sequel azure so what I have done is I have created a sequel Azure instance in the Windows Azure portal and here it is online and inside of here I have two databases so if I want I can look at my server so there's my server and then I could create a database or look at the databases here as well and here it takes me back to the first section so here's the books database that I pushed up earlier now interestingly if I wanted to add a database I can just you know click here and add a blank new database one thing that I have found working with customers is really the metaphor for backing up and restoring if you will is import and export so if I wanted to take this books database and do I have data in it I think I do yeah okay and then I wanted to export it notice it would export out to this blob storage and I'll just put it out into here and it will export it as a backpack file and then now it is being exported you can see there now while that's happening let me go back over to the top level at the level of the server if I wanted to work with that backpack file or any backpack file then I would get a backpack URL select my account select my container and there it is and then open and then choose my server and then import that back in now if I wanted advanced database settings I have that available as well I'm not gonna bother with that just say ok and then that's gonna bring that back in so you can see this idea of working the backpacks is pretty key to working with sequel Azure now in addition to that one of the development challenges as I showed in the previous demonstration is that sequel Azure has some feature differences from on-premise sequel server whether it's 2008 2012 whatever so if you are like most developers developing an on-prem and then you want to push a copy of your database up to Azure this feature that I showed earlier version targeting inside of Visual Studio where you can go to the project settings and set your target platform from whatever you are working at on Prem to Windows as your sequel database is quite useful of course if you want to publish all you have to do is right-click and go to publish and then rather than putting in on Prem version you can push to sequel Azure so I showed you quite a few of the enhancements but probably not all of them so I have a law screenshot here and I might jump back and show me if I've missed so I showed you the new table designer how it stays in sync and has the most common tasks to the right I showed you the offline projects where you have this offline copy of your schema of sequel server I did not show you ad database reference so that's pretty self-explanatory from the screenshot you can just right click and add a reference to an existing DAC pack again one of the things I hope you take away from this presentation is the prevalence of dak packs throughout these Microsoft tools I did show you the schema compare and how depending on what is being connected you'll have the option either to generate a script or generate a script or directly update the target one thing I didn't show you but you can see by the filter and this is an older version you can filter so for example if you only wanted to bring up the differences in let's say users and you didn't you weren't concerned with the differences in tables you could create a script that is a subset one thing I didn't oh I didn't show you the refactoring let me jump back and show you that because that's really kind of interesting so let me go to a more interesting database that has more dependencies I'll do adventureworks and I'm going to create a new project and I'll just call this adventureworks copy and I will create that deck pack again and then I'll click finish now inside of here if I want to make a change within the sales Lt schema rather than TBL schema there's Prada dependencies and you know it's always a nerve-wracking thing so one of the great aspects of these tools is you have the type of refactoring support built-in that we're used to in you know regular application code so for example if I want to change the I don't know I'll just pick something here the name of this table I can just right click on it and then I can get refactor I'm going to select the first refactor this is a bit tricky so the second this is from having me sharper so the first refactor I must say renamed I must say customer address 1 and preview changes and say ok and it's going to show me here all the different references to that really handy so it's a great feature another thing that I forgot to show you that I'll show you once I'm in here is this new feature about data comparison so I can compare the data from this instance for example of books to anything else that I might have so let me so I can compare the data as well as the schema if you notice here I can compare different records only in source only in target identical and say next and I can say what is I want to compare and finish and I can see that I have differences in records so I have and here it shows me the actual different difference in the record this is a really great feature that it's gonna be super useful for lots of us so this is the data compare and it's so new I actually forgot to show you so it's over here on the left side on the live side ok showed you the code analysis settings I showed you the publishing and I showed you the version targeting I just finished showing you around software development lifecycle for databases of course the second set of functionality is around bids or the replacement for the business intelligence development studio and not everybody will use that but I'll just give you a quick demo on what that looks like as well so use those features you would say file new project and business intelligence now if you have the object Explorer but you don't have the business intelligence remember you have to download that separately very confusing for people but I did provide the links in the deck earlier and here you can make SSAS cubes or tabular models you can make integration services projects or SSRS reports so I don't have any of this functionality installed so I can't deploy any of this so let's give it a try and here yeah indeed it says I have to select an announce the services instance I don't have one so I can't actually create this at all because I just have sequel Express so you still have to have an engine to run it against that you have to connect to so that's another part of this so again same thing if I go you know here and I said okay I'm going to create some reports I don't remember if I installed reports are not on here I'll find out so here I can create reports I would just be creating a new report and let me try SSIS just for completeness here for integration services you can create can you let's see I want to just make sure let me just do something really simple it's going to drag on a data profile task and just edit that because it's quick and I will make a connection here and I will do a quick profile to one of my tables here and then I will see if this will run that's kind of cool so I was able to create a package even though I only have sequel Express installed on here so that's kind of useful okay so that's a very quick look at the business intelligence capabilities you have to have a tabular analysis services instance to make tabular models or cubes you can create reports even without reporting services and you can create and test ssize packages so that's cool there are alternatives to SSD T there are great products and I've used them with Auto customers but I just wanted to make this screencast because I find that SSD teeth is the price is right for a lot of my customers so you know if you need even more functionality than what I showed you here you want to take a look at some of the Redgate tools toad for a single server or I dare a sequel comparison those are even more having more features and functions but they don't have license fees so if you've stuck with me this long probably going to try this thing out so to get ready to work with it you're gonna have to determine which versions of sequel server you're going to have on your environment less that's also important because it works of 2005 on up to 2012 don't think it works with the 2014 preview don't know and importantly which version of Visual Studio now you actually don't have to have Visual Studio I didn't mention that earlier because if you don't have Visual Studio you can just download the tools which also is really handy if you do it'll just come in as a template but you know there's three parts and pieces there's the core functionality there's the so that's the life cycle stuff there's the bids functionality and then there's the DAC FX stuff which I didn't show in much detail I just talked about frankly because it's just come out and I haven't spent a lot of time with it but it's extensible hooks into the DAC framework so download all the parts get used to these DAC PACs and take a look at backpacks if you're working with sequel Azure because this is really key in core to the database life cycle functionality management in the Microsoft tools try out the BI functionality and then stay up to date on this on the SSD T team blog that that's the most recent information was current information about it so before I end this out if you listen this long one other thing I want to mention is in addition to my work as a professional big data architect and trainer I run a nonprofit to teach children to program so our core offering is free courseware and online training for teachers so we have free lessons in Java Microsoft smallbasic we also have a set of for Microsoft developers really rather than teachers on C sharp on plural site which is actually free you don't even have to have coresight subscription under teaching kids programming so you know teach your kids to program because they're not having that opportunity in school really super important and to that end Microsoft actually nominated us along with many other wonderful charities to potentially win up to $50,000 to help grow tkp so if you have a minute try it or course one if you like it go to Azure devs comm and vote before October 31st because it's it's basically then highest number of votes gets the most money so and you can see as of today we are on the leader board so we would like to stay there so thanks in advance for that so to end out if you like this go ahead and subscribe to my youtube channel write comments I am really focusing on growing my youtube audience and I'm providing as higher-quality technical information as I can come up with follow me on Twitter of course I've written a few books there and if you think that my company will benefit from your services you can reach out to me this way and we'll go from there thank you very much this is Lynn laying it for all things data
Channel: Lynn Langit
Views: 138,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SSDT, SQL Server 2012
Id: uPll3dMxTXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2013
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