SAP ECC MM Training - Master Data (Video 3) | SAP MM Material Management

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hello and welcome to our next session in espionage training so today we'll be starting our next topic master data in semm so let us start this topic as a master data so the topics that we are going to cover today they are what are types of users we have in sa P types of SCP data significance of master data how we can create vendor Macerata how we can copy when the master data material master data and creates formative master and collective entry for storage location okay so let us start with our first part which is types of users in sa P ok so before we start that we just I just want to do it give you a quick overview about the types of user we have in SME so basically types of users in sp ok so basically we have two types of user ok so one is end users ok end users ok I'm not talking about master at I'm just talking about general uses in SAT ok end users okay so who are end users so end users are the people who are using that CP system in a company in a business on their day to day activities ok for example a person working in mmm department in a purchasing department they routing purchase orders receiving their orders maybe someone in the accounting department creating the invoices someone in the sales department cutting the sales order someone in the production department it could in the production order ok so they are the end users or just using the end users ok and second type of user we have is then si pecans tense okay which we are sterling here how to become a speakin certain basically what are the things we need to learn about customizing and everything okay so sed consent and basically they customizing the system as per the business needs can the business have the end users okay for example if I give you a general example you think about say Facebook okay so Facebook most of us have a have an account in the Facebook okay so we have an end users of Facebook but behind the screen in somewhere in in the Facebook head office they have consultant okay they have consultant working there or program of working there okay who are making the screen shared system okay you can see a profile picture on the left operand top right hand side you have you can see the photos videos or not on our screen so who are treating those screens or those setups okay consultant and we are the end-user we're just using them and they customizing them okay so this is what we're learning that to to the activities or the how to customize the system from mmm point of view okay we can also divide the types of user in three different parts actually another person you can add here is what we call it super user super or they also called power users okay so super users are people who are having more knowledge than any user and less than knowledge then consultants okay so basically you can say that they know the system very well okay but not as good as a second second okay so they are basically good for you can say first level of support okay first level support okay but whereas ASAP consultant they can look to look after first second and third level of support okay so that's your types of user now let's move forward now we'll talk about types of data in SP ok types of data in sfe so SP data can be divided into three different types okay first type is your master data okay ma what is master the water supplies like vendor we trade a vendor which way the material we create a customer okay so these are or we can create a pricing record okay so these are the master data okay so master data will be used in that transactional data okay so that first type is the master data second type is a transactional data like we're creating a purchase order maybe sales order invoice production order okay so their transaction data okay we're recording a transaction okay and third type of data in SAT is you're customizing data ok customizing that so basically in this topic what we're learning here is master data how we can set up ASAP mmm master data in the CP system okay more types of master data that we'll see in a minute and other thing is basically add what we learning in this training is a customizing the customizing okay but I cannot show you the customizing from day one okay to learn customizing first we need to understand the how the end users are using the system so basically who what and if the users are doing the creating master data they could in transaction data so first we need to understand that how end-users are using the system and also we need to understand what are the different business scenarios and functionalities provided in the standard icp-ms system once we learn that okay then we'll move on to the customizing gotta know how to customize the system okay so first twenty percent or 25 percent of our training is all about master data and transition data learning then last 75 percent will be starting customizing okay okay so so let's start our master a topic so what is the significance of mass rather okay why we need muscle so first question before we start learning we need to understand why we need master data okay so basically we need master data so that whenever you create a transaction you don't need to enter them thus tend the main data again and again that means for example whenever you create a purchase order system can you just enter the Mindil number system can pull out the information from the man when the master record so let's say this one practically okay so what I will do now I just want to show you that what is the why we need master ok why we need master data so let me show you my wooden master data so let me log into s SP system so for example when I like in the previous topic I curated a purchase order so we'll do the same thing if I create a purchase order using a transaction and me 21 n okay so in the particular screen here what we do is we enter a vendor number so I will enter the mine that number say one zero zero five zero two or uses this number before so let's use this number so we just enter the number here and press Enter let me press ENTER so and it's asking for the purchase organization let me enter the purchase omission thousand obvious thousand for now use any purchasing group just say zero zero zero and company code thousand okay press ENTER again no I just entered the vendor number and this purchase of data okay so if I go to the good through the different tabs say first tab here you can see payment terms where this p.m. item is coming from okay and where this is encoding system in from okay where this is currency that default concede for the customer is coming from they coming from a vendor master Carter okay that means these data are stored in this vendor number one zero zero five zero two okay if I go to the other tab say address that's the address of the vendor where the seller is coming from from that vendor master data okay so that's why we need master data okay another example you find to the material here say abc123 machiya will be using and quantity is say hundred enter it's asking me to enter a plant and price let me into any plant any price enter okay so I entered this this material number okay and here if I go to the last this little tab here expand item details click on that and here if I go to the material data okay you can see is showing you the main material group okay that's a material group okay where it's coming from that is stored in this vendor master abc123 material so that's this these data are stored in I went the master and whenever you create a transaction the data will be pulled so if I go to the next step you can see this there's a weight of the material okay if I say go to if we see the other tabs see the planned delivery time of the planet it will take four days to procure this material okay where it's coming from it's also coming from the material master okay so that means the data is stored in a material master and whenever you created transaction data will be pulled okay if you do not have that data maintained in the material master so every time you create a transaction you need to fill all this data manually okay which is a waste of time so that's why we need the master data that's what we need master data okay so now you understand the significance of master data or why we need master data okay so now we'll start the main learning about master data so first of all we'll start with how we came what is invent the master data and how we came to it our vendor master in sp okay so vendor master data is basically has three different types of views okay three different acts of you so first view I will show you in a minute how to create a mantle master but first view is your general data okay that's a general data you can see here general data so in general data what we enter is information like what is the address of the vendor when the bank details okay the phone number their email address their fax number so that of our general data is entered in the general data okay then second type of data we have is company code data okay where we enter final slated data okay like who are the who is off who is a account person and the customer side okay what is a reconciliation account number of that company so anything related to that one inside of SP that is required from that vendor we stored in that company code data area okay and the third type is purchasing of data okay so where we enter merely the purchasing data data like what is the currency of the vendor partner function and all that that we'll see in a minute okay so let's see how we can create a vendor master so the transaction code to create a vendor master is X is 0-1 to create it xk0 to to change it or if you want to display X K 0 3 so let's see how we can create a when the master order so you can either use a menu if I go to the setting menu say logistics but shield management purchasing master data vendor purchasing and here we use the central central xk 0 1 okay double-click on this transaction or as i've shown you before you can create a folder or a favorite transaction here if i create a folder say insert folder i will call the folder as a vendor and here under this folder i will enter somewhere take our insert transactions say xk 0 1 and I would also enter one more transaction here xk0 - ok so let's create a you can move up and down you move this one up ok so let's create our vendor so double-click on this xk0 one or you can just shown you before xk0 one you can type here on the top and here leave the vendor number blank company code used thousand for now but this thing also use thousand and account group ok account group if i open the account group so here we have different types of account group and i will come back in a minute and tell you about the meaning of a condo but for now just to use k our edy that's I count group ok and press Enter here give a name for the mental whatever the name you want to call it so I'll say when the name is XYZ vendor Limited for example ok such term how you want to search for it so you can say ok such term is XYZ - sex was it here you can enter the address I will say country enter all the address here we can enter the street ABC straight so here you need to enter the suburb or here you need to enter the street here the number say 120 or something and postal code say 3000 okay and will be just filling the all the important fields in the phone number you can enter the phone number of the vendor fax number you can enter here like that ok and if I go to now once you're done with this screen just press Enter or you can click on this little button next screen okay same thing even if I click on this button or press ENTER it will go to the next string okay so here the rescission number like the company association number if you know the registration number the center the ratio number press ENTER again okay it doesn't like this just leave it blank for now here you can enter the bank details okay all the bank details if you have put on a bandage this leave it for now here enter the contact person who is a contact person and the customer saw at the vendor side okay so I can say okay contact person will be say John Smith okay go to the next screen here you need to enter the reconciliation account okay reconsideration account so just pick any account for now so that's all come back to a V cancellation account again in a minute what is I use so just pick any account and also you need to enter any field with this tick box it is a mandatory field even if I press enter try to go to the next screen it will show me error to enter the data in this field okay cash management group just pick one entry here is a domestic vendor or a foreign vendor just say domestic press enter go to next screen payment terms what are the payment terms of the customer okay so in a drop-down you can pick some payment term say 14 days is a payment terms press enter again go to the next screen and here you can mention that who is a vendor so who is the clerk at the when decide okay all the account person okay so here I can say okay just put any name so you can say I'll put my name so okay so this is a vendor here and the phone number of the Mandan enter the phone number and fax number and also you can do the email here oh yes I said it can say okay I will enter my email that's a male okay press ENTER again order can see what is a quarter currency here we can select from the drop-down the outer currency say I'll say AUD Australian dollar okay what is the payment terms so payment terms will be same zero to encode terms so pick one income say how they want how they will be delivering okay caution fried ensure fried free so just pick one C or D or maybe means cash out cash on delivery press enter so in the next screen asking to enter something just enter co d cash on delivery just any text press enter and here is showing you the partner function come back to the pattern function in a minute okay press ENTER again now it's done it's asking you to save it or not also yes save it so when you save it it will give you a number at the bottom of the screen you can see a number okay so you see one zero zero five one zero is the number okay can click on this message it will open a screen for you and that's a number okay so we created a vendor here but that number hundred five ten okay so our vendor is ready okay now if you want to search for this vendor okay if you want to call this vendor and you do not remember the number okay so what do you do you just need to remember that vendor name if you double-click on a change vendor and here is remember the last number just remove it and say I do not remember the number okay so I what I can do I can click on the search button yeah and in the next screen I can enter the vendor name okay so against okay it was X Y that vendor limited either you can enter the full name or just say XYZ when the star that means give me all the vendor with this name starting name XYZ vendor press enter so there's only one it will show you that one so double click on that and that's a vendor okay now as I was showing you before that customer sorry bender has three area okay random a subsidiary a general data company for data purchasing data okay so here you can see the same thing that when you trying to change a customer or call the customer you can see general data company code data but shaysing data okay if I select the tick check box here that I only want to see general data then in the next screen system will only show you the general data and not the other data okay let me show you press enter so showing the first screen where we maintain the name and phone number next came next and next and the last one I guess yes okay so it's only showing that general data okay and if you select everything or you can split on this later but on the top to select all select all now it will show me all the data so you can see data is stored in a general data general data at the startup company code data has the finance financial information like account group and everything they sorry reconciliation account number and purchasing has a purchasing information okay so if I go to next screen now a second everything enter enter enter enter so this first four screen are your so basically if I go back the first four screen first full screen audio general data next three screen are the company code data last two screen are you purchasing that okay so that's the first screen here first second third fourth then here we have the company code data okay so here you can see the reconsideration account cash management group enter second screen third screen ok that's your three screen for the for that company dark chemical data and last two screen here for the purchasing gonna okay so where you have the purchasing information like order currency in terms of payment Incoterms and there's some others as well which will study as we go further and press enter there's another screen for purchasing where we have the partner function okay so one whatever changes you want to make you can make the changes here or change the name of the vendor say for example I go to the main screen say if you want to change here I can put a dot here and save it so your vendor master is saved okay so that's how that's how we can create a when the master okay now we'll talk about so basically you have seen the transition code is xk 0 1 okay now i will tell you about the hog levels okay so what our level means is as i said just now that data stored in the three different areas okay general data purchasing data accounting data okay now for example so let me write down here that vendor master data okay so as I said you have the general data then you have the company code data and 30 have the purchasing GABA okay so for example we if in a company okay maybe even one is a small company only one person will be maintaining all this three data like I did okay so one person maintaining but if you think about a big company okay where one person is not supposed to have the authorization to create all the data that means in that company what will happen is if I'm a purchasing of selling a big company and I can only create the general data or a new vendor and the purchasing data okay I should not be maintaining company code data okay because come naquadah is something financial okay this is fine this is okay this is purchasing lated okay and the third one is also purchasing literate okay so that means any data link to financial or finance stuff should be maintained by the finance people only of what people work in the Accounts Department okay so as a purchasing officer I can maintain the general data I can make a purchasing data but not this data okay so to do that we have a tradition called mk0 one okay so if you want to see the transaction so the only difference here is in the menu bar you can see see under purchasing you have a row vendor you have purchasing and central if open purchasing mk0 one if up open Center you have xq0 one we just choose X X K 0 1 ok for double click on access 0 1 you can maintain all the data all 3 data however and also you can see here I'm entering then I want to create a new vendor I need to enter the company code and purchasing all right two things communication purchasing all however in this case MK 0 1 here you cannot see the company code tab here that means we're not maintaining using this transition I can not maintain the come financial data which is a comedy code data ok but I can maintain the general data item agenda purchasing data ok so here we are we go through NK 0 1 and or another thing is if you go to the change mode if you go to the chain if you want to change change a vendor again you cannot change anything likely to the company code ok you can chain number one you can chain number three but not number two ok so if I go to NK 0 2 I will call the same custom that's the one we just created here you can see you can not see the company code data ok here you have all the general data you have all the purchasing or data no communica data that means using this transaction I can only access general data general data and this is the purchasing data there is no communicator ok so using this functionality a business can restrict the user or a purchasing officer to maintain our or create only purchasing related data but not the financial data okay and mk0 one is the function to create and k0 to to change and digital display okay now we'll talk about account grow but what is a common group what is a con group so basically whenever you create a new vendor if I go to the transaction again whenever you create a vendor here you need to first select account group ok you need to set account group ok now what is we need to understand what is the use of account group ok what is the use of it on group ok so basically I can't go put it in using account group I can create different types of vendor for example a vendor can be a good supplier that means he's only supplying the goods ok I'll talk about this again in the partner function or they can be the ordering at this weight we just placing order ok or it can be only the forwarding agent it can be the plant only ok so they're different types of render ok but in standard system you can we can just use the one that I've used KR e d k already just use this one for now ok ready ok so using the account group we can clear different types of Brenda like as I said good supplier invoicing in was presented by organizing party or doing address plots and like that okay so all the spinning in a minute in the partner function so what these things control basically ok so using a different tab using a different types of account group ok you will see a different number of fields section ok so a lot of things is controlled by the com-pubs for example number interval for example when I created this customer here the number was what was the number one zero zero five ten I guess okay however that was when I used K R IDI account group okay if I use a different account group the number range can be different so probably this one is a sign okay you use range of this up to nine nine nine okay however if you use a different account group for example if you use the data count groups in the first account group 0 0 1 it might have or just say good supplier just a second one good supplier okay so when you see it's like that good supplier then the number in may be different the con group is 0 0 - okay which is good supplier okay so in this case you might find a different number it's my it may it may be assigned a different number say ok for you the number range will be say starting it five hundred thousand two five nine nine nine right like that so probably you will get the number here say will be five zero zero one nine nine or something okay you might get this number when you code it okay this is an example okay so this is all controlled from customizing that we'll talk about later on so that's the thing controlled by the account group and also it will control the status okay of the vendor like which is a one-time vendor or a normal vendor again out come back to one-time under in a minute free selection like whatever fields what are the screen you want you can see you want you can see okay number range I already said so type of number assignment and partner schema so basically what it is so field section means for example you might see a different screen okay so for example if I call the over/under again so here what screen you can see it might be different in other other that means the feel that you can feel here might be different when a user when it's like a different account group okay and other thing that can be controlled by the account group is part of function or partner schema here we can see there these are the partner function so here we can see for another one you might see only one okay I'll create one in a minute and I'll show you okay so these are the things that is controlled by the what a function okay sorry account group now we'll talk about one time under what is one time member okay so one time vendor is for example I need to make a purchase from a vendor but it's on it will be only a bond of purchase I know that I'm going to purchase something from a new vendor and this is only first time we're going to purchase from this vendor and I also like that know that these are last time also we're going to purchase from this vendor that is a one-off purchase only we're not going to purchase from this vendor at all in the future I know that okay it can be we purchasing may be stationary or maybe we called up lumber or don't electrician or someone okay so in this case what we do is we create a common vendor which is called one type under that means today one-time member okay so say when the number is say 100 non-aligned for example okay so if today I need to call a save electrician to fix something and I know it is a one-off for any reason then I can use this number to create a purchase order for this electrician tomorrow if I need to again Cola say I need to order stationary okay again I can use the same number okay listen I can I want to Paulo say lumber in the company okay then again I can use the same vendor number that means one off mender is like we curated at one standard number that can be used to make anyone off purchase okay so I will show you here how to create a one off okay so when if you want to create a one off a one-time bender so what we do is XK zero one okay and here that account group will be different okay open that and here you can select this one one time when de o case like that one time under its CPD okay press enter here enter the name of the vendors just call it one time when de okay let's call it one time enter any address doesn't matter press enter it's saying that parent reforms with the same methods there must be another vendor of the same name okay so what I will do I will call it one time under one okay press enter next screen next screen you can see because I selected a different vendor you can see the screen is different the fields that you can see are much less than what we have seen earlier okay enter enter reconsideration account number we need to give again this so you can see a lot of fields are still missing enter payment terms select payment terms enter enter order consists a UD terms of payment okay enter and you can see it's also not showing you the partner function here okay so if I save it it will give me a number and number is at the bottom you can see 1 0 0 5 1 1 so 1 0 0 5 1 1 so that means this is a one-time vendor so I will show you how we can use a one-time vendor for a one-off purchase from different vendors ok so go back we'll create a purchase order and meet only one on right so here I will enter this vendor number one zero zero five one one one zero zero five one one enter okay just use the same sales organization as we used before enter okay I will also enter the material number quantity and floods say we need to be buying this much here for example it's asking to missing price price here a little price good okay now if I try to save it before you save it even you can check if everything is okay or not you can click on this little button check see this one click on that it will check it ok saying that please enter the vendor address that means address we all all the time we need to enter the address because a one-time vendor if I go to the other stuff see this address tab on the header there's no address here why because it's a one time vendor and every time the system knows that every time the work the elders will be different ok so what we'll do I can enter the vendor here I can say ok I'll say plumping ABC limited ok straight number straight name say CCC straight hundred number pushed about three thousand city country phone number like this ok and now I can save it if I save it save yes ok so that way system is very clever so whenever you use a one-time vendor to create any order see some other entities one time one time and every time the vendor address or name will be different phone number will be different so it will always leave this screen blank for you and it will ask you to enter that customer name address and phone number ok so there's a case only for one time vendor so again I can you can use the same mentor for again to make a second purchase from a different vendor so we don't so the reason is we don't need to maintain the master data for the one of coaches because maintaining a master for a one-off purchase will be waste of time okay so just make the purchase and we know that we never go in to buy from this vendor or very unlikely we will be buying from this plant okay so you can see it's created a purchase or number four five zero zero zero one seven five six five that's a purchase order number okay and if for example if I have used a different vendor say this one okay which is not a one-time vendor okay you can see system will fill the address here so now I'm using a old vendor if I go to the address tab you can see system has filled either stab here okay but if you use the one-time vendor system we'll leave it black see this is great okay so there's a one-time vendor then we'll talk about the reconsideration account number for a vendor that means reconciliation account is so whenever you create a vendor okay so let me call a vendor here see this one reconsideration account here okay so whenever you maintain a vendor if a limit blend system will give me ever hope it will ask me to enter a reconsideration account number so this is basically provided by the finance department what reconsideration account this vendor belongs to okay and the purpose of this free cancellation account is to whenever we we send the invoice we're sorry we received the invoice to the customer or from the customer or we pay to the web sorry no customer Brenda whenever we receive an invoice from this vendor or whenever we pay to this vendor okay so system knows that to which generalizes account they need to post okay so you know they are in fun inside the different types of general ledger account where the posting will happen so reading this free cancellation account number system can post to the right generalize your account so that's why that's why this is important to maintain the reconciliation account number for every vendor okay so there's a reconfirmation account number and the only use is using the financial side of Sapa the system will find out the regina legit account next we have is a partner rules okay so let's talk about the partner Rose what is partner rules so what what is partner role so this when they were created earlier if you go to the last tab of this vendor you can see here we have different types of partner function partner or partial functions same thing okay so first one is saying but default is using ordering address vendor in washing buddy good supplier okay and by default this number will be copied to here okay that means the same vendor number is responsible for bringing address for vendor inversing party good supplier okay now what is the use of the partner function that we need to understand partner function or you can call it part and role same thing okay so partner role is for example if you think about it if it's a multinational coming as a very big company right and say they the come is in u.s. okay that was the vendor the vendor main office is in u.s. okay so you can say the vendor is in u.s. okay and what will happen is they have different plants different branches all over the world okay so they can say that okay you need to order when you place an order okay you need to order to mike canada plant okay so place an order to Canada okay that means or bring address ordering and it should be Canada that means when you place an order do not send me the order the purchase order send the order to my Canada branch okay that can be one scenario other scenario can be invoicing party it's okay send the invoice to my Australian flag okay the plan we have in Australia send the invoice to that plan not to me not to Canada to Australia okay and good supplier will be it will say okay you will get the supply from my China plant for example okay so there's a partner goal so so that's why I'm saying is ordering a dress is the the plant or the the vendor number where we need to place an order okay in was sync party means where we need to send the invoice okay and good supplier means who will send us the goods it may or it may not be the main vendor okay Brenda okay so in this case it's all same that means the same vendor is the ordinary the same and there is an washing party and similar is a good supplier but it can be different okay be different for example in say say in a my scenario okay I need a there's a different good supplier okay so I can get a new good supplier okay so let me create it click on this I can to create one more screen of SP or make it bit small yeah okay and I'll go to transaction xk0 one to create a new good supplier okay now question is how do we create a good supplier how do we create a university party Hardwick trader or any others okay so for example I want to create a good supplier okay so what I will do in the icon group or will be selecting good supplier see good supply that's not good supplier okay then press enter okay so good supplier will be I will say okay XYZ goods supplier whatever name you want to give so X Y is it give it an address okay just any other so this is a straight to the three to the phone number go to the next screen now you can notice that because we are using a different account group the screen will be different here go to next next next okay who is the contact person okay so I can say okay Peter is a contact person with we can station account number and that you can give again payment terms you will Bank Auto in currency terms of payment I will use the same stuff that we used earlier here in the last we can see this in the other one we had for partner function but here there is nothing okay so because we're using a different account group okay let me save it so because we're using a different account group number 0 0 2 that's why you can see a different screen okay so under water you can see the message the new number is 1 0 5 1 2 so I can use that when that new goods supplier here so here I can change it to to see that so now that means the vendor is same ordering address is same in washing party is same but good supplier will be different in this case and I can save it if I come back again you will notice that there's a new good supply which is good so same way you can create say ordering errors if we want to create a new ordering address what you need to do is to recreate that count group check the ordering address and put a new number as I need to order this ok so there's a role of partner function ok so there that's a part of function next we'll see how we can create a vendor by copying or reference that means the only purpose is to save some time so in my company for example if we already able creating a couple of vendors ok so every time we create a vendor most of the data that is maintained is pretty much same for most of the vendor ok so what we can do is we can copy from the other band I'll show you so that means whenever you create a vendor say I'm creating the standard wonder KR e d ok so you can copy from any vendor so I can use this vendor that this Amanda we created initially which is a standard vendor using the same account group and I can use the company code purchasing organization so that means what I'm doing is I'm referring to this vendor that means I am selling the system to copy the vendor from this form ok press Enter so what system will do system will not copy the address always this is what the screen is showing you that the address data will never be copied because system is smart enough to know that whenever you do a copy ok so address or name of the vendor will always be different it kinda cannot be same ok so here you can enter the address so address not copied everything else's will be copied so end of a new vendor so say ok new vendor 1 2 3 ok so say new when so just enter that whatever data you need to enter here your phone number okay yeah and if I go to the next step and next next next you can see reconsider she account number is already there cash management group is already there or does the system know it is copied from the other number okay go next payment terms is already there next next order currency terms of payment incomes is already there so everything will be copied except the name and as this and you can save it okay so the purpose of referring or copying is basically to save some time so whenever you create a commander copied from the other one and we will save your time so that's your trading vendor with reference now we'll talk about how to block it or delete a vendor okay that means if we were making a purchase from a vendor and we're not happy with the vendor maybe they're not very good in supply or the supply very late or maybe the goods they're supplying are of very bad quality could be any reason okay and for that reason what we say is we want to block that vendor but don't want to make a purchase from this vendor that means if we do not block it anyone can place an order with this vendor so once it is blocked no one can place an order okay so how to block Amanda so transition code is xk0 fire to block it xk 0 is 6 to delete it okay so what is the difference between block and delete when i say x k 0 5 transaction is to block our brenda and xk 0 6 is to delete tanita vendor so when I say block block meets a temporary block okay block temporary block can happen for example when the vendor is maybe they are supposed to send us the they send us some bad quality of the product now we returned it back now they are supposed to send it back to us okay not before and they making some delay in the sending back back of the replacement product okay so we can say that okay because let like this vendor to send our all our goods first over place good then we'll pray place an order with this vendor okay till then we don't want to give any new order to the vendor so block will be means a temporary block it is that only temporary block okay delete means permanent there is no this one is no good at all we do not want to put make any purchase from this vendor at fault then we'll delete it okay so I'll show you X 0 5 X is 0 6 okay so if I go to X K 0 5 X is 0 5 enter a vendor number that someone will just created and throw again so here you can block so see you can create a posting block or you can create a purchasing block that that means purchasing means you do not want to purchase anything from this vendor okay you blocking it or posting means you don't want to receive anything okay when you posting some Goods when we receive some goods okay so you don't want to post anything or do you want to make any purchase from this vendor okay and here in a drop-down you can select a reason as well why you blocking the spender because like I can say okay oh there's not very good reason here so just like any reason block purchase also say okay doesn't matter we can create other reason as well if I save it okay so that when the number is blocked so what I will do I will create a new purchase order for this vendor and let's see what happens if I enter this vendor here 13 enter enter can you see at the bottom this error at the bottom of this screen okay or if I click on this red button so it's saying that Wendell is blocked it's a rather that means we cannot make a purchase from this vendor at all unless the block is removed okay so no one even can accidentally place an order once the block is there okay so that's a block this is a block and now we'll talk about the lid when we want to stop the purchasing from this front of commonality go to xk0 six enter the vendor number and enter again say all area selected company code even you can when you specify let me go back when you specify your company code and purchasing organization so you can block you what you're doing is basically you blocking a specific purchasing organization maybe this vendor exist in this purchasing organization and another purchasing organization so you can block either this purchasing organization only and other one will be working or whatever you put here it will be blocked okay if I save enter again so I've said all area or the selected area you can select that okay that means if this is maintained in purchasing motion 2000 for example then here if I select selected purchase of an action that means it's blood only for this purchase or purchasing organization but it will work for purchasing organization mm okay if I say all its blocked for everything okay and that's it so delete so even when I say delete did it doesn't mean that we're deleting it permanently from the database okay an actual will do not delete anything okay we mark it for deletion so here we work we're doing is we're not deleting but we it will keep the record at least okay so we only mark for deletion so that will still save the record but at the same time we cannot make any purchase like I have deleted this right now if I create a new vendor again a new purchase Auto again you will see that error this error here is still seeing blocked even if I remove the block first let me remove the block it will say I'm delete it save it so you can see block is removed but deletion flag is still there so if I create a new when the end to the purchasing organization everything you can see messy at the bottom vendor flag for deletion see there's a message here when this flat for relation okay this is a warning here okay that means something wrong at the customizing that we need to fix this should be an error here it should be another warning okay so when this flag for deletion so that's how you can block or delete a vendor so that's all for the vendor master data before you move further I want you to do assignment first okay and do this exercise first from the server so that you can learn properly before you go ahead so I wish you to trade a new vendor okay using Spanish and xk0 one so once you create and save your vendor then search for the vendor okay if suppose you do not remember the name of the vendor just try to search for the vendor using the xk0 two transaction and look through the different screens and the different partner roles that a your vendor is is assigned okay then we get the same vendor in mk0 - transaction okay where you can only see selected that are not everything so what is the difference did you notice okay if you see the same vendor from nk0 - so what difference you notice just note that and how would you block a bundle okay so you need to block a vendor how will you do that and how can I delete a vendor ok so just do this small exercise before you go ahead okay so this one about when the master data now we'll start the next topic which is material master rather what is material master again as I said before earlier that whenever you create a transaction rather like a purchase or we just ended up material number and system will pull out all the information about your vendor here if I enter abc123 material and to the price here sourcing for the price and this is the other here interplan thousand plan okay so I just entered this material here but you can see it copied it knows that that's a text over there description of the material is unit of misery species if I go to the material Dada is using material group zero zero two quantity is using this and net weight gross weight stuff like that so these data are coming from the master data that is set up in the material master record okay so we'll see now how we can trade a material master record okay no material master okay material master has different views okay for example basic view mature planning stop view accounting via storage view warehouse for you purchasing view say some distribution view work scheduling view quality management view focusing with classification view okay so what that means is let me explain you this one here material master data okay so who is using like in a business in a typical scenario who is using the material master okay mainly most of the department using a same as here okay if my company is selling laptop and my product code is say ABC one two three that means it's a notebook notebook 15-inch okay so who what are the different departments who will be using this dark this product data okay so it will be used by sales and distribution right but say apartment okay so who will be like bringing in the order for the sales order they need to use it then probably our material management people okay they need to use it because they need to do the procurement or everything and maybe they that can be used by the production people who are doing the direct production okay it may also be used by that accounting department okay for the costing and everything okay it will also be used by the warehouse management people it may also be used by the for the forecasting or people who are working in the forecasting Department okay and maybe some others okay more okay so you can see one material is used by different people that means we're not going to create the same material for this department and then another with another name for this department another name with this department we create one common material for all the department and this is maintain wire a different view okay for the same material you can have sales via material via Russian view accounting view warehouse management view quality management view forecasting view everything like that okay so this is what this fin is showing you here is that there are different types of views maintained in a metal master record okay basic view which is management view sales and distribution of you purchasing view and everything so let me show you so let me show you first how we can trade a little master record okay so connection code is mmm 0 1 2 create a master record mmm zero want to create and mm zero to to change and then I'm the Akshay to display okay so you can use the menu path here or you can directly create a material here it is Moodle master material create mm zero one okay mm zero one or you can directly create a favorite here and I will add a favorite here you could get a folder I will directly add mm 0 1 yeah okay now you can duck you type on the top mmm 0 1 enter okay so that's the first screen so here we'll create a new machine okay so first give the name of the material whatever name you want to create okay so I'll say I'm creating a new material call note book 1 ok notebook 1 and here first like the industry sector ok I'll come back to later on what is this the meaning of next year sector for now I'll say mechanical engineering material type ok again I'll come back to later on what is the material type but briefly the material type is like what type of product it is okay like it can be a finished good it can be a semi finished product can be a raw material it can be a packaging material it can be a trading goods okay the different types of material raw type okay so I can say ok this is a finish coat finish product for finished product ok and once you're done with this one then press ENTER and in the next screen you can select the views that you want to create okay they are my default view I'll show you to know how you can create the default view so whatever you want to create you can select that or the one that affected here they are my default I can and I can unselect them or I can select some more for example I can understand work schedule okay so whatever views because I said add in a company different people are using the same material so you can maintain those of you whatever views you require okay so for now I'm selecting you if you're creating a new material for now just select basic data okay I can unselect that basic data view three of the sales view also said purchasing view MRP view and then scroll down then select accounting view and costing you okay just like this view for now okay and tick check the plant so you can start a plan from here now and say always use thousand for the training purpose store location always use zero zero one zero on action thousand and distribution channels can okay always use this combination because they are properly set up in the customizing for us and once you're done say check now here enter the description in the first screen what you're doing is event in the description okay so I can say okay this is a notebook one say 14-inch okay what is the base unit of measure you can click on this such this button here to see that drop down or you can type it manually here as well so here you can say each or PCs pcs or each same thing what is the material group you can select a group from here group will be say electronics okay once you're done with that so we'll only enter the important fields so Gosford is say 2kg net page is 2 kg volume is say just goes under these two like okay then press enter or go to the next step see the next step or press enter right now I'm on the basic type 1 if I press ENTER I will go to basic app to press enter here I'm on the basic tab to ok basic data to then go to the next step which is sales organization 1 and the sales organization data here okay minimum order quantity maybe say 50 is a minimum order quantity mean own delivery conduct will be the 20 okay and here you need to enter the text output okay just like for Germany and we have written here so say full tax from the sales point of view what is the tax liability then go to the next tab okay everything is good here next press ENTER next time here so any field you can see here with this tick boxes they are they're mandatory okay even of you if I press ENTER go to the next step it will show me ever okay so it's asking me to fill the data here transportation group I will enter say on pallets loading group I will say train or forklift press enter now I'm on the purchasing view okay so just use a purchasing value key here will explain the Cutrone press enter he is like that I'm a p-type what is the map you type so there's a a mobility data that will study later on when a coming chapter about what is MRP so just say PD which is MRP press Enter I'm a PI controller is mandatory we need to run time a P controller just pick any number here press ENTER lot size is also mandatory select a lot size say monthly load size then procurement will be what will the procurement it will be external procurement or in-house production or both okay so you can say both or you can see external press ENTER land delivery time if it is external then how many days it will take to for the purchasing then it will say 10 days is up delivery time okay press enter schedule margin key is mandated you select something here Brett press ENTER again on the third tab I'm a p3 press ENTER again I'm gonna mop it before press ENTER again I'm on accounting enter if there's any magnetic field it will you will select can select it says volition class of a collective allocation class is finished product press enter keep pressing enter and there's a mandatory field it will ask you so it's asking to save the material say yes and the matter will save so notebook one is saved ok so you can go and see this material again if I go to the determination mmm 0 - mmm 0 - okay so you can go to mmm 0 - transaction - to see this material notebook 1 enter enter so again for you views will be a blank here something like this so just like the same you basic sales purchasing MRP accounting and costume ok select the same plant store location sales organization end distribution channel and tick so I'm into the material chain mode I can change something I can put a dot here I can make any changes that I can see here and if you click you can see the different tabs here we see that I one visitor to a sales organization sales automation 2 & 4 for the rest of the tab you can either click on this button to go to the next step or you can click on this little icon on the corner to see all the apps of label I can directly jump to the tab for example I want to go to MRP one I can go came up with one by clicking here if immediately I can click on here and our can jump from base another one okay and also you can maintain the unit of measure for example I can go to the sheet tab called additional data if I go to additional data and go to unit of measure here you can maintain a unit of measure so what that means is for example how many pieces say one carton so one carton maybe you can search here even click on the search button captain hey that sounds here so one carton is is equal to maybe say we have six pieces in one carbon okay and one pallet is equal to Valdez PL may be equal to and then one power we can put say 30 pieces okay so you can maintain the unit of measure here as well okay and save it save it or you can go back click on the main data to go back to the main screen and you are back on the main screen if you want to go back to the other screen again go to additional data click on unit of measure okay go back from here and save it so that's how you can maintain you talk measure okay so that's how we can create a material okay and because we created the material for we created a code called notebook one like it so we created it for to plant thousand right we use plain thousand you can check again go to mmm 0 to so here we use plants thousand stored location sales organization and distribution channels so let's let's start down here so we use plant thousand store location was 0 0 0 1 then we have sales hog thousand distribution channel was 10th okay we've maintained for this one okay so the data that you have created is only valid for that particular sales organization particular plant and store location okay and we can maintain the data from different levels as well okay that I will show in a minute I'll show in this slide again okay but before we do that let me talk about the material type what is material type so basically whenever you create a new material right in mm zero one you first need to select a material type what is material type so machine type can be your as I said before raw material it can be your semi finish good trading good finish good it can be your trading goods so it can be non stock material can be anything so we have different types of raw material here okay so the material type second the material I will also control your number assignment and the field selection stuff like that for example if I last time we selected finish good and you have seen some different screens okay where we enter the data but if you select something else here something bit odd here okay then you will also see the different screen again depending on what you select here you will see the different skin and mainly it will also also link to your number range okay some for example here in this case okay last time we enter them number manually okay if I say I want to create a waste I product and notebook - okay let's press Enter it does allow but sometimes what will happen is here it may not allow it will say okay I'm internal number range that means system will generate a number for you like for vendor system generate a number for us one zero zero five one zero so here system can also either generate a number for us or we can give it a number here notebook to notebook three okay that is also controlled by material type so material type has a customizing that will control whether we can give it external number inch which is our own number or let system generate it of course system generated number for you say eight zero zero zero one two three four like that okay so depending on this you will create different numbers so let me try another one I'm not sure what is set up in the customizing if I remove the number here okay I'm creating a raw material enter enter thousand see it's generate a number for you - 490 again enter the number system is automatic genetic in number for you yes I'll say raw material 1 ok I will not go to the next step I'll just finish it here because I didn't enter the number system then it is a number for you ok - 4 9 0 at the bottom you can see there is a number for you - 4 9 0 ok so I can call that number go to mm 0 - 2 4 9 0 if you do not remember the number you can search by name or the product so I could read raw material 1 I can say ok I'm searching for material type watt-hour which okay so I'm searching for our watch and here I can say what is the description of the material I can say ok description is a raw material of say doormat star there's so many here dan7 I just credit Rome at one ok - 490 okay that's much also so depending on depending on the material type that you select system will allow or not allow you to use your own number or it will say ok I will only use a system defined number ok and also second thing it will show you different partner function everything ok and the other one which is industry sector ok that means you also need to select this one whenever you create a material you need to step in the street type like it's a beverage chemical industry mechanical engineering engineering pharmaceutical telecommunication depending on this it will show you the different screen okay system knows that for pharmaceutical company what about data we need to contain for telecommunication company whatever data we need to maintain so depending on this screen system will show you different screen or different data that you can input when you create a material okay but in our exercise for now just use mechanical engineering then okay next we'll talk about extending a material master okay extending amateur master so what I was saying before was we traded a material master here for this plant the store location this sales operation this distribution channel okay for example you want to quit the same material for another plant okay so how do you do that when that means you extending the material to different plant or different organized different sales organization okay so what you can do is for example we created the material earlier which is notebook one okay so if you want to extend it okay you need to extend it wire transaction mmm 0 1 again not mmm 0 to you know to make sure extender much ale so use this transaction to extend a material so go to mmm 0 1 here enter enter the material you want to extend notebook 1 okay press enter enter again there's a warning here this point and here select your views check and here this time use a different plant is a different plants a thousand is already maintained you can see there is a cross here because thousands already Monday so I can what we can say we want to maintain in the plant to 100 okay choose that what stroller like a store location sir location can be zero zero one and maybe at different sales of a nation so when it is 12 I guess and distribution channel sorry serious automation and distribution general which was thousand earlier will change it so will say this time we want to maintain in the thousand forty and this level 20 okay so check that so smoothly same okay that's fine there's some missing customizing let me is like a different plant 2000 that's good okay so I selected 1111 100 so press enter so it will go through the same screen you can see it straight away jump to the CS data because the basic data the basic data will remain the same that means the description of the material the weight of the material you need of Mazin of the material they will remain the same so that's what we don't need to maintain the again so does not matter in how many plants or how many sales organization your material is extended to the basic data will always remain same for all the parts ok so here I will maintain the say summation data here press ENTER press Enter loading goob is missing select voting group enter now you can see here the plant is 1100 so I'm on this plant view create the MRP data same thing what we did before but this time we maintaining it for plant 1100 and same material we've maintained all the mandatory fields so again it will go through the different views no it's on the costing view and save it okay so we maintain this we maintain now we extended the same code to another plant which is 1,100 okay and another cos organization which is a little bit check if I go to a non zero to to display the material to change our jail enter enter here when you select the plant it will ask you to it will show two plants say it showing because it's maintaining not two plants so it's asking you which plan data you want to see I can say I want to see the second plan rather choose since organization but stays so see in some machine you want to see because we just extend it to another say formation 1020 I'll say I want to see the new new cells of an action so section t2 1020 so here you can maintain it's not externally to ten twenty as well and distribution channel 20 okay so I can select those views those plant and those sales organization to display the material and I can make any changes here so that's how you can extend the material okay so again I can extend it to other plant as well so is this no limit I can extend to to say plan number two thousand four so three thousand so same material can be maintained in different plants different soil location differential summarization different dissipation general okay using the same direction okay now we'll see the next slide now we have the entry aids for material master okay now I will talk about some other things some other stuff like it - the material master so first one so first one we have is setting okay so we have some setting options or what that is a show you whenever you go to transaction mm 0 100 times mm 0 1 you can go to the default see default industry and here you can select your default industry that means every time when you log into the ASAP system this will be your default industry okay so mechanic engineering I will choose that check and also you can make view see view what is the view you want to see so that's they these are my default view okay so what you will see you will see like this you will see everything not select it okay so select the views that you want to make default every time you don't need to select it so select basic data sales data the same thing we started before purchasing em up a 1 2 3 4 so that also work scheduling and accounting and costing okay once you're done say continue okay so best might default view right next time you will have this view by default okay and then organization level so I could third one obvious level that means by default what plant you want to maintain as default I can say okay my default plan will be at the moment you can see so because what I did is I selected created an industry mechanic and you need as a default I stated a view default so next time whenever you create this but go to mm zero one mechanical engineering will be our default for you press Enter these will be started automatically for you these view these view okay because I created them default these view I traded them default here you occurred no default here that's why you can see them here automatically selected so it will save your time every time you don't want it to select each of them okay then last one is organizational level okay for example at the moment when I go to enter enter here this is blank I can have a default planned before so location default says ovation default distribution channel so go to default org level okay so say my default plan will be thousand my default plan will be stroller occasion will be 0 1 since our nation will be thousand distribution general will be 10 so just make this one else default okay also make the copy from default as well I will come back to copy from in a minute okay so this your default that means every time when you go to mm 0 1 or M 0 to press enter enter system will have your default plant store locations is organization and all that okay why because we have maintained that here in the level we have maintained that in the org level okay and then next we have is reference material reference material so reference material means you can copy a material from another material like earlier I shown you or you can create copy a vendor so same way we can copy material so when you copy a material it will save your time okay for example I can say I want to copy I want to get a new notebook called notebook 3 ok and I want to copy from notebook one okay so copy from here this one two numeral number this ok let's enter so you can see before view press enter so you can see here default Plainfield and copy from view is also here so copy from view is also coming from default org level here so whatever is maintained here and here it will be shown in the copy enter enter so you can see copy so to save my time okay enter again so system copied everything here so I can change whatever you want to change against okay this is a 15-inch laptop okay and everything is copied you just need to make sure you can see where everything is corporate press enter enter and I just need to go through the different screen make sure you go through different skin otherwise those screen will not be saved okay enter enter and whatever you want to change you can change here if you want okay if you want change something while going to through a different screen you can change I'm creating a raw material so last time I created a finish hood on the top you can see I'm creating a ROM which here enter enter enter and sit so because I copied from the thermal deal it was very quick I don't need to do that please again and again okay so that's a time-saving then we call talked about a thing called profiles okay what is profile okay so if you remember whenever you create a so let me create a little um before okay basically this is used for MRP be you see a map of you in a map of you there are a lot of mandatory fields and they're important field cells but like I need to maintain MRP view say a market type is PD MRP control it is this Lord sighs is this like that okay so we have three areas I'm a p1 and my appeal to my PDA my people okay so if in my company if we're using most commonly the same MRP data then I can create a profile for MRP that I can use when I'm creating a module okay so I'll show you what I mean that means a default data for the MRP view okay to do that you can go to a tradition MMD one or you can use a menu path here which we monster here profile a market profile MMD one or you can type here MMD one M&D 1 enter so give the profile name that you want to create or sell cold start with the other why not says edge or put my initial GS I'm cutting is at GS profile press enter so here give the name I will say MRP profile I put my initial here ok to make it separate from others so I can you can make you can give it a fixed value or you can make a default value fixed value means you can give it a fixed value that means it cannot be changed or default value in system will propose a default value that can be changed so let us use the default value okay I want to create a deformity for Mr P type and also want to create a default value for say 10 delivery time say this one take that and lot size and safety stock so whatever peers are available in MRP I can select them here reorder point like that okay so let's just stretch it a couple of them you can select more okay once you're done click on data screen one on the top and here the views that I've started in a previous screen they will appear here so whatever you have checked the ticked they will appear here only so I have started the MRP type last time I'll say ok default value for a market type should be I can select a value here say PD plan delivery time will be say how many days five days safety stock hormones how much you want to create the safety stocks a hundred pcs reorder point many want to reorder for the machine I'll say when there will be 20 and lot size will be say monthly load size ok we'll study the detail about the load side later on go to the next strain data screen - okay there's some error I guess I need to select a different MRP type for now let me select a different one say p1 let me go back let me start again this some issue Jesus enter name and market type 'abc indicator delivered time default and lot size just like these for now on in-house production time okay data screen one so these fields have selected you will see only see these fields here and market I will be stand we use PD deliberate time how many times it will take for the for delivery offset ten for in-house production line it will say five days go to data screen to ABC indicated it's another field in the middle master I want to use a by default okay once you're done save it so I call it is NGS profile so how we can use it when you create a new material mm zero one say I'm trading notebook five enter enter so here in the screen here in the MRP profile select the profile the map a profile that you want to copy from so I cut is the GS suggest these are gia that means all the attributes that you have created in search es will be copied here check so book do to name and if I straightaway jump to MRP data am a preview you can see is speedy how come it's speedy if I go to the next one I need to enter about the controller here this is 5 this is 10 why because this is what we have maintained in Amapa profile ok so if I go if I open them up you profile using MMB - MMD one is to create mm lead to is to change so here if I go to daughter screen one so you can say this is 5 this is 10 here we can say this is 5 this is 10 so you can have the default value for any of this field that you can see here okay so that's also time-saving what we call it entry aides next we have is collective entry for store location so what is that whenever you create a material or for sure the existing Mishael so this one deal is contained in in plant thousand a store location zero zero zero one okay so what is store location if you remember in the previous screen I've shown you again I will talk about this in the customers new again but store location is assigned under the plant plant can I have store location one our same plant can have so location two three four five six like that okay so one plant can I have more than one store location and if this material is to be maintained in different store location what we need to do is to for example I want to get the same it is in store location - okay so I need to go to again mmm 0 1 that means I'm extending the material so notebook one enter enter but this time here use a different one of say I want to extend it to two okay or three or four whatever okay so thousand is not linked to two so maybe I need to check another one just roll down mm good thousand and two okay and I need to tick and I need to it will go to the store location view and I need to maintain all the MRP views and everything okay but we can we have a shortcut okay we have a shortcut here we have a transition called MMS see okay this is to only extend store location or faith Michelle okay so it is very quick if I go to MMS see and hear enter a material number and plant is thousand enter just end up a store location that you want to extend it to okay so here I'll say I want to send it to zero zero two okay and you can enter more here through three four five six like that okay and here you can also enter the parameters for the MRP reorder point fixed lot size but but for now just leave it just enter this one and save it done it's very quick okay otherwise how should we we should be doing it by mmm 0 1 enter enter your product here and you can see this is very time consuming and enter here too and that press enter and maintain of view okay now if you meant if you open this existing material so here you will see there should be to show location see the same material is maintained in thousands is 0-1 and thousand zero zero two because I extended to 0 0 to using MMS 6 transition so using this transition in a second you can extend the material to different store location just just for a store location only when you want to extend it and next we have is mass maintenance who came as Mandela that means for example you want to you want to change a field in a lot of material all together okay so that means for example say in MRP you want to say m in a map review you want to change Mr P type from P D to something else or you want to add you want to chain the plan delivery time sis ten days you want to make it to fifteen days but not for one from one night a week and change it right now here I was can say fifteen damn save okay bus but for example if you want to do it for hundreds of material okay so how do we do that maybe thousands of Mattel how do we do that okay so that's where we have a mass transaction okay so so the thing is you want to change a value in a material master okay for a lot of product and the value change should be the same say for all materials you want to change it to 15 from 10 to 15 okay if I have if I got thousand material to change what I will do I will open the material I will change it to 15 and save it open the second material change it save it third material so if you have thousand material you can see how many days we need to take to make the changes for the thousand much field so for that we have a transition called mess okay which is mass maintenance maths if you go to mass transaction show you how to do it mess send to the mass is that Election Code mess yes like the object for example select Mathilde yeah but she'll execute stick what feel you want to change you want to change the plan data general data description whatever okay so select all some plan data in the case of Emma preview which is a plan data execute that and here enter your material you can enter a lot of material here okay so for example I can say okay all the material with notebook star that means all the materials who has a name notebook 1 2 3 4 5 6 everything or I can say range notebook 1 2 notebook say thousands whatever you can enter range here as well okay and I can say here 5 to 5 okay you can select a plan for which you want to change this a thousand number planned only ok so once you have stuck to the range you can also set the range from by clicking on this button you can for example you can copy and paste the data from excel files for example in excel file you have so you have big excel file i have say notebook one notebook 2 3 4 5 so change it okay so say you have thousand material you can copy the thousand material from here and here click on this icon on the corner and after copying click on this little button the second last button to paste it here so you can notice is doing the pasting see it'll paste here so you can paste a lot of Michelle here you can exclude a better material you can you can exclude a range like that okay so I will execute that and in the next screen click on this little button on the corner select fields and here you can select what field you want to change okay for example I can say okay I want to change land delivery time right then this so they're in alphabetical order look for P then deliver time so they so let me show this step so once you found your field so there's a field right so move it to left by clicking on this little button ok so click on this button that if really want to change it will move to left and say continue see this tick box that field is here so for example the it's only stacking two materials because in that range there only two materials we do not have two three four four or five your thing 2 3 4 5 2 4 5 sorry and here for example you want to say each you can assume that you have thousand material here ok and you want to change this to 20 so plans every time you want to change you 20 so set quantity here enter 20 here and select the column here and click on this little button to carry out the mass change ok once you select this one you can see it will change down to 20 even if you are talking here you have only two materials but even if you have thousand materials here it will change them to all of that to 20 and once you have done you can save it okay so one material or thousand material it will don't see quickly so it will just take a couple of seconds depending on how material is trying to same and they will be saved to 20 okay I'll show you one more example say if I say ABC star I got a lot of material with the name ABC ABC star see we have a lot of material so it will remember the last setting I can say I want to change it to 25 select the column click on this apply button and you can say some are 5 some are blank some are 12 then you apply they all will be chained to 25 and click on Save button so that's quick see done there's some error for some of the material because I know that was the material they have no not those views maintained so just ignore that but all the green lights saying they are done okay so I just take a couple of seconds otherwise we need to do it manually okay so that's your different entry aids when you create a material master so that's all for the material master now assignment for the material master so just square this assignment for practice on the server first of all create a new material master record using that translation mm 0 1 and use the same material and industry type plant sales operation that I'm using in the training here ok thousand and ten distribution channel 0 0 1 store location like that then search for the about creating material using the traditional m02 and observe the different tabs and the type of data that can be stored in those steps ok just observe that also maintain the unit of measure okay I want you to maintain the unit of measure one carton is equal to for each okay or whatever unit of measure so suppose you have credit used each other you do top measure for a material at at number one so just use each here as a head of measure and here you just need to use create a unit of measure where one carton is equal to four pieces or for each and one pallet is equal to 16 carton to maintain that and also try to create a MRP profile okay in in MMD's one and test this profile when you when you try to create a new match here okay so just see how we can create this profile and also try to extend the store location of your material using the transaction MMSE like I did before okay so that's exercise for you if you go through this exercise you will feel confident about the material master okay so exercises are very important and I want you to do all the exercise first all the assignment first before you move on to the next part so that's all about the training for today for material master and thank you very much for watching this video so I'll see you in the next video class
Channel: The Smart Hands
Views: 252,531
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Keywords: SAP MM Videos, SAP Material Management, SAP MM Training, SAP MM Online Training, SAP MM Tutorials, studynestsapmm1, Gurjeet Singh SAP MM, Study Nest SAP MM, SAP MM Gurjeet Singh, SAP MM
Id: sGjwjA4Ky_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 28sec (6868 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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