Using Science to find the OBJECTIVELY BEST Super Mario Maker 2 Levels

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one of the most used sections of super mario maker 2 is the popular courses tab and with good reason it gives you instant access to some of the best courses that the game has to offer so you know you're getting a quality experience while these are great the game has millions of courses uploaded so surely there's bound to be some fantastic stages hidden in the game that never had a chance to be seen right thanks to the help of d steve's and his mario maker data he was able to run a few different searches for me to help me find these hidden gems if you're curious the four searchers can be shown on screen here to keep things interesting i've gone ahead and filtered out the first result since it's just a bunch of versus levels but the remaining list seemed promising however as i quickly found out these levels aren't quite what i expected all right so this is the fifth most like to played level i've never played this before and it's pretty new so you know this is proof that the bangers are still being uploaded in 2022 the game is not dead ladies and gentlemen let's see what this level is all about guys let's let's see what it's all about uh apparently it's nothing wow great level i love this one my favorite whoa fantastic stuff we got here what does this find a random kaizo block now you know what when we played the worst levels we found a lower level in there you guys might not remember but we found a level that seemed pretty innocent however it had a lot of booze and in the comments there were a lot of pumpkins giving the middle finger it was very bizarre and i don't really know we never found that out but i'm wondering if this is one of those types of levels oh my god how do you how do you even do this dude what dude what i'm just running back and forth i have the comments off so i'll turn the comments on but so this is the weird thing about this level it's 382 unique plays but it has 219 comments and so i don't know what's happening here but this is looking like it might be a bit of a lower level this is a this is a huge lower level but it's a japanese lower level this is what it looks like the guy keeps leaving comments on his own level i know there's like look at the lore here man look at the lore here okay so this is the fourth most like to play level um that has over 100 plays of course and it's called shb 7-1 the guinea pig you've bravely stepped up to test out the new rainbow road warp pipes okay so after that other one i don't know what to expect here i thought that all the levels that we were going to play today were going to be bangers and maybe they are but not in the way that i expected oh god this looks like uh this is looking like a bit of foddy level interesting this is like a getting over it style stage i actually do like these levels i don't know if i like this jump [Music] oh no no okay uh it's okay we can we can do it we can beat this oh no yeah you know i guess i'm not too surprised the interesting thing to note that i guess i didn't think about that's kind of an interesting thing to talk about is that there's a lot of like niche communities within mario maker like smaller communities right there's like the troll guys the team jump like the you know you've got the team speed run and like if you make a level that's specifically for one of those groups of people and the only people that play it are those guys it's going to get a lot of likes to place right like the ratio will be hot and so now that we're looking at the most like to play levels like period we're probably going to be finding some levels by these communities i mean we already have right we're the only people that have played them are the people the levels were made for and i'm like encroaching on their territory i look i think i can i can i can do this i like i like these levels actually no we're back at the bottom dude dude can you get can you get [Music] can you stop [Music] okay so we're gonna move on to the next one here okay so uh we might come back to this but so far the the most like to play levels are not what i expected at all i was like i expected like the popular courses tab to be the thing that shows up right but instead we're getting whatever these are okay so we're gonna move on this is the third most like to play level let's do it so let's take a look here this is the third most liked to play level um this one has a 37 percent clearance a little bit higher um it's by lorena it says siembra riege ricolecta uh can someone translate that please actually i don't know wait what does that mean did i did i accidentally say a bad word oh it's in it you're right that's in english good call guys good call using your noggin i like that so this is the third most like to play level let's give it a look okay i mean this one has a pretty high clear rate so i expect this to be a little different wait so like do we is this like do we do i want to drop them in here or what are we doing here oh crap i killed it okay maybe i need to do that though maybe maybe that's required let's stand here dude did i do the timing wrong on this again i swear to god no i'm so bad i'm a bad farmer all right so i think i i think this is me planting the seed but i'm not sure okay we have one more to go okay well now what happens now what how does it know i got a key dude that's crazy okay well we got a key room out of the next area i don't know there's some weird mechanism action there all right so what do we got here so if we go here and we hit the on off [Music] okay so i think this is are we watering the plants is that what that is oh nice they grew into trees very exciting okay now what moving on my garden is beautiful it's so beautiful dude i think these are these my trees i think these are my trees wait what what where the coins where's the call wait where's the coins i spent so long oh wait [Music] there where the f whoa that's creative you know what i like that look you see in the background there's an apple that's where they put the coins so i i was a farmer and i did it i grew some plants we've done it the plants have been grown successfully i think i need to go get a few more though back there that i might have missed yeah we can get these see this is the type of thing that i expected right we get creative original stuff here [Music] not bitter foddies getting over it or whatever that other one was and i think we have a few more oh it actually tells you up there i didn't even see that there's a little arrow pointing nice little indicator action and then we get the final one over here oh why is this apple so hard to harvest dude or whatever this thing is okay got it got it got it it's hard the trickiest guy to harvest you know what this is acute level i like this i'm gonna give this a light i'm gonna help the ratio this is the forgotten fairy forest it says please guide monty mole one screen maybe expert i mean i already like it because it's got a mole in it i've got big mole energy vibes from this level what does this say guide mo okay oh it's like a whole we gotta like navigate the guy like all the way wait did he die crap okay there's a reset door okay okay wait wait so we gotta we gotta navigate our mole friend but he can't he can't touch the fire otherwise the bomb on his head blows up this is actually an interesting um this is an interesting idea i like this but it's actually kind of tricky because controlling the mole is so hard dude well you know i think i think this is one of those things where it's kind of subjective like wha what do you look for in a level if you're looking for a normal mario platformer this is not that but i will i gotta give the guy credit this is a unique mechanic here that he's using the fact that it's like a mole guiding thing but like you can't touch the lava or the the fire because he's got the bomb on his head like i think that's that's pretty cool i'll give the guys some credit okay wait get him in the corner get him in the corner go go go oh oh wait huge i gotta time this right okay wait he's going he's going go little dude we're in there that's just a checkpoint what the heck what is this what's over here what do we got we're gonna what are we on this part oh i got your baited dude orb acquired ggthx honestly you know what i'll give that a like i like that that's pretty cool okay moving on now we're gonna really start getting to the good stuff those other two things before those were kind of teasers and some of the levels were okay some of them were not but now we're going to look at the levels with the highest light taboo ratio which means the levels that get nearly no booze but a bunch of likes okay so let's get started here this level has 183 likes and one boot right now i don't know what's going on because this just looks like a title screen level oh wait no okay it's modified a little bit they might have used the title screen base though seems like a cute little platformer so far let's give it a look okay you know what i like this this is just you know it looks like just a standard little little platformer got a little hidden room with some coinage got a one-up we're gonna really do some exploration here we gotta find the goods okay a nice checkpoint let's go on the school platform oh that was fun a little mini game to get the juicer what is that is it telling me to hit that oh it's saying you want to like you want to like get this guy no he's dead crap okay this guy will do this guy will do so you want to do this and it's got a cool little mechanism to get the 10 coin that's nice and i bet you there's something up here too if i were to hit that okay but i just killed it i just killed i'm sorry one up i didn't mean to do that and then we get this you know what pretty good sage i like that i think it's pretty solid i'll give it a like not really much to hate about that one short little platformer i enjoyed it moving on here the fourth highest boot to like ratio level of all time and oh is this a music level i was wondering where we gonna get any music levels this might be one there's a chance oh it is [Music] wait hold up i'm vibing [Music] this goes hard oh the build-up wait did we get the base drop here in the next room base drop [Music] oh let's go i'm popping off yo huge the build-up on that was massive this guy's kind of correct great level love that ends with the ta checks you love to see it all right let's see what else does this guy have he makes only music levels for the most part in fact i've even liked some of his other levels i i played this not too long ago i remember this this is cool because it's a looping music level that actually has a boss fight so you know what this guy does make absolute bangers we'll take a short detour here i'll play his rainbow road level because i remember this guy i didn't realize it was the same dude but it makes sense this guy does make very good levels and i just love rainbow road it's a great song so this is one of the cool ones where you actually get to play see look at this i'm glad that this guy showed up on the list because he definitely makes some good stuff i mean this is quality right here like that i don't know i don't know how to describe this other than that it just it slaps [Music] a full music level with the platformer it loops [Music] it's good it's good slaps good stuff good stuff see we're finally starting to take gold you know we were getting kind of a questionable stuff before but we're really honing in on the good stuff now all right moving on this level for the record as a hundred no sorry my bad this was when at the time of getting the data it had 203 likes and one boot just one as you can see now it's got a few more likes i don't know if it got any booze in that time but still very high let's give it a look number 27 tagged single player puzzle solving i don't know what to expect from this what do we got oh god my brain dude okay okay so here's what we're gonna do we gotta get the key first okay we're gonna figure this out okay the pal block where we need the padlock for what is that for you gotta use it to get to the p switch you can get in the door okay i see i see i understand okay so first things first though we wanna hit this on off activated go in here boom get that okay nice and then what we want to do is we want to do this um i i i gotta get what how do we do oh i can go over right right okay is that what i do do we want to do that this is some science dude okay so we hit the on off go in the door sure why not then if we do that oh what i didn't know that did that that's actually sick okay so now we can do is uh now that i know we can do that i can just do this we can go over the top that's some weird tech dude wait how does that even work what wait wait wait wait wait wait how do we do this what am i doing i'm lost i need i got it i gotta have the switch the switch has to be on right now it's off wait i don't know how do i do this okay okay okay okay i understand i understand we do this right right i'm dumb i'm dumb we do this okay go over the top boom activate the p door switch thing up into the tube we've done it you know what not bad it's a fun little puzzle it wasn't too frustrating would i would i give it that high of a ratio probably not i mean i wouldn't say that's probably one of the best levels i've ever played but it was fun sure all right so we're getting into this this is the second highest this has a light taboo ratio of 200 well when i got the date it was 283 it might be 290 now let's check it out five mysterious rooms five mysterious rooms wait how do i do this this room is very mysterious wait this is this is very puzzling how do i do this what oh a little gp action there okay we don't want the gpc that's just a normal gp very interesting okay so that'll bring up the guy right the box gets heavier brings up the mushroom nice okay so what do we got here so now we have this p-switch but what do we do with it what it brings up a fire flower yo these levels are crazy [Music] moving on room number four ground pounds wait did i mess it up [Music] wait did i ruin it oh wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait how did that happen how did he do that how did i pick that up what is going on here there's some weird stuff going on here man dude what it spit a hammer out okay you know what this level's actually insane i like this level this is some cool tech i'm not gonna lie okay so i ground pound this and then what happens spring goes down okay goes up hits the uh the p-switch so then i hit this lights the bomb bomb goes in the tube blows up do i follow it nice okay fun little level there and now we're doing the number one most like to boot level it has over 100 more likes than any of the other levels on here and only one boot a simple one screen course and it just says there was a course it's gone now so i guess you could objectively say this right here is the best level but let's try to play through okay so let's go into door number three first see what that's all about get the one ups so i hit the on off switch what happens here bomb walking we're gonna bring him down here okay what comes out of this pipe feather comes out i think we now go into the next room so i don't i don't think that's what we want we want to we want to do a little cape hit on the block on the right grab this guy and yeah i mean this is it's pretty standard stuff right you go in here you kill the guy gives you a key go in the key door game over okay i mean not a bad level there would i have the boost to likes be over 400 maybe not but i mean it's okay right it's a decent level i just i don't know what would i rank it as number one that's a tough one that's a tough one why would i dislike it wait no okay so that's the thing right let's talk about this for a minute puzzle levels when they're too complicated make people mad they boo it they quit this is not hard it's doable and you feel kind of good when you beat it like there's not anything to dislike it's not like you can't do the level everyone will be able to do it what we are moving on to now these are levels that have a lot of likes and zero boosts the other ones it was a ratio they all had at least one these have zero no booze at all this is called tanooki baseball and it says it's for my friends luca because he don't know tanooki baseball tanuki baseball boom look at that [Music] this is a fun little stage you do the tail swipe oh my god that was that was high velocity wait i got this i got this boom got him oh look at that first try andy over here coming down boom got him i'm kind of gaming right now on these fools [Music] oh what the heck did you see that [Music] oh dude look at that three home runs get him out of here man [Music] i like that level that level is good i like that level there's a great stage moving on here this one also has zero boots or at least it did at the time of playing this and uh it had 147 likes it's up to 152 now let's give it a look is it a music level let's check it out here [Music] whoa [Music] okay i'm vibing i can vibe with this wait that's actually this musical is actually cracked wait what is this from i don't know why the song seems familiar but i don't know what it is it's really well done though whatever it is it's from hotel mario wait actually [Music] good level oh wait a minute this is actually big so there's a little thing that we do in the stream i try to play every kirby music level that exists this is a kirby music level and i've not played it and it's on the list it has it has over 200 likes zero boos and somehow i've never played this so this is a this is actually big guys this is huge no one panic everyone hold on hold on your horses guys [Music] i'm vibing this is a kirby level that most people don't do this is the this is the o2 battle actually i'm pretty sure [Music] [Applause] i've never played a no two curvy music level this is actually a really good recreation of it too i'm impressed you know what this is the best level we're playing today i've called it right now this is it we're not gonna be able to beat this how how did i miss this one guys what this song's a banger well done 10 out of 10. alright so this level at the time of us getting the data had zero boos 278 likes the perfect ratio this this is uh it better be a banger i mean that other level we played was it went hard so i don't know what to expect here start [Music] i think it's just a music level [Music] but you know what i'll vibe to it why not that's did that say yu-gi-oh it did [Music] you know i i vibe to this [Music] i think it's just a bunch of anime openings but i'm not sure [Music] it's a well-made music level i am a music level enthusiast i have to appreciate i have to appreciate a good music level when i see one i'll give it a like all right so that was the most liked level with uh no boots so we did the top five for all of them uh honorable mention for the best level in the game one one except i draw a hundred among us uh yeah as you can see here it's one one [Music] but there's a hundred among us in the level you thought they were kidding they were not kidding in fact for all of the grendel fans there's actually a couple grindel among us if you look through the list they exist keep scrolling see look number 47. number 47 is looking pretty good and number 38 also the grendel this is the lisa monae it this also i have to give this an honorable mention okay uploaded by mr mighty i mean this might as well you might as well just hang this up in the louvre this right here actually hold up you're gonna make me play the clip i'll do it i'm gonna play the clip we might go to a great art museum and appreciate a true work of art in the world of mario maker as you can see here we have the lisa moner by mr mighty a true sophisticated work of art of a mario maker level [Music] yes very very nice very nice just look look at the detail put in here you've got a fantastic neckline you've got those eyes filled with life and what a glistening nose so realistic this right here is peak art i hope that only one day i can reach a level like this
Channel: raysfire
Views: 55,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raysfire, rays, highlights, highlight, clip, compilation, raysfire clip compilation, clips, edits, fails, best, of, funny, hilarious, crazy, moments, best of raysfire, funniest, super mario maker 2, smm2, mario maker, multiplayer, versus, expert, mode, nintendo, switch, rank, level up, mario, toad, luigi, toadette, trolls, trolling, troll, online, S+, road, to, game, 2019, meme, twitch fails, twitch, livestream, live, stream, endless expert, challenge, super, endless, lives, pb, personal, streak, win, wins, pangaeapanga, redfalcon, desbug
Id: Q4a9xBgaKuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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