When To Use Microservices (And When Not To!) • Sam Newman & Martin Fowler • GOTO 2020

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Traditional microservices are meant to be fully autonomous, but in practice this tends to suck hard:

  • Having a fully independent stack for each service means that every service has new problems. It may be dependency issues, deployment issues, compatibility issues etc.
  • Cross-cutting concerns, like logging and tracing, end up being re-invented by every team.
  • Lack of standardisations across service boundaries means doing things different ways when dependending on downstream services.
  • As a perfect example of conway's law, microservice architectures rarely reflect the actual structure of the domain problem, but instead reflect the organisation of teams. Internal politics in a large company means those teams reflect the people.
  • Every team should be running its own database, which means every team needs production-level database expertise.
  • Microservices that are deployed independently add latency and other communication overheads, the typical microservice death. It is very typical to see N+1 query problems between services.
  • Each team needs to hire individually, otherwise they may not get people who will suit the role they are hiring for i.e. have experience or want to work with the relevant stack that the team uses.

The organisations I've seen that do actually use microservices to a degree of success don't follow this model, and instead use standardised stacks across the board. They have a separate team for actually doing all of the infrastructure and database management, so that it can be done correctly and leave the developers to do whatever they want without worrying about it. Cross-cutting concerns are already solved using internal libraries and shared access to distributed logging and tracing systems. Dependency management is done through single org repositories (e.g. maven and docker.)

Teams basically have no autonomy for deployment at that point, which is completely the opposite of what microservices are meant to be but actually works much better.

With all of this in mind, orgs are probably better off moving to service deployment frameworks at the language level, completely avoiding the need to re-invent communication and making standardisation first-class.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/Isogash 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Use microservices: when you have to

Don't use them: when you can possibly avoid it.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/sisyphus 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/__nickerbocker__ 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why can't you do zero-downtime deployments with a modular monolith?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/jgeraert 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Upgrade your microservices knowledge by listening to a spirited conversation between two living legends: Sam Newman and Martin Fowler. The two touch upon the main reasons for using or not using microservices, and, if you decide to do use microservices, what else you should change along the way to fully benefit from the switch, plus much more. The interview is based on Sam Newman's new book "Monolith to Microservices".

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/mto96 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really enjoyed this.

It's nice to see advocates of Microservices having honest discussions about the upsides and downsides. Pretty much fits with my opinion of them as well.

If the added cost (work and money) is worth it in terms of your organisational structure/your monilith is really monolithic, then try it. But importantly, try it, don't just go all in on a multiple year project with a "Microservices!!!!" attitude.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Southy__ 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
we've held a lot of go to conferences across the world and collaborated with some of the top creators and innovators within software in this brand new go to book club to give you key takeaways from the masters themselves in the form of interviews revolving around books they've created learn strategies empowered to become a more efficient developer as we dive into the first online series of our go to book club [Music] this episode was made possible thanks to growtopia.tech we asked ourselves what would happen if we could take two of the brightest people in our industry and put them together two people that have between and authored more than 15 books what would happen if we could take martin fowler the most viewed speaker on our youtube channel all times bring him together with sam newman one of the most popular speakers since 2013 at our conferences this is the go to book club we kicked off by asking sam why another book about microservices so the reason i wrote that book was quite straightforward so i wrote a book called building micro services back in i suppose i wrote in 2014 and it was released in 2015 and times moved on and i thought i should review and re and update that book and write a second edition of this book to encompass all the new changes that have come about and so i sat down to work on the second edition of building micro services and i thought i'd pick the hardest chapter to work on first and so i picked the chapter that was all about how you break service but break things apart how you take a big monolithic application and how you break it down into smaller individual services and i thought that chapter i knew was going to be really tricky to write so i'd start there and that you know that way get a better estimate of how long the whole process for writing the second edition was going to take and so i started that process and then two months later i was still working on that chapter and the chapter of that book had gone from being 5 000 words to being 25 000 words so a chapter about how you make big things smaller had itself gone very big and i was then stuck with this problem which was what the what am i going to do with this content and i sort of realized that i was quite enjoying writing and exploring that deeper side of it you that monolithic decompositional side of things and thought well actually this could work really well as a standalone book so that's when i went back to the publishers and said look i know i said i'd do the second edition and i will do the second edition but i've gone off on kind of a different trouser leg of possibility and this could actually work really well as a standalone title so that's that's kind of i sort of stumbled into it accidentally in the same way that when i wrote the first book i didn't sit down to write a microservices book i sat down to write a book about how you architect for continuous delivery and ended up writing a microservices book so i sort of let the i saw that the content follow you know almost let the content guide me initially and then once i had a sense this was going to be its own book then i had a pause and i had to kind of reshape the content and think about the structure a little bit this time along i'm going to the second edition at the moment and i've just hit another point like that with the second issue when i'm looking at the whole area of microsoft's collaboration um and i've been very forceful myself this time to put a very big pin in that and prove all the content i'm not sure about off to a different document in a different git repo so i got the second edition of finish and then i'll go back to that content if i want so yeah i just got i got diverted along the way but it was a sort of a happy diversion i often imagine that uh when people think of advocates of microservices they think of these people who are determined to use microservices in every situation there's a thousand line program here we've got to break it down into ten hundred line programs um and yet as i know too well i've actually only ever heard you complain of people using microservices when they shouldn't have done i don't think i've ever heard you complain of the opposite so maybe you should talk about when people should actually even consider using microservices because i don't think i've actually ever heard you state that argument oh okay so my if you want a one quick answer for when you should use microservices it's when you've got a really good reason and that that sounds like a try answer of course well you wouldn't but i guess what i mean by that is there's a danger in our industry that we often focus on the activity not the outcome we focus on the tech tool not the thing the tech tool lets us do and so for me a micro service architecture is a conscious choice you have made to kind of implement something in that style because of some outcome you're looking for there's some benefit you think a microservice architecture is going to give you so like my qualifying criteria is going to be what is the thing you think it's going to give you there's some great you know i could talk about the things that microsoft architectures can give it gives you more options around how to scale up applications it gives you this lovely property of independent deployability when implemented correctly uh it can really help isolate the surface area of failure what some people call kind of limiting the blast radius which can help make applications more robust i mean ultimately you could argue that microsoft is a this is a james lewis quote micro service architectures buy you options and fundamentally when you buy into a microsoft architecture you're buying into a whole other series of options and choices that you can make i think james's you know quote there buys you options is quite deliberate though right options great we all have options but buy implies a cost and they do have a cost takeaway number one our industry tends to focus on tech instead of outcome one should use microservices as a means to obtain a desired outcome rather than for the sake of using a new technology it's almost like you're saying that your default option should be not to use the microservice right your if unless you have a really good reason go with them olive uh yes and i would say that that absolutely i would also caveat this by saying and trying to be really clear about this idea that micro services aren't like an on off switch um and people i think partly often because we don't you know or have time to engage with the topic more fully we like to sort of very clearly delineate things and say this is this thing and this is that thing and you know we say microservice architectures are distributed systems and distributed systems are hard and the phrase distributed systems are hard it's true and a single process monolithic architecture is not distributed well actually it is right so if you think about a normal single process monolithic application if you're reading data from a database on a separate computer that is a distributed system if you're putting data from that process into a browser that is a distributed system it's just a really simple one so you're gonna you know you're gonna not even see a large amount of differences so my default is absolutely to look at a really simple deployment topology a single process monolith will be one i might break down into modules within that kind of process boundary and then if i think a service based architecture could be a good approach i'm going to look to maybe just try out one of them make my system a little bit more distributed just a little touch like turning that little dial and just see what that does can i deal with it do i sidestep these issues of you know horribleness that come from uh distributed systems and do i get some benefits out of it so i think yeah absolutely my default is a single process monolithic application simple deployment topology you sidestep lots of issues but if i'm interested in trying something new it we shouldn't view it as being a massive undertaking to try it something else out and that's often the problem that a lot of organizations say right you know we think we might do micro services let's spend six months building a platform for microservices it's like no no just try one and see what happens take away number two microservices shouldn't be the default option if you think a service architecture could help try it with one of the modules from a very simple monolith and let it evolve from there so you need a reason to push for microservices what would be your top three reasons that you think of valid reasons that people should be thinking of going down that path yep um i would go uh top reason number one is independent deployability and specifically i'd say taken to the extreme would be zero downtime independent deployability so the ability to make a change to piece of functionality deploy that functionality and do so in a way that the rest of the system doesn't need to change so that limits the scope of each release but also implement that deployment in such a way that i get zero downtime deployment um so that's really useful if you think about you know a sas based business where you can't afford downtime and that's really really key so i think that's that's kind of the big clear winner the second area that's come up with a few times my clients recently has been isolation of data and isolation of processing around that data some of my clients have been operating and say healthcare industries a lot of my clients have to be concerned about things like the gdpr and implementing how do i know where my customer data is how do i implement things like right to be forgotten because with a microservice you isolate the data and the processing that acts on that data you can kind of clearly delineate these services touched personally identified by identifiable information and therefore might require more oversight a higher degree of governance and maybe audited and these ones never touch this stuff and don't even talk to the services that touch this stuff and therefore we can kind of separate them out and so i think that data partitioning side of things i think is is really kind of key the third reason i suppose you could maybe argue that this is a facet of independent deployability the third reason is really where you're looking to enable a higher degree of organizational autonomy you're looking to push and distribute responsibility into teams you want those teams to be able to make decisions roll out software and reduce the amount of coordination those teams need with other parts of your organization so i'd say sort of independent deployability um i say data partitioning and i would say sort of organizational autonomy um and there's other things like technology and and different scaling models as well but those would be the top three things that i kind of see as reasons most often take away number three the top three reasons for using microservices are zero downtime independent deployability isolation of data and processing around that data use microservices to reflect the organizational structure looking through again this independent deployability i mean this brings us to a problematic setup that we see a fair bit which is a distributed monolith which is where you've got a system that's called microservices but in order to deploy this service i have to ensure i deploy this service and i've got to update the versions of these services um that's a trap that people can easily get into when they don't pay enough attention to independent deployability but how do you avoid that trap how do you what lessons are you finding with people to avoid it the first thing which is is to say well if you have an architecture which theoretically allows you to deploy your microservices independently then actually don't make that theoretical thing you do make it an actual thing you do i've spoken to a surprising number of people who said well we did used to be able to deploy these services independently but we decided just bundled it up because it was in air quotes easier and you know many months and you know years passed and then they suddenly realized they could never go back to the old way of working because you know you've indoctrinated almost in into your into your development process the idea that all these things get deployed together so having a theoretical ability to do it you want to make it an actual deployment mechanism that's what you do so that's the first thing the second thing would be to start looking if you are finding it difficult to change microservices in isolation is look for patterns so do you see a collection of microservices often being changed together one thing that i can be you know quite useful is if you are making use of say a ticket tracking tool like jira is actually to make use of the ability to tie a commit back to a piece of work uh you know every month look back at all the stories you completed and look at the commits and then you can map those commits to which services those stories impacted are you seeing areas where you see well these two or three services always seem to change together these five or six services always seem to change together that can sometimes be a sign that you might want to merge those things back together again or perhaps to look at different ways of sort of slicing and dicing that those services in different ways and so those are kind of the two very quick things i'd be thinking about is looking for those patterns i mean really the the sort of the technological idea or the design principle underlying independent deployability that i think is the most important is this idea of information hiding uh which is you know so many things flow from that when you're creating america's service if you hide as much information inside that service boundary as possible you're going to reduce the effectively the interface that your microservice has with the rest of the world with a smaller interface to the rest of the world it's much easier to make sure that any changes you make inside that service boundary don't change that interface so if i can make an internal change to microservice without changing the interfaces that i expose i've i can get my independent deployability done um i think the challenge is often that people don't know what information hiding really means and um and and so that you know it's and we have a lot of technology available to us that makes it quite easy to violate this concept of information hiding um in the same ways that we have lots of uh helps and aids to us in our code bases to help us violate you know encapsulation which after all is just an implementation of information hiding take away number four you can avoid a distributed monolith by creating a deployment mechanism looking for patterns and deciding how to deal with them but be aware people don't really know what information hiding really means goto gives you the chance to learn from the brightest minds in software development join community meetups and highly rated conferences and take deep dives on your favorite topics with masterclasses that's talking about the sort of how do we avoid the distributed monolith and again it comes down to this question of independent deployability but that makes me also want to go back and say well why is independent deployability such a big deal in the first place i mean there are organizations that have big monoliths um and have had those and are able to deploy them at regular intervals i mean they have continuous delivery pipelines they're able to take people's commits on a daily basis redeploy the monolith i mean it's a great thing about a monolith to deploy it's you know if you've got everything automated and set up you can just roll it so why why do why should we care about independently deploying a bit if we've got the necessary cd pipelines and we can just deploy our monolith so there absolutely are some great example of organizations that have monolithic applications that have a really really good story around their ability to deploy software frequently um i mean the kind of poster children of this was originally flicker and then etsy who were sort of monolithic php based applications that had a really slick deployment model and they weren't deploying once a day they were deploying multiple times per day for developers walking all over and they had a lot of investment in making a pipeline that would work for them in that environment so it's absolutely possible i would just but i think the issue is it's easier with microservices to limit the impact of each release so if i think about a deployment what i want to do is create an environment in which you feel safe in making a change when i make a change i feel safe and one of the ways you can make a change feel safe is by reducing the impact and the risk of each release if i'm deploying an entire monolithic system then i'm increasing the amount of things that are potentially changing in my deployments and therefore there's more things that could potentially go wrong with a microservice architecture if i'm just deploying a single service i can reduce the scope of that individual deployment and i can manage that deployment more effectively and more efficiently if you've also then also embraced ideas like zero downtime deployments you know you're also going to be doing that in such a way that your system isn't really going to be impacted when you've got a single process monolithic application and you're trying to do things like zero downtime deployments there are kind of quite a few there are quite a lot of limitations in terms of how you can do that um and there are also types of deployments that are very difficult to do in that environment so i talked to john olspor who was the release engineer at reefs manager at flickr and then at etsy and went on to become etsy cto and talked to me about how you do things like database changes for example and he would say well look we can do these fast frequent deployments but if we ever had to do any database migration those sorts of things would still have to be done during the weekend in you know you know in sort of quiet times because of the larger impact on the system but if i'm doing a change like that on a smaller individual microservice i you know i it's much easier the data the volume of data is likely to be lower and therefore the impact and the the time taken for that migration to run might be lower and therefore the impact on the system will be lower so i'm not arguing that i'm not saying it's not impossible to do it with a monolithic application just in my experience it's much harder to do with a monolithic application to make those things to get to a pipeline where you can make those changes in a quick and effective and efficient manner the other overlay here i think to an extent is organizational scale so for me like if i've got uh one team working on the system you know you can afford within a single team to have a high degree of coordination really great fine-tuning grain communication you're working on the same things together it's easier for you to reason about the changes you're making when you deploy something so be a monolith or a microservice architecture when you start getting into the world where you've got 5 6 10 15 20 different teams and they're all trying to work on the same monolithic application and then you want to deploy that monolithic application you have a whole host of coordinations required between those different teams in order to make a change happen certainly you know flickr and etsy never had development teams that are that big and so obviously you can do things like breaking things down around modules but modules don't necessarily allow for hot deployment at least on most of the runtimes that we look at so there's also a scale element in there as well i must admit i find those latter two arguments much more convincing than the general hey it's easier to deploy one thing because the problem with the hey it's easier to deploy one thing argument is well yes you are deploying only one thing but you've got a distributed system there is nothing less complicated than a distributed system so yeah i only have to redeploy one part of it but i've still got to connect to everything else and yeah if you're really good you can reduce the risks involved in doing that but i mean that's part of the argument right it's hard to be really good so as a result i'm not convinced that that makes the bigger monolith a harder thing to deploy because you can much more effectively test the whole thing if it's a single monolith before it goes live but the other two arguments about data and particularly about organization i find much more convincing take away number five you should strive for independent deployment because it's easier to limit the impact of each release when using microservices and as the team size increases it gets exponentially harder to coordinate a deployment as you say data is always takes time when you've got to do migrations it's harder to contain within a single application because it's just easier to say just hit the data all the time yeah and organizationally that is certainly when i talk about microservices to people that's the area that i tend to focus on more that it was as team size increases then it's harder to coordinate people i believe it gets exponentially harder to coordinate people's team size increases so you need to set up barriers and microservices kind of force you into an awkward way of working which is actually kind of what you need with a bigger team anyway those barriers should be modules inside a monolithic application i mean setting aside the fact that we don't most of us don't work in run times that allow for hot deployment of modules i mean that was the whole concept of structured programming to a large extent which was how do we take larger programs break them apart into pieces that can be worked on in isolation to reduce that kind of coordination effort i find it quite interesting that for a while eric brooks who wrote the mythical man month he disagreed with parnassus whole information um hiding theory and i think in the 20th i think he wrote this in the full word of the 20th edition of the mythical man month basically apologized said i got it wrong information hiding is how you break apart work the kind of interesting thing i think the conversation i remember us having uh when you were helping with with building micro services was that modules within a within a monolithic system should work better than they do but we find all sorts of ways to violate those modules we don't think about they're often not a first-class consideration our application or our tooling and the concepts of modules certainly things like java historically been quite weak but we violate them the whole time but once you make that a service a process boundary violating those things becomes really painful and there is something about making something you shouldn't be doing difficult and so i think there is something about the the very fact that you've made this now a separate process boundary means you may be slowed down you're thinking about what those boundaries should be and make it harder for you to sort of just do arbitrary silly things with them you know that that for me is it's not a great i think it's true but i'm disappointed that it's true in a way like we shouldn't need to make things difficult to make us do the right thing but that just seems to be what life is take takeaway number six we tend to violate monolith architecture by not respecting the modules bringing them into services makes it harder to do so it's kind of sad that it's a programming language infrastructure has really not done a very good job at modularity um i think the class idea was kind of cool and gave us some handy tools but then we have but it's too too fan grained and as a result we ended up with nothing none of the language is really giving you much above the class level to really control modularity in any kind of sensible way um and without those tools the best you can do is kind of set yourself up and i have come across teams that have done some good things of interrogating the code base in order to try and spot module modularization failures and and try and lead people in a better direction but it's all stuff that people have got to be put on top of the language and the languages are just not giving us the help and it's too easy to get around the language barriers when they're so minimal and then break it and i guess in the way i look at it often that breakage most likely happens with data handling as you say with the information hiding section yeah which then leads into the interesting question but if we're looking at breaking apart or wanting to think about breaking apart a monolith into microservices certainly one of the areas that strike me as one of the key hard parts of doing this comes around the handling of data so what are some of the observations you've made about how we can handle data better to look at that breaking apart a module in a larger monolith into microservice style thinking yeah um so let's start with obvious thing data is hard that's the first thing and breaking data apart which is in a relational database is also quite hard because of the fundamental nature of a relational database you know the relational database is about relationships and turns out some of those relationships are going to end up being broken there's some interesting benefits that actually come from working with a relational database though which is often that the relationships between data are sometimes significantly more obvious than the relationships between code it's amazing how many code bases i work on where i find that the the schema does a better job of communicating intent and understanding of the domain and the code does um and that's often because somebody spent a lot of time thinking about a schema up front they never changed it afterwards or in such way but there's almost like this there's the granularity you can start seeing things in there you start seeing the shape of stuff emerging one of the earliest things i'll often do in these situations is just load up the schema into a sort of a graphical tool and just start playing around with it just looking at the shape of it the structure of it are there parts of this that seem more tightly or aligned than others if you think about it something like um a foreign key relationship you know we think about a foreign key relationship in a relational database as being all about uh this is about referential integrity and yes it is but it's also about making the relationship between things really explicit and in fact a lot of people don't know but in relational databases you can pop from key relationships on it without enforcing referential integrity not anyone ever bothers so there's often there's some help for you in that in that space and so that was but i also realized that a lot of the complexity in breaking apart systems was going to be in the database so i keep going backwards and forwards on this like if i'm going to pull out a piece of functionality and i think this my data and the processing for i don't know uh awarding loyalty for ordering points for an order i'm going to extract that out and i thought well if the database is often the most difficult part then maybe you should tackle that earlier make sure it's even possible to extract that part of your data model out from the system and then you could do all the work to diligently separate out the database and then the code would be easy by comparison the reality is that most people don't want that to do that most people what they want to do is to get some benefit from having this new points awarding functionality extracted into a microservice first and so the model i see more often is that people extract the code and then they'll look to extract the data unfortunately all too many of them then don't do the data extraction um and so that that though in a way once i've pulled out my microservice i've pulled that out i've now got that running as a separate process it's still talking to the old database you at least then get a bit of a clear understanding about what parts of that data does this new thing use and then you've got the decision which is well of that data that this new micros this newly created microservices use how much of that data should really move into this microservice and and what parts that data should really stay where they are in which case we've got to clean up how that data is accessed my colleague preferable tutka wrote a piece on martinville.com about breaking up a microservice focusing on the data um and that i think is a particularly useful thing to look at because to me certainly the data side is a really important part of it and people of course should remember that if you've even with a single database you can have separate schemas in fact that's usually the best way to go is to keep one database and separate the schema and doing that can be an important part of keeping that data separated and that's actually the if i look at organizations that run microservices on premise on their own data centers on their own private clouds they typically will have a lot of logically isolated databases running on the same database infrastructure so they will be partly because the cost of spinning up fully isolated database infrastructure is too expensive so that's a very very common model you do then need to deal with of course the potential single points of failure you get but that is a very common model and that's often a bit of pushback i get is that's gonna be really expensive it's not like every single relational database under the sun lets you host multiple databases off the same database node you can do that um that and to be fair that's really the main pushback i get um there's all kinds of other challenges that people start seeing uh with with breaking databases apart uh you'll get concerns around performance uh which i think are valid to raise you know the the worsening latency uh you get issues around things like um data consistency because if you're breaking frankie relationships you're typically often also breaking the enforcement of referential integrity within data model so you've kind of got to deal with how that all works and then some people just want all their data in one place i think there's good arguments and explanations to how you resolve all of those issues but it is all work that has to be done um it's right that database chapter that i put in the monitor microservices book that's the biggest chapter in the book because it's the nas there are so many difficulties that emerge in that space and so it's i think i think what we maybe don't have more widely as an industry are more tools in our toolbox to say well actually in this situation there's this this and this that could help you in this situation this is an issue that can help you and and i think that's what's really good now is that we've got more case studies of people that have done this that are able to share the techniques that they've used to make these things happen and so this was my this is the first time i've kind of tried to write patterns was in was in the monitor microsoft's book so i then try to take some of those experiences and kind of create a named pattern around some of these things i'm not very good at naming things but i do think that we can't even imagine a world in which we break a database apart because it's not something we've ever done before um and actually look let's be really really honest there's another reason why single process monolithic application works so well is relational databases are amazing they are really really good joins are awesome there's a lot of value in being able to run arbitrary queries over large sets of data there's a lot of good sides about it and acid transaction is fantastic in terms of helping you reason about the system guess what if you're going to micro services that's all going out the window and this is again part of that sort of difficult journey of learning that you're going to be going on where you're moving through that sort of this sort of rocky path towards you know some greater distributed future yeah consistency is another reason to be very wary of going down the microservice path right because it's a whole more complicated world of eventual consistency that you've got to start dealing with and you can no longer keep things all straight with each other that's not something that's easy to manage take away number seven a lot of the complexity of breaking complex system lies in the data after extracting the microservices you need to understand what part of the old database the system uses so data is complicated the one thing i would say is more complicated about than data in when it comes to software development is people because people are always the most complicated part about any software development effort so i think when i think about microservices and we've hinted about a little bit about this is a difference in skills the difference in culture people aren't used to managing distributed systems to the degree that microservices requires it and thinking about independence and all the like of it so where do you see some of the biggest issues that tend to be top of your list when it comes to organization on people's sides when it comes to microservices yeah there's a famous jerry weinberg quote which is it's it's always a people problem there are obvious skill gap things start creeping in but maybe talk about the kind of the dysfunctions or maybe the dysfunctions but the change i see i say larger corporates that i work at when you go from an organization which is used to managing more monolithic software where and maybe even the factors of monetary software is not the issue it's the fact that it's software that hasn't really changed much the sort of structure the outline of the software hasn't changed in 5 10 15 20 years this is the shape it is a box the things go in the box and the organization is built up knowing how to manage that box and we're now moving into a world where we're saying there's not one box there's lots of boxes we don't know what the boxes are going to look like yet there's going to be some boxes will get bigger some boxes will get smaller and just fundamentally you know the way an organization goes about making decisions just doesn't scale and or shift doesn't work in that world you know you go from a sort of a rather old fashioned way of making decisions which is maybe more centralized command and control type mindsets where you don't need to make many decisions very often but every decision you make that gets debated endlessly and then well now we're moving into the world of microservices and you know it's like well what the hell is all this going to be one of the earliest things that comes up i feel in this environment is where is that power where is the power that goes about making decisions um and there's got to be a bit of a bit of a willingness to um to change as an organization if you want to get the most out of america service architecture i think if you're a very old-fashioned command and control mindset that is used to doing centralized decision making then i think you'll pay the cost of a microservice architecture let's be honest microsoft's architectures will very rarely save you money they do not save you money they might help you make more money but they are going to cost you more money in the short term you know so in that environment you might end up paying the cost and having the pain and suffering of a microservice architecture but if you don't also look to maybe embrace some degree of organizational autonomy then you're going to be missing out on the real big benefits doesn't have to be overnight i think this is the other thing that people started getting worried about it's the other the other thing i see is some organizations just will not change anything and everything has still had to be done the way it used to be and other organizations go from a situation where developers are used to turning out doing working from nine til 5 30 and then going home to their families and then they get they turn up on monday they said oh guess what you're now our devops and now you are going to own and run your software and you're going to do production support and you're going to have full ownership and you you know those sorts of organizations you get about five percent of people get really energized and 95 percent of people start looking for another job um it's almost like everything has to be a massive decision everything has to be a big decision and so for me i'm thinking about the organizational change aspects i do kind of come back to that dial metaphor it's not big or showy for a cto a cio or ceo say we're going to try doing microservices i don't think a ceo should even know what a microservice is personally but for me it's like as you're making incremental changes to your architecture you should be experimenting with incremental changes to your your organizational structure as well so if you're thinking about something like shifting responsibility for things well maybe just to shift a couple of responsibilities into the teams and support them in that growth one of the most common dysfunctions i see in this space is that people don't trust the people in the teams enough they still want everything to be done the same way they want the illusion that people have some sort of choice and then a lot of their efforts will go into central platform engineering teams i'm going to create a platform on which all things will be done and effectively it's governance through tooling and this is obviously where you know some large companies out there uh make an awful lot of money selling in things like openshift nobody shifts is really good but openshift is often used as a way to build a corporate platform that will try and tell everyone this is how things should be done in this organization so for me it's more about saying okay what kind of what kind of organization do we want to be how much power and responsibility do we want to have in the teams and actually having a bit of an honest conversation about that and saying well we're going to make some changes and just see what happens we could try one or two things but i think all too often it's like you know people think it's either going to happen overnight or that nothing's going to change and i genuinely think if you if you spend all the time energy and money in a microsoft architecture and then do nothing to change your old-fashioned top-down command and control organization you're going to end up with probably the worst of both worlds takeaway number eight there has to be a willingness to change as an organization if you want to make the most out of using microservices subscribe to the go to youtube channel now for ad-free videos released almost daily and join the experts in person or online at any upcoming go to conference using the promo code book club visit gotopia.tech to learn more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: GOTO Conferences
Views: 494,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GOTO, GOTOcon, GOTO Conference, GOTO (Software Conference), Videos for Developers, Computer Science, Programming, Software Engineering, GOTObookclub, GOTO Book Club, Martin Fowler, Sam Newman, Microservices, Software Architecture, Microservices Architecture, ThoughtWorks
Id: GBTdnfD6s5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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