Using Public Transportation in San Francisco? Learning about the MUNI!

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this guy approaches me he's like sir I don't think you should be doing that I was like what do you mean how do you know this he was like I know that because I work here as he pulls out his badge [Music] hey there everyone my name is eduardo avaroa and today we'll be exploring San Francisco's municipal railway or Muni for short you might be wondering if we're making a video on the Muni why are we at a park let me tell you today is a very windy day so getting a good shot of anything it's almost impossible since my camera doesn't have a mic input and there's no like place around my house like a bench or anything so it was really hard to record anywhere so I had to come to this park it's kind of quiet kind of relaxing so I thought it was a good idea to start here when thinking exactly how I wanted to make this video I was wondering if I should make it of the entire public transportation system here in San Francisco but that would make for a very long video so instead of doing that I would like to focus today on talking about the Muni and more specifically about the light rail and the bus or just go ahead and grab my stuff and we can get going [Music] San Francisco is a huge city so when it comes to public transportation there's a lot of different alternatives here in San Francisco you can find light rail cars you can find cable cars you can find street cars you can also find buses like any other city you can find the call train and lastly the part right now I'm on my way to the media stuff that is closest to my house but before we get there I would like to talk about some of the basic things regarding the Muni for example how much does it cost to get on the Muni this first question does not have a definitive answer as depending on what method you use in order to pay for your Muni right it's gonna depend how much that's gonna cost with that said there are three different methods in order to pay for the many we're walking this way yeah I could make that but probably not the first method that you can use to pay for the Muni is simple cash for this method you it's necessary that you bring the exact amount of change because they don't give any change back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in order to pay for this method you have to get on the first car and there's a place where you pay and it gives you a ticket this ticket is good for 90 minutes and you can use any other light rail car or any buzz that you find in that amount of time we're very close almost there the stop is right after this Bank [Music] we are here this is a stop for the Muni and this is the light rail which takes you to downtown see there's two lines this one is going to downtown the other one it's coming back the second method that you can use in order to pay for your mini ride is using the app you're essentially enough you can use this in that up you can pay your fare through there honestly I've never used this method but I have a lot of friends that do and they say that it's really helpful really convenient honestly I prefer the third method in my opinion the best way to pay for your mini right is using the clipper cart let me show it to you this is it this card you can pay for it in any convenience store I use Walgreens and the there's not a lot of that we can record better itself obviously there are many different factors that will determine which payment option you'll use but honestly depends mostly on your lifestyle how many times will you be taking the bus a day a week like I said before for me I take it almost every day so getting the monthly pass getting a discount that's my best option I also forgot to mention that you get a discount if you pay using your mini mobile or your clipper card so that's another thing to think about just whatever works for you it will be the best option I think the money should be coming anytime now I'm gonna stand up and go check on it I just wanted to touch a few things this is like Emma this is one of the seven lines or night parts and this will take us all the way to downtown well don't you saw when I got up I paid that tiny thing right there there's much are you going to swipe your heart and you'll get it just forever [Music] hether you guys we finally made it here to Van Ness station this is one of the multiple underground stations for the light rail here in the Muni system and as you can see we are underground it's a pretty big place I don't know if you'll be able to hear me that well but I will try my best there's two lines one is for cars going out four cars going inbound in that these are going into downtown about means that they're leaving not from San Francisco all you have to know is that downtown is where most of the offices for most of the companies are located so if you ever come to San Francisco for work or for ninja trip downtown this at least that's the case for me I live on the west side of the city so I have to go through eight different stops like this one in different stations in order to get to my job and it sounds like a lot because it is it's honestly a long way but it doesn't feel like it because the light rail is really fast as you can see here there is a mountain of different stations along the different lines that go through those stations there they are all the different lines you can also see that times where when coming and going you can see if it's iPhone or inbound so it's really easy to track there's also the names of all the different stations here one of my friend countries inside joke about this map it's a bad basically you see you know there's things like Oh hey guys so something happened to me I was down there doing my b-roll shots and everything and everything was going really nice but this guy approaches me he's like sir I don't think you should be doing that and I was like what do you mean how do you know this and he was like I know that because I work here ask he pulls out his badge I was just like oh snap like what am I doing wrong and he told me to go ass upstairs if I could get like a permit or something I was like I don't think they're gonna give me a permit so I just came out and I didn't even ask them anything maybe I'll like ask some other time but right now I really don't feel like it kind of caught me by surprise I thought it was really funny like how do you know that serves is like I work here ok guys since I just got kicked out of the beauty station I think I'm just gonna go and find a bus stop where I can head to somewhere where I can get something to eat I'm really hungry it's kind of unfortunate kind of funny too that it happened today and to me but anyways I'll come back whenever I find a bus stop [Music] all right you guys I'm finally sure you're at the bus stop as you can see I mean you'll see that this map is everywhere from different stalls from inside the light cars to inside the train station so here's the map for the bus and for all the different transportation methods so as you can see the the light rail doesn't cover everywhere it kind of goes like in a diagonal like that but that's why the buses exist the bus is kind of like fill in the gaps and they take you like any other places that you might want to go they can go up they can go down and take you to all those different places where you wouldn't be able to get to one example that I use is that in order to get to Golden Gate Bridge there's no other my trail that takes you there and unless you want to pay for uber you have to take that bus the bus is definitely it doesn't fit as many people as that say the streetcar or the light rail that we saw her we can help you get to all those other places that you wouldn't be able to get to dang you guys I kinda forgot how some babies making buses are I just looked at the little time thing that tells you it's eclectic all the way back to the bar getting that California love way to do if you thought I looked at the time think up there and there you can see it says that it's gonna get here in like 24 minutes I'm just like crap but I guess I have to wait for that I'm gonna go get around in so I'm really excited saucy yes [Music] and just like that my little trip throughout the immunity system here in San Francisco he's done my thing it was really funny that I got kicked out I didn't know I couldn't record there thankfully they didn't ask me for my video like to delete anything and I was kind of done filming for the most part so it worked out for me we'll see if I can assemble the pieces and make something out of this if not that is whatever there's still a fun experience and well we'll see what happens what you guys that's kind of offered me today it was really fun bringing you guys along to this crazy trip a lot of things happen remember to be kind have an open mind we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: EDDvlogs
Views: 15,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: San Francisco Vlog, Vlog, MUNI, San Francisco MUNI, San Francisco Bus, KICKED OUT, Municipal Railway San Francisco, Municipal Railway, Laredo, Laredo TX, LAREDO TEXAS, EDD, Eduardo, Arroyo, Eduardo Arroyo
Id: gMCJR4PI4ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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